cover of episode Session 38: Elizabeth Gillies

Session 38: Elizabeth Gillies

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Therapuss with Jake Shane

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Elizabeth Gillies
Jake Shane
Jake Shane: 本期节目中,主持人Jake Shane分享了自己近期状态不佳,焦虑严重,并坦言自己并非专业的治疗师。他还谈到了自己曾经的治疗经历,以及对八卦、人际关系和信任的看法。在节目中,他还与嘉宾Elizabeth Gillies一起分析了多个听众来信,并给出建议。 Elizabeth Gillies: 嘉宾Elizabeth Gillies分享了自己曾经的糟糕治疗经历,以及对信任的看法。她还谈到了自己与朋友们之间深厚的友谊,以及对表演的热爱和渴望。此外,她还分享了自己对TikTok创作的看法和感受,以及对一些电视剧和节目的评价。 Elizabeth Gillies: 嘉宾Elizabeth Gillies在节目中分享了自己近期的一些烦恼,例如洛杉矶的交通和人们不认真倾听。她还谈到了自己很久没有阅读书籍,以及高中辍学的经历。此外,她还分享了自己对星座的看法,以及和丈夫的相处模式。她还分享了自己对拥抱的看法,并比较了洛杉矶和纽约的文化差异,以及自己很少哭泣的原因。她还分享了自己与《胜利之歌》其他演员之间的关系,以及对Ariana Grande的喜爱和对Ariana Grande最新专辑的评价。她还分享了自己最喜欢的几位歌手,以及对表演的热爱和渴望。她还分享了自己曾经的舞台恐惧症,以及对创作内容的态度变化。她还分享了自己对TikTok创作的看法和感受,以及对电视剧《Hacks》和《Love Island》的喜爱。她还分享了自己对一些电视剧的评价,以及对主持节目的渴望。她还分享了自己第一次体验普拉提的感受,以及对某些事情不擅长时的态度。她还分享了自己对《胜利之歌》中某个场景的回忆,以及对《胜利之歌》中某个剧集的评价。她还分享了关于《胜利之歌》主题曲创作人员的信息,以及自己丈夫的音乐创作经历。

Deep Dive

The host discusses severe anxiety after returning from a trip, feeling overwhelmed by daily issues.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi pussies, welcome back to Therapus. I just got back from the Jersey Shore, so I'm like really recovering right now. Like I'm just...

I haven't had a Monday this bad in a really, really long time. Like, I really... Like, my anxiety right now is just through the roof. Like, I... Everything is a 911. I... Moving on from issue to issue to issue. Like, it's my full-time job. I literally...

feel like shit. Like, I really feel like shit. Like, oh my god. Like, and you know what? Like, honesty is key. And like, why would I sit here and tell you I feel amazing when I don't? Because this is therapist. Okay? This isn't, I'm not just gonna sit here and lie. I feel like shit. I'm super fucking anxious. Ugh, I'm really trying to feel better. But,

We're pushing through and we have an amazing episode for you guys today with the one, the only Liz Gillies. You might know her from Dynasty or Victorious.

She is so fucking talented and so cool. I was so honored that she came here and came on Therapist. I've loved her for so long and it was just such a joy and I think you guys will really love it. As always, submit tell me what's wrong to pass that Leave a name and number if you're feeling fancy and yeah, enjoy the episode, pussies. Love you. I'm actually really excited.

Wait, me too? I don't go to therapy. What? No. Ever? No, I had one bad therapy and now I'm just like jumping in worth 30 seconds. No, it's okay. But I feel like I'm in therapy right now. Yeah, we are. Are you my therapist? Are you my therapist? I think you're my therapist. I'm good at therapizing. I'm not like a good therapy person.

Therapist. Therapist. I'm not a good therapist. So I guess we'll see how it goes. But I'm really happy and excited to be here and scared. Wait, but you fired your first therapist? I had a therapist who, everything I said, she was like, well, of course you did. She validated me.


Like, what's going on in your life? Like, what's your life like? And then he got all messed. It could have been, like, a short film. Maybe one day. Maybe one day. Maybe one day. Yeah, you could direct it. Oh, definitely.

No, maybe you could direct it. Okay, I'll direct it. You're the more artistic one here, I think. No, I don't think so. I think so. Can you introduce me to whoever's on your lap and who's on mine that I'm squeezing? Okay, yes. Sorry. Oh, my God. I'm like so intimidated and nervous. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yes. No, I'm scared. There can only be one, and I'm the one who's absolutely shaking in my boots. No. No. Pussies, welcome Elizabeth Gillies to Therapist. Do you mind if I call you Liz? Do you mind if I call you Pussy? No. No, call me Pussy.

Of course. Welcome Liz Gillies to Therapus. I am such a big fan. I'm so excited. I'm

I'm freaking out. I am so excited to be here. My friends never, ever care about anything that I'm doing. Not in a mean way, not in a bad way. By the way, I'm like the office. I always look into the lens, but I won't do that anymore. No, you can. Okay, well, they care. I was just kidding. And when they heard I was coming to you, they flipped out. Our group chat exploded. They all wanted to come. They were going to fly out. I was like,

take it down a notch. We're not doing that. Are you serious? Yeah, because I'm not cool. I don't know what's cool, but I know you and I don't know like anybody from TikTok, but I know you and I know you well because I discovered all of your...

All of your posts made me laugh so much. And even before I downloaded TikTok, my friends would send them to me during the pandemic and everything and after. And yeah, very up my alley. And I think you're just fantastic. I have chills. I'm so proud of you. Oh, my God. Thank you. But really, I mean, I walked into this whole production. I just I just think it's just fantastic.

Thank you. And so well-deserved. I'm, like, freaking out that you're here and the fact that you just said that. I just love funny people, and I think you're – I'll find out if you're not actually nice, but it's my impression that you're very nice. Thank you. And so I like when good, funny people have good things happen to them. Yeah.

Thank you. Oh my God, I can't believe you just said that to me. I've got to freak it out. No! You are like one of the most, like I've always feel like your comedic timing was just like by Jesus. Oh my God, by Christ himself. Thank you. It is. Do you agree, Mom? My mom is here. I brought my mom. It really, it really, really is. Thank you so much. It really is. Thank you. Oh, and speak, oh, well, before we get into it, I will introduce you to who we have on our laps. Okay, please, yes. Okay, so that's Patrick. Where are his eyes?

Right there. There they are. They're hidden. Hi, baby. That's Patrick. Hey, Patrick. That's Aquaropus. Aquaropus. And this is Passandra. And Passandra's yours, I'm getting the feeling. Yeah.

Yeah, and like sometimes I'll give her out, but she's been getting mad at me recently. Gotcha. I get that. Being a little bit of a bitch, honestly, about it. Who came here first? Cassandra. Cassandra. Patrick's new. She's feeling some type of way, you know. Got you. I understand. Yeah. Well, the vibe on my lap is good. I have a, these are real and they're not stuffed animals, but I have stuffed animals at home. Yeah. And I actually picked them up and we were, my mom was here, we were actually taking a little trip and we went to, I think we were in Seattle and I left.

my walrus, my stuffed walrus that I bought on a job. Yeah, there. And do you know what the hotel did? What? They sent the walrus back with an additional stuffed animal because they said no, no one deserves, no one should have to travel alone. They thought I was a kid. No, that's sweet though. But I am. So I was like, like I'm not in any way, but when it comes to stuffed animals, miniatures, little things, candy, I am. No, that's...

Now he's on my bed too. That's okay. I know. I'll show you my room after this, but I have puss lined up against the wall. I have them all over my bed. I have a giant octopus on my bed. And so I was actually thinking I've never brought someone back to hook up. Yeah. But do you think they're going to be shocked when they see octopi in your room? It's aggressive. Okay. I'll be the judge. There's like 20. And they're hanging. I'd probably be stoked. I wouldn't want to hook up. Yeah.

