We surprise some of the world's brightest minds with ideas they're not at all prepared to discuss. W
“Are we in the best of times? Or the end of times? One of the oddities of the current era is that ex
If I had to choose one word to capture this moment in American (and maybe world) history, “patience”
Imagine yourself a German citizen the day after the end of World War II. Much of your city is bombed
Among other things, music can be medicine. Like a vaccine, it sometimes works by giving your body a
I remember visiting New York when I was 18 and thinking about coming here for college. How badly I w
Well into her 90’s, my grandma Selma and I had this running conversation about the state of the worl
Faith in anything is its own special form of madness. It’s a challenge to entropy, and entropy takes
I was thinking this morning that It’s funny how “humane” is the only word we have for that idea, sin
When I was a kid, there used to be a TV commercial for this series of animal videos you could order
They say Confucius said “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” I did the resea
I like to think. If I didn’t, this would be the wrong job for me. But I realize that as open-minded
What gets a wolf or a pigeon up in the morning? No offense to wolves or to pigeons, but it’s probabl
We’re all living inside concentric circles of private and public, inner and outer. From the time we’
The first time I attempted to play Minecraft with my then-seven-year-old son, we immediately dug our
Let’s start with a very old poem : On the bank of Caishi River is Li Bai’s grave Surrounded by wild
At this point, it’s very rare to read something and find myself thinking: This is something new. Thi
There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who don’t give a damn about grammar, style, or s
We’ve been talking a lot lately on this show about happiness. What it is, where we can get more of i
For me, the very best Onion article of 2018 was this one about Jeff Bezos revealing Amazon’s new hea
Love, money, health, great sex, peace of mind—however you define it, happiness in this world is impe