On today’s episode I want to talk about conversations and how to have better ones! English learners often really want to start having conversations in English, but at the same time can be nervous and anxious. Don’t worry though! If you follow the tips in this episode you will be having conversations like a professional in no time!
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Vocabulary List
Light-hearted (adj) - happy and not serious
We had a fairly light-hearted discussion
Anxiety (n) - an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future
Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school
Awkward (adj) - embarrassed or nervous
He seemed a little awkward when i first met him
Favour (n) - a kind action that you do for someone
Could you do me a favour - would you feed my cat this weekend?
Uncomfortable (adj) - not feeling comfortable and pleasant, or not making you feel comfortable and pleasant
The boy looked uncomfortable and out of place among the adults
Interaction (n) - an occasion when two or more people or thing communicate with each other
Language games are usually intended to encourage student interaction
Curious (adj) - interested in learning about people or things around you
Babies are curious about everything around them
Naturally (adv) - having an ability or characteristic from birth
He’s naturally funny - he doesn’t even have to try
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