cover of episode WE DON'T UNDERSTAND THE OLYMPICS | Trash Taste #217


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Trash Taste Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Joey: 我认为奥运会应该关注运动员的故事,而不仅仅是竞技结果。年轻运动员的出现虽然令人印象深刻,但他们的故事相对单薄,缺乏长期积累的经验和情感历程,这使得他们的成就缺乏一定的感染力。同时,我也认为奥运会的转播商对视频片段的版权保护过于严格,这使得观众难以完整地观看比赛和了解运动员的故事。 Garnt: 我同意Joey的观点,我认为15岁以下的孩子不应该在奥运会上取得顶峰成就。奥运运动员应该经历体育运动的各个阶段,包括失败,才能更好地理解竞技的意义。此外,奥运会奖牌计算方式也存在争议,我认为应该采用总奖牌数而非金牌数。 Connor: 我不喜欢奥运会上有小孩参赛,这让我觉得不太舒服。同时,我认为一些奥运项目的规则和执行方式存在问题,例如柔道比赛的数字转盘抽签方式容易让人质疑其公平性,澳大利亚街舞选手的表现也让人觉得是在装模作样。此外,奥运会转播商对视频片段的版权保护过于严格,这使得观众难以完整地观看比赛和了解运动员的故事。 Joey: 我认为奥运会应该关注运动员的故事,而不仅仅是竞技结果。年轻运动员的出现虽然令人印象深刻,但他们的故事相对单薄,缺乏长期积累的经验和情感历程,这使得他们的成就缺乏一定的感染力。同时,我也认为奥运会的转播商对视频片段的版权保护过于严格,这使得观众难以完整地观看比赛和了解运动员的故事。 Garnt: 我同意Joey的观点,我认为15岁以下的孩子不应该在奥运会上取得顶峰成就。奥运运动员应该经历体育运动的各个阶段,包括失败,才能更好地理解竞技的意义。此外,奥运会奖牌计算方式也存在争议,我认为应该采用总奖牌数而非金牌数。 Connor: 我不喜欢奥运会上有小孩参赛,这让我觉得不太舒服。同时,我认为一些奥运项目的规则和执行方式存在问题,例如柔道比赛的数字转盘抽签方式容易让人质疑其公平性,澳大利亚街舞选手的表现也让人觉得是在装模作样。此外,奥运会转播商对视频片段的版权保护过于严格,这使得观众难以完整地观看比赛和了解运动员的故事。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their confusion and concerns about young children participating in the Olympics, particularly in sports like skateboarding, where young competitors are achieving top rankings.

Shownotes Transcript


- Hey, welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcast everyone. I'm Joey and I'm with the boys, Garnt and Connor, who is trying really hard to solve one side of the Rubik's cube. Garnt, watching this is painful. Please. - I can't think in 3D space. - Oh, oh, do you have it? Do you have it? You have three lined up?

- No, no, no, no, it's not lined up. - How do I transfer it? - It's not lined up, no. - It's so close. - Yeah, no. - Okay, okay. - That's the top one. No, I need that.

- Why was it like that? - Dude. - It's like watching the league devs try to balance their game. It's like, oh, oh, all right, all right, it's balanced. No, wait, wait, there's one thing just out of place. All right, all right, we it. We've just it. Welcome to this current daily, whatever we call it, topical episode of Trash Taste. - Yeah, it's daily. - I don't know. - We don't do daily. - We don't do daily. - Daily's was the wrong one. - God, could you imagine if Trash Taste was daily?

- We would not have a whole lot to talk about. - No, definitely not. - We need like a week to like do stuff. - Yeah, definitely. But this is a topical one as Garnt was just saying. And actually as of us recording right now, the Olympics has just finished. - It is just finished yesterday, right? - Yes. How much did you watch of the Olympics is my first question.

- All of it through memes. - Okay, so you didn't watch any of it? - I didn't watch any of it. - I watched a little bit of it. So I watched the, the only sports I watched like live as it was happening was the skateboarding and the break dancing. - Skateboarding was a sport? - Yeah. - In this year's Olympics? - It was last year as well. - Bro, you mean four years ago? - Oh yeah, four years ago. Yeah, like last year's Olympics. - I'm gonna be pedantic about it. - Okay, okay, come on. - Last year's Olympics that like 10 year old Japanese girl won.

like the gold medal. - Oh, okay. - And she was also like, I don't know if she won this year, but she was like, from what I saw, it was like, she was absolutely destroying the competition. - Why are there kids in it? - Because they're good. - Are they like just the best at that thing? - Yeah, I think like the top five players in the world right now are like below the age of 15.

- At like skateboarding. - At skateboarding. At least in the girls. - Is it 'cause they can like be thrown around more? - It's 'cause they don't have the fear implanted in them. - Yeah, I guess so. - Can we Google this? Why are there kids in the Olympics? - What's the age bracket for the Olympics? - Something in my head is like, I don't like it.

- I feel like I don't like kids in the Olympics. - You should not be allowed to reach the pinnacle at like age 15. - True. - But that means you just peaked in life and then you- - Yeah, right? Isn't that an awful thing for a kid to have? - Literally the first one, the New York Times opinion, the Olympics are no place for an 11 year old. - Yeah, I agree, man. 'Cause like I think, an Olympic athlete in my head, you have to go through all the stages

of like grief in sport, right? You have to have lost. You have to have like spent years training. And I feel like, yeah, you could be cracked at it as a 15 year old kid, but I'm like, I don't know. I just think that like an 11 year old, especially, the fuck man, go play Halo. No, I'm kidding. You can be good at the sport. But I just think the idea of like being the peak and,

- I don't know, it just feels weird. - It is weird, but then like- - They only give medals to fucking like horses that essentially win. - And they're like three at most. - And they're like fucking horses. - I mean, just look at the fucking chess community where I swear to God, every year there's like, there is a two year old who reached grandmaster status. - There is another child prodigy. - A fetus has now reached grandmaster before it's even born.

- And then sometimes you look at these stories and then you realize, oh, a lot of these kids did peak early years 'cause they got all these accolades in the early years. And then they realize, holy shit, I have not experienced like living life, living real life. And then they have to like- - Yeah, what's the Japanese skateboarders name? It's Coco, I think it was the first name. - I feel like I'm an irrational hater. I don't mean it like a mean way. I just feel that it doesn't feel right. - I do, there should be no one younger than me that's successful.

- No, no, no, no. - That's like most of the athletes in the Olympics this year, bro. - No, no, you don't understand. - I just think you should be an adult minimum to get a gold medal. Oh, actually no, 17 is fine. - There was a point, do you remember this point in your life where growing up you're like, "Don't worry, everyone on TV is older than me. I still got time. I still got time." And then you reach a point where you flick on and some child prodigy is your age and you're like,

- Huh, well, they're just a prodigy. - They're just a fucking nerd. - I'm just like, I'm fucking enjoying my teenage years. And then some of you wake up one day and then everyone is younger than you on TV. And you're like, when the fuck did this happen? - I love that meme of like, there's like a dude like just like sitting on the couch with just like a bag of Cheetos. And he's just like watching the Olympics. And he watches like some kid like fuck up in like gymnastics. And he's just like.

it fucking sucks. It's like, that's everyone watching the Olympics at our age. - It's like, we all become like fucking Reddit, like Reddit experts when we like watch the Olympics. Like, oh no, that was an awful twirl right there. Could have done better landing there. - It's like, meanwhile, my 300 pound ass is just like sitting on the couch, just like fucking munching on Doritos. - Yeah, look, the majority of the people who competed in the skateboarding this year are like,

- Pretty much teenagers, like some like 22 year old, 20 year old, 25 year old. I guess that's all. - This makes sense. - For what? - For skateboarding? - Yeah. - I'm just trying to figure out why I, you know, I'm trying to put my finger on it. Why I don't like want to see a 14 year old win an Olympic medal. I think it's because there's no story.

- You're basically just born born. And that's just like, you know, like I like it when there's like someone who's like, yeah, he's like- - Bro just spawned and won a medal. - Kinda, it's kinda like a boring story. Like it's kinda not interesting. - I think it's for me, it's just like- - I mean, it's obviously- - It's just sick as fuck to watch. - Obviously like I am now projecting that I don't think the Olympics in my mind for me personally, which is not obviously what matters at all. But for me, I'm looking for stories, not for who is actually the best. - Well then you'll like the fact actually that I think the, for-

break dancing, which was a new sport that they introduced for this year. - That's Australian. - The Australian one. - Is it the sport? - Well, yeah, I guess. Well, I guess apparently, apparently they're canceling it next year. The next Olympics. - I heard that. - Because there was an Australian competitor. - This is one of my favorite moments out there. - Which is like, I watched it. I watched that live by the way. And I was like, ain't no way.

I saw the Australian and I was like, "Oh yeah, let's go, representation." - This woman, instead of break dancing, she did an interpretive dance with- - I liked it. I thought it was funny. - I thought it was- - It was very funny. - Watching it felt like someone got the role by accident and they're just faking their first day at the job. That's what it kind of felt like. - I don't think it's similar, but-

It reminded me of that, was it an American or Canadian woman? The one who like turned up to every single ski competition for the half pipe and eventually just was around enough and her strategy was, she was shit at it. She was not good at it. - Right. - But she would just not like fall. She would just go on the half pipe, do nothing and go to the other side. She would do that. She went to a bunch of events.

And eventually she got enough points to qualify. And because she had like a, she was like one fourth Hungarian. She represented Hungary in the winter Olympics for the half pipe. Everyone was shocked when she went out. - Yeah. - She just. - Just wasn't doing anything. - She didn't do anything. You should Google this. A woman like does nothing in winter Olympics half pipe. - Yeah, but apparently the Australian woman in the break dancing, her excuse was, oh, I added my own routine to it. And the judges clearly,

because they gave her a zero. It was the first time I think. - I felt like a publicity stunt that one to be fair. - Yeah, that one felt like- - I don't know if it was. - 'Cause she, I don't know if it was because I don't know how the fuck she qualified as autistic

Australia's representative. - Yeah. - That was super weird. - I was like, thanks. I was watching, I was like, thanks. You really made Australia proud. - Joey's like, actually, I'm Japanese though. - Well, no, actually with the break dancing one, I think in the women's league, it was a Japanese woman who won and she's like, I think she's like in her forties or something. And I'm just like, hell yeah, girl, let's fucking go. - Fuck yeah. - So that's when I can get behind. - Yeah, and I was like, that's sick as fuck.

- Oh yeah, Elizabeth Swansea born and raised in Oakland, California, but representing Hungary, skied slowly up and down the half pipe without attempting a single tree. - And because she went to all these events and just didn't like fail, she would often get like middle or lower in the ranking. - Right. - But when she went into the Olympics, she was ranked like 34th in the world.

- Technically, 'cause I mean like, where are you ranked? - Yeah, I guess. - It was really interesting and it reminded me of that. But then I was like, how the hell did she get the, like the, the, the,

- Yeah, it's crazy. - It is interesting. - I mean, I can, I already expect that she was gaming the system. - Yeah, she gave the system and I think it's cool. I'm always down for somebody to game system like fairly. If you game it fairly and within the rules, I'm like, you know what? Respect. - Yeah. - She just showed up to the Olympics knowing you were gonna bomb. So impressive. - She won by doing nothing basically. She qualified by doing nothing. And that's respectable. That's, that's a good thing.

- As a guy who just sits on the couch watching Olympic games, that's like, I could do that. I just do nothing and you win. - I loved all the stories about the sand being so dirty. And there's like jokes going around that swimmers are microdosing E.coli. - What? - It's a joke, it's a joke. They weren't, but it was spreading. It was like a real thing. They were like, yeah, you got to microdose E.coli if you're swimming in LA.

before you get in so you're used to it. Just go and eat somewhere like a restaurant. You're probably- - Yeah, I mean, there was so many different, you know, so many different, who actually won the Olympics this year? Who did well? Who over performed? - First of all, Garnt, who's-

- Whose method of counting winning are you using? Is it the American one where they use all medals or are you using the gold one which most countries use? - Well, either way it was the US. - Well, US tied with China now. - Yeah, US tied with China for the most amount of gold medals. But overall, I think I saw this on the train ad. - They far won the most medals. - Yeah, the US won the most and then China was second and then Japan was third. - Japan was third? - Japan was third. - In golds? - No, in overall.

- In overall medals and gold. - Let's check this out right now. Let's fact check. We can fact check. - All right, here we go. - UK was third in overall medals, but we did not- - Oh, we did not do well in gold. - No, see? - Gold and- - We got beaten by the French. - No. - Oh yeah, right, Australia. - See, normally I'm an advocate for the gold medal method. - Right, right. - But right this year, I'm like, actually, you know what? It should be an all medal method.

- Yeah, actually all medals, that should be where it's at, honestly. - So then who would be third? - Third would be- - Australia did well, Ray Britain. - But no, yeah, we got less medals than last year, I think.

- Yeah, yeah. It was the Paris debuff for us. - Yeah, the Paris debuff was real. - Yeah, we had an uphill battle just competing in Paris. I mean, I would perform at 20% less. - Oh dude, France definitely got that buff too because another sport I saw live which Japan lost to France in was the judo.

- Oh, they got really upset about that one. - Yeah, Judo. Japan lost to France in the Judo. - France had like the legend. - They did, yeah. - France has this guy and there's a lot of controversy around this 'cause there was a Judo, I can't remember what category of Judo this is. It's like a roulette wheel that spins.