Yeah. I'd want to like get into the animals, but I get what you're saying. But anywho. No, but I will say anyone who comes back to your place and sees all of these babies and then is not into it is not your person. So no need to worry about that. Okay. So true. Yeah. Like what are you going to be with someone who's like, oh, I don't like these octopuses. But maybe like the first time we're hooking up like- Less octopi in the room. Less in the room. Sure. I get it. I'm so excited to ask you because I feel like- Okay. I'm scared. No.

No, no. It's like the easiest question in the world. Actually, people have a hard time with that. Okay. What are you a therapist about today? Ugh, today. What am I a therapist about today? Okay. A lot always. Yeah. A lot always. A lot of things piss me off. I'm not like a hot person where I'm like ready to do it, but-

You know, I'm in L.A. for the first time in a minute, so like the traffic of it all. I feel like people don't listen. That's actually something that happened today. I was ordering a bagel today, and I was very clear. I said, can I get one sesame bagel? That's my fake face when I order things, so I seem really nice. And then I said, and he goes, and then what kind of bagel do you want? And I'm like, and sesame. And it fucking happened. It happened like four times. Yeah, they don't listen here. It was so weird. But, you know, it happens in New York, too. I just think we're not listening anymore.

We're not. No. It's the TikTok brain rot ADHD. Maybe so. I haven't read a book in 10 years. I'm wondering if I have ever read a book. That's exactly.

Exactly what I was saying the other day. I'm not trying to be like, listen, I'm blowing up my own spot, but I'm being honest with you. Like, I read in school, but I also stopped going to school when I was a freshman in high school. Do you know what I mean? So that math stuff. You did? Yeah, yeah. I stopped going to school. I had to stop schooling when I got the pre-Broadway run of this show, 13, I was in. And do you know it? Of course I know 13! Where are you from? New York. Yeah.

Yeah. Let's cut the small talk and let's go right to your room now. That's fantastic. Yeah. So they, I wasn't in a private school. So they were like, you know, that's so much fun. We can't keep, we can't help you. You have to leave. What school did you go to? I went to, I went to. Can I guess? Yeah. You said it was public? Uh-huh. New York City? No, no New Jersey. Oh. I'm like, hang on. We got, if you were going to get that, I was going to be spooked. I was going to guess PPAS or LaGuardia. Well, that's where everybody went.

went all my friends went there everyone in 13 like they were the cool kids it was like yeah the real performing arts high school yeah do you trust people

No. I don't either. I don't. I used to, and this is how I stopped. I used to be, I mean, I am a big gossip, right? Yeah. I feel like you gossip too. It's fun, of course. But I am always prepared. I will say one thing about gossiping. I always, whatever I say, before I say it, I say, should this get back to the person? Would you say this in front of them and how would you say it? And I worked through all of it before. So it has to be something that I'm like down to be like, you know what? Sure, I could say it.

Unless I'm in very safe company and then all bets are off. So you're an ethical gossiper. So the reason I don't trust people is because I used to be very trusting of my gossip. Mm-hmm.

And I found oftentimes it would get back to me like almost every time. Gotcha. Oh, yeah. So I'm like, oh, my God, I don't trust anyone now. Yeah. Yeah. I feel you. So I have like four people that I talk to. And good. Keep your circle small. Yeah. Is your circle small? Oh, God. Yeah. They're my best friends from my core group of friends from.

From when I was in first grade. So there still were just like, it's five of us, four or five of us. Yeah. And we are just, they're the ones who are obsessed with you and obsessed with your show. That is like the biggest green flag ever. You know that, right? Yeah. And then honestly, we make the time. That was me trying to think if I remember what green flag means. And then I did quick math opposite of red flag. Good sign. Yeah. Good sign. Yeah.

I'm not very hip, Jake. Yes, you are. But I am here, which is so cool to me and people. So it's like so, I'm happy about that. But yeah, we are, we make the time. We are best friends. And then my other friends are parents. I worked on jobs from a long time ago. I mean, yeah, I have like real, real friends, real best friends. You do. And you can, I feel like that's what people, like whenever people see like a video of you and your friends online, like they love it. Yeah. Because it's like the energy is so infectious. We learned dances together. We learned that the...

Can't find me under the light. That whole thing, the Dua Lipa thing last year, the Barbie dance. No, you did? I have a video of it. We look like shit. I want to see the Barbie one. I know.

You should learn the illusion dance next. What is that? Do you know the one I'm talking about? I know the apple one's going around. The apple thing. Want to do apple later? Oh, I'm scared. If you give me a sweatshirt, maybe, because I wore the wrong outfit. I'll give you a sweatshirt. Yeah, I'm not pregnant. I'm just hiding. I'll give you a million sweatshirts. It's a lot of wrinkles and creases. I just wanted to hold the kids, too. Yeah, give me a sweatshirt. Then maybe we'll do the apple dance. I'm so scared, though. I've never done a TikTok dance. Ever? Not for people, no. Of course, you've done a real dance. I think sometimes I'll go,

Somebody found me and put a gun to my head and they said, Apple Dance right now. Charlie XCX. Like, I could do it because I've seen it. Right. But not because I've practiced it. Because I'm not... Dancing is not my safe space. Right. Yeah. But do you like Charlie XCX? Yeah, of course. I love her. Yeah, she's great. I'm so happy that she's having this huge moment. I know. I feel like she's been...

Kind of killing it for a long time, so it's very exciting to see. Who are you listening to right now? Chapel. Me too! Yeah, I had a big Sabrina thing. I had a Please, Please, Please obsession. I recently actually, I did an interview a while back, and I was going on about Please, Please, Please and singing it and the whole, the motherfucker. I did it like a hundred times, and it still hasn't come out. And now I'm like, well, that joke, that joke kind of...

I'm like, that joke kind of sailed. Maybe we cut that. But it's still around and we still love it, of course. Wait, I have a similar story. Okay. I recorded with Peyton. Do you remember this? Peyton's episode I recorded like a month and a half ago when Please Please Please came out. And we sang the entire episode, Please Please Please. And now we're putting it out in like two weeks. Do you know what I'm saying? It's one of those things where it hits so hard for a while that now that it's passed a little bit,

It's not exactly, that's kind of, it's not as funny. Right, like if it came out week of. We're in the same boat. But we said, I don't know when this is coming up, and maybe then this will somehow be dated as well. But at least we told our story. No, this is. Because we know when things aren't funny anymore. We know. We know. We know. Are you a Scorpio? No, but you are. I learned from watching a video of you today. I'm a Leo, but I have to be honest, I don't really know anything about astrology. What are you? My dad and my mom are one day apart.

Your parents are both Pisces? They're one day apart. Pisces are my favorite people in the world. They're great. I'll be honest. I love it. If that means what it means, I love them. Leos are born for the stage. Yeah. I mean, I figure some of the more toxic parts of my personality are probably that, if it's a thing. I'm not saying I don't believe in it. I'm saying, I don't know. What's your husband? My husband, he's in Aquarius. December 9th. Oh, he's sad. Oh, he's a party. No, he's not. No.

Listen, he can be, but no, neither of us. I mean, our idea of just like the wildest, best day of our lives is being with our dogs and hanging out with our dogs and ordering in food. And I don't mean like, there's no like joke to that. Like that is really a, that's a top notch. That does sound. Leaving somewhere. Yeah. Oh my God. Leaving a party. Oh my God. Leaving an event. Like that's. Do you Irish goodbye? We both get like a rush. Yeah. And we're both Irish. You're Irish? So we co-Irish goodbye.

