cover of episode Session 09: Robyn Delmonte

Session 09: Robyn Delmonte

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Therapuss with Jake Shane

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Jake Shane
Robyn Del Monte
Jake Shane: 参加颁奖典礼的收获是得到了胸罩尺码建议,而非奖杯。这引发了网络上的一些质疑,他自己也不确定为什么会被邀请。 Robyn Del Monte: 与Jake Shane的友谊建立在彼此信任和共同经历的基础上,并认为这种经历让她感到安全和舒适。她一直陪伴Jake Shane,在创意、心理健康和娱乐方面给予支持。她认为自己主要的工作是帮助Jake Shane维护心理健康。 Robyn Del Monte: 与Jake Shane的友谊建立在彼此信任和共同经历的基础上,并认为这种经历让她感到安全和舒适。她一直陪伴Jake Shane,在创意、心理健康和娱乐方面给予支持。她认为自己主要的工作是帮助Jake Shane维护心理健康。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Hi pussies and welcome back to Therapus. Today we have Robin on and I'm so, so, so excited about it. I wish we had her on after the PCAs so she could like give...

everyone the advice she gave me after because it was great. But obviously, I don't know if we as a group has discussed the PCAs so far. I have breasts. I have breasts. I have boobs. So that's the one thing I learned. Some people went home with a trophy and I went home with like a bra size recommendation. You know what I mean?

That's what I went home with. And, you know, everyone on the internet that's like, why are you there? Why are you there? I also don't know why I'm there. So, like, I don't really have an answer. You know what I mean? Most of the time I'm like, wow, I can't believe I'm here. Because, like, why? Not even as, like, I can't believe it. I'm also just like, like, why? You know? Like, why?

I also don't know. But, like, what am I going to do? Say no? Like, it was so much fun. As a reminder, submit Tell Me What's Wrongs to or send me your number at As always, names are encouraged but not required. Pussies, I love you. Enjoy the episode. Bye.

Now today's guest, you guys might know her as the Internet's agent or Girlboss Town, but I am lucky enough to know her simply as Robin. I welcome Robin Del Monte. Yes!

Yay! Long awaited. Did you like my feel? Yes, because if you get to call me Robin, it means something. Right. It means something. And that's really, I think it's funny too, because I feel like not a lot of people know how close we are. No, yeah. Because I feel like we don't show it a lot, which is a lot of my relationships with men. They like don't show me. You know what I mean? Yeah. But I'm so excited to be here. I'm so proud of you. I've seen this whole process come to life and it just feels surreal. Yeah.

to be in therapy i know well you guys ramen like helps me with a lot of my ideas like no no no i i help you with ideas but i feel like more so i help you with mental health yeah yeah i would say like that is like my main job i always say i'm like jake's weighted blanket like yeah you are i just need to like come and sit on top of you until you calm down and then we like watch glee like you know what i mean people don't know how crazy i am do they not

That's what everyone says. Everyone says everyone can tell how crazy you are. No, no, no. And you're not crazy at all. Like, I think crazy is a good thing. Crazy is kind of like see you next Tuesday. It's like cute. But no, no. I think that...

I also always forget how young you are. Right. And like being in this space at such a young age, like I can't even imagine, like literally like when Jake was born, like I already had pubes. Like I, like, like I forget how much of an age difference we have. So I kind of like to be there for you whenever you need it creatively, mental health wise, or whenever we want to get after it, which is also fun as well. Well, speaking of getting after it, the reason Robin and I are close and well,

Well, we met previously to this. We met at a Ciccone's dinner where we got octopus. It was like my first link up. Yes. And then we both ended up being on the same fateful brand trip together. Yes. But before that, I actually followed Jake when he had like 500 followers. Yes.

And he DM'd me and was like, and then made a video that was like me acting when I found out Girlboss Town followed me. And like, we were like, we're internet friends for a second, which is like so fucking cringe to think about. Wait, but the best friendships start out as internet friends. Yeah, no, totally. And then we did the Chaconis and then Cannes. So just to like paint this picture for you guys,

Um, the first time I really met Jake when he presented himself as who he really was, was at the airport. What airport is that?

No, no, no. New York. New York. So the first time I ever met Jake where he presented himself fully as who he was, was at the Newark airport in this, you could call it a lounge. You could also call it a janitor closet. Like, I don't know what it was. And he had lost his luggage before a week long Europe trip. And like, I would have been a, thank you. I would have been like so unmanageable, like so stressed.

