cover of episode Session 37: Ariana Greenblatt

Session 37: Ariana Greenblatt

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Therapuss with Jake Shane

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ariana Greenblatt
Ariana Greenblatt: 我很容易对人感到厌烦,这让我很沮丧。这种厌烦感不仅针对我的朋友和伴侣,也包括我自己。我从未有过男朋友,并且觉得同龄人都忙于约会。我很少使用手机自带的相机,更喜欢用Snapchat拍照,因为它的相机效果更好。我过去在普通学校上学时,Snapchat上加了很多同学,但毕业后就删除了大部分好友。我和Jake Shane在Snapchat上有很长的聊天记录,我的Snapchat好友分数很高。我解释了“big back”这个网络用语的意思,指的是享受生活中的乐趣。我不喜欢Crumble Cookie的外观,觉得它看起来像没烤熟的饼干。我在私人的TikTok账号上关注Crumble Cookie的剧透账号。我最近才开始吃Chick-fil-A。我想了解一些新的网络流行语,例如“brain rot”、“big back”、“Sigma”、“phantom tax”、“baby gronk”和“Libby Dunn”。我还解释了“Ohio”这个词在网络上的新含义,指的是一些奇怪或令人震惊的事情。我解释了“phantom tax”这个网络用语的含义。我谈到了拍摄电影《边境之地》的经历,以及与凯文·哈特及其子女的友谊。我描述了与凯文·哈特及其子女建立的友谊。我谈到了观看Kai Cenat直播的经历。我描述了凯文·哈特在Kai Cenat直播中与我视频通话的经历。我谈到了Tyla的专辑和Met Gala。我谈到了即将拍摄的电影《惊天魔盗团3》。我谈到了自己从小学开始的演艺经历。我描述了自己偶然进入演艺圈的经历。我描述了自己在拍摄《陷入困境》期间的学习经历。我描述了自己在拍摄《陷入困境》后继续学业的经历。我解释了为什么自己只上了一年普通高中。我描述了高中同学对我的看法,以及我对这些看法的回应。我描述了自己高中时期的经历,包括参加学校活动和拍摄电影。我谈到了自己对电影《清醒》的看法,以及在电影中扮演的角色。我谈到了自己对即将上映的电影《惊天魔盗团3》的期待。我解释了自己佩戴隐形牙套的原因。我谈到了拍摄电影《芭比》的经历。我谈到了格蕾塔·葛韦格的导演风格以及对她的敬佩之情。我谈到了格蕾塔·葛韦格的导演风格,以及她对玛格特·罗比的敬佩之情。我谈到了自己是如何为电影《芭比》中的角色做准备的。我谈到了自己玩电子游戏的情况。我描述了Roblox游戏。我解释了Roblox游戏的多样性。我谈到了自己为角色做准备的方式。我描述了为不同类型的角色做准备的不同方法。 Jake Shane: 我好奇为什么大家都用Snapchat而不是手机自带的相机应用进行交流。我好奇Ariana的朋友是如何获得如此高的Snapchat好友分数的。我解释了“big back”这个网络用语的意思,指的是享受生活中的乐趣。他好奇为什么大家都用Snapchat而不是手机自带的相机应用进行交流。我表达了对电影《清醒》的喜爱,并惊讶地发现Ariana Greenblatt参演了这部电影。

Deep Dive

Ariana discusses the challenges of balancing her acting career with the desire for a normal life, including her experiences with friendships and the pressures of school.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi pussies and welcome back to Therapus. Today we have one of my favorite actresses. I want to say rising star, but I feel like she's risen. She's so beyond talented. It's insane and

literally one of the hardest workers I've ever met. Her name is Ariana Greenblatt. You might know her from the Barbie movie. Her new movie, Borderlands, is in theaters this Friday. It is incredible. I was lucky enough to get an early screening of it. Thank you, Ariana. It's amazing. She's amazing. She's such a star. She's just such a star. She's...

She's the best. I feel very lucky to know her. And I'm so excited for you guys to get to know her more. Once again, thank you SeatGeek for sponsoring today's episode. You guys know how important live music and live events are to me. They are like the number one thing I miss during COVID. And I'm so happy that they are back.

Back and better than ever. As I've always said, everyone I love and I'm sure you guys love is on tour right now. Use my code THERAPUS10 for 10% off your entire order. You can use it to see, I don't know, who's on tour right now. Gracie Abramson, role model. Sabrina Carpenter's tour is about to start. The Era's tour. Tate McRae's on tour. You can use it to, it's festival season. I mean, the list goes.

goes on. I've also been having a blast this summer going to a million and one comedy shows and one of my favorite

Hi, pussies. Welcome back to Therapus. Today, we have the queen, Ariana Greenblatt. Hi, pussies.

Hi. Do you remember the first time we met? Of course. I actually, she, you were waving and I thought you were waving to someone behind me. And then I was like, me? Of course. We were at the People's Choice Awards. Yeah, that's when I looked really bad. How? Girl. You're a Zempic queen. Now I am. You saw the Ozempic stuff? Yes, of course. I asked all of them to start the rumor. I'm a big fan. I'm a big fan. Thank you. Well, what are you therapist about today?

Ooh, I'm therapist about today. I think I'm therapist about the fact that I get the ick so easy. Me too. And it's really frustrating. It's really frustrating. About anyone, like myself, my friends, like anyone. Friends.

I get that. But, like, it's okay. Yeah. But, like, the friend stuff is usually, at least with friends, you can, like, tell them when you get the ick. Yes, yes, yes, yes. But, like, with, like, partners, you can't. No, like, it's bad. I'm, like, really cutthroat when it comes to that. I have never had a boyfriend. Same. Okay, but I think you're also, like...

Eight years younger than me. That's okay. But the thing is, is like everyone my age is dating everyone. Really? I'm kind of like, that kind of sounds tiring to me. Question for you. Please. You're 16, right? Yes. Do you guys all use Snapchat to talk? Yeah. Why? Okay, so I honestly, I would delete Snapchat instantly, but that's where I take all my videos.

Like, you don't use the camera app? Barely. You're kidding. Barely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But why does everyone use Snapchat? Because the camera app sucks. Like, it looks badder. It looks, wait, what? But what stresses me out about Snapchat does not stress you out that if someone's like, you're fighting with someone over text, you can't send someone a screenshot? I always have like someone take a picture of me. Okay, cool, cool, cool, cool. Or like if I'm like home alone, like I have my computer for the booth and I'm reading it to myself. But why is everyone talking over Snapchat?

Okay, so... Like, when did this start? Do you use iMessage at all? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I use iMessage, like, for my family, team, and, like, group chats. Like, group chats, group chats. Like, I have a group chat, super active. We're living it up. But Snapchat, I don't know. It's very... I used to use Snapchat, like, way more than I do now. Right. Like, when I went to normal school, I had, like, the whole school added on my phone. And then the second I was done...

Everyone was wiped. Really? Very few people made it out of the lake. When did you stop? Well, we have a streak, so. Oh my God, we do have a streak. We have a streak. Okay, Jake, it's gone. It's gone, but we're going to get it back. We have to restore it. There was a timer. There was a timer. There was a timer. What's your longest streak? Let's check. I'll tell you mine. Okay. I just lost one of my ones. Mine is really, really long. Mine isn't that, I mean, okay, let's see. My longest streak, wait, first of all, I need to do it.

