This episode of Trash Taste is sponsored by ZocDoc. ZocDoc is a free app and website where you can search and compare high quality in-network doctors and click to instantly book an appointment. We're talking about booking in-network appointments with more than 100,000 doctors across every speciality from mental health to dental health, primary care to urgent care,
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- What's up? Welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcast. I'm Joey and I'm with the boys Garnt and Connor as usual. And we have a familiar face back. - Oh my God. - Oh. - Introduce yourself. - Yeah, there you go. There it is. There it is. - He's been on for two and a half years. - It's Didus. He's back. - I'm Didus. I'm an animator.
- They all know you. - They know who you are. - No, no, 'cause last time I didn't introduce myself, this guy is like, how pompous of this guy. He's like, he doesn't even tell who he is. He expects everyone to know him. And I was like, sorry, this is my first time on camera. - Yeah, I believe, if I remember- - You've held onto that for two and a half years. - Yeah, well, you know, it's honest, it's a good criticism. - If I remember correctly as well, you were on episode 99 and even though, especially for our audio only people, we were like, introduce yourself and you just went,
- It's like no sound. Audio people are like, is he there? - If I had it my way, I'd be like.
- Yeah, so it's been a while since you last came on. It's been, oh, no. Like year and a half? - Two and a half years. - Two and a half years. - Why you gotta say it like that? - Just a long time. - He was here before we were on Triple Digits and now we're like what, 220 something? - That is crazy. You guys are still going, huh? - You're this person we've mentioned every now and again on our stories. So I thought it'd only be fair to invite you back on. - Yeah, 'cause sometimes I hear like from Udon, he's like, did you know
that he said this about you changing clothes and I was like what?
- You're roasting me changing my clothes? - Yo, is that River Island? - Is that the River Island? - I got the little crane. - I'm a cartoon character. I have like one shirt and then I just- - No, I'm the cartoon character. - You're also- - Just under this. - Yeah, there it is. - I'm wearing the fucking shirt. - When we had the jar corners, right? We always have that shirt on. - Actually, that's what's been the most helpful thing about that is that like now, 'cause I have generic white guy face where like,
- Everyone on the Reddit thinks like, oh, white guy with a beard, it's Connor. But the one thing that now you can recognize me by is if people draw me in these colors, you know it's me. - True. - Which is so helpful. - It's been great. - It's been good. - Yeah, but how do we solve that? 'Cause every time there's an Indian guy, there's like, oh, it's Joey. - Yeah, it's Joey. - Stop Reddit. - Maybe you should just become an Indian guy. - Yeah, I think, you know what?
- 2025 resolution, I'm just gonna learn Hindi. - Yeah, honestly. - Honestly, yeah. - Our viewership in India would crush if you became Indian. - You just said you were Indian. - Yeah, I should just like try and go on a Hollywood movie. Hollywood movie next year, that's what's gonna happen. - You can be ahead in the T-Series.
- I'll be like T-Series please. - But obviously you've started Spilled Inc. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. - We were all like, please start this, do it. It'll be amazing. - I was struggling a lot last year. It was a struggle. - Yeah. - But hey, you got it out. - You got it out. - I like Spilled Inc as like the launch has gone incredibly. - I feel like an actual YouTuber now. - Yeah, it's insane. - You know like whenever,
You know, when I was animating, I still try. I'm still trying. I'm still burnt out. Like, I'm working on a video right now. It's so hard. Yeah. A lot of...
Every time I heard you guys being like, oh, I've got to make a backlog for when I go visit this place. And I'm like, in my head, like before Spill Dink, I was just like, must be nice. Having a backlog. My God. But you got a backlog now. Now I can make a backlog. And I was like, so this is what it feels like. This is unreal. Does it make you feel like responsible that you have to meet a weekly deadline every week? I like it though. Because it kind of feels like.
- You're doing what? - It feels like an accomplishment. 'Cause like with the animation, like you just have to pray. You're like, can I finish in a month? Can I finish in a month? And then like, will it receive well? - Yeah. - It pisses me off 'cause like YouTube is just, I don't mean to go on YouTube. - Oh no, no. - YouTube is just a quick one too, but like basically YouTube does not favor animators at all unless you get sponsors and then like- - But even then, I mean like- - Yeah, I looked at the CPM. I was like, I like make like,
- I only make like half of it on my real channel. It's like crazy. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - YouTube likes long videos. I mean, a lot of the time people ask me, they're asked for advice on YouTube and I'll look at their YouTube channel. They'll be uploading like six minute videos. YouTube doesn't know what the fuck to do with the six minute video. - Yeah. - It's like, what the fuck is this? - The two matters now are just like the gear short videos or the gear long videos. - Well, because YouTube shorts exist now. So it's like six minutes now in between a short
- Yeah, 'cause the three minutes is the longest short. So it's like, pick a lane, please. - Unless it's something very culturally relevant or something really significant that can be six minutes. A lot of the time you just don't like it. - Have you found it refreshing to know that you can just go in and you can plan that, okay, this recording is gonna take X amount of time and then it takes X amount of time and you're like, yo, actually it's done. - It feels like it's done, yeah. But the animation just feels like you're like...
- I mean, like I love animation, but I've been doing it for a long time. And it feels like right now to me, sometimes it feels like shackles if you don't get it done. If it takes like longer than a month and it starts feeling like- - I realized I didn't explain Spilled Ink. Spilled Ink is Dydus and MLSU channel where every week they kind of just have like a fun drawing challenge. - Yeah, traditional. - Traditional, it could be traditional art. It could be like what you did, you try to make the food
plastic foods in Japan one time. - Yeah. - You kind of do anything that is creative. - Like traditional art. - Yeah, it's been really cool to see. And I think, I saw a clip where you said like, it kind of made you like,
art again. Yeah. Cause you got to try all these different arts. So I mean, not to like get into AI, whatever I'll just do it quickly. It made me feel like, like, you know, the human touch is very nice. So that's why I think like I, my brain is just like, you know what? I want to do traditional. I want to go back to the, uh, the caveman days or whatever. I'm,
I'm drawing on the cables. I feel like as the more AI progresses, the more people are going to start regressing back to it. I've seen people collecting vinyls. They're like, mm, record.
- Yeah, me. - Literally me. - That's literally Joey. - For Christmas I was like thinking about it, I was like, should I get into vinyl? But then I'm scared because then it's like a- - It's a slippery slope, yeah, for sure. - Sometimes when you listen to music or you do all this stuff and you're like, oh, I've got like this playlist I like, and then you realize like you have nothing to like kind of be like, I like this music. Like it's just kind of this thing in the void
- It tells you you like this music. - You don't even own it. - Yeah. - So it's kind of, I understand that we are kind of going towards more physical stuff. - Yeah, exactly. - It is expensive. - These companies know it. - It's become more of like a collector's item. But it feels nice to just,
- Yeah, yeah. - I didn't truly understand what that meant when the transition was still happening. - I bought some vinyls. I don't know if I can vinyl player. I just want to test through your master vinyl stuff. I just wanted to. - I think the full art of the album is like the sickest part. - And then you have like the inside art as well. - Yeah. And then you can make the disc like,
- I realized I was just like out of my element when I was in the vinyl stores. 'Cause I was not as seasoned of a pro as these other vinyl enjoyers because in Japan there was this guy in the store, you know, I'm like pulling it like grab my camera. I don't want that one.
- Oh yeah. - No, that one do. - What the fuck is this? - Yeah, I do the two fingers. - This guy's going so fast. He's going so fast through this thing. It's crazy. - Oh, be so slow. - Oh man. - I mean, it's fine. You can take your time.
- There's no one gatekeeping you. - Yeah, but I just felt like this, like if I, you know, I'm looking at this thing and I could tell this guy's like, "Get out of the way, get out of the way. I wanna pull away with you." - Well, he knows what he's looking for. - Yeah, exactly. - He knows what he wants. - Yeah, exactly. - You've seen it a hundred times already, you're like, "Give me something new." - Yeah, he's looking for the new release. - Exactly. - I feel like gamers are like, they're fighting the most for physical media.
- The industry is trying so hard to go digital and gamers like, "No, no, stop it." - Well, yeah, I feel that's what's gonna happen, right? Is that like, we're gonna get to that point where like, you know, collectors boxes and stuff like that for like games and stuff is going to be like really valuable. I mean, you know, old like NES and like Super Nintendo cartridges now are going for like stupid amounts of money sometimes. So it's like, that's just gonna keep happening, I feel, the more digital we get. - Yeah, 'cause like,
you know, in this day and age, if you buy something, do you really own it? Or is the ownership up to the publisher to be like, okay, we allow you to download this game and still play it. But if they, you know, if the store shuts down or if the system shuts down, you're fucked. - Yeah, it's like, actually you don't own it. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - Yeah, or games get delisted or taken off.
- Yeah. - I think Sega just removed a ton of their old games from the Dreamcast off Steam. - Oh really? - Stuff like that. So if you wanna play that now. - Some players notice they changed things. - Yeah, I bought all these old games 'cause I was like, I wanna have them just in case I ever wanna play these games. I will never ever play these games, but it was nice to know that they're in my library and I could play them.
And it's sad that they removed them. 'Cause probably 'cause they're just gearing up for some kind of Genesis collection or something. - Probably, yeah. Like a legacy collection. - Yeah, they always do this. They always do this. - So all of us have been on Spilled Ink so far. - Yeah, yeah. - Had a lot of fun. - Joey's is coming out soon. - Yeah. - Anime quiz two.
- Yeah, anime quiz two. - And then we might have you do a video game challenge. - Oh, yes. - Yeah, we gotta record a video as well. We had a video idea that we wanted to do. - We can keep that secret. - Okay, I'll keep that. - All right, so now that we've all recorded our videos with you,
- Honest critiques. How's our art skills? - I'm just surprised. I think Joey's is pretty good. You said you drew before, I believe it. And you, you surprised me 'cause-
- I was expecting worse because when I went to Connor, he told me like your drawings is gonna be so funny and it was. But it's still like, I see some form there and I saw some perspective. - What I realized doing this building episode is like, okay, I understand shapes.
- I'm such an engineer. I'm just like, okay, if I didn't need to draw something that included like a shape, I'm like, I got this down. - Yeah, engineering. I noticed like the face. You're like, that's very engineering. - Can't do faces. Faces are so hard to draw. - Faces, bodies.
- I think anatomical, I'm fine. - I make everyone look like a Minecraft character I draw. - That's just like constant, it's not constant practice, it's like you can get like, that's why artist styles come in is because you keep repetition. Just repetition, your brain picks up on pattern repetition and then eventually your brain's just like, "I'll draw it like this."
- So what's like the basic fucking technique to like just draw faces or draw like bodies? 'Cause all I see is like the fucking circle shit, man. - It's still hard. - It's that meme, right? Where it's like how to draw. It's like start with a circle, step two, draw. - Draw the fucking owl. - Yeah, draw the owl, yeah. That's such a good meme. - I love that meme. Yeah, honestly, I think that meme like is,
is the most best meme because it's true. - Yeah. - You know, the how to books, they always go step one, step two, it never works. You just gotta like practice. - I'm sure we all at some point in our lives, you know, was like looked at that fucking how to draw anime. - Oh, the classics. - Oh, classic book and you're looking at it and you're like, maybe I can start.
And then the few people that did actually pick up that book were just like, I don't know how to do this shit. Well, the art books in Japan are just cracked. Really? Yeah, they go in. They're like, you want to learn Clip Studio Paint? Well, here's like every layer, like whatever. Damn. Yeah. So like before Spill Dink, you mainly just drew digital, right? Yeah. On the Animate CC. That would be.
- No, I don't. - We don't have to go there. - So yeah, congratulations on the spilled ink Lord. - Spilled link. - I love spilled link. - Spilled link's fucking great. - I like it a lot. - Yes.
So by the time this is coming out, it's still the new years, but it's the new year by now, but we are filming this just before we fly off. So you are going back home for the Christmas holidays, right? - Back to, well, we're gonna fly to Malaysia and do Comic Festa, I think it's called. - Comic Festa, yeah. - Yeah, Comic Festa. - I've been to Malaysia, gotta be so far. - Yeah. - I've never been, so.
My number one priority when I go anywhere new, I'm like- - Food. - Food. - Dude, I wanna go to Malaysia for the food, bro. - I wanna go to Malaysia for the food, yeah. - I like the best part is it's like I ask someone, I'm like, "What's the best Malaysian food?" And they go, "Blah, blah, blah, blah." And I'm like, "Yes, I don't know what it is. That's perfect." Like, if I don't know what it is- - Just write it down for me. Write it down. - Can you come to the restaurant with me and order for me? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Like, "Show me around. Give me the best, whatever you think is the best."
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So you're going there for an anime convention, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think Emily went last time and she said that the people over there are very nice and welcoming. - Yeah. - Aw, awesome. - I mean, everyone in Southeast Asia normally is like such a fucking awesome community out there in Southeast Asia. - True.
- Yeah, I've been invited to Comic Fiesta like a couple of times now, but just I haven't been able to go because it's always like during the Christmas period. - Yeah, Christmas cons are so tough to go to. - Same with like Comic-Con, right? It's like, it's always during like the New Year's Christmas period and it's like, I wanna go, but it's just like the most inconvenient time. - It is, it is. - We're going straight back to Maine, but it could be like a day before Christmas. - Right. - Wait, when is lobster in season in Maine?
- I like summer. It's like crab season, you can still get it. - Is it good? Is it like legit? - Yeah, it's still good. You gotta know your lobster dealer, you know. - You gotta know your lobster dealer. - Mom knows someone. - You gotta get them cheap, you know. You gotta know someone. - How would you spot like a good, like if I'm a tourist, how do I find a good lobster roll in Maine? - They're all good, they're all good. - Really? - They're all good? It's hard to find like a bad one? - Well, you have to make sure it's like kind of like
you know, near the water. Right. If it's like in the middle of the city. Well, actually, if you go up north and it's just a middle of nowhere, like it's still good. Yeah.
- That's why lobster rolls are like 20 bucks, like 28. - I've had lobster rolls here, but they have to import all the lobsters in Japan. - Come over. - 'Cause we don't really get the main lobsters in Asia. It's more like the spiny lobsters, the ones without the claws. - Yeah, and then if you ever go to a fancy restaurant in Japan that serves lobster lobster, it's always shipped from Canada, like North Park. - And then they lie. They're like, "This is Maine lobster." And I'm like, "No, not Maine lobster."
- Because Asia only has spiny lobsters, which are these like really tiny ones. They're not like the super meaty big ones. - The spiny lobsters can get pretty big. - Yeah, but they're nowhere near as big as the normal lobsters. - I think they can get- - No, no, we gotta Google this.
