Catch all the South Florida Sports News, Silly Sauce & Hot Takes you can handle. Radio visionary
Leroy gives us an update on the "Brutal" Open Championship Miami HEAT summer league team continue t
In hour 3: Tua has been treated poorly by The Dolphins so that is why they will not pay him, Bill Be
Hall of Fame Running Back Terrell Davis Escorted off flight in Handcuffs We review his public state
MLB All-Star Game delivers a snooze fest Headlines Leroy snubbed from big 10 media day We take a t
Spicy Fig fires back at Leroy's accusations Donno attempts to provide us with the facts Movie Thea
We give away tickets to a comedy show by rating Dad Jokes, who makes us laugh the most? SEC or Big
Tua left off Top 10 QB's list. We debate why? Does Leroy "hate" Aaron Rodgers? Marcos looks back at
A Treasonous crime against America was committed last night at the Home run derby Country Singer In
Headlines Marcos' fiancé gets interrogated Start, Bench Cut Summer blockbuster edition
Marcos tells a ridiculous story about his experience with a tornado... during trash day. He details
Donno loses money on his bet, we learn more about betting on Soccer games. Miami Heat take on the B
Donno in for Tobin today as the guys break down the top stories from the weekend Hard Rock Stadium
In hour three of the show: Tobin & Leroy argue about Jimmy Butler's revenge season. With Jimmy
In hour 2(Tua): Do the Dolphins want another Christian Wilkin's situation with Tua's contract Shoul
Football Friday Marlins lose to the Astros and watching them play is hard ton the eyes Aaron Rodge
Full Episode covering Jaime Jaquez Jr. heading to Summer League, Tyreek Hill has his top 5 Quarterba
In hour 4: Translating Serbian in order to get an Olympic Update on Nikola Jovic, Duncan Robinson ha
In hour 3: Bam Adebayo is mad he has not won Defensive Player of the Year but in the process throws
In hour 2: Tyreek Hill has a Top 5 list of NFL Quarterbacks and you may be surprised who is on it, B
Mixed Bag: Keshad Johnson may be The Heat's new undrafted star.