The timer's going. Okay, do your streaks. This is so embarrassing. I'm sending one to you too, it's just my ears, sorry. Okay, well I just by accidently took one too. Okay, my longest streak. You're beautiful. You. My longest streak is 410. Okay, you ready for mine? Yeah. 1,485 days. What? Isn't that crazy? Isn't that crazy? I'm pretty proud of it. I started it during COVID. Is your like snap, what is it called? Score, snap score? Yeah, what's yours? High?

Oh my God. Mine's not bad. It's 149,000. Okay. Mine is 835,000. Okay. One of my friends has 2 million. That's crazy. What are you doing with your life? What? That's crazy. Well, that she must really not use iMessage at all. No, no, no. Not the Postmates. My most used app. That's your big back. Sorry. Big Mac. Big back. Oh, okay. I'm a big man. What is big back? I don't know anything. You're on TikTok. What is big back?

So big back is basically just like you're big. Like let's talk about activities. Like I was a real big back the other day. Like I had Cane's crumble cookie boba, like big back activities. Crumble cookies. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about crumble cookies. What's your consensus? What's your opinion?

It's fucking evil. Whatever that is. No. You like them? Yeah. No. They look... What? Like, they just look... I don't like sweets in general. Okay, okay, okay. So, like, you're, like, showing me a crumble cookie. It looks like an undercooked, like... It's a boneless cookie. Yeah. Boneless, boneless. It is boneless. It's just, like, the icing looks... It bugs me out. Yeah, yeah. I'm, like... I get that. Like, you're not alone. I don't mean to yuck your yum, but... No, no, you're not alone. And a lot of the weeks, I'm, like...

Fail. Like, go. They have different flavors each week. Every week is a different flavor. And I literally follow. See, what I'm about to say is a big back. So, on my private TikTok account, I follow, like, the crumble cookie spoiler week. What the fuck? They literally spoil, like, next week's lineup. So, I'm pretty.

Do you guys know about these crumble cookies? Crumble cookies are so good. There's like a lineup? There's a lineup every single week and sometimes they like recycle the flavors. What's your favorite flavor? Okay, so...

I've literally DM'd crumble about this problem. What did they don't have anymore? So they used to have in like every lineup it was like a chocolate chip cookie and one called pink sugar. That sounds appealing. Which is like their sugar cookie and it's like chilled and it's whatever. Chilled. And they took it off like the every week lineup and I was like bring pink sugar back or you're losing a loyal customer. Wait so have they brought it back?

They brought it back for one week. Okay. They put it back in the lineup for one week. You guys need to, if you ever want me to try a caramel cookie. Can we do a review? I was about to say, do you want to do a mukbang together? Yes. Okay. I'll do, I've never had it before, but I will have it on two conditions. Okay. It has to be with you. Yep. And they have to, what is it? Pink champagne? What's it called? Pink sugar. Oh. Pink champagne. Pink sugar. And I mean, they probably made that flavor before. They've gone through all of it. What flavors are there this week? Monday. Monday.

Let's check Crumble Cookie Instagram account. Holy God. Let's do this. Wait, let's see. Nothing's more depressing than the same thing with Chick-fil-A when you crave it on a Sunday. Oh, see, I've just gotten into Chick-fil-A. Interesting. Okay, why? I just, I don't know, honestly. Why were you on the bandwagon before? I just never had it as a kid. I always had like, I don't know. This episode is just fucking sponsored by Crumble at this point. Big backs. Yeah.

Only talking about food. I need to know like other phrases that I'm not knowing because I'm old now. So you know like the brain rot? I know brain rot. Okay. That's like how we're speaking right now. Do we want to know? Yeah. The crumble cookies. The blueberry pancake, which is a warm blueberry pancake cookie topped with a blueberry buttermilk glaze and buttercream dollop.

That sounds like a Hailey Bieber nail. Yeah, that just sounds like... That's the description. Can I just be honest? That doesn't sound like a cookie. No, it doesn't at all. Oh, it's new, but it's a new one. It's not recycled. Okay, well then we have to try it. Ultimate peanut butter. I'm good.

I don't fuck with peanut butter. Oh my god, like I actually just got like gagged. Wait, mint cookies and cream. That sounds good, that sounds good. Okay, okay, okay. Kitchen sink, which is an original cookie mixed with semi-sweet chocolate chips rolled in a blend of salty potato chips pretzels. I will throw up. Wait, really? Potato chips? That sounds so, this week sucks. Yeah, it sounds like it. Wait, toffee cake. Oh, this is just horrible. Ugh.

That's not a cookie. That's not a cookie. They've gone too far. They've gone too far. They've gone too far. How many locations do they have? You know what it reminds me of? What's that? Did you ever have like Baked by Melissa? Yeah, I don't like those. That's my crumble cookie.

Yes. They would like have different flavors. No hate to Melissa, but like those are so sweet. Yeah, they are really sweet. But I like they're tiny. Wait, she's like, she's on TikTok. She like cooks food. I like her. I like her. She's a vibe. She is a vibe. The green goddess salad. Yeah. Have you seen that shit? It looks lit. Okay, wait. So you know Brain Rot. Yes, I know Brain Rot. I guess I know Big Back now. Okay, yeah, that's okay. I use that one. I was a Big Back this weekend. Yes. Like I like woke up today and I was like, oh, okay.

Like, where's Aloe at? Yeah, I went to the gym and I couldn't breathe. Okay, so big back. Yeah, big back. Let's see. You know, like, Sigma. What? Oh, no. What is Sigma? Sigma Alpha Male. Do you guys know what this is? When they say, erm, what the Sigma? What? What? Like, I know what Sigma Chi is. I don't know what that is. What's that? It's a fraternity.

Okay. So is that Sigma? No, no, no. Sigma is like... So it started as like the American psycho Patrick Bateman type Sigma male...

And I'll just say erm what the sigma. What? Erm what the sigma? Okay, so if you're ever, if we're texting and I'm like say um, like I'll only say erm. Okay, erm. And you'll be like erm what the sigma. Erm what the sigma. No, you'll never catch me saying that unironically. And then phantom tax. Excuse me? Phantom tax? Phantom. Phantom. Phantom. Like. Kaisenet Skibbity. I know who Kaisenet is.

Okay, I know who Kysonette is. Skibbity Toilet Riz. What? Ghibbity Toilet Riz? Skibbity Toilet Riz. What is a skibbity? TBH don't know. Skibbity Toilet. Skibbity Toilet. Well, what? Like, can you use it in a sentence? Literally no. These words, like, really exist. What else? Baby Gronk. What? And Libby Dunn. Like, Gronk the football player? Yeah, Baby Gronk and Libby Dunn. Are they hooking up? Who fucking knows? Ha ha ha!

Just them. Like, you just have to say their words together and, like, it's just that. Baby Gronk. Baby Gronk. Like, what's the state you go crazy in? The state I go crazy in? Yeah. Like, California? Ohio. Ohio? Yeah, like, Ohio. That's your state? No, like, that's the state. Is this English? Like, if you see some, like, fuck shit on the street, like, oh, they're from Ohio. That's a thing now, too?

