The song was considered too controversial and was scrubbed from the platform.
The internet made it easy to find music, eliminating the need for an active search and thus the underground culture.
They see the effects but cannot detect the actual matter or energy, leading to the hypothesis of dark matter and dark energy.
Accepting reality is fundamental to religion as it ensures that religious beliefs align with what is true and logical.
They believe in a primary cause of the universe and find Christianity the most plausible explanation among religions.
It's challenging because people get angry when things they care about are threatened, but righteous indignation should be proportionate and productive.
A significant margin in the popular vote could demoralize the far left and deter them from claiming unfairness, potentially preventing civil strife.
Men tend to overestimate their abilities, while women feel their problems are unique, reflecting their differing psychological tendencies.
Cernovich broke the Epstein story and played a key role in Trump's meme war, which had a larger cultural and political impact compared to Weinstein's financial and academic influence.
Tim & Co join Ryan Long for a spicy bonus segment usually only available on
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