cover of episode 对话品牌市场人明蔚:B2B品牌重要,但是B2B品牌部门可能没那么重要


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棉花:B端品牌建设在当前环境下面临挑战,其价值和必要性受到质疑。预算缩减和人员调整使得品牌工作变得更加困难,尤其是在B端企业服务领域,品牌的作用似乎更加难以验证。 大海:B端品牌建设对独立公司仍然有用且重要,但其价值需要被重新审视和衡量。品牌部门的存在与否并不直接决定品牌的价值,关键在于品牌能否与生意逻辑建立明确的关联。 明蔚:对品牌的认知存在偏差,人们常错把品牌当作目的,而忽视了生意才是最终目的。品牌建设工作容易陷入两个极端:要么规模过大,资源不足;要么过于具体,沦为简单的宣传工作。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the value of B2B brand building often questioned in challenging environments?

B2B brand building is often questioned because its impact is hard to measure directly, especially in tough economic times. Many companies reduce budgets for brand-related activities, and the perceived value of brand departments diminishes when their contributions cannot be directly linked to business outcomes.

What are the common misconceptions about the role of brand departments in B2B companies?

Common misconceptions include viewing brand departments as either too strategic without matching resources or too operational, focusing only on tasks like naming, logo design, and creating promotional materials. This narrow view limits the potential of brand departments to contribute meaningfully to business goals.

How can B2B brand building be effectively linked to business outcomes?

B2B brand building should be broken down into elements that align with business logic, such as improving customer acquisition, enhancing customer engagement, and increasing conversion rates. Establishing benchmarks and tracking these metrics can help demonstrate the value of brand activities.

What role does customer insight play in B2B brand building?

Customer insight is crucial in B2B brand building as it helps tailor brand strategies to meet client needs. Insights can be gathered from open media environments and internal business teams, ensuring that brand activities are relevant and impactful.

Why is internal alignment important during a brand upgrade?

Internal alignment is critical during a brand upgrade to ensure that all departments understand and support the new brand direction. Without consensus, the upgrade can lead to confusion and misalignment, undermining the brand's consistency and effectiveness.

What are the risks of unnecessary brand upgrades in B2B companies?

Unnecessary brand upgrades can dilute brand equity and confuse customers if there are no significant changes in business strategy or target audience. Such upgrades may also attract unwanted attention from competitors without delivering tangible benefits.

How can B2B companies ensure a successful brand upgrade?

A successful brand upgrade involves three stages: positioning, rewriting, and cruising. The positioning stage focuses on achieving internal consensus, the rewriting stage involves updating brand systems, and the cruising stage ensures ongoing maintenance and optimization of the new brand identity.

What challenges do brand professionals face in B2B organizations?

Brand professionals in B2B organizations often face challenges in proving the value of their work, especially when their contributions are not directly tied to measurable business outcomes. They may also struggle with limited resources and the need to align brand strategies with broader business objectives.

Why is it important for brand professionals to understand business logic?

Understanding business logic allows brand professionals to align their strategies with the company's overall goals, ensuring that brand activities contribute to tangible business outcomes. This alignment helps justify the value of brand departments and secures necessary resources.

What is the significance of long-term brand consistency in B2B companies?

Long-term brand consistency is vital in B2B companies as it builds trust and recognition among clients. Consistent branding reinforces the company's identity and values, making it easier for clients to understand and engage with the brand over time.

  • B端品牌建设的价值在当前环境下受到挑战
  • 品牌建设工作容易陷入两个极端:要么无限大,要么无限小
  • 品牌建设应该被拆解成能够关联到生意逻辑的各个要素
  • 管理层对品牌建设的认知是关键

Shownotes Transcript


本期节目我们邀请到明蔚一起坦率的聊聊B2B业务品牌营销的价值所在,算是与我们之前的节目ToB业务到底要不要做品牌?)的姐妹篇~ 没有正确答案,如果能引发您的一些思考,就是海棉最大的欣慰了!

【主播👨🏻/👩🏻】大海/ 棉花

【嘉宾👩🏻】明蔚,国内某知名数字零售企业知识服务机构 市场品牌负责人。长期主义,坚信美是永恒生产力。


Part 1 00:55 B端业务里的品牌建设还有用吗?怎么衡量价值

  • 事实是品牌工作在当下环境下被挑战
  • 品牌有用且重要,但是品牌部就不一定了
  • 品牌建设的工作容易陷入两个极端:要么无限大:战略层面但不被匹配战略资源,要么无限小:品牌部=想名字的、做Logo的、做宣传片的……
  • 品牌建设的工作应该被拆解成能够关联到生意逻辑的各个要素,并努力找到Bench Mark(虽然大海说归因没用,但是棉花不同意,哈哈哈哈啊哈 )
  • 如果你的业务也感觉品牌没有价值,本质上是管理层的问题,大概率是一把手的问题

Part 2 16:00 实在点,B端业务里的品牌建设除了取名、Logo那些还能做什么?

  • 一切围绕对客户的需求展开,客户需求来自客户洞察
  • 客户洞察一是得益于开放的媒体坏境,二是来自业务方,某种意义上内部的业务方是第二客户
  • 围绕满足客户需求的内容都可以划归到品牌建设工作
  • 随着大模型的应用,超级个体越来越多,对于品牌人来说,是危也是机

Part 3  28:15 品牌升级真的有必要做吗?非要做的话该怎么做?

  • 没有重大的业务变化、没有服务对象发生变化真的没必要升级,慎重慎重!Mata的例子
  • 如果品牌非要升级,对内比对外重要,具体到实操分为三步:定位期、改写期、巡航期
  • 品牌升级基本上已经成为伪高管讲故事包装自己的工具了,跟蠢没关系,单纯就是坏!
  • 品牌建设很多时候防守比进攻重要的多。



  • 片头:speed of light- Jazz Funk Sou
  • 垫乐:Bossa nova
  • 片尾:James Brown 《Try Me》


海棉说 | 是不是所有的B端客户都需要解决方案?)

海棉说 | 售前和销售如何成为“最佳拍档”?)

局部有语 | 对话客户体验专家 龙国富:离开业务目标谈客户体验提升,就是自我感动!)


海棉说 | ToB业务到底要不要做播客?)

海棉说 | B2B采购决策真的都是理性的吗?)

销售实践 | 从月入千元到年薪百万:大咖级Sales Jonathan的进阶之路)

海棉说 | 谈谈线索(字少事大))

海棉说 | 咱就是说,想搞定客户?那就得看人下菜碟呀!)



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