Like, oh, that's so Ohio. Maybe not. For my, like, for my generation, it was Florida. Oh, yeah, Florida man. Yeah, Florida man. Type shit, type shit. Florida man, Florida man. But, like, Phantom Tax, he's a streamer. Got it. And, like, he, like, his taxes basically goes into your room and, like, takes your food. A tag. Tax. Tax. Okay. So, like, if you're on his good side, like, you just get, like, 5% Phantom Tax. And he takes, like, four fries, two nugs, and you're good.

But like if you're on his bad side, 50% phantom tax, like you're getting your whole meal taken away. And this is his bet? Yeah. Streamers must make so much money. I love a good streamer. Who do you watch? I saw you on Kai's stream. Yeah, I saw that. So dumb. Okay, so I filmed a movie with Kevin Hart. Borderlands. Amazing. And I met his kids on that set because I hadn't seen like children in like months.

Got it. So he brought his kids to like Budapest or whatever. That's where you guys filmed? Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah. And I like, we instantly clicked. Like, Heaven Hendrix, shout out. I love them. So then like, I'm over at their house all the time and it's funny because like,

Kevin's my co-star, but also he's just like my friend's dad. So it's like, what's up? Yeah. But we always make fun of him because we're like, what are you doing on Kaizenette Street? Yeah, how did he end up there? Who knows? But like, he's like kind of genius. So like it works. It did work. And also they're kind of like the same type of human being. Yeah. But...

Anyway, so I see the announcement. I text Hendrix. I'm like, what is your dad doing? But I'm always watching Kai. Okay, that's a streamer you watch. I love Kai. And how long does he stream for? Hours. He just sits there? Yeah. And does he make money via subscribers? Yeah, he's like, shout out for the, thank you for the 50 or whatever.

Yeah, yeah. But I'm like, I don't sit and watch live. Like, I go on YouTube and post it later. The only Kai Sinat stream I've ever seen, I've seen two. Okay. Krishan Rock in Blueface. Absolutely. Iconic. I saw that one where she spit out the pizza. Through the chair. And I saw the Nicki Minaj one. Absolutely. God, she's so funny. I love her. She's so funny. Okay, so anyways, I knew. So anyways, he...

Kevin calls Hendrix his son and he's like yo should I say anything this is happening on stream and I'm watching I'm like Hendrix you fumbled you sold the bag I need him to say my name so dumb so anyways I don't know how he did it but then Kevin ends up FaceTiming me and I'm like oh my god you have to get a clip all I was thinking was say something to get clipped so let's get Kai some of these clicks so I brought up Tyla

The girl. Oh, he loves her. I saw that stream. Yeah, Tyler. I saw that stream. We friends though. I love her. She's so gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. Really upset about it. Drop dead gorgeous. Do you like her album? Oh, that was, was she in Balmain? Yeah. That was insane. That was in, did you have fun at the Met Gala? I didn't go. I can't go, you can't go under 18. Sorry. I thought you went. I was there in spirit. No, but you, yeah, I wish. You have to be over it. That's a new rule. Anna. Anna Wintour. Anna.

and i let ariana go to the mac gala please or else you have two more years your birthday's what in august august yeah in august so you're turning 17 this august yeah but i'll be filming so no b-day party for me what are you filming now you see me three i'm so excited for that is um who's in that is are they is the recurring cast yeah og cast is coming back which makes me so excited we have woody harrelson jesse eisenberg is isa fisher back yeah i love her she's a vibe yeah so i'm

I'm excited for that one. But yeah, I'll be celebrating in a random place. You're working a lot. Yeah. Wait, so when did you stop going to like normal school and start doing this? Yeah. Full time. Yeah. So I'll go back to beginning. So I went to normal school for like elementary. Right. Right. Like preschool, elementary, kindergarten, that whole thing. And then I got a Disney show. Uh-huh. All stuck in the middle. Yeah.

And I think I was like six or seven years old. So I'd film here, but I lived in Florida at the time. So like it was just my mom and I and we were out here and we were just like getting the show done because I started acting like accidentally. Like I was just a dancer in Florida. Yeah. Like I literally, it happened so randomly for me, but I like, I went out for like three auditions one week and I got all of them. What? Like they're

Literally what? So I did. I'm like two as a guest star and one was the series regular. So I was like, okay. And I loved it. I like loved the environment. I loved all of it. And I beg my parents. It's like, please let me do this show. Like, please be pleased. Or I don't know how I'm making like these insane decisions and they trusted me. But yeah, so I started doing that. And when I was doing the show, I was like finishing like,

I think I was finishing like half third grade, fourth grade and fifth grade while filming. Oh my God. And that was all like set school. So you do school when you're not. Okay. And you loved it. Like you loved it. It didn't even feel like work to you. Not at all. Yeah. Because also like I got so lucky, like that show had a bunch of kids on it. Right. Like there were people my age, I'd like older sibling figures, like all of them. We grew up together. And then once that show ended, I was like,

I didn't want to continue just doing homeschool when I had time off. Right. So you went back to. Yeah, I found. And this is like at this point, we're like all here. My whole family's out here. And they found like this really tiny private school. Okay. But it's in Burbank. It was like the most random school ever. But I went there from sixth grade to freshman year.

Got it. Very pivotal time. Yeah. And I had like a little small friend group. And then after freshman year, I was like, I need the high school experience. Yeah. I don't know what I don't want to like feel like I'm missing out on anything. So then I go to a big, big, big, big private school, which basically was public. But who knows? Yeah. And I went there for sophomore year. Oh, so you lived you had you had a high school sophomore year. Yes. And that's all I needed. I

We did one year of normal high school and I was good. And you got the best one. Sophomore year is the best year of high school. Yeah, I was like, but the thing is, is like everyone already knew each other from freshman year. Got it. It's like, it was weird because like when I filmed Stuck in the Middle, that's the same age you're watching Disney Channel growing up. So everyone I go to school with that were the same age, they watched me on Stuck in the Middle. And this was before like three of my movies had come out. Like they all kind of came out back to back.

So this was before, so they only knew me from Disney Channel and they were like, who's this Disney Channel girl? Like, get her out of here. Like, blah, blah, blah. So... And then you were like, jokes on you, I'm actually in Barbie. Yeah, but I never said anything. Like, I never told them what was happening. Like, I'd leave school early and be like, oh, I had a doctor's appointment. But like, I'm like doing photo shoots. So like, Hong Kong Vogue or some shit. So...

Yeah, it was weird, but I got like the I got the football games and I got the homecoming and I got the lockers and Was that fun? It was fun. You ever seen friday night lights? No That's what but that was us every friday. Whatever. Someone tells me about football games I'm like a friday night lights. I went to school in the city. So like we never had that. Oh, really? Do you know what movie you were in that? I had no idea you were in. Oh god awake That's my favorite movie. What? Yep

Why? Because that's just like, I love stuff like that. I love apocalypse shit. I love like, oh my God, no one can sleep. That's hysterical. Like-

I'm dead. That's so random. Yeah, I did that one. Did you like it? I loved it. I loved that cast so much. Yeah, Gina Rodriguez is great. Was she great to work with? Oh my God, she was the best. Like genuinely, she was so kind. We'd have like family dinners and like we'd hang out in each other's trailers. Like she's a good, good, good person. But that one was so fun.

