In the Travel News, the TSA is planning to try out self-serve security lanes in Las Vegas early next year, and American and United are balking at a re-do of their Chicago O’Hare Terminals, as the cost has skyrocketed.
Our Smarter Traveler segment features a rant by Mark about carry-on bags. Why do they make us gate check so many when often times there is plenty of room on the plane? Mark has a simple solution.
European Tour Operator Rick Steves was in town last week to do a presentation at the Crest Theater to benefit Public Television. We sat down with him and talked about a wide variety of travel topics. That interview is at the halfway mark of the podcast.
In our odds and ends segment, we offer a fine tuning to our baggage tracker suggestions. In you have one attached to your bag, there’s one place you definitely don’t want to put it.
Sacramento Christmas Train)
Willits Train to the World’s Largest Christmas Tree)
TSA Renewal)
Electric Car Charging Stations)
20 best Christmas Markets in the US)
Guy Fieri’s Flavortown Food Festival)
About the SoundShirt – for the hearing impaired)
If you wonder why your wheelchair doesn’t travel well, this might be the answer)
Seating tips for major US Airlines)
Black Friday Weekend Deals)
Denied Boarding Rules/Giving up Your Seat)
United’s Holiday Film (6 minutes))
Parking availability map for SMF)
Jack Gallagher at the B St./Sofia Theatre)