- I don't know. - No shot. - I prefer the main lobsters. - Ise ebi, right? That's what they're called. - Ise ebi, yes. - I've never had the spiky- - Five pounds, 18 inches. - Yeah, they can get pretty fucking big. - That's pretty big. - Yeah, that's a big boy. - It's pretty big, man. - Wait, how many do normal lobsters get?
- There must be scrumptious then. - I mean, I mean, I've heard of it. - I mean, you say it's great. - Every time you go to a fucking one in America, no, one in Japan, you see the fucking tiny isabi. - No, I've heard isabi that are like proper like those guys. - Like monsters those ones. - You're looking at the claw, you know. - So 15 pounds versus, okay, no, that doesn't sound right. Okay, what's going on here? - 18 inches, what's that in real measurements?
- I don't know. - Either way, I think I'm wrong. - They're both chunky boys. - I've never seen a fucking big spiny lobster though. What the fuck? I gotta find one. - Yeah, 'cause when I go to Thailand and get spiny lobsters, they're fucking massive though. They are massive. But I still prefer the taste of like- - I love Thailand. - Bean lobsters. Oh, you like Thailand? - I love Thailand. - Hell yeah, man. - Remember when we went for our second wedding? - Yeah.
- Dude, I loved it. - And yeah, you were fighting tooth and nail to avoid coconut at all costs. - Oh yeah, coconut's gross. - That's crazy. - You're like, I love Southeast Asia and 90% of the cuisine is like coconuts. - I think I ate more food at Garnt's like wedding reception than like the next three people. - I legitimately, I think I lost count how many plates of saute you ate.
I ate so much of your food. - You ate so many. - I think I'm like the dream for every Asian grandmother. - Oh, you are. - I will not stop.
I'll be like- - You've only had seven meals here. - Okay, let's go. - You're the one person where an auntie comes to you and asks you to eat more. And then she's like, wait, he's actually saying, he's actually doing what I say every single time. - Yeah, it was so good in Thailand, I couldn't stop. - You know what's sad? You know, I think it's sad though. Like, you know, I'm like half Asian. - Yeah.
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Going to Cambodia. I still haven't visited Cambodia because I was like, I was like, mom, how come you never took me to Cambodia? Like, you know, when I was younger. Yeah. And she was too afraid because she was like, they were kidnapping tourists at the time. And I was like, I was like, oh, okay. You probably won't be kidding. Yeah. I think I should go soon. Yeah. Yeah. I enjoyed.
- Yeah, I have heard though from like my parents, they've been to Cambodia a couple of times and they're like, yeah, you definitely have to be a little more cautious, but it's like not as bad. - You have to go to the safe areas, right? - Yeah, yeah. There are like clearly like dangerous areas and safe areas. - There's still like minefields, aren't there? - Probably. - Yeah, but you probably wouldn't be walking. It's not like in the city center. - No tall guy's gonna be like, and here are the landmines. - We like to do a game. - Don't walk in unless.
Yeah. I mean, I think Anthony Bourdain said the food is phenomenal there. Dude, that's the best part about like, you know, it's just the price of the traveling. Thailand is so cheap. But then we go to a mall and we went to the mall in Thailand and I was like, shit, more expensive than fucking Japan.
Japan. What the fuck? Well, you went to the touristy places. Yeah, we're in the city. Yeah, that's because you were like, let's go to the mall. And it was kind of cool. The mall was crazy. Watching Garnt haggle the taxi driver. That's the best part. That's the best part. Yeah, it's so fun. The price was already low enough. I just wanted Garnt to continue haggling. Yeah, this is so fun. I could watch it for a day.
- Yeah, 'cause we were gonna go get a taxi and 20 Thai dudes spawned with taxis. - Yeah, they did, didn't they? - And they were all bartering, fighting each other, trying to give us the taxi. - I'm a bad haggler as well. - No, you're a good haggler, Garnt. - No, no, no, no, no. - You know what's good? - My aunties, they're like the pro-hacklers. Me, I'm just like, ooh. - No, no, Garnt, you know you're good when you have like, there's like four men and you're talking to one guy and then the guy goes to his other friends and start whispering like,
And they come back and they're like, okay, fine. So that's how you know when you're good at haggling. - You just gotta know what the local prices are and you just gotta be like, all right. - The local prices. - Yeah, the local prices. - That's true, they do like, they see anyone that looks touristy, they're like, I can upcharge this guy. - Yeah, I'm like, all I say is like, I know how much it actually costs, so come on, come on. - Fair, fair. - It reminds me like when I take my,
my mom was Cambodian to like Chinatown. She always haggles for like the bags. She just always haggles like every time. - I think she's a vlog person. I didn't know you could haggle in Chinatown. - Really? Yeah, you can haggle in Chinatown. - I didn't know that. - Like any Chinatown. It's interesting. - What the fuck? - Yeah. - Sometimes it's a vlog trick. - What the fuck? - Yeah, it's true. Because I think they intentionally sell like, oh, this bag's like 200, counterfeit by the way. - Yeah. - This is $200. You can haggle it down to like 20 to 40 bucks.
- Well, first of all, I don't really go to Chinatown. But if I did, I would get scammed. - Chinatown's fine. - It's more like Japan, man. They just tell you what they want. They just tell you the price. - No bullshit. - This is it, this is the price. - No stress. - Maybe if I'm buying like nine things, we can agree on something if it's like a mom and pop store, but like- - There is like a Japan way of haggling though that I've kind of discovered over the years where it's like, this only really works in like the countryside, but it's like,
you go in and you just like, you know, you just nonchalant whatever. And then you just like start casually talking to the staff or the cashier or whatever. And if you make good enough conversations, then sometimes they won't necessarily like lower the price, but they'll maybe throw in something for free. That's like the extent of hackling. - That's like Connor was, it's like a bartender people. What do you call them? - Bartender people? - What? - Yeah, bartenders.
- What do those dudes who tend the bars? Oh yeah, bartenders. - Yeah, 'cause whenever I go to bars, I just always buy the bartender a drink or often I buy them a drink. They always just give free stuff later on. Not that I don't want it for that, it's just like you can't tip in Japan. The only way you can tip a bartender is to buy him a drink. - Well, I'm just saying you're playing like Harvest Moon or like Stardew Valley or something. You know, you're up in like the hearts. - He's like, he...
"Oh, yeah, it's Connor-san, welcome back." - I am gonna marry him one day. - I love having that relationship with places I go to a lot. 'Cause I feel like, I don't know, it's just good for everyone. They get a customer who comes back and always spends. - It does feel lonely, right? - Yeah, and then when my parents came over recently, the coffee shop that I always go to, I was like, "Hey, you should come to the coffee shop with me."
And they're super sweet. Like, it'll be like a case when I go there, like all three of the staff will be like, "Yo, Connor, what's up? How you doing? How you been?" And then I took my parents- - And you just feel fucking baller as well. - Yeah, I know. - I took my parents and they were like, "Oh my God, what the fuck?" I told my parents to keep going 'cause if I was busy doing something, I was like, "You should go, you should go." And they'd always be like, my parents were getting overwhelmed by it. They were like, "I don't like it. There's too much talking."
- Yeah. - This is Mr. Social Man. - In Japan, you get like zero way to socialize with a lot of people. The only way you can is like if you're going out drinking,
or like random people at least. Or if you just go to the bar or place a lot and just chat with them. - That's true. - Yeah. - You have like a negative sense of community living in Tokyo. - Yeah. - And it's the one way that you can feel like you have a tiny bit of community. So the one places you go to a lot, you can at least just strike up a conversation with. - That's why you like Golden Guy a lot, huh? - That's why I like Golden Guy. - Golden Guy is great. Golden Guy is the vibe. - He's getting a little touristy now, you know. - People are like Connor keeps
- You need to start getting to the members only places. - That's my spots. Those are my spots. - Yeah. - That's true. - Yeah. So since you last came on, you've not only had one, you've had two trips to England now. - Oh yes, the second time was much better. - Okay. So I find it like, okay.
Obviously England can have some bad places, but you had some of the worst luck on your first England trip I've ever heard in my life. - Honestly, probably the most unluckiest time of my life. - Wait, so what happened? Run us through it. - Yeah, what happened?
- I know it's like bringing up traumas for you, but. - Oh man, where do I begin? - Okay. - 'Cause I don't know anything about this first trip. - Okay, so first trip was- - Yeah, can you jog my memory? - So I'll jog your memory. So first time, we were actually on tour in Europe. - Right. - I believe it was coming up to the end of the tour. - Oh, okay. - And so they, it was their first time in England and they decided to go to London first and book a hotel in London.
- Didn't ask us for a recommendation. - Oh, sorry. Oh, I wanna know why I took that. Oh, 'cause I get oat smoke as well. So I was like, oh, I just assumed it was fine. - I don't care about it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You wanna kiss? We can kiss. - You should've asked us. Connor, why should I stay in London?
You probably thought I was going to send you a five-star hotel. That ain't me. Well, when I travel, I'm like an NPC. Because when I have someone... Emily's a good planner. Yeah. And I'm kind of like that dude. I'm just like, what are we doing today? But I don't know what we're doing tomorrow. Because I'm just like... Just tagging along. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm kind of tagging. But I'm having fun doing it. Yeah, for sure. I supply the funsies.
And then the rest, I'm just like, oh yeah. - You supply the funsies. - You do all the work, I have all the fun. - You stress about everything, I'm gonna chill. - I'm just gonna be here vibing. - I think Emily likes doing that stuff. - Yeah, right, yeah, of course, of course. - So, now I remember, you talked about- - Yeah, your first hotel. - So, yeah, I guess Emily didn't, she wanted to be,
you know, nice and not be like, where are you staying at? Let's go talk to you guys and stuff like that. So she booked a place. It was expensive. Not super duper expensive, but it was expensive enough where like when we got in the room, it looked like an asylum.
Like it looked like one of those crazy rooms. Yes, I remember this. Yeah. I took pictures. I sent it to everyone. I was just like, yo, this is my room. It's literally a box with a bed in it. No windows. And like they had like these safety pulleys everywhere. Okay. Like on the left side, right side, in the bathroom. And it was like this red string where you can pull it. Oh, yeah. For disabled people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it was like, it was everywhere. And it was just hanging. Right.
- No windows. - No windows. It was just a box and a bed and the bathroom too was just like, you know. - That's awful. - Yeah, literally I felt like I was in an asylum. - Yeah, and that's the thing. You showed me the pictures and compared to like the picture on the website, which was like a beautiful fucking bed, beautifully lit, it was like really atmospheric. And it's just literally like- - You got your money back there, right?
- No. - What? - No, it's all like, Sydney felt really bad and Gart, I guess. - Yeah. - Whatever. - Yeah, 'cause they just traveled like, what, like 14, 16. - So you guys like booked for me and Emily and you're like, you're saying it, our hotel. - Yeah, yeah. - And I was like, you guys were. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - And down. - So it was the hotel that we were at on tour. - We got there and we're like, oh.
- Oh, an actual room. - An actual room. - Like, oh. - Yeah. But after we saw "Hamilton", which was great, which was fun. - That was banger. - Oh yeah, that was banger. - Was that all your first times with "Hamilton"? - "Hamilton", yeah. I'd heard about it, but I was just like,
- It was my first time seeing it. - I feel like you had the same kind of, I can't speak bro. - Experience? - Experience as me where you're like, I'm not really, yeah, it was cool. Like the play was cool. And then later on, as you're like, - Talking about it. - Yeah, yeah. - No, you're like, you start listening to music again. You're just like, wait a second. It's getting stuck in my head. Oh, oh, oh.
- He wrote 41 essays, no way. - Yeah, so like it grows on you. - It really does. - Yeah, 'cause I came out and you and Emily were so hyped for it and I was like, yeah, that was an enjoyable experience. I'll probably forget about that. And then it just like refused to, some of the songs just refused to leave my mind. - They have a lot of call to actions there where they're like,
"Give me away my shot." You're like, "I'll give him away my shot." I don't know what else, the things they say. - Yeah. - "All helpless" or whatever, I don't know. - How many songs do you know from Hamilton?
- I don't see the thing is I'm like Connor. I don't remember lyrics. - I'm a beep boop guy. - Show me your Spotify rap. - It's like number one Hamilton soundtrack. - It depends on my mood. - Yeah, for sure. - My music is just mood based. - Yeah. - And then didn't you have another shit hotel? - Yeah, so afterwards.
- I forgot we're on this topic. - So afterwards, they were like, "Oh, come stay in Brighton for a few days. We'll show you around Brighton." - Sorry. - And they decided to book another hotel in Brighton as well.
Drew, do you want to explain what happened there? Yeah, so it was a nice cozy place. They had like rug. Yeah, see, that's the problem. They had rug. A single rug. I'm hinting towards something. Okay, okay. They have rug floor. Oh, rug floor. Okay. It's pretty common in the UK. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so I think that's a problem. Anyways, we went, oh, yeah, this is a nice place. Let's just chill. Let's just chill. And then as we're sleeping, we're sleeping. And then like Emily just woke up.
Itching and I'm like what what's wrong? And she's like, I don't know. I feel itchy and I was like I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no It's okay. It's okay Yeah, let's just get up and check and then like we got up from the bed to check and it was like a nightmare It was like I can't unsee it like once you get the thing you just you're just scarred for life That's all you saw the yeah the bug just slowly crawling across the pillowcase and another one like
Like on the mattress, just crawling. And what's funny is that Emily does like, she does a bed bug check every time. Yeah. Sometimes you just don't catch it. Right. Yeah. So we found out, we opened up the pillowcase. They're inside the pillowcase. How many? Like seven.
And you know, it's the funniest part is because I'm less guard because I mean, it's not really funny, but it is kind of fun. They ignored me. They just bit Emily. So I was like less affected. I already had my trauma in like college. I did have, I had bugs once. Some guy brought them up.
Yeah. So anyways, like we had this bed bugs and we called, we called the hotel. We're like, Hey, we have, we have bed bugs. And the owner, like, you know, I give him credit. Like, unfortunately they had bed bugs and he was like begging. He was like, please don't make a negative review. I beg you. I beg you my family and everything. And he, he just started, he started hovering. He started offering hush money. Oh,
I'm taking it. Yeah. We, we took it. Cause just because we're like, you know what this guy, like at least the owner is coming out. Right. It's not like, uh, it's the owner. And he's like, it felt genuine. He's like, this is my first time doing bed bugs. I'm so sorry. Like, let me drive. He took his car. He drove us to, uh, your house. So you saved us again. But like, yeah, I felt, you know, it sucks. Uh,
- Yeah. - You know, that is his first, maybe it's, I don't know if trying, but I felt like it's genuine. - It sounds genuine. - If the owner himself coming out and he's like, you know, it never happened. - The worst hotel I ever stayed in the UK was also in Brighton. I think they have the worst fucking hotels. They must. - Yeah, I guess so. - What hotel did you stay in? - They were literally the one on the seafront. You know the big one? I think it's like known to be like one of the worst hotels in the UK. - What, the Grand? - The one that's literally right next to the pier on the corner. - Old Ship.