It's like team judo. - Yeah. - And they basically like pick a fighter from each one. - It's weight categories, I think. - From each weight category. And it was like the final fight and the roulette wheel span. And it's a digital roulette wheel. - Right. - Which I think kind of like is the problem. And it spanned and it just, and everyone was like, it just so happened to spin on the French legends weight class. Like the guy who's won every single year. - Yeah, right. - And of course he went on to win it. But a lot of people were pissed off that it was like,

it seemed rigged. - Yeah. - I don't understand why they would have a digital wheel. Like just use a physical wheel so that no one says it's rigged. - Yeah. - Like, I don't know. - Or just like, you know, like get the referee to come out, pull a thing out of a hat or something. - Yeah, like literally just don't do a fucking projector with a thing that spins. 'Cause like somebody has to either click play on the video or- - You can easily rig that. - Yeah, I just feel like why would they do that? - Not to say it was rigged and not to say that I'm salty that Japan lost. - This is the twin tinfoil hat thing

- I don't think it's rigged, but why would they make it? Like why would you even have the like possibility of it being called rigged by showing a fucking roulette digital wheel? - Probably because it's just, it must just be easier to implement. - No, surely. - No, it's way harder to do that. - I think it just looks better, right?

- I feel like it looks way cooler to have a guy dramatically pull something. - Or like a physical wheel. - I just think anything physical is always cool. There's a bit of showmanship to it, right? - Yeah, no, I totally agree with you with that one. - Japan won a lot of its medals in Judo though, as it always does. - Yeah, oh yeah. - Damn fucking weight classes. - It's our fucking sport, baby. - That's the American way, invent the sport. - Do you know which one we win the most medals in Garnt?

- Is it cycling? - Cycling, cycling. - Oh, cycling, really? - Yeah, cycling. We always win quite a lot of medals in cycling, I think, I believe. - What did Australia win in? 'Cause I can't think of a sport that we- - Rowing we normally do good in. - It's rowing and cycling.

- We're pretty good with rowing as well, I believe. Let's see. - I'm not sure if we did as good this year. - Yeah, sailing is pretty good as well. - You guys won, oh yeah, three gold medals in rowing. - Yeah. - Three, well actually you won eight medals in rowing, 10 in athletics. - One in shooting? What? - Yeah, we got good shooters. - Oh, do we? - Yeah. Especially clay pigeons. - Oh, okay, no, that makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Bro, what do you mean? It's like, what do you think rich people do every time? - The public school kids. - But did you beat the Turkish goat? - Bro, that was like my, when, it was so weird seeing so many like shooting memes.

pop up my feed at the same time. The thing, the biggest thing that caught me off guard was like, everyone just seemed to have a different contraption. Like some of this shit looked like it came out of Cyberpunk. I swear to God, whatever the fuck they were wearing on their faces, man. - Yeah, there was that South Korean shooter who looked like he had like a fucking Dragon Ball Scouter on his face. And I'm just like,

- Can you see out of that thing? - Also, this is the first time I'd ever paid attention to the shooting, but what's up with the optimal shooting pose being a fucking JoJo pose? Every shooter just had the fucking coldest- - Apparently it anchors you if you put your hand in your pocket. - Yeah, my favorite meme was, I think it was one of the,

I think it was South Korea or China or one of them just had this pose where like his back was literally just bent like this. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He was like this and the top comment was like, "That bullet ain't flying straight."

- It was so good. - Yeah, look at that. Look at the South Korean one there with the scouter on her face or whatever it is. Like what are those? I just want to know like what the tech behind that is. Meanwhile, the Turkish guy is literally hand in pocket. Just like, like it's a Sunday morning. He's just like, pop. - This is just watching John Wick come out of hiding. - Dude, it's so fucking sick. I love it. What a badass. And he wants silver.

- Absolutely cold, but- - So cold. - I saw the Korean girls, the Korean girls' glasses. That's actually simple compared to some of the other glasses I've seen. - Oh really? - Some of them go really wild. - I just think America should send their finest redneck.

But he'd be like, "What is this? Where's the automatic?" - I just think America should represent better in this. I think that like- - Yeah, how well did America do in choosing? - They don't. - Why? 'Cause they don't even see it as a sport. They're just like- - Probably. Let's see.

- It's more of a recreation. - America in shooting five medals. - Oh, they got one gold medal. - One gold medal. - So they did mostly well in swimming and athletics. - You know who voted to remove baseball in the Olympics? - No. - The British people did in the London Olympics. - Really? - They voted to remove it. - Wait, was it part of the Olympics before? - So yeah, yeah, every single year they get to add, I think they get to add one or remove one, I think, right? And I think in the Olympics,

in the British one, the Brits voted to remove baseball. I find it very fun. - Oh yeah, 'cause London is 2028, right? Is the next one? - 2012. No, no, no, it's Los Angeles. - Oh, Los Angeles is 2020. - Next one is LA. - Yeah, that's right. - London is 2012. - London is 2012. - Yeah. - Yeah, did you see that clip of that New Zealand person going for the high jump?

- He won gold. - Wait, which one was this one? - This one where he didn't feel right about his run up so he just jumped onto the mat. - Yeah, it looks so janky. Out of context, it literally looks like that Nietzsche joke clip where she goes for the fucking high jump. - Yeah, she jumps through it. - Yeah, just jumps through it. Unfortunately, the problem with talking about Olympic moments is that we're probably not gonna be able to show any of this.

- You're gonna have to look it up yourself. - It's been hard to find on YouTube because it's basically been like copyrights. - The Olympic sucks. - Yeah, just every single clip I've been trying to find. - You can't watch it anywhere. - Every time I see like a small tiny clip on Twitter about it and I'm like, oh, I wanna see this thing full context. It's impossible to find. - Yeah, and even watching it, I know the TV networks pay a ton of money, but I feel like,

I don't know. I feel like there's a better way to do it. - I did also see my other favorite meme was another one where it was the women's pole vaulting. And I guess like one of the women won gold or won a medal or something. And the moment she jumped over, she ran off and started twerking.

I'm just like, bro, relax. - Look at this shit, this is out of context. So this guy just runs up and then he just gives up like midway. It looks so janky as well. - He's like, nah.

- That's so good. - Also, did you see the clip of that, like the poll voter? Was it French? Was he French, the poll voter? - Oh, the guy's dick hit the- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I did see that. - Who failed a run because he just- - Well, look, I think he probably won. - Smacked his arm on it. - A lot of other errors in life. - Yeah. - He's already won enough, all right? - Yeah. - He doesn't need to win anymore. - The hardest hurdle he had to overcome was this massive schlong. Damn.

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into opportunities for growth. So go to and use code TRASH to sign up for your free 60 day trial. That's, code TRASH. - Back to the episode. - Did, what's the guy win in the athletics, in the sprinting, the American guy who like pulled out all the Yu-Gi-Oh cars and stuff. - I think he won gold, right? - He won gold in like one of the closest Olympic 100 meter races. - What a badass man. - And it just like,

puts into perspective just how fucking goaded Usain Bolt is. - Yeah. - Right? - God damn. - Because if you see the photo finish, can you see it? Can you, 'cause we can show photos. Can you bring up the photo finish of the 100 meter finals?

because he won by like a 100th of a second or something ridiculous like that. - Jesus Christ. - It was one of the closest finals I've ever seen in my life. - Yeah, I think I remember seeing, oh yeah, there it is, second row on the left. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, that one. Oh my God. - Look at that, man. - God damn.

- Hey man. - It's like no one's close. - It's like that far away. - I saw an interesting video that compared the 100 meter final to the 100 meter final in like 1922 or something. And so they were comparing, all right, the tracks are completely fucking different. Everything, we've got new shoes now, new aerodynamic clothes. Like back then they basically had like massive spikes protruding out of their shoes and they thought that would help them run.

- How much do you think the time has improved in a hundred years? In a hundred meters? - Like a second, if that. I don't think it's much. - I don't think it'd be a lot, right? - It is 0.8 seconds in a hundred meters. - It's just a hard thing to optimize more. Like I feel like it's a very optimized. - I mean, you're basically reaching the human limit at that point, right?

I think the only thing that, I think I've remember seeing a video about like the 100 meter dash or something where they concluded at the end of this documentary, it was like, we're actually getting to the point now where like we're getting close to the current human limit of like the only thing that can improve this is like better tech.

in terms of like technique and like running or like improve like shoes and stuff like that. Or just literally the human race having to evolve to be faster. - I don't know if it's called- - They need a 100 meter TAS. - What's the TAS? - Put a TAS on Usain Bolt's body. - The strat is actually to do a backwards long jump at the start and just pew. - I don't know if this is controversial, but I find the 100 meter kind of boring.

- Really? - Really? - Why? - I don't know, it's just kind of over with. - It's because it's so fast? - It's just over with so quickly. - But it's like the anticipation and the buildup. It's kind of like similar to American football in that sense where a lot there is like so much buildup for just one small fucking moment and the adrenaline rush, because the thing I like about that 100 meter is that you know you're getting like a big adrenaline rush just from that. - I just love the...

in like Javelin or something. I just love that they get a throw and then they have to sit with it and they got to wait and watch everyone else throw. I love the anticipation, like the slow burn of like, I did a good throw I think,

And then everyone else is like, all right. - So you prefer the turn-based combat. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I prefer the turn-based combat scenario. Yeah, yeah. I just think there's more, I love that. I love the anticipation of that. - Well, that's what I really enjoyed about the skateboarding. - You can build up stories and the commentators have more time to tell you a bit more about each person and their history. Whereas in the 100 meter, there's no time to say anything except for like maybe who the two favorites are. At least back in the day, you had Usain Bolt who like everyone knew and you could be like, I know this guy.

And then maybe you'll hear about the up and comer who's gonna challenge you. But like, yeah, I kind of feel like you don't get really time to learn much. Also, I also learned that depending on what country you're in, extremely heavily shapes what you see in the Olympics.

Because in the UK, I feel like I saw a lot more events and the Japanese one, I only saw stuff that Japanese people were competing in. - Yeah, that's very Japanese. - Which turns out to be judo, table tennis, and occasionally a track and field thing we'd get and maybe fencing when they win. But we'd get the highlights of what they won. And the UK one did this too, but I definitely felt like, I felt the lack of variance a lot more trying to watch it in Japan. I was like, ah, another.

- Another hour of Judo, okay, that's fine, that's fine. - Yeah, 'cause I remember last week I was up at my grandma's place and she just had like the TV on during the day. And of course all of the daytime shows were talking about the Olympics. And I swear to God, it was right after France won against Japan in the Judo. And they were doing dead ass a six hour coverage

of that match. - Oh my God. - Six hours. They were just like breaking down every single, they even got like a former Japanese Olympian of Judo to like demonstrate the moves and stuff like that. Like why they're effective. I'm like, okay, I get like Judo is like the sport in Japan. - We gotta diversify. - Six hours dog? - We gotta diversify. - Can we talk about the other sports man? Like Judo isn't the only sport we're in, you know?

The table tennis is always fun to watch though. - Oh, table tennis is so hype. - I always enjoyed that. - Also the badminton was hype as well. - Badminton is also fun. I like playing badminton more than like watching it, but it is good sometimes. - Yeah, it's very intense. - It's so intense. - Especially like table tennis. That's like one of the most intense sports. - Did you also see that apparently in the closing ceremony, they played the Demon Slayer opening? - No. - Did they actually? No fucking way. - They played the Demon Slayer opening. - Wait, we're not in Japan anymore.

- And also like during the volleyball, they played the Haiku Open. - Oh yeah. - Oh, okay. - That's when we won though, right? - Yeah, that's when we won. - That's when we won, yeah. - That's fucking hype. - There was so many anime references in this Olympics for some reason. I guess the French just fucking love anime. - I like anime. - No, French people love anime. - Yeah, yeah. - I think France has way more of a history with anime than America. - Well, France has the biggest anime convention in Europe, I believe. - Yeah, I mean, I think it's actually in the world.

- Oh really? - I think like City Hunter is popular in Japan, which I don't think a lot of American- - Based, yeah. - That's fucking based, bro. - That's like a very, very Japanese anime. - Yeah, that's based. - Like there's a lot of French animation studios that have like partners with like Japanese animation studios as well. Yeah, anime is like massive in France. Did you see that Fencer, talking about Fencer, did you see that Fencer that like discovered a new tech?

- Oh, the bunny hop? - The fucking bunny hop? - Yeah. - That shit, that aura was terrifying. I was watching it, I was like, I would not want to be on there. The thought of having to stand against this guy, I'm like, what the fuck is he doing? - I'm just saying we have waited. Do you reckon there's some fucking knight in medieval days that discovered this tech? Or do you think this is a tech that was literally discovered because of gamers? - No, he literally played Counter-Strike and was just like, oh, I can,

- I could use that bee hop technique. - Seeing this, I just want a new fucking knight in like Game of Thrones or someone. - Is it true though that apparently after this fencer did this like bee hop move that apparently that move now is now banned in the Olympics or something? - Why was it banned? Like, was there like a massive advantage from doing it? - I guess so, I don't know. I mean, he won because of this technique, right? I'm pretty sure. - I don't know. - I don't know. - I just saw the clip. - I saw bits and pieces of it. - It is so insane already.

to do that. I think that's like on him. - It's so scary. - You can just see the other guy just shitting himself. - Yeah, like what the fuck's going on? - He was like, "I have no idea what to do. I've never gone against this in my life." - He's so high-five. - No. - That's so scary.

- It looks like he's just floating. - We gotta try that in Kendo the next. - I wish they added some kind of version of fencing that was more like MMA.

- How would you do that? - It's like, you gotta like get your opponent to like quit. Like you have to like, like an actual sword fight. - Just stab them so much. - Yeah, you have to like stab them an extra amount. - Stop, stop, stop. - Like you have to like get them to the ground or something. I don't know. I just feel like there's gotta be a more interesting way. Like fencing is such a cool idea. And I feel like we have the most tame version of it. - Where's the Nitoria fencing, bro? I want the double wheeled fencing. That would be fucking sick. - It's like, it's more of like a, everyone like starts up and there's like four weapons and each fencer has to pick one.

- Yeah, you have to like, it's like dodge ball. You have to like run to the middle to like grab the sword. That would be sick. - Or like every fencing, they'll like roll a wheel, like roulette wheel, and it would be like a different weapon. You're like, all right, we're using maces this time. All right. - What's the battle royale fencing? You know, we've had enough 1v1s. I wanna see like 5v5. - It's like, all right, you get the ax. - Like I feel like fencing out of all the sports is a lot that we could do to it to make it more exciting. Like I feel like there's potential.

