- Okay, so I have a girlfriend now. - Yeah, she's cute. I went on your page. - I love her. - I'm bi. Don't worry, I'm married. - You are? - Yeah, I won't steal. - Don't worry. - Yeah, I was-- - I'm bi, don't worry. - Don't worry, I'm married. - No, it's fine. - Watch out! No, I'm just kidding. Listen, we can relive your childhood right now. I'd be cool with it. If you guys are down, we can spin the Olipop
I'm dead. Mike's like, shit, are we uploading this to Pornhub? All of a sudden, it just gets uploaded somewhere else. Eat your ruffles, goddammit. Fucking mesophonia. Just fucking freak everybody out or whatever it's called. Mesophonia. Yeah, mesophonia. Mesophonia. Mesophonia. Guys, it has been a week. Welcome back to This is the Worst, you guys. We missed you. Always. No. Brittany wants some clothes. Those are her emotional support ruffles. My emotional support ruffles.
I get a little vest for them. I carry them on a leash. I just love that he went to take it away and you went, no, like a little girl. No. No, my life is so sad right now. Chips. Chips. As someone who knows you don't want to start eating your emotions, it's a slippery slope, girls. Stop, Mike.
I'm screaming. I'm going to edit it out after this. Are you? Oh, hell yeah. I've had a horrible 24 hours. Tell us everything. Oh my God. Okay. So in line with the worst of the week, we are going to start the top of the episode with the worst that's happened this week. And you know, listen, if I zoom back, zoom out rather, I know nothing really matters. You know, I'm a little nihilistic where I'm just like, nothing matters. We're all going to die.
But this fucking special has been the death of me. Like, first of all, I just want to talk about like the whole process of it. I'm going to take my sunglasses off because I feel like Kanye West. Not in a good way. Like, even just last year, like going on that tour, it was a 35 city tour. I was in the middle of a divorce. I was...
the most devastated disheveled sad suicidal version of myself and i had to go city to city on these one-nighters to go tell jokes and try and make other people happy when i was not happy that's hard i was like not even close to happy i wasn't even close to having had processed the divorce i was still so deeply sad from it and like you know here's the thing crowds can tell when you're okay
Like even when I first started doing jokes about my mom's suicide, there was a time when I started saying them and the crowd is like, she's not healed. You know what I mean? Like you do have to get to a place emotionally where you are healed from the thing that hurt you in order to make it funny, which is why like the age old thing with comedy is that comedy is tragedy plus time.
I didn't, the time element went out the door. I didn't have the time element to process it because my agent was like, you're going on tour. And while I was on this tour, I was like freezing my eggs. So I was like traveling with like needles and giving myself injections and like crazy hormonal. Yeah, that makes you wild. Wild. And like, I remember when I was traveling with Leslie Liao for a show and we were,
at the Indianapolis airport and they fucked something up where we got there and like the venue was like two and a half hours away and I was like what the fuck is this and I just like started crying on the floor of the airport like I was just like I'm not okay like I'm not okay I don't want to be doing this I don't feel good like it wasn't the fucking time and the whole tour was so
And, like, I felt like the jokes weren't really coming together the way I wanted to. You know, like, a lot of comedians for their jokes, there's, I think there's one of two schools of thoughts for comedy. One is, like, you write everything beforehand and you go on stage and you know the joke. Or...
You have kind of an idea and then you find the joke. You know, I think you kind of go on and you find the joke. I am a we're writing this joke soup to nuts. We know the setup. We know the punchline. We know every single. You're very calculated. Yes. And methodical. Totally. But I didn't do that this time because I was like, I'm going to try something different. I'm going to try finding it. I didn't find it. And and then.
I at the end of the tour was like I looked kind of retrospectively at the year and I was like I need to have something to show for this year because it's been such a kick in the fucking nuts and nobody was knocking on my door to do another special you know like I could have easily just which is crazy because your first one was so insane.
It was so good. Yeah, but, you know, it's just unfortunately, like, unless you're Hannah Burner or Shane Gillis, where, like, it goes bananas and you're, like, selling out theaters on your own accord, Netflix doesn't really come knocking anymore. And then, you know, when they do, it's not really, like, a big money deal. They often do licensing deals, which is basically where they give the comedian $200,000 to shoot it.
And it usually takes them about $200,000 or more to shoot it. So a lot of these comics that you're seeing their first special on Netflix now, they're not making money on it. I know Joe Coy, he paid for his own and then gave it to Netflix. So it's like as comedians, it's just like an insane art where like you do it for free for so long. And then when you get to a level where you think you're good enough for the world to see it, you have to pay for it.
to get exposure. It's like no other career in the world do you do it for free and then you pay. It's like, and yes, at the end of the day, we hope that we sell out theaters and we start to do all the things that make us, you know, a lot of money. But it's like there's not really an in-between. And I was like in this weird area where I wouldn't even call it an in-between. Like I lost money on my tour last year.
Like between the travel. I remember some of the flights and things were fucked up and that wasn't your fault and you ended up losing money. Yeah, my manager's assistant like fucked up a bunch of my flights and I lost a bunch of money and I just, you know, I wasn't walking with a ton of money from these shows. So it was just like a brutal attack. A beating. A beating because not only are you traveling to places, middle of nowhere, flights are fucked up, locations are fucked up and then you're losing money. Mm-hmm.
Like it's a nightmare. And then like in a little like Chevy Spark driving from OKC to fucking Tulsa. You know what I mean? Dude, shout out to Chevy Spark. Shout out to that little butt plug car. Like a little child shoe of a car. I'm just driving a baby shoe and I'm like, I'm on the freeway. I'm like, I don't even think it goes 80. I was like, I'm gonna. Your feet are just through the floor. You're just Barney Rebillet. That's so cool.
I remember driving, Brent. It was, I remember, well, because you and I talk all the time. Yeah, through a lot of this. You just sent me pictures in the airport, just like, I'm going to kill myself. I had never been closer. I had never been closer. I remember. And I remember specifically driving that Chevy Spark and thinking, this is the end. You're like, I could hit a rock and kill myself with this car.
don't even have to go through the barricade i'm like i will i will literally hit the curb and that'll be it for the whole car me everything it'll be done for me i can make this go really quick spark plug explode so this year is what i can only describe as a curb stomp of a year 2023 dude you got you got fucking mouth to the fuck yeah i got fucking curb stomped and so what i thought would be a good idea would be
Would be to shoot another special. And for me, shooting it wasn't like, I'm so proud of this. These are the best jokes I've ever written. But it was like, I can't have nothing at the end of this year. Yeah, you wanted to do something. And I think, you know, I knew in my head these jokes aren't strong enough. They're not up to my own standard. I know you or my friends or whoever. I think they're smart.
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I was coming off my last dates on the road, which was in Houston. And I was gonna just jump over to Austin and go shoot the special. And my flight in Houston got delayed five hours. By the time I landed in Austin was the time I was supposed to be in hair and makeup. - Oh, I remember this, fuck. - And so I was so late to the first show, we had to cancel the second show. And then the first show was just drunk, belligerent people 'cause the show was so late. - I remember that.
And I got on stage and I did it and I was there, but I wasn't there. I was still on the runway in Houston. I was so fucking stressed out. Frazzled. I remember you were frazzled. And not present. Yeah, yeah. And didn't enjoy it. And, you know, even when I showed you or other friends that tape, you're like, this is fine. I actually liked that one too. Yeah. The one with the little angels. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I liked that one. Yeah. And I had a lot of people say, this is great. And I couldn't get myself out of my body in that day. I remember that.
And I couldn't look at it objectively. And I was like, this is bad. It looks like I'm performing in a diorama. Like there's a guy in the front row who the whole time was like this.
in the front row so like i'm like i would have to cut out the audience being there and then at that point i may as well just go say my jokes in a like on a green screen like you know what i mean i'm like at that like what if i'm cutting out the audience this is jurassic park there's just dinosaurs behind you is that a stegosaurus this what kind of stand-up special is this right
So I then made the executive decision to reshoot it, which, by the way, shooting it the first time cost me so much money. Shooting it the second time cost me so much money. And here's the thing. I was like, I was just rushing it. I wasn't, the jokes weren't ready. And that was the fucking problem. And I reshot it.
And I had a really good time when I shot it in LA. It doesn't come close to the time I first shot my first special. When I shot my first special, that was like a God moment. Like that was like from start to... Everything was lined up perfectly. Everything was perfect. The jokes were delivered perfectly. The crowd was perfect. The outfit, hindsight questionable. But like...
But like everything in the moment was perfect. I think I had two edits. Like when we were editing everything, I was like, that's perfect. It's done. We're ready to go. And you're on Hulu, dude. That's a huge accomplishment. Yeah, for my old special. Yeah, but that's still huge. Fuck, be proud of yourself. Totally. Yes. Thank you. Received. Yeah. But so then I shot it again and I don't like it. And the problem is...
It's just not up to my own standards. And it's like shooting it and reshooting it and how it looked and where I was didn't matter. And it's fine. It's fine. It's good enough. It's out in the world. I put it out. I really appreciate all the worsties that were in the comments this morning watching it. Like you guys are so loyal and so diehard and I really, really love you. But so I'm supposed to be I was supposed to be releasing this on August 8th. And then which is National Vibrator Day.
It's also like the biggest manifesting portal of this year. Oh, 888 or is it? 8824. 8824, yeah. At 8 p.m. is when it was supposed to come out. 888. Oh, wow. Totally missed that. So basically the night before. I'm all focused on the vibrator day. I'm like, it would have been perfect. A national vibrator day. Yeah. Right on brand. Yeah. Dad. So I, the night before, am texting George who does my clips. And I'm like, I want to do the ballpark joke for the launch. And he's like, what ballpark joke?
That's such a good joke too. And I was like, what do you mean? What ballpark joke? And he's like, what ballpark joke? Tell me right now this isn't in here. And he's like, it's not in. They cut it. And so basically when the editors were editing, they, I would imagine, mistakenly cut this joke out. They didn't even ask you? They didn't even ask you? Oh, no, girl. If they would have asked me, the joke wouldn't have been cut out. It's one of my favorite jokes of the special. Right.
I frantically am texting my editor and producer in Austin being like, why is this joke not in there? I go back to the raw footage. I look. I recorded it both shows. I said the joke. Why is it not in there? He's like, oh, my bad. They had to re-edit it and then they had to re-upload it. They're like, it's going to take about four hours. We're still on time for this 8 p.m. deadline, but then
Of course, because it's Mercury Retrograde where technology goes fucking ass up, ape shit, cuckoo bananas. Their internet clunked out and couldn't finish the upload on time. Then we had to re-download it on our end and re-upload it. By that time, I'm like, we missed it. We missed it because if you release anything later than 8 p.m. on the East Coast, it's like, what, is somebody going to watch a special at midnight? No, that's not happening. I just had to like...
just from top to bottom acknowledge this as maybe one of the biggest learning experiences of my life. I think the one thing that I am taking away from it is that it's okay to have a year
where you're just healing. - Of course. - Like you don't, like for me personally, every year I needed to have something. I'm like this year I put out a special, this year I wrote a book, this year I wrote a movie, this year I put out a special. Every year I needed to have something. - I just think you're way too driven, dude. I gotta get some of my laziness to wear off.
Like, listen, if I make the bed, I'm like, we did it. We fucking did it. We did it. We are accomplished. We don't even have mental illness. Like, I made the fucking bed. Get out of here. But Britt, here's the other thing. You're also like...
You're retired. I am retired. You're retired. So you don't have to work. I don't have that luxury. I need to still like make a career for myself, you know? I feel you. So I feel like I'm hustling the way that you were hustling during your Vine days. True. You know, it's like you worked really hard just a while ago. True. Yeah. Well, 10 years ago. Yeah. It was 26. Yeah. So 11 years ago. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. I did hustle for like five years straight and then I was like, all right. Yeah.