- Might be the old ship. - It was awful, it was awful. There was so much mold in the room. - I mean, both times I stayed in Brighton, I just stayed in his house. - I was like, I'm not testing my luck, dude. - I'm a Brighton hater from that day onwards. - That's also a problem. Like when we got bed bugs, oh my God, we were like so afraid. We had this like huge,
- What do you call it? I don't know. - Trauma, fear. - Trauma. - Fear. - Fear. - Anxiety. - Of bringing anxiety. - Yes. - Of bringing the bedbugs to Garn's house. Because we're like, you don't want like Garn's parents being like, you brought these motherfuckers over and you gave us bedbugs
- I mean, you just gotta like put those clothes in a bag, shower. - Yeah, we did all the steps. We looked it over, like triple check. We instantly put it in the washing machine. We checked every corner. Those are sneaky bastards. - They are. - Assassins, they are. - They are, right? They're crazy. - But then you came back to the UK and it was better? - It got worse. - Oh. - Wait, what?
- Yeah, it got worse. - The second trip was worse? - No, no, no, I'm still, this is the first trip. - Oh, this is the first trip. - It gets worse? - It gets worse. - Way worse. So like the whole bed bug thing and then the bad hotel thing and then like, you know, I'm sure there's other things that happened, but as we're going back on the plane, our plane flight got delayed. We ended up in India. - What? - Wait, what? - Yeah, we ended up in the airport, India.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's crazy. - Wait, how did you end up in India? - Oh, because it was a connecting, it was a connecting- - Oh, so you were always supposed to stop in India? - Yeah, I wasn't supposed to stop there. Oh, Dubai, sorry, it was Dubai. - Oh, okay, okay. - Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, Dubai. I'm dumb. Anyways, Dubai. What sucked was that the,
As it was happening, I was on the flight. And I couldn't get the airplane. Wi-Fi wasn't working. Oh, man. So I got a message that was just like something bad really happened. Yeah. I thought it was my grandma. I was just like, oh, no. She's old enough, but no. Like, you know. So I was like texting back like constantly to my dad. I was like, yo, yo, yo. What happened? What happened? But like it wouldn't go through. The message wouldn't go through. Oh.
And then I got the message finally, right when we like, you get, you get to a set altitude. And then like, after I got the message, I was just like sad. Yeah.
- Yeah, of course. - Of course. - It's like the worst flight to have back, sad. 'Cause then you're stuck in this fucking plane next to someone farting. - Yeah. - No, and it was embarrassing. Well, it's not embarrassing. It's just normal. But like, I was like bawling. - Yeah, of course. - But like, there's people around me that's just like. - Yeah, it's hard to be vulnerable when you're in that place, right? And it's like, I just wanna be home. I got a fucking layover in Dubai. - Yeah. - It's tough to talk about this. - It's literally like the strawberry on top of the sundae. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Damn, I got hit by life. - And just the fact that you decided to come back to England after that just shows that damn. - You were committed to leave a good memory. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm glad you decided to come back. - I think you tried your very best to be like, okay, this is not happening ever again. Let's just make sure you get good food and all that stuff. So the food, the first time I went, the food was like,
- I mean, I think it's partially my fault is 'cause I was looking for the fish and chips. - Oh, okay. - You know, I had to do the tourist stuff. - Yeah, for sure, for sure. - So I had a gun for it like every single time. I'm like, I gotta make sure I know the overall taste of fish and chips. - Yeah, but second time, thankfully a lot better. And this is basically because me and Sydney heard they were coming this time and we're like, "No, you are not allowed to make any decisions."
- Smart, smart. - We will take care of everything. - We will take you everywhere. - We had a great time. - It was. - Hopefully you had a lot better time. - Yeah, I did. It was like, I don't think there's one negative thing that went wrong that time. Me and Emily joke about it all the time. - You need to make him go up north somewhere. I don't think Garnt knows anything exists above London. - Like America, right? - Yeah, yeah, dude. He's like an East coast and never even New York. - You should all come to America, bro. Come to Maine.
- I've never been to Maine. - Maine camping. - I'm down. - Yeah. I mean, everywhere in America, I swear to God, everyone has like the fucking most beautiful nature ever. Just like on your back door. - That's all there is. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. - You said that's all there is, but that's pretty fucking dope, man. That's pretty fucking dope. - I mean, I...
when you're living there you don't appreciate it of course yeah when i started living new york i was like oh my god concrete concrete concrete yeah no trees no trees what is that a little patch of grass yeah and then like now i'm just like man i miss grass and then you move into tokyo famously no grass yeah there is but like at least i don't know it's
- It's pretty. - It's for viewing the grass here. No one's allowed to walk by. No one's allowed to like touch the grass. - There's always a don't touch the grass sign somewhere. - No fun allowed. - No fun allowed. - So what's your opinion of Greg's? You okay? - Oh, Greg. - Careful, choose your words carefully. - So he did go to Greg's, not the second trip, the first trip. - I remember, I took him.
I think it's all right. I think you just got sausage rolls, which I like the price of it. I could vouch for weather spoons is dope.
- That shows how much better his second, he is now a true Brit. That shows how much better your second trip was. - What do you like about spoons? I don't want any external. - Just for comparison, I went to where the spoons as well. And I think it was the worst meal ever. - Okay, okay. - Hold up, hold up. - I should hear what do you like about spoons? - Hold up, hold up guys. - All right, let him cook.
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- Have I ever been to a Spoon's breakfast? - I think that was his diet for a while. - What are you asking here? - I'm just saying for the price of what you get for breakfast, amazing. - Fucking phenomenal. - And it tastes good. - Spoon's breakfast is goaded. That's got me through many hangovers. - The only problem with Spoon's is that it's so location based.
'cause it's kind of like you have a pub and then you can be like, I'll become a Weatherspoons where I will- - Yeah, it wasn't until after the matter of the fact that I found out that Connor took me to what is regarded as one of the worst- - Yeah, it's probably the worst one 'cause it was, I think for some reason it was like we had to, we didn't have a lot of time, we had to meet
like a certain area. - Yeah, yeah. - Reminds me of Denny's, like American Denny's. It depends on like who's like- - Yeah, you can get already- - Yeah. - Yeah. - That's true. - Yeah, that's true. - Is that like McDonald's too? Like depends who's working, right? - Some McDonald's can have like, yeah, can be worse. - Yeah. - It's the same with a lot of fast food places. When they're franchise based, it really depends on the ownership and like- - Yeah. - Spoons especially, 'cause they're normally just pubs that have just- - It's a big chain, right? - Yeah, huge, huge. - Yeah.
- Well, it's 'cause it's like, you just agree to serve this stuff on the menu and you're a one-screen. - I'm just saying, when I was a broke college student, I would love Weatherspoon's. - We did. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Dude, at least you have that, right? At least you have a choice of getting $2 eggs if you want. - It's good, but it's also kind of destroyed the vibe of pubs as well, which is kind of sad. - Dude, the vibes are not, well, I'm a tourist. - Depends where you go. In London, I think it's fine.
because, but like more local pubs, I think, especially in Northern parts of the UK, I think it's kind of ruined a lot of the vibes. - Oh, okay. I mean, in the Southern parts, I think it's also like a toss up. I actually prefer the pubs that are not in the major city that are like a bit out in the countryside and stuff like that. - You guys would love that local pub. - I love pubs. You know what the best part about pubs is? It's like when you walk in and you hear the floor creak, like the wood.
- I agree, I like that too. - The whole wood pubs, they don't, that never happens. - It's the combination of the floor creaking and then the slight resistance to the sticky floor. - Yeah, it's that combination. - I remember the first time taking Dydus and Emily to like a proper like local pub, right in like middle of the countryside.
And I remember the first thing they commented on was like, oh, it smells a bit weird. And I'm like, nah, that's- - It smells like a pub. - That is the pub smell. - Okay, that one pub does smell like piss. - Again, pub smell. - It depends on what kind, but that's common. - Yeah. - It's a mix between- - The food is fire though. - The food was fire. It's the mix between stale beer, a little bit of a funky,
- Yeah, various human excrement. - Yeah, various human smells. - Yeah, it really depends where you're on the UK. 'Cause like in London, they've gotten really bougie. They all do food now. They're all like very expensive. - Of course they do. - 'Cause London's expensive.
- I don't think that's true in America. - I guess we're different. - No, but I feel like EU is more likely to get like worse things for an upcharge. - Yeah. - No, I wouldn't agree with that. - I think it's a case by case. - It's probably just my- - I feel like in America, I feel like I've been scammed a lot.
- I've only been in Europe for like a total of like, I don't know, like 20 days. - I think it's good for some restaurants in America to be like, we're a nice restaurant. And then they just serve the most middest food, but you have to charge so much and then tip 20%. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah, well, yeah, yeah. - I mean, that's true. - That's America, they're tipping. - Especially when I was not, like when I was in LA, you know,
- Those restaurants are outrageously expensive. - That's LA though. - Okay, I'm there. - LA does not exist. - Let me finish, let me finish. - Tell me about your $60 side. - When I went to like, when I would go to like Indiana or Ohio and I'd go to the nice restaurant with people, I was like, this is not nice. But their prices are certainly high. - Right, okay. - I think it's state to state. - Like one time I was in a- - I was in a-
I think it was Indiana and I went to the, apparently it was the nicest restaurant and I ordered a wine and the wine came and it had froth on it. I was like, why is my wine frothy? And he's like, oh, I think we just like spilled a bit of beer in there. I'm like, oh, what?
I'm not trying to be a dick, but like, come on. - It's like you won't even notice. - Like my wine had like head. - In a new bottle of wine or was it just- - I guess when they bring it over on the big tray, when they're like 19 glasses, I guess they like somehow like when they put it on, one of the beer, 'cause you know they fill it right- - It just knocks over, yeah. - I was like, what are they bringing? Like fucking box wine? - No, and I was like- - Making a wine cocktail? - I was like little bro, this is 25 a glass.
- I'm not trying to be a diva here, but come on. What the heck? - Dude, I hate like, I went to New York and like, I was looking for ramen and like, they're like, oh, this is bougie ramen. This is $40 ramen. No ramen should be $40. - Nah, I'm always like, miss me with that shit, man. Just give me the most like dirtiest, filthiest shit. - I was watching on Japanese TV, there was a whole one hour special about this Japanese chain that we're trying to open a branch in LA, but they were like,
the whole show they had like 30 minutes dedicated to getting the taste right with the inferior American ingredients. There was like a good 10 minute segment where they were like, Americans can't handle this flavor, it's too much. And the flavor that they thought Americans couldn't handle was charcoal grilled chicken.
in the ramen. So they would charcoal grill the chicken. - They always do this stuff. - And then they would have like the oil from the charcoal, they would like drain it. So when they were cooking it, they would get the oils and they would pour that into the broth. And they were like, "Oh, the American palette." - Charcoal grilled chicken. Meanwhile, Americans are like, "Yeah, I've been a bogeyman." - I don't say that.
- What is this? What is this? - I find that shit so pretentious. - When they put the gold flakes on the hamburger and they're like, this is $300. - Oh yeah, that's a scam. - You're eating gold. - If you're in a restaurant where they have put gold on anything, you are being scammed. - Most definitely. - Like no self-serving restaurant that actually wants to give you something good flavor would do that. - How the fuck did that shit even start? - Because they realized they could charge rich fucking people triple the price.
- And people are dumb. - Yeah, 'cause it started during Imperial Japan because all the higher lords would like, it was a status symbol essentially. And then they were like, oh, well now that- - Like in America as well. - Yeah, in America as well. It's like, now that the lords are gone, we'll just do it for dumb rich people now. - Well, I think on average, rich people are fucking dumb as shit with this kind of stuff. 'Cause they don't care. They're like, yeah, I'll just pay whatever. - Yeah, they don't care. - It's all about the image. Is it even real gold? - Yes, yes. - It is real gold. - Well, you could, gold by flakes is super cheap. - Yeah, it's like, oh, flakes. - So cheap.
- Right, right. - Comparatively. - But of course they have to upcharge you 'cause it's gold. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Of course. - It was such a scam. - And it's like, oh wow, I just paid $200 for my turd to be extra gold. It's like sick. Thank you. - Not worth it, not worth it. - So you've to me have tried everything I think someone should try for like a proper British experience in terms of food. - Well, good. - So I'm gonna go through them and I wanna know if you think it's overhyped or if it meets the hype. - I'm very picky with food, but yeah, I can.
- Overrated, underrated or perfectly rated? - Yeah, so Greg's. - Greg's? It's all right. - He didn't have the cheese and onion bake. - No cheese and onion bakes? - That is fire. - You had the sausage roll. - I mean, sausage rolls are pretty good. - No, they're not the best thing on the, everyone knows it's the bakes. Joey, tell him. - Yeah, it is. - Joey, tell him. - Tell him. - No, I had my boy with this one. I had one in Wales because Connor was like, you gotta try this. And I had it, I was like, this shit is, I'm gonna go.
- The bakes are where it's at. - Yeah, it is pretty good. - Don't buy these shitty sandwiches they sell. - I would say I just like the price of it. - The price is phenomenal. - Yeah, the price is insane. - Where the spoons you say meets the hype. All right, Nando's.
- Oh, Nando, oh yeah. - Nando's is fire. - Yes, we all like the sauce from the grocery store. We got all Nando's sauce, we brought it to Japan. - All right, pub roast. - Oh, wait, the first one or the second one? 'Cause the first one was awful. - The first one was that bougie shit, man. - Second one. - And Cornish pasty. I remember taking you to a, do you remember that?
- Shit, we're in brights. - Corn-tacity? - Cornish pasty. - We're gonna give them the try like bangers and mash, shepherd's pie. - Oh, that's true. - That's the problem is that like all that stuff, like a shepherd's pie, like the meaty, meaty, wait, it's like crust with meat, right? Bread with meat and stuff like that. - Shepherd's pie is like the mashed potatoes. - Cornish pasty. - Can you put up a Cornish pasty?
- Anything that looks like Thanksgiving, I'm like, that's fire. You know? I got no complaints. - Most of our dishes are the color of Thanksgiving. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the Cornish pasty. - Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That one store that- - Yeah, I took your embraces. - Yup, yup, yup. Dude, that's fire. It's fire.
there you have it there you have it guys british food isn't as bad as you think it is it's just because the americans just want to clown on us or something i did on my first trip i did have an experience where um i was at a pizza shop and this little boy he was trying to order pizza and he sounded like the little orphans from the the old the old american movies they don't have a
And when I heard that, I was like, oh my God. I was like, I am a real, real, like a little like orphan boy hat. I was like, the newspaper boy hat. Yeah. I was like, were you ordering pizza? I don't know. I was just in some random shop waiting for like, uh,
Eugene took us to that acting bar. Oh, the acting bar was sick. - Oh, the acting bar? Did you go to the prison one or the- - The prison one. - The prison one? - And I guess the actor liked our friend group the most because they kept bringing us
over to like talk to him one-on-one in the jail cell. And he was like having a blast, I felt like. - So to explain what this bar is, it's kind of like an experience bar where you go in and this one was obviously, it was Alka-Drastins. So you go in, you get given like prison uniforms and they make your drinks for you. So you give them whatever alcohol you want to bring, just bring your own booze. And they make like cocktails out of them.
