cover of episode 797: What I Was Thinking As We Were Sinking

797: What I Was Thinking As We Were Sinking

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This American Life

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Casey Newton
Ira Glass
Ishmael (Ike Sriskandarajah)
Ira Glass讲述了自己三次自行车事故的经历,在坠落瞬间,他出奇地平静乐观,认为不会太糟糕。他认为这种乐观主义是自己的重要品质,即使在面对许多问题时,也能保持积极的态度。 Ishmael (Ike Sriskandarajah)讲述了朋友们集体购买旧船Marjorie的经历,以及一次航行中遭遇险情的故事。在船即将沉没的危急关头,船长Max否认问题的存在,拒绝求救,而Kath临危不乱,果断采取行动,指挥大家穿戴救生衣并向过往船只求救,最终成功获救。Ishmael反思了这次经历,并揭示了朋友们对事件的不同回忆和Max隐瞒求救事实的行为。 Kath在危机时刻展现出冷静和领导力,她迅速评估形势,分配救生衣,并积极寻求外部帮助,最终拯救了船上所有人的生命。她的行动体现了在紧急情况下,果断的决策和有效的沟通是至关重要的。 Max作为船长,在危机面前表现出否认和犹豫,拒绝寻求帮助,这导致了险情的加剧。他的行为引发了朋友们的质疑和不满,也暴露出其在领导力和危机处理方面的不足。 在事故发生后,朋友们对事件的回忆存在差异,这反映了人们在压力下对细节的感知和记忆可能存在偏差。Max隐瞒了求救的事实,这使得朋友们对他的行为产生了误解和不满。通过对事件的重新调查,真相得以还原,Max的行为并非完全是错误的,只是他的沟通方式和处理方式存在问题。

Deep Dive

Ira Glass reflects on his thoughts during bike accidents, noting his consistent optimism even in dire situations. He introduces the theme of the show - how thoughts during crises reveal character - with stories of people facing major setbacks.
  • Ira Glass's optimism during bike accidents reveals his character.
  • Today's program explores how people's thoughts during crises reveal who they are.

Shownotes Transcript

It's funny the things that go through your head during a disaster.

  • Prologue: Host Ira Glass has fallen off his bike a number of times at this point. He reflects on what goes through his head as he’s going down. (2 minutes)
  • Act One: Producer Ike Sriskandarajah revisits a maritime disaster that left an impact on a group of friends from his youth. What he learns forever changes their impressions of that day. (23 minutes)
  • Act Two: When to leave Twitter is a question lots of executives faced when Elon Musk took over the company — those who weren't immediately fired, anyway. We hear an insider’s account from the man who ran Trust & Safety at the company, until he couldn’t stand it anymore. (28 minutes)

Transcripts are available at