A weekly one-hour conversation with guest experts and callers about travel, cultures, people, and th
Rick checks in with a Norwegian team skiing across Antarctica to commemorate the trek of countryman
Jane and Michael Stern share their findings on the best Road Food and authentic regional food spec
Rick explores the flavorful benefits of street food vendors and decidedly unfancy hang outs a
Rick checks in with Reverend Jim Wallis and with "The Darwinian Tourist" to discover what they've
Rick discovers the high form of art in Ireland, language, where the works of poets and playwr
Rick learns about the extraordinary measures taken by the citizens of Paris in 1939 to protec
Rick checks in with European tour guides on researching family history in Ireland; listeners discu
Carl Hoffman explains what it was like to travel the world on the most notorious, over-crowde
Guides from Turkey tell us about the surreal scenery of Cappadocia, where you can glide over an en
We continue our exploration of the differences between French and American culture, with the help
Ferenc Mate shares lessons from 20 years in Tuscany, where he and his wife went to turn a 13th cen
A seasoned river guide explains how a camping trip down the Colorado River can be a life altering
Paul Theroux commemorates fifty years of adventures by comparing notes with Rick on how best to en
Rick learns how medieval castles are being built by hand in France and Arkansas, and gets a closer
Rolf Potts shares his misadventures in Turkey and Libya, and describes how he looks for treasure i
Rick explores the historical riches of Potsdam, Germany and dicusses how Athens has grown int
Rick looks back fifty years to when the Berlin Wall was built, and discusses with a Berliner
Jane and Michael Stern inspire travelers with tales of finding classic American dishes with a regi
Rick is joined by a tour guide raised in Rome who knows her city inside out. We'll check in on the
Two American journalists explain what they've discovered by living in Paris, and by walking across