Good night. Yeah, exactly. And you went to bed. Yeah, forever. I just love bed. So I think like I have this thing that's pretty unhealthy where every year I'm like, I need to have something to show for this year. And I didn't give myself the grace to just be like,
No, girl. You just got your fucking ass kicked this year. It's okay to not have a thing to show people. To be like, look what I did. You started a podcast this year? Yeah. This year, 2024. Yeah. Yeah, no. 2023 is the year I'm talking about because that's the year that I shot the special. We became friends. We did become friends. We became friends.
If that's not an accomplishment, I don't know what is. It's on my LinkedIn. Fuck your special. I'm just kidding. But I get you. And I also just know that you're like, I mean, I tell you this all the time. You're like the hardest working, driven person. Even me at my peak of like...
you know, wanting to be the best and wanting to do everything. Like I still never worked as hard as you did and you work really fucking hard. But that's even more embarrassing because it's like you got rich doing less. You know what's so funny? One of my exes says that to me all the time. He's like, I've never seen a lazy person make so much money and be so rich. Like I'm not even, I mean. Yes, you are. Okay. Well, I don't like to say it because I just feel like that's embarrassing. But I mean. George Bush economy. It's different. Yeah. Yeah. I just, you know, I think,
Also, it's like when I was doing that, I loved it. You know what I mean? And I think you were in the headspace in 2023 where you were needed to heal. And I don't think you were loving it. You know what I mean? And it's like we can do stuff to want to make money, but I feel like when you have success at it, it's because you love it. And you're in that moment of love for it. Like with my jewelry, just me starting a little jewelry business to have fun
But I love it. And then it ended up being successful. And I'm so grateful. Like everyone that goes every day and sells out my little, little tiny Poshmark store. Like it's just something that I did. And I was like, if everyone, anyone buys it, cool. If anyone doesn't buy it, cool. Like it's just something I'm doing for my mental health to not be on my phone. Yeah. But it's like, it comes from the place of love. And I think like, that's what's so different. Like when you're shot your first special, you love it.
loved your jokes. - It was a labor of love. - You loved it, you loved it. And I think that anything in life when people find success, it's actually when they just do something that they really love, they're really like, and then it just blows up. And you know that 'cause it happened to you. - Right, but then I think like the other thing that it really illuminated for me and when I was like journaling last night and like crying, like I really had a fucking hard day yesterday, like when I was going through it.
I also realized this special feels I love you this special felt so different because I felt so unsupported like the whole time like having like this you know whatever is you know
vulnerable and yeah maybe i shouldn't say it but like having a husband at home when i was like doing that it's like it didn't it didn't make it like if this doesn't work yeah i was safe you know what i mean i know i know you're gonna say that like when i got divorced and all i do is cry on this podcast this is a fucking joke my therapist needs to call me back rebecca hello like did i get a
I just sent her this clip. I'm like, hello, Dana. It's me, Brittany. No, but it was like the safety net where I know that feeling. If this doesn't work, you're fine. And then also, you know, I had the production partnership with
Thank you. I had the production partnership with 800-lb Gorilla. And I think that's, like, another thing I haven't talked about publicly yet because it is so... That was insane. It was really fucking hard for me. It's like, so I, you know, basically when we put out my first special with 800-lb Gorilla, my clips, which...
I got so lucky, blew my social media up and theirs. So like they were at like maybe 30,000 followers on Instagram and they went like over 100 with my clips. So when I told them I wanted to do a second one, they were gung-ho. They were like, hell yeah, like whatever you want to do, we're here, we're here, we're here. And then when I asked for financial partnership in it, they're like, we need to see like the
what you're going to be putting out and they basically said it's going to be too raunchy to monetize and they also said that your first special was raunchy which we took into consideration but the Hoda housewife was a relating and charming relatable and charming through line hmm
Which is them saying to me, like, you can be raunchy if you're married. Yeah, like, you're not this person anymore because you're married. So you can talk about it, like, past tense. And so that just felt like such a fucking punch to the gut where I was like, I just felt so unsupported. And then, like, somebody on my team who I asked to executive produce the special said,
Literally, when I was in Austin, I'm like, are you coming? And he was like, no, I'm in Australia. I'm not going to make it. Didn't even text me like, good luck. And this is like somebody that fucking represents me. And I was like, I have never felt less supported in my life. Like the only people that were like consistently there for me was...
you and and Like I had a few friends that were there for me and then like bring light and bring lights and sound the production company that did everything like Luke Lashley the guy who runs that company is a fucking beast he's such a professional and like
You know, he was just great the whole time, but I didn't have like industry support. And I also didn't have like, I can go home and cry to like a person. You have a hard day. Yeah. Someone to take you in their arms and go, I got you. Yes. I know. That is really hard, dude. And then, you know, it made me just like, I just, the whole thing has just been like
Did I make the right decision? Was I, you know, was I so successful with that first special because I didn't need it?
that's sometimes when it happens. You know? And it's like... When you're just doing it because you're like, this is fun, this is mine. Right, right. That's what I was saying earlier sometimes, you know? Yeah. And sometimes when you put the pressure on yourself because you're trying to get something out of it. Right. It kind of takes away that magic. Right. Of what it is really coming from, right? And yeah, and then I made the mistake this morning of like looking at the comments and like a few people said exactly what I think about the special.
and that just like was a shot through the fucking heart like somebody was like wouldn't it be better to have three minutes of good jokes than 30 minutes of drivel and I was like yeah dude like I'm like I have been thinking this for months but there's a lot of good jokes in your special I do say you're really hard on yourself there's a few and out of
all your comments there were like three ones that were not favorable when there were a lot more that were favorable and people that love and support you yeah totally but I think it's like human nature to of course we gravitate toward the negative it
I told you that right before the podcast. Like, every time I look at any kind of comment, I always, like, fly past the nice ones and then I just see the ones, like, making fun of my face or, you know, whatever. But it's like, you know, I think at any level these problems persist. Like, I've talked to, like, Shane Gillis about this, you know, where he's like, I can have...
51,000 positive comments and one negative one and he's like and I think the one negative person is on to something You know, so I think it's just how we feel about ourselves, right? That's like a self-esteem thing, right? Right So then now I'm like, okay, what do I do with this? first of all I'm gonna learn from it and like not push myself to put something out when I don't think it's ready like I have to like have something up to my own artistic standards and
You know, for whoever enjoys it and likes it, thank you. And for whoever doesn't think it's good, same. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Also, thank you. Thanks for the view. Yeah, yeah. Glad you watched it. Also, I do think it's really funny, and I said this to you on the phone, is that, I mean, not only is it hard...
being a comedian, but it's triple as hard being a woman comedian. Like I said, you'll watch, you know, I'll watch Nikki Glaser or Whitney and I'll see their clips online. I'll be dying laughing. And then in the comments, there's just hundreds of guys just being like, when does the joke start? Oh, this isn't funny. And it's just like, dude, as a woman, you're just going to get hated on anyway, just because you're a woman doing something that not a lot of guys have the
balls to do. I mean, you're fucking you got up there and, you know, I was with you that night and I was like, I have such bad anxiety and you just always go out there like a champ. Like you just fucking go out there. You don't like shake or anything like that or get like, you know, you just have a you're just a performer. You're a good performer. And you went out there and you wrote all these jokes. And like how many people will be able to do that? Yeah.
Right? Like, I mean, you give yourself a little credit. Yeah, you didn't love all your jokes, but they're fun. It's entertaining. I was very entertained. I love it. And I mean, I love you. You're my best friend, but like,
I just think when you zoom out, you know, like you were saying, like, don't be hard on yourself because it's not like it's bad. You know what I mean? It's not like it's like people are watching going, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's just not what your first one was. Right. So you're comparing. Yeah. And I think also because that one just came out on Hulu. I like was like, oh, it's on Hulu.
who i'm right at the same time yeah so i was like i'm gonna watch it and i was watching it and i'm like this is good so i'm like i don't know who the this chick is but she's good but so what i'm saying is i can acknowledge when yeah yeah it's good it's good yeah and we're also very hard on ourselves we're very critical fully but that first special is fucking yeah the second one's
good it's fine it's whatever it's a sophomore slump and I will put something out better I'm already writing new jokes that I love so much more I was doing new jokes last night at the improv I'm like excited for that and you know I was talking to another comedian about it I was talking to Santino about it he's like I was bitching about this special and how I don't like it and he's like are you writing new shit and I was like yeah and it's way better he's like okay good then that's all you can do he's like you know if you're just gonna like use it to motivate you then just use it to motivate you and move the fuck and shut the fuck up
He's like, because you're good. I was like, okay. That's nice. Yeah. So that, I mean, listen, that wasn't even the worst of the week. That was like the worst of like a year and a half. But it's over. It's behind me. And I really just want to say thank you to all the worsties who went and watched it. We love you guys. You guys are so fucking awesome and so supportive. And we're so grateful for you. Yeah. It's so rad. Yeah. I love this little community.
I know. I know their fears. If you don't feel like you've achieved anything, at least this year, we built a really awesome community of... Well, no, this year we did do something. This is a great community. I love it. I try to engage with you guys as much as possible too because I just am so grateful. I'm so sorry that I can't. It's just my mental health. I can't bear to see the comments. Literally, one guy's like, I'm here from the podcast. This is a real letdown. I'm like...
Shot through my fucking heart. But then he was like also sweet about it. He's like, this is just a cry for help. I just think you can do better. And I was like, it is a cry for help and I can do better. Are you going to help me be in tortilla or whatever his name was? Tortilla man? Like if you're going to fucking call me out, at least give me 50 bucks. Like fuck, pay for a therapy session with Dana. God, Dana's expensive. Dana, I miss you. Call me. Do a therapy tip jar for Brittany. This episode is also brought to you
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Man, I don't even, I don't think I can hold a light to anything you're going through. No, no, no, but that's, it's just life. No, I know, I get it. I mean, like I say, I don't really have a worst. Other thing I would say is that,
the pickle comments maybe because uh people were mad because they were like obviously she's not giving her husband credit because i guess i said i was like i couldn't believe my husband hasn't told me in seven years and then and then you were like oh yeah because he just he said he just found out but it's only because i don't think he just found out that's why i said that i think he's known this for a while okay and then i asked him how and he's like i saw it on the internet and i'm like i
You're a Greek boy. I think this is like, cause this is like some old wives tale, like, uh, or I'm sorry, not old wives tale, like herbal medicine, women shit. Well, he's also been married four times. Exactly. I'm like, I know one of your ex-wives told you, you don't have to tell me like whatever. Anyway. So that's why people gave me shit. Cause they're like, God forbid she give credit to her husband where credits do. I suck my husband's dick whenever he wants. My husband's got a fucking line of credit. Like I've never said no to that man. So, um,
That was kind of lame, but you know, whatever. People can think whatever they want. No one cares. And then people were putting...
talking about my face. Great. And they were saying that I got crazy plastic surgery, which is always really fun. And they were comparing me to the girl that I was telling you about before who was on that show, The Boys, Erin Morarity or Morarity. Will you pull a picture of her up, Mike? Starlight from The Boys. She used to follow me. Remember, my ex put her in her first movie. And so everyone's saying that I look like her after her bad performance.
plastic surgery said she got bad plastic surgery i personally still think she's beautiful oh oh that makes me really sad because she was so pretty in the boys that's her yeah
so everyone's saying that i thought they were calling me starlight because my tit was hanging out me because i get told now because after she like did stuff to her face they say that now she looks like me and then everyone's always like oh it's because they have the same injector or whatever and i'm like no we don't although she did used to follow me maybe i inspired her to i don't know but she was always beautiful and i still think she's beautiful maybe something's wrong with me because i still think she's
but, um, but people are just like, you know, uh, they're like, you know, bad plastic surgery, which I've never had surgery. I've had filler. I've had Botox, but I've never had surgery, but you know, sure. They're not talking about me. Nope. They're talking about me. Um, but yeah, it's, I mean, it's,
it is whatever it is you know what i mean at the end of the day i just seem so sad for these people that like are spending time spewing hate online it's just like but but but also it's what we're signing up for do you know what i mean yeah i mean this is what we get for putting ourselves on like a public platform and like it'll hurt me for like a minute and then i'll just be like wait i don't even care like this is so stupid that's why i can't i'm married i'm happy i'm
My life is amazing. Like, what am I going to do? Get butt hurt because Johnny in Oklahoma thinks I have a chin implant. Like, I'm not going to do it. A chin plant? He thinks I, people think I've literally had like an implant put in my chin. I'm like, I've been trying to shrink this chin since I was like 15. I would like some of your chin. I'll give you some. You can have literally half of it. I remember in a clip where I was talking about one of the fucking NBA players. God knows which one. And I'm like this a little bit talking about it. And some guy's like, there's no chin bitch who's getting to fuck NBA players.
