Mark Baker
Sofia Di Martino
Mark Baker: 本人于1989年被卷入捷克斯洛伐克秘密警察的"Inter行动",该行动旨在通过美人计招募我为其特工。我当时在维也纳工作,负责报道捷克斯洛伐克,并与当地联络人阿诺德合作。起初我并不知情,直到2022年初才通过档案得知此事。档案中记录了秘密警察对我的日常活动、心理画像以及招募计划的详细内容,包括计划让我与一名代号为"Ina"的斯洛伐克女特工在布拉迪斯拉发酒店会面,并发展长期关系。该行动最终因柏林墙倒塌等因素而失败。 Sofia Di Martino: 本集播客讲述了代号为"Inter行动"的捷克斯洛伐克秘密行动,该行动发生在1989年东欧剧变时期,背景是捷克斯洛伐克秘密警察试图维持权力并渗透美国利益。该行动的目标是Mark Baker,秘密警察试图通过美人计招募他为特工。 主持人: 本集播客讲述了捷克斯洛伐克秘密警察试图招募西方记者Mark Baker的事件,以及Mark Baker在多年后才发现自己被监控并成为招募目标的经历。该事件揭示了冷战时期情报活动的复杂性和秘密警察的运作方式。

Deep Dive

Mark Baker, a young journalist, unknowingly becomes a target for recruitment by the Czechoslovak secret police during the late 1980s, as they attempt to blackmail him into cooperation.

Shownotes Transcript

In the late 1980s, change is in the air in Eastern Europe. For a young journalist like Mark Baker, Czechoslovakia is an interesting place to be. But Mark has attracted some unwanted attention - a fact that he'll only discover several decades later.

Sophia Di Martino joins Mark to travel through the True Spies looking-glass, and discover what it's like to become the target of a recruitment effort by an intelligence agency - whether you know it or not.

From SPYSCAPE, the home of secrets. A Cup And Nuzzle production. Series producers: Gemma Newby, Joe Foley. Produced by Morgan Childs. Music by Nick Ryan.

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