- Oh, definitely. - We gotta make it more dangerous for sure. For sure we gotta make it more dangerous. - I mean, fencing as it is right now just feels closest to watching like a fighting game tournament. 'Cause it's like, it's based on a 2D field, you know? It's like first hit wins. - It's literally sudden death. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. - You know why? Like when they both just like jump at each other and they're just trying to like stab each other. I know it's like precise, but it just looks so lame.

'cause they both just like dive at each other and like whoever taps first wins. I'm like, it's kinda, I don't know. - It's like in real swordsman, they probably would both die. - Yeah, I feel like there should be like a more of a self preservation respect to it. I don't know.

- I'm talking from a white guy who's sitting on at home. - They should just bring back that just like classic, like, you know, ancient Greece, just like Colosseum fighting with like weapons and shit. Like we'll just bring that shit back. - I think I'm just missing that. I think I just want hand to hand combat to come back.

- To the death. - To the death. - In case it wasn't clear. - No more MMA shit. - This MMA stuff, it's like, come on, decide. Are you killing each other or not? Like, let's just come on, let's pick a side. Let's pick a lane. - Is it worth watching if no one dies? - The closest thing we have to that is the slapping tournaments. Those are basically like nid

- That is the closest we're gonna get to like gladiator fights. - That just seems like unlicensed boxing matches, man. - Basically. - Yeah. - Somehow it's been licensed. I have no idea how. - It's crazy. - Probably fucking Red Bull licenses and some shit like that, right? - You know, it's really fucking hard to watch like events you wanna watch.

when you're like not in the exact same time zone. - Well, that was the problem with this Olympics is that like most of the events because of the time zones from- - Like nine o'clock they'd start for us. - No, most of the events were happening at like 3:00, 4:00 AM. Like they would start at like 3:00, 4:00 AM. So unless you were up at like 5:00, 6:00 AM, you wouldn't be able to catch most of these live, unfortunately.

- I mean, it might be, would it be easier with the LA Olympics or harder? - Might say so. - Easier, easier. 'Cause we wake up and it'd be like midday. - Yeah. - Okay. - So we get on the way. - There is something, I saw something about the Olympics that not many people were talking about actually. So a niche thing that is not really a big thing, but I just wanted to bring it up. So do you know what pictograms are?

- Like the icons? - The icons. - For each sport, right? - Like design them? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, so okay, okay. Go to the Tokyo Olympics pictograms, right? - They were on fire. - Yeah, I mean, okay. The whole point of a pictogram is that it's meant to be a symbol that conveys information. So this is basically the symbols

- These are so good. - Yeah, it's the symbols for when you are on the ground and you need to go to a certain event, you look at these and you're like, okay, I know exactly what these are. Go to the Rio pictograms. - Because you're asking like either like Japan, which is the best country that I feel in the world at drawing information, like drawing information. Whereas you're asking like the most artistic

- I think I read actually, I think I read. - These are the Rio pictograms. - Which are great. - I feel like they've all put their own stylistic spin on things. Everyone has like the human doing the activity and it's very easily to deduce what activity this is. Search up the Paris pictogram. So the French were like, the French were like, actually we wanna do our own things.

- What the fuck is this? - Yeah, I saw these during the broadcast and I had no idea what the fuck it was. - This looks horrible. We have a system that works and you know, some of these I'm like, okay, I can kind of get what these are. Some of them are just like,

Some of them just look like origami instructions. It's just like, I don't even know what I'm looking at. - It's so bad. - How are you supposed to deduce some of these? This is the most horror thing in the world. What the fuck is that one on the- - Yeah, they all make sense when I read what they are. Before that, I don't know. - But if you hid the text, you'd have no idea what half these are. - How the fuck is that surfing? That is a country flag right there.

- Yeah, this is the most French shit ever. - I also loved with the French- - The idea is you are not supposed to tell what this sport is. - It is artistic. - This sport speaks to you. - Also my other favorite meme was the pictograms is the actual logo for the 2024 Paris Olympics. It's supposed like, bring it up. It's supposed to be like the flame of the Olympics right in the middle, but people kept saying it looked like Mary J. Blige.

- And you'll never be able to unsee it. - Oh my God. - Like it literally looks like a woman's hair. - Yeah, look at the hairstyle. - And then it's just like lips. It's just like, why does the Paris Olympics look like Mary J. Plot? - You'll never be able to unsee that now. - Probably for the LA Olympics when there's just traffic and like everything's like shit.

- Yeah, they doing, where is it gonna be held? - LA. - No, no, like I'm wondering where in LA is gonna be held. - Oh, probably just all over the city. - Is it gonna be downtown? - At the convention center? - Yeah, at the convention center. - I wonder if the surfing will be on, 'cause the surfing this year was in the Pacific ocean.

- Well, like in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? - Yeah, on the French colony. - Oh shit. - On the Pacific Ocean. - Oh wow. - That's where they- - I was joking, but okay. - Yeah, location for surfing, Paris Olympics. It's like, look at where this is held. Yeah, okay. - Oh, Tahiti. - Tahiti, yeah. - Oh my God. - It's literally the other side of the world. - It's like not even close. - Yeah, it's literally as far as you can get. - You couldn't be further away. - Yeah, it's as far as you can get from Paris. - That's funny.

- I mean, hey, Tahiti's waves are lit. - Can you surf in LA? Probably not, right? You probably have to do it somewhere else. - Yeah, you probably can. - No, you probably could, yeah. - Yeah, I mean, you can surf in California at least. - So I think the problem was in the Tokyo Olympics, the waves weren't consistent enough. They were like kind of shit and cheaper. They just weren't enough to like do it. So I think they,

they've changed the plan for surfing to just go somewhere that is just guaranteed. - I mean, that makes sense. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That makes sense. - 'Cause apparently that place is monster. - I mean, who knows? Like for the LA Olympics, they might also just go to Tahiti. Who knows? - I think it has to be, it'd probably be an American province. - I mean, America is big enough that there are probably

I'm sure somewhere in California, right? - America also has a lot of islands that- - Just go to Hawaii, you know. - Oh, actually, yeah. Sure, sure. They're probably doing it in Hawaii. - Just do it in Hawaii. - Guam. - Guam? Does Guam have waves? I don't know. - I assume so. It's in the middle of the ocean. - I guess.

- I assume anywhere in the middle of the ocean has waves. - Yes, but you know, there are waves that are fit for surfing and waves that aren't fit for surfing as well, you know, so. - No, I ride anything. I ride it all. - Well, it's to do with like the topography or the geography of like the- - I know when you're the surfer like I do. - Just get good. - I can surf any wave, baby. - I can surf anything. - If you're an Olympic surfer, you should be able to surf anyway, come on now. You gotta be good enough, right?

- Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, it is interesting in the Olympics in whole. I think it was kind of fun. - Yeah. The little that I managed to catch was actually quite fun to watch. I just wish again, I could see more. - Did you see the cardboard beds as well? - I did see that. - What, no? - Typing cardboard beds Olympics. - Yeah. - They had cardboard beds. Apparently, I don't know if this is true. They gave them cardboard beds that can only hold the weight of one person, stop them from having sex. But like, I feel like if you're horny,

the bed is not gonna stop you. I'm pretty sure people will fuck on the floor. - There's a carpet right there, just fuck on the carpet. - Also, I wouldn't mind if my cardboard bed broke, I would just sleep on the crumpled remains with a mattress. You know what I mean? I would just deal with it. Like I'm not like, you know what I mean? - Yeah, true. - Bro, worth it, right? - I love this usual thumbnail, the 2024 Olympics anti-sex beds. - They're in Paris. You don't want people to fuck in Paris. - City of love, baby. - That's all they got to do.

What are they gonna do after they finish their event? - It's just weird. But like, why would they not furnish it with like,

- A real bet. - I guess because this is cheaper. - Yeah, but like, are they presumably not wanting to use this space for like rooms? - I guess not. - It's like weird. - Yeah. - It's strange. - Also they're just not gonna stop people from having sex. - What a dumb idea. - Yeah, yeah. - Like these are like the horniest people on earth. - Yeah. - You know you can have sex standing up as well. - You got like literally the most physical, like physically fittest people on the planet all gathered up in one small space for like a few weeks. Bro, like.

- It's gonna happen. - Your cardboard bed is not gonna stop. - Your cardboard bed is not gonna stop. - I think it's at least the Oris. I don't know why they would even try. - Dunno. - Seems weird, they would skimp out on it. But that's true, it's a true French hotel experience. - Yeah, yeah. - To have a shit bed. They probably put some bed bugs in there just for good measure. - Yeah. - And they probably like a bad service as well, probably.

- Well, yeah, that was the Paris Olympics. It was weird seeing, you know, I feel like the memes were fucking top tier. - I feel it went by so fast though. - It did. - 'Cause do you remember any memes? Do you remember any memes from like the Tokyo Olympics? I don't remember this- - Yeah, the fact that it didn't fucking happen in 2020 is one, but- - But I don't remember there being this many memes just on like social media or stuff like that. - Yeah, I don't really remember a whole lot of,

- It's kind of impressive how there was memes given that there's so many clips that were getting taken down for copyright. - Yeah. - It's kind of impressive. - Yeah. - That's why I guess the picture ones did so well. - True, true. - Or like the meme of like the silver medalist who was like biting the metal. - Yeah, a lot of the pictures went viral. - Oh, the Chinese one? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That was so cute. - Oh, that was fucking adorable. - Yeah. - She was like, "Oh, that's a thing you can do?"

I wanna join in, I wanna join in. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. - Yeah. - Well, yeah, congrats to all the athletes and all the medalists, well done. And I guess, yeah, LA 2028. Or actually when the 2026 Winter Olympics, when's that happening? Or where is it happening? I have no idea. I feel like the Winter Olympics don't get talked about as often. - It's 'cause most countries don't have like strong reps. - Where is it? Milan.

- It's 'cause you need snow or a place. - It's kind of crazy 'cause like Norway just wins. - Milano Quartina. - Is it really the Winter Olympics? - It's between Norway and Russia every year. You can tap in like Winter Olympic medal tables. I'm pretty sure it's Norway and Russia that are always like the two that are- - Yeah, I guess that makes sense. The Nordic countries. - You just get born with some skis. - Yeah, let's see the last Winter Olympics. - You have money and you have skis, which is like the two big barriers.

- Sort of by total. - This is also the Olympics, right? - Yeah. - No, this is the Beijing winter Olympics. - Yeah, see, Norway, Germany. - Norway, Germany, Canada, US, Sweden, Austria, Japan, let's go.

- Yeah. - Yeah. - UK, we don't win shit. - No. - That's why we don't give a fuck about it. - You guys won two medals. - Yeah, two medals. - No, we haven't got shit. - We don't have any fucking ski sluts. We have one in like Scotland that's shit. - Yeah. - We have to go to other countries to ski. - Well, same with Australia. - Yeah, but you guys are rich.

- We're poor, bro. - All right, sure. - This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. - When your schedule is packed with kids, activities, big work projects and more, it's easy to let your priorities slip. Even when we know what makes us happy, it's hard to make time for it. But when you feel like you have no time for yourself, non-negotiables like therapy are more important than ever. - Speaking from experience, sometimes it's hard to find a place to really talk about what you're going through. Even with some of your mates, you know,

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Back to the episode. - Australia seemed rich when I was there. - You guys are also committed because you like need to get out of the country. - Yeah, we have nothing else to do. - We could go to like 10 different places. - That's true. - On a train. - Facts. - I don't know. I feel like when I'm in Australia, everyone seems happier and has more money.

- In the UK it feels like even though- - Happier in comparison to the UK. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - But I feel like it, 'cause obviously the UK economy, you're like, "Yeah, we're doing well." And then you're like, "Where's the money?" I don't think anyone sees this here. I don't think anyone's feeling like we have money. - I don't know, man. - It's weird, but in Australia, I feel like everyone's kind of like chilling. Everyone, well, not obviously not everyone, but like, it seemed a bit better than the UK. - Well, good weather definitely helps. - Yeah. - I feel like the weather's just OP. - Yeah, weather does help a lot, huh? - Yeah.

- Well, that does help a lot.

- And that's nothing that people can change. - No, no. - Me and Joey accidentally went to the same concert on the same day. - Yeah, yesterday. - But we went at different time slots though. - Yeah, you went at the 2:00 PM one, right? - I did, yeah. - I went at the 7:00 PM one, but we went to the Final Fantasy Brass concert, which is a independent Final Fantasy concert run by Uematsu, the composer for all the Final Fantasy or most of the Final Fantasy games. - It's independent, but there's some Final Fantasy stuff.

- Yeah, but Uematsu owns most of the rights to that. - Oh shit. - Yeah, 'cause he wrote most, all those tracks. - But they sound like Chocobo merch and stuff.

- Yeah, yeah, so what was interesting was that, yeah, 'cause I thought it was like a Final Fantasy event as well, that like Square was getting involved. And I guess Square is kind of involved, but the majority of the money from what I heard actually goes to Uematsu and his band. - Oh, nice. - So, because at the end of the concert, I forgot her name, but she's basically the pixel artist for the first six Final Fantasy games. Like she just like randomly popped up and was like, "Yeah, I'm the pixel artist for all the Final Fantasy games, and I did all the Chocobo art."

So thanks for buying all the merch. And I was just like, you're the goat. But yeah. Yeah, so Connor and I went to the same concert. It was sick as fuck. - It was sick as fuck. - It was so good. - They just played a bunch of Final Fantasy VIII, IX. - And you're up to date now. - Yeah, well, I played those games. - Yeah. - VIII, IX, VII. - Played a lot of VII as well. A lot of X tracks. - So that was cool. I was pumped 'cause I was worried it was gonna be like Final Fantasy XIII, XIV, I, II. - Well, Uematsu didn't write those. - Oh, okay, thank God. - I think the last game he wrote for was

- He was really chill. He was a very fun character. He was very good at hyping the crowd up. - He's such jokes bro. - Yeah, he was really like very charismatic.

