cover of episode 837: Swim Towards the Shark

837: Swim Towards the Shark

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This American Life


Two members of a recreational swimming club, Cameron and Kevin, recount their decision to swim towards a shark that had bitten their friend, defying conventional wisdom to get away from danger.
  • Cameron and Kevin's decision to swim towards the shark was driven by instinct and training.
  • Cameron, a trained lifeguard, had to override his training to make a judgment call.
  • Both men reflect on the experience and how it changed their perspective on human response in crises.

Shownotes Transcript

In a crisis, when all logic suggests that you get away from the dangerous thing, how will you respond?

  • Prologue: Ira talks to two members of a recreational swimming club who intentionally swam straight toward a shark that had just bitten their friend. (9 minutes)
  • Act One: Sarah Polley has always been reluctant to jump into challenging situations. Then something happened that changed all of that – something that also made her think her teeth were going to fall out. (19 minutes)
  • Act Two: Comedian Josh Johnson tells the story of a “trad wife” who stepped into an incendiary situation. And even as the flames consumed her, she kept stepping. (7 minutes)
  • Act Three: This summer, thousands of young people have taken to the streets in Nairobi to protest the Kenyan government. But behind those protestors are thousands of worried parents. Reporter Kimu Elolia talks to a woman whose son keeps lying to her. (17 minutes)

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