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Introducing: American Homicide

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There and Gone: South Street

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Alex Tomlin
Ben Fetterman
Cherie Ortiz
Pastor John Trujillo
Paul Chavez
Sloane Glass
Andrea Gunning:介绍了新的真实犯罪系列播客《美国凶杀案》。 Ben Fetterman:认为《美国凶杀案》与《消失在那里》类似,都关注犯罪对家庭和社区的长期影响,但《美国凶杀案》关注的是已破案的案件,而《消失在那里》关注的是悬而未决的案件。 Sloane Glass:《美国凶杀案》并非简单的复述,而是通过第一手资料重新审视臭名昭著的真实犯罪故事,包括执法人员、律师、法官、受害者及其家人和朋友的证词。犯罪对社区的影响取决于社区的类型和地理位置。第一集讲述了2011年父亲节发生在新墨西哥州埃尔兰乔镇的一起凶杀案,凶案中一家三口被残忍杀害,多年未破案。自己是《美国凶杀案》的主持人,该播客将带听众走遍美国各地,调查一些美国最致命的罪案,探索这些谋杀案如何受到其独特地理环境的影响,以及这些悲剧如何永远地改变了这些美国社区的结构。播客内容可能不适合所有听众。 Alex Tomlin:新墨西哥州圣达菲及其周边地区既美丽又偏僻,这影响了犯罪调查。这起凶杀案让社区居民感到恐惧和不安,凶手的残忍和冷血令人恐惧。由于案件难以侦破,社区居民开始担心自身安全。警方承受着巨大的压力,需要尽快破案。 Paul Chavez:凶案现场的暴力程度是他职业生涯中所见过的最严重的。最初警方认为三名受害者都是被枪杀的,但验尸结果显示受害者并非死于枪击,而是钝器造成的创伤。尽管找到了凶器,但无法通过法医手段将嫌疑人与凶器联系起来。 Pastor John Trujillo:无法想象谢丽当时所面临的痛苦,并建议谢丽和杰西配合警方调查。 Cherie Ortiz:认为警方调查存在偏差,只关注她和丈夫,并担心失去父母留下的财产。指责警方办案不力。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the community of El Rancho, New Mexico, feel particularly vulnerable after the Father's Day Murders?

The brutal and calculated nature of the murders, involving a pickaxe, left residents fearing for their safety.

What was unique about the Father's Day Murders case in El Rancho, New Mexico?

The case involved three family members being brutally murdered with a pickaxe, and no clear motive or suspect was immediately apparent.

Why did investigators initially focus on Cherie Ortiz as a suspect?

Cherie found the bodies and her 911 call contained comments suggesting she knew the time of death, raising suspicion.

What was the turning point in the investigation of the Father's Day Murders?

A local woman, Ashley Roybal, was arrested and claimed to know who committed the murders, providing a new lead.

How did the Father's Day Murders impact the community of El Rancho?

The community was deeply shaken, with residents fearing for their safety and some even refusing to talk to reporters due to fear.

What was the significance of the pickaxe found at the crime scene?

The pickaxe contained DNA from all three victims, confirming it as the murder weapon, but no suspect DNA was found.

Why did Cherie Ortiz feel the need to publicly clear her name?

She and her husband were primary suspects, which prevented her from collecting life insurance and paying bills, threatening foreclosure.

Andrea Gunning and Ben Fetterman introduce American Homicide, a new true crime podcast hosted by Sloane Glass. They discuss the unique aspects of American Homicide, focusing on the impact of crimes on local communities. Sloane Glass previews the first episode, detailing the brutal Father's Day murders in El Rancho, New Mexico.
  • American Homicide explores mysterious and iconic murder cases across America.
  • The podcast features firsthand accounts from law enforcement, lawyers, judges, and victims' families.
  • The first episode covers the Father's Day murders in El Rancho, New Mexico, where Cherie Ortiz found her parents and brother brutally murdered.

Shownotes Transcript

Introducing American Homicide. There and Gone hosts, Andrea Gunning and Ben Fetterman, speak with American Homicide host Sloane Glass about the brand-new podcast. 

American Homicide explores mysterious and iconic murder cases from all across America. Whether it’s the spacious skies and vast deserts of New Mexico or the backwaters of the Louisiana Bayou, these murders are connected to their settings. Journalist Sloane Glass leads you through each crime with interviews from the victim's family and investigators.  

Please take a moment to listen and subscribe to American Homicide by clicking here). You will find American Homicide on the iHeartApp, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. And if you want to listen to episodes one week early and ad-free, you can sign up for iHeartTrueCrime+, exclusively on Apple Podcasts. Thank you for listening!

**American Homicide **

S1: E1 – The Father’s Day Murders, Part 1

On Father’s Day 2011, Cherie Ortiz discovered her parents and brother brutally murdered in their home in the quiet village of El Rancho, New Mexico. In the first episode of American Homicide, journalist Sloane Glass unravels the shocking crime that devastated a close-knit community and ignited a search for answers.   

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