It was just really good vibes. It wasn't stuffy like I thought it was gonna be. It was all very chill, very funny. - Well, even Uematsu himself, yeah, even Uematsu himself at the beginning of the concert, I remember him saying, he was like, "Don't treat this like you're coming to see an orchestra. Treat this as if you're seeing a rock band. You can get hype during the songs. You can start clapping, you can start stomping." It was very interactive with the audience. - Yeah, and they had bits where they were like, "Everyone whip out your recorder."

Everyone whipped out a recorder and I was like, am I the only one who didn't know to like bring one? - Yeah. - And then I started playing the Final Fantasy theme. - Yeah, they did the Final Fantasy theme. And there was like, I think in my, the one that I went to, I think it was like 40, 50% of the audience just like had their recorder and everyone played it perfectly. - So I found out that apparently in Japanese school, it's compulsory to learn how to play the recorder. - Yes. - So that's why. - Yeah. - Which is so strange. - But most people stop by the time they finish elementary

But I guess if you're a Final Fantasy fan, it's like, no, I'm gonna keep playing and learn how to play the Final Fantasy theme. There was also another really cool segment of that concert is at the end as the encore, they do the Chocobo theme. And I guess they invite people from the audience to come up on stage and play with the band. - That's awesome. - So there were people there, like there were people there obviously on stage with like no instruments. They just were kind of there to just like clap and like, you know, be a part of it. But there were some people who were bringing like

saxophones, trumpets, tubas. - Yeah, somebody with a tuba went up. - Yeah, someone with a tuba went up, like trombones. - I'm talking about like 60 people from this like maybe 1500 crowd audience. - Yeah. - Like about a hundred people already went up. - Yeah, and what was originally, you know, a 30 piece orchestra ended up being like a 100, 200 piece orchestra. - The stage was very full. - Yeah. - Yeah, when I was sitting there, some guy passed me the violin, he goes, "What's up, C-Dawg?"

- Oh really? - I was like, oh, yo, okay. I was like, all right, go go Shred, man. It was cool. - Yeah, it was really cool. - I was just very happy they played all the Final Fantasy music that I knew. They played like some of that I didn't know, but it was mostly like 80%. I feel like half of it was Final Fantasy VIII.

- Yeah, because this is the 25th anniversary. - Yeah, so they were playing so much Final Fantasy VIII and I was like, "I know this one!" - They did a couple of six tracks, so I was happy with that. - My favorite one was probably the flamenco song from Final Fantasy IX. - Yeah. - And it was just like four people doing it and they were shredding it, it was so good. - Did you have that guy who was also like

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. They were like doing bits as well during the classical, it was really fun. It was just a great time. - The guy with the flamenco- - It was much more of a casual kind of feel. - Oh, it was great. - Definitely. The flamenco, the Chocobo flamenco one, yeah, so there was about eight people who were playing instruments and then there was one guy in the middle with like a rose in his mouth and he was like doing the stomping and the clapping thing. - He was stomping and clapping, yeah. - And there was, out of the eight people,

one woman who was playing the trumpet and this guy literally halfway through the song just like comes to the front and was like trying to- - It's referencing the game. - Yeah, it was referencing the game. It was like seducing the female trumpet player. She was like, "No, no, no, no." So yeah, it was like really casual and really fun. - It was really, really fun. - Yeah, definitely didn't feel stuffy at all. - How many days are they doing that for? - Yesterday was the last day. - Oh, okay. - Oh, she called it the last day. Well, so Pete gave me tickets. So my birthday, he gave me tickets and I was like,

He was like, "Yeah, maybe you'll have fun." And I was like, "Well, you know, like, obviously I still enjoy it if they played a bunch of music I didn't know. But I was kind of hoping that they'd play a bunch of songs I knew so I could be like, "Oh." - Yeah, yeah. - I know. - Because otherwise if they played a bunch of music like one, two, three, four, and I'd be like, "Ah, it's cool." But I, you know, I can appreciate it, but I don't really like have that connection. - Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. - But I was really pumped. It was pretty good. - Yeah, they did one track from five, which is probably my favorite one from five that like, these kinds of like video game concerts just,

like it gave me such a strong urge to go and play those games again. Cause like when I heard the track from five, like the last time I played five, I played, I beat it once. - I didn't know what a bridge battle was, but I was pumped after it. I was like, I want to know what a bridge battle is. - That bridge thing is sick as hell. So like it really made me go and replay the game. But yeah, Uematsu was just,

fucking trolling his orchestra the entire time. Like there was a segment I was saying earlier, Colin, there was a segment where they had to choose between, Umatsu was like, okay, so we have two songs. We can do one song from nine and one song from 10. But the way we're gonna decide it is we're gonna get the crowd to shout and cheer for the one that they wanna hear the most. - I shouted so loudly for nine and it didn't fucking win. - Really? - I was so loud. - So for yours, 10 won, right? - Yeah, they played 10. - Yeah, so for mine, they played the nine track.

And I was like, okay, sick. I fucking love this song from Nine. And they were playing- - Did you shout out for Nine? - I shouted for Ten because it was Seymour's theme, which is a go to track. But I was happy with the Nine track. So they played Nine and then right before the song was about to finish, Uematsu just like runs onto stage and he was just like, "Actually, just kidding.

"10-1, so you need to play 10 now." And the orchestra was like, "What?" And he's like, "Yeah, I didn't tell my orchestra I was gonna do this, Lamal." And then he just ran off again. The conductor was like, "This motherfucker." So they ended up playing both the songs anyway, which is great. I was like, "Hell yeah." - You got a free song. - I got both songs. - Yeah. - What was the ninth song? - The ninth song was, oh shit, which one was it? It wasn't "Blue Fields." It was...

I think it was one of the town themes from Nine. - Oh, okay. - Yeah. - I'd be sad if it was like a boss theme or a theme. - No, I don't think it was the boss theme. They didn't do the boss theme. Oh, actually they did do one of the Nine boss themes at the end of mine. - Which one? - Not the final final boss theme. - The one before it? - The one before it. - I think I remember. It's hard to remember all the songs. - It is hard to remember. - 'Cause I'm really bad at remembering music. - Yeah. - Yeah, very tough. - I mean, there's also just, Uematsu's written so much music as well. - I mean, are you bad at remembering music or are you just bad at remembering where you heard it from?

- 'Cause like, I swear there's been so many times when you know, you just hear a song and you're like, I know I know this song, but I don't know where I know this song from. - I've had a lot of problems where I'm like, I know this song and then they'll just name the anime and I'm like, I've never heard of this anime in my life. And I'm like, I obviously do not know this song. - Well, that's how I felt with a lot of the Eight songs 'cause like I haven't played Eight in so long. So when they started playing an Eight song, I was like,

"I've heard this before, this sounds familiar." But then when my friend was like, "Oh yeah, it's from Eight from this segment." I'm like, "Yeah, I don't remember that." But I remember the song. But yeah, it was very cool. Two hours, really good. - When they played the, was it All Eyes on Me? - All Eyes on Me, yeah. - A bunch of people next to me were bawling.

- Oh yeah, yeah. - They were like full on boring. - Yeah, my friend was boring. - I was like, damn shit, cutting onions in here? - Yeah, it is a beautiful song. They also did, for the first time they played live, they did a song from "Final Fantasy VII Rebirth." - Oh, okay. - Which is the "No Promises to Keep," which is the, if you've played "Rebirth," it's the song that Aerith sings on stage, which I didn't know Uematsu wrote.

'Cause he wasn't responsible for any other part of that game except that song apparently. And I'm like, of course, Uematsu is responsible for the most goaded song in that game. - He just wants like, just give me the best scene. Just give me the best scene. That's all I need. - And I'll write a banger for it. And he did.

- It was really cool though. I didn't know what to expect and came out very happy. - Is that the first video game concert? - Yes, personally I've been to. - Oh really? - Yeah, so it's pretty fun. - Yeah, we definitely need to go to more of those. - I'm down. - Yeah. - What kind of, what other games would you want to go to? 'Cause Sydney is going to the Stardew Valley. - Hell no. - It's concert.

- And I was like, Stardew Valley has a concert performance? - I went to the Kirby concert. - Went to the Kirby. - Yeah, the Kirby Orchestra concert, the 30th anniversary one. - I would just wanna hear the dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. - Yeah, they did that. - That's all. - Yeah, that would be hard. - Then I would stand up and leave. I can't get my money's worth. - It's like, I've heard enough.

- There's band goers that hit the one song and they're like, "All right, see you guys." - Yeah, bye. - You're just there for like the banger song and you're like, "All right, when are they gonna play it?" "Please don't be the fucking encore song." "I just want it." "Play it at the beginning, please." - Encores in Japan as well feel so forced.

- They don't feel like natural at all. - I mean, they're definitely integrated in, right? - Yeah, they're definitely in the showtime. - Yeah, definitely. - A lot of encores I feel are very unnatural. - Yeah, but I feel like the encore has lost all meaning and now they're lame. - 'Cause it's like an expectations. In fact, if they're not having an encore, they have to like specifically tell you there's not gonna encore. - Although there was one live concert I went to last year where, so it was of this band called Lies, which only have one album.

So they were like, okay, cool. I want to go see them 'cause they're a new band that I really like. And they finished up this set and they walk off and everyone obviously is like, yo, let's go on cool. That was sick. And everyone's clapping. And the lead singer literally runs in and just goes, we literally don't have any more songs to play. It's like, so we can't do an encore. I'm sorry.

- Just replay the banger. - Just play it again. - I feel like we should get rid of encore culture and just keep the show. - Yeah. - I don't even think it's that high. - It's like, encores now are just like tips in America. Is it really special if it's expected? - It's part of the package. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. - And like when they do like, I've been in some encores where they've done three songs. They're like, whoa, whoa, come on now.

- The encore. - I kinda like that though. - No, no, no, it's too many. - Really? - That's a real encore. - That's a real encore. - I feel like you're doing too many now at this point. Like the whole point of the encore is like you get one last hurrah. - You can leave. - You can leave. - You can leave. - Yeah, but I'm like, now you've just- - What if I wanna hear the encore of the encore of the encore? - You've added in a break for no goddamn reason. Just finish the damn set and be done with it. - Why are you complaining about getting more of the extra shots? - Because I didn't have to sit there and everyone's like, "Encore."

- Encore, it's like, we're like fucking Dora the Explorer, pointing at the TV. She's gonna do the thing anyway, but she's still asking me to point at which one's blue. It's annoying. I don't like it. - I don't agree with that. - If it's a genuine encore, come out and do it. - I already love encores, but if we get a double or even a triple encore, that's hype as shit. - I agree. - You were gonna get those songs.

- No, no, no. A lot of the ones I've seen where it's like a double or a triple encore, it's totally unplanned. They were just like, yeah, we've got like five minutes. Let's just fucking go. - Yeah, that sounds like an actual, like an encore. - Actual encores are hype as shit. - That sounds like a real one. I hate these ones where they're like, it's completely planned into the show. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I hate the stage ones. - Where I'm like this, I feel like the energy is not right. - Yeah. I don't think you should stage an encore. That just completely ruins the point of an encore.

- Well, in Japan they love it. - Yeah, I literally have been to concerts in Japan where the encore is where they like promote their merch. They come out with their T-shirts and I'm like, this is an ad read. This is not an encore, it's an ad read. - When I went to the Tatsuro Yamashita concert, which was like the best concert I've ever been to. But I swear to God, it was a five minute clapping encore, like demand. And he was gonna do it anyway. But the whole audience for five minutes was,

- Well, that's kind of what it was like at the Final Fantasy thing as well. 'Cause like at the end, I don't know if it was like that for you, but like at the end, everyone was like clapping for like each individual section. And bro, I felt like I was at like the Cannes Film Festival where it's like a 17 minute standing ovation.

I was like, can I, can I? - And I'm like, we're gonna get these to the encore soon though. - Yeah, I was like, come on now. - My friend was wearing one of those like smartwatches and he was like, oh, it says I've done 10,000 steps 'cause it's just been clapping for like 17 minutes. - Yeah, I've had that. Yeah, so that's my opinion on encores. - So if they were to do any kind of like, it doesn't have to be orchestral. - Video game. - Any kind of video game concert. - Any video game concert. - That you could go to, which one would it be? - Imagine the Halo concert, man.

- Oh my God. - I'm just there for the awe. - Dude, a Halo orchestral? - No, no, no. - Sick. - I mean, Halo does have some bangers. - Is it Halo the one that where it has like the fucking piano, but that goes, dun dun dun. Oh my God, that's such an epic track as well. That would be hard. - Bro. - That's Halo too. - Yeah, Halo would probably be a fire concert to be fair. - Yeah. - I wonder if they still do that. I know Nintendo has one. Nintendo I'm sure has a banger one. - Yeah, Nintendo's done a bunch of them. - That would just be the concert.

- Nintendo concert in Japan? - Oh, it's the banger. - Well, what video games do you think has like a fucking banger soundtrack? I'm trying to think myself now. What is like the best video game soundtrack? - Oh, bro. Chrono Trigger orchestral? - Sure, I'm sure Chrono Trigger would go hard. - That would go so hard. - I bet Undertale would be good too. - That would be good. - Undertale would probably be pretty fun. - That would be good. - It's hard 'cause I think I would just rather like a best of a bunch of games as opposed to like all of the soundtracks. - Like a Nintendo one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I don't know. I would need to-

- Search up a list of like the best video game soundtracks. - Oh no, no. If we're going in that route, Mario Galaxy orchestral. - Yeah, Mario Galaxy orchestral would be fine. - I mean, that was made by an orchestra in the game. That would go so hard. - So Zelda. - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, all right. We need a Tony Hawk concert. - Bring back like, bring back the mid 2000s. - That's literally just like a rock festival. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right, right. Mid 2000s rock.

