Renowned adventure photographer Laura Grier has a knack for manifesting extraordinary opportunities. When she was presented with leading an all women's climb to the top of the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, she knew this would be one of her greatest physical and mental challenges of her life. If the eight days and fifty one hours of climbing through blizzards and down pours was not difficult enough, Laura and her fearless crew of ladies became a fashion pit crew stopping each day for a photo shoot. Each lady on the climb had a chance express themselves and mark this monumental adventure with a goddess portrait in something that looked right out of fashion magazine. When you see the stunning images Laura captured (check the Travel With Meaning Instagram) of her goddess crew in the different landscapes that make up the climb wearing traditional African fabric purchased at a local market and in jewelry from the Maasai tribe it's hard to remember these women have been climbing for days with no showers. As a passionate advocate of local artisan, Laura is also co-founder of Andeana Hats) made in Peru and Guatemala, she wanted these photo shoot images to also pay homage to local African artisans.
Small spoiler alert, all the women did summit and had an incredible adventure. When we asked Laura what her biggest takeaway was from the trip she said this adventure really pushed her to practice being present and be in the moment. As Laura said she realized many of her travels have involved her own search for being in the moment, staying present and this is a practice she has brought home with her.
To learn more about Laura and her incredible travel stories and background listen to episode seven of the TWM podcast
Enjoy this episode and make sure to check out the Travel With Meaning Instagram for the amazing goddess photo shoot images from the Kilimanjaro climb!