What are we? We're the Goldilocks team of chins. She doesn't have enough. I have too much. Fuck you guys. I don't give a shit. Becca, Becca,
Yeah, so stay tuned, guys. We have a great episode for you today on This is the Worst Podcast. What the hell? Okay, that's terrible. Is that like an infestation? He moved in when I went to Europe. No, no, no. I would move out. He's like, looks like a vacant place. No one's living here. He's like, just gonna scooch in right here. I'm like, honestly, I respect you. I'm not even scared of him anymore.
And he like, he like hangs out in her drawer where her vibrator is. So she'll like go to reach for a vibrator and he's like, hello, let me lick it. I'm not even kidding. Yeah. I opened my sex toy drawer the other day. He's like, no, no,
I was like, I am going to kill myself. You didn't use it, did you? No, I didn't. I mean, I did, but I washed it. Oh my God, he's just crawling all over your dildo. His little cockroach dick. Me and myself, there's not much of a mood. You're like, there's no guys in LA. He's like, what about me? That's a literal roach. He puts his arm up, I...
Shut up. I cannot believe you haven't killed it. I'm trying. I wouldn't be able to sleep. I know. That's the thing. I would go somewhere else. I think it was going to go in my mouth or like up my ass. Stop. Stop. My pussy. When I had one in my apartment, it was like running towards me all the time and I let go. Yeah, they're kind of aggressive, right? Yeah, it was running. It was like following you. See, this guy always runs away.
away. Typical man. That's definitely a guy. I hired a housekeeper to kill it to come and spray it. That's all you hired her for? You're like, listen, I don't need you to touch anything. I just need you to kill the fucking cockroach. She definitely needed to touch
It was disgusting in that environment. Guys, welcome back to the podcast. We have a very, very special guest today. I follow her on TikTok and Instagram. I'm a fangirl, and she's just as beautiful in real life, which doesn't really happen often in LA. Usually it's very not real in LA. It's usually a jump scare. You're like, wow!
I'm sorry, are you the same person? That usually happens a lot in LA. So without further ado, we have Becca Moore here on the pod. This is the worst pod. We're so happy to have you, dude. I was saying that you guys look face-apped in real life. Really? I love it. You see a filter move on my face. I have a projection. I'm like, that's crazy. That's what you see fake. Do you know what's up?
I do. You know what's so funny is when I first became friends with her, she would send me pictures of myself back, face-tuning them. I was like, what are you saying? Wait, what? Is that rude? Yes. You face-tune her? Yes. All the time. I do it to every single person I know. I'm going to do it when I take your picture today. But I had to start warning guests on the show. I'm like, she's going to face-tune you and don't be offended. It's just like her love language. Yeah, if you're in the picture and you're doing it to yourself, it's rude not to do it to that person.
Listen, I've had girls where they will post a picture of us and they facetune themselves and leave me. And like, why the fuck do I not have the Gaussian blur? Like, it's not fair. The first picture she did it to is a picture of me on stage doing stand-up and all the bookers started using that photo and my manager was like, this is the best picture of you that's ever taken. I hate when people say that you look really good.
and that was the one that I faced. I was like, because that's not me. That's like AI. I'm like, I should look like that. I used to face soon so bad. I remember you did a thing at TikTok about it. You're like, look at my arm. Look at my waist. I would like break my limbs in order for my waist to be tight. And I didn't even know
it i honestly didn't know that you're like i don't even want a neck take the neck i didn't want a nose yeah i know just blurring the nose so it's like voldemort yeah literally voldemort no it was 2020 so i didn't realize like well i figured people forget what i look like i haven't been outside right right you're like it's the pandemic i
can know anyone yeah i know she shows up today in the pot to the podcast it's 104 outside i'm like she's wearing a turtleneck i'm like she definitely doesn't leave her house i don't think this is my first time outside today i'm not kidding oh my gosh welcome thank you welcome to the world it's a nightmare here she's like i want to go back to my house dude tell us everything so you moved from la to ohio or from ohio to la yes how long have you been here now for like
a year and a half maybe almost two years but it's been way better than Ohio no offense so I'm like performing to this camera whatever camera you want we can make all of them your camera I don't even mind fuck me and Brittany I'll live with it
I'll leave. Yeah. We get enough criticizing about our looks anyway. What? No way. All the time, dude. Is your audience like men or women? It's a little bit of both, but like they love to be like, talk about like they think I've had like tons of plastic surgery and I never had plastic surgery, just filler. Okay. If you've had surgery, I want your- I know. And they talk shit on me and you know, they talk shit on everybody. It's just the internet. Yeah. That's why I don't look at the comments because they make me want to dump.
Yeah. Bernie's like this close to the edge. It's so bad. You look at yours? Yeah, it's so bad. Oh, God. So does she. She's in there like, and I tried to look at comments today and I was like, I will kill myself. I'm like, I will get the fuck out of here. I used to name search and everything. Like on Twitter, I would look up my name. Oh, I deleted my Twitter. Really? Yeah. Because fucking.
I know. What kind of mental illness do you identify with? I'm screaming. Right now I'm fine, but I do have terrible ADHD that is terrible. And I just started my podcast and it's so weird. Is it weird to watch yourselves back like talking to people? Because like sometimes they'll start a thought.
and I won't finish it and then I'll keep going and the poor guest is like sitting there and I'm like so anyway you like grapes like just in the middle of the podcast I think that's very podcasty because you like start a thing and then the guest says something and then you guys get on a different tangent and you forget where you were like yeah it's really hard to remember where you started but people back to the comment thing they do talk about how like I'm not I can't get like a cohesive thought out and I'm unmedicated be like fuck you I have a disability dude like don't make fun of me with my disability
They think you're too hot to have a disability. Like, what? They just wear a handicap placard around your neck. Yeah. With Shannon. Okay, so I have a girlfriend now. Yeah, she's cute. I went on your page. I'm bi. Don't worry, I'm married. Yeah, I won't steal. Don't worry. Yeah, I was. I'm bi. Don't worry. Don't worry, I'm married. Watch out. No, I'm just kidding. It's like when guys hit on you. They're like, don't worry, I have a wife. I'm like, that doesn't matter. You're still hitting on me. Like, what are you talking about?
you talking about? It doesn't make it better. I know, you're right. I'm not hitting on her. I'm just saying she's pretty. I'm just kidding. But it is like funny because you can always tell. Oh, sorry. We have to talk about Ali Pampas.
oh yeah sorry i really do and becca actually wanted to join in with us and have an ollie pop she loves it as well i didn't realize you guys were sponsored by ollie pop tell them i love them i literally love you ollie pop yeah we love it dude i got the classic root beer going on i take this and i put vanilla ice cream in it oh my god i just ruined all the health benefits i'm like anyway how do i make this worse i'm like let me just add 400 grams of sugar perfect
- So fucking good though. - It is so good. - Classic root beer float. Throw a little vanilla ice cream in there guys and thank me later. It is less calories. This whole cans only 35 calories. - What? - You're never gonna drink root beer anywhere else for 35 calories. - Yeah. - It tastes like root beer.
is delicious. Do they kill it? I asked for it organically when you guys offered it to me. I was like, I want an Olipop. We love an organic ad. Olipop is our presenting sponsor. Olipop Summer, Olipop Your Pussy, Worsties. That's what we say. Olipop Your Pussy. Cheers, guys. Go to olipop.com slash Brit for 15% off.
- We love you, Alipop. You are my boyfriend. - Yeah, Alipop's our secret boyfriend. - Okay, back to your girlfriend. - But anyway, talk about your girlfriend. So how did you, so you started liking guys, right? Or so it is. - Oh yeah, yeah. - You're hetero. - We're hetero. - Yeah, my whole life. I didn't think that I was ever, but I would say like girls are so hot, but everyone would be like, yeah, girls are just a hotter gender. So I never, I really thought I was straight. - So when you were younger, you never experimented at all with girls? - No, never. - Really? - Literally never. - Did you?
- Oh yeah, my first threesome was with two girls. - But when you were little or no? - When I was like 15. - Yeah, so I feel like a lot of girls, like I used to grind on my friends, but I did it a lot more than I think the normal person. So you had no- - Literally no idea. - No experience. - Well, I mean, looking back, we would play spin the bottle a lot in high school and middle school and boys wouldn't even be there. So that was kind of weird. - Your one lesbian friend. Your one lesbian friend.
I'm having a sleepover. Don't worry. I'm inviting tons of boys. Just doesn't invite any boys. Oh, well, it looks like they didn't show up. Split the bottle with two people. Literally, we would. Like two girls. It would be like the three of us. All girls. I mean, we would just start playing it. And I loved that game. I loved it when we played that. Would you guys kiss and stuff? Yeah. We made out. But none of us...
I mean, we were in like middle school. We didn't think that we were gay. Right. Are they married to guys now, those girls? I don't know what happened. I think one of them is bi. Right, right, right. But I haven't, I can't find the other ones on social media. I don't know. Rest in peace. So how did this, so how did this happen? How did it come about? I saw her on the set of a music video. She was like,
It was like a queer music video. I was supposed to be there to say, because my tagline on social media is like things that are for the girls, not the guys. Yes. And so there was like this queer music video where I was supposed to say that, like just be like, this is for the girls, not the guys. And it was like a lesbian music video shoot. And I realized quickly that I was the only straight one there. But like throughout the day, I kept like staring at this girl. It was Shannon. She was like working the camera. She was like the creative director. And I was confused. It was like,
why do I want this girl to be looking at me right now the entire time? And I kept wanting her to give me attention. She wouldn't give me any attention. She didn't care about me at all. That'll really make you like someone. Oh my God, I know. When they give you no attention, you're like, that's my wife. I know. And I noticed that every time she walked by, every girl would kind of be flirting with her. So then that made me want her even more too. I was like, everyone likes you here. And then she finally came to talk to me.
And I like said, I brought her ex-girlfriend up in the first conversation. How'd you know about her ex-girlfriend? I didn't know that it was her ex-girlfriend. I had no idea. I had been in, she like came up to us and she was like,
Has anyone here been in a music video? I had been in her ex-girlfriend's music video. Oh. Are you allowed to say who it is? Yeah, it's like Fletcher. What? Yeah. Fletcher's Becky So Hot. Yeah. I fucking love that song. Yeah, me too. Fletcher's cute. No offense, you're cute. You're fucking super hot too, dude. I love her music too. Yeah, yeah. And so I was like so excited because I thought maybe she, because I knew Fletcher was queer, so I was like so excited for her to think maybe I was like in with like the queer girl, like maybe I wasn't straight. Oh yeah, she's gorgeous.
That's definitely my girlfriend's ex-girlfriend. My lesbian girlfriend from Milwaukee hit me up and was like, do you know this girl? And I was like, no, I've never heard of her. And she's like, can you get a hold of her for me? So can you ask your girlfriend for her? I love how they're just thinking everybody in LA knows each other. Like any famous person knows every other famous person. But usually they do. But usually they just get Brad Pitt's number from me. I'm like, I probably could like through a certain degree. I'd have to try really hard. Yeah. Like I could. I'd love Shannon to say you love her. Oh my God. Just kidding. It's like my first lesbian experience just...
