cover of episode The Zizian "death cult"

The Zizian "death cult"

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Today, Explained

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#political conspiracy theories#machine learning theory#philosophy and existentialism#ai and public perception#political analysis and commentary#existential crisis#ai chatbot impact People
Max Reed
Noel King
@Noel King : 本期节目探讨了 Zizian "死亡邪教" 的起源、发展和影响,以及其与理性主义和人工智能担忧之间的联系。该邪教与多起暴力事件有关,包括边境巡逻员的死亡。尽管其成员大多已被捕或死亡,但其思想的影响仍值得关注。 @Max Reed : 我追踪报道了 Zizian 事件。理性主义运动起源于硅谷,其核心思想是通过提升推理能力来改善世界,但其一些极端成员发展出了危险的信仰。Ziz,作为该组织的核心人物,宣扬动物生命与人类生命价值相等,并认为暴力是应对动物屠杀的必要手段。她还提倡通过抵抗来避免被捕,并建立了一种基于道德价值的等级制度。Zizian 的活动涉及多起暴力事件,包括对房东的袭击和谋杀,以及边境枪击案。这些事件与 Ziz 的影响和煽动有关,但并非完全由她直接指挥。Ziz 的追随者受其极端思想和对人工智能的担忧所影响,最终导致了这些悲剧。当前时代对人工智能的担忧为 Zizians 的崛起提供了土壤,媒体对人工智能末日论的渲染也加剧了这种担忧。

Deep Dive

This chapter delves into the origins of the Zizians, tracing their roots to the Rationalists, a movement centered around developing reasoning skills and discussing thought experiments. Max Reed explains the influence of rationalism in Silicon Valley and its connection to AI research.
  • The Rationalists are a community focused on enhancing reasoning skills.
  • Eliezer Yudkowsky is a prominent figure in the Rationalist community.
  • Rocco's Basilisk is a well-known thought experiment within the Rationalists.

Shownotes Transcript

Journalist Max Read explains how a bunch of Silicon Valley computer scientists spun into a cult accused of killings.

This episode was produced by Amanda Lewellyn with help from Travis Larchuk, edited by Amina Al-Sadi, fact-checked by Laura Bullard, engineered by Andrea Kristinsdottir and Patrick Boyd, and hosted by Noel King.

Transcript at

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A mugshot of Jack 'Ziz' Lasota, leader of the Zizians, after her arrest in connection with the killing of a Border Patrol Officer in Vermont in January. Image courtesy of the Allegany, MD County Sheriff's Office.

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