It was so random. Well, I didn't know you were in it until the other day when I was trying to make my friend rewatch it. Cause I watched it on release night. Like what? Yes. I was like awake. Like this is right on my alley. It was giving like bird box. I was like, this is like what I need. And so I watched it on release night, like when, however many years ago when it came out and then I'm watching the trailer and I'm like, is that Ariana? Literally seventh grade. And then I'm like, that is Ariana. Yeah. And I'm like, Oh my God, I'm so excited to ask her about it. It's my favorite movie.

That one was fun. That was like the first kind of like meaty role I did. Really? Like I was in it like a good amount. Well, you were the only one that could sleep. I was the one. Yeah, you were the one that could sleep. I was the sleeper. You were the... But like that's, it's actually hilarious because I feel like I'm either an alien, a post-apocalyptic survivor. Yeah. Always crying, always throwing up. I got a DM the other day and I like, it was like announcing, now you see me three.

And they're like, are you puking, screaming, running, and crying in this one too? I'm like, probably. You'll see some little fun tricks in that one. Yeah, I'm excited. I actually just watched the first two on a plane ride back. They're fun. They're fun. Have you seen them? Of course. Yeah. I was obsessed, like,

It was the weirdest experience of how I even got that role. But the second I got the script and everything, I watched the first two over and over and over again. Just to like... It has such a specific tone. You know what I mean? It does. It's very... Take my Invisalign out. I hear my lisp. Oh, you have an Invisalign in? Of course. Oh, wow. You should be a spokesperson for it. I couldn't even tell that you had Invisalign in. You should be a spokesperson for it. The only reason I wear it is because...

The plastic is thick, so it fills out the gaps when it's in your mouth. Oh my god.

I see now. Right? It's a complete difference. You did have Invisalign in. 100%. Anyways, I don't like my lisp. Also, my voice is so gone. Yeah, it's incredible, though. Is it? I, like, wish I had that. Oh, my God. I went to a birthday party, like, two days ago, and I was just standing there because I can't talk to anybody. Uh-huh. Because it'd be like, hi, what's your name? Yeah. So fucking, they're like, are you having fun? I was like, I promise. Oh, yeah. I promise I'm okay. Okay. Yeah. Barbie. Barbie. Did you have fun filming Barbie? It was the worst. No, I'm kidding.

It was so much fun. The thing I keep saying, it was like, on the day, I never realized what it was going to be and how crazy it was going to go. Like, never. It was like a cultural phenomenon. Yeah, and I didn't expect that. And I wish I knew because, like, I don't know. I just feel like I would, like, take it in more, I guess. But, like, on the day, I really was just, like, it was such a big universe I was stepping into. Like, everything and everyone was just, like, why am I here? Yeah.

But it was, I learned so much from Greta. Right. A lot. Just like how she, it was like such a big set and so many people coming in and out and like so much pressure and she handled it with like so much grace and she was, I literally asked her, I was like, how are you happy and smiling and laughing every day? Right. Like at 6 a.m. and we have so much to do and she was like, because this is what I love to do. Oh, wow. Like I'm so happy here. Right. And I'm like,

Wow. So she's really that pleasant to work with. She's that pleasant. Yeah. 100%. Oh my God. I know I felt bad because I was like such a Debbie Downer. I was like, fuck you Barbie. But like, I love Margo. So I love you Barbie. But what was it like working with Margo? Oh my God. Okay. So Margo has been like one of my favorite actresses from the like second I watched the first Suicide Squad. Like when that came out, I love her as Harley Quinn. I fell in love with her. I was like, wow, Harley Quinn, who are you? Come to me. Um,

And I've always loved her. So like Borderlands is coming out now. My character, I watched Suicide Squad and her prepping for that. I was about to say, you gave a little Harley Quinn in it. Yeah. The second I read the sides, I was like, this is giving Harley. Like, let me kind of,

Research how she prepared because it's a video game. So like it's already existing. You know what I mean? Got it. So I was like the comic books exist. Like there must be kind of like a connection to how I can learn how to like prep. Did you play the video game? Yeah. And I'm a horrible gamer. Same. I'm the worst. Like it's kind of embarrassing. I'm like you guys. Do you play any other video games? Roblox. What is that? Really? What? No, I like know the name. Is it like Minecraft? What is it? Hey.

Roblox. You would love just to impress. What are you talking about? Fashion famous. Okay, so Roblox is like, how do you even describe it? Like, it's just like that girl.

roblox is back or there's so much you can do no no it's not you can be like sometimes i work as like a pizza maker what is this game everything speed run like you could do so much in roblox but it's basically like you add your friends and like 2021 was like my roblox era i'd be on zoom with my friends and we'd be playing until the end of time so this is like giving sims

No, I don't even know how to describe it. Like there's, you can do anything in Roblox. You can do like obbies. You could do speed run. You could be a fashion girly. You could like work at a pizza shop. You can, it's like, there's scary games. There's mazes. There's like, what do you win? Do you win? How do you win? I mean, there's like Robux. You could get like hella money.

It's kind of like, you know, like V-Bucks on Fortnite? Yeah. So there's Robux. I don't play Fortnite. Okay, neither do I. This is reminding me of, and you definitely didn't play this, but this game called Wizard 101. Right. It was really fun.

Bet it was. Yeah. Bet it was. Don't know anything about it. Why did I talk about Roblox? Oh, video games. Video games. So my brother is like such a good gamer. Okay. That's like his thing. Older, younger? Older. He's 20. Okay. Best friend. Gavin. Love you. Hi, Gavin. Gavin. Hi.

No, but he's like a good gamer. So before I even like auditioned for Borderlands, I called him and I was like, is this game like, does it suck? Like, is it good? He was like, we love it. Okay, great. So I was like, perfect. That's all I need. Do you, how do you usually prepare for roles? It fully like depends because I've, I don't know why, but I've, I've,

Done a lot of things where there's a big fandom behind it already. Right. So, like, either, like, Marvel or Star Wars or Borderlands, like, there's always a crazy fandom behind it. So I approach those, like, way more serious. And, like, I write down notes and I watch every single thing I can about the character. But, of course, you have to make it your own. Right. I can't be a copy and paste. I feel like especially with, like...

This one, Borderlands, it's like you only see my character in the game for so long and she's fucking feral. Like she's crazy. So I'm like how do I put this girl in like a digestible way to watch her for like two hours. You know what I mean? And humanize her. So you're not like Jesus, she's so annoying. Get off the screen. You know what I mean? So you have to find that balance. But like other roles, like I really just like create kind of my own world. So I cold read the sides first. And then...

I kind of just, like, say it out loud in the tone that I immediately hear it in. Cool. And then I kind of make, like, what... So it depends on what the scene is, but I make up, like, what do I think she did all day today? Like, what do I think she, like, woke up and did? Right. Kind of, like, exactly humanizing her, like, truly making...

her human being, even if it's, like, an alien or not a real person. And I, like, figure out kind of, like, her pet peeves, like, very specific things just to make it as real and raw as possible. What was, like, the most difficult time you've ever had, like, preparing for a role? Yeah. Honestly, I feel like I want to say Ahsoka, which was Star Wars, mostly because the stunt training was so hard.