My lesbian friend wanted to talk to her. I'm like, fuck. I've already tried to convert Brittany a few times. Wait, didn't you have a threesome with two girls? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I've had like a lot of experiences with women, but it's always been like I'm just drunk and I'll like fuck anything when I'm drunk and I don't drink anymore. And so like I thought maybe because I'm, you know, I got divorced like two years ago. I thought maybe when I came back I would like get into girls again, but that's just not been my experience. Yeah.
It sucks. You gotta like it sober. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I've just been unfortunately craving the cock and it's all. Yeah. Brittany loves cock. Cockroach. Cock. Regular cock. I'll get to that. Big cock girl over here. Big cock lady. I thought I was straight too because I didn't.
I never saw anyone like Shannon. Like Shannon was like the type of girl that I was kind of into. Like she's more masculine. Yeah. So I don't think I'm like, I'm not into like feminine girls. So I would never. See, I am. I like like the like really feminine, feminine girls. Like I like you. I like you a lot. If we're going to be real right now. Don't.
Listen, if you guys want to get a bottle out, listen, we can relive your childhood right now. I'd be cool with it. If you guys are down, we can spin the Olipop. I'm dead. Yeah. Mike's like, Mike's like, shit, are we uploading this to Pornhub? Like, all of a sudden, it just gets uploaded somewhere else. Your girlfriend murders me. I'm like, if I have to be honest, you're exactly my type. She's like, but don't worry, I'm married. As I, like, hook up with my friend's all the time. But no, it's, you know. Wait, does your husband know? We'll bleep that out. Yeah.
I mean, we make out in front of him sometimes. But anyway, that's so fun. So like your first, I'm like getting all hot. Is it hot in here? I'm sweating. I'm like sweating. I'm like, don't leave. I'm scared. I got you. You're just being great. I'm like, welcome to Hollywood, baby. I'm like, Brittany, Brittany, you want to switch chairs? I'm just kidding. I get close. Brittany's the casting couch right now. I'm just kidding. She's like, you want to make it in this town, kid?
I can't. Okay, so you guys, did you go on a date and you just kind of clicked and you were like, this is amazing? Well, afterwards, I like slid in her DMs. I was like, oh. I love that. But it didn't work. She didn't answer me. She didn't? No. You're like, so then I had to comment on every picture since 2012. So then I had to pay Buddy to find out her address and show up at her house. I told everyone. I was trying to get in contact. I'm not kidding. I told everyone. Like, it was like any lesbian that I could think of, I was trying to get it through like the grapevine.
I tried really hard. I DM'd her and I said, I think I'm in love with you. Oh my God, you really said that? I swear to God. But like, I was trying to be funny, obviously. And then she didn't answer. So I was like, fuck, she thinks I'm fucking crazy. You just unsend and then it sees all these unsend messages. You can't unsend anymore. Which is such a fucking nightmare for me. You can't unsend it. You can't send it all. I've done so, you don't even want to know it.
so bad i don't need you can't when you are initiating a message with someone who doesn't follow you on instagram and you send a message you can send one you can't send a second and you can't unsend the one you sent so you get to shoot your shot and you get one fucking chance mine did not work so then what happened so then i told my manager my manager told me after that she used to manage shannon too so i told her and i just kept talking about it and my manager was like becca you're probably not
into girls I feel like everyone likes Shannon like every girl that I introduced Shannon to like she seems cool yeah she's just like charismatic and like has like a sparkle about her like she just has a different element about her but so I was like okay maybe you're right I got over it kind of but then like a week later my manager butt dialed Shannon which is crazy she was like
hey wait now that I have you on the phone do you know my client Becca Moore and Shin was like oh my god the girl from that shoot yeah I remember her and then my manager was like she DM'd you she's like in love with you she keeps telling me about it oh my gosh and which I'm like
Elisa why did you tell her that? Yeah you're like girl chill. She could have been like yeah said anything different. You're like could you keep your chill? I already told her I love her. Yeah. Could you be chill? Yeah. But then Shannon like replied to me finally replied to me so and then we started DMing and then she asked me on a date and then we went on a date. Where'd you go on your first date?
To a bar that was closed. She took me to this bar and it was closed. Oh. I don't remember what it was called. She's like, well, guess we have to go back to my house. Just planned it perfectly. Oh, this bar has been closed for six years. I don't remember what it was because I was drunk. I like pregame. I shouldn't have pregamed. Oh, fuck. Because I don't remember. I honestly. You were that drunk. Good for you. No. I don't know because I was in a blackout.
I was like, so nervous. Yeah. Like she hugged me and then I, she said I was like shaking. I was so nervous. Cause it was my first time with a girl. I was like so scared, but then we never stopped talking. And then now we've been dating since then. So yeah. Do you guys live together? No, no, you just, no. Okay. You just, yeah, we're just dating. Well, we've only been like officially dating for like three months now. Oh God.
That's awesome. And I saw a part of your video where you like talked about it. I think it was on your podcast. Maybe it was just a social media. And it was so like, I don't know. My heart kind of broke for you because you were like crying.
and I'm like yeah that day I was emotional I am not usually emotional about it but that day because well it was like right after sorry I don't mean to interrupt you no please go I forget what you said oh yeah okay the podcast yeah yeah yeah I that day I felt emotional because it was like filmed right after I had posted like hard launch with Shannon and I was just scared that girls in my life would like
like old friends that I had had would be creeped out by me or like think that I was like... Like Ohio girls? Yeah, like maybe like think that I... Or like relive our history and be like, maybe Becca was hitting on... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. But I want... You're like, I can assure you trolls. No, I'm not.
You're like, no girl, you're not my type. I'm like, no offense. You're like, there's only one girl I love. But yeah, I didn't, I was like, it feels weird. Like for me, I was scared to lose friends. Like I didn't tell, me and Shannon were like secretly seeing each other for like a long time. And I wasn't telling people from home. I didn't even tell my mom.
or my family. How did they react, your family? They have all been great. It was weird, a little bit weirder with my dad. Like, he didn't love it. Like, I didn't hear from him for a while, but then he came around and he, like, sent me a basket of tea and he was like, I support you. He's just really conservative. Yeah. And my mom is super liberal, so, like, it was hard for him. Are they together or no? No. You're like, girl, no. I had a horse when I was eight. Wow.
Wow. Yeah. So my mom, like, loved it. My siblings are great with it. Yeah. But it was weirder with my dad. I could see dads are always kind of, like, a little bit. Like, you're my little girl. Like, they always want, you know, a certain thing. Oh, my God. I think my dad's so sick of me being a hoe that if I was, like, I'm a lesbian. I feel like your dad would be...
- Charlie would be so happy if he doesn't have to hear about you talking about one more dick. Charlie would be like, thank God. Like he'd love to hear you talk about fucking eating pussy way more than sucking dick dude. Like I'm fucking dead. - But men are like, they're the worst partners ever to have. Like no offense to your husband. - Yeah, some men are, some men are. No, it depends. It really does depend. I think like you're right. I think in an emotional context, in our emotional depth as women, we understand each other more.
more right like it's easier to get there with a woman that's what i've found so far and to understand like what you're going through like your feelings you know guys are kind of just like what's wrong do you need a hug or something like the guys are so clueless you could spell it out for them and they're just like oh why are you upset about that you know what i mean and looking back on my old relationships i'm like oh my god these people did not know me at all like how did i even date these guys like it's crazy but shannon is like the best partner ever
- That's so rad. I'm so happy for you. - Thank you, I'm so happy. - That's fucking awesome. I mean, listen, some people, and I'm like a big believer too, is like, sometimes you just fall in love with people. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Like you just like,
I have friends who identify as straight who will sometimes call me and be like, you know, I fell in love with this person and it's a girl. And, like, I just love her. Like, I could be with her because she's just everything. You know what I mean? That's how I feel. I'm like, I don't even like the word. But I think I'm, like, biphobic because I'm internalizing it. I'm like, I don't like the word bi. Yeah. But, like, I think it's just my own thing. Like, I'm like...
I'm confused. Like, I felt, like, straight. I'm not confused right now, but I was confused in the beginning. I was like, I'm literally straight. Like, I swear to God, why do I love this girl? You know? Isn't queer just, like, the blanket term now? And I'm truly asking, like, for...
I mean, you can, yes, you can say queer. I just feel like also, and, you know, a lot of people are going to disagree with me, disagree with this, but I always also feel like sexuality is like a spectrum. And I feel like it's, I mean, you just kind of, it just changes sometimes. What is this? Yeah. What does that say, Mike? Queer. Queer. The adjective is strange. Mike's just like, Mike's like, The adjective is strange. Queer. Queer.
You can go down to the second one. Denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms. Yeah. Yeah. So that's the thing with me. I'm like, I feel more straight. I feel more attracted. There's a word now, heteroflexible, which is like, I'm mostly straight. But I would be down to dip my toe in the water.
Telling the water. If the water's warm, I'm sticking my toe in. But on a Saturday, I might get jazzed up. Not jazzy. Not like something your mom's trying. Hey, who wants to get a little jazzy? Who wants to eat some salsa at me?
I always say that just like I can't not jazzy pussy sequins on it and shit did you guys ever see that shit vajazzle where people would put diamonds on their vaginas can't make mine look good fucking vajazzle
Dude, there's also this new thing, and I'm not even joking, this is a real thing that I sent you yesterday called Gayby. What is that? It's a real thing. Gayby? Gayby. It was on the news. I could not believe it. Gayby? G-A-Y-B-Y. It's gay guys, okay? Okay. Who donate their sperm. Who donate their sperm, but here's the catch. It's not just like a regular donate their sperm. They want to be involved. Oh, really? Yeah. That's the difference. Oh, I didn't see that. That's the difference between them just being regular sperm donors. So it's gay men that want a child...
and want to be involved in its life. But, you know, obviously like they, with their partner, it's not worked out or something that they don't adopt or something. So they want to, you know, get with a couple who wants a baby that will let them visit the baby and they'll financially contribute and all this stuff. Gabby, Gabby, here it is. Match with a gay sperm donor. We got William. The hottest. Yeah. Oh,
way so hot it's because they care I think it's because they care it's also just like it's like women right like we care about the way we look we go to the gym we work out we do all this stuff to look good and guys do the same thing I feel like hetero guys don't give a fuck because they're like someone's gonna fuck me dude look at look at Daryl fuck like what listen let me try and turn one of these guys out is that part of the
Brittany just sees the website. She's like, challenge accepted. I'm screaming. For every one of these guys, there's a Sam Smith somewhere. Don't worry. I know. These guys are handsome. I mean, like, who doesn't? Poor Sam catching straight. Oh, my God.
Who doesn't want these guys to sperm though? Everyone here wants these guys to sperm. I know, why do I keep looking at them? I know, they're like perfect. I just put like the perfect guys on here. But like how cool, like they contribute financially, they help like raise the kid, babysit it, whatever, you know, they just want to be a part of the kids' lives and they're gay men. I want that. It's a whole business. I want a gay bee. It's kind of fun, right?
You and Shannon could do that. I know. That'd be rad, right? So what a great business. I was on the news last night and I was very- Do you guys have kids? Yes. Yeah, we do. Yeah, do you guys have kids? Oh God, no. No.
I have like so many ovarian issues. I feel like I would die if I got pregnant. Frozen eggs. Yeah. Brittany actually has technically kids, but someone else took her eggs and had them. Really? No way. And it's actually so cute. So did my friend. Yeah. I brought her to her. Sorry, I can't talk to her appointment, but they got matched and now she has a kid somewhere.