And he came up to me speaking 70 miles an hour. And I saw his team just like in the background, like on their computer. And I was like, he just made, he just made the biggest international business conference about himself within the first five minutes. I was like, this man is made for me. And that's when our love started. But that trip just turned into something so much bigger.

Than what we thought it was going to be. It's something we'll never stop talking about. So we begin our descent into France. Yeah. And we don't, I mean, like, we can just get into the details and cut it if necessary, but really weird things happened on the plane. So first and foremost, before we got on the plane, there was an energy reader. And she started crying when I sat down.

like you were over in the corner with Josh Richards as the energy reader is crying, talking to me. And I was like, you know what? I think I'm going to like, go get like my little bag of peanuts and like go sit on the plane and have a time. But yeah, we also were tapped to speak on the plane because you guys don't know. Can lions is an international. Yeah.

Can Lions is a festival where all the biggest brands in the world come together. And it's so cool. It's so amazing. It's so fun. So it's a lot of CMOs, CEOs, a lot of brand activations. And they tapped me and Jake to come and speak on the plane. But we got on the plane and the plane had a lot of brands and CMOs and CEOs on it. And we were picked to speak and give kind of like the creator point of view of like what the social media world is like right now. However, it was 11 o'clock at night. The lights were off.

And we were speaking on the thing on the plane where they like tell you if the plane is going down. What is it called? Like the intercom or whatever. So that's where things started. But I would say to kind of recap, since you guys weren't there with us and a lot of this is inside joke stuff that like you might not ever be able to fully comprehend, but it's, I would say

would say it's kind of like when you go to camp. Yeah. So when you go to camp, you're in a new environment and a new setting and you know nobody. But by day three, you're like acting as if it's your routine and you're so close with everybody. You create a bond. Yeah. So that's kind of how me, Jake, my team and his team felt during this trip. Right. And on a serious note, like not even like to be funny, but I feel like I have a really hard time making a

friendship in adult life because it's really hard for me to like feel safe and to trust people, especially in this industry. And we, when we got together and we went through this experience, I feel like I just became so comfortable with you and your amazing team. And I felt so safe and around you guys. And I just have the best time around you, but it's because I,

We went through it. You know what I mean? I feel like that's where the best friendships start. And Matt protected us. And Matt protected us. Shout out Matt. Shout out Louise. Shout out Bibs. So we start, we land, the plane lands. We got there. No luggage in sight for me. Like, I don't want to be there.

everyone starts talking about where they're staying. This is where it gets good. And Robin and I are like, oh my God, we're staying at the same place. Yeah, in the center of Cannes. And by the way, there are so many people going to Cannes Lions, so the hotels book out a year in advance. So when we were asking everybody where they were staying, they were all like, oh, we're here, here, here, at the center of Cannes. We're like, oh, we're at the T,

Like, is that ringing a bell for anybody? And they're like, no, like, no. And then it breaks off into shuttles of people getting brought to the hotels. So we get in and we look at Matt. We go, we've had such a long day. But it's such a blessing to be there. We're like, okay, like, how long is the drive there? He's like, oh, my God, it's like an hour and a half. We're like, oh, my God, an hour and a half. Wow, like, this airport must be really far from the festival. Like, whatever, blah, blah, blah.

We pull up. Have you guys ever seen Emperor's New Groove? Like Cusco's castle. Like where it's like the top of a hill, there's like a castle. But then all of a sudden,

at the bottom is like the town, like where everything is happening. We were literally, our hotel was an hour away from the town where the festival was happening. And it wasn't just an hour away, but it was in a village. Like it was in, like a dead, like it was literally in a village. Like it wasn't in a normal like city, which is absolutely

- It was absolutely gorgeous, especially in France. Like it was genuinely breathtaking. - Yeah, it was gorgeous. - And to be like fully immersed in like their culture was just so-- - Oh, no, my TikTok, remember? - Yeah. Jake thought he was, call me by your name. - Yeah, no, I really did. - Like literally, he was like smoking cigarettes and like fucking peaches. And I was like, hello?

But so it was beautiful, but like Ubers didn't go there. We were just like so far away from everything. So we kind of had to like make our own fun at this resort. And we pull up. I'm a Love Island UK addict. Okay. And there's a certain type of guy that goes on that show. We pull up and there's a guy who comes to the car to get our bags. And it's kind of like a boutique hotel. Right.

The employees wear many hats. You know what I mean? So he pulls up and before the door opens, I go, I'm going to hook up with that man. Like he is so Love Island UK. Like, oh my God, there's my husband. Like, you know when you're delirious after a plan. I'm like, oh my God, like there's my husband. He's so hot. Like whatever. I had like vacation brain a little bit. Fast forward, it ends up happening. And that's why manifestation is real. And, you know, putting things out there in the universe is important. That was the best night of our lives. It was the best night of our lives. Was that the early night?

