Kim Philby (Dominic Mafham)
Rhiannon Meads
Rhiannon Meads: 本集讲述了金·菲尔比传奇而复杂的故事,从他早年在剑桥大学的经历,到他如何渗透到英国情报机构MI6的最高层,以及他如何与盖伊·伯吉斯和唐纳德·麦克莱恩等其他剑桥五杰成员合作,为苏联提供情报。本集重点关注菲尔比在华盛顿期间的活动,以及他如何利用自己的职位和人脉,获取和传递大量敏感情报。同时,本集也探讨了菲尔比的个人生活,以及他与妻子艾琳的关系如何受到间谍活动的影响。最后,本集讲述了菲尔比如何逃脱惩罚,最终在苏联获得政治庇护的故事。 Kim Philby (Dominic Mafham): 我从年轻时就投身于共产主义事业,并相信这将带来一个更美好的世界。我加入了苏联情报机构,并利用我在英国情报机构中的职位,为苏联提供情报。我的行动并非出于个人利益,而是为了我所信仰的理想。在华盛顿期间,我成功地渗透到美国情报机构的核心,获得了大量有价值的情报。尽管我面临着巨大的风险,但我从未后悔自己的选择。我成功地隐藏了自己的身份多年,这证明了我的能力和智慧。最终,我成功地逃脱了英国和美国情报机构的追捕,在苏联获得了政治庇护,继续为我所信仰的事业奋斗。

Deep Dive

Kim Philby's journey as a double agent started with his infiltration of British intelligence, culminating in prestigious honors and a high-ranking position despite personal and professional challenges.

Shownotes Transcript

Born to the British upper-crust - devoted to the Revolution. Harold 'Kim' Philby was the ultimate Soviet superspy.

For decades, Philby sold secrets to the Russians from inside the upper echelons of MI6. Inspired by an unpublished memoir recently acquired by Spyscape, we bring his fascinating story to life.

In Part 2, Rhiannon Neads follows the trail of booze, bad luck and betrayal that brought Philby down.

From SPYSCAPE, the HQ of secrets. A Cup And Nuzzle production. Series producer: Joe Foley. Produced by Justin Trefgarne. Music by Nick Ryan. Kim Philby voiced by Dominic Mafham.

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