cover of episode When docs cry
Matt Belloni
Sasha Weiss
节目主持人:越来越多的名人纪录片允许名人们控制自己的形象,而一部关于普林斯的充满神秘色彩的新纪录片,由于我们即将解释的原因,你可能永远都看不到。 Matt Belloni:与纪录片拍摄对象合作会牺牲很多,很多名人纪录片只是拍摄对象用来提升形象的工具,为了获得拍摄对象的准入,电影制作人往往需要放弃某些自由,例如以自己想要的方式讲述故事的自由。名人纪录片数量的激增并非巨大转变,只是数量上的增加,这得益于流媒体平台的兴起和付费模式。流媒体平台推动了名人纪录片的兴起,因为这类内容点击率高,且名人参与拍摄能获得巨额报酬。这类纪录片之所以流行,是因为观众喜欢,他们想更多地了解自己喜欢的明星。这些纪录片对名人的宣传作用大于对娱乐产业现状的揭示。如今的明星不需要媒体来控制自己的叙事,他们可以自己讲述自己的故事,甚至可以制作多部纪录片来进行自我营销。有些名人纪录片过于编排和设定,缺乏真实性,但粉丝并不在意。关于普林斯的纪录片是参与式纪录片风险的完美例证,由于制作方和普林斯遗产管理方对最终成品意见不一,导致影片发行受阻。 Sasha Weiss:普林斯在2004年摇滚名人堂入选典礼上的吉他独奏表演令人印象深刻,背后故事更复杂、更悲伤。普林斯在摇滚名人堂的表演中蕴含着痛苦、支配欲和不安全感,这反映了他复杂的人生经历。这部纪录片关注普林斯复杂的心理,并试图展现其矛盾之处。普林斯去世时没有遗嘱,这导致了遗产管理方面的诸多纠纷,最终与Netflix达成了制作纪录片的协议。Netflix获得了普林斯档案馆的独家使用权,而埃德尔曼最初的理解是,他和Netflix拥有最终剪辑权。在纪录片制作过程中,普林斯的遗产管理方易手,导致了后续的冲突。Netflix负责该项目的执行官离职,也导致了影片制作的困难。普林斯的遗产管理方对成片提出了大量修改意见,这些意见并非事实性错误,而是编辑性意见。遗产管理方要求修改的内容包括:重拍Paisley Park的场景;删除与普林斯去世相关的歌曲;删除关于普林斯宗教信仰和性取向的负面评价。遗产管理方要求修改的原因是担心这些内容会损害普林斯的公众形象。目前,这部纪录片处于搁置状态,无法观看。埃德尔曼是一位备受尊敬的电影制作人,他认真负责地完成了工作。这部纪录片对普林斯与女性的关系进行了细致的刻画,展现了其复杂性。普林斯既是女性的推动者,也可能具有控制欲和贬低行为。纪录片中包含了关于普林斯暴力行为的证词,也包含了其他女性对其正面评价的证词。这部纪录片展现了普林斯与女性关系的多面性,并要求观众去理解这些矛盾之处。即使埃德尔曼缩减影片时长,这部纪录片也很难在Netflix上发行,因为遗产管理方反对的是影片的整体基调。遗产管理方希望呈现一个更正面、更简单的普林斯形象,这使得高质量的纪录片难以制作和发行。高质量的、复杂的纪录片可能并不符合Netflix的商业模式。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are celebrity documentaries often criticized as 'participation docs'?

These documentaries are criticized because the subjects often have significant control over the content, leading to a glorified press release rather than an objective portrayal.

What is the primary reason behind the rise of participation docs in the streaming age?

Streaming services have created a new market for celebrity-fronted documentaries, paying tens of millions of dollars to induce artists to participate, making it a lucrative genre for both stars and platforms.

How does the Prince documentary exemplify the challenges of participatory documentaries?

The Prince documentary faced issues when the estate changed hands mid-production, leading to objections from the new estate managers who demanded extensive changes that the filmmaker, Ezra Edelman, refused to make.

What was the original agreement for the Prince documentary, and what caused the conflict?

The original agreement was for a six-hour film with final cut for the filmmaker and exclusive access to Prince's archives. The conflict arose when the estate changed hands and the new managers objected to the film's content, demanding significant editorial changes.

How does the Prince documentary handle Prince's complex relationship with women?

The documentary presents a nuanced view, showing both the empowering and controlling aspects of Prince's interactions with women, allowing viewers to see the contradictions and complexities of his character.

What does the future of documentary filmmaking look like in the context of streaming services?

The future may see more focus on cheaper, celebratory documentaries churned out by streaming services, potentially sidelining deeply researched, complex documentaries that take longer to produce.

The rise of participation docs in the streaming age, where celebrities actively participate in their own documentaries, often leading to a controlled narrative.
  • Participation docs are documentaries where the subject is also an active participant, often as a producer.
  • Streaming services have enabled the proliferation of these docs due to their clickable content potential.
  • Audiences often don't care about the journalistic integrity of these docs, focusing more on access to their favorite celebrities.

Shownotes Transcript

Prince is the subject of a new film from one of the greatest living documentarians, but it might never come out and almost no one’s seen it. We talk to someone who did: editor and writer Sasha Weiss. Meanwhile, the rise in pop star docs can be a good hang for fans, but when a film is a glorified press release, we miss out on a lot, says journalist Matthew Belloni.

This episode was produced by Zachary Mack and Miles Bryan, edited by Lissa Soep, fact-checked by Laura Bullard, engineered by Rob Byers and Patrick Boyd, and hosted by Noel King.

Transcript at

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Prince performs during Super Bowl XLI in 2007. Photo by Theo Wargo/WireImage. Check out his guitair solo during a performance of "While My Guitar Genty Weeps" at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2004: Director's Cut: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" - Prince, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne & Dhani Harrison - YouTube)

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