Yeah. Brittany got pictures of hers and the little girl looks just like her. Really? She's so cute. Do you feel some way about that or do you feel fine? Not yet, but I will when they knock on my door. Are
Are they going to knock on your door? They're like, I want 50 bucks. You're like, not a hug? Yeah. Wait, when did this happen? So I did it like, what year are we in? 2024. So I did it in 2012 and 2013. So they're 12 and 11 years old. They're 12 and 11. Yeah. They're so cute. They're like, yeah. They're beautiful. They're walking around. Oh my God. So have they asked about you yet?
No, no, no. Do you do like no contact? I don't have contact. The boy is in Santa Monica. The 12-year-old boy is in Santa Monica. So he's close. And then the other one's in San Francisco. That's crazy. Isn't that so cool? I'm in touch with the mom in San Francisco. I used to be in touch with the mom in San Francisco. I haven't talked to her since like the pandemic. Wow. Yeah.
They're like, your mom's a star. It just cuts the clip of you talking about sucking dick. The kid's like, what is this? No, but isn't that so cool? And they're really cute kids. You made beautiful kids. That's crazy. They're really cute. I feel like they're going to be mentally ill. Stop. No, they're not. I know. Don't they do a mental health screening before they have to? No, it's crazy. No, they don't let you be on antidepressants or anything like that. Because I remember when I tried to donate when I was like –
I don't know, 25 or something. They were like, you can't be on any. Yeah. Like, like I was already on antidepressants, so they don't let you do that. Oh, wow. Yeah. Okay. Well, I feel like I would feel weird about it if I saw a kid out there that I knew looked like me. Like, I feel like I would get attached. Yeah, I do too. I saw her kid and I wanted it back.
I was like, let's go get your kid. Like, I'll help you raise it. Like, I would help you. It could stay at my house. My dad has the hardest time with it. Yeah. He's like, I'm driving to Zympansko to get that kid. And I'm like, don't do that. It's hard for me to think about even, like, there being, like, a gay guy out there. Because I would probably want a gay guy to give us our baby. But, like, it's like, what if he wants to come get our baby? Right. If we have a baby.
No, no, no. So like this is like basically like I guess you do the contract with them or whatever. But they OK, so you want you just they they want to be involved. It's I don't think it's like an everyday thing. I think it's more just like birthday parties and like special events and holidays. They want to be like, are you sure they want to be involved? Yeah, I'm positive. I said on the internet, it said on the. Yeah, look, it's like the three of them. Yeah. The interview or I'm sorry, they interviewed the guy on the website who did this with two women.
And he was like, we have the best relationship. I go to all the soccer games and like I help contribute and pay for, you know, college or whatever they're going to be doing, you know. So the woman in San Francisco was like, do you want to be a part of this child's life? And I said no, because I was like, that feels so confusing.
Like to the kid to be like, this is your family. I'm like, but I'm. I wish she could write back now, but for me, because I want to meet her. Just for me, I'm like, let me, I want to be a part of her life because I love you so much. Like I want to meet her and hug her. She was so freaking cute, dude. Her mom sent like a picture of her sleeping and she was just the most precious little. Oh my God. I know. I say I don't want kids, but I like, I'm actually really great with kids. But you know, it's, I just think it's just never, it's never happened for me. My husband's sons are like my age. Yeah.
It's like very weird. We both walk into the kitchen and I'm like, hey, daddy. Oh, sorry. You go first. Anyway. Yeah. It's really crazy. But when do you think you want to have them like before a certain time? Well, I'm 26 right now. I don't really know. You're just a little baby. Yeah. I don't think I'm – I'm not even like thinking about that now. But it is weird. Like once you start dating someone and you're in like a healthy place because this is like my first like –
really healthy relationship where like everything's great you are kind of like when should we get engaged but like to all of your fans that are watching we're not getting engaged anytime okay but i got engaged after three months you did yeah girl and you're still together and we are together for two weeks babe i moved in after two weeks you told you i'm a lesbian at heart i was like when am i
When am I moving in? Wait, were you in that documentary? Yeah, American Meme. I think I saw that years and years ago. I forgot about that. It's on Netflix, guys. The American Meme. Yeah, so I met Tommy and like I had just gotten out of like a crazy abusive relationship and I actually was single for a year and I was actually on Raya and I was dating girls and guys and that's how we met and then like...
he just is awesome you know and that's what i think is like an older older guy he just is doesn't play the games doesn't you know like wait to text you for four days like you know that shit i'm so over i know and i just feel like so many guys try to be cool yeah and my husband literally would be like the girl and like double text like i didn't respond in time he'd be like hello with question marks
I was like, I love this. That's what I love about Shannon. She is like a little bit, she's like six years older than me. Not like crazy, but like it is nice because they kind of are, they don't really care anymore. No. And like, it's like, you're not going to play fucking games. You just called her older. You just called a 32 year old older people. And I'm like, okay, yeah, I'm not going to take that like a shot to the fucking heart. You know, older people, they just kind of gave up. They just kind of like give up on life. You know, she's almost retired. She's getting dentures. You know, she's...
She's getting ready to pass away. We love a person ready to pass away. I'm screaming. No, you're 26. You're literally just a baby. It's so rad, dude. Look how much you've accomplished and you're so young. Oh my God, I do not think so. And there's so much more coming. You don't think so. I love that. I love when people that are like objectively successful think they're not. Yeah.
I still have so much to do. I feel like I don't do anything. I don't even know. I don't know. I have to figure it out. You're going to kill it. You're already killing it. And you know why you're going to kill it? Because you killed it organically. You just started making these videos and people started watching them. I don't know why. Because you're funny. I feel like I'm fishing for compliments. Not at all, dude. You're amazing. What were you guys doing at 26?
I was on Vine. So I was like right when I blew up on Vine. And what were you doing, B? Stand-up, right? Well, I was barely doing stand-up. I was the head of recruitment for Apple. Yeah. Oh, hell yeah. Dude, she had like a straight-up corporate, like she was a businesswoman. I had a business job for like nine years.
This is one of the shirts. It's so cute. I love your outfit. I pulled it out of the closet. You just pulled it out of the old, just for old little friends. Had to wear it with a mini skirt though. Just have to let her know that I'm old. No, you're not old. None of you are old. I need to see your resume, young lady. Oh,
I almost did a corporate job, but then they found my Instagram and they told me I couldn't work there. Okay. Yeah. See if. Are you serious? Isn't that like illegal? I don't know. I think I should find them and like cancel them. But it was like this recruitment. Cancel Sue. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck
my future boss called me and said you have to take down your Instagram or you can't do the shop oh that is illegal yeah that's illegal and that's why it was a phone call not in writing because they know that if they wrote that you could close you would be owning a company right now
Damn it. Yeah, dude, you're not allowed to do that. Not for bikini pictures. Yeah, I was the head of recruitment. And like, it's just there's so many fucking rules of things you can and can't say where it's like you can tell someone they can't get the job, but you almost in every case cannot tell them why. Well, she told me why. She told me why. She shouldn't have.
Yeah, that's crazy. Dude, you could have. I could have gone to money. We're going in a different direction. We love you. I had already accepted the job there. Like, if you want to work here, though, like, you have to take down your Instagram. What was the job? It was, like, a headhunter, like a recruiter. Oh, okay. At a tech company. That's fucked up. Yeah. I tell that story all the time. I always wonder if she's ever going to see. You literally could. Well, where was the company? It was in Columbus, Ohio. Oh, okay. Never mind. Doesn't matter. They're already out of business. Okay.
Columbus, Ohio is having a fucking go at out of business deal. Bro, me and Brittany are so fucked. I'm joking. I believed you. We're so fucked if we ever have to get real jobs. One look at our social media. I know. The entire like series on how terrible it was at being an employee. Like very bad. Isn't it great to work for yourself now though? Yes, it's well time. I feel like this podcast is like a neck tattoo.
oh yeah yeah it's never gonna work exactly what you mean when you open your mouth it's just like you may as well just have like your whole face tattooed when you go into an interview yeah but like it's worth i mean whatever who cares i mean we're all gonna be dead one day and nothing matters it's like i know i'm about to i really want to like i just found out okay you guys are getting the exclusive right now i love it i just found out that my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and i was like keeping i found out two days ago but i was like keeping it in because i was like
I don't want to say anything. I'm going to sleep on it. When I got the information, I was like, I'm going to sleep on it. I'm going to decide if I want to make content about it. Because his, the girl from before me DM'd me and let me know that they were like sexting on the first night. He asked me to be his girlfriend. And that night he was sexting her that night. And anyway, so I'm going to do like a podcast episode. I decided I'm doing an entire podcast episode on it on Monday. And that's kind of like,
I mean, it'd be kind of really messy. Was it a guy from out here? No, he lives in Canada. Was this, you were with him before? I was with him when I lived in Nashville two years ago. Is he a musician? No, he's, he was an ex-minor league hockey player. Oh.
oh i think i remember you kind of that's insane so the day that he asked you to be and told me he loved me for the first time and he was cutting me like heart grilled cheese bites and sexing his ex-girlfriend doing the absolute most when they're cheating like they will be doing the most i know so hockey players are brain injured they're just like football players so they're just like dunk dunk
yeah yeah no i literally i fucked with a minor league hockey player too it was the most embarrassing thing i ever did in my life like they're just not no i know that wasn't even the first one love a guy who's been hit in the head minor league puck slut i don't know how that happened to me but yeah well i was thinking like oh my god if i if i talk about this like it's going to like
i just want i want to be taken serious why do i want to be taken seriously i don't care no listen and why talking about someone something someone else did to you is making people write songs yeah exactly you're right but people can write because i think people think like influencers are like
and, like, chaotic and they just, I don't know. And I don't, I wanted to, like, be, like, I wanted to, like, rise above that and be, like, classy about it for a second. And then I was, like, no, I don't give a fuck. I hate you. I mean, you don't even have to say his name. I'm not going to say his name. I talk about my ex who was, like, a narcissist and he was before Tommy and he would cheat on me with prostitutes all the time. And then literally, like, I don't even know if we won't even say, but, yeah. But anyway, so to this day, he keeps me from getting opportunities. How?
Because he's a director and he has a lot of friends in high places and he'll just... Because... Well... Isn't that horrible? This guy is... Yeah, he's not going to do anything. You don't want him to be a hockey player, so... I know. But I'm just saying, it's, you know, people...
