In the Travel News, we have updates on threatened strikes by flight attendants at American and United; and a historic landmark is being rebuilt on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.
Our Smarter Traveler segment talks about the current surge in COVID infections, and offers a few reminders for travelers on how to minimize your exposure to the dangerous virus.
Reporter** Clayton Whitehead** spent ten days exploring Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. He’s returned home and shares his experiences with us. Perhaps you’ll be adding these countries we know little about to your wish list.
People do strange things in National Parks. Like leaving trash behind and using the hillside as a latrine. We talk about how to fight back against people who go to sacred places and then treat them like “crap.”
Yosemite National Park blasts tourists for gross behavior)
How you can find on-time statistics on airline websites)
Evacuation Takes a Long Time, Because Everyone Wants to Take Their Carry-on Bags)
Barcelona Anti-Tourism Protesters Fire Water Pistols At Visitors)
15 tips to help you interpret hotel reviews to choose the best hotel for you)
Check parking lot availability at the Sacramento International Airport before leaving home)
Sacramento International Airport Availability Map)
Jobs at the Sacramento International Airport) – Chris Elliott)
State Fair Tickets)
How to plan, pack, and cope with a heatwave while you travel)
Packing systems may be the right way to improve your trip)
American Airlines Takes 8 Men of Color Off a Flight for…)
How to Earn and Maximize Travel Points)
For Travel – Put Your ID in Your Phone)
Follow The Ride on it’s way to Sacramento)
Tips for Sleeping on a Long Flight)
The world’s best nude beaches)
The 9 Best Airline Stopover Programs to Book in 2024)
Avoiding Taylor Swift in Europe this summer)
Yosemite National Park Requiring Reservations on Busy Days)
How to win your consumer dispute using the Elliott Method)