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Cypress Creek by Voyage Media

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与Ramsey Network或Ramsey Solutions相关的个人,具体信息不详。
Joan: 飓风过后,我的家园被摧毁,而上坡的邻居们却毫发无损,还利用FEMA资金翻修房屋。我希望通过赢得HOA选举,将社区资金用于帮助真正需要帮助的人。我与Katie的竞争异常激烈,她代表着那些置身事外,漠视他人苦难的人。这场选举关系到我们社区的未来,关系到公平与正义。我必须为那些受灾的邻居争取应有的权益,即使这意味着要面对巨大的压力和不公平的竞争。我原本只是想为社区做点事,没想到会卷入如此复杂的权力斗争。 Katie: 我在飓风中安然无恙,并且有权利用FEMA资金改善我的生活。Joan的指责是毫无根据的,她只是嫉妒我的成功。HOA选举是公平竞争,我将为社区带来更好的设施,例如游泳池。我不会被她的指责所影响,我会继续为我的目标而奋斗。我并不关心那些受灾的邻居,他们应该自力更生。社区的资源应该优先用于改善那些没有受灾居民的生活质量。 Jack: Cypress Creek社区在飓风后上演了一场黑色喜剧,围绕HOA选举展开的权力斗争,揭露了邻居间的秘密与矛盾。Joan和Katie的竞争异常激烈,社区的未来将面临巨大的考验。这场斗争不仅关乎社区资金的分配,更关乎公平正义,以及人性的善恶。 Narrator: 飓风过后,Cypress Creek社区分成了两个阵营:受灾的低洼地带居民和毫发无损的上坡居民。这场HOA选举成为了他们矛盾的焦点,也成为了一个关于权力、资源和人性的故事。选举过程充满了阴谋、欺骗和暴力,最终导致了悲剧的发生。整个故事充满了悬念和反转,将观众带入一个充满紧张和刺激的氛围中。

Deep Dive

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Hey guys, what's going on? Jack here with Seven Lamb Productions to talk to you about Cypress Creek. That's right, our friends at Voyage Media are back with a new series. Season one just dropped and all episodes are available now. It's a dark comedy audio drama that looks behind the doors of your friends and neighbors and finds their dirty little secrets. Joanne's home was devastated by a flood after a hurricane. Her and her friends on the lower ridge of the Cypress Creek neighborhood are struggling to survive.

If Joanne can win the HOA election, she can make sure the neighborhood funds go to the people who need them most. Standing in her way? Katie, who's really the ultimate Karen. Her and everyone else on the upper ridge of Cypress Creek not only were unharmed by the storm, they've been using the FEMA money to remodel their houses. The epic election battle between them will put the entire community to the test, and not everyone will make it out alive.

It's Big Little Lies meets Desperate Housewives in a post-hurricane community. The eight-episode first season is available right now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you listen to podcasts. And here's the trailer. Now playing from Voyage Media, a new dark comedy audio drama that looks behind the doors of your friends and neighbors. ♪

Meet Joan. Joan's home was devastated by a flood after Hurricane Harvey. Her and her neighbors on the lower ridge of the Cypress Creek neighborhood are struggling to survive. If Joan can win the HOA election, she can make sure that the neighborhood funds go to the people who need them most. I don't have in me to save everyone, Joan. Only us. Then save us, and I'll worry about everyone else.

Meet Katie. She's doing great. Her and everyone else on the upper ridge of Cypress Creek not only were unharmed by the storm, they've been using the FEMA money to remodel their homes.

If Katie wins the HOA election, they're going to build a pool. Struggling neighbors be damned. Don't you just wish sometimes you could run away from it all? Oh, Katie, you lucky bitch. Every day. A community divided between the haves and the have-nots in the wake of a hurricane. And one election that could change everything if

If the right person wins. You didn't flood and lose everything. What gives you the right to make the rest of our lives even more miserable? Two of the ballots weren't clearly mobbed, so I tossed them. That's fraud! Welcome to politics, Joan.

I just wanted to be HOA president. I didn't know someone I thought was my friend would make it so hard. And I sure didn't know that before it was all over, someone would be dead. If you enjoyed Big Little Lies or Desperate Housewives, stories of deadly tension in suburbia with a dark comedy twist, now playing Cypress Creek. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Well, well, well, a visitor. Make yourself at home and feel free to explore my establishment. Each visit to my shop will unleash a sordid tale about the many relics curated within. Every one darker than the next, I'm afraid.

Welcome to the antiquarium of sinister happenings and odd goings on. I can smell your intestines. I'm scaring her, aren't I? If you are uncomfortable with the supernatural, the occult, or exploring other realms, I encourage you to stop listening to this immediately. It's the last in afternoon. I'm in my walk. I want to go home. I want to go home. Terrible things happen when we talk about him too much. Take that! Take that!

And assume zero liability as per store policy. No exception. Thank you, and have a great day. Find the antiquarium of sinister happenings online at and wherever you do come home to. Let's face it, life in Mayfair can take a little getting used to. You've reached Alternative Biome Normalization Services. What can I do for you? Um, hi. This is the Exterminators, right?

There's a thing outside my house. I think it's eating my driveway? We handle things differently here. Hey, Jim! I'm outside your work right now and the whole building is just... gone?

I know you said you weren't in on Wednesdays, but is this what you meant? And if you don't know what's going on, that can be scary. 911, what's your emergency? Please, help me. What is the nature of your emergency, ma'am? I thought it would go away if I stopped feeding it, but now it's in the house. Ma'am, please try to calm down. Ah!

Join the Mayfair Watchers Society, a found footage horror anthology podcast made in collaboration with horror artist Trevor Henderson. You can find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and at