Oh, I love Irish people. No hugs. No, I'm kidding. Because sometimes I do. I lived out here, so now I hug everyone when I meet them. Is that an L.A. thing?

So I found it to be when I got out here. Everyone was grabbing me when I moved here. And I was young, so I was like, I guess we do that. And then every time I go back to New York and I'm in New York, people are like, get the fuck off me. Right. And I feel that way too, so it's so awkward. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm a hugger. Maybe that's why I love LA so much. But you're also like an empath. You're warm. You're open. You probably cry often. Are you going to cry now? I haven't cried since 2019. Okay. No.

Okay, I love that. We could get more into that, but we don't have to. No, no, no. This is something I'd normally like. I really want to get into. No, it's because I'm on meds. Oh, so they stop you before you get to that place. I just haven't been able to. So I'm on a natural medication, I guess, in my body where I just cannot. I don't cry unless it's something with my dogs. Okay, totally. Something with extreme exhaustion and frustration, failure. Failure. But other than that. Mine's rejection.

See, I'm, oh my God, that's my middle name. I've been doing this for so long. I know, I can't even imagine. Who dare call me? Please! Hey, nothing much. I'm doing the podcast right now, and I picked up. I'm doing Jake's podcast. I told you about it. Yes, I know. Do you want to say hi? I know, I know what you want. I know, I told you, but you're on camera, so now say something funny. No, that's not good. Okay, yeah, all right. I love you. I appreciate it.

Okay, yeah, that's good. That's all really current references that the kids will love. Okay, bye, Matt. Are you guys all still close from Victoria's? Yes, we're all really close. Obviously, he just called me. He heard I was in town for like two days. He's doing his whole, have you ever been to one of his shows? No. So he does these DJ nights. Yes, for Victoria's. Well, not even close.

Montana. Taylor. Everything. Taylor. Yeah. Exactly. And they just sold out. I think he has thousands and thousands of people. It's very, very cute. Has he done an Ari one yet? He does her during the show. He plays her during the show and everything. Let me just say. Please. I really love her so much. Are you a fan? That's all I'll say. That album. The most recent. Eternal Sunshine. What's your favorite song on it? My favorite song? Okay. So my favorite song is We Can't Be Friends. Okay. Okay.

But my second favorite song is Intro. Me too. Really? So no one talks about Intro and like she thinks I'm out of my mind because I'm like, Ari, it's for me, it's Intro and Imperfect For You Are My Baby. I love Imperfect For You. You do? The album is just like no skits. I looked like her wife at Saturday Night Live. I was filming her watching her. I was like...

Like every time she hit a note and they're like, you cannot film. You need to back up. And I'm like, I'm so in it right now. You're fucking filming. I had the best time. And perfect for you. That song. And I can sing it because it's in my key. Everything's in your key. No, I can't sing. I can't sing where she sings. Arianator. Yeah. Have you ever met her?

No. Oh, you'll meet her at some point. That sounded like your cool aunt making a promise to you, but I will. If I can facilitate it, I will. Don't play with me. Who are your top, top, tops? Like, how do you rank? We can take Ari out of it because you've already expressed you're a big fan. We'll take Ari out of it because that goes without saying. Taylor Swift. Okay. Lana Del Rey. Fun. Charlie. Yeah. Taylor, Lana, Charlie.

Like, who else? Amy Winehouse. Sure. Because that's my mom's favorite. How'd you feel about the movie? I haven't seen it. You haven't seen it. Okay, let's not go there. I don't want to yet. I got you. Just because I loved the documentary so much. Sure. Have you seen the documentary? I did watch the documentary. Oh, my God. So moving. It was really good. So well done. Yeah. Such a good tribute to her. Right. So just perfect. You know, they're hard. Yeah. Biopics are really hard. They're hard, especially when it's so recent. Did you act? Yeah.

I did when I was a kid. I want to act. Yeah, why aren't you acting? Of course you'll act. Well, I try. I try. No, this seems very, like, I'll represent you on the side in addition to your management and agents, and I will get you acting. Please. Of course. Please, please, please.

Just kidding. No, I mean, I just feel like it's such a, I can tell. I can tell that you. I love being in front of the camera. No, and it's beautiful. And you should. I just love, like we were doing something for like an ad the other day and like I got to act and I was like, oh, I forget how much I enjoy this. But all your videos are you acting? Yes. All your videos are you acting? And that's what's so great. But I think I have anxiety. So when there's pressure on it, I'm like bad at it.

Yeah. I mean, I used to have really bad stage fright and yeah. Well, so my thing is like words I used to like, so I used to swallow during songs. Like I'd be like, I remember I auditioned for the Apollo theater. All the kids from New Jersey wrote over to the Apollo to go sing and audition to be in this showcase. And for some reason we all chose the song lean on me, all of us, all of us. And so I went up and it was like more like, it was like lean on me when you are. And I did that a lot. And,

And I kept doing this swallow thing and it was very weird. And I was like, that can't happen again. And then it started happening again where I would, I would, I would have it, but I don't, I don't really have that anymore. You just have to think of it. It's like, it's for you before you go out there. Like this is for me. I don't, I don't care about any of you. This was 100% for me. Watch or don't.

I'm doing this and I'm going to go home and I'm going to go, you know, have a drink or do what I want or hang out with my friends. This is a joke. Right. This is just for the gag. I think that's like how it... Don't make it that real. That's how it's popped off for me at first because it was just for me and my friends. Right. Of course. It was this insular thing. It was like... And now you share it with the world. And now it's like, oh my God, I'm going to get so embarrassed. So now do you scrutinize? So now it's probably you don't post... Do you not post as freely about your thing? Yeah, I think that's... But I think that's like the kiss of death. I think you have to just...

erase that voice completely because that's the catch 22, right? Because that's the magic they fell in love with but then you get all tripped up because now it means too much but it doesn't because you have to remember the thing people are coming for is the thing you're already doing. So changing it, scrutinizing it too much, they don't want that. So just go back to the roots. I know, it's just so, like when you get into the industry, everyone's like, okay, like, stop.

Kind of like there's like a form. Like I want to listen to everyone. You shouldn't change. You should try so hard not to change. You see people that come through the TikTok and they change their game up. And then it's like we miss the old. You know what I mean? Are you supposed to like 18 times a day? You know what? I can't do TikTok personally. I've tried and it's just I don't know how to do it. I think I really think I am just too.

I don't know. I just can't do it. I wish I could. And I wonder how you guys do it every like the turnaround. It's just exhausted. It's well, OK, I feel bad saying it's exhausting. You can say it's exhausting. I don't I don't I don't I don't find it to be unappealing when people are realistic about their day being demanding. Of course, it's a lot. It's just the skits I used to do like three a day.

So doing the, like, I got really burnt out on the skits. Yeah. And I was like, I feel like these are all one note. I feel like it's the same gag every time. Yeah. So I've learned to take, like, weeks breaks with skits. Gotcha. Because it's, they, I get really, really burnt out. Well, do what you gotta do. Yeah. You know, you have to remember, you don't know anyone anything. Like, you have to maintain it. Oh, hi, Laurel. Laurel.

Okay, so when did you stop trusting people when all your gossip started getting back to you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was telling her how, sorry, just to recap you, Laurel. This is for Laurel. I like to include everyone in the room. I like that. Yeah. And I brought people, so it's on me. It makes it a big, you know, it's fun. What are you watching? Right now. You watch Hacks?