And you take part in this kind of like interactive experience where there is a storyline happening in this prison.
and you are kind of like a viewer for the storyline that plays out in this prison setting. And then you just go there, you role play, get drunk and just enjoy the show. It's great. - I say, if you are a theater kid, you should definitely work there. - I mean, I was not, but. - I was not either. - Even not, did you take part in like the characters or were you just like, did you get in character or were you just?
- Oh. - A passive viewer for that. - Yeah, we had like a back, they had you write like a little story of why you're in prison. - Yeah. - Totally forgot what my story was. Something stupid. Something really dumb. - Yeah, 'cause you definitely got on character in the murder mystery night. - Oh my God, the murder mystery, yeah. You made me a main character. I didn't know how the rules worked. I thought I was supposed to remember everything and just like gap. I was like over yapping.
- I didn't know there was multiple rounds and then when the third round was going, it was like, oh, I already did that. I already did that part. - You were just yapping all the information out. It was great. It was great.
I was yapping so much that no one voted me out because I was just like, I was like, yeah, I mean, they know everything. You're the worst murder mystery person. To be fair, my character is supposed to be like a red herring where he does so much bad shit. Yeah. Right, right, right. Yeah, yeah. It was fun though. I had a little fake mustache. Oh, you did? And I supplied everyone else with fake mustaches. They loved it. Yeah. Yeah.
- Did you have any money left at the end? 'Cause there was this mini game where you have to collect as much money as you could. - Yeah, so I'm dumb 'cause I thought like, I thought there was like secret rules where you can gain money from like investing. So this guy was like, "I'm an investor. If you put all your money in for gambling-" - You thought that was like a-
You thought that was like a murder mystery stock market? I did. I thought at the end of the game, Grant would be like, okay, whoever gave money to this person, you gain X amount. So I put all my money on this one guy. He took all my money. So he just stole your money? Yeah, he's like, I'm investing in gambling. Would you like to partake? And I was like, okay, yes. And then like...
- From that night on. - Please never get into stalls. I'd be scared. - From that night on, like every single person went up to me and was like, that's gonna take money to get information. - Yeah, they were treating you like a fucking ATM. - I've been broke since hour one. Sorry, man.
- Oh my God. - That's amazing. - That's so funny. - That was my first time doing murder mystery. - Yeah, I mean, that was my first time also doing murder mystery. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But did you have fun on the night? - Fun what? - Did you have fun on the murder mystery night? - Of course. - Okay, okay, good. - Are you a theater kid in secret? - Yeah. - No, I don't think so. - No? - I'm awful on the camera, man. Dude, the first time I was on "Trash Takes" was actually when I was like on camera for real.
Was it really? And then I had a fungal infection on my armpit and it felt like it was a big giant, like one that, you know, like on Reddit where you see, you see someone like popping in all the white pussies flies out. Yeah. So at the, at the time, last trash taste when we're filming, I literally had down my armpit and it felt like someone stabbed me in the arm. Oh,
Like, it was that painful. Like, someone's... I didn't want to be like... Wait, did that happen mid-recording? Yeah, when I was recording. What the fuck? I had, like, a giant fungal infection on my armpit. I feel like this stuff only happens to you. Yeah. I talk to other people, like, I've never heard of a fucking fungal infection. Yeah, so...
It's your fault. No, not my fault. Your fault. How is it my fault? I'm kidding. I'm kidding. But like, you brought us to Chiba and this, he brought us to this like old Japanese house, right? And there was this German guy that was like Polish, Polish, Polish guy. And he was like the
- The owner, I don't know, the owner. - The Airbnb guy. - He was like looking after this Airbnb in the woods in the middle of nowhere. - Yeah, his house was like across the street and he would just like walk over. - He just came over and started drinking with us. - Yeah, he just started, we're like, okay, we're being nice here, would you like some drink? And he literally got, he got shit-faced. - He got blackout drunk. - Yeah. - At your Airbnb? - Wait, how does that lead to the phone? - Well, I'm getting there, okay. So anyways, I noticed something was off when I went to the bathroom and there was like a,
Piss layer of yellow around The rim and I was like okay Um and then he had like The futons on the ground And my mistake my mistake I decided To sleep in a tank top because it's comfortable
And that's my problem is that I realized this guy doesn't clean his mattresses or his blankets or anything. I had my armpit. I was sleeping on my side and it was exposed to this mattress. Maybe I'm crazy. I'm pretty sure it was clean because I always sleep shirtless. No, no. You know why I realized it wasn't clean? How? It's because...
when you know how he's hung over the next day. He's like, oh, you guys got to leave. The guest is coming in like 30 minutes. And I was like, how are you cleaning this place in 30 minutes? Like, there's no way. I feel like I would notice if the sheets were used. I feel like you can just tell. No, dude, you should have seen the toilet, man. Did you not see the toilet? Yeah, but I'm like piss stains, whatever.
- Dude, that was like years of like crust on it. What are you smoking, bro? This guy's crazy. - Do you care about piss stains? - In an Airbnb, yeah. - Riddle me this, Batman. Riddle me this, Batman. I've lived for a long time. I've never had fungal infection on my armpit until that day. - You wore a tank top, I wore nothing. Why did I not get a fungal infection? - Everyone's skin's different.
- Riddle me this, Mr. Titus. - Also, I had a futon. You had the guest bedroom. You had the whole bed. You had a bed. I had a thing from the closet on the ground. - Of course he took the fucking bed. - I did some plays. I get the fucking bed. - Bro, this guy took like 20 minutes to get everything ready and cleaned up. How? How, bro? - Probably not. - Yeah, it's not clean. That's the problem. - Yeah, you're right.
Yeah. Damn. Anyways, I had a fungal infection for a whole year. I heard you went through a fucking mission to get it treated. So every time I sweat, it would like come back. Right. So then I had to, I went to the Japanese doctors. Every time you go there, they go, ooh.
That's gross. That looks bad. And then they just like, they're like, okay, here's the drugs. That's it. That's it. And every time I'm like, yo, what is this? Can you explain like, what is this? And they go, I don't know, but here's some drugs for like, maybe it's this, maybe it's this. Here you go. Here's your drug. Every single time I went to like four doctors, they all did the same thing. I mean, it's probably the same NPC dialogue. Yeah. But it's just like, oh, that looks bad. Okay. And I was like, this is ridiculous. And I was like,
So I found I had to do everything myself. So I went online on when I was on and I, I took him in dermatology and
- Fungal, anti-fungal soap. - Yeah. - And I have to like, I still do this to this day. It's really annoying 'cause it will slowly, slowly come back. - Right. - But like twice a day, I rub it with the soap. - Yeah. - And then it stays dormant. And I'm like, okay, at least I figured out how to suppress the disease. - It stays dormant? - What the fuck? So you got like a permanent disease from this one thing? - No, fungal infection is just like, it's just their perma unless you do something.
What? No, that can't be real. No, it's true. It's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you don't go to the doctor's. Unless you like get a cut out or something.
No, you have to keep it dry. You have to kill the bacteria. Oh, right, right, right. So it senses an armpit, right? It's always moist, always moist. I mean, if you sweat as much as I do. Yeah, for sure, for sure. What the fuck? Yeah. See, if you're left untreated, it just... This sounds like a Victorian fucking disease. How the fuck did you get this? I don't know, man. It was like the... It sucked, man. Like...
I was in the bathroom just popping... It was just blood and pus everywhere. Like spraying. Damn. I was seeing some...
- Yeah, I think it's like r/popping or something. You know when they pop a giant, giant wart? - I hate that shit. - I had that experience. - I hate that shit so much. - It was so gross. - Why is the top search fungal infection vaginal? - Yeah, no, they have that too 'cause it's a wet moisture. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I understand that. I've just never heard of one on the armpit. - Yeah, it feels like someone's,
took a knife and stabbed me in the armpit. And like when you're squeezing the pus out, like I'm like, it hurts. It's painful, but I'm getting all this out. Sorry if you're eating, by the way. I'm getting all this out. Oh, God.
- Oh God. - Last time I was here- - No more fucking puss anymore. - I mean, last time I was here, we talked about poop, so. - Poop's fine. - Yeah, we talked about- - Everyone poops. - Not everyone has a fucking fungal infection on their armpit. - I mean, some people like watching those popping videos, you know? - I like those. - I am not something- - You like them? - I don't like them. - I don't like them. - I strangely satisfied. - You're sick. - Dude, do you watch them? Do you watch them? - You're just fucking disgusting. - You're sick if you like them. - I don't actually look for them, but if like, you know, I don't know, TikTok or something, you're like, "Okay, I'll stay." - That's 'cause you went through like a month of having to do it yourself. So you're like-
- I make my own content. - I had my own Phil, so I think I'm good on that. - I think you're fucking nasty if you enjoy that shit. I don't care. - It is nasty, but it's so satisfying. - It's like cleansing. - Especially on the most satisfying ones are like the ingrown hair ones. - Oh no. - It's like you pull it out and it just keeps coming and coming and it's just.
- Oh, it's gross. Stop it. - It's so good. - What is our entertainment anymore? - Everything's quick now. - Everything's gross. - You just can't look away. - I can absolutely easily look away. - Sometimes when they have like the blackheads and some blackheads are so big that they leave like a massive hole, like a crater for a hole as like for like the pool. - That's so good, man. That's so good. - It's so good.
- Peak content. - Peak content right there. - Oh man, super satisfying. - Actually, I remember something now. - Yeah. - Should change the topic. - Please. - Last time I was on, please. Last time I was on Trash Days, I was like, I hated watching my episode. I like cringed so hard. I couldn't even look. I don't know, I just, that's just.
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That's who I am, I guess. You're so hypercritical on yourself. Yeah, well, every time I'm like on camera, like I get, I feel like I get judged. Like it's either like, oh, you look better. You look pretty. Or you look ugly. You're like, it's like, everyone's like, bro, don't worry. You could all the time. Don't worry. You can be a fucking 10 out of 10 supermodel and someone's going to be like, you look like a potato. That's fine. I know, but like, it was nice when you're like faceless and like, that doesn't happen. That's true. Um,
But what was I saying? You remembered something. Yeah. Oh, actually, it relates to what I was talking about. Yeah. Like, Moonon went up to me. This is during AX. Yeah.
And he's like, yeah, I know someone who has like ADHD and like you have like symptoms of like ADHD. And I was like, what? No, I don't. I was like, bullshit. Like I don't have ADHD. Fuck you. And then I found out later, I was like, maybe I do have ADHD. I thought, I always thought you knew you had ADHD. Yeah. I was in denial. I hate to say that. I was in denial. From day one I met you, I was like, this guy has ADHD.
- I was in denial. - I hate to say it to you, I think you're the last person. - You were like bullshit. - When I found out, I was just like, there's no way, but like the more I know.
There's no way. The more I thought about it, I was like, oh my God, my whole life just makes more sense. Yeah. Like the schooling and everything. Yeah. Like when we do Japanese class like once a week, like Emily like excels so well. And I'm like, like I'm reading a sentence and like my brain just scrambles. And I was just like, oh. I was like, oh, it makes sense. That's weird. Because I'm comparing to Emily and I'm trying just as hard. I was like, okay, yeah.
Okay, I probably have ADHD because I'm thinking about other things. I'm thinking about not messing up, and when I think about not messing up, I mess up. Yeah, right, right. So it just makes so much more sense. I went to the Japanese doctors, though. They have me do questionnaires, and they're like,
- I don't exactly remember the questionnaires, but someone gave it back to him like, "Ooh, that's wrong." - Yeah, yeah. - "Here's some medicine." - "Do you ever know what day it is?" And I'm like, "No." "Do you ever remember names?" "No." And then she looked at it and she was like, "Yeah, you definitely, 200%." "I don't even mean I gotta test you." "You haven't." And I was like, "Oh, okay, all right." - Damn. - Yeah. I mean- - I like it though. - I had the same awakening, I guess.
- It's just good to know about yourself. - Mine's even like, 'cause at least a mate told you that you probably have ADHD. For me, it was our fucking audience. I remember talking about this shit. - You were like the model or something? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know, with fucking YouTube comments, Reddit comments, you're like, all right, most of the time they're just,
overanalyzing, psychoanalyzing, whatever. This was the one time where I remember reading a comment that just broke down all the symptoms. I'm just like, this sounds a little bit too specific to my life experiences for, and I was like, I should probably get that checked out. - Well, it's a double-edged sword 'cause like there's so many armchair Andys.
- I mean for sure, yeah. - You obviously know yourself, you're like, I would make like, if you saw that comment, if for gone, he saw it and was like, ah, this actually does make a lot of sense for me personally. It's not like I'll see someone be like, Connor, we reckon you have 10 Ikea, be like, oh. I wouldn't like, I would obviously be able to connect that with my personal like factors. So I don't give a fuck of the armchair, so whatever, just be lame. - No, I think it's like, it's fair as well as whatever, like they think whatever they think.
But also it is a double sword 'cause like, I think labels are too labelly nowadays. - Everyone wants a label. Everyone wants to be something. - Yeah, it's too labelly. And there's always like one guy that's like, "Hey, I think you have autism." And I'm always like, "No, I know I don't have autism." Like, I know for sure I don't have autism. Like, I'm not gonna reply because I'm like- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's bait. - Right. It's just like, no, they generally think, they're like, "Oh, you do these things.
- There was one time where I was like, oh, I feel like I get choked when I have like a crew neck on and oh, that's an autism thing. And I was like, no, but like ADHD is like, I don't know, it's almost there. - You want this? You want a stim bro? - Is this a stimmer? - It's just twisty. I've been doing that this entire recording by the way. - I'm stimming, I'm stimming.
- I found like a toy that I can get you that it's a good magnet. - Okay, okay. Yeah. - Just ADHD things. - Well, no, I mean, fidgeting obviously is nice 'cause the act of fidgeting is quite fun. - Oh no, look at what you did. - Like I don't need it. - Look what you did. - Yeah, right? Yeah, isn't it so satisfying? - Well, you always find the inanimate objects instead of like an actual toy. - I don't know. - You're like a cat.
