cover of episode We The People: Canary in the Coal Mine

We The People: Canary in the Coal Mine

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Tom W. Bell教授:第三修正案是美国宪法中被忽视但至关重要的条款,它如同范海伦乐队演唱会后台的无棕色M&M's巧克力,是预警信号,若被违反,则预示着更大的问题。该修正案的历史渊源可以追溯到1131年,其核心在于和平时期不得在未经房主同意的情况下在民宅中驻扎士兵,战时则需依法规定。历史上,美国政府多次违反该修正案,包括1812年战争、内战和二战期间,但这些违反行为大多未受到关注或追究。 Ramteen Arablui和Randa Abdel-Fattah:本节目探讨美国宪法修正案的过去、现在和未来,以及它们对美国生活的影响,特别是第三修正案在现代社会中的相关性。在政治暴力升级、警察配备军事装备以及自然灾害频发的时代,第三修正案值得重新审视。 Michael Smith教授:国民警卫队在国内危机中扮演着重要角色,因此更可能涉及第三修正案的适用。2020年“黑人的命也是命”抗议活动期间,国民警卫队被部署到华盛顿特区,引发了人们对第三修正案的讨论,但最终没有引发诉讼。

Deep Dive

The Third Amendment, often ridiculed, prohibits the forced quartering of soldiers in private homes during peacetime and requires legal authorization during wartime. While seemingly irrelevant today, history reveals instances of its violation, raising concerns about its importance in modern society.
  • The Third Amendment prevents forced quartering of soldiers.
  • It's often joked about but has historical significance.
  • The amendment's relevance in modern times is questioned.

Shownotes Transcript

The Third Amendment. Maybe you've heard it as part of a punchline. It's the one about quartering troops — two words you probably haven't heard side by side since about the late 1700s.At first glance, it might not seem super relevant to modern life. But in fact, the U.S. government has gotten away with violating the Third Amendment several times since its ratification — and every time it's gone largely unnoticed.Today on Throughline's We the People: In a time of escalating political violence, police forces armed with military equipment, and more frequent and devastating natural disasters, why the Third Amendment deserves a closer look.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)