Yeah. It's my whole life. That's like my favorite show. I'm telling you, I am such a, first of all, there's no great, they'll never hire me because I'm at this point a creepy, creepy fan. No. And they're aware of it. Yeah. Cause I was loud on Twitter and I, and I would like, people would Photoshop me into things. I did this with Virgin River too. I get a little weird when I get into things. Um, but,

but that's the way it is. And, and yeah, I just, I've, I've never, I swear to God, I've never seen so many aspects of my personality. So perfectly recognized, even though we are not the same age as Jean, as she freaks me out in a good way. I think that's my life. I was going to say you would be really good on the show. Oh, I,

I told you I blew it. It's not going to happen. No, like what if you were like an up and coming comic who's like threatening Jean? They just did that a little bit with the guy though, you know? But that's a guy. I see. That's a guy. It's not a girl. Listen, I'm like, I will heed the call. Yeah. I will answer and run. Call downs? Yeah.

Paul, come on, Paul. Did you watch the other two? I love the other two. Oh, we have the same taste. Of course. Well, it's that New York. Yeah. The other two. The other two is fantastic. You watched Search Party? Yes, I loved Search Party. I'm on the part where she gets kidnapped. With

Yes. Cole, I'm dying to see O'Mary. So I want to see it so badly. And it's a hard ticket to get. So Search Party, the other two, Hacks. Oh, Drag Race. I just finished Drag Race. I've never seen Drag Race. So I was actually late to Drag Race. I only started watching Drag Race about five years ago. And then I watched all of them and it took over my life. Is it that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get into it. Yeah, absolutely. It's just fantastic. It's high art. It's the best thing in the world. Do you watch Love Island? Mom, take it away. No, I don't. My mom. You do?

She's in love with Love Island. Mom. Yeah.

My mom, I happen to like the UK the best. And mom, why do you love Love Island? Because I love love. She loves love. And you know what? You know what? They do fall in love. They do fall in love. They do fall in love. And I've never seen anything like it. I don't watch The Bachelor. I don't watch The Bachelorette. I don't watch any of that shit. Love Island, they are in love. That's what you tell me. Because they learn how to have a relationship. They don't just hook up and go away. Yes. I know. I tried to watch Too Hot to Handle. She was so offended. I can't. This is not. No. See, that I'll watch. I'll watch anything that doesn't have... Like, I'm not...

It's so funny because she's dying. Do you like Leigh-Anne Robb? She loves Club Island. Did you watch this season of U.S.? Aaron was just pure evil. Kayla and Aaron, disgusting. Disgusting. Kendall? We don't usually line up my mom and I on our things. Aaron. That's what we're talking about. Aaron's evil. He's evil, though. He's evil. He's also a reality TV whore. He won Traders. Yeah.

Okay, Traders looks fun. I could try to get into Traders. You would fuck up Traders. I love Alan Cumming. Oh, beyond Traders. What is my, I can't, oh, like, you know what I want to do? I'm dying to host one of those shows. Yes. Dying to host one of those shows. I think you'd be a good Traders host. I've never seen it, but I've seen clips, and I know you would be a good host. But Alan Cumming, we mustn't take him out of his role. Who is that?

Okay. That's an important one. It's not a big deal. It's okay, guys. It's okay. We don't need to freak out. Please. But no one on TikTok will. This is not the same sort of scandal. Amazing. As a quick Google, Alan Cumming, MC Cabaret. That's a great YouTube. Maybe I've seen him. He's the best. The GOAT. Alan Cumming. Fantastic. In so many things. Oh, of course.

Alan! I didn't know his name. Alan, come here. Oh, Alan. I didn't know his name. I didn't know it was you. Are you into it so far? Yeah, he's been very excited about you all day. How old are you? I'm 20. Oh. 20, can you believe it? It's amazing.

Amazing. Someone told me they thought I was 29 the other day. How old are you? 24. Oh, my God. Isn't that beautiful? So much to do, so far to go. Really? Of course. Oh, my God. Yeah. When I was both of your ages, I felt like I was so hot and had so much future ahead of me. I wish I felt hot. Oh, my God. Are you kidding? You're so hot. You're so sparkly. You have such a sparkle about you. Thank you. Yeah. And you have these beautiful eyes. What? What?

I do have a little bit of a Pilates Bob, but you like Pilates. Laurel took me for the first time. It was bad. I, I, what was the machine? Did you shake the performer? No, we were on a mega former. So I thought like I was going to be going, I don't know what I thought. I thought I was going to have the things where I could like my legs in the air and do like a pie stuff. And this was all down low stuff. No, it was like mega former. It was so hard.

Did you shake at all? Yeah, of course I shook. I shake a lot. That's good though. You told me the shake is what makes it good. You should come with me to my Pilates class. I'm too scared. I can't come to that. Yeah, I can't go. The invite's there. But it's okay to do poorly. I do poorly all the time. That's beautiful. So that's the Leo thing. I can't. Like if I'm not good at something, not doing it again. Really? Yeah, I can't do it again. What else have you not been good at that you've just been like, I'm not? Like dancing, I'm not. I'm not.

I don't have the freedom. Again, my husband and I talk about this a lot. We watch dancers and we're like, man, how cool must it be to like move your body? Like Maddie Ziegler? Yeah. And like feel it and just do it. We have that with music and what a gift. But like, boy, oh boy, do I not have that kind of like lyrical confidence with my body that I'm just like, hold on. I'm feeling something. But you did great on Victorious. When? The jailhouse scene. Yeah.

Yeah. You say you love that, mom? Yeah. That's the best episode ever. Yerba? It was fun. Oh my God, this show was so good. Actually, in prison, when I was in prison, on my side, because it was, I think it was girls and boys, and then Robbie was on our side, because they couldn't decide for him. Yeah.

Which is a wild joke. And Rex, I think somewhere, who is there too. They, my hair that day was one of my favorite hair moments of the whole show, which is weird and shallow, but it's a memory I just had. That's not shallow at all. I shared it because we're in therapy. That's not shallow at all. Yeah, I was like, I liked my hair that day. It was like super...

Spaghetti-ish and fun and black. I love that. Do you have a favorite episode? Victorious. That show is just really fucking funny. Survival of the Hottest was a very special one. That's what I was going to say. Oh, really? It's about,

It's the best one. It's the best one. I think it might be one of the best episodes. How could you? It's like a classic sitcom episode of television. Yeah, there were certain episodes that were really good and then all of us, if you ask all of us our least favorite episode or an episode we just simply did not understand, there's two. But the first one is The Great Ping Pong Scam, which I bet you don't even remember. I don't remember that one. Yeah, you wouldn't because we didn't understand it the whole time. What was it? It's something about ping pong. It was a great thing.

Literally, my brain rejected it. Like, we all had to play ping pong, but none of us could play ping pong as actors. So it really just was a disaster. And it was so not it. And we had to do flashbacks. But we were also, like, already five years old. I don't remember this existing at all. Well, you know, go check it out today. Go watch the great ping pong skit. Not the best episode. What about the Chicago one? Great. Great. My husband wrote that. Chicago. What? Of course. He wrote all the songs for Victoria's.

He wrote all of them. Well, not all of them. I shouldn't say that. We brought in a lot of people. But he wrote a lot of them. Yeah. Oh, he's a genius. What else has he written? Well, he wrote the Drake and Josh theme song, the iCarly theme song. He was one of the writers on the Victorious theme song.

And then he scored Zoe Wood on Drake and Josh, iCarly, Sam and Cat theme song. That's him singing on it. Yeah. So it's funny for him to see Matt's whole show because people. It's like him, his discography. It's basically his concert. Yeah. I'm like, why do you care so much? He's like, well, it's a lot of my music. I'm like, ugh, ish. Yeah. It actually kind of is. Wait, where am I? Do we have, what?