- You could buy all these things for a cat and they'll be like, "Spring on door." - Did you ever talk about your belt buckle? - Yeah, I talked about my belt buckle. - You were like, "Oh, buy this belt." And I was like, "Okay, I bought the belt." It came with a belt buckle. And then when Gart told me that, I pulled it out of my closet.
I started using it. I was like, oh, this feels so good. I was like, this is great. The resistance, the like, you know, the angle. - My nice ass belt that I bought you Garnt, he used it for a fucking fidget toy. - There's like this certain angle that's like perfect. - It is, it is.
- You fucking get it. These boys don't get it. They laugh at me 'cause they should be used as a belt 'cause it is a belt buckle, but holy shit, it is the perfect. - The angle perfect belt buckle. - Angle perfect fidget. - Oh, the ball fondler. - The ball fondler. - Oh, I never tried one of those. - It's the ball fondler. - That has a good weight to it.
- Yeah, just fondle it, fondle the balls. - Imagine you're fondling someone's balls. - Oh, it is, I just, if I close my eyes. - Like you're fondling someone's balls. - Yeah. Wow, I could be an expert at this. - I hate being perceived as fidgeting. I feel like when you fidget, it looks like you're unfocused.
- It's part of your personality, it's part of my personality. - But I know that like, look, it's like, I don't care if someone fidgets, but I hear when someone's like, wow, you look like, I don't know, I feel like someone's perceiving me as being a fidget child. - Like they judge you? - Yeah, and I'm like, I don't fidget. I do like fidgeting, but I don't need to fidget. - See, I need to fidget when it comes to like thinking,
And I need to just like unlearn this in school because yeah, there was always this point where people just thought I wasn't paying attention where I was like, if I'm like fidgeting, I'm paying attention more because I'm like, it's almost like- - Stimulates the brain. - Yeah, I'm actively thinking and I'm actively processing. - I make a joke about that. Like when I'm doing stuff and Emily notices, I go, I'm stimming, I'm stimming. - I'm stimming. - I'm stimming. - I'm stimming. - I'm stimming.
This is funny because you know when you're in the gamer comms and you're like, I'm going in, I'm going in. I got him, got him, got him. I'm stimming, I'm stimming. I'm seeing, I'm seeing. Hold on. Yeah, I feel like, I just feel like ADHD, it gets too negative press. I personally like it.
- I know it's a double sword. I personally like it. Like, I don't know. You get that superpower and then you get that non superpower. Then you get the opposite. You get the opposite. It's like highs and lows. - You get the fungal and you get the ADHD. You're giving your take. - You get the highs and lows. - I think it's people just don't like the whole self diagnosis stuff that goes online. - Yeah, for real. - That was me. That's why I was in denial.
- I think a lot of people just hate that. I think that's fact. - Because you can wear the label a little too hard. And it's annoying kind of being in that group where you're like, "It's because I have ADHD." - It becomes your personality trait. - Yeah, which I don't want. I'm just me. I'm just me. - I think the correct way to think about it is just like, it's something just to help you understand how you process things and how you work. Some people I've seen online that obviously,
Self-diagnosis has become like a big thing where it's just like- - It's so annoying actually. - Yeah, yeah. And some people, you know, I've seen use it just like as like a crux to be like, oh, sometimes not necessarily ADHD, but sometimes it's just like, you know,
- I get it though. Like, cause sometimes I catch myself being like, oh, it's my ADHD. - With you it's not surprising, you know, we know. - I preferred it before when I didn't know and I wasn't like, oh, it's my ADHD. - Yeah, I think I had someone, I worked with someone one time, I had a deadline for them and they were like, ah, sorry, I'll do it tomorrow. I got distracted with my ADHD. I was like- - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - I was like, what the fuck?
- Instead of fucking deadline. - It should not be an experience. - As a fucking deadline. What do you mean? I wouldn't mind if they could have another day, but the way they were like, sorry, it's my ADHD. I was like, what? - Yeah, just say, just ask for another day. - Just tell me you needed another day. What is this? What is this? You just tell me you suck at time management. Which is fine too, but just get it done. - Which I do, yeah. - But just get like. - Yeah, speaking of. - No, no.
- But you just gotta know your own ability and to work within that, right? If you know you suck at time management, ask for a little bit more time. - Definitely need a calendar, I should definitely do. - Calendar's king. - I think, yeah. - Calendar is king. - I think for you it goes beyond a calendar, to be honest. - I think it's like doing like, working with people in America, it's literally impossible not to have a calendar 'cause you need the one that syncs the times. - Yeah. - It's so confusing.
- Yeah, 'cause especially with time zones as well. - You're like, oh, I'll do it on my 19th, your 18th. And they're like, wait, so like my 19th? No, no, no, your 18th. What time is that for me? Well, actually daylight savings. So we got a minus one hour. It's so shit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So I always use calendar sync up or Discord has that like the time. - The time converter. - I only found out about that like this month actually. - Oh dude, it saved me so many problems using that. I'm like, this is the time. It'll be in your time.
This is the time, no other time, just this one. Look at it, that's the time we're meeting. It's so frustrating. - That just has a legendary sleep schedule. - The legendary. - I wouldn't necessarily call it a legend. - Legendary because it's impressive how bad it's been for so long. - Yeah. - I just, maybe some people are naturally a night owl. - I think there's a night owl and then there's you. - And then there's you. - I'm still the same as a night owl.
- I was sort of like my head of night out- - What makes it different? Me making it different. - I don't know if you guys can maybe disagree or agree with me. In my head night out, someone who goes about like three or four, but like they're still on the same time. - Yeah. They're still relatively active at the same time as everyone else. - Yeah. - Whereas for you, it's like, again, you've literally been jet lagged ever since you moved.
No, because like when I was in America, my sleep schedule was all the same. Because I remember when I lived in the UK, you were always awake when I was awake. And I was like, what the fuck is this? But I feel like I adapt very fast because when I, if I'm on vacation, I go to bed normal times. Yeah. That's impressive though.
You like, you adapt when you're on vacation. The moment you go back, you're like, I will now go to bed at 7:00 AM. - What's the time of the, well, I was about to say time of the day. What's the time of the night that you're like the most active? Like you have the most amount of energy?
Like 1 a.m. is when my creative brain like finally activates. And I'm like, finally. What is it about 1 a.m.? The quietness and the darkness and like the mood. The darkness. It's very nice and the vibes. The vibes. Yeah. It's like the world is sleeping. It's quiet. Right. I get that. It's kind of like when my dad, he wakes up at like 4 a.m. And he watches the sunrise and he drinks his coffee. That's a mood.
- That's a mood. - And you're like the polar opposite. - The sun's rising, ah, time to go to bed. - You wake up to watch the sun set. - I do, I just felt something so profoundly depressing whenever I was awake at like six and the sun came up.
- There's something that like hurt my soul that I was awake during this. - I think you get used to it. - It's like post all night, like clarity. - Yeah. - 'Cause Emily gets sad when she's like, "Oh, I woke up at three. Oh, I hate myself. Oh, why did I do this?" - Yeah. - Well, I'm just like, "Eh."
- I think it's the thought of knowing everyone else is doing stuff and you're kind of asleep. I think that that fucks my brain out. - It is harder to go to like stores because they close like a little bit. - Everything closes. You wanna hang out with your friends. - Well, I mean, that's why Japan will be a godsend because like, combis are open 24 hours. - Yeah, they are. - It's like, it's no different. It's like, wow, it's really quiet today. - Most normal stores or if you like have to, like if you ever sort your bills out or go to the bank, you're like, uh-oh. - That's true. Yeah, yeah. - Or like packages.
- Oh yeah, they wake me up sometimes. I have to run to my intercom like, that must be horrible. - That would suck. - I don't know, like I trained my brain to hear the intercom when I'm sleeping and it would wake me up. - It's like Pavlov. - Yeah, so bad. - So have you ever thought about like wanting to like revert that, like change it? - I did experiment with it.
And I don't know. I just couldn't get work done. Do you think like you'll always be a night owl? Like when you're like 50, you'll be like going to bed. So, okay. There's two things I would rather prefer is either. I wake up super early. Like, like my dad, where I get to see the sunrise. You get there. You're quiet. This. Yeah. Because if you wake up at noon, the sun's already out and you go to bed at eight, everyone's still awake. Like you go to bed at like two. I don't know. It's like, I need one or the other extreme. So, so on.
- So you need a period where you think no one else is active right now. - Yeah, I'd say so. It's nice and quiet. I like it. - So either you are on the US Navy SEALs timeline or you're on the complete degenerate uni student timeline. - Also when you walk at night, it's like a mood. - I get that. - I like night driving. - Yeah, I get that. - I like night walks. But you can still do night walks.
- It's not the same, it's not the same. - Why? - It's not the same. - It's like 1:00 AM is no different from 5:00 AM walks here. 1:00 AM everyone's gone. - Yeah, I mean like if I were, I would prefer to go to bed at like 3:00 AM. - There's more people walking around at 5:00 AM than 1:00 AM in Japan. - It's the feeling.
- It's such a cope. - No, no, no, no, no, no. I get it, I get it. - No, you're coping. - 1:00 AM is that time of the night where you're like, all right, the late stayers are still up. The party is still going. - You don't see them. - 5:00 AM.
No one, nothing. I mean, listen, for me, either way, I'm asleep. It's like, I don't know the fucking difference. The early rises are awake at 5am. I think also my problem is that I spend all day trying to activate my work brain. Yeah. And when it activates, it's kind of like an on and off switch. If it's off, it's off. If it's on...
then I get so happy when it's on 'cause I'm like, I'm not turning this off. So I won't go to bed 'cause I'm like, it's on, it's on, I gotta go. Like I gotta go. - I'm steaming. - I'm steaming, I'm steaming. - Makes sense, makes sense. - Okay, well then if you had to pick one or the other, I personally would suggest maybe
4am I did do the early morning I did that for like a month and a half I remember that Every time someone invites me out It's usually at night And I'm like I go to bed at that time
So then I'll end up like being sleeping. - Damn. - Yeah, 'cause no one is like, oh, you wanna hang out in the morning? Like no one does that. - Well, we don't do that because we know you're asleep. - I really love the feeling of hanging out with friends after doing what I needed to do that day. Like, I feel like being able to like do all the work and then hang out with people feels really rewarding. - Right, so like for you guys, you have work in the morning and then when you're done, you're like, oh, hang out? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - See, I'm the kind of guy where it's like, if I'm hanging out, I'm hanging out all day.
And it's like, if I'm working, I'm working. - That's true too. - I completely just separate. - That's also 'cause you're far. - See, I wish I could be like that. But if I know I'm meeting someone in the nighttime or evening, my entire brain is preoccupied with, I have X hours until this happens. I have Y hours until this happens. - Okay, so just like plan around that. - No, no, same, same. - Even if I'm doing, even if I'm like doing nothing, I'm just like,
- There's like so much you can get done in like six hours. - There is if I could like focus. - Yeah, but it's like if in the evening I'm hanging out with someone, I'd rather just spend that whole day just relaxing and then I'll do an all day some other day. - So because of what Garnt said, because of what Garnt said where your mind is preoccupied with, oh, I'm gonna eventually be able to. So I'm with Joey too, he's like, I'd rather just have it all day. - Yeah, when I wake up in the morning,
It's like, today's a work day or today is a fucking rest day. I can't be like Connor. Cause Connor was like, Oh, if you have one free hour, you can just knock it out in one hour and then go out through your day. And I'm like, I can't do that. I can't do that. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. I think I used to be like that. And then when I started like just getting in the habit of when I had time to do the work, Hmm.
I just felt so much more rewarding when I forced myself to do that. - Well, it depends on the type of work. If the work is streaming, for example, that's like so predictable. I can be like, okay, I need to be live by this time and I end at this time. But if it's like something creative where let's say I'm scripting or let's say I have to think of ideas or something like that, nothing is getting done if I know I have like engagement or if I have an important thing
- Yeah, I need to give myself a weekend. Otherwise I'm never gonna have a weekend. Like a full weekend with like no work. - Exactly. So what do you normally do in that fucking period? Is that when you like peak work hours for you in the night period or? - I would say so. - Oh, okay, okay. - I try. - Or do you still like game a lot and shit like that? What are you playing right now?
- Don't look at me. - What are you playing? - Say it, say it, say it. - League of Legends. - Oh, we have another one. - I'm sorry. - You back? - I see Connor on all the time. - I was playing a five day straight. - Yeah, he was doing a five day straight, yeah. - I got to play it in TFT though. - Congrats, congrats. - Wait, but when you say league, you mean TFT or you mean? - He does both, he does both. - You do both? - I sadly do both.
- Well, like it depends. - It depends if I like it. 'Cause I have, I come and go on League. I'll have long periods where I don't play the game. And then just like a drug, it comes back and. - Yeah, you relapse? - I noticed I usually relapse during Worlds because. - It's always during Worlds. - Everyone relapses. - I want that feeling, girl. - You're like, let's have a time. And then you go on in 10. - Yeah. - I do like TFT because you can, if you have two monitors,
- You just chill, you get your coffee, do your little morning TFT. It's like gambling, it's just gambling. Gambling for LP. - You're on that second one of the shit, man. - Yeah. - Damn. - Fuck, another one back into league, Jesus. - I'm so sorry. - Yeah. - I did enjoy our stint in Korea where we were just like at a PC bang. - That was fun. - Why are we doing that again? - We need two more people. - We got Emily. - We got Emily. - We need to find a fifth.
- We need one more person then. - Joey. - Joey. - Joey. - Joey. - Joey. - You mean support. - I would rather do drugs. - It's the same thing. - It's more fun. - You get that dopamine hit. - Yeah, I can get that any other way. - Get that first blood. - I can get that any other way. - You didn't enjoy the league we played on the Trash Taste?
- Fuck no. - She was ass. - He played a Maokai Aram and he did a good job. - Yeah, I pressed two buttons and they were like, he's the goat. - That's all you need bro, that's all you need. - Oh yeah, such a dopamine hit man. - They got a champion for everybody. - Such a dopamine hit.
- Yeah. - So you've been in Japan for like, how long now? Like two years, two and a half years? - Yeah, two years. - Yeah, fuck man. - Last time you came on, you just moved here. - Yeah, you had just moved here. - Now it's your perspective changed or? - When you guys were like, before we started recording, you're like, "Oh, when's the last time you came here?" And I was like, "A year ago?" And you're like, "Two years." I was like, "What?" - Yeah. - I think you came just as you moved.
Yeah, I did. I guess, how have you found Japan over the three years? It's great. I got no complaints. I don't work at a, you know, the salaryman job, so I think it's great. You miss home a lot?
- Yeah, yeah, we come and go. I definitely wanna go back. Christmas. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You gotta go back for Christmas and everything. - It's just nice having your own place too 'cause I was sharing with my parents for a very, very long time. - Yeah. - My basement. Yeah, it was good times. - He made it out the basement boys. - Good times. - Is there anything that's grown on you in Japan? - Oh yeah, of course. - Any particular thing that you're like, I love this?
