In today's episode we scratch the surface of some of the financial crimes taking place during 9/11 such as insider training, the missing $2.3 trillion and what have you. We also discuss neocon freaks and warmongers like Jerome Hauer, Rudy Giulliani, PNAC and the like. We also discuss the anthrax attacks for a bit and even how Jerome Hauer relates to a certain medical treatment for a certain illness that is definitely not a US bioweapon. Like I said this is only scratching the surface. Next week I'll try and put out an episode about a subject that hasn't been so heavily covered by others (I got a topic I'm excited for)
Sources and Further Research:
Black 9/11 by Mark Gaffney
Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11 () Kevin Ryan
(288) Terror Trading 9/11 - YouTube With Kevin Ryan and Michael Ruppert)
Whitney Webb on Jerome Hauer, Anthrax, Dark Winter Simulation
A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma's Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market ()
All Roads Lead to Dark Winter ()
Good video that covers most everything I talk about and much more: Episode 308 - 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money - The Corbett Report) - Computer disk drives from WTC could yield clues - December 20, 2001 ()
Toby Keith - Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue
Immortal Technique - Bin Laden