Manufacturing Dissent since 1996
Anthropologist Sarah Ihmoud on the dynamics of colonialist violence and domination against indigenou
In another This is Limbo! episode, producer Sebastian muses about what drives fascism and presents t
Alex replays Chuck's interview with theorist Jodi Dean on her book "Crowds and Party" from Verso Boo
Sebastian replays Chuck's interview with historian Trevor Griffey on his article "A New Deal for Col
Dan replays interviews with Gary Brecher (The War Nerd) and Mark Ames. [First broadcast Oct 20 2012
Lindsey replays artist Cassie Thornton explores the revolutionary potential of The Hologram - a peer
Chuck returns! Plus Producer Alex replays Assistant Public Defender Adofo Minka on prisoner uprising
Writer and Activist Hadas Thier talks to Chuck about her Dollars & Sense Article "Cryptocurrency Wil
Writer Mary Jane Gibson on her article "Inside California's Cannabis Crisis" for Rolling Stone. ht
Immigration lawyer Daniel Melo on his article "The Capitalist Imperative Driving Cruel and Bipartisa
Writer Os Keyes on their Real Life article "Condition Critical," and in a Moment of Truth, Jeff Dorc
Writer Daniel Fernandez on his article "The Classroom and the Cell" for The Baffler. https://thebaf
Sociologist Elijah Anderson on his book "Black in White Space: The Enduring Impact of Color in Every
Historian Daniel Immerwahr on his Guardian article "‘A deranged pyroscape’: how fires across the wor
Historian Hannah Farber on her book "Underwriters of the United States: How Insurance Shaped the Ame
Writer Nathanael Johnson on his report "How a $60 million bribery scandal helped Ohio pass the ‘wors
Urban planning scholar Deyanira Nevárez Martínez on her paper "Homelessness in Southern California:
Historian Helen Anne Curry on her book "Endangered Maize: Industrial Agriculture and the Crisis of
Historian Catherine McNicol Stock on her article “Is the rally really worth it?” The Sturgis Motorcy
Kevin Klyman on his article "Vaccine Apartheid Has Reinforced US Empire" for Jacobin, and in a Momen