cover of episode 96. What are the Paralympic Games?: Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games Explained! (English Vocabulary Lesson)

96. What are the Paralympic Games?: Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games Explained! (English Vocabulary Lesson)

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Thinking in English

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On Tuesday 24th of August, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games will be held! Although the Paralympics tend to attract less attention than their more famous counterparts, the Olympic Games, they are an excellent showcase of incredible athletes with amazing stories. This episode of Thinking in English will introduce what the Paralympics are, some of the history behind the competition, and end by discussing the potential legacy of Tokyo 2020!


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Vocabulary List

Packed (adj) - completely full

The train was so packed that I couldn’t find a seat

Spine-tingling (adj) - very special and exciting

Watching Usain Bolt win the Olympic hundred metres was one of those spine-tingling moments

Amputee (n) - a person who has had an arm or leg cut off due to illness or injury

As he is an amputee, he uses a special blade to help him run

Impairment (n) - the state of being impaired in some way so that something is weaker and less effective

The law bans discrimination against anyone with a mental or physical impairment

Rehabilitation (n) - the process of returning to a healthy or good way of life

Many amputees in the early stages of their rehabilitation feel despair

Ingenuity (n) - someone’s ability to think of clever new ways of doing something

I was impressed by the ingenuity of the contestants

Legacy (n) - a situation that has developed as a result of past actions and decisions

The success of the Olympic Games left a lasting legacy of benefit to the city

Inclusive (adj) - an inclusive group or organization tries to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equally

Our aim is to create a fairer, more inclusive society

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