Crazy. Wait, what's the stunt training like? So the whole Star Wars thing was a secret until it came out. My whole cameo situation was so secretive. And a week before I went to go to London to film Barbie, the Star Wars people, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, they call me into the office. I've never met these people before. I'm like, I don't know what I'm doing here. And they basically were like, so you're going to be playing young Ahsoka, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like,

Like, that's it? Yeah. I'm just, okay, amazing. And they're like, they had seen my work as Young Amor in Infinity War. So I was like, whoa, like, that's a big responsibility. So I went home and I watched every single thing both of them did.

Are you serious? So I watched all the TV shows and all the movies either like John acted in or made or anything. How long did that take you? Days. I spent like days. I just like have it on either in the background just to truly understand like their work process. Right. And then I go to film Barbie and we come back to film the stuff in Venice and they're like, so we need to do makeup testing. You need to meet the stunt team. You need to hear your fake lightsabers and like,

I was like, oh, my God. So I was like Sasha and Barbie, and then I'd go and, like, be orange and, like, take my prosthetics off and, like, all that. And, like, I couldn't tell anyone. So, like... Was it fun, though? Oh, my God, it was so fun. Yeah. It was so fun. But, like, the stunt people are genuinely, like, trained ninjas. I can imagine. Like, tough love. Like, it took...

If you got a nod, you're killing it. So, like, what's, like, a stunt that you would, like, have to do? So, it's a full... Because usually I'm, like, I do wire work or, like, you learn how to, like, fight or, like, shoot guns or whatever. Like, this time it was so specific and the technique is genuinely so different because it's, like...

You're fighting with lightsabers. So, like, the stances are completely different. Like, I had muscles in my legs I didn't know, like, existed. Yeah, yeah. It was, like, my feet were killing me. It's, like, I had cuts on my knees. Like, it was crazy. And it was worth it because you have to be really good. Because on the day, like, I had bright blue contacts on. And you have the head, like...

antenna thingy so you can't hear or see and the costume I had corsets and metal on my knees and I had to go on my knees so it's like you're kind of taking every like could you move no and you had to like fight and you had yeah it was 1v7 so I had to kill 7 guys on sand oh no no no no but also how old were you that was I was 14

14 turning 15. That's crazy. And I filmed that, like, I was going to my school. What do they call when you, like, the first day of school, the meet and greet or whatever? Orientation. Orientation. Yeah. So I was going to orientation and getting my uniform, and then the second that was over, I was driving to the Star Wars set, changing out of my uniform to go stunt train. And everyone thought you were, like, what, going to film another Disney show? Yeah, literally. And I was like, I can't, I, like, I didn't care enough to really tell them, like,

I was like, whatever. Like, it's fine. But... And then, weirdly enough, like, prepping for my character in Barbie was tough. Really? Yeah, because she was so specific. And Greta has such a way with her, like, teen girl characters that, like...

There's always a level of being misunderstood with them, like, especially, like, in Lady Bird. Yes. There was always, like, a level of being misunderstood, and you're not always in the right, but you always have a point. And, like, what she writes for me to say, like, there's... You have to always have a meaning behind it. Right. So, with Sasha, it's like, she ate Barbie up and down. Yeah, she did. There was no coming back, but it's also, like, if you really look back and hear what she's saying, it's like, oh...

You know what I mean? So finding the balance between, cause I, I didn't want to be just like a bitchy teenage girl. Right. You wanted to get her dad smart. Yeah. Sasha is so smart and I feel like she would just like how I looked at it is she looked around about everyone around her and her anger came from frustration of why no one else is thinking the way she is. Right. And yeah, so that one, it was truly finding the balance of like, I don't want to come off

but I need to get my point across. And I also feel like that comes from just like being a girl in general. It's like no matter what you say, you're going to sound like rude and bitchy and blah, blah, blah. And I feel like what's so like careless about Sasha is like I'm going to say what I need to say and you can digest it how you want, but like I'm right. Did you see any of yourself in Sasha? Totally. Yeah. Totally. Because a lot of the time, especially with having a lot of friends my age that,

you know, just like play soccer and do like normal life stuff. It's like the frustration mostly comes from them not understanding the

what I actually do and, like, what goes into it and stuff. It's like, oh, like, how glamorous. You get to go here and there on, like, 1,010%. But it's also, like, I go after school and do a full day of school and then... Do a full day of work. Do a full day of work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I feel like people... And I'm like, I don't go to parties because I have a call time in the morning. How do you make time for... Like, what is that... So your friends are, like, they just go to school and do normal shit? Some of them. It's like, I'm not even kidding, Jake. Like, the last...

I mean, a year, yes. But, like, honestly, the last two weeks, I've felt normal. Good. Like, it's, like... It's summer. Because Barbie changed my life, of course. And, like, I had no idea and I didn't... I didn't understand what was happening. And I kind of still don't, genuinely. But, like, everything was happening at once and everything I was doing was a new thing. So, it was, like, I, like, went over that challenge and then tomorrow I'm doing something I've never done before and then the next day I'm doing something I've never done before. So...

Yeah. It's also just like really figuring out who genuinely wants to be your friend. I can't even imagine. Especially when you're 16. Yeah. And like everyone is so jaded by like fame and whatever, especially in Los Angeles. Like I can't even imagine. Do you have like one person that's like. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, when it's like, do you remember? Okay. Here's my. Do you remember the TikTok sound? That was like, like.

Like, Stacey or whatever. Do you remember that one? Like, do you have, like, that one person that, like, you can, like... Oh, Stacey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 100%. I honestly think my friend Heaven, who's Kevin's daughter that I met filming, has been, like, my ride or die through all of it because she understands, obviously. Yeah.

But she's, like, I never have to think that she, like, wants to use me for anything. Right. Or, like, she has an ulterior motive, you know? And she's 19, so she's three years older than me. So she has kind of that, like... Like, when I was in high school, I'm still in high school when I actually went to high school. Right. I'd call her and be, like, so upset. I was like, what is it about me that, like, why? Like, why do people see...

me in such a wrong light and she was like they don't like she like really like talked me through a lot of the stuff and she also calls me out she's like that was a dumb ass decision you just made and don't do it again i was like you're right what do you mean wrong light though i feel like a lot of the time and a lot of like especially like the first week of school they probably they all thought i was just like i thought i was the shit but you are the shit but i

Like I just like I'm just here to go to school and like I want to be friends with you more than you want to be friends with me honestly. And I just really craved normalcy. Yeah. And I just wanted like to go to the bathroom and like talk about like whatever. Right. I mean like.

But at the same time, I was like writing down these people like they were characters in a book because I'm going to make a movie about my school year. Yeah. So it was like, I don't know. I felt like I was living a double life, but also because I was so awkward and like didn't know what to really say. And I wanted to be funny, but I didn't want to act like I wanted attention on me ever. Right. The people were like, I thought you hated me. And I was like, no. What's your star side? Well, I'm a Virgo.

Oh, that's why we get along. But should I do my co-star situation? Well, no, I was just wondering because you were like, people thought I hated them and I was like, oh, that's such like an Aries thing. Yeah, yeah. Wait, wait, wait. Friends, you, chart. I want to know what your rising is. So I'm a Virgo and then my moon is an Aquarius and my rising is Pisces. Really? Yes. Okay, good. Yeah, that's me. Wow, that's a great chart. Is it? Yes. Okay, good. Yeah. But anyways, yeah, I always feel a sense of

Misunderstood-ness. And I think that comes with age, too. Totally. I felt so fucking misunderstood when I was 16. And, like...