I think it's time we get into the tell me what's wrongs. Okay, I'm scared. This is what you're going to really shine at. I'm going to try. Okay, so I have to do a one-liner back or what I prescribe. Right. Like even if that means an hour in the sun or like Lexapro. Yes, anything, anything, anything. Great. There's a hella hot man banging my line. Who the fuck wrote this? Banging my line? I'm sorry, I don't know what that means. Calling my phone or like. I think, I've never, I've just never heard someone my age use that. I'm sorry, what is banging my line mean? Like it's like they're calling me a lot.

What era is that from? Not mine. I think it's not old or new. I think it's not a thing. I think it's just out. No offense to whoever wrote this question. No, 100%. There's a hella hot man banging my line, but he told me he loved me on the first date and it was really awkward.

I don't have a sorry one more time. So there's a there's a hell of there's a I have to translate the whole thing. There's a hell of a hot man. There's a very attractive man banging my line calling me a lot. He's super hot, but he told me he loved me on the first date and it was really awkward. That's too much. I would prescribe blocking that man.

A block? I would prescribe a block. Yeah, I think that's a lot of energy. And if she wasn't feeling it the same way. It's also like love bombing vibes. Yeah, I don't like that at all. That freaks me out. I want to be sort of insulted at least the first three dates. Oh my God. I literally went on a date once and he told me to shave my whole body. I love that. I love an instruction. I love an instruction. I love homework. Oh, and I prescribed Love Island USA because there's a lot of love bombing that goes on in that one.

That's my prescription. Absolutely. I've had a situation ship. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. I do. I know that one. I know that one. I'm just making sure. No, no. Thank you. I know. With my homeboy for seven years. What the? Nolan. Nolan.

Who is writing these? Okay. Got it. I had a situationship. I'm just not. I'm just going to translate this to my own. I've had a situationship with my guy friend for seven years now. And last time I slept over, he said he wanted to talk about us in the morning. So I woke up early and Irish goodbyed. Unsure why. I did that. But help, I'm scared of confrontation. No, we must have the hard conversations. And if that's a really good friend of yours, yeah.

You didn't say that, though. You said it was a situationship. Even so. I don't think you can just be tossing it away. It was a situationship that's been their friend. I'd prescribe a nice set of balls and have the conversation. That's what I think. Always have the conversation. I don't like a friendship ghost or even a situationship ghost unless there's some really good reason for it or excuse for it. Band-Aid. Yeah, and don't skirt around the point. Literally just spit it out. Rehearse it if you have to. Write it down on your phone a couple times. Uh-huh.

But do it. You know what I prescribe? What? Getting a band-aid, putting it on yourself, and ripping it off. As a metaphor. As a metaphor. Yeah. Kind of like The Fault in Our Stars. It's almost exactly like The Fault in Our Stars. Yeah. That is the plot. That literally is the plot of The Fault in Our Stars. Okay. They'll be fine. That was a great prescription. Thanks.

My current boyfriend of four months still has multiple pictures of his ex-girlfriend on his phone. Is this a red flag or am I just paranoid? No, he gets to keep them for longer than that. I'm sorry. Is that crazy? No, that's, I think she's paranoid. Well, they're photos. Why would he delete them? That's a memory. That's a memory. I actually am. I'm a proponent of keeping. You don't agree? Yeah. I think it's totally fine. Depends on the photo. Depends on the photo. Depends on the photo. Depends on the photo. I think videos should go in like all videos unless it's really funny and someone's like getting hurt in it.

or something. Yes, yes. That sounds like I like videos where people get hurt. You know the ones where it's funny like when someone slips and falls? Yes, epic fails. Yeah, epic fails. Nothing weird. Nothing violent. But that's funny. Otherwise, if it's anything where they're giggling in the sun or playing guitar or it's anything sexual, that has to go. Okay, yeah. A picture, I don't know. They will dwindle over time if it's earned. So be the better girlfriend or boyfriend and then the photos will get deleted. I just feel like I never delete photos. Laurel, you really think the photos should be deleted? Yes.

about it. Like if I don't see it then you can keep it but if I am going to look at your phone. Okay. If you're going to like scroll through your camera roll and it's going to be like me and then someone else beside you like I don't want to see that. Wouldn't it be worse though if they had a hidden camera roll? Yes. 100%. I'd rather see it and like then you open it. Right. Have a talk. I prescribe camera roll by Kacey Musgraves.

Yeah, that's a good one. Do you like KC? Oh my God, I love KC and I love this album. This album's amazing. What's the one we love, Give or Take Her? That's my favorite too. That and Down the Architect. Okay, George and I low-key sang that in perfect two-part harmony. My brother and I, out of pocket. Oh no, out of pocket means you're out of line. Okay, spontaneously. Fuck, I really, one day I'll get them. We sang Give or Take Her in perfect two-part harmony like on a whim at a family hang. Do you have a video? No, I don't have a video. Mom, you didn't take a video. Oh.

And the best. We got that really yummy. Oh, you have such a lovely voice. Yeah.

That's a beautiful song. It is a beautiful song. I like the Irish one too. That sounds like an Irish hymn. Irish Goodbye? Is that what it's called? That's the new one. Do you like The Architect? Yes, I do like The Architect. That's my favorite one besides Give or Take. I love the structure of The Architect. It's very, very cool. The production's cool. She's just such a talent. She seems like a good hang. She seems like a good hang. Have her on the show. That is a dream guest. Okay. That is a dream guest.

That is a dream guest. Someone was asking me the other day and I was trying to think. Yeah, she seems like she can just get down. Oh, she can get down. Yeah. I've never met her, I'm assuming. I'm also assuming. I've heard all good things. Me too. Sure. I've been laying in bed all summer and now that school is starting soon, I have no good TV shows to watch. Sorry, I hated the beginning of it. You hated or didn't? I didn't like the beginning of it. I thought that was going to be where it stopped and I was going to help. Oh, okay. I've been laying in bed all summer.

What's going on? But no, I was more of like setting the tone. Yeah, 100%. No good TV shows to watch? It depends on the person, but like... Should we just go by genre? I love Will and Grace. Never seen. Okay, watch Will and Grace. Okay. I've noticed like a lot of people don't want to go back in time anymore. They want to be in the now, but there's certain things worth going back for. What else would you say is worth? Well, you know what's weird? I'm not even that much older than you, but yeah, I am.

How old are you? I'm old. I'm old, Jake. I'm old. No, you're not. Oh, I'm 31. What? Yeah, I could be your mother. I did not know you were 31. I'm 31. Well, 30s are the new 20s. Oh, thank you. I don't know about that, but I am that age. And when I was a kid...

The reruns that were on TV when I was a kid were literally, they were literally the Brady Bunch, the Golden Girls, Three's Company. Like that was on. Right. So I watched it. Right. And I feel like nothing old is on anymore. Well, reruns don't exist really anymore. Is that what it is? Because I'm like. We're all streaming. Okay. So I have full autonomy over what I watch. Well, there's so much great things streaming. How about that? I mean, there's so much to watch streaming. Have you ever seen The Affair? That's a fun show. No, I've never seen The Affair. Okay, there's lots of fun shows to get into. Have you ever seen Girls? No.

Yes, I loved Girls. I was that age. Well, I was younger, actually. It's my favorite show of all time. Yeah, all I was looking for is I wanted to find Adam everywhere. We all were. Now, again, I look back as an adult. I'm like, oh, my God, that would be so exhausting. But at the age, I was watching Girls Clips this morning in bed. It's my favorite show of all time.

It's the most wonderful show. I could never get into Sex and the City, but I really got into Girls. And that's brave of you to admit that on air. I know. But it's okay because it's good. But you connect with Girls. Girls, I just really connected with Lena Dunham and how selfish she was proudly. And that's kind of the difference actually between Hannah and Carrie from Sex and the City. Is that Carrie will never be like, I'm selfish.

