Sermons by Tim Keller, founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC and NY Times best-selling auth
Psalm 96 is an astonishingly happy psalm. It depicts the whole human race and even the trees, the ea
On the weekend before I had surgery for thyroid cancer, I wrestled with this question: “How do you f
Adoration is a practical skill, one we need to engage in if we’re going to grow into the people God
Psalm 81 tells us how to handle the wilderness times of life. It tells us how to use various spiritu
When you know you’ve screwed up, when you know you’ve failed, how do you get up again in such a way
What are you going to do with the anger that comes when you face serious mistreatment, serious injus
For physical health, we have trainers and doctors. Through nutrition and exercise, trainers help you
Paul says you have to work the gift of salvation into every nook and cranny of your life, and that y
For the first time, in Mark 15, we have Jesus in front of the political establishment, the Roman sta
The word “blessed” in Hebrew is much richer than it is English. It means total fulfillment and well-
You can’t escape the city anymore. Technology means the kids in the farmlands of Iowa are getting im
The story of Noah and the flood is about the fact that God is committed to creation, and he’s ready
Some of you are thinking, “The idea of divine judgment is upsetting, outdated, and irrelevant.” My g
It’s fratricide, it’s brother killing brother, it’s a sensational story—the story of Cain and Abel.
The Western romantic idea of human nature was that we’re inherently good. But the problem is over th
Earlier in the twentieth century, the intellectuals of the Western world said it was our society and
At street level there’s still this saccharine view that human beings are basically good and our prob
We are created for relationship. One of the key differences I hope to show you between the biblical
The book of Acts is all about the earliest Christianity. It shows us something about the character o
Something is going on with work in our culture. We’ve lost our rhythms of work and rest. And work is