Each week Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson guide you through the most interesting unsolved true crime s
The Bakersfield 3 refers to three individuals that knew each other and either went missing or were m
Jennifer Kesse was a vivacious, independent and responsible 24-year-old woman who disappeared in Orl
This is the fourth and final episode in our story on this massive case. In this episode, we discuss
In this episode, we discuss some of the things that happened to the families on both sides of this t
On May 5, 1993, 8-year-olds Stevie Branch, Chris Byers and Michael Moore went missing while riding t
28-year-old Jennifer Harris disappeared on May 12, 2002, in her hometown of Bonham Texas. Six days l
Monique Daniels was 15 years old when she disappeared from her home in Moore, Oklahoma in 1992. She
In 1997, 10-year-old Joel Kirkpatrick was killed in his bed while he slept. Joel's mother, Julie Har
After separating from her husband in 1982, Cindy James began filing police complaints that someone w
Trudy Appleby, a vivacious and outgoing 11-year-old, vanished from outside her home in Moline, Illin
In June of 2013, 18-year-old Brookelyn Farthing disappeared without a trace. She lived with her fami
Karen was 39 years old when she was brutally murdered in her home in Decatur Alabama in 1999. She wa
Marcia Moore was a writer, astrologer, and yoga teacher who gained fame in the 1960s. Over the years
The Blount family was enjoying their Thanksgiving Day festivities in 1985 when tragedy struck. One o
Jack The Stripper was the name given by the media for the person who committed a series of murders a
On November 28th, 1969, 22-year-old Betsy Aardsma was murdered in the library at Penn State Universi
In 1992, 21-year-old Tammy Zywicki left her home in New Jersey on a drive to Iowa to start her senio
Carolyn Wasilewski was 14 years old when she was murdered in 1954 in Baltimore, Maryland. She was a
We wrap up the story of the Monster of Florence in this second episode in the series. The Monster of