I like... I kind of like how people keep to themselves. I kind of like that. Bro. Proper introvert society. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like it. I don't know. It's nice...
- Like going about your day without some guy screaming at the top of his lungs, like every two seconds, you know. - That's New York. - Yeah, that is New York. - That's New York. - Or like, yeah, I lived in New York for like four years. And like, you know, when you go on the bus, you just gotta pray that like someone doesn't annoy you, you know? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And gamble every time. - Yeah. - No, JR, I mean, Japan is the perfect place for that. You got some favorite Japanese food now that you've been here for a year?
- Gotta think about it. - It's not my mood really. - What's like something that you've like grown a liking that maybe you'd never tried it before. - You prefer udon, right? - Soba, I really like cold soba. - Cold soba, sorry. - Cold soba, oh my.
- Wait, you don't like cold soba? - Always hot. I want it always hot. - It tastes way worse. - I always get a cold. - His mind is just broken just to thinking like, "I need hot stuff." - At that point, just get ramen. - No, 'cause I love the hot soba. It's so good. - Hot soba is actually like the inferior way to have soba. - I agree. - It is. - It is. - I'm sorry. - I'm right. I'm right. - I just feel like it's not a meal if it's cold in my head. I don't know why.
- In my head, I associate like meals with warm. I don't know. Like, I just don't think of like, it's great. I don't know why. And I recognize that I am wrong for that. Yeah. - That's because you grew up in like a colder environment probably. - I guess. I mean, you just never think of having cold dinner. - I do too, but I like a cold so- Oh yeah, I don't know. - It's just my head. I just don't think of like a dinner or like a, you know, whatever meal you have at the end of the day. That always has to be warm.
- Okay. - It looks like sushi. I don't know why sushi, I'm like whatever. - Well, I used to think that way with cold ramen, but I was like, you know what? In the summer, cold ramen kind of slaps like the little ice cube in it. - I agree. - Oh, the hiaschuka? - Yeah. - Ice cube in it? - Oh yeah, hiaschuka or like daeming is like the really, really cold. - Well, I don't know what the Korean one is called, but I like that one.
- The cold Korean noodles. - Yeah, the cold Korean noodles. - That's good. - Yeah, they're so good. - It's gotta be warm. - Every dish can be improved by being warm. - Even in the summer? - Even in the summer, especially in the summer. - Do you sweat a lot? - What do you mean especially in the summer? - I sweat like a motherfucker. - Oh, okay, me too. - You know what's weird though is that like I completely disagree with you on the food needs to be warm, but like I can't have cold coffees. - I always prefer hot coffee. - I always, it could be like 45 degrees outside and I'm like, give me a hot coffee.
I'm like hot inside. When I'm out, it's cold coffee. Yeah. I can't do that. Always going to be warm. It has to be hot. Yeah. I mean, it's, you know.
- It's not too controversial. - I don't know if it is. - No. - No, you know, it's a preference. - Cold coffee just tastes like a little dessert. I don't know why. - It doesn't feel like it wakes me up. It doesn't feel like the caffeine is working. - Do you think the caffeine actually has an effect or was it like placebo? - No, it's definitely placebo, but it works better when it's hot. - I also think that like you naturally drink it at a good pace when it's hot. It's cooling down, it slows you, you know, it's just a good,
- It's a good sipping drink when it's hot. - How much do you think the process of waking up is like placebo? 'Cause I can't feel like properly awake until I've had my shower. I don't know why. - No, I'm the same. It's your eyes. The heat gets to your eyes and it makes your eyes refresh, at least for me. - I just wash my face.
and that wakes me up. - Yeah, I guess the water in your eye, I think it's just your eyes. You just gotta heat up your eyes with like water, maybe cold water. - Heat up your eyes, cook your eyes. - Cook your eyes. - Eyes are always better when they're warm. - Yeah, I don't know. Like some people, they need their morning coffee before they feel like awake. I need like a shower. I just need like me time. - I need both. - Yeah, 'cause I remember you mentioned the other day where you were like, oh, I don't listen to music anymore when I'm like in a taxi. - Just like ever.
- You don't listen to music ever? - I just realized I sat there and I was like, I don't think I've listened to music like in a month. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I just don't. Like when I'm having like a taxi ride, I just want silence. - Oh, I get that. I used to be like that. - 'Cause I need time to think. I realized that when you- - About what? - Just everything. 'Cause I realized like, I had this realization that like I,
I was constantly distracting myself. Whenever there was an empty moment, I was always having to play music, watch a YouTube video, play a game. I was like, I never give myself the chance to just sit there and think. - I'm sure 99% of the people out there can relate to that. Everyone's overstimulated. - And I realized that you need to have that 10, 20 minutes in the day where you just have nothing, no stimulation, just to be able to process.
- See that's my shower time or shit time. - In the shower somewhat you have like an objective, but you still get to think like you're still doing something right? - Well, it's the same way as like being in a taxi. You have the objective of getting you to your destination. - I'm not telling him where to go. I'm not directing him.
- With a shower, you just have the water running and you just like- - But you're just talking about ritual. Everyone has a morning ritual. - No, but like- - I think that's your morning ritual, right? - You just need silence sometimes. You need silence. - Well, that's your morning ritual, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Silence. It's kind of like meditating, to be honest. Thinking is just meditation. - Yeah, yeah, for sure. - Thinking is just meditation. - I mean, I know you're just not supposed to think, but-
- You're not supposed to think when you meditate. - I'm sure people listening to this podcast, right? To distract themselves from that moment. - Yeah. - And I implore you to give yourself five minutes where you can in the day where you can- - If you use trash for meditation, I'm sorry. - Medication. - I feel like we've become too comfortable in distracting ourselves. And I felt that way too. - It's too easy. - Yeah, it's too easy to like- - I wake up, open my packet TCG pocket.
- Get all basic Pokemon? Cool, man. Got my dopamine hit. - But do you sometimes feel like, to me sometimes, it depends on the music obviously, but sometimes that helps me lock in in terms of like- - It can do. - For me, it completely, no, I get the whole overstimulating thing. I totally agree with that. But that's why if I want a time to just relax or meditate or just think about things, I put on the appropriate music, whether that be like- - Wait, really? You can think with music on?
- It depends. It's like, I can't obviously like blast fucking Daft Punk and be like, all right, let's time to medicate. - You're definitely a music guy though. - Why do I keep saying medicate? - Yeah, yeah. - 200%. - I don't know why I keep saying medicate. Sorry, meditate. Yeah, but like, you know, you can play like, you know, very quiet jazz or you can play like ambient music, like something that's like not too stimulating, but still there's something there. - I don't know, silence hit different though. Silence hit different. - For me, I need to be like, it's weird, okay? Because I actually,
When I was jet lagged, this time my jet lag for some reason was like super fucking bad. And then I tried my meditation techniques that I learned from like, you know, when I was at a monk and it just wasn't hidden. I don't know. - Really? - Yeah, it just wasn't hidden. And so I don't know if I've changed since I was like younger. So I tried like the meditation techniques. So there is also like a walking meditation technique where
you're doing the same like breathing techniques and you're getting to that same mental place. But instead of like sitting still, you are like walking back and forth, like in a certain pattern. And like, it took me like five minutes and I was like, conk the fuck out. So, and I realized for me, I concentrate best
Maybe it's my ADHD. I concentrate best when I have some kind of like just subtle like stimulation. So in this case, when I walk from a, I fucking love walking and just listening to music. This is why I'm a beeps and boops guy. I phase out the music.
And it's just vibes and I'm walking and I'm like, that's when I think that's when I'm like, oh, oh shit. - Yeah, that's why when I'm like out or I'm like going somewhere traveling anywhere by like train or whatever, like I always want music on because it's like the best way to just like shut out the world and just be in my own world and like think about things and whatever. - That goes back, sorry to interrupt you. - No, that's all right. - I'm not used to this. That goes back to like the 3:00 AM walk is like if I listened to like
- Slow jazz. It's like a vibe. - No, 100%. I agree with that. But also you can do that at 3:00 PM as well. - There's people. - It's fine. - It's a different vibe. But it's sometimes even too strong. 'Cause I remember this one time in university,
I don't know if I've already told this up, I guess I'll repeat it anyway. But I remember this one time in university where, so I was going to my labs. So we have labs every Thursday and this one week we had a lab in a different building in a different place on the opposite side of campus. So I make a mental note. So I'm like, all right, you're walking here.
and then I start walking, put on my music and I just don't remember the journey. I quick teleported. - Fast travel. - I fast traveled and then I looked up and I was like,
- Why did I end up at my, in the wrong place? - I had never done that. - Yeah, I know that feeling. It's like when you're like, all right, here we go. Let's start traveling. And then before you know it, you've activated the wrong loading zone. And you're like, oh, I don't remember getting here. - How the fuck does that happen? - I don't know. - Because sometimes you just be listening to music and again, you just like, you just know, you just get so absolved into it. And then before you know it, you're just like, wait, where?
- My brain was just on autopilot. - Yeah. - I definitely know. - Oh, actually, actually, I wanna know. Okay, so I don't know what the word is, but there's a chart for if I tell you like an object, how high definition is that object? - Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about. - Yeah. - What is that chart called? - It's the apple, the apple. - The apple one, the apple one. So if I tell you to think of a red apple,
Can you find this chart? - How detailed do you think of it? - How detailed is it? How detailed is the apple? If I tell you to think of a red apple. - Oh, it's like a mega detailed. - He's an artist. - He's an artist, right? - You know what threw me off? You know when you fap? - Yeah. - I had some friends that were just like,
- They were like, I can't imagine, I need porn. I can't imagine it. - I think that's a very common problem. - Yeah, and I was like, what? You can't imagine like every scenario and every like situation? Like, that's crazy. - Your mental diff. - Yeah, mental diff. - So yeah, for me, if I think of a red apple, I see number one. I can see number one in my mind. - Yeah. - See for me, I see number two. - You see number two? - Oh, so this is, is this accurate? - I don't know. - Why would it be like gray and black and stuff?
- Some people don't think about the color. - Oh, they can't see the color? - Some people can't see the color. - They can't think of it? - And some people can't think of anything. - What? - You know, some people don't have an internal monologue. Like for example. - Some people will have to watch porn. - I know that. - I was like, huh? - Wait, wait, wait, wait. So do you exclusively jack off to your imagination? - I do both.
- I can pick and choose. I have the luxury of picking and choosing. - He could be watching and then be like, let me switch it. - Sometimes they hit different. - I don't think I use my imagination that often. I'm too lazy. - Really? - I'm not, I'm not trying to fucking make up a world in an OC. - Trying to beat my meat and be done with it.
- Yeah, I mean, it's like swiping a credit card for me. I just wanna be done with it. - It depends if you want it quickie or not, you know? - Oh wait, how HD are your dreams? - I don't dream.
You do. Okay. When you remember your dreams. Let me preference this. All right. I barely remember my dreams. I'm like, it's like a video game. I load a save file. I wake up. Oh, okay. I only remember my dreams if it's really, really bad, which is not that often. I'm the same. Right? Exactly the same. Yeah. I don't know. Emily cheating on me. I'm like, what the heck, Emily? But the problem is that my nightmares are like,
- Too real. - Nah. - Yeah. - Like they're like, I can go, I think I have one nightmare where I did a whole week of college and I woke up and I realized I have to get to class. - You lived a whole week? - A whole week of college. Like going to class, going to bed, waking up. - That sounds fucking exhausting.
- Well, it only happened once in my life, but I was just like, that was the worst nightmare I've ever had. I literally lived life without even like- - Living life. - I've had those dreams as well where I sometimes wake up more tired than when I went to bed because my brain was so active during my dreams. - Yeah, right, right. Your brain is, I feel that. You know when you're like closing your eyes and you're aware, you're like kind of awake and you're like- - Yeah. - Yeah. - I don't have that, but like definitely the worst nightmare I had was like, it was like some inception shit. It was like, it was a dream of me
in my bed that I was actually sleeping in and then keep falling asleep and then waking up again. So after a while I was like, I don't know if this is a dream. - Yeah, yeah, okay. - So when I finally woke up, I was like,
I had to start like touching things and be like, oh shit, okay, we're good. - That is very inception. - It was fucked. - This is like- - But I also like have this thing where it's like, I don't remember exactly what the dream was. It's like, I see it really vividly and in my head I'm like, okay, I'm gonna try and remember this dream when I wake up. And then the moment I wake up, it just fades away.
- The more I try to think about it. - I know that as well. - It's like, let's remember this dream. Wait, what was it again? - Right, right, right. - There are only like few dreams I end up like ever remembering. It just like, you know, just kind of like disappears. - Yeah, mine is always the bad one. - For some reason I have dreams that I still remember that I had as a kid that like was so surreal that I still have this like core memory of just like, oh, this is like the first time that I've had a dream this fucking vivid.
- Yeah, I had a dream when I was a child where I like fell down the stairs in my house and
I think I had that dream when I was like seven years old. And ever since then, the stairs to my house, you know how they're like spiraled? - Yeah. - Yeah. I became terrified of those stairs. - Oh, so you had a reoccurring dream? - Kind of, yeah. Where I just like kept falling down these stairs in my house where I'm like, I know I'm not gonna fall over 'cause I go down these stairs every day of my life. But ever since I had these like recurring dreams of me falling down those stairs, as a kid, I would just like hesitate at the top being like,
- All right, hold on. Here we go. - I never had a reoccurring dream. - I know Sydney has. Sydney got this huge fear of like,
- Lifts elevators for like a long time. - The falling elevator dream? - Because she had the falling elevator dream. And I'm sure there's like some meaning to it. - What the fuck is like a thing? - Supposedly there are like these, it's like, you know, there's like a reoccurring dream that a lot of people have of like their teeth falling out. - It reminds me of the underwear dream. People always talk about the underwear. - And apparently there's like some kind of meaning to it. - Underwear dream?
- Well, there's also the dream of like you standing in front of a crowd, but like butt naked. - Yeah, there's always- - I've had that dream. - That's also a reoccurring dream. - I've had that dream. - You're one of those. - You're one of those. - Apparently, yeah, there are these, just these like really common dreams and apparently, yeah, I think it's like, if you have a dream of like with your teeth falling out, it's got like, has to do with some kind of like anxious moment in my life. - Realistic enough, I know the dreams and I'll stop. - So you can lucid dream? - Well, I know when they're not real.
- Right. - Really? Does it look like N64 graphics to you? - Yeah, it's like all blurry. - Wait, really? - It's all blurry. - Oh. - Nothing's like clear. - Wow, that's kind of neat. - But because the emotions feel real, your body, like it doesn't matter. You can't like distinguish that. - So do you have a fun time?