No. And Hannah is like unabashedly aware of all of her, I guess, her shortcomings. And I guess that's what you're saying. And I think you're right. I think that's a big thing. I think I really liked that. Oh my God, I want to watch Girls Later now. That's all I was doing this morning. It's literally my favorite show. And to be honest, when my wedding got canceled, I had a big wedding plan. Pandemic. Canceled. Gone. I was so excited because I was like, oh, I'm going to have a farm Marnie wedding, which is my dream. And I did. That's so cool.

That fucking Marnie wedding. I had to pretend to be sad because obviously everyone was excited about coming and all the things and all the plans, but I was like, oh my god, I'm going to wear a flower crown. Did you? Pretty much, yeah. Where was your wedding supposed to be? Sorry, I keep cutting you off. It's totally fine. The St. Regis in Atlanta was where it was supposed to be. Really different vibe. And then I got married on a farm in New Jersey, so we really pivoted. Well, the farm sounds way more appealing, honestly. The farm was the best. There were ten people there and my

my hair, like it was so hot that by the time I got to the altar, I was completely natural, natural curls, no makeup. I looked, it was wild. Um, and it was just the best. It was just so low key. It was wonderful. And the other thing was getting, it was getting way out of control. And you were getting stressed out. It was getting bigger than big, which is a reference from sex in the city, which she won't get. I,

I won't. It's okay. I need to. No, no, you don't. By the way, you don't need to pretend to like things. I don't like that. Thank you. You don't like something, don't watch it. I don't not like it. I just, you know, I knew that. You hate it and it's fine. Carrie's lifestyle was so unrealistic. I'm like, how are you affording this place and maxing out your cards? And you're from New York City. I'm from New York. You're like Miss Thing. Yes. I was like, this isn't right. Sure. I know what's going on here. The math isn't mathing. Like.

Yeah. What? Like, where did she live in the show? Upper East Side? She lived, she had a very nice apartment, let's just say that. Yeah, it was like Midtown East, right? Like, that's crazy. That's crazy. It was really good. And she, like, wrote once every two weeks or something. Like, it was just not it for me. I love that show very much. I totally understand what you're saying, though. I need to try. And I'm a very big girls fan. You don't need to try. It's okay. But everyone likes that. How about this? The movie.

Yeah, I'll get into the movie. Have you seen the movie? I've seen clips and little bits of here and there. I think I saw the second one. Didn't they go to like Abu Dhabi? Abu Dhabi. You could watch the opening Liza's wedding. But after it's not Liza's wedding, she officiates the right. Right. I mean, you're OK. You're OK is what I'm saying. It's right. It's OK to be you. Speaking of the pandemic, do you ever did you enjoy the pandemic?

Yeah. I did. I did. And I think it's okay. It's time we admit that. Listen, I feel really bad saying it because people had such bad things happen during the pandemic. And you were shooting Dynasty at the time. Shooting Dynasty at the time. No signs of it letting up. Yeah. It just kept going. I was like, we're surely out of ideas at this point. And they're like, gotcha. 30 more seasons, 50 more months. Yeah.

Did you have fun shooting Dynasty, though? Yeah, and I really miss the clothes, and I miss all the people. Yeah, of course. Yeah, it was very fun. It was just a really hard schedule. Yeah, did you do one more season post-pandemic or two? Two, right? Two, yeah. We wrapped in 2022, so yeah, we did two, and we shot during the pandemic. How was that miserable? I mean, you know, it's like full glamour makeup, and then you have a mask line, and you're like...

Do you remember when in the other two, when Carrie Dubek shoots that nurse show? Yes, Night Nurse. Night Nurse. And it's during the pandemic and he like is about to say his line and they're like, blah.

And they shut the entire thing down. That happened to us. I was directing an episode and I was waiting for my actress to come to set. And I was like, where is she? Come on. And we're doing this. And someone's like, let's choreograph. Choreograph. I have dance on the brain. Let's block the scene without her. And I'm like, why are we blocking? They're like, let's block the scene without her for now. I was like, oh, fuck. Okay. So she basically like last minute tested positive. But we'd already shot one scene with her in the morning. But the tests like in the show, they come in late. Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, and then they escort you out like you're a farm animal. Like, it's crazy. They literally shuffle you out like you're a truffle pig. I was like, guys, we hung out with her all morning. I was like, oh, my God. Like in the Game of Thrones, like, shame. Exactly. Shame, shame. It got so dark, the blaming. The blaming. It got so dark. It was just a mess. It was a damn mess. My issue with...

And I think it's like, I think we can look, I think in the moment there were certain things that were like, well, obviously. And now it's like, when we look back, we're like, what? Like, it was like when you would walk from the hostess stand to your table and then you would take it off. Of course. It's nuts. Like, that's crazy, right? There's a lot of crazy stuff. I bought, we bought an RV. We bought a class A RV to drive to our wedding venue because we thought public restrooms would kill us.

We bought an entire RV. It was like a 13-hour drive. We could have probably stopped immediately after. But you can't go number two in the RV. You can. It's on you. Whoa. We didn't. We said, you know what? I have a feeling we're not going to have this more than three days. And we didn't. And then we're like, here we go. We're turning it. And they're like, you tore...

Literally the whole thing apart. You subway tiled it. You drilled holes into it and hung lighting fixtures. I'm like, and? They're like, so you're taking a huge loss in this. We can't take it back. I'm like, I'll pay for you to get, you have to get this out of my life. It was so impulsive and silly and the dogs would fall out of it when we stopped at gas stations. No. We had like an elder dog at the time. It like tumbled out. We're like, ah. It was like the carbon monoxide thing went off. It was just the biggest. A door fell off on my grandma. Ah.

Sorry. It was a nightmare. It was okay. It's okay. I mean, it was really such a disaster. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that was the answer. But to your point, we went a little, we went a little hard. There was a lot during COVID. There was a lot of confusion. My best friend tested positive at my birthday dinner. Recently? No, it was like during like COVID.

At your dinner? No, it was, it was, it was, we had to get tested. I want to say it was twice a week for school or I think it was once a week for school. And it was my birthday on Wednesday, which was. Happy birthday. It was 2020. It was about to be 2022. It's 2021. So it's like, it was, it was, vaccines were there. Boosters were there, but we were still testing and we were able to go to the bar. This was like a big thing. And Wednesdays were the day that we go to the bar and my birthday was on a Wednesday. Yeah.

And we were at my birthday dinner before and Julia got her results back. But we would never want to call her out. No, and they said, positive, and I said, you need to tell everyone they say error and you go home because my birthday is not about to be ruined because of this. That's right. And she called people, started saying it was error and Peyton was like, what? Error? What do you mean? So it's fine. And Julia was like, just stop. Just stop lying. As if it wasn't my idea. And she was like, I'm positive. She was hysterically crying. And then

And then a lot of people did not come to my birthday. Are birthdays big for you? You want it to be a good day? I like, yes, but I like when other people plan it. I get that a lot. When's your birthday? August what? July 26th. Oh. It just happened. Oh.

Oh my God, thank you so much. Happy belated. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, you're a July Leo. Maybe that explains some things. What does it explain? I don't know because you're like, you said you have stage fright. Most Leos don't have stage fright, but I know a lot of August Leos. I'll be real. I don't like have stage fright. I'm not like, I'm, oh, I was going to do a reference you'd never understand. Why? It's good. What reference? Um,

Have you seen It's Told by Ginger? Okay, that's okay. There's a scene where she sings a song called I'm a Little Seal Girl and she has a stage fright and she's like, and just the whole thing. Google it after. I have a list of things. That's good too. Will and Grace.