I don't know. Like, I feel like you always want what you can't have. You know what I mean? So like when I was 16, I wanted anything but normalcy. Right. Like I wanted, I wanted to do what you're doing. And obviously now what you're doing, you want, you also want like normalcy. Totally. And I feel like that's just like the curse of life. Absolutely. You know what I mean? But yeah, I feel like the last, the last two weeks have been like,

A balance I'm so grateful for. You finally are like... Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I went... I literally went to my... One of my friend's birthday parties. And I met two girls there. And we just hid in the bathroom the whole time. Me, Heaven, and these two girls. And we talked about everything. And I was like, whoa, we're the same person. Like, it's such a good feeling having solid girlfriends. Yeah. Because I've always, like...

During my school year, I always was friends with the guys because the girls never liked me. But it was also like, I want to be friends with you guys. And they were like, you pick me ass. I was like, no, I want to be friends with you. But whatevs. People are so mean. Oh, yeah. Bad. Are people nicer nowadays than they used to be? Or are they still nasty? Of course. Okay. I don't know. It's just like I try to be...

As normalized as I possibly can. I hate when people act like they're better than others. I'm like, no, we go through the same thing. I don't know. Yeah, but you're just going through it in a more public sense. Right. Which is crazy. So scary. But how much longer of normalcy do you have until you start up work again? I have like a month. Enjoy it. Yeah. And you're here? But weirdly when I'm filming, I feel more normal than ever. Like I feel more out of place, like...

Maybe it's because you feel like that's what you're meant to be doing. Totally. You know what I mean? On a set, like, oh my God, I thrive. Like a whole new person comes out. I can't even imagine. I feel like you get so close with everyone. Yeah. And then you have like inside jokes. Oh, that's my favorite part. Oh my God, it's the best. I've never been on set, but like my favorite part of like being on set. You're coming on set. Like, let's go. No, I'll come. I'll stay for a week. Yeah.

My favorite part of being stuck in a random place with people you've never met before is you come back with all these stories and inside jokes and you have no choice but to be friends and hang out with each other. And I get close with the most random people too. I'm like best friends with hair and makeup. Because it's just so vulnerable. You see each other every morning. You talk about your day. I don't know. It's a full different...

Yeah, but it's funny, actually. It's like I feel more normal on set than like doing normal situations. Because like what even is normal? Oh, God. Social constructs. Whatever. Let's talk about it. Yeah. What is normal? Oh, my God. The envelope. Are you ready? I'm so ready. Do you know about the tell me what's wrongs? Just tell me. Okay. So basically they're going to ask us for advice, the pussies, and we will give them advice and then prescribe them. Like someone will be like, for example, I can't sleep. I'll be like.

I'll prescribe awake. Okay, perfect. Yes, let's do it. Okay. My childhood best friend has always made me her therapist. It's getting worse because we moved in together. She's coming into my room and waking me up around 2 a.m. so I can sit and listen to her problems. Have you ever had a friend like that? Absolutely. I'm always the therapist's friend. Okay, and how does that feel? What does that feel like for you? I mean, in the beginning, it feels like, oh my God, like I'm their person to confide in. Like, this is so fantastic. And then I'm like,

I'll figure it out. Yeah. Like I don't have all the answers truly. And then I have to be like really philosophical and be like, we're just on a rock. Like it doesn't matter. Yeah. But yeah, it's good if it's a mutual. This doesn't sound mutual. This does not sound mutual. Well, if you're being woken up at 2 a.m. Like I think. I will sock you in the face if you wake me up at 2 a.m. Oh, I would freak out. No. I would prescribe just like an honest conversation. Be like, you need to stop talking to me. I want to prescribe. At 2 a.m. I want to prescribe a reality check.

And I'll explain. Okay. Reality check because, no, a reality check with a side of let's be selfless. Yeah. And not selfish. This friend sounds very selfish. I think maybe that's what she's finding issue with. Yeah. And I think maybe she just needs to have her watch like. Yeah, what's a good show? I'm thinking of like a show about someone who's really, really, really selfish. Therapist. Therapist.

Okay, I have one. Okay, tell me. This is a hot take. Okay. Somewhere I Turn Pretty. I've never seen. Oh, really? But I've heard that, like... I feel like you'd be all up in there. There's, like, a bunch of Swifty songs in there. I know, I know. So I've heard. Okay, I'm prescribing that because, like, Belly, the main character, does some messy stuff. Yeah, I heard she's the worst. With a lot of emotions on the line, like, she just does what she wants. Right. So I prescribe that and, like, reality check and maybe ask how your friend who you're waking up at 2 a.m., like, how are you doing? I know what to prescribe.

Okay. It's my favorite show of all time. It's called Girls on HBO. Okay. And that's what I'm going to describe because Lena Dunham's character is me, but she's the most, ow, ow, foot cramp, the most selfish, worst person in the entire world. Sorry. Do I forget really bad foot cramps? Yeah. No, you don't. I will make you feel better about it, so yes. Okay, cool. Okay. I think it just means I need a letter. So Girls. Perfect. Girls and Summer I Turned Pretty. Great.

My boyfriend that just moved in last week had two dating apps on his phone. I would just kick him out. Right? Yeah, I mean, he moved in two weeks ago. I'm prescribing a breakup, motherfucker. Prescribing a breakup and I'm prescribing...

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Thinking. You get a boyfriend. And they have date. And you still have dating apps on your phone, you weak ass. I would literally just be like, make sense for my life. Yeah. Yeah, like that aligns. That aligns. That's my luck. That checks out. Yeah, break up. Or just be like, no, just break up. No, a break up. Yeah, because that's like an immaturity that you can't talk through. I would prescribe like a break up. Prescribe a break up and then. Thank you, next by Arina. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Are you an Arianator? Yes, absolutely. I love her. I love her. Do you like the new album? Ariana, what are you doing here? That's what I hear every day. I do. What are you doing here? Have you ever met her? No, I met her mom and her brother multiple times. Frankie. Wait, where did you meet Frankie Grande? Okay, wait. So I met her. First of all, I met her mom at like when I was young. Joan, Queen Joan. At like a...

A Radio Disney Music Awards or something. Like a Disney event. They were there without Ariana? No, she was there. She was like backstage. Oh, okay, cool. I was like, hi, Joan. And then I met her brother. I literally was at like a Halloween hayride. And I was with my two friends. And I was like, we have to take a pic. Yeah, it's Frankie Grande. And I just did a little flick with Frank. And did you see him? Or I guess, I don't know if you would, but he was on Big Brother, Celebrity Big Brother. Oh, yeah.

Or he was on regular Big Brother. Yes, of course. That was the only season of Big Brother I ever watched. I love Big Brother. Oh, you're still watching? Now, no. I loved, loved Past Tense. Do you watch like Survivor, any of that stuff? I haven't, but everyone loves Survivor. Everyone loves it. Should we start it? I think we should. I'll start. We should watch Survivor while eating crumble cookie and doing a mukbang. Fucking crumble cookies. So what did we prescribe? We prescribed Thank You, Next and A Breakup. Wait, so you like the new album though, right?

Of course. It's amazing. Only thing I was listening to for perhaps two weeks. Sam, I'm still there. You are? I'm still there. Did you like the new music video?

