cover of episode What Happened to Gannon Stauch? Stepmom Arrested

What Happened to Gannon Stauch? Stepmom Arrested

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True Crime with Kendall Rae

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
El Paso County Sheriff's Department
Kendall Ray
Kendall Ray: 本期节目讲述了Gannon Stauch失踪案的始末,从失踪到警方调查,再到继母Letecia Stout被捕。播主详细回顾了案件时间线,并分析了监控录像、证词以及社交媒体信息等证据,揭示了Letecia Stout的可疑行为和不一致的陈述。同时,播主也表达了对Gannon Stauch家人的同情,并呼吁关注儿童受虐待问题。 Gannon Stauch的生母Landon: Landon在节目中表达了对Gannon的思念和对真相的渴望,她强调Gannon是一个善良的孩子,不会伤害任何人。她希望Gannon能够回家,并感谢社区的支持。 Gannon Stauch的父亲Al: Al在节目中表达了对Gannon的思念和对Letecia Stout的愤怒,他相信Letecia Stout对Gannon的失踪负有责任。 Gannon Stauch的继母Letecia Stout: Letecia Stout在新闻采访中为自己辩护,否认与Gannon的失踪有关,并指责警方和公众对她进行不公平的指控。她试图通过改变说法和提供不一致的证据来掩盖真相。 Gannon Stauch的邻居Roderick Drayton: Drayton提供了关键的监控录像证据,该录像显示Gannon和Letecia Stout一起离开家,但Letecia Stout独自返回,这与Letecia Stout的陈述相矛盾,为警方调查提供了重要线索。 El Paso County Sheriff's Department: 警方最终逮捕了Letecia Stout,并指控她犯有一系列罪行,包括一级谋杀。警方表示,虽然尚未找到Gannon Stauch的遗体,但他们有理由相信Letecia Stout杀害了Gannon Stauch。

Deep Dive

Gannon Stauch, an 11-year-old boy from Colorado Springs, went missing under suspicious circumstances involving his stepmother, Letecia Stauch. The narrative begins with the family background and the events leading up to his disappearance.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2020. 11-year-old Gannon Stauch was last seen leaving home with his stepmother Letecia before he went missing – he was seen on security cameras returning home without him. Letecia then proceeded to lie about what happened to friends, family, and the news, while also taking a victimizing stance.

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Additional music by Kai Engel, licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License).