Just as told by Ginger Seal Girl song. Just as told by Ginger Seal Girl. So I wanted just to say for anyone who understands that reference, that's not my level of stage fright. It's an old problem that we've since resolved. Right. Yeah. I don't want to sound unhirable. You don't seem unhirable.

My best friend of six years and I had a falling out because she didn't approve of my fiance. My wedding is coming up and I haven't sent her an invitation yet. Should I invite her? That's interesting to me because if it's really her best friend of six years, I actually would like to know why. Wouldn't you? Right. Could she be doing the ultimate sacrifice? What do you mean? Could she be like, you should not be marrying this person? Okay. And she's like, you're not. It's not.

And she's like, don't. Yeah. What if she's so right to the point where she's willing to take the fall? I do think either way you need to, you need to go to your friend's wedding and put on a game face and be there when it falls apart. Like in sex in the city, the movie you haven't seen sex in the city, the first movie. Um, uh, so this is the bride saying she's like, I think send her an invite. A hundred percent. Send a cold invite. Send a cold invite. And you don't think taxed or anything.

It's weird. It's like it's almost on the other person, wouldn't you think? Like on the friend? Don't you think? If they had a falling out? We don't know. We don't have enough information. Sometimes we don't get enough information. Sometimes we don't get enough information.

information. Okay. I just think, yeah, I think it's nuanced and it's complicated, but do send the invite just to absolve yourself of future guilt. Yeah, think about yourself. I would prescribe Bridesmaids because weddings are tricky. Exactly right. That's a great call. Have we been, we were supposed to prescribe movies or songs or anything? And I answered all of them wrong. No, no, you can prescribe anything. No, no, no. I would prescribe the first Sex and the City movie and Bridesmaids. And Bridesmaids. Yeah, that's all. Weddings are tricky. I don't love a wedding.

I love a wedding. Oh, you like to dance? You like to do the life at the party? I like to, like, I was a flower boy in one of my best friend's weddings. Oh, I would have loved to have seen that. I'll show you after. It was great. Oh, great. And then, like, it's just, I love a wedding. I love. You love love. You're like my mom. You love Love Island. You love love. You love weddings. I love love. I love love. I hate The Bachelor, though. I get it. You don't like The Golden Bachelor, either? I've never seen The Golden Bachelor. That had a little more innocence. Okay. Okay.

I can't stand my best friend anymore. Everything she does pisses me off and I'm starting to just be rude to her now because I'm annoyed. Do I take time away to heal the relationship or cut her off? Do not cut her off. I worry for that. I think she might be wrong. I know. If your best friend's not doing... Don't you think? Yeah, I think she might be wrong. And definitely don't cut her off. It's giving like mean girl a little bit. The villain sent this one in, not the victim. Yeah, 100%. And I would say therapy, like actual therapy. That is exactly.

what I was thinking. Like actual therapy and like really think about why you're upset because a lot of the times you take shit out on the people closest to you and you're just fucking projecting most of the time. 100%. So I assume that she's just projecting onto her best friend. She's going through it right now. And like cutting your best friend off isn't going to do you any good. It's going to do her harm. She's just isolating herself. It's going to be horrible. Yeah. So therapy. Therapy for that one. For that one. Yeah.

No movies until therapy. No movies until therapy. And then maybe like Heathers or something. Yeah. Something or something light. Like maybe something's got to give. I'm sure you haven't seen it. I haven't. Do watch that one too. Okay. So I've never been in a long distance relationship. It starts with so. Yeah. That's how they talk. So. So yeah. Basically a little bit about me. Like no formality. Keep going. It's fine. So I've never been in a long distance relationship before. How could I prepare myself for it?

Oh, long distance. Yeah, I did that for a long time. And how was that? Great. I love it. It's my favorite. What did you do to...

We're not very, we're not super codependent. Right. But you know what? Just set a time to FaceTime every day if you can. Time difference makes it really hard. I think like find that time, figure it out, stick to a schedule if you can and be diligent about it because I think that's how it's going to fade away if you stop, like if you neglect it, if you stop watering the plant. How do you like deal with like not being there with them physically though? You mean, and how do you not like cheat and do things like that? That's hard probably. I would assume. Oh my God. I have the best prescription.

Cheating. You're going to love this one. Cheating. The Casa Amor episodes of Love Island. What is Casa Amor? Okay, so can I explain? Please. So tell me, stop me if I'm wrong. So Love Island starts, do you watch Laurel? Okay. This is a lesson for everyone in the room then.

Four girls and four guys in the villa. Small. Small. Well. So, and then in a few days, and then they couple up. One, one, one, one, one. A few days, a bombshell will enter. Either a girl or a boy or whatever. Just a 10 out of 10? Yeah. And they steal someone's man. Okay. Or they steal someone's girl. This is prevalent in other shows I've watched. Okay. And so there's like bombshells. They come in and out. And like people, if you're single, if you're not in a couple, you have risk of being killed.

voted off or you have risk of being eliminated. Gotcha. Casa Amor. So there's at this point, it's like halfway through the show. There's four guys and four girls in the villa. Some of them have been there the whole time. Some of them have bombshells or have been bombshells that have gotten in whatever, but their relationships are established and

They take the boys and they bring them to this separate house called Casa Amor for three days. Just the boys? And then the girls stay back and they bring four new- Where's this going? They bring five girls in for the boys and five new boys in for the girls and they don't- And the boys- Laura, we might have to watch this. This sounds great. It's amazing. And are they- They're not like excited and horny. They're like confused and heartbroken? They're confused. Wow.

Well, well, the girls are confused and heartbroken this season. You guys are like, great. And the boys are scum this season. And so basically they do it in a way where they take the boys in a way that like they have no time to talk to their partner and be like, what do you want? How are we going to like, are we...

What are we doing? So they're just like, boys, come down for like a breakfast meeting. Like as they do. They're like, boys, breakfast. And then they're like, okay, call some more. Let's go. And then they like, they're all packed and they leave. They're like, breakfast. Did we say breakfast? We meant boob fist. Yeah. That's sick. That's kind of cool. Okay. So then things happen. And then things happen. And is it on them? So other shows, the fate will be revealed if they don't by like an external force or is it just on them to be truthful? Okay. So you would think that.

But so they often times send. Does the host know and reveal things? Yes. Oh, I would love this job. So yes, that's what I'm saying. Cause I'd love to be like, come here. I have to tell you something. Yes. Like it would be electric. No, he's not. He's not what you think. I just saw something. They send videos though. Production, production sends videos. So like, Oh, well,

Whoa, I didn't know this show was this wild. So for example, this season, I'm just like, spoiler alert, sorry. If you want, like, skip two minutes in. Kailer and Aaron were the two, like, that was the couple, right? Like, they were like, you were like, they were like, oh, they're in love. Like, they're actually in love. Aaron goes to Casa Amor and literally starts, like,

falling in love with this other girl, like, biting her, like, kissing her, making out, being like, I really like you, all this stuff. Kayla's, like, sleeping outside with the mosquitoes because... Hold on. Did someone make her sleep outside? She's, like, crying because she misses him so much. Is she being victim-y, getting bitten by mosquitoes outside? She's like, I miss Aaron so much, I can't fall for... Are there beds inside? No. What? There's beds inside, but she gives it to the new bombshell boy that entered. There aren't enough beds.

No, so you have to share it with the bombshell or you sleep outside. There's like a third world element to this. She sleeps in soul ties. And like, she was like crying about she misses him. And she's thinking like, yeah, the bites. And she's thinking he's going to be so loyal. And then they're like, oh my God, we got a text. We got a text. And it's a video from Casa Moore. And she gets a video of Aaron making out with this girl.