People want to be able to just get away with bad behavior. And that's the thing is I think like our generation or rather your generation is more or less like not tolerating it. I know. You guys are speaking out and not letting people – and I'm not going to say just guys because women have bad behavior too –
But I think that this generation is just like, fuck it. Like, you're going to be a shitty person. I'm going to fucking talk about it. You know, it's like, why should everyone keep everyone else's bad secrets? Right. Like, why do I this? It's like becoming my problem where I have to hold it in. And this guy was a terrible boyfriend. Like, he would call me names. He would scream at me. And I haven't like ever.
ever called him out publicly but i want to so fucking was he abusive emotionally yeah really emotionally and that almost does like more damn oh my god now coaching little league no he moved to nashville and he's like he has this clothing company and i'm not gonna say what it is but like people i don't no one has any idea i think it only comes up in like relate like friend i mean friendships and like relationships like where he
is just psycho and he would like scare me to death dating him like he would like throw things all the time violent and happy bears are very violent yeah scary people I know but I'm I'm
I kept it in because I was like, oh my God, I don't want to be like the crazy ex-girlfriend. In the beginning, I didn't want to be the crazy ex-girlfriend. And now I'm like, it's been two years. There's that saying now where whenever a guy calls a girl crazy, it's like, what did you do to get her there? But I haven't done anything crazy. I think most girls, and I'm going to say most girls, I know there are some girls that are just like unhinged for no reason. But honestly, every time I've ever acted out or towards any ex, it's because they've done crazy.
crazy i know like they've done crazy shit which therefore then makes you respond like what the fuck you know and it's like i feel like we have to share information about terrible people because he and he is like a terrible person yeah but um we have to share the information that way this doesn't keep happening to people and you shouldn't be able to get away with things like that like
It doesn't matter your gender, like men or women. Yeah, women or women. Yeah, either way. I mean, this works for everybody. I mean, you can have a toxic relationship with any person. Oh, yeah. I just do really love that your generation, like the people in like – it was a Gen Z. You would be technically Gen Z, right? I think so. Yeah, so I just feel like they are just tired of it and they are just like – I mean, every time I open my TikTok, it's somebody being like, you know, my fiancé was on a cruise and fucking –
was with this girl and it's like I love this content I want to watch more of it I don't want it to ever end yeah no more bad behavior and it's like I had my husband on the podcast before this and like he was saying like you know it's different like back in the 80s they got away with everything you know there was no social media there was no fucking if you wanted to fucking take a picture you had to pull out like your Polaroid camera like you weren't gonna be able to record anything so you knew you were probably doing drugs in the bar
- Yeah, like cheating or whatever. Like now that there's the internet and I feel like people are smarter and like tolerating less, it's like, it's a whole new world, you know? - Good though. - Yeah, it's no more bullshit, dude. - Yeah. - I mean, you would hope it's no more bullshit, but there's still bullshit. - I know. - Every time someone speaks out, there's, you know, a million guys being like, this isn't true or what did she, I mean, even when I spoke out against ARMY, everyone like the fucking, everyone came for me and I'm like, we already knew he was bad.
which was cool that just resurfaced too did you see that the army hammer stuff yeah he's he's been doing are you one of his like victims no no i wasn't a victim she doesn't consider herself a victim but she did i dated him last year and he just you know i talked about it on the podcast already but basically long story short he basically just like
He's sober, but he, like, manipulates all of the, like, recovery vernacular to act like he's, like, this changed, different person. But he's just, like, a psychopath doing the exact same shit. And he's going out doing these podcasts being like, I'm a better man. I'm like, you're a psychopath. But it's like anytime anyone speaks out against him, he has an army of people. No pun intended. That...
uh we'll come out and defend him you know where are the why do people defend that like why did they actually believe well it's just like that whole thing that's happening with the wade wilson guy you know who killed two women if you're hot girls sometimes will ride for you no matter what because they think they have a fucking chance that's the thing that's so whack about fangirls is like that wade wilson guy murdered two women i don't know pull them up mike i just
I talked about him in the last podcast. He is literally a handsome guy. I mean, he's tattooed the shit out of his face, so he looks crazy now, but he's a handsome guy. He's charming. Oh, yeah. He's on death. Oh, my God. He's not handsome. He looks like six, six, and if you watch these edits, the girls make of him on TikTok. That's the scariest person I've ever seen in my life. He looks like Jake Gyllenhaal again.
That's what they said. Jake Gyllenhaal should play him in the biopic. Anyway, all these women are writing for this man and he is on the feet. He's kind of hot, but the tattoos. See? I know he killed two people. He killed two people. He would never kill two people. Is he cute as if he did it?
And he admitted to it. And these girls want to date him. He's gotten over like 3,000 letters in jail. They don't give a fuck. Dude, people that think Armie Hammer is hot will ride for him even if he wants to beat them. Like, they don't care. That's how fucking weird girls are. Did you know before? Yeah. You knew that he was... Yeah, I think, you know... You didn't believe it, right?
No, no, no. It wasn't that I didn't believe it. I think because I'm also in recovery, I do believe in like second chances and people changing. And he was telling like a really good story. And I fucking believed it. He's a very enchanting person. Like if he walked into this room, both of you guys would be like, he's amazing. He is just somebody that like can control a room. And I believed him. And then once I started like the lies and everything started, I was like, oh, my God.
He's the exact same person he's always been. He's just like has a different script. You know, he has like the recovery script that he's manipulating to make people think that he's changed and he hasn't. The crazy thing, Becca, was that after that episode came out. Yeah, he's handsome, whatever, but he's fucking whatever. After the episode came out, like I had like 15 girls in my DMs that were like hooking up with him around the same time as her. And then one of my really close
close friends who I follow he sent me pictures that like he like bit chunks out of her thighs and she's gonna have scars forever wasn't he he wanted to like cook these girls ribs and stuff yeah so I mean my experience with him like when I said stop he stopped but I think it's like
the experience that I've heard over and over and over again is like you want to be the one that can take it you know what I mean like you want to be able to like handle this thing that he's into because you want to like please him I was like if it hurt I was like stop my friend who he bit the things out of her thighs I was like why would you let him do that and she was like I just was in shock
that it was happening. Like, she's like, I literally went into a state of shock. Yeah. Huge celebrity wanting, and you want to be different than other girls. Like, you want to be the one that, like, I understand the psychology. But I think because, like, I had seen the documentary and immediately, like, when I met him, I was like, we're going to have to talk about this. Like, I need to, like, understand this. And...
he was so open but that's like a psychopath or a narcissist they'll do that in the beginning they'll tell you everything and then you know be like super open to like build the trust and I was like I need to know about this this and this and then like when he bit me the first time I was like no no
Miss me. I was like, did you get in enough trouble for that? How can you be so horny that you're still biting people? I don't even know if it's horny or demonic. Yeah, it's just like a compulsion maybe. You know, like people drink or use drugs. It's like a compulsion. This is weird. This one's weird. He was saying to... Not to kink shame. No, I'm kink shaming you. He was saying to girls like, why do you need legs? You don't need those anymore. I'm just going to come fuck your dead body or something like that. No, he's a sadist, which is like...
Ultimately a really, really dark kink. And it's not for me. If I ever come across another one, I will run for the fucking hills. I'm still scarred. But girls, like I said, girls will...
ride for people. I know. If they're good looking. If guys are hot. If a guy's hot, like you could literally be a murderer on death row like this dude. That guy that I dated, his, all of his ex-girlfriends had me blocked like on everything. And now I'm finding out that he was just telling everyone because I like, he was just telling it
He wanted to cover his bases and make sure that in case I made a video. Yeah. And then she told me that she told me everything. And like he lied to her. He said that we dated for like two weeks and we had been dating from like October to July, like not two weeks. And it was nothing. And we had broken up when I was at his house. He was DMing her being like, where are you going? Because she was going on a trip. He was like, where are you going? Oh, my God. And they're sexting while I was at his house while he was making me grilled cheese.
And I'm like, what the fuck? How do you do that? Like, how the hell do you do that? My ex did the same exact thing. I should have known if he was making up. And the girls messaged me. It was so crazy. I even sent to Brittany recently because we were just kind of talking about it. And it's just crazy. This was like eight years ago. Yeah. And...
I'm still being like cock blocked by this person for work. Oh my God. And I was like, this is so crazy. And I was showing Brittany, like the messages, like from other girls where he was with me and he would DM other girls and be like, I don't want to be with Brittany. I want to be with you. And then at the same time messaging me, I love you so much. Can't wait to see you when I'm back from my shoot. And I'm like, what kind of fucking that's,
Like, how do you have time to be dating all of these people? Like, how did he have time? He had, like, three – mine had three girlfriends, it seems like. I think, and I could be wrong, but I think it's narcissism because they need so much supply. They have such low self-esteem. They need so much validation that they need to have the supply of, like, 40 women or, like, however many to keep them – their ego alive, you know? But, like, how embarrassing. That's so sad and embarrassing, but –
And it just feels like injustice. It's horrible. Especially in your case. It's horrible. I can't even imagine. It's horrible now that there's people in the entertainment industry that think badly of me because they don't know what really happened. Yeah. Which is horrible for me. But I also told Brittany, I'm trying to just like...
Let go. Move on. I have a great life. I'm grateful for everything I have. I'm happy. I'm married. I love the podcast. I do stand-up. My life is great. So if someone's not going to want to work with me because something they heard from someone who's a bad person, what am I going to do? I don't know, but it just feels so frustrating. It is. I want these people to –
be punished. Yeah. I know, that's the thing. And it's like, that's, you know, as women, I think it's always going to be so much harder for us because I think you're kind of, it's like you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. Like if you speak out. You're bitter. You're bitter in a crazy ex. That's why I kept it in for two years. Right. I didn't say anything. So if you speak out, there's people that are going to be mad at you for speaking out. Yeah. And then,
I don't know. People are like, oh, she's a liability because she talks. It's like bad men don't want to be accountable for their actions. Yeah. Anyone who opens their mouth and speaks out against it then becomes a liability to a fucking production. Or like, it's like, what are you even saying? My husband actually said that to me because I was like really upset and I was kind of like crying to him about it. And he was like, Brittany, he's like, you don't want to work with people that would believe these people. Yeah. That are, first of all, friends with that person because they're probably not good people.
Right. Exactly. And then second of all, like, you know, you don't want to be around someone that's, like, you know, that energy and that vibe of, like, they're thinking you're going to say something if they do something bad. Yeah. And don't do anything bad. Exactly. The only people that don't want to work with you are the people that are afraid of getting caught for doing something. It's like, you know, like the thing – I think you were – never mind. I can't repeat this. Okay. We're going to go on. Yeah.
All right, we're doing Mean Girl Worst today. Do you have a Mean Girl Worst story? Oh, yeah, I do. Because you're so pretty. Were you bullied in high school? No.
I was bullied mostly by the boys. Really? Because they wanted you. I don't know. The girls were nice to you? Yeah, the girls were nice. You're so lucky. Oh, yeah, that is nice. Maybe I wasn't that pretty in high school. You're like, on second thought, the girls were really nice. I was fucking tortured. But yeah, you have no mean girl stories? Well, I do. I do, but the main ones I can't really say on camera.
No, no. But I can't talk... I mean, like, in Nashville, there was this girl that, like, we were, like, frenemies. Like, we hated each other. But we were, like, in the same friend group. And we would never admit that we didn't like each other. And it was just, like... I feel like the thing with mean girls is it's, like, little things. Like, you can't... And you feel crazy telling people about it. Like, they'll say... Like, make little comments. Like, at dinner, they're like...
Wow. It's so fun how you're so calm. You say whatever you're thinking, even when the vibe is completely different than what you're thinking. Like just like little things she would say to me and I would be like. Like backhanded compliments. I mean backhanded compliments. Like you're so bold. You're so confident. Like how are you so confident? Like things like that. It drove me crazy. Yeah. And I felt crazy telling people about it because everyone else is like, this girl's awesome. She's so nice. Right. And I'm like, evil. She's not awesome. She's been evil. Come out.
yeah i know you were tortured i was tortured yeah i had a really tough time in high school but everyone's heard about it but i will say the one like mean girl story that was i was thinking i was like racking my brains this morning i'm like i've had i have so many but this one so my best friend from high school kate she was doing prom pictures and kate was the only oh you did say this story i remember no this is a different oh shit
I think, I think, unless I said it, where they tried to change the venue of the prom pictures. Did I say that? And then they, were they because they didn't want you to come or something? No. No, okay, never mind. Well, they, did I say that on the podcast? It was supposed to be at one girl's house. Yes. Oh, I already talked about it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Well, fuck. I'll just tell you. Now I'm here. So my friend Kate was having prom pictures and all the other like popular girls didn't want me to go. So they told her, don't let Brittany come. Okay.
