Tim Keller
这段讲道探讨了以弗所书5章21-33节关于婚姻的教导,指出理解婚姻需要超越个人经历和文化背景的局限,从圣经整体观来看待婚姻。讲道者认为,圣经中关于婚姻的模式包含三个要素:权力、目的和指向。首先,婚姻的权力根植于圣灵充满,只有在圣灵充满的条件下,才能有效实践圣经中关于婚姻的教导。其次,婚姻的目的不是为了满足个人的社会需求或情感需求,而是为了侍奉配偶,帮助配偶在生命中荣耀上帝。这需要夫妻双方服从彼此的需求、差异和荣耀,在婚姻中彼此成全。最后,婚姻指向基督,是基督与教会关系的象征,夫妻双方应该以敬畏基督的心态来对待婚姻,避免将婚姻偶像化。 讲道者详细阐述了圣经中关于婚姻的观点,并与历史上两种主要的婚姻观——王朝观和浪漫理想观进行了比较。他指出,这两种观点都以自我为中心,婚姻的目的是为了满足个人需求,而圣经的观点则强调侍奉和彼此成全。讲道者也解释了圣经中关于丈夫和妻子角色的教导,强调丈夫的权威并非意味着可以滥用权力,而是需要在圣灵充满的基础上,以基督的爱为榜样。夫妻双方需要共同商定婚姻中的权力分配,并以此来促进彼此的成长和灵性上的合一。最后,讲道者鼓励听众将婚姻视为指向基督的指针,只有在以基督为中心的情况下,婚姻才能真正成功,并能帮助彼此在生命中荣耀上帝。

Deep Dive

The biblical model of marriage is presented with three key elements: power, purpose, and pointer, challenging traditional and modern views of marriage.

Shownotes Transcript

Whenever we listen or read about marriage we bring our own filters. We have filters based on our experiences and cultures.

So before we pick at this passage in Ephesians 5, let’s stand back and consider that the passage presents a view of marriage that may be challenging to our very filters. Because the biblical model of marriage is neither optimistic nor pessimistic about human nature, and it’s neither traditional nor modern.

Let’s look at it. The model of marriage in this passage has three things to it: 1) a power, 2) a purpose, and 3) a pointer. 

This sermon was preached by Dr. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on August 16, 1998. Series: Ephesians – God’s New Society. Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-33.

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