- Oh man. - All right, let's see. - "Lollipop Chainsaw." - "Lollipop Chainsaw." I'd never played that. "Crazy Taxi." - That's a pretty good soundtrack. - Okay, that's a pretty good soundtrack. - Yeah, that did have a pretty good soundtrack. - "Bioshock Infinite." - "Bioshock Infinite." - Didn't play it.

- A lot of these are just like actual soundtracks. 'Cause I'm sure, "Watch Dogs 2," wow. Okay, wow. - Okay. - Did "The Last of Us" have a good soundtrack? I don't remember. - I never played it. - I don't remember the music for "Sandwich." - Michael Jackson. - Wow, really? - Well, well, well, well. Hold on a second. Why is that not number one?

- I didn't go to a Michael Jackson concert. I went to a Moonwalker soundtrack concert. - Can you do an article that's not Rolling Stones? 'Cause I think all of these are just like musical games that have like- - There we go, PC mag.

- Let's see. - Let's see what is in the running for top. - Chrono Trigger. - Chrono Trigger, all right. - Yeah, Chrono Trigger Orchestra would go hard. - That would go so hard. - That would go very hard. Just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling until we stop. - Yeah, just keep scrolling. - Cuphead heads? - Oh, Cuphead would be great too as well. - Oh, Doom. - Oh, Doom. - Okay, Doom. - We need a Doom concert. - Doom would be fucking sick. - Would that ever happen though? 'Cause they didn't have like a huge falling out with Mick Gordon. - Yeah, I think so. - 'Cause they were like paying him shit. - Unless Mick Gordon pulls an U.M.R. and is just like, "I'm just gonna do it independently."

I'm just gonna do my own thing. - Donkey Kong Country had an amazing soundtrack. - Oh my God, the water level. - Rare kind of were just like lightning back then. They just kind of didn't miss. - Earthbound. - Earthbound, yeah, goaded. - Elder Scrolls. - Final Fantasy VI, there it is. - How many Final Fantasys are gonna be on here? - 15? 15 isn't as memorable in my opinion.

- Grim Fandango, sure. - Hotline Miami. - Oh, okay, Hotline Miami. - Journey. - Journey, that had a great soundtrack. - Oh, Fury had a great soundtrack as well. - Katamari, yes, also amazing soundtrack. - Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. - Breath of the Wild. - I feel like it'd be such a cop out to say like, I wanna go to a Legend of Zelda concert. I feel like it's too low hanging fruit. - Breath of the Wild is many very minimalist. - Yeah, but if it was kind of like a every Zelda game kind of concert. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Zelda game would be fun. - That would be great. - Or Mega Man would be fun. - Oh, Mega Man would be hype.

- Oh my God. - Yeah. - Okay, how did I forget Persona 5? - I mean, I went to the Persona concert a couple of years ago, which is so good. 'Cause they did all the Persona games. - Okay. - Yeah, and they had like all the original singers and like Shoji Meguro was just in the band and no one knew until the end. - Well, Persona, every Persona game just has such a fucking amazing soundtrack.

- So they had like Lotus Juice, who's like the rapper guy on Persona 3. He was there and like the lead singer from Persona 5 and 4 were there as well. So like they did every Persona game. - Oh, I'm so jealous. - It was so good. - When I go to concerts like that, I'm like, damn, it feels good living in Japan sometimes. - Yeah. - You can just casually go to this stuff. - Yeah. - This is stuff that would be like a highlight of my trip if I came here. - Yeah, you have to plan your entire fucking year around one trip. - Meanwhile Pete's like, "Hey man, I got your tickets." I'm like, "Oh, thanks."

- Also I appreciate it for once for the, I'm so glad 'cause when I went to the Tatsuro Yamashita concert, I loved it and I intend to go again this year if I can get tickets, I've been trying. - I'd love to go with you if you allow me to. - I think it opens today or tomorrow. - Is it a lottery? - Lottery and link to ID. Which so like, you can't book tickets. Like if I wanna go with Joey, I have to book right now with Joey. And you can only do two max.

So if for some reason Joey drops out, no one can take Joey's place. - Yeah. - 'Cause they checked when I got there, they checked my ID. - Oh shit. - That it matched up with my ticket. And I was like, this is so lame. And there's no way to change the name. So like if you drop out like two months before, there's no way I can change it. - And you don't get a refund. - No. - That's fucked. - It's like so annoying. And I get it that scalpers are that big of an issue. But like, there shouldn't be where like, if I have a ticket, it goes to waste. Like come on, like I feel like,

- Someone else should be able to enjoy this absolute giga chat. - Yeah, we should definitely try and go to that. - Dude, it's the best concert I've ever been to. - Well, yeah. And I fucking missed out on the last time. - Dude, I can't. - All three of us should go. - Yeah, yeah. Well, we can only do two. - Well, we can all go. - Yeah. - I don't need to sit next to you. I'll have fun. - What? - I don't need to sit next to you. - What? - It's also like, it'll be us and like 60 year old men and women. - Yeah. - I'm okay with that. - Which is fine. - I'm fine. - But like,

- It's like, I'm having the time of my life and everyone else's, but we're all like sitting down enjoying it. - Oh no, I'm fucking standing up. - They do at the end. - No, I'm doing it the whole time. - Okay, okay. - When I was there at the concert, there was like one or two people in the front who were standing the whole time. They were like, "Come on." - That's gonna be me. I'm gonna be in the mosh. - Sonic.

- "Hedgehog 3", "Streets of Rage 2". Okay, this is going like old school now. - "Galaxy". - "Galaxy". - "Galaxy" orchestra will be so hot. - "Undertale". - "Undertale". - I think "Undertale" did an orchestral thing if I'm not mistaken. Am I crazy? - I wouldn't be surprised. - Can you type in "Undertale Orchestra"? I feel like I'm crazy. I feel like I heard this. I don't know if I'm- - They probably did do it. - Yeah. - Oh, this year.

Undertale Symphony. - Dude, Medley in Augusta would be so high. - Oh my God. - There's just so many other good fun songs in that soundtrack. - Yeah, it looks like it happened a couple of months ago. - It's kind of insane how much he cooked on that game. And he's not finished, which is the most surprising thing. - I saw him play Dungeon and Turtle. - Everyone knows you get a game dev buff for being a solo Finnish developer. You are just born knowing how to make a game, apparently. - Apparently, yeah.

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- Quite a while, 'cause then he do the Kickstarter and then he ended up taking like a couple more years and people were like, "Yo bro, are you making this?" - And now he's made official music for the Pokemon. - Yeah, he does a lot of soundtracks. - Has he actually? - In the newest Pokemon game he did- - 32 months? - He did like half the songs from the latest Pokemon game and you could immediately, when I was playing the game, you could immediately tell I'm like, "This is a Toby Fox song." 'Cause it went so hard. - He made it with 51K. That's crazy. - Fuck. - Damn.

- He's made that back. - I don't know, this is why I love gaming right now so much. Like I feel like the indie space is amazing. Like so cool that one guy can make something that has so much impact. - Yeah. - I think it's so cool. - Absolutely. - And what a game. - You say the same thing about AAA games though? - Fuck no, AAA games suck.

- That's why I feel like I'm only really playing like either TFT, which is a AAA game, I guess. I don't know. Well, it's made by Riot. Or like indie games. I love indie games so fucking much. - Definitely. - It's 'cause you don't wanna stream AAA games. That's the real reason, let's be honest. - But like what AAA game would I wanna play? I don't really wanna play anything. - New Final Fantasies. Would you play like the Final Fantasy remakes? - I played a bit of 16 and it was kind of boring.

- 16 was aight. - I had so much more fun with like seven, eight, nine than I did with the first two hours of six. - Yeah, they're definitely better games. - I mean, 16 peaked not, it's definitely not peak Final Fantasy I've played so far. - I feel like it is one of the bigger movie.

- I mean, they did. - Like now that I've finished 16, I look back on it and there are some like fucking banger moments in there. - Bahamut fight. - The Bahamut fight. - The Bahamut fight is the most insane thing I've ever seen. - Basically every boss fight in that, almost every boss fight in that is fucking goaded. But outside of that, it was actually a little boring. - I mean, I feel like we've talked about it before, but like, I feel like just the main cast of 16 was just not that memorable.

- Yeah. - And when you, especially when you compare it to like seven or like nine or, you know, some of the older ones, it's just like, like, you know, what the fuck was the name? Jill, the main girl. - Yeah. - Just had like no personality. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She was like completely forgettable. - Yeah. - Clive was also. - Clive was aight. - Yeah. - Sid was the best part. - Sid was the goat. - But then, you know, we know what happened to Sid. - Sid was the goat. - Yeah. - Yeah, it was unfortunate.

I'm trying to give like Final Fantasy VII Remake like a second go now. - Play some good Final Fantasys. - Play some good Final Fantasys? - Play some six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Basically six to 10, just play those, man. - I just need to actually finish one of the critically acclaimed ones. - What do you mean? Six, seven, eight? Oh, eight not so much, seven? - No, no, 'cause I haven't finished any of like the golden era Final Fantasys. - Oh really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What's golden era?

- I would say like six, seven, eight, nine. - Six to 10, I'd say. - Yeah, six to nine, okay. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause I feel like not many people talk about- - Chrono Trigger, you play Chrono Trigger? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, I go play Chrono Trigger. - It's shorter than all of those. - Yeah. - Chrono Trigger's like a 20 hour game? - Yeah, it's funny 'cause I think I've realized I haven't played many like,

2D, what'd you call it? Like 2D RPG kind of game. - 16 bit. - Yeah, 16 bit games. - Yeah. - Yeah, 'cause I missed out on like Undertale as well. - I mean, I would argue though that was like the golden age for JRPGs. - Chrono Trigger is the best man. It's so fucking good. - I don't know. I feel like our JRPGs have continued to

- Oh no, they have. I'm not saying like the JRPG genre has fallen off or anything like that. But I feel just like, especially in that like kind of super Nintendo, like PlayStation 1, 2 era, like there was just so many JRPGs that came out that are just considered like classics now. - I have no nostalgia for the old RPGs. But why do I like that style more than the new style? - What do you like the 16 bit style? - I like how 9 looks better than like,

- 16. - I don't know, maybe it's because- - I'll tell you, vibes.

- All right, there we go. - I think honestly, just because it's a better game. - I just feel like, especially like Chrono Trigger, I look at Chrono Trigger, I'm like, this is more visually appealing to me than the super realistic, dark grittiness of 16. - I mean, that's why, especially in the indie scene, that whole kind of pixel art style, pixel art just ages so incredibly well. - It's not just that, sometimes playing 16 as well, I just feel like I can't remember much of the music of 16.

- Yeah. - Even though it was like super bombastic, epic orchestral track. - Bombastic soundtrack. - Bombastic. - You can't say it with bombastic. - Okay. - Do you know why? - It's 'cause Uematsu didn't work on it. - Ah, okay. - If Uematsu wasn't on it, he would have cooked. - Sometimes there's just a charm to like the 16 bit soundtrack. - Oh, definitely. - It's just ingrained in your mind way.

I feel like it can grind your mind way easier than some high production tracks. - Yeah, and I think it also might be just purely from the fact that because there was such limitation in the hardware and the tech at the time, that it forced developers to like really put

push the boundaries of like what they can do with the tech. And so like, you would get these, like, especially in like games, like, you know, four or six, like some of these sounds that Uematsu was cooking, I listened to it today and I'm like, how do you make that?

on a 16 bit chip. Like it's actually insane what they were able to do back then. And even like the pixel art and stuff, like it's very like, because there is such limitations visually, it kind of forces you as the player to like put a little bit more of your imagination into it. - It forces you to go for more of a stylistic look.

- Yeah. - Because like, what is the final end goal of like good graphics? Is it to be realistic? Because you know. - Depends who you ask, right? - Yeah, depends who you ask. - I feel like 'cause we're getting to this point where everything needs to look real, we're just losing all like style.

Like everything looks dark and gritty now and I just don't think it looks good. - Yeah. - Yeah, which is why I feel like you do vibe more with like the older style because there is more style to it than just looking realistic, looking like a CGI movie. - Yeah, exactly. - And I totally agree with you. I think that's why there's a lot of AAA games just have less of a charm to them. - There's no soul to it.

- I wouldn't say that. I wouldn't say that. - I don't know. I've played some like new gen games where it's like AAA or not, where they have a lot more of the enhanced graphics. And I just like, I don't know. It just feels empty. I don't know why. It gives me, the vibe's not there. - The visuals shouldn't matter that much, right? But why do they matter so much to me? - I don't know. I don't know. - I mean, they do matter. What are you talking about? - But like, why do they matter? Like in a game? - Because what do you spend most of your time looking?

- Yeah, but like something like Zork has like no visuals and it's like an okay game. - What's Zork? - Kind of shit. - The text-based one? - Yeah. - You should have gotten Zork. - Hey, Zork's good. - I don't know, like I don't think you need visuals 'cause like chess doesn't have good visuals and that's a great, well actually maybe it's good visuals. - It definitely has visuals, what do you mean? - It's a good game. - Unless you're doing blindfolded chess. - Yeah, yeah. - Not Zorak, remove the A. - Zork.

- Zork, Z-O-R-K. - Yeah, I'll just show you. - There you go. - Yeah, look at that. - This is it, the green one. - The green one there. That's Zork, Zork online. - That's Zork. - Well, that's just a visual nod. - But like a game doesn't need good visuals, but like why does it matter so much to me? - I mean, a game doesn't need good music as well, but it definitely doesn't like hurt it. - Yeah, that's true. - And I think, you know, I...

I'm someone who goes with like the stylistic look as well, where sometimes I just don't vibe with the game. Like I could not really, like for example, even with Zelda, right? I way prefer the feeling of Wind Waker than when Twilight Princess came out.

- Yeah, me too. - I totally get that though. - At least I appreciate with Twilight Princesses they did like, even though the world was so heavily themed, at least it still stood out. But obviously I do prefer, we're just weebs bro, we just prefer the anime. - We prefer the anime. - I prefer the anime shit, I'ma say it, I like the anime shit. - Also Midna's just goaded. Like Midna's just a good character.