- Sometimes I have a great time. - I always get jealous when people are like dreaming, they're like, "Oh yeah, that's what happened to my dream." And I'm like, "Oh man." - I'm jealous of people who can like perfectly recount everything that happened in their dream. - I can do that sometimes. - Is it practice? It's like practice, right? - No. - I thought you had to like write down like- - I think some people can just do it. - Well, it's just like, it's weird because Sydney dreams every single night and I know,
apparently everyone dreams every single night. But for me, I wake up 90% of the nights, I'm like, I don't remember like anything. - I'll just say this, my favorite sleeps are when I'm like, I'm gonna go to bed now. And then I immediately fall asleep and then I perfectly wake up.
and then you're like, "All right, I'm ready to go." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's the safe state. - Just like, it's literally like there is no waking up in the middle of the night. The wake up is flawless. The go to sleep is flawless. It's a perfect split of sleep. - It's the JRPG sleeping in and in type of night. - Yeah. - And you're using plays and then it's just like you're up. - Those sleeps are the fucking best. 'Cause you're like, boom, 9:00 AM, I'm ready to go. What's up? - No time wasted. - No tiredness at all. I'm just fucking good to go. Perfectly timed my alarm. Everything's perfect.
- Like when you wake up literally one minute before your alarm. That's like fucking Thanos level of power. I wake up and I'm like, it's 8:55. And I look at my thing. - No, actually, you know what? I hate those actually. - No, I love that. 'Cause I know that my body is perfectly timed. - No, because 99 out of a hundred times I do that. Like, okay, let's say I like set an alarm for like 8:30, right? And I'm just like, okay, I'll be able to get plenty of sleep. And then, you know, you go to bed
You go to sleep, you wake up and you're like, oh fuck, please tell me it's like 6:00 AM and it's like 8:25. It's like, oh! - I like that my body timed that shit for me. I'm so generous. - But you're so tired, you're like, I probably have a couple of hours. - I would have crushed it in the peasant ages, bro. I would have woke up on time every time. I would have been awake. I'd have been like, all right, 4:00 AM, I'll wake up. Like how do you wake up at 4:00 AM before if they're like an early morning? How do they do that shit?
- They must have had like a Looney Tunes trap to like wake them up or something. - No, it's probably like a chicken. - They used to pay people to go around and fucking wake people up. - Oh really? - Yeah, in Victorian England, they used to pay people to wake people up. - But the people who needed to wake up to- - How did those people wake up? - How did those people wake up? - I think there was night owls.
That was his job. That was your job. Just like me for real. They used to go around. A couple of pints. A couple of pints just waking people up. I guess we could talk about weight loss. Oh yeah. Please do. What was the secret? I lost 50 pounds. You know what the secret is? What's that in real measurement? Chicken and broccoli.
- Chicken and broccoli diet takes another victim. - I feel bad because I was like, cause Emily cooks and she's like, I'm tired of chicken, making chicken and broccoli. And like, I can't really cook, but like her food's so good. I was just like,
- But like she helped me a lot with it because she, you know, I don't think I'd be too lazy to like eat healthy. - Yeah. - I feel like so sure. - Yeah. - Helps me a lot. Chicken probably is just OP. - It's so OP bro, tastes good. - It is. - I like a good salad. - I'm like a dog where I can eat the same meal like seven days in a row. - Yeah, me too. - Yeah, me too. - What's that meme again of the old guys like, "This is bloody love."
- Oh yeah. - It's like dogs after giving the same meal. - Sydney has like a max of like two meals in a row before she needs to like change things up. I'm like, what? Why? Why? - I just can't beat it. When you find something, you find something.
- Yeah, I can eat the same meal five days in a row and if it's healthy as well. That's why every time I trust these office, I have the exact same fucking- - Same. I have the taco rice every time. - Exact same salad, never gets boring. I still have that shit at home as well. - Still hard though. Like weight loss is so hard. - It's not really a one done. It's a continuous thing. - I'm doing it so extremely slowly.
- At least you're making it. - That's a healthy way to do it. - Yeah, I'm making progress. - It's hard, food just tastes so damn good. - I know. - That is the problem. - I just eat whatever the fuck I want and then occasionally I'm like, I should probably eat really healthy right now.
- Yeah. - Yeah, I think going back for Christmas vacations is gonna be tough too. - Oh, of course, yeah. - I'm not gonna die on vacation. I don't die on vacation. - Yeah, you just can't think like, when you're around like family, like once a year, you can't be like, "I wanna eat this shit." - Yeah, I'm not doing that. - It's like, that's the future me to figure out after I come back. - Bring me the eggnog. - We'll be diet friendly afterwards. You know, we'll work out. - Yeah, we'll figure it out. - For me, it's a constant cycle between whenever I'm traveling versus whenever I'm in Japan. And I'm like, okay, I'm traveling.
I'm eating fucking shit because I'm traveling. I want to enjoy the food there. I come out to Japan. All right, back to diet. - Back to the salads, baby. - It is gaining and losing the same few pounds like monthly for me on a monthly cycle. - What's your goal right now in terms of like your weight loss stuff? - Oh, just...
From when I used to be. I still don't feel comfortable in my body because I used to be like, I don't know, 175 pounds or something like that. That would be nice just to get back from where I was. Yeah, for sure. It's just hard, man. It's hard. I think how you used to look, I was like –
- Oh, I was miserable. - Yeah, I mean, I think, you know, I think, you know, obviously set a goal, but you don't need to be as thin as you were back then. - Yeah, it'd be nice. - I mean, it is nice, but I feel like- - I just like food too much. - Yeah, I think you'd have a miserable time trying to get there. - Yeah, and also I think, you know, gaining like a bit of healthy weight is,
- Yeah, not a bad thing at all. - More muscles, huh? - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - I have the problem is like, when I eat healthy, I don't work out. And when I eat unhealthy, I work out. I don't know what, I wish I could just combine them both for the perfect equation, but I just like, it's just really hard for me. - Yeah, for sure. - 'Cause definitely I have gained a little bit of weight since,
even the side of Trash Taste. Can you go to Trash Taste? - We all look thinner. - Yeah, can you go to Trash Taste episode one? - We all look way thinner on Trash Taste. - And I look like a different person. - Y'all look the same. - I look at that and I'm like. - Oh, I see now. - I've gained like a little bit of weight, you know. - Bro, you look, get out of here. - But no, no, no, it doesn't bother me. - Bro, you just went in a sweatshirt, bro. Get out of here. - Bro, you literally look the same. Get out of here, bro. - Dude, I mean, I was like six kilograms lighter there.
- I was probably about 10. - That's barely noticeable. - I was probably about 10 kilograms heavier there. - All muscle, all muscle. - I was about seven kilograms lighter there. But you know, I look at that and I'm like, that was pretty thin actually. - Yeah, it's fine. - That was pretty thin. - It's fine. - I'm not exactly- - That was quite thin, isn't it? - I'm not exactly overweight now. I'm comfortable with that, you know? So, you know, I think- - I feel like this is too thin. - Huh? - I feel like it's too thin. - Might even be too thin, who knows? - You do look quite thin though.
- I'm like gone with a bit of meat. - All right, all right, all right. I didn't think I was going to an Asian family reunion here. I'm gonna get this next week. - One of those Asian grandmas can tell you to eat more. - You're gonna show it to every Asian grandma. - Always gotta say it. - It's either eat less or eat more. You know I go there and you're like, wow, you are the perfect weight right now. I have no complaints. - I hate when they go, don't you think you put too much rice on your plate? And you're like, bro.
I'm like, oh, I'm sorry. You're not the one force feeding me seven meals a day. - This is so annoying, man. They do that every time. It's just weird that it's like globally like Asian grandmas too. - Oh, 100%. - It's Asian grandmas and great Asian aunts. - So true. They just straight up be like, you look fatter. - I'm like, oh bro. - I'm kind of glad I'm here 'cause the bread is ass. But when I'm back in Europe, oh my God, the bread. I eat way too much bread.
I think I have like the average daily calories for a man is what, like 2000? - Yeah. - That's my bread portion of the day. And then it's the other food. - Yeah. - I just eat, dude. - Bread is delicious. - Dude, bread's so good. - Yeah. - I'm so glad this ass here. - Yeah, I'm gonna have a terrifying amount of bread, cheese and beer when I'm back in Australia.
You know what? Just remind me of something. Is that like some people, like when I was losing weight, some people were like, oh, it's because you lived in Japan. It's a lot easier to eat cleaner in Japan. No, it's not real. It's so much. It's actually harder because if you don't cook, if you don't cook, it's actually really hard to lose weight because everything is rice, fried chicken, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried, fried. When you get a vegetable, they give you broccoli. It's like two broccoli.
And then just cabbage. Like there's your cabbage, right? That's like the only vegetables you get. Cabbage is the big one. You really have to go to the grocery store. But the sad part is that like when you buy groceries, it's more expensive than eating out actually. For the most part. Yeah. It's just like, this is sad. Or in the supermarket, they'll sell the meals. Hmm.
It's like a tonkatsu for like 500 yen. And you're like, I couldn't make a tonkatsu for less than 500 yen. What the fuck? How are you making any money from this? I don't know how this makes sense. But in America, a lot more temptation. That's for sure. I think that's the problem. The temptation in America is very high. When you get the temptation in America, you also get triple the size. Right, exactly. Because if I order wings here, I'll get the puniest, tiniest little like fucking three wings with no meat on them in America. But I order a side of wings.
I get the whole goddamn entree. It's like a fucking 18 giant colossal. Yeah. Right, right, right. You get the whole fucking chicken coop. Yeah. When you go out to eat in America, it's like an experience, I guess, because it is upcharged, right? Like the tipping and everything. But it's also just way too much fucking food, dude. But what I do like about it is that like when you, you, if you want to be healthy, when you choose to be healthy in America, you can, it's really easy. Yeah. But you also have to pay triple the price.
I don't know. Because healthy... Getting a salad in Japan is very expensive, but you don't tip at least, right? Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. It's like getting a salad in, like, L.A. or, like, America or anywhere. It's usually, like, way... Yeah. And it's, like, 40 bucks for some lettuce. It's, like, cool. Like, $30 for a salad. I think on average, if you're not in L.A.,
I think like a salad is like 14 bucks, 15 maybe. - So it is kind of similar to Japan then. - Yeah, it is. - That's if you're buying from the store, right? - Yeah. - If you're making it yourself, obviously. - But then I think the delivery fees and all that stuff, if you were to deliver it, it's way higher in America. - I don't even touch Uber if I'm in America. - Yeah. - I don't touch it. - It's absolutely ridiculous. - The average main salad meal in US restaurants costs $10. - Yeah, like 12, 14. - Yeah.
- I'll always get a Caesar salad in America. - I will too. - I'm like, who wants to split? - You need to split the salad in America. - So good, bro. - Yeah. - It's so good though. - It's very delicious. - I will say, I'll give you the Americans credit. The salads they make, they're like fucking, they're not healthy. - Oh my God, yeah. - But they taste so good. - I usually, if I do order a Caesar salad in America, I have to be like, I love the dressing, but just tone it down. - And nothing like we have fried bacon bits, we got crispy onion. I'm like,
- Oh, the crispy onions, let's go. - What does the salad appear on the salad? - Croutons, croutons, croutons. Dressing, you're like, how many? Oh, one lettuce? - Yeah. - Okay, got it. - And a fistful of croutons. - Oh, dude, yeah, I buy croutons in America to bring to Japan because they don't have the big croutons. - I hate the big croutons, bro. Why would I want a fucking Lego-sized brick of croutons? - They're so good. - That's so much crouton. I just want a tiny little bit.
- Yeah, but like the American, I mean the Japanese croutons are not seasoned. - I don't understand croutons. - I don't eat seasoned croutons. I just eat crisp. - You need the crunch. - It's just a little bit of a crunch. - Just crunch. - Yeah. - I like the garlic taste. - Oh my God, just add garlic to it. - It's the texture. - Is it? - Yeah. - The texture, it's like eating, yeah, as Connor said, it's like eating Legos.
- Sandy Legos. - They give you these brown bricks. - Yeah, I hate that shit. - That I swear are meant to, that they are a plant by dentists to fuck your teeth up. - There needs to be like just a small little brick. - Tiny, tiny. - Just a tiny, tiny crunch. - And then the crunch. - In America, I'll get a fucking salad and I put the, you know, you have a spoon, you have the crouton, you put it in your mouth,
- And then if you put it in your mouth the wrong way, then like the corner stabs the inside of your mouth. - It's like a fucking bed frame in my fucking salad bowl. - I mean, I like it, but I can see it. I get it. - And then we go to Costco and then you're like, dude, they got the croutons. And then he's like, literally, I kid you not.
- This big, the croutons. - Yes. - They're this big and I'm like, nobody- - You know how rare that is? - Nobody needs this fucking Rubik's cube sized ass crouton. This is ridiculous. - Just buy a fucking bread roll dude. - God bless, God bless Costco. - This is like 16 times the size of a normal crouton. At this point, you may as well just not eat a salad.
There's three things I bring from America. Ranch. Yeah, of course. Chick-fil-A sauce. Of course. And then, you know, the croutons. What?
- Why? - Okay, hold on. You were doing so well up until that point. - I was like, "Agree, agree, what?" - Premier crouton importer. - I just wanna understand your mind with croutons. - Oh, yeah. - I have one more actually. - What? - Well, I just started doing this, but like wonton chips, very hard to get here. They don't exist here. - What is a wonton chip?
- You know when you go to like- - You said that, I already know why it doesn't exist. - You know when you get egg drop soup in the Chinese restaurants and they put wonton chips in it? - Oh! - The ones that go in your soup. - This one. - What? - Yeah, that one. - The ones that go in your soup. - The middle bottom. - The middle bottom. - Is just wonton. - That one? - Yeah. - Oh, one more to the right? Yeah, that one. - Isn't this just wonton? - I definitely have- - Well, no, that's a different version. Like that's the one you dip. - First of all, I've definitely seen these in Japan before.
- I don't know what you're on about. - These are definitely- - No, like ordering it yourself. Like I think it's hard to find. Every grocery store I went in, I like couldn't find them. - No, you can't go to grocery- - You gotta go to like an import store. - Isn't this, wait, wait, wait, hold up, hold up, hold up. - Even if, it's still hard if you go to import stores. - I've definitely seen these in international stores. - Is there any filling in them? - I'll find it, I'll have to look for it. - Is there any filling in them?
- No. - So is this just not deep fried wonton pastry? - Yeah. - I guess so. - Essentially what it is. - Definitely get that. - You can definitely get that. - No, no, no, no, but there's type that go in soup.
- You gotta take wonton like crisp soup. - It all goes in soup. - It can all go in soup. - They all go in soup, right? - Also, if you're gonna put it in soup, then just eat a fucking wonton. - Yeah. - Oh, it's good. - Eat a regular wonton if it's gonna go in soup. - No, it's different with the soup that's like all over it, you know, developed all over it. - Oh my God.
