Tipping Point with Kara McKinney takes a deep dive into the news cycle. Providing edifying analysis
The threat to remove Mike Johnson as House Speaker grows. Plus, a Boeing whistleblower testifies bef
The House sends their impeachment articles of Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate. Plus, radical protes
Jury selection begins in Trump's sham hush money trial. Plus, Iran attacks Israel, so naturally, ant
The bodycam video of the Dexter Reed shooting is released, and it destroys the narrative the mainstr
O.J. Simpson is dead! He might have gotten off scot-free for murder, but now he's going before the h
The House blocks a bill that would have reauthorized the feds to spy on Americans like President Tru
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says they are moving forward with a ground assault in Rafa
Trump shares his stance on abortion and conservatives are not too happy about it - we'll get into it
Trump blasts Biden for the recent conviction of the 'January 6th Praying Grandma.' Plus, Secretary o
California's recently implemented $20 per hour fast food minimum wage law is causing menu prices acr
Manhattan's Soros-backed D.A. Alvin Bragg is pulling out all the stops to oppose President Trump's p
Investigative journalist Steve Baker from TheBlaze drops by to explain what it's been like going fro
The Los Angeles Times is coming out in defense of the California State Bar, recommending that Trump
A sitting federal judge in Washington, D.C., where President Trump has active criminal charges pendi
Turns out the brother of the governor of Maine, where transnational illegal drug trafficking operati
Russia is now trying to pin the blame for the ISIS-K music hall attack on Ukraine and its western ba
Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist Lara Logan is here tonight to discuss the collapse of th
For a fifth time, judge Arthur Engoron gets a decision of his reversed - this time it's the appeals
The whistleblower behind Operation Fast & Furious joins us to explain how the Obama Administrati
Michael Cohen says he accidentally gave his lawyer fake cases generated by Google's A.I., which woun