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What kind of Democrat should Kamala Harris be?

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Today, Explained

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jonathan Chait
Sean Rameswaram
Jonathan Chait认为,民主党过去八年错误地认为奥巴马总统任期是失败的,这一错误导致了一系列不幸的决策,并影响了卡马拉·哈里斯总统任期的选择。他认为,卡马拉·哈里斯应该效仿奥巴马的执政风格,即在解决问题的同时,兼顾保守派的关切,避免使用可能引发争议的言辞。奥巴马政府取得了诸多国内政策成就,例如奥巴马医改,但其成就却被人们遗忘。奥巴马也存在错误,例如支持希拉里·克林顿参加2016年总统大选。Chait认为,反奥巴马运动在特朗普时代得到加强,影响了2020年民主党初选,导致卡马拉·哈里斯被迫向左翼靠拢,这对她来说是一种损害。乔·拜登在2020年民主党初选中获胜,是因为他与奥巴马及其自由主义政策的联系,但在赢得初选后,却采取了与主流观点相反的行动,例如使用强调种族的言辞,导致其政府不受欢迎。Chait认为,政策在本次大选中仍然很重要,因为存在一些立场介于两党之间的选民。采取选民认同的立场,更容易赢得选举。他认为,卡马拉·哈里斯目前为止的大部分决策都符合奥巴马的执政风格,她正在根据公众舆论调整自己的立场和言辞。副总统候选人的选择对大选结果影响不大,但提姆·沃尔兹代表了一种与奥巴马模式不同的观点,他并不能帮助卡马拉·哈里斯扩大其政治基础。左翼人士试图用个人魅力和背景来代替政策上的让步,这是不现实的。 Sean Rameswaram主要提出疑问,并引导Jonathan Chait阐述其观点。他指出许多民主党内人士认为奥巴马的总统任期是失败的,但这一观点并未在普通党员中得到广泛认同。

Deep Dive

Jonathan Chait discusses the Democratic Party's perception of Obama's presidency, highlighting the elite's view of it as a failure while the general public still holds a positive view. He emphasizes Obama's significant policy achievements, including Obamacare, the economic rescue effort, and Dodd-Frank reforms, contrasting them with the perception of limited accomplishments. Chait also points out Obama's mistake in backing Hillary Clinton over Joe Biden in 2016.
  • Obama's presidency is viewed differently by the Democratic elite and the general public.
  • Obama had numerous policy achievements, often overshadowed by their sheer volume.
  • Obama's backing of Clinton over Biden in 2016 is considered a significant error.

Shownotes Transcript

The last two Democratic presidents took distinct approaches toward leading their party and the nation. New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait explains why he thinks Kamala Harris should embrace Barack Obama’s style of governance over Joe Biden’s.

This episode was produced by Miles Bryan, edited by Matt Collette, fact-checked by Laura Bullard with help from Amanda Lewellyn, engineered by Patrick Boyd and Andrea Kristinsdottir, and hosted by Sean Rameswaram. Photo credit: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

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