And then he comes back and just straight lies to her face. I'm completely speechless. It's incredible television. No, and I'm a big fan of really good reality TV. I'm a big Housewives person. Jersey, sure. No, I've never seen Jersey Shore. What? I'm from Jersey. I try not to watch anything Jersey. I'm going down the shore next week. Just to get a little glimpse. Yeah. I'm really pumped. Oh, that's fantastic. Well, listen, I might have to watch Love Island now. You...

Seriously? It sounds like high production value. It's the best film of all time. I know you have, but I just never, like the way you pitched it to me was like about love. He's saying it's really twisted. No, it's like, but so Aaron was on Traitors. And so he, we thought like a lot of people think he's just playing the game. And then there's this moment where Kayla's like, you Aaron, like across the villas and he hears it. And then all of a sudden he switches up, drops the girl and like,

Return single. Because you return from Casa Amor either single or taken. And so it's like the girls are like standing there like this. Like if Aaron, okay, like let's say Kayla was like had no idea that happened. She'd be like single. And Aaron would walk in and like withholding hands with someone else. And like it's just, it's genius. So yeah. I really enjoyed that. So definitely long distance. Long distance. Oh, God.

I have a feeling my best... Oh, whoa, this is horrible. I have a feeling my best friend is cheating with my boyfriend, but I'm not sure how to confront or not confront them. They always flirt right in front of me, and I just don't know how to handle it. Okay, that could either be entirely in that person's head. Yeah. Or that's awful. That's awful. But this is what I'll say to that. Neither should be in your life. Okay. So, good loss. Do you have... Oh, okay.

What? I prescribe girls because in girls, blank and blank start hooking up. No spoilers. I watched that this morning. Heartbreaking. In the street when she's like, hi. And then blank walks away in the cutest yellow and white striped top with the little short sleeves and the cute little halfback pony with the long hair. And they walk away and they try not to interact, but it's so intense. What about? When she sees him during the play, during the performance art. Okay, but why were people acting upset that Hannah was at that play? Do you remember that? People were like weird that she...

All her friends were there and Hannah loves plays. Yeah, exactly. And also it's Hannah's show. Right. This is Hannah. It's the weirdest thing. I texted my ex after not talking to him for months saying, IG post your, okay, I'm going to translate this for you. Thank you. Your Instagram post is. I would know what IG was. Okay. IG post is tough. All right. Please translate it. Like your, your post is hard. Like what? It's hard to look at. No, like it's like, it's like cool. I think she meant like you look good.

What is she doing? And then, what the fuck do I do? That's so embarrassing. And no one talks like that. You're not wrong. Wait, so she just like went rogue? Yeah. Just wrote, your IG post is tough. T-U-F-F. He responded saying, what the fuck? She sort of said, you can't like pretend that. Was she DM'd? Yeah. Or texted? She swiped up or texted. Oh, she DM'd. DM'd is a nightmare text. I was going to say, you could say it was too. Texted. Texted.

That's okay. Did she say she was wrong text or does that only work? Like he obviously just posted. Okay, cool. If it was T-U-F-F in capitalization and she could make it an acronym for like thought you fucking freak. Yeah. Yeah. I prescribe everything is embarrassing by Sky Ferreira. Okay.

Because that's mortifying. Yeah, that's really bad. I don't think there's any coming back from that. I think that chapter's closed. Let's do an alternate reality where he opens that text and he goes like this. Ready? He goes, he's charmed by her. And remembering how quirky she was and she always said things that were off color like that. Yeah. He's charmed and he responded, what the fuck? Yeah. That's actually what happened. You were in the wrong.

Yeah. Yeah. She nailed it. Delusion. Choose delusion. Live in, choose delusion. Live there. It's comfy there. Well, Liz, what did we learn today? I learned so much about Love Island, honestly, and about sort of like, you know, not judging a book by its cover because, um,

In the movie I just did called Spread, that is the thing my character does a lot. She judges books by their cover before she should, and I judged Love Island. I said to myself, I'm not going to watch that show. It's just about love. It's about like, I didn't get it, but you taught me today. It's a really twisted show with high production value and a lot of dark. Oh, yeah, the music budget's high. Or is it like in selling something, it's like, this is what we came for. Boom. Yes, yes. Wait, do you watch? I watch all the other things. Okay. It's probably the same music.

No, but they like Olivia Rodrigo, Chapel. Oh, they have real songs. Billie Eilish. These are the songs that aren't real that I'm singing. Oh, but they have those, but they also have like, there was a breakup scene and they said like, what was I made for? They paid. They paid. They paid the money. Every episode. I'll watch it now. I'll watch it now. It's great. So I learned to watch Love Island. I learned so much about you and I've been wanting to meet you for so long. And I just like, even though I am not your friend, I'm so proud of you. I'm your friend now. I'm saying even though we're not old friends and I say that about it.

old friends a lot. Like, I'm so proud of you and how far you've come just because I've like, I watch your videos. When did you start making them? Um, or when did it hit? When would I have seen it? Someone who's not March of last year. Oh no. I think I swear. I, I think I predated that. Okay.

For sure. Yeah. Well, like I started posting. I'm also very, I'm a niche talk person. You checked a lot of boxes for my specific brand of comedy. There was like TikTok sporadically posted like back in end of 2020, 2021. That's when I feel like I honestly got into it. There was, there was, I forgot the one that I loved. It just killed me because I used to do things like that with my, and I think that's what resonates with people. It's like, you're just doing, you're just, you feel like everybody's friend.

Thank you. And you do even here now. And I feel like I have a new friend. What did I learn today? I learned that I'm super uncultured. No, I learned that I'm uncultured. And all we learned from in that is like, it's okay to be, these are, these are that we have like a small age difference. And all that we can do with that is you can educate me on things that I might've missed. And I do the same for you. And that's the beauty of having like, you know, having all different friends who watch different things or different ages. And this is how you learn and grow. It's okay. Yeah. I don't have to like sex in the city.

You don't. I don't. You should, but you don't. I'm kidding. You don't. I don't. And you like girls, so that's good. It's at least one of them. It's showing like, I, exactly. At least it's one of them. And there's like similar vibes. One's just way more realistic. You should never pretend to like something you don't like. I really can't stand that. That is not my thing. So that's when you're number one pet peeve? Honestly, yeah. I don't like that. I also hate when people pretend when I'm like, oh, it sounds like dead in the back. Oh,

And they don't know it. Yeah. I had a friend that did that a lot. I do that sometimes. Listen, if it makes the conversation go away faster and these aren't real people you're going to see again, do it all night. I'm just saying, like, you know, you'll learn more. But you'll be like, I haven't seen that. What's that about? True. No one's going to come for you. I learned that today. Be honest. Just be like, I haven't seen that show. Should I watch it or is it okay that I've avoided it? Yeah. You know? Oh, that was really good advice, honestly. I think honesty is the best policy. Honesty is the best policy. Yeah, exactly. Liz. Liz.

Thank you so much for coming on Therapus. I had such a good time with you. I had the best time. Thank you so much for having me. Can we get a little bye pussies? Goodbye pussies. Ooh, maybe do like a little message to the pussies. Pussies. Oh, my sweet pussies. I had so much fun here today. I,

I just want to say thank you to my beautiful host that had me today and let me sit in this couch because I wore a tricky outfit that made it tough to sit and look good at the same time. I don't think we got there, but much better in this couch. And thank you for letting me hold these beautiful children and pussies keep pussing out. I,

I have some of my best friends are the biggest. They're called Pussies Your Fans, the biggest pussies in the world. And they love you. And I'm just honored to be on the show. Thank you so much. And I'm sorry I don't know all the slang and all the cool stuff. You do. No, I don't really know it. But like I'm learning. I'm learning slowly. Well, pussies, we love you. Liz, I love you. I love you too. Pussies, put your tents up. Put your tents up, tents up. Small cookies.