Eric McConnell bringing you all the game industry news for the week
Disney rumored to make a bid for Nexon. China’s Twitch wants to float $500 million on the us stock e
Smoking hot PS5 news. A double dipping of Microsoft announcements. Is Tencent becoming Nintendo’s be
Tencent dips its toes in global digital storefronts. YouTube wants to get into interactions. Epic Ga
Snap Games is off to a great launch with 6 exclusive games. Valve accidentally leaks their VR headse
Apple aggregates premium games. Nintendo may have two new Switches on the market. Overwatch’s Philad
GDC and IGF Awards. Google’s giant Stadia announcement and what it means. A dark horse is interested
The rumor mill is on fire with Sony rumored to acquire Take-Two. Google nabs a big time gaming exec.
EA pulls one foot out of E3. Nintendo jumps into modern VR. Vivendi comes out ahead in their failed
Tencent and Intel team up to throw their hat in a crowded arena. Bidding for control of Nexon heats
Microsoft’s double console strategy is rumored again. Microsoft Game Pass is rumored to head to Nint
Activision Blizzard has massive layoffs following weak financials. Apex Legends breaks another Twitc
Apex Legends comes out of nowhere to dominate the Twitch rankings. Sweden hits up Activision-Blizzar
Netmarble wants to put together a big for controlling interest of Nexon. Apple is looking to aggrega
China lets it's two giant publisher breathe with game license approvals. Netease introduces a wide r
Jam City is fund raising after cutting staff and securing a monster Disney deal. Playtika is avoidin
Activision and Bungie split, but on amicable terms. Two new players enter cloud gaming but do they s
It's our 1-year anniversary! Blizzard has a double CFO shuffle, Zynga makes a Giant buy, Nexon's CEO
The UK game industry decides it's time for unions. Riot Games slaps the COO on the wrist. Discord ma
Epic opens a digital store to take a piece of the Valve pie. Starbreeze looks like its best days are
Regulation incoming as the FTC looks to investigate look boxes. Nintendo to shut down a controversia