- True, true. - But yes, no, I do agree. Like, you know, I think it's interesting, especially with like Wind Waker for instance, right? How like when it initially came out, everyone fucking hated it because at the time it was like, people were definitely, and games at the time were kind of definitely moving more towards that kind of realism style, you know, game like we saw in like Twilight Princess. So when they saw this like cell shaded cartoony ass looking link, they were just like,

"Not my Legend of Zelda, what the fuck? This is a kid's game." And then over time people were like, "Oh no, actually this visual is kind of goaded." And it's just aged so much better than some of the earlier like N64's elders and stuff like that. Just visually speaking. - Real question is when are you guys finishing "Fear and Hunger?" That's what I wanna know. The true RPG, the real gamers. When are you finishing it? - Before the next "Trash Taste" we force ourselves to watch play slash- - AKA never.

- You're never gonna finish it? No! - I just can't get into it, man. - No. - I'm a baby, it's too hard.

- It's too hard for you? - I won't play "Dwagon Quest." - No, you gotta get back to the dungeon. - I wanna play "Zork." - That is a dungeon. Get back to the dungeon, J. - Yeah, but it's less scary. - Let me catch up to all my gacha games first. - No, that's the trick. You never get caught up. - Let me replay "Final Fantasy IV" and "V" real quick again, 'cause I'm in that mood, and then I'll consider it. - Takes too long, J. - No, it's fine. I've played it before.

- Have you guys seen the latest updates on the new One Piece remake that they're doing as well? - No, what's the update? What's the update? Well, they basically, they still haven't given, so have we talked about the One Piece remake? - Well, yeah. - What we talked about when it came out. - One Piece Brotherhood. - Yeah, One Piece Brotherhood. - There wasn't really much to talk about.

- Until now. - Until now. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We only just got like the initial thing of like, oh, they're gonna remake "One Piece." - They are remaking "One Piece" and it's by Studio Wits. And they basically,

- So they've released like the staff members of it. And it's like the goaded members from wit because it's basically the entire team who worked on attack on Titan seasons one, two, three. - Okay. - One, two and three. And they basically said that they are go they've released like the concept are and they released like the new character designs for it. And the race he said, yeah we'll see how well this does. And then maybe we'll do the entire thing. And I'm thinking, is this like the easiest bets on like

- This is the easiest bet. - This is an easy bet. - Yeah, 'cause I was thinking, do you think it's like, I think it's Netflix funding this. Do you think that it is less expensive to fund just the entirety of like,

of new One Piece remake than it is with whatever they're doing with like the One Piece live action. - Yeah, 'cause there must be like- - It's definitely a safer bet. I think like the One Piece remake will crush. - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - Just 'cause they've been told like, I saw that like Odo was like, "Yeah, make it different." Like, "Don't just follow the story." - Oh really? - Well, I think they were like, he was like, "Don't just,

"Don't just do what I, like don't copy the manga one for one." He was like, "Just do whatever you wanna do." - Yeah. - That's cool. - And apparently it's gonna be grittier. It's gonna actually show the more violent aspects that Oda wanted to include. - That's good. - Fuck yeah. - I think which is hype. - Yeah. - Yeah. And I saw like, 'cause one of my biggest problem with like, especially the original One Piece anime is that the action scenes just didn't hit.

as hard as other Shonen in my opinion. In my opinion, out of like all the big Shonen, One Piece has like the least, one of the least interesting action scenes. - Yeah, I agree.

but there were like some behind the scenes shots of like what studio web and cooking up and they were like adding in these like, you know the attack on Titan fucking ODM gear scenes where it's like with the fucking tracking shots. So it looks like they're gonna be doing something similar with like the one piece action scenes. And I'm like, holy shit. - Just looking forward to all the impact frames.

- The impact frames are gonna go so hard. - Yeah, holy shit. It does make you wonder if the One Piece remake is going to catch up eventually, if the pacing is a lot faster this time. - Yeah, sure. I wonder what the plan for that is. - We're entering the age of remakes. We're gonna get so many remakes, I think, coming. - Well, we're already in the age of remakes. - I know, but with anime, absolutely. - When are they gonna remake "Naruto," man?

- That's the next one I'm thinking. - No, we need a good "Berserk" adaptation. That's what we need. - No, no, no. - That's not gonna happen, man. - Yes, we do need it. - We've tried like four times. - We've tried, we've tried, we failed. - Yeah, and we made a good one and then just stopped. - Yeah, in the '90s. - Yeah, why did we stop? It was good.

- That was the peak time to do it. - It was the best adaptation, but even then it had its problems in my opinion. - Really? I thought it was fucking great. - It was good. - It was good. Definitely compared to like 2016 Berserk. - Yeah, it was good by just not fucking up. - I feel like we've had this discussion before. I feel like everyone gets into Twitch and can't adapt. Of course you can fucking adapt it.

- It'd be fine. - Or infinite money, you know, you can adapt anything. - Infinite money. You just need like a, you know, just dedicated and they just don't do whatever they did in 2016. Whatever they did in that, just hire those people and then ask them what to do and then do the opposite of whatever they do. - Well, they tried adapting the movies. I've seen the movies as well. - I've seen one of them. - They tried doing that. I don't know. It's just, I just...

- I've just lost hope. I've just lost hope. - No, I haven't lost hope. - I wanna see a vagabond. - I was about to say, make a vagabond anime that's actually like as goaded as the manga and I'll be happy. - Like the villain saga adaptation has given me hope that they can adapt like high profile Satan anime that has lots of details and shit like that. I think Berserk is just one of the hardest though in comparison to some of the other ones. - I feel like you full send it on the violence and the gore.

and appeal to that crowd and it'll do well. - Let's see, but like I would argue, is that crowd as prominent as it was in the 90s? - Yeah, of course nowadays. - You think? - Yeah, they just swapped to watching true crime on YouTube. - Damn, you got me there. - I think it would do, I think it would crush. I think, especially with merchandise, Berserk merch would go, it does now. Berserk merch goes hard now. Imagine if we had anime merch, more anime merch.

- Berserk figures are already some of the coolest. - Yep. - So imagine you got like a license to print free money.

- I feel like Berserk would crush. We just gotta commit. - Yeah, they'd have to ask the Mirror Estate to see what they wanna do with it. - You know, I think that 'cause we've already got like, you know, it's already been continued. I have faith that like there's that want to keep the series going. - Have you read any of the continuation? - Yeah, I've read a couple of chapters, but there's not many. - Yeah. - No. - I've read the ones that were out like a year ago. - Oh, okay. - Which was like a couple. - I haven't started them yet. - And they felt like-

- Do they feel good? - They feel the same. It's so hard to judge now. I think like, - Okay. - I don't know. - Bro, it's like his best friend for life. Like I think like- - Yeah. - And he is also a seasoned manga artist himself. - Yeah. Like, I don't know. Like I feel like people who are like, I think it's okay to be like, look, Bazook ended for me here and that's totally fine. But to be like, this isn't it, this isn't what he would do. I'm like, dude, I mean,

- You couldn't ask for the- - I mean, he's literally taking from his notes. - Yeah, and he asked him to do it. I think that this is the only situation, this is a very rare exception where it makes a lot of sense for what's happening. And I read it and I was like, "This looks as fucking good." I'm not zooming in on pixels. It looks as good. I think to me, yeah, it was great. - Okay. - And I'm like, "Man," it's like when I see people complain, I'm like, "What do you want?"

- What do you want? - Yeah, I mean, I feel that's just a never ending battle with like, especially manga fans nowadays where it's just like any kind of anime adaptation, they just like enhance the pixels. Oh, this pixel is two pixels off from the manga panel. They've ruined it for me. - If that's what he wants, like that was his wish. He was like, please continue this. - Well, yeah. - Then like that was it.

- Well, I mean, you know, I think I can speak on behalf of every Berserk fan where deep down, yes, we do want him to continue it. We hope, you know, we've seen, you know, we wish that- - We don't wanna see the end of the story. - Yeah, we wanna see the end of the story. We, you know, we wish that Mira never tragically passed away and, you know, he could just continue doing it. But, you know, now we're in this position where it's like, okay, well now that Mira's gone, what do we actually want? - How many chapters are there right now? - What if it was, what if it was one piece though?

- What do you mean? What if it was one piece? Like if the mirror situation happened with one piece. - Again, I think if his best friend came out, was a mountaineer and had been working with him for years, it'd be like, yeah, all right, sure.

I mean, I don't think Shonen Jump will let it die. - No, no, no. - They're gonna do like a weekend of burning situation. They're not letting him like pass. They will invest like all of their profits into like cryo technology to somehow keep him alive. And like, how can we just get his brain? - It'll be like in Futurama where they keep the head alive.

- I'm wondering if they have like insurance or if like Oda has like a vault or something. - Oh, they must do, right? - Where it's like, here is the entire plot synopsis of where One Piece is going. - Oh, they must do. They must. - How many chapters of "Berserk" is out since, maybe get a list of "Berserk" chapters and we could probably, we could just see. Scroll up.

- Yeah, just on the Wikipedia. - 'Cause when did he pass? He passed- - I think it was volume 40- - Yeah, you have to go way down, way, way down. - One, 42? - Okay, so it would have been, ooh, wait, when did he pass? - When did Miro pass? I think it was 41 or 42. - I mean, I remember we were filming the Netflix shoot when he passed. - Yeah, and that was definitely during COVID. So I think it's, yeah.

- 41, somewhere around there. - Somewhere around there. - So there's a whole another volume after it passed. - Yeah, I mean, I've not really heard many people talk about the new "Berserk" chapters. - I don't think people will talk about it much until we're getting close to the end. - Right, right. - Yeah. - 'Cause I think it's,

where it left off was in kind of a setting up stage. So there's a lot of setup right now. - Yeah, I mean, you know, most of the God hands are still there. So it's like, I feel there's a lot more of the story. There's so much more. - I got the impression that we're about to wrap up.

- You think? - After I read some of the- - Oh, the newest ones. - The newer ones, I got the impression they were setting up for the end. - Really? - I don't know if I'm correct in my set. I could be totally off. - Yeah. - That's the vibe I got. - Yeah. - I don't know, you just know when you're getting like final. - Yeah, that's true. - Well, there's so many like now, it feels like, is it just me or is it feels like,

Shonen Jump in the previous days, like with the Naruto days, the goal was just to get the manga to go on for as long as possible. But now we're getting to an age I feel like

like a lot of like these hot titles that you think are gonna go on forever. They just kind of like, they just kind of like stop it. - Yeah, well I mean. - Demon Slayers ended. - My Hero's ended. - My Hero just ended as well. - Do you think it's 'cause they wanna just, they have had their like shown and hit and they wanna work on something else? - Yeah, probably. - Maybe. - I think maybe there's less of a culture of just like we need to drag this out as long as possible. And now like more authors are just happy to just let it end more naturally, I guess.

It's less so much of a, oh shit, there is a new foe. Well, we need that from the Dragon Ball age where you think you've reached the power ceiling and then there's someone higher and then there's someone higher.

- And the scale just keeps getting larger and larger and larger. - Yeah, yeah. And now I think Shonen Jump has realized, wait, we just put out bangers after bangers that no matter what, yo, did you see the guys is ending? Don't worry, someone else is gonna come along. - Yeah, yeah. - 'Cause I remember when the big three ended, I was like, ain't no way anything's gonna replace Naruto and Bleach with how big they are. And then now we have an era where the current era is even,

even fucking bigger than the previous era. - Yeah, I wonder like now, you know, I kind of feel that with Demon Slayer and My Hero ending, which I feel were kind of like within that like big three, I guess, in Shonen Jump, in modern day Shonen Jump. And with like, you know, Jujutsu Kaisen supposedly coming to an end. - It's always a big three, isn't it? - There's always a big three. And you know, with like now Jujutsu Kaisen slowly coming to an end apparently. Like I wonder like,

what the vibe of that next big one is. That's gonna be- - I mean, everyone's waiting for the next big one, but- - Kagura Bachi. - Kagura Bachi. It's gonna be Kagura Bachi. To be fair, I've read a little bit of Kagura Bachi. It's actually really fucking good. - See, I don't even know if it's good or if it's bad because of the memes. - No, the memes set it up to be like,

I think it got a lot of people to be like, all right, let's see if this is like actually good or if it's just a meme. It's actually like good. I actually really enjoy the little bit of Cobra Bunch I've read. So like maybe it might end up being that next big one, but yeah, who knows, man?

- Yeah, I mean, it always comes out. I swear to God, it always comes out, you know, whenever everyone said, "Oh, the big three's over, nothing's gonna take over." Jump is done and then something comes along now. Something always comes along and just breaks every kind of record. - Yup, yup. - Funny enough, I don't think it's gonna be Chainsaw Man though. - No. - Everyone, everyone,

- We would discuss this. I think Chainsaw Hunter just struggles to find- - It's too weird. - It's too weird. - Yeah. - Fushimoto's stuff's too weird. - It just struggles to find like the audience that's super dedicated to it. - Yeah. - I think it appeals- - But the ones who are dedicated are fucking dedicated. - Yeah, but I think a lot of those people who are dedicated are big money spenders. - Sure, sure. - Like I don't think they're like 40 year old men with jobs that are willing to buy every single figure. You know what I mean? Like I think it appeals a lot to like

15 and 16 year olds who are like, now this is edge. I mean, it is. - I feel like the massive audience for "Chainsaw Man" is very young.

- And again, I just don't think it's the kind of show that has as much of a commercial appeal. And I don't think Fujimoto wants it to be like that. - No, no, 'cause like, you know, that fucking, what's that horse anime? That thing prints fucking money. - Oh, "Uma Musume?" - "Uma Musume" makes so much money. - Yeah, but "Uma Musume" is actually kind of a good show. Not gonna lie. - It's such a fucking dumb premise. - Yeah, but when you actually watch it, it's like, okay, this is actually kind of hype.

