The Tim Pool Daily Show brings you breaking news from around the world and commentary on top news to
Recently at a conference the Dalai Lama, a renowned spiritual and world leader, said that "Europe Be
A new law would require companies to maintain a minimum amount of women on their corporate boards. M
A google video leak shows just how biased they really are but even after numerous examples of social
Norm Macdonald's appearance on the Tonight Show was canceled because he made tepid comments about th
A comic was published depicted Serena Williams as having a temper tantrum and people are decrying th
Serena Williams broke the rules and was penalized for it but she says that men get away with breakin
Vox typically takes the stance that differences in race based statistics are due to environmental fa
Nike sales are up and people are claiming that this is proof they did the right thing with hiring Co
Yesterday Twitter gave advanced notice to CNN about a story they are a subject of allowing them to b
Photos have emerged allegedly showing protesters receiving cash from an organizer outside the Brett
The far left is once again claiming that the ok sign is a secret dog whistle and that Zina Bash, by
Conservatives are calling for a NIKE boycott after the company launched an ad featuring Colin Kaeper
New Data out of the UK says that nearly 90% of incidents against women happen in Gender Neutral room
Conservative may have just won another battle in the culture war as many people are reporting that t
Wilfred Laurier responded to Jordan Peterson and it was particularly ignorant. They claimed that Pet
Around one million muslims have been detained in Chinese internment camps over the view that their r
Wil Wheaton has been smeared and lied about, insulted to the point of deciding to leave social media
A study published by Brown University argues that it is possible some youtube experience gender dysp
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has been called the future of the Democratic Party. Cortez is a member of t
CNN has been called out by Washington post and many others that their reporting on michael Cohen and