In today's episode we cover the story of the occult obsessed monk Johannes Trithemius who is considered to be the founder of modern cryptography and steganography. The works of Trithemius would go on to inspire many occultist such as John Dee. Trithemius was rumored to take his magic beyond that of the natural magicians of his age and was even said to be a necromancer. We also discuss Giovanni Pico Della Mirandella the founder of Christian Kabballah as well as the pentagrammaton. Should I even have to mention that he was backed by the Medici family? Join us for part 2 of the Occult Infiltration of the Catholic Church and make sure to follow the podcast so you can listen to part 3 next week where we will conclude with an analysis of esoteric and occult symbolism in Vatican artwork such as the Sistine Chapel!
Twitter: thingsobserved
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