I haven't seen it yet. Isn't that crazy? You'll like it. I always like, I'm always so late on music videos. The music video I did watch recently though was Please, Please, Please. Oh, so good. So good. I love that little short blonde girl. Oh, I love her so much. I really do. I love her. Have you met her? Yeah, I love Sabrina. The most lovely of all time. Truly. Yeah. Truly. And like her humor just makes me feel seen. Yeah, you guys have similar humors. Yeah, no, she very much is.

She gives what she needs to give. And she's just a little pop star princess. Does she ever give you any advice because you both were on Disney? No, but we were at a party once. And I was getting interrogated by some people about some random shit. And she just looked at me. She was like, do you? You're smart. And I was like...

Thanks, Sabrina. Thank you. No, I love her so much. You are smart. Thank you. Really smart. I appreciate that. Not in math. Anyways, what's next? Oh, okay. Well, I'm going through a friendship breakup. Dot, dot, dot. The worst. Oh, I hate those. The big problem is said ex-friend is also a roommate. I'm stuck with in a lease for another year. How do I make this bearable? I have a prescription. Tell me. Tom Sandoval and Ariana are still living together.

Are they actually? Yeah. Okay, so we prescribe season 10 of Vanderpump Rules, Scandival. Yes, Scandival. We prescribe Scandival. I didn't know they were still living together. I just watched an episode and it was like he wanted to throw a birthday party and his assistant asked Ariana and Ariana was like, I will call the cops. And I was like, you know what? You call the cops, babe. I met James Kennedy's girlfriend the other day and I made her read my horoscope chart. I met James Kennedy five years ago.

Five years ago. Are you serious? How long have you been watching Vanderpump before? My mom's a Bravo stan. I grew up watching Andy Cohen. I knew I liked her. I knew I liked her. King, king of late night fun. Yeah.

What other Bravo shows do you watch? Do you watch what, like? Okay, so I watched a lot of Housewives. Yeah. I forget, like, which ones. New York, of course. I've never seen New York. Isn't that crazy? Oh my God, so good. I've heard New York's the best. They're the craziest. I know. Um, yeah, Vanderpump has always been, I've met Lisa, I have a picture with her when I'm like a baby. Do you actually? Yeah, like what? Is she nice? Yeah. She's actually so sweet. But, um,

Yeah, I prescribe Scandival. Okay, that's a great prescription. But friendship breakups suck. Have you ever had one? The worst of ones. Still recovering. I'm still recovering. It's been years. I had mine when I was 18 years old and it was, I will literally never forget it, the worst day of my life. I will die on the hill that it's worse than any other breakup. It is? You think so? I think so. It's just really painful.

Yeah. It's like for someone to say that they don't, because like for breakups, for romantic breakups, you can excuse it by like, well, they still want to be my friend. They just can't because we're not like romantic anymore. But like with friendship breakups, it's like, wait, you don't want to be my friend because you don't like me as a person. Correct. I'm like, that shit hurts. It cuts deep.

Oh my god, I'll never forget where I was when I had mine. It was like, it's just the worst. It's the worst. And I will never forget it too because I was literally filming Barbie. Stop. Like in the midst of it. Did you have like a song that you listened to during your friendship breakup? I had too. I had, oh my god. I don't think I did. You didn't? I probably did. I was listening to a lot of Radiohead.

Those are my feelings. I was going through it. I listen to a lot of John Mayer. Oh. Yeah. Wait, isn't there tea with John Mayer? And Taylor Swift? Yeah. Yeah, they dated. I don't know the lore. I know. It's a lot. It's a lot. I feel left out. No, it's a lot. But they're fine. Like good terms.

I don't think so. All I know is Taylor and Taylor on good terms. Yes. Taylor Lautner. Yes. Have you ever seen Twilight? Of course. I love Twilight. I love Twilight. I just rewatched all of them. Do you know Cinespia in LA? When like the graveyard outside movie theater situation they do every summer? Okay, so for my 14th birthday, I went to Cinespia. We watched Twilight. Oh, was it fun? In a graveyard? Yeah, it was a vibe. That's really fun. I love Twilight. What team are you on?

Why are you thinking about it? Because I think I rewatched it and changed my mind. I want to say it was Jacob this time around. Were you Team Edward?

Still am. But I switched up when Jacob imprinted on the baby. I just thought that was disgusting. You imprinted on my daughter. Like, that's crazy. Yeah, no, you're insane. Like, that's crazy. So then I switched up and I was like, okay, Edward. Edward's it. Edward is it. But also, like, every time I rewatch it, I'm like, what is happening? What is happening? What is this? Do you love, like, do you ever watch, like, Divergent or The Hunger Games? Oh, of course. Yeah. I love a good little saga. Same. More than anything. Yeah. More than anything. Do you, like, is there any...

Like, do you want to, like, do one of those one day? Honestly, I would. I absolutely would. But, like...

That scares me because you're playing a character for that long. Yeah. Like, I feel like me, like, I need to have multiple personalities, like, going. Right. Problems, probably. No, everyone does. But, yeah, like, playing one character for, like, however many years, like, I don't know. You think it would, like, because you get so into your characters. So into, yeah, but you get, yeah, exactly. And it's also, like, I'd get bored of her. Right. Perhaps. Right. But I'll do it. Like, if it's a cool-ass, like, series or new or whatever, like, I'm down. So...

You prefer movies. The last TV show I did was, actually, technically it was Ahsoka, but that was one episode. Yeah, but like long TV shows, like Vampire Diaries, like 10 seasons. You watch Vampire Diaries? Of course. I love the Vampire Diaries. Obsessed. I had a Vampire Diaries themed episode. Did you really? Yes. How did I not know this? I don't know. Me and my best friend Julia wore vampire cloaks and we drank out of blood bags.

Now that is entertainment. I would have brought blood bags for you had I known I have them in my house. It's so random. We're just drinking blood. Honestly, hot. Love that so much. Love that. Were you team Stefan or Damon? Beginning, absolutely Stefan. And then Damon. I was like, I could never be another team. And then I was like, all right, Stefan, you're boring. Did you do the originals?

Okay. I never did. I never got into it. I tried watching it four times. And you just couldn't? I couldn't. Why? I think I have trouble with like period pieces. Me, I hate period pieces. I hate them. I hate them. I don't live in that period. I don't care. Why am I? I don't care. I won't watch Bridgerton. I won't. No. Okay. I tried getting into that one too. I can't.

No, I can't. What? Why am I? You don't use a cell phone. Why am I not? Why am I watching this? Yeah, because it's hard to relate. I quite literally can't. I hate period pieces. I hate hot take. I'm sorry. I try. I try so hard. I'm like, everyone's like, because all the smart people watch them, you know what I mean? Yeah, but I can't watch a period piece because like, I just the only thing I've ever seen that's like a period piece like Game of Thrones and that isn't even real history.

Let me tell... For some reason, I thought it was for one second when you said that. And then I was like, wait, dragons? No, I did. Until the dragons came about, I thought it was based on real life. Some reason, like, period pieces with, like, the British accents, I'm like...

Why does everyone have a British accent? Always. Like, was that the only little thing that existed? It just doesn't seem correct. I like, I'm like, I'm, I just, I think I'm traumatized from watching like Jane Eyre with my mom once. Have you ever seen Jane Eyre? No. It's really boring. But okay. What if I one day do a period piece? I'll watch it. Okay. And I'll be your number one supporter. Can we replay this clip and be like, stupid bitch. Contradicted yourself.