- Right, but like I know it's like a lot of, like there's a part of the online anime fandom in the Western world that would like fucking tear up knowing that shit's gonna be funded for 10 more seasons guaranteed, no question. - Oh no, there has definitely been a- - And they just get upset about it. - There has definitely been a divide at least. Okay, here's two things that I'm conflicted on. One part of me is like, there is a divide in the anime community.

Another part of me is like, I've only seen this on Twitter and I don't know how applicable Twitter is to real life anymore. - Not at all. - 'Cause Twitter is a fucking battleground where only the two extreme opinions clash and you don't actually see anything in between. But there seems to be a definite divide between the fucking Shonen fan base and everyone

everyone else now where it's just like you have one sussy scene that like gets like posts on Twitter and then like half the Twitter crowd is just like, wow, anime fans, what the fuck man? I'm so much better. By the way, I have a Dragon Ball or Jujutsu Kaisen avatar. - Yeah, like Jujutsu Kaisen doesn't have fucking incest in it. What are they talking about bro?

- Like, come on. - That is true actually. - I was like, we're all degenerate. It was like, let's just get along bro. - You get that scene, huh? Did you think that was a bit? - Yeah. How big do you think, what's the new anime that's coming out? - "Dan Da Dan". - "Dan Da Dan". How big do you think that's gonna get? It's too weird, right? - Yeah. - It's pretty weird. - There's a part of me that prays it'll be the next big thing, but at the same time, the creator of "Dan Da Dan" used to be a former Fujimoto assistant. - And they're all making weird shit, man. - And "Dan Da Dan" is fucking weird.

- I think it'll crush and it'll be popular the same way Chainsaw Man was. Like, I think like in the, like there's like guys- - It'll be a momentary like peak, right? - It'll be popular, but I think it'll, it sucks that it's like not super easy to market.

- Yeah. And that's the problem, right? Is that like, at least- - It's kind of lame that it comes down to that a lot of the time. - Yeah, exactly. - Also I think in these 24 episodes, I feel like 12 episodes absolutely kill "Chainsaw Man's" hype. - Yeah. - 12's not enough anymore. People are down on 12. I feel like the, and I think it's better. I think that like 12 is just not good at building up hype. - Like I don't think "Free Ren" would have been as like big if it stopped at like the 12 episode mark. - 'Cause I only got into it around 12 episodes and it felt like that's when it was starting to like

pick up like a behemoth of hype. Like it was, like around episode 16, 17 is when I felt like it was all anyone talked about on Twitter. Yeah. Right.

- True. - Yeah, well, I hope the next season of "Chainsaw Man" does well because- - Well, it's a movie next. - Oh yeah, it is, you're right. - Yeah, of course. - It's a what? - It's a movie. - They're doing a what? - They're doing the next arc in movie form. - What the fuck, why? - Because they're biting off the Demon Slayer. - Oh, man. - They saw Demon Slayer and they saw "Jesus Christ in Zero" and they were like, I guess movies is where it's at. - Demon Slayer basically broke the anime industry when it made everyone realize, wait,

- People wanna go to movies if it's actually important to like the canonical plot and not just a fucking filler movie, like every other Shonen movie that came out before it. - Like every detective Conan movie. - Yeah, or just every Naruto movie or every one piece movie before a certain point. - God damn. - Yeah, there's a lot of money in movies. Like who knew? - Yeah, I mean, look, I'll get the bucket. - I'm gonna go watch it. So I ain't complaining.

- Yeah, 'cause I still need to watch "Look Back" as well. - Yes. - Which I'm...

- I cried watching that movie. - Yeah, I think, but it was a pretty short movie, right? It was only like- - Yeah, 45, 50 minutes. - Was it only 45 minutes? - Yeah, it's less than an hour. - Wow. - Yeah. But yeah, oh my God, what a beautiful movie. Such an amazing movie. And yeah, I don't know what else I can say about it because I don't want to really give it away. - I mean, if you read the manga, it's not that long. - No, no. It's like- - How's the animation in it? 'Cause I saw some of the cuts in the trailer. It looks like- - Beautiful.

- Rip the Mapper animators, but the work they produced looked absolutely beautiful. - And what's brilliant as well is that they really were very, what's the word? Very faithful to Fujimoto's art style. So there's a lot of scenes in that that straight up just looks like panels from the manga, but just in beautiful animated colored form.

And yeah, a beautiful movie. - I didn't realize there was like a scene in "Chainsaw Man" that just like wasn't finished that aired. I thought it was some avant-garde shit. No, sorry, not "Chainsaw Man." - Jesus Christ. - Yeah. - Yeah. And then- - Wait, what? - Yeah, there was like a scene in "Chainsaw Man" that like,

- He can't get chainsaw man off the brain. - There's a scene in "Juicy Kyson" that was just like not finished. - Is it the fucking fight in episode 15 where it's like the crazy animation going on? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Honestly, avant-garde shit and then I saw the finished one and I was like, oh.

- That's what it was supposed to look like? - Yeah, I mean, it's something definitely felt off Drew when I watched the episode originally, 'cause I'm like, I'm not really following this fight. - I thought it was the point. I thought it was just to be like, they're so powerful that like bending time. - Even the audience can't like. - Didn't finish the fight. - That's funny.

I don't know which, it was, I don't know if we could show it, but we probably can't show it. - Right. - Maybe we moved on and could show like gifts or something. - Yeah. - But it was, I just found that really funny. - It was the fucking one where Tsukuna was fighting that angel. - That angel demon. - Yeah. - I can't remember any of their names, honestly.

- But yeah, the fight looked sick, but there were parts of the fight where I'm like, I just saw, I didn't realize. - Pretty big, not like little bits weren't finished. Like it was pretty glaring. - Really? - When you see the side by side, I don't know if we can bring it up. - I didn't see this. - Can we bring it up? Type in like unfinished Jutakaishin scene versus finished. - Unfinished JJK scene. I mean, we did get- - Maybe the first one.

- Yeah, click this one. It might show it. - Why is it on TikTok? - Of course it's on TikTok. Half the chainsaw man.

- You have taken over my mind. - Oh this? - Yeah, I think parts of this fight. - Yeah, it's when he starts like flying off and shit. - Yeah, I think it's about to get like really fucking weird. - Okay. - I mean, this just looks like fucking insane. - Yeah, this is crazy. - Yeah. But then I remember there was a point in this fight where it just felt pretty hard to follow along with what was going on in the action. - I mean, it's already hard to follow along. - Yeah, I think a lot of this was just unfinished.

- It's not unfinished, it's just a stylistic. - That's what I thought. - That's what JJK fans say. - A lot of it's like when you look now, it looks like, damn, that's like when you know it's unfinished, you're like, ah. - Yeah, this looks, I mean, I can see looking at this, I can see how people will be like, no, no, it's supposed to be like this. - That's what I thought.

- Maybe type in like a finished version or like the version that's like. - Yeah, but there were just some cuts that were missing to just link some of these different shots together. - And we got additional scene Blu-ray maybe the second one there. - Unfinished edition, that's unfinished. - Oh no, that's unfinished. - Maybe type in Jutsu Kaisen, what would you type in? Finished? - Finished fight scene. - I mean, even for an unfinished fight still goes. - Yeah, that looks cool. - Absolutely fucking hard. - That definitely looks cool.

- Yeah, Mahogana. Yeah, that's it. - Full fight with Blu-ray added scenes. - Oh, here we go. - This is the entire fight. This is a long fight. We definitely won't show this. - Oh my God. No, no, just skip to the part where like, maybe we were at. - All right.

- Yeah. - I think this stuff was the stuff that like, yeah, look at this part. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - All of this stuff got like cleaned up and was like actually much better in the Blu-ray. - Yeah. - But I just thought that was weird that like, isn't it like crazy that like the different. - It's completely different. - Like look at the difference. - Yeah, that's completely different, wow. - It's like night and day.

- Wow, yeah, that's totally different. - I mean- - Like he's animated like, it looks way, I thought it was meant to be like a lot more rough 'cause that's what they were trying to like get across, but no. - Like it's so fast and so insane. Like you just can't keep up. Oh my God, look at that impact frame. - Yeah, I mean, that's why you need to watch JJK season two, Joey. - Honestly? - Yeah. - You think this fight is impressive? Every episode is like this quality. - There's so much better fights. - And it's actually like,

- JJK season two is actually like insane with how they just had such amazing animation. - The story's hype but the animation is crazy. - Yeah, the story's hype but if you just want to like, if you're just an animation fan, this is like, this is fucking it. It's an all we can eat buffet. - Yeah. I feel the pain of the animators that are looking at this. Jesus Christ. - Right, right. - Well done guys. That's crazy. - I feel like we got fucking spoiled 'cause.

- Oh, this is gonna be like an out of context. I definitely feel like this year of anime is definitely a weaker, definitely much weaker year of anime. - No, I feel that's fair. - He said it, not me. - I'm saying it, I watch anime. - I'm sure like there's like some that have been bangers, but I haven't really heard anyone speak about it. - We've had Free Red, we've had Dungeon Mesh-y. - I haven't heard anything else. - Huh? - Plurals? - Who was last year?

- Last year was such a banger, man. Last year we had like Vinland Saga 2, Free Wren, JJK, Apothecary Diaries, Pluto. This year we've had like Free Wren continuation, Dungeon Meshi. - Continuation? - Dungeon Meshi is a new one. - Oh, is it new? - Delicious Dungeon. That's it? - Yeah, I've not heard anyone get pumped about Naname.

- Yeah, every hype new anime like Kaiju number eight was like, it was aight. It was aight. - Yeah. - It was Kaiju number eight? - Yeah. - Or did you read it? - I read it and watched about six episodes of it. - Not worth watching. It's aight.

- Yeah, it was all right. - It's just like your standard kind of like shonen. - Yeah, it was just all right. - So nothing to be excited about this year. - Well, "Dan Da Dan" probably, "Rizoro" season three as well I heard is very good. - Yeah, it should be fun, excited for that. But it's been a bit of a slow mid-year. - It's been a bit of a slow year considering I think like right now the hottest show is "Oshinoko" season two and I've barely seen many people talk about it. - I feel like this year has been kind of slow for media in general. - You think so?

- I'm trying to think. I mean, as a JLPG fan, this year's- - February, I was eating. - This year's part of all the big movies. We got so many last year. We had like "Barbie", "Oppenheimer". I know there's other stuff too, sorry, I can't remember. I think about the Oscars last year, it was stacked. And this year, I'm trying to think what films were really big this year. "Inside Out 2", "Deadpool".

And I know there's some other stuff. - I'm trying to think. - Like I've watched decent movies this year, but I feel like in terms of like big public. - "Dune 2" was last year, right? Or was that this year? - "Dune 2" was this year. - This was this year, right? - Actually, "Dune 2" was fucking awesome. - "Dune 2." - Okay. - Wait, when was "Dune 2"? Wait, no, it might have been November. Wait, when's "Dune 2"? - Shit. - If "Dune 2" was last year. - "Dune 2" is gonna carry. - Okay, thank you. - March 1st, okay. - Yeah, "Dune 2" carries. - I was thinking, I was thinking. I was originally supposed to come out in November. - March 1st feels like a fucking millennial.

- I was like, "Dune 2 is last year." - Well, yeah, that's right, 'cause I kept referencing fucking Dune in my cycling. That's right. - Yeah. - But yeah, I didn't like games. What are the big game releases this year? What are the big game releases? - A lot of them have been- - Persona 3 Reload, Final Fantasy Rebirth. - Yakuza 8. - Okay, Yakuza 8. - Final Fantasy Rebirth. - Okay.

- The Elden Ring, does Elden Ring count? - It's already in DLC. I guess it's another game, but Helldivers 2 and then that kind of faded pretty quick. - Why did Helldivers fade? - Well, they didn't really update the game fast enough, which is not like,

That's like a tough thing when it's PV. I feel like it's a very tough thing because you've got to add content fast enough. But there was also an insane amount of interest. They were never going to be able to keep up with the amount of people that were hyped about it. It's getting a lot of flack recently, which you might argue is fair or not because they get a lot of criticism. People are saying that they are too harsh on the balancing.

'cause it's a PvE game, so it's versus like monsters. And at least when I played, there was one gun that was the only usable gun and then they nerfed it. And then it was kind of like, okay, I guess we'll use the other guns that are kind of shit.

- When we played it on Patreon, was that before or after the nerf? - That was after the nerf. - That was after the nerf. - It was still really hard, I think, to use that gun. - Yeah, I struggled with that game. - That gun, 'cause they had, there was one gun that was good and they nerfed it. - Joey playing a shooter game. I don't know what to do. How do you- - Well, I was in the giant fucking Gundam thing the whole time. - We haven't really had any crazy, Dragon's Dogma 2, Dragon's Dogma 2 came out, but I feel like we haven't had crazy,

games or movies or anime this year? - Or is it just that our standards have increased? - For anime it's definitely been- - It's okay to have a setup year. - It's a setup year. - Setup. 'Cause like, okay, big TV shows, "House Dragon" was amazing. I watched it, it was awesome. It was so good, loved it. But even like that was like a setup season.

- Kind of, well, it was really good. I loved it though. I loved House of Dragons season two. It was really fucking good. What other TV show, Ed? Other big TV shows? - I'm telling you. - Invisible, Part Two. - End of the Year, Arcane's gonna carry. - Dude. - Arcane, you're gonna get to the end of the year and you're actually gonna be like, actually, this year was like goaded year. Goaded fucking year.

- It only takes one. - I can't wait for Arcane season two, bro. I'm so hyped. - I am so hyped for that as well. That's gonna be anime of the year. - Hell yeah. - Fuck off. - Hell yeah. - That's gonna be anime of the year this year. - Hell yeah. - All this time you're like, "Arcane's not an anime." - Yeah. - Actually anime of the year though. - Actually, that is going to carry this year of anime. - And it's the final season. - Yeah. - Two seasons. - Okay. - Yeah. - You know what? I like that.