Yes. And like the day after that happened, I had to go do a panel on a yacht. And I literally looked like Sam from Jersey Shore when Ronnie breaks her glasses. Like I was so disheveled and I like couldn't get an Uber. Disheveled.

to the yacht to speak. I'm like sitting on this panel like after my night with Paul and like, what is my fucking life? Like, this is like crazy. Like, Canada's not a real place. I encourage you guys all to go. We loved it. It was the best time of our lives. It was the best time of our lives, but I feel like that's when we became super close. And, um...

I feel like also because like we're so close and I'm so close with the people that you work with, like navigating this industry with like Canon or about in those experiences, like, you know, Lady Gaga is like, there's could be a hundred people in a room. I'm like, there could be a hundred people in the room, but I'm looking for Jake and his team. Like whenever I'm at an event, like, you know what I mean? There could be a hundred people in the room, but like, is Matt there? But no, there could be a hundred people in the room, but like where, como se dice, where the fuck is Matt? Yeah.

Like, dead ass. But yeah, no, I love Jake so much. I love his team. And I can't wait. We're doing, we're going to do it again this year. Oh, we, no, we are. Oh, the last part. So Spotify Beach. Okay. You remember. What? The TikTok we made in the Uber. Well, it actually took so long for us to get into the center of the city that we were able to make a short film and produce it and raise fundraising for it. Yeah.

So that happened on the way down there. And in that Uber ride is actually when I thought of an idea that I want to pitch for us. I pitched this to you before. You guys, there needs to be a TV show, kind of like The Simple Life. But they send me and Jake to the most random cities in the USA, and they give us three days to try to make the city go viral on social media. That is so smart. And then each episode, Jake has one of his celebrity friends

as a guest to come to promote the most random cities in the world. And I'm the one doing the ideas and telling us what to do. - And I'm complaining. - Exactly, exactly. Which is essentially what this was.

So essentially Spotify brings their top performing artists to have an intimate concert for everybody attending. On the beach. On the beach attending the festival. And we're like, oh, this is cool. Like, you know, you go to events where there's performers. We're like, this is going to be amazing. Whatever. We pull up. The event was so cool because these performers and all these celebrities and CEOs and CMOs, like they have their guards down because it's just like such an intimate setting. And it was the funnest night of our life. And then we went to bed that night. I didn't go to bed with anyone.

It was the second one. We went to bed and then we woke up in the morning and it was like, being in Cannes is like having a field trip every day. Like, you know when you wake up and you're so, like, I get to do the whole thing over again. Yeah. Like. Spotify Beaches for two nights and like the second night, A$AP Rocky was performing. And Rihanna was there. And Rihanna was there and Florence and the Machine performed. And like, we woke up and Robin was like, how blessed are we that we get to do this again tonight? If you had to pick two people to do Spotify Beach in Cannes this year that weren't Taylor Swift, I would say.

Who would you say? Okay, that's such a good question. Thank you. This is my podcast, actually. It is. Yeah. So I would pick, okay, I would pick, okay, can you go first? I would pick Drake and Blink-182. Okay, I would pick. Because if Blink-182 is there, then Kourtney is there. And then maybe Alabama's there. And then maybe Landon's there. And then maybe Mason's there. And then maybe Food Goddess there. Landon and Charlie broke up? And did you hear that I asked him earlier?

on the carpet about Charlie's drink order and like I didn't know that they were broken up. But it's okay. Like they'll both bounce back. They'll bounce back. I like watched him be born on Meet the Barkers. And then if Drake is there, then you know what else will be there. His private parts. Yeah. Which like I am really looking forward to. Me too. I would pick, who do I listen to? Like Tyla? Yeah. She was there last year by the way. Okay. So I take it back. I would pick,

Who do I listen to? Like a lot. Like I would pick. I would. Say I would pick one more time. Actually this new indie band I would pick. They are so incredible. I'm obsessed with them. Rock on. I would pick. I would pick Lana Del Rey. Yeah. Because I think hearing Lana Del Rey in France would be like ethereal. That would be everything. And I would pick. She would be like sweating cigarettes on stage.

- She's like, "Limited." - I would pick Lana and I would pick... - Justin Bieber. - Yeah, Justin Bieber. - Yeah, Justin Bieber. - Or like, I wanna think of a rapper. - Okay. - Like you did Drake's... - Little Wