cover of episode TikToker Exposed for FAKING Cancer: Maddie Russo Sentenced in Fraudulent Scheme

TikToker Exposed for FAKING Cancer: Maddie Russo Sentenced in Fraudulent Scheme

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True Crime with Kendall Rae

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kendall Rae
Peggy Ohl
Rhonda Miles
Kendall Rae:本期节目讨论Maddie Russo伪造癌症骗取捐款的案件。她利用TikTok和GoFundMe等平台,编造患有胰腺癌和白血病等疾病的谎言,骗取了大量捐款,并欺骗了多个非营利组织。她的行为不仅造成了经济损失,也对真正患病的人和组织带来了伤害。最终,她被判处缓刑和赔偿,但Kendall Rae认为处罚不足。她详细描述了Maddie Russo的欺诈过程,包括她如何伪造病情、如何利用社交媒体和非营利组织来获取捐款,以及她被揭露后的审判结果。Kendall Rae还表达了她对Maddie Russo行为的愤怒和谴责,并呼吁加强对类似行为的监管。 Maddie Russo:Maddie Russo在判决听证会上为自己的行为道歉,但她声称自己并非为了钱财或关注而这样做,而是为了让家人团聚。她承认自己犯了错误,并表示希望能够弥补损失,成为更好的人。然而,她的说法并未得到Kendall Rae和许多听众的认可。 Peggy Ohl:Peggy Ohl是Ohl Strong胰腺癌基金会的创始人,她讲述了Maddie Russo的欺骗行为对她和基金会的影响。Maddie Russo利用Peggy Ohl与她父母之间的私人关系,骗取了基金会的捐款和帮助。Peggy Ohl表达了她对Maddie Russo行为的愤怒和失望,并强调了这种行为对真正患病的人和组织造成的伤害。 Rhonda Miles:Rhonda Miles是Nikki Mitchell基金会的代表,她表达了对Maddie Russo行为的愤怒,并对检察官未寻求监禁表示失望。她认为Maddie Russo的行为是可耻的,并强调了这种行为对真正患病的人和组织造成的伤害。她还指出,Maddie Russo的行为浪费了基金会的宝贵资源,并对等待帮助的真正患者造成了影响。

Deep Dive


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Madison Marie Russo was a 19-year-old college student at St. Ambrose University who, for actual reasons we may never know, decided to fake having cancer. Her scheme began on TikTok where she spread her story to thousands of people willing to listen, pray, and follow her along her “cancer journey.” It wasn’t until anonymous witnesses brought her story to the police, citing medical discrepancies in her story. Investigators subpoenaed her medical records and it confirmed what many suspected - Maddie did not have cancer. But for months, she was able to solicit $37,303 on GoFundMe, not to mention that she was supported by several foundations, funds, and schools. She tricked innocent people into giving her money to fight a disease she never had. Maddie was thankfully arrested and charged with theft by means of deception in January of 2023, and in October was finally sentenced to 3 years probation and restitution.

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