In the Travel News, Spirit Airlines appears to be fast disappearing from the skies, and a European airline is getting rid of paper boarding passes entirely and only allowing you to check in online.
Our Smarter Traveler segment highlights a new text phone scam directly targeting travelers. We tell you how to avoid it and protect your money and your private information.
Southwest, the airline that carriers more passengers in and out of Sacramento than any other, is making a lot of changes. How do they affect you and your decisions about who to buy your air travel from?
Our Odds & Ends part of the program addresses two subjects. The importance of arriving at your departure port early when you are cruising; and a couple of behavior tips involving feet and hair on airplanes. That’s right, your feet and hair. Please keep them to yourself!
Renew your US Passport online here)
Online passport renewal is now open for most adult Americans)
Galapagos Islands Information)
Halloween in Salem, MA)
Fly Back In Time At America’s Earliest Airports)
How to not be deceived by airline seating hanky-panky)
When airline passengers can get refunds on non-refundable tickets)
Spooky Road Trips)
The Poodle Booked It – CCCs of River Cruising)
The Poodle Booked It – River Cruising Escapades)
The Poodle Booked It – More Information)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra | Tour)
Check parking lot availability at the Sacramento International Airport before leaving home)
Sacramento International Airport Availability Map) – Chris Elliott)