Throughline is a time machine. Each episode, we travel beyond the headlines to answer the question,
Astrology has existed for thousands of years and has roots that span the globe. But is it a science
When the United States of America was founded, it was only a union of a small number of states. By t
There are more female candidates in this presidential campaign cycle than at any other time in Ameri
It's a longstanding fight in the U.S., whether people can opt out of vaccination if that means jeopa
When Qassem Soleimani was assassinated by the United States on January 3rd, the Iranian Revolutionar
In the mid-1980's a woman who didn't consider herself a feminist was asked to solve perhaps the bigg
The banana is a staple of the American diet and has been for generations. But how did this exotic tr
Artificial intelligence, gene modification, and self-driving cars are causing fear and uncertainty a
Vladimir Putin has been running Russia since 2000 when he was first elected as President. How did a
Have you ever wondered why your smartphone or toaster oven doesn't seem to last very long, even thou
A record number of Americans have died from opioid overdoses in recent years. But how did we get her
Today, electricity in the U.S. is a utility we notice only when it's suddenly unavailable. But over
This week we're revisiting one of our favorite episodes about one of our favorite topics: Conspiracy
As extreme weather wreaks havoc around the globe we look at a natural disaster more than 200 hundred
On November 20th, 1979, a group of Islamic militants seized Islam's holiest site — the Masjid al-Har
NPR science correspondent Geoff Brumfiel shares the story of Nazi Germany's attempt to build a nucle
Over the decades the Kurds have been inspired by, allied with, relied upon and betrayed by the Unite
Zombies have become a global phenomenon — there have been at least ten zombie movies so far this yea
50 years ago the world watched as man first landed on the moon, an incredible accomplishment by the
Over the past six months, demonstrations in Hong Kong have increasingly become more violent and more