cover of episode The Lion's Den by Voyage Media

The Lion's Den by Voyage Media

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Robert: 本播客改编自真实事件,讲述一名毒品走私犯改信耶稣后,成为美国缉毒局(DEA)的卧底,从内部瓦解贩毒集团的故事。故事背景和风格类似《毒枭》和《边境杀手》,但加入了独特的灵魂元素。 剧中人物: 讲述者回顾自己过去的罪行,并表达了对上帝的信仰。他承认在卧底行动中,即使对上司也无法完全坦诚,将卧底行动比作一种“赞助”,目的是从内部瓦解贩毒集团。同时,他强调卧底人员的安全是机构和个人的首要任务。 旁白: 对卧底身份的质疑和不确定性,以及对播客《狮穴》的宣传,强调其与《毒枭》和《边境杀手》类似,但有独特的灵魂。 剧中人物: 讲述者回顾自己过去的罪行,并表达了对上帝的信仰。他承认在卧底行动中,即使对上司也无法完全坦诚,将卧底行动比作一种“赞助”,目的是从内部瓦解贩毒集团。同时,他强调卧底人员的安全是机构和个人的首要任务。 剧中人物: 对卧底身份的质疑和不确定性,以及对播客《狮穴》的宣传,强调其与《毒枭》和《边境杀手》类似,但有独特的灵魂。

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Hey everyone, Robert here to tell you about Voyage Media's new action thriller podcast called The Lion's Den. This audio drama is based on actual events about a real person who was a drug smuggler, found Jesus, and became essentially a priest, but the cartel would not let him go. So he ended up becoming an undercover operative for the DEA and took the cartel down from the inside. It's in the same kind of story universe as Sicario or Narcos, but with a real twist.

It's got a lot of soul to it. The audio production on this is really great, and so is the music. It's almost like Miami Vice as well. Just a really fun, compelling crime drama. That's The Lion's Den, available right now wherever you listen to podcasts. Here's the trailer. Now playing from Voyage Media, a new action thriller audio drama podcast based on actual events.

A drug smuggler finds God and turns against the cartel, working as an undercover operative. You know I wasn't always right with the Lord, but I've committed crimes. Duntime.

I don't know that I could tell him everything. Not even his mother knows everything. I know you got the whole "praise Jesus" thing going on. Just think of it like Ramon's a patron saint and you're giving patronage. To bring them down from the inside. I promise you, your safety remains of the highest priority for the agency. And for me personally. The soldados who picked us up at the airport drove us not to Ramon's place in Sinaloa, but out into the desert. Old Testament style.

You and the good Lord gonna save my soul, hermano? How lonely your life must be, Señor Bradley. Or Señor Kelly. Or El Zorro. Or Pastor Hal. Whoever you are. Maybe you don't even know anymore. Surprise. If you enjoyed Narcos or Sicario, from Voyage Media, producers of the hit fiction podcast I Am Echo, comes an action drama with Soul, The Lion's Den.

Available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you listen to podcasts. If that sounds interesting to you, make sure to search for The Lion's Den wherever you listen to podcasts. The whole series is out right now. Thanks. It's 3 a.m. Maybe you're on a road trip. Maybe you just got out of a late night movie. Maybe you're just hungry and you're in luck. The Midnight Bite is open 24 hours. You've never been. You're about to find out the food is okay.

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