Yeah, like... It'll be good. If I do it, like... The thing is... I know British accent. I just don't know why I can never get into them. I really don't know what it is. No, me too. Me too. 100%. I'm like, I just don't... I get lost. I go on my phone. Yes. Yeah, it's just Bridgerton that I really can't get into. I'm gonna try again to watch that. I'll let you know. I'm just... You know what I did watch? Queen Charlotte. Queen Charlotte.

Which is like the same Bridgerton world. Do you watch Queen Charlotte? Has anyone seen it? It was good. That one was honestly good. You know why? Because they take modern songs. I know. And they like make them. And they did like Thank You Next, right? Did they? Yeah. They did a SZA one, I think, in Queen Charlotte. And I was like, this is easy. You'd like it. Is it based off of Bridgerton? Yes. Got it. There were some moments where I was like, this is kind of weird. But like there's a character. He's like King George. Like the king. Love. You'd like it. Yeah. Farmer George. Oh, you'd love him. Ugh.

So you do watch period pieces. That's literally it. Okay. Queen Charlotte. What shows are you watching right now? I'm so excited for season three of The Bear. Me too. Oh my God. Me too. I love Jeremy Allen White. Oh, he's,

Did you watch Shameless? No. Oh, it's the best. I didn't. Shameless. Should I? Yeah, it's really good. I'll watch it. There's so much. Well, I stopped after like season four. Okay, so I can stop. It's one of those where it's like, I'm done. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But like, it's great. The bear is amazing. I just finished season two of it. It's insane. It's insane. And the boys coming out.

I haven't seen The Boys, but I love Chase Crawford because of Gossip Girl. That one took me a minute to get into as well, but once you're in it, you're in it. Did you watch any of the... Because you were born in what, 2007? Yeah. That's so crazy. I forget that. Some people, when they're like, how old are you? I'm like...

Like six numbers pop in my head. Genuinely. Yeah. Don't know. But did you watch like any of like 90210, Gossip Girl? Gossip Girl. Yeah. Gossip Girl. Yeah. Absolutely. The best. My mom made me watch that one. She did? Yeah. I love your mom. My mom's a queen. Yeah. She knows what's up. She like also like is like, do you have Riz Ariana? Like she says that to me. Riz? I'm like, your girl has Riz. Yeah. Don't worry about it, mom.

I feel like all my friends are stopping me from focusing on my studies. But every time I distance myself, they get angry. How do I strike the right balance? I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, but I have PTSD with this because one time when I was in second grade, my friend told me that she couldn't hang out with me anymore because I was distracting her from her homework. Wait, can I read this? Yes. I feel like, I feel like she's British. Studies? Yeah, maybe. This episode's about hating British people. I feel like all my friends are stopping me from focusing on my studies.

Every time I distance myself, they get angry. How do I strike the right balance? Maybe don't tell them you're distancing yourself because they're studies because it makes them feel bad that they're not doing the same. Maybe I prescribe...

I prescribe a hot bath. Doing your shit in silence. A hot bath and do not disturb. Yeah, and doing your shit in silence and you don't have to tell everyone what you're doing all the time because maybe that's why your friends are angry at you. Correct. And also, like, I know she corrects them. Yeah, and it's like, I have to go because I'm working. That was my number one pet peeve when people would say that to me in high school. Like, I can't hang out with you. I have to study. Well,

Well, I hate like for some reason I befriend many dancers and they're like, I have dance class today. Like I can. I'm like, whatever. Yeah. Dance class. I understand like why her friends are like angry respectfully. I do too. But also I know she probably makes them feel dumb. I know. Probably like we're hating on the fan. Yeah. No, no, no. I feel like like they're probably like, well, I want to hang out the weekend. She's like, you're not going to study for the test. Yeah. And it's like, like, no, like.

Need a break. But also, like, word of advice to this pussy, like, you don't need to be studying all the time. Yeah. Find the balance within yourself to find the balance within your friends. Just, like, make plans to see them at least once a week when you're not just at school. Just, like... We're so good at this. We're so good at this. Hi, Jake, and super special amazing guest. My name is Tori. Hi, Tori. Hi, Tori Vega. I'm a...

Do you watch Victorious? I love Victorious. I used to post about Rob Shapiro all the time. I used to use the slap. Remember that like social media? Oh, hell yeah. Hell yeah. That's like where my OCD is. That's like half my captions on my spam. What? It's just like feeling. Yeah. The emoji. The slap. I'm a junior in high school and already have senioritis. I'm so sick of overstudying and not getting enough sleep. Help me.

Two more years, girl. People go through it. Yeah, people go through it, man. Red Bull. Two more years. Junior year was my worst, the worst year of my life. Really? Yeah, maybe actually, you know what? I would say senior year of high school was the worst year of my life. Really? Because I was like...

If I don't get into... I only wanted to go to... So much pressure. I wanted to go to USC. I only wanted to go to one college. And I was like, if I don't get in, my life is over. Oh, my God. It was just horrible. It was horrible. That's so scary. Yeah, it was scary as fuck. Just enjoy it. It's your last year, no? Like, I just... My word of advice is, like, keep pushing, girl. You're almost there. Wait, she said she's a junior? Yeah, and she already has senioritis, which is bad, because I didn't have senioritis until the end of senior year. Yeah, girl, like, calm down. You have some time. You have time. Yeah. Senioritis is... You know what senioritis is? Yeah? Yeah.

It's like when you're like. Like you're getting nostalgic or something? No, no, no. Yes, that. But like also like you basically stopped doing your work. You stopped going to school. Right. Okay. Grind through it. I caught that like when I was an actual senior. She caught it during junior year. Right. Which is a problem because that's the most important year of your high school career. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. So lock in. Yeah, just lock in. Okay.

Like, honestly, you know what I prescribe? The Devil Wears Prada because Anne Hathaway gives up at the end of the movie. And I remember watching that when I was a kid and saying that will never be me. Okay. Yeah. That's such a good prescription. Thank you. Okay, so what did we learn today? I learned that I love you. I love you too. And I learned that I have to pee. I have to pee all the time, every second of the day. This pot is making me need to urine. Okay.

What else did I learn? That like we're great. Like you're great at your job of being a therapist. Don't make me. Thank you. You're like we're so annoying together. We are annoying together. And I learned Taylor Swift lore. You did. And I'll teach you all about it. Please do. I will. Give me the loop. I learned what big back means. Yeah, you did. I learned about crumble cookies. You sure did. I learned what skibbity ribbity kaisenach is. Exactly that. Exactly that. And I learned that you are wise beyond your years.

And very, very talented. You are more than welcome here. Guys, I'm only going to start like actually making a bunch of movies just so I have more stuff to promote. You know what? Next time you're back, Julia will be here and we'll do our vampire theme. Please. And I don't want it to make any sense. It will. We'll ask people to submit vampire questions. Yes. And we'll pretend we're vampires.

Oh, I love a good cosplay. It's always fun to play dress up. Yeah, absolutely. Ariana, thank you for coming on Parapass. I love you too. Say bye to the pussies. Bye, pussies. Tense up. Tense up. Love you. Hi, pussies. Put your tents up. Put your tents up. Tents up. Smart cookies.