And Kate's like, she's my best friend. She's coming. And then one of the other girls, Megan Curtin, wherever you are. I love first and last name reveal. Just like Megan Curtin. I love it. I love first and last name reveal. Hell yeah. She's like, she was trying to move the pictures to her house so that I couldn't come. And luckily Kate's such a fucking gangster. She just was like absolutely fucking not. She's like, you guys are being children. Like,
it's pictures you don't need to be like this fucking crazy like they hated me that much that they couldn't be in the same room with me to take a picture so we all went over to Kate's and took pictures and then I just was like I don't even want to be in pictures with you like you hate me so much and you'll just stand in a group photo with that smile and you're like fuck these bitches wait why did they hate you
It was very layered. I think the bottom of it was jealousy. If I can like look at it objectively in hindsight, I never thought that, you know, like my mom when I was young, who I didn't get along with very much, was always like, these girls are just jealous and they're going to be really mean to you. I was like, is that why you're mean to me, mom? Your mom's jealous. Actually, some of them are.
are no so I didn't but I didn't believe it because I was like what would they be jealous of I don't have anything you know but you just don't I don't know when you're pretty you're not walking around when you're like 15 like I'm hot shit like you don't know that and you don't know why people are mean to you but yeah that I think that was it and then
I don't know. I was just generally unlikable, I guess, which not much has changed. Stop it. No, their boyfriends wanted to fuck me. That's what it was. Oh, yeah. That makes sense. Like, she's cost me this way. That's what happens. I mean, that's what happened to me, too, in high school. It was horrible. I was tortured.
oh my god like literally as soon as i got into seventh grade like i grew these are my real boobs and everyone always likes to say even to this day hell yeah brother brother yeah so like even to this day people love to say like i've had plastic surgery all this stuff and when i was in high when i was in junior high people would call me plastic face okay that is the nicest thing anyone could
I wish somebody thought. Because I would wear makeup. I was always really into doing my makeup and I would always like, you know, like do dope makeup and people would be like, what if you have plastic surgery, plastic face, plastic face because I wore makeup. Yeah, and they'd be like, and your plastic boobs. And I was like,
What? Like my family is like lower middle class. Like if my dad was going to buy tits, he would get us new floors for our house first. Like what? Like it's crazy. It was so insane. So they would literally one time I left my books in the lunchroom and I would almost always eat by myself or with my friend Nadine. Shout out to Nadine.
We love Nadine. She's still my really good friend. She was like my only friend in high school. And she would try to fight everybody, you know, but she was skinny. So she couldn't fight everybody. You know what I mean? Like she would try to fucking beat the shit out of people. She's like, Britt, I'm getting kind of tired. Like there's a lot of these fucking enemies. You just back up eating popcorn. Yeah. I'm like, no, keep going.
You missed one. But yeah, she would always stick up for me because they all liked her. I don't know. They just hated me. So I left my books in the cafeteria one time. And, you know, I used I don't know if you used to do this, but like we would cover our books in brown paper shopping bags because that's like to keep, you know, the schools would make you do that to make them get dirty. I don't know. I don't know if your generation did that. You did that, right? Yes.
and she's like what she's like everything is on the computer i'm sorry do you need a textbook dinosaur she calls her agent she's like how did i get booked these fossils on the meta podcast i'm kidding we had like online text i can't i'm just kidding so wait we used to have to carry lots of books and we would cover anyway back in the day we had to walk 50
miles no i'm just kidding so we did cover our books in these like paper bags and like you know i came back to get mine and they drew all over my books and even on the inside and they were like plastic face bitch ugly big nose bitch like just all over and they drew pictures of me with my hair and like it was just so hurtful i was like wow like and i didn't even talk to these people that is psychopathic yeah i was i was tortured it was horrible i didn't go to my junior or senior prom
like nothing i started dating like a guy who was against wait your 20-year reunion must be like soon it was yeah it already happened yeah dude no why would you not go with tommy i know i would be like suck my dude no it's just you like you're so i went on facebook and i looked at all their photos now that was revenge enough like they
karma has came listen karma sometimes I know it takes time but karma will serve like karma's like don't worry I got it so I just try to remember that I was literally saying that to you yesterday when we were talking about this guy that I'm like karma does not miss a doorstep like anytime anyone's ever done me wrong if I wait sometimes it
it's 10 years but if i always yeah i know you just have to wait that's the hard part except when it's like men like evil men i'm like okay on monday you are going down it sucks waiting for that you're looking into the camera your time has come i am the karma yeah your time is near yeah but girls it's like okay i'm not gonna say everything but you will be taken care of by karma yeah no i looked at all of the people that used to fucking be so mean to me and i was like wow i can't
I can't find it. Karma came hard. I can't find them anywhere. Really? Which means they're probably looking pretty.
Megan Curtin. You don't even recognize him. Yeah, we got to Google Megan Curtin. We got to put that bitch up with her fucking. Fuck that bitch. I'll fucking beat her up right now. Like, Megan Curtin, meet your parking lot. Nadine needs to come get me. Dude, Nadine's the shit. She's still one of my best friends. Like, it's so crazy. I mean, only person who stuck up for me. Like, it was crazy. That is so, like, my friend. Is that her? Oh, no.
How on earth would I know if that's her? I can't. Would that be fine and funny if we found her? It's fine. We should start roasting her. We say her at. We let everyone go attack her. The first person on Facebook's her. I can't. Do you always wonder if those people feel bad? Don't you think they should reach out and be like, I'm sorry? I had two girls reach out. Oh, thank God. After, when I was in college, they actually wrote me letters. Oh, that is so sweet. One girl wrote me a really nice letter. She's like, I'm really sorry. I only did it because everyone else was doing it and you didn't deserve it.
Okay, that's like mob mentality though. I feel like I wasn't like joining in on girls bullying random people. It was horrible. Yeah. There is an African proverb that says the tree remembers and the axe forgets. So whoever did the thing usually doesn't remember it because one time I confronted a girl that like tortured me in grade school. She like came out to LA and showed up at a comedy show and she's like, oh my God, you're in me.
I'm like the audacity for you to fucking be here. I was like, what are you doing here? Yeah. And she's like, oh, my God, girl, I think you're like blowing it out of proportion. But I just don't think people because here's the thing. I can remember every time someone's ever been mean to me. And I know for a fact I have been mean to people. Me too. I remember every single time.
You do? See, I don't. See, I can't remember, like, I know... Actually, you might be right. One altercation where I for sure know I was in the wrong, but I know there's been many where I've been in the wrong or I've said stuff that's probably fucking devastated people. Right. And I don't remember it. So it's like, I think that's...
I think your brain protects itself. It's like that. Yeah. You're like, I don't identify with that person. I'm not that person. But then for whatever reason, we can hang on to the hate. I don't know how that helps us or serves us. I know. But I think it is something just psychologically about human nature. Yeah.
I feel like I don't relate because I try to be so nice to everyone. It's so weird. Like, I don't think I've ever, like, gone out of my way to be – Probably because you've been through a lot. I've been through so much and, like, I've been misinterpreted. Like, I've made jokes and maybe, like, they've come across that I'm being a mean girl or something like that. You know what I mean? Yeah.
I definitely, I just, I feel like I talk before I think sometimes and I just will say things to people. Yeah. I'll be like, I don't know. And then I'll be like, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Like even like the older thing about you. I'm like, she's not old. Like she's pretty.
No, no, no, no. Yeah, but I get what you mean. That happens to me all the time. Like everywhere I go, I have an interaction like that and I never remember it. I'm like, oops. Yeah, I mean, but there are, you know, the only thing we can do is just like try to be better, I guess, everyone, every day. There's no way you haven't been mean. I'm not saying that. No way. I mean, like, I don't think I've ever said anything like fucking nuts. Like where I cut someone to their fucking soul, you know, unless it was like someone that like
cheated on me. That would be the only time I would think, you know what I mean? Like I normally, well, have I said something to you that was really mean? Cause you're fucking gurgling right now. Say it fucking bitch. I'm just kidding. I'm like, I'll never meet you fucking whore. What did I say to you? You fucking bitch.
God, throw me in the broiler. What did I say that was me? No, I'm not putting you in the broiler. I'm just saying there's no way in hell you've never been mean to somebody ever. No, no, no. I'm sure I've been. But I don't think I've ever been like crazy aggressive. Like something where I really, you know what I mean? You really lost your mind. Did I?
- No, I don't, I'm for sure you have. - If someone- - There's no way you haven't. - If someone- - There's no way you went 37 years. - I love watching you guys are like, "I've never been- - I've been, I've been curt. Like, for instance, that person, someone was mean to Brittany and I met them.
And I was very curt. Yeah. You know, because I don't like, I don't want to befriend someone who's mean to someone that I'm friends with. But that's not, that's not mean. That's being a good friend. Yeah. That's a bad example. Give me a fucking example of me being mean. I'm dead. You got one on the tip of your tongue. I'm sure you do. Was it to you? Like last week?
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ are you okay yeah that came across wrong that came across wrong Brittany was having a feral girl summer and I got worried I freaking freaked out but even that's like kind of a good friend right or no well I thought I was being a good friend I think I could have said it differently
I love you. I love you. She's like, I don't know what's going on. I'm like the therapist. She's like, I'm really hot in the sweater. Becca starts sweating. We're like, sweat Becca out of the room. Yeah.
I'm dead. Okay, so these are our worst submissions. We have people write in like the worst shit that's happened to them. This is obviously the mean girl worst. I was doing Pilates in Santa Monica and the instructor asked before class if anyone had any injuries that she should be aware of. I raised my hand and told her quietly that I had a major lower back injury last year, so I would have to be careful with certain positions.
She smiled and nodded and then got back on the microphone and said to the entire class, you know, the great thing about Pilates, ladies, is that Pilates makes you slim. And when you're slim, you don't have lower back issues. Oh, man.
I would sue. I would start that place on fire. That's when you probably get up and leave. That's so terrible. That's an attack. That is fucking mean. Damn. Holy shit. When you're slim, you don't have lower back issues? I have lower back issues right now. I don't think that's true.
That can't be true. I think I hurt my back working out. And your neck. Yeah. You hurt your neck, then your back. And I said, next, your pussy and your crack. I'm like, damn, girl. Every day, like first day, she was like, I hurt my neck. Next day, she's like, I hurt my back. I'm like, Jesus. I had a fucking fit with my trainer. I was like, you keep hurting me. I'm not like getting stronger. I'm just getting hurt. Your trainer's like making you lift. He's like, lift him over your head. She does Pilates with him. Am I allowed to say that? I mean,
mean no it's fine who cares i don't do pilates with him well i mean at the same place yeah whatever at the same gym i don't want to go to that gym yeah i'll send you to him dead there's a lot of every time i go there there's somebody like super famous i like i look like this except i almost don't want to go to a gym like that like he's a personal trainer so it's like he'll do one-on-one so like someone will be leaving as someone you know what i mean it's like yeah so i would do a one-on-one yeah yeah only if he walked in after okay
You're like, can I just get in the schedule right after this person? Only reason you want to train. Truly. It's the only reason I keep going back. Relatable. Okay. It's my first day in school after getting my period for the first time ever. While at school, I literally didn't know what to do with my pad. It never dawned on me that the little trash cans were for this purpose. Clueless on what to do.
I wrapped up the used pad with my toilet paper and stuffed it in my bag, hoping to just ask my mom for clarification later. To my horror, when I got back to class, the girl that was supposedly my friend thought it would be funny to dig through my bag and see what she could steal. While digging in my bag, her hand went straight for my boo.
That's disgusting.
Like, how did you not find a trash can? I'm so sorry. I can't. Putting it in your bag is strange, but yeah. I've done things like that. But I guess... Humans are so scary and weird. When it's new, you're kind of confused. Like, what do I do with it? I can't flush it. But, like, throwing it around is a health hazard. Everyone touching it? Yeah. It seems on them. My blood! There's blood all over their hands. Jokes on you. You all have blood.
aids now full blown not even oh my god it's the magic johnson of pads britney becca do you want to read one sure i'll read that i'm already reading every time you guys you're like i've already read all of them yeah when i was in high school this girl made a fake twitter account of me and was saying horrific things i didn't find out about it until one day my cheerleading coach asked me to come to her office before practice when i
When I walked in, the guidance counselor and the principal were also in there. They started asking me questions about my health and if I was eating. I had no clue what they were talking about until they showed me the fake Twitter profile where whoever it was was saying I was starving myself to get skinny and would post things like, I'm so hungry, but I can't eat. Apparently, this had been going around the school and a few girls on my cheerleading team reported it. I had recently lost some weight, not from starving myself, but just from being in multiple sports at school.
the time so they all believed it i still to this day never found out who it was okay see that's jealous jealous that you're skinny you gotta fucking tear you down people are so fun when i was in fourth grade the queen bee oh there was always a queen bee i'm so glad i saw that queen bee on facebook and she looks so bad i need to find the shoes like the queen bumblebee
I mean, that bitch got fucking... Anyway. Yeah, when I was in fourth grade, the queen bee was a girl named Reagan. She had a whole little clique and I was new to the school, so I didn't fit in. I'll never forget all of the things she did to me, but the worst was one day I was allowed to sit at her table and I was eating a bowl of soup for lunch. She commented loudly for all to hear, including my crush...