- I like that they're like, you know what? We're wrapping it up. I was like the hell. - Yeah, we need more of that. We need more of- - Be willing to close it out. - Just close out a story when it feels natural to be closed out. - 100%. - I hope we get a thing from them every year though. I just want something. That studio makes fire. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- The French studio. - But I believe they're doing like a whole fucking- - League, yeah. - Yeah, they're doing like the League multiverse or whatever it is. - League of Legends, throw your money at them, please. Just give them infinite money. - Have we seen the League fighting games coming out as well? - Yeah, it looks good. They also canceled one. - The MMORPG, right? - No, they canceled one that was kind of like, I think a Smash Brothers type game.

- Oh, was that the one that was in like alpha? - No, so they're working on two fighting games. They're one that's coming out, which is kind of like street fight. What is it? Project M, is that what it's called? I can't remember this one. They basically had two fighting games. One was a League of Legends game and one was a Smash Brothers like game, like multiverse type. I don't know if it's public. Actually, I don't know if I should- - No, I think one of them- - 2XKO. - One of them is in alpha apparently.

'Cause I was talking about it with my friend yesterday and yeah, the fighting game I believe is currently in alpha and apparently- - This is the one that got canned, right? - No, no, no. - No, no, this is the one that's coming up, I believe.

- 2xk0 just got the alpha released. - Oh really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wait, wait, can you show the footage of it? - And apparently people in the FGC who are playing the alpha have already figured out all the combos. - Yeah, I mean that makes sense. - So if you jump in, you get touched once and you're just in a 15 combo. - That makes sense. - And you're just like, oh good. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, this game. - Yeah, this one, yeah, yeah. This one looks fucking awesome. - Yeah, I know, this one, I'm really excited for this one. - And with the league skin machine behind it?

- What you mean? - 'Cause you know how normally fighting games you get like a bunch of outfits. Ain't no way you're getting that for free in this. You gotta pay for those. - Of course, 100%. - You gotta pay. - Different colors. - You gotta pay. - Just wait for them to re-release the project skins once again. - You'll maybe get like two colors. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - If you want a natural skin, money time. - Yeah. - It makes sense though. I feel like that would probably do well. - Yeah. - Of course it will, yeah. - Like just make like a whole like skin rebrand for it. I mean, it looks great. - Yeah. - Yeah.

- This one does look fun. - It looks very fun. I might get more people into league. - Without getting into league. - I can't exactly get behind that. - You might get into a fighting game. - I might get into a fighting game. - Are you that big of a league fan, you reckon? - I just like the characters. I like league characters a lot. I mean, I'm addicted to TFT. I joined some competition thing. - Is that a dead game now? - Dead TFT? No, TFT is like, I think,

- In China it's more popular than League. - We're just hoping. - Actually League is the dead game. - Pull up the TFT player number base. I'm gambling here. Pull it up. - It's like three. - 33 million players. - Wow. - What is League of Legends monthly players? I just wanna see how close we are to this. - Just as many as wow.

- League of Legends player numbers. - What? - 180 million. - 180 still. - Oh, it said 152 million. Dying game. - Dying game. - Dying game. - TFTPL me up. - Always, always dying. - League fell off. - Yeah. - League fell off, I'm sorry. - I feel like in China though, like in like- - Yeah, China carries so many- - Like TFT, I feel like it's crushing in China. - Yeah. - But it's the best.

like lazy gamer game. 'Cause you can either fully commit to it or you can like do other shit while playing. 'Cause it's like an auto battler. So in between rounds, you're like, I'm gonna reply to a message or like do the shit. - I'll fuck your clowns on me. - Yeah, I thought you hated auto battlers. - I thought you hated them. - No, no, no, no, no. 'Cause if you wanna make sure you're winning, you can lock in. - Well, you can do that in RPGs with auto battlers as well.

- No, no, you have to auto battle though. But like, you know, you have to position your units correctly. - Right. - And you can like, you can be like a sweat and like actually do it well and win. Or you can just like run at gold four, never climb and just basically just have background noise. - Sounds like exactly the same experience as- - I was about to say. - What I was saying with auto battle though. - No, 'cause you know, 'cause you have to go- - It's literally the same. - No, 'cause once you get out of the battle, you have to walk around and then go talk to fucking people. Like it's like fucking lame, bro. I don't wanna fucking do that. - Wait, wait.

- Am I autoing or not? Am I like, what are we doing? - That's because it's a fucking exploration adventure game. - The charm of it is that like, you don't have to like, it doesn't, if you'd wanna just like hands off, you can completely. Fucking like Honkai, if you wanna hands off, you can't, 'cause you gotta like fucking, you do the auto battle, you're like, right now I'm gonna go to this fucking Windvada town and go talk to Jim fucking Crickets, get his words, fight another fucking ice golem. You know, it's like this shit. Like, no, I don't want that.

- Let me be lazy if I wanna be lazy. - You just won one gameplay experience, just let me play the game or let me not play the game. - Yeah, exactly. - You're like a light switch, just turn it off. - Yeah, you know, come on. - God damn. - So my gamble here of potentially having a lot of, but 33 million is a crazy amount of concurrent players. - That's a lot. - Yeah, that is a lot of players. - It's fun, it's really fun. But I've been playing it a lot. - When's GTA gonna take over?

- When it gets released. - When it gets released, is it next year it's getting released? - Yeah, fall next year. - Yeah, fall. So we still have a fall year. - So I'll be 29. - 29. - 29. - I'll be 31. - You'll be 30. - I'll be 31. - What the fuck? - 35. - Holy shit. - You're old, son. - Yeah, we're old. - Bro, you're halfway to 40.

- You reckon they're- - Bro, I'm fucking locking the- - That silence was deafening. - I'm a switch. - The realization is like- - I don't wanna talk about this, okay guys? I wanna talk about this. - I'm halfway to 40, fuck. - Bro, how does it feel being basically 40? - How does it feel like to be old? - I still got time, I still got time. How does it feel like to be almost 30?

- I'm 30 in a month bro. - 30's chill though. - I'm kind of excited. - 30's chill. It's 40, 40's all goes downhill. - Is it? - When I get close to 40, I'll be saying 50. - Yeah, exactly.

- GTA is gonna reach a 3 billion now by the time it gets released. - Oh my God. - It'll be like crazy. - Currently it's at 2 billion development costs, right? - Is that real or was that a meme? - I'll type in GTA current development costs. Did you also see the in league, they added like vampire survivors. - Oh, did they? - They just added straight up vampire survivors in league. - Wow. - It's like a limited time. I think it's a limited time thing.

- Yeah, analysts estimate the to be released GTA 6's costs at $2 billion, including marketing and other expenses. - That's including marketing though, so. - Yeah, but GTA 5 was a 10th of that budget. - Wait, yeah, how long was, can we search up how expensive was GTA 5 to develop? - Right there, 265 million. - 265 million? - It's literally a 10th of the budget. - I'm looking at 265 million and I'm like, that's it? That's it? - Yeah, when you compare it to 2 billion? - Yeah.

- That has to be like the most expensive game, right? - 2 billion? - Yeah, it has to be. - Well, what's the most expensive, can you search up most expensive game development?

- What if it's just GTA 5? - It must be. - It must be, right? - I actually don't think it is. - Oh, no, no, no, sorry. - I think there's a curve ball answer in here. - I think Destiny, Destiny's big one, Red Dead. - Red Dead 2. - Cyberpunk. - Cyberpunk. - When was that list made? - Watchmoj, oh, watchmoj. - Okay, go to the Wikipedia page 'cause I think this year it is actually- - List of most expensive games. - Yeah, but that doesn't really count. It's a live service game. - $700 million. - But I feel like- - It doesn't feel like it.

- Wait, what? Hold on a second. Monopoly Go? 500 million? - Wait, how did Monopoly Go take $500 million to develop? - I think Monopoly Go absolutely crushes. I think it makes a ton of money. - What the fuck? - I've heard it makes crazy. They spent 500 million on marketing. 500 million! - And not once were we ever sponsored by them. - Yeah, so if you go to the Wikipedia of Monopoly Go, I swear they made a ton of money. They crushed. - God damn, bro.

- Yeah, generated 2 billion in revenue. - Jesus. - In 10 months. - Shit. - Yeah, so it's really, I don't know why, I don't know which countries are playing this the most. 'Cause I feel like I don't know anyone who plays it. - I've never even, I didn't even know there was a Monopoly mobile game.

- Yes, I heard about this. It's made like more money than like Genshin Impact or something. - Yeah. - I don't think it has, but like it made more money than some other game. - That's crazy. - I mean, two billions in revenue is- - In 10 months. - Yeah, that's insane. - Insane.

- Like Gacha players are like, have I not given enough? - It doesn't even have waifus in it. - Are they microtransactions? Do you have to pay for the houses with real money or something? - Is this just real Monopoly? - When you monopolize a part of the street and you want to put houses, it's just a down payment on a house. - Can we go to Monopoly Go gameplay?

- I need to see what is so riveting about this game. - Okay, let's have a look at the gameplay. Probably go walk through. - A walk through? - Go back, there's a guy who did a nine minute video. - Yeah, there we go, there we go. - I'm curious, what are like actually the top earning games of this year? - All right, let's have a look at this gameplay first. All right, load it up. - All right, let's see this. It's on iOS. Wow, $2 billion game.

- Well, this is a $500 million game. - 500 million with 500 million marked in it. - All right. - Okay. - Skip ahead a little bit. We need to see. It's literally Monopoly. - Yeah, well, it's- - Do you just keep playing games of Monopoly? - Oh my God, it's actually Monopoly. - Yeah, pretty much just- - This made 2 billion in less than a year? - It's Monopoly. - I mean, look, I love Monopoly as much as the next guy, but-

- The fucking fireball picture is hilarious. - Skip a little bit. - Is it just the Facebook moms that are playing this? - It has to be. - I'm guessing like you buy money for your city and maybe you can buy parts of your city with,

- This is the Farmville Candy Crush crowd that's playing this. - With like the Monopoly brand name behind it. - What did you wanna see? - What are actually like the top earning games? - Okay, yeah. Top earning games. - Top earning games of the year or of all time? - 2024. - 2024. - Okay, top earning games of 2024. - 'Cause I'm pretty sure it must be like- - Monopoly Go. - Yeah, Monopoly Go.

- No, not mobile games. - Not mobile games. - Well, I feel like it's probably mobile games. - I think they're all, they might be all mobile games. - Are we in a world where mobile games are just the top grossing games? - No, I think you have to go to mobile games. Go to the mobile game list. You have to. I don't think games are making as much revenue. - Yeah.

- All right. - Honor of Kings, Monopoly Go, Royal Match, PUBG Mobile, Roblox, Candy Crush. - Honkai's not even like- - Honkai's at eight. - Yeah, Honkai. Well, there's only so much appeal that an anime game can have in the world of Facebook moms, I think. - Yeah, but it is also impressive when you look at the rest of the list and then there's just Honkai. - It is crazy that like,

Monopoly goes crushing as hard. - Yeah. - Yeah. - What is Honor of Kings? - I'm still surprised PUBG is still- - PUBG? - Yeah, PUBG crushes in Asia. - Yeah. - It's really popular. - It's really popular in Japan actually. - PUBG Mobile. - Honor of Kings. Oh, it's League of Legends. - Oh my God, of course it is. - Is it a League of Legends knockoff? - Yeah. - The world's most played mobile MOBA.

- Wow. - Bro, that's insane. - That's crazy. - That's insane that a league knockoff is doing better than league. - Than league. - Yeah.

- I mean, I think they just, yeah, they're like this game is doing well, let's make a mobile version. - Well, League has a mobile version for no one. - Oh yeah, Wild Rift. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, I forgot about that. - Oh, it does? - Yeah, League has a mobile version. - Yeah, Wild Rift. - Wild Rift. - Oh my God, I forgot about this. - But I don't know a single person who plays it, unfortunately. - Yeah, why is this not doing as well? - Well, it's probably, I imagine aimed at China, I imagine. - Oh, right, right, right. - It's probably the main demographic. 'Cause mobile games crashed in China.

- Yeah, China is just such a massive market, but if you're not mobile, you're just not even like in the contender. - 37 million global server, except for the Chinese over the past seven months. It's pretty solid.

- Is it? Is it with Monopoly Go anymore? - I don't know. - Monopoly Go is like, that's pathetic. - I'd like to think if I spent 500 million on advertising, I'd make a couple of it back. - I hope so. - God damn. - It's depressing looking at this list though. - It's fucking depressing. - Can you search up how much Elden Ring has made? - Oh, it's gotta be a couple of billion. - Yeah. - Let's see. - 638 million. - That's sad. - So not even a billion.

- That's sad that Monopoly Go made more money this year than all of Elden Ring. - That's so sad. - That's depressing, man. - That's so sad. - Game developers are like, "Why am I even trying? Why do I try?" - Oh my God. - That's so funny. - Gamers are like, "We want better games." - So the state of gaming is sad, but indie games are doing great, so if you like that, it's great. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Gotta play some good indie games. - That's about it, I suppose. - I wonder if AAA games fucking suck now.

- The AAA games are the mobile games. - You're better off making a fucking mobile game. - Yeah, exactly. That's a sad state that we're evolving into. - You know what's not a sad state? The Patreon. - Oh my God, look at that. - The Patreon. - Hey, look at all these patrons though. I wonder how many of them play Monopoly Go. Let us know in the comments if you play Monopoly Go. - I wanna play Monopoly real actually. - No, no we don't. - I wanna play the real Monopoly. - I wanna play the analog Monopoly actually. - Give me analog Monopoly. Actually the graphics on that are so much better.

- They've aged so well. - I love the stained money. And the slightly ripped boards in the center. - Yeah, you know the- - Just some mileage on it. - The fucking cards, the cards that have some wine spilled on them. Some drunk piss head. Like accidentally spilled on it one day. - Yeah, those are good. But hey, if you want to,

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