- Yo, I don't want to hear from you guys. You guys have the worst food taste. - That's why we invited you on. We needed someone to counter, man. - Yeah, counter. - What's the way, so what's the difference between this and just like regular wonton soup?
- I don't think there is. - Wanton soup has like the wonton that's like soft and- - Yeah, but this one is just deep fried, right? - This is crunchy. Like you put it in your egg drop soup or something. - That's such like an American meme. Just deep fry it and I'll eat it. - That's good. You put it in chicken soup, that's good too. - No, it is good. - You get the crunch. - It's like, I don't like soft wonton, so I'm going to make it hard and then make it soft again by putting it in the soup.
- I get it, it looks fire. - Yeah, no, it is good. - I mean, it's just like choice. You don't always have to put it in. - I just think you can definitely make this yourself. - I've definitely also seen this in international stores. So you need to go to some international stores. - Just need to get some wonton pastry and just. - That requires cooking Garnt. - All right. - I could cook. I only know how to make eggs. - Yes you can. Anyone can learn how to cook. - My go-to college food was,
- Hot dogs and rice. - Anyone can learn how to cook. You're just too lazy to learn how to cook. - This is an abomination of a combo. - Hot dogs and rice was, it slaps. - Tell me your Southeast Asian- - You ever had hot dogs and mac and cheese?
- That sounds good. - With the ketchup. - With ketchup on it. - Wait, hold on. - What? - You lost me. - No. - Mac and cheese with ketchup. - No. - Mac and cheese with ketchup? - That's disgusting. - That's a struggle meal. - I love ketchup as much as the next guy, but you don't need, mac and cheese doesn't need ketchup. - Have you tried it?
- You don't need mac and cheese has flavor on its own. You don't need ketchup. - Putting a sauce on a sauce is kind of gross. - It's got cheese sauce. - Have you ever seen that? You remember the SpongeBob episode where he puts like ketchup on onions and it's supposed to be gross. - Yeah. - I'm like that looks delicious.
- I would eat that. - Have you tried it? - Yeah, I have actually. It is pretty good. - Was it good? - It is pretty good. - Oh my God. - Yeah, raw onion and just like put the ketchup on it. I remember that episode. - Oh my God, no. - Any other bad food takes you wanna get out while you're here? - I mean, you gotta have to talk about memory. I don't have bad food taste. - I would eat ketchup on top of mac and cheese. - Ketchup on mac and cheese is pretty fine. - Yeah. - I disagree.
- What else you eat at university? Was it just- - Yeah, what other struggle meals were you having? - Struggle meals? Yeah, yeah. - Any vegetables? - I did stir fry a lot with like egg and rice. - Okay. - Okay, okay. That's good, that's good. - I did do this thing where you buy instant ramen. - Yeah. - And you just put on the wok and you make,
- You make like a stir fry kind of like- - Probably pretty fire. - Yeah, you put broccoli and then like onion and cabbage. - That sounds great. - Like stir fry noodles. - Yeah. - Did you ever do the forbidden tech with instant noodles? - The egg? - No, no, no. Just getting a packet of ramen, putting the seasoning on it, crushing it up. - And eating it raw. - And eating it raw? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What? - The mammy noodle technique. - The mammy, yes.
- I did that a couple of times, but like in my, sometimes I'm just like, I'd rather just have it cooked. - No. - I mean, I- - That's never a case where I wouldn't just cook it. - I mean, I used to do that until they introduced- - 'Cause you turn it into a snack. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You turn it into a snack. - Yeah. - Oh, it's so good. - It becomes like, it becomes like baby star ramen. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- But like bro with the right flavor. - But the struggle version. - 'Cause it's not a meal. - I was down for the hot dog and rice. This was a bit much. - No, it's so good. - It is good. - Hot dog and rice is a college classic. - I mean, I just love hot dogs. So like, yeah, this is great. Anything hot dog, anything can be improved with a hot dog.
I agree. A glizzy, a good glizzy. I agree with that. Just grill it, make it crispy, and then you can cut it up. You can put it in anything. That's another problem with Japan. Their hot dogs are not good. It's because they always boil them. Then they use weird bread.
- Yeah, the bread is kind of shit. - You don't use the correct bread. - It is a fucking battle to get hot dog buns here that are good. - I mean, it's a struggle to just get good bread. - Actually, when I go anywhere like away from Japan, I think the first thing in my mind is like, I want a glizzy.
- Me too, me too, me too. - I mean, fair. - I think recently I've been missing like American food more and more. 'Cause I'm just like, I'm feeling it man. - 'Cause you're losing weight. Your body craves to put it back. - It's like, well, I need this. - Yeah, the American in you is like, you gotta pack it back in man. - Panda Express? - Panda Express. - I can't wait. - Bro, why'd you like Panda Express, bro? - Dude, it's crazy. At AX, I was like, hey guys, you guys wanna get
"Do you guys wanna get breakfast or get like a lunch?" It was like 10:00 AM. - Oh yeah. - And Emily goes, "We just ordered Panda Express." I was like, "At 10:00 AM? "You guys ordered Panda Express at 10:00 AM?" - Oh yeah. - I mean, Alex and I did a couple of 10:00 AM trips to Chick-fil-A. - Okay, Chick-fil-A, I'll allow. - I was like, "What the fuck?" - She was fired. - I was like, "Guys, we're gonna have some like salad "and some like steak." And they were like, "No, we ordered Panda Express "to our room at 10:00 AM." I was like, "That's degenerate."
Listen, I only have so many days to pick a day because usually when you go to AX, it's like, well, we're going here for dinner. I'm like, this is my only chance to order Panda. I mean, not going to lie, I would have joined them.
- Yes, my boy! - I would've joined them for that. - No, no. - Emily doesn't even like Panda Express, I make her. - You have to get it. - You know I have to eat this film. - That's how you know she, you got a good partner. - She cares about you too much. - She cares, she cares. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - She's poisoning her body with funding. - I appreciate it, I appreciate it. - She knows how much it means to me. - Panda Express. - She knows how much it means to me. - I have to. - What a good partner. - You been watching any anime recently? - Oh. - Oh.
I kind of slowed down, man. - Okay, I want to ask your opinion on, because I know me and you have very similar tastes when it comes to romance anime. I want to ask your opinion on what you think of modern romance anime. - Okay, all right. - That's right up my alley. - I just recently just finished. What's the girl with the blue hair? She's blue hair.
- That's not narrowing it down. - Oh! - Very new one, very new one. - I was about to say ReZero. - Shit, I know the exact one you're talking about. Losing Heroines. - Yes, yes. - Too many Losing Heroines. - Yes. - Yes.
Yeah. So I got six out of 10. Dude, they went really, they went way too. Let me, let me, let me see this way to trophy. This is one of the good ones. No modern ones, man. No, they, it's like, dude, they do so much. Like, Oh man,
- Oh man. - Why is that girl like her boobs are out in the middle of that? Why are boobs out and why she act like that? Why is the nurse like that? - Is this Kyoto Animation? - They went too hard on the tropes. - This is, I believe it looks like Kyoto Animation. I think it's A1 Pictures actually. - Not gonna lie, this looks right on my alley. - No, they tried way too hard. - This looks right on my alley. - What happened to the subtlety? - Because, okay.
- It's got Nate. - You can't fucking trust that. - I do like the blue hair girl. - I like the blue haired girl. - I like her. - So this is a romance anime that is from the perspective of
You know how you watch romance anime and there's always a winning girl and a losing girl. This is from the perspective of every girl has been the losing girl of their own prior romance anime. So it's kind of like a, not so much a subversion, but definitely it's self-aware about what it's doing. - It's a little too self-aware though. - It's a little too self-aware? - My life is not like a light novel. - Okay, okay, okay. - He's so boring. - That line is cringe. - No, no. - Okay, okay.
- I do have like a soft spot for some of them, but I am getting bored of there being so many comfort romance animes. - Yeah, this is comfort. - This is not comfort. There's actually drama in this one, you know? - Yeah, like- - Because they have to like- - It's shoehorned in and it was like, it was too much.
It was too much. It was too much? It reminds me of like Tora Dora where like Taika was like having a hissy fit in the classroom. I miss that shit nowadays. No, no. See, Tora Dora, like the Christmas episode with the goat episode where she's running out and the violin plays in. Oh, yeah. The overdramaticness of that. Yeah. Or like the... What's that one where they're underwater and then they grow up and then like they... Naginaskara. Yes. They have amazing like runaway scene in there. I think the drama was very well there. Naginaskara was great. This drama just felt like...
It was just like too hardcore for no reason. It was just like, it was too try hard, man. The main character I hate. - Like it wasn't natural? - Yeah, it wasn't natural. - I think the least interesting part of this was actually the main character. - So the main character, my problem with the main character is that he, I hate shows where he just doesn't do anything. And he's like, I'm a loser. I'm a loner. I just like being alone. - That's most anime. - I know, right? But all these hard,
Hot-ass girls come in and they're like I'm gonna start like hanging out with you every day for no reason like it just doesn't make any sense Yeah, I was just like what back of the day I felt like if the characters a loser he had a work for it remember is the manga is eyes. Yeah I Had to work for it Hina
- That guy, he had to do so much studying. - He had a glow up man there. - That boy was rising and grinding. - Like this character. - Modern romance, that's why like half I don't fucking watch. 'Cause yeah, there's a fucking loser guy that just is a loser and everyone loves him. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's like what a fucking self insert. - Romance has always been a self insert, but I feel like recently there's been this new genre that's come up, which is just like,
- What I used to like be okay with is like, okay, there's some self-insert, but at least there's like some juicy drama. - No, right, that's why I give it a six. It's not like totally bad. It was watchable. - But like there are so many romance anime nowadays, which is just like guy and girl, no conflict, no nothing. It's just comfy.
It's just this guy hanging out with this girl, except the girl speaks Russian maybe, or the girl forgets her glasses. - Yeah, the girl has some kind of quirk. - Oh, the glasses girl, that is. Oh my God, they gave me volume one of that, and I was like, this is the worst.
- I think it's like an infant kind of thing. - Put a bullet in my skull. - Yeah, like I gotta take care of this girl. She's a mess and I have to do everything for her kind of thing. That's what that show was, the glasses girl, right? With the orange hair. I gotta do everything for her. And I was just like, this is ridiculous. - This sounds shit. - I dropped it after like,
- Two episodes? - And like, there are some like good comfort romances out there, but I feel like nowadays there are just less and less romance anime that just have like even the slightest bit of like conflict or drama, right? And I fucking miss that so much. - I think though there might be a part where it kind of speaks on like maybe this new generation that just want like- - They do, it's fast food. - They just want like the fast food. Like, I just want to be comfortable. I don't want anything to go bad and you know. - She's like a Shindu Valley of anime, bro.
- Yeah. - That's what people want. They want the animal crossing of anime. - What it comes down to is it's too expensive to make anime now. And now that's where you go to manga for romance. That's where you get the good stuff. Like domestic girlfriend. That's the good stuff. - That is the good stuff.
- I was on board until you said that. - Wait, you think that's good? - It's good. - It's train wreck good. - It's train wreck good. - It's train wreck good. - Nah, it's ass. - Nah, it's ass. - Cheeks. - It's fucking great. - I understand when people call it ass, I allow it. - Yeah. - But it's, you know. - Yeah.
- It's one of those trash. - Yeah, the opposite does not apply. - I have no respect for it. - I have no respect for it. - 'Cause you recommended to me Blue Box recently. - I like Blue Box. - I like Blue Box. - The sport part, I mean, like when we're playing sports and stuff and then the romance is like second. - Yeah, I mean, it's just the sports manga. - I was like, well, if you wanna do sports manga, go follow the sports. - Blue Box. - Blue Box. - 'Cause I like sports manga, I love sports. I love sports anime and manga.
If you're gonna do sports, go all in. This one was like kind of half-assy and I was like, go back to the romance. - No, I was like, no, stay on the sport. I found the sport part more enjoyable. - I feel like I want like one or the other, kind of like slam dunk. They did have that little romance, but it was mostly just basketball. - Stay in your lane. - Yeah, exactly. Don't try and double dip. - Don't try and double dip. - And then like maybe at the end they can get with her
or whatever Naruto and Bleach and stuff. - After you become the champion and deserve it. - Yeah, exactly. - Of course. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - All right, sorry for that little tangent. I just wanted your opinion. - No, that's okay. - I hope people don't dunk on me for this 'cause this clearly has an eight, but like I think- - Fuck anime fans, they don't know what good romance is. - Yeah, they don't know anything. - Well, I think the problem is that like these new animes, like it's their first introduction to romance animes. Like we have like- - What is your goat then? - Experience.
- Go to? - What is your goat romance anime? - Oh look, "Clinet." - Hell yeah, brother. - Oh shit. - Hell yeah, brother. - Watching this made me like appreciate "Clinet." I was just like, oh man, "Clinet" did so well. - I think this one has potential. - It has potential. - It has potential. I enjoyed a lot of aspects of it and some aspects,
can be improved, but I actually really enjoyed this one out of like a lot of romances this year. - I enjoyed it like six out of 10. - You watched all the stuff? You watched all of this? - Yeah, I watched it all. - I think the main character is the problem is like if you compare it to Tomoya. - Yeah.
- Tobias is like such a good character. Like he gets the bitches because- - He works for it. - He works for it and he's cool as fuck. He's delinquent and then like, it just makes sense. - Yeah. - And he's funny. - What I liked about this one was that the girls don't even look at him as like in a romantic way. I was like, oh, they're just like genuinely just like,
- He's the gay best friend. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that is it. I was like, it would have put me off if this main character and all the girls suddenly had that, you know when the girls have like that fucking blush moment where they're like, "Ooh." I was waiting for that moment to come in here and they just never came. - It was like a slow burn. - Yeah, yeah. And I was like, "Oh, okay." It's like, I kind of liked that aspect of it. - I'm sure in the second season they'll start being like, "Oh, these feelings are, I just realized all this time we spent together. Oh my goodness."
- Before I knew it, I was in love with him. And it's like, shut the fuck up. - All right. But that has been this episode of Trash Taste. - Hey again, check out the boys and by the boys, I mean the Patreon boys, 'cause they support the show and they definitely subscribe to Spilled Inc. And if they're not, you should definitely do it right now.
- No worries. - But hey, if you want to support the show and check out exclusive weekly Patreon stuff, we have a brand new one for you guys right now. You can go check out after this episode. - Hey, if you want to check that out and support the show on the process, head on over to Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit. And if you had our face, listen to us on Spotify. Obviously go check out Spilled Inc. - And read "Love Hina."
Read Love Hina. Read Domestic Girlfriend. Let's chill. Let's chill. We'll see you guys next week. Bye.