I could never eat a whole bowl of soup like that, but I guess that's why you're so big. What a fucking bitch. - Jesus. - I already had eating problems and she knew that and preyed on it and I've never forgotten. She got hers though because her dad ended up getting accused of fraud
and was on house arrest for years and she ended up leaving the school. Oh my God. - Wow. - Sounds like a good idea. - For saying you're so big, like that's insane. - That is psychopathic. - But this is like, you know, that's kind of fertile ground for eating disorders. - Oh yeah. - It's like right in like middle school and high school everyone sort of starts to get.
anorexic then real shame that started in my house but yeah i mean yeah i mean my mom tried to start it in my house but i wouldn't let her my mom was like very anorexic and she would barely feed my sister and i but don't worry i would steal other people's food britney's a real survivor i'm a hunter gatherer he's a forager britney's a nice strong forager from wisconsin
Fucking dead. No, but I remember all the girls, like, in high school when they started clearly becoming... There was one girl that was so bulimic and anorexic on our volleyball team, and she was a setter. And she would, like, run to get the ball and fall. And we all thought she was going to die. Like, she was so... Every time she would fall, by the time she stood up, like, you could see the bruise. Oh, my God. And we had to, like, have an intervention and be like, you... There was two girls that were, like...
One girl made the other girl become bulimic and anorexic, and then she got way worse than the original girl. And they're like, "You have to start eating or you can't play this anymore. It's too dangerous."
The original girl who like got the eating disorder and gave it to her friend quit. She's like, then I'm not playing. She's like, I don't want to. She'd rather have her eating disorder. Yeah, she wanted her eating disorder. And then the other girl just like denied it. But she got benched. They're like, and she was so good. But we're like, we cannot play you. It's like we were all so afraid that she was just like going to fall and never get back up. What happened to her? Do you know? Did she ever get better? She did. She did. She recovered and recovered.
I think I saw pictures of her in college. She ended up having a kid really young and she's healthy. - Good, good, good. - She's better. But it's just like, it's so sad 'cause you have a friend influence you to do that and then it takes over your life. I'm like, I can't, I couldn't imagine. - Yeah.
Oh boy, I have been waiting for a worse that I can participate in. In high school, I was in both softball and color guard flags and marching band with this girl. The girl was gorgeous, but the biggest bitch you could think of. She tried to get me kicked out of both my color guard and softball captain positions. I was a senior and she was a junior, FYI.
Well, when band season was over, she found out a sophomore actually got the captain position over her and she freaked the fuck out. She even pretended to have a seizure in the middle of the cafeteria, threatened to sue the girl, etc. Oh, boy. Shortly after this, she quit softball because she had to get her wisdom teeth removed unexpectedly. Not a seizure. Not a fake seizure. Who does that? Wait, what? Imagine being like that desperate. I can't handle it.
It's like that guy in Europe who was faking heart attacks to get free meals. Did you see that? At the end of every meal when the check would drop, he was faking heart attacks. So, like, it would be such a commotion and they'd be so happy he was alive. They would just let him leave. But on, like, the 52nd time he got caught. Oh, my gosh. I think I heard.
heard about it a little bit yes he was just like dropping to the floor and faking a heart attack every single time he had to pay the bill oh my god man arrested for faking heart attack dinner bill yeah this might be one of my favorite stories ever yeah he was from lithuania he tried to use 20 different scound 20 times in the past year that's such a good idea in the same area and it's
literally like 36 dollars he does look like he's gonna have a heart attack though he will look healthy
that's the crazy part I would believe that he was having a heart attack yeah he looks ill I mean people don't usually fake that yeah that doesn't that's not a vibe and also imagine how stressful that is on your body like that's not an easy thing to fake yeah yeah yeah I mean he looks like he's good at it because he's just already looks like he probably doesn't have to do much he's already bloated and red like he just gotta fall in the corner by the way his shirt says today I will be awesome
Yeah. He's got other stuff going on. I love him. This is my new dinner date. Today I will be awesome. I'm screaming. What was our last thing? It was bad vice. Okay. So this is a segment where we give people advice on whatever they're going through. We call it bad vice. It's obviously coming from us.
I had a friendship that lasted from middle school into my early 20s. The older I got, the more I realized she wasn't the greatest friend, and I was starting to get tired of how I was being treated. Eventually, we had a fight that ended the friendship. I had tried to make peace, but she gaslit and played the victim. She was acting so ridiculous that I was just done."
Several years later, we reconnected. At first, I was so glad we did. We picked up right where we left off and agreed that it was stupid to have parted ways over something that now seemed so small. However, it wasn't long before I started remembering why I walked away from her in the first place.
Just like before, we eventually had a fight and she had the same reaction she had when we were younger. After some heated texting back and forth, I stopped replying. And after talking to my sister about all of the things this friend has done, my sister told me that my friend was a narcissist.
It's been months now and there continues to be silence between us. I'm happier and way less stressed now that she's out of my life. But now that so much time has passed and I'm less angry, I'm beginning to put myself in her shoes. I can see things from her point of view and that she probably feels like I just cut her off with no explanation and it bothers me knowing that I hurt someone else.
Did I do the right thing by cutting off a toxic friend or was I completely shitty for not reaching out myself and explaining why I didn't want to be friends anymore? What bad advice do you give? I actually had this experience. Like I had a friend that I was really, really close with for years and...
You know, it was just like little things that kept happening that were really hurtful to me. Yeah. And then I just one day just stopped hanging out with her. And it was like strange because she would like text me and be like, what are you doing? What are you up to? And I like kind of gave like the slow fade. You know what I mean? I was like, I'm busy, whatever, you know, or I'm like here, I'm there. Right.
And, like, we've recently reconnected. And, like, I mean, I get it. I think it's sometimes something you just have to do for yourself. I know. You know? I don't think you should feel bad. Like, I think if it's protecting your own mental health, then yeah. As long as you're not, like, ending on a crazy note where you're like, go fuck yourself. You know what I mean? Like, being crazy. Then I think a slow fade is always, you know, okay. And if they ask you what happened and you tell them, then that's, like, a thing. But if they don't ask you, then...
That's what happened to me. I had to break up with a friend, but I never told – she never asked me, so I never told her why. Yeah, why? But I always went, well, why did I break up with him? Same thing. Kind of. Like, it was just like this – we had weird things. Like, it was just little things that added up, and I was like, I feel worse about myself every time we hang out. Why am I even hanging out with you anymore? Like, why do I feel like I have to, like, impress you all the time? Like, it's just the kind of friend that –
you don't, doesn't make your life better. Like, what's the point of having a friend if they don't make your life better? Yeah. So I kind of ghost, I slowly faded, but she never asked and now we're not friends. And I noticed that I'm like so much happier without her in my life. So I'm like, why do I, I don't feel like I have to go back. And it's sad though. It is sad, but it's also like, if you feel relieved, there's obviously a reason why. And you know, if she doesn't ask you, you don't have to tell her. If she does ever reach out and say like, what happened? Then,
you know, you can tell her. Especially like friends, like you can make, it's so sad, but like you can make new friends, like easily. Yeah. You can find new people to be friends with. You don't need, like it's not like you're romantically involved. That's so true. And I feel like sometimes when you cut people out that are like toxic or like draining, someone else will come in. That makes so much more sense. More sense. But it's like you wouldn't have had space for that person if you didn't get rid of this person. So I do think clearing out friendships, especially ones you've had for like a really long time, I think sometimes we feel like indebted to people. Yeah.
because like I'm like oh but we've been together since I was 18 yeah right like you've seen me through all of these iterations of myself but it's like at the end of the day if we didn't grow together and we grew apart like that's okay too you can just release with love that's like my favorite thing to do with friendships that aren't serving me anymore is like release with love I'm like it's literally not personal don't like beat yourself up about this but like
it's not working. And I've also had friends like that. I was really close with straight, like ghost me and fade me. And that makes me crazy. Cause it's like, what I've been on the other side too. I've been on the other side. So I'm like, what did I do? And then like, if I reach out and ask for clarification and they continue to ignore me,
Oh, that's not cool. It takes a long time to see that that friendship did not serve me and they were doing me a favor. And I do wish they would have given me the courtesy of telling me why. But when they ultimately didn't and they like vacated that space, something better filled it. So it's like just trust the process. When God is weeding people out of your life, he is making room for better things.
bigger and better flowers, right? Amen. Take me to church, sister. This is so therapeutic. The Lord knows what he's doing, okay? The Lord supports Pharaoh. Get our
man we have to cut that oh my god all right was it i don't know i feel like we're spiritual we're just feeling the vibes anyway it's been really good becca's like i loved it anyway personally yeah whatever who cares i love it there's white southern baptists anyway we have compliments for people first things first the pod's amazing we're so grateful for both of you yes keep complimenting us putting yourself out there being funny as fuck real as fuck and
Hot as fuck. Thanks for representing all of us crazy yet lovable bitches out there. Hell yeah. Hey ladies, I just want to say thank you for making me laugh every Wednesday. I look forward to listening weekly. You are like my best friends. I wish I had all your best friends.
I just wanted to let y'all know that I listened to your podcast for the first time last week while making a couple cross-country drives. I love the both of you. So funny, real, and relatable. I appreciate the authenticity. It makes me feel seen and heard. Keep it up, ladies. That's so awesome of you. And with like a positive note. I love that. Yeah, we gotta have that so we just don't kill ourselves. It's just our podcast producers writing in, hey, you guys are the best. Keep going. It's Mike. I'm dead. We see Mike typing the ones for next week right now. Bye, guys.
Hey, girls. Chat GPT. How do I lift women's self-esteem? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Literally. Literally. It's been so amazing having you, Becca. I love you guys. You're so fucking rad and chill. And dude, come back anytime. I will. So you have a podcast. Where can people check out your podcast? It's called For the Girls with Becca Moore. It's on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. Okay. And tune in for a very juicy episode.
Yes. And follow Becca on Instagram at Becca Moore, right? Yeah. And your TikTok Becca Moore. You're everywhere Becca Moore, right? Yeah. Okay, perfect. Thank you so much for coming. We
- Thank you for having me. This is like therapy. I love it. - Yeah. And thanks again, Worsties for tuning in. Make sure to like, subscribe, share, tell everyone, your mom, your dad, your cousin, your dog, get everyone into, this is the worst podcast. They will love it. And make sure to write in your worst stories too. Just Media House or this is the worst pod at justmediahouse.com. You can also leave voice messages for us. If you go to our Instagram, there's a link.
at thisistheworstpod on Instagram. Click the link and leave us a voice message. Tell us your worst stories via voice message. We love to hear that. We love to hear from you, Worst Daisy. We'll see you next week.
Sweet. Yeah. Bye, Worsties. Bye. Thank you guys for listening to This is the Worst podcast powered by Just Media House. This is the Worst is hosted and executive produced by Brittany Furlan Lee and Brittany Schmidt. If you enjoyed our show, don't forget to like, subscribe, comment, rate, and review. Stay connected with us on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Snapchat at This is the Worst Pod. Studio provided by Second Floor Studios, podcast and social artwork produced by the Forward Digital and Product Limited.
Thank you to our post-production team at Creative Evolution Studios. Theme song to This is the Worst podcast performed by Midnight Noise. This is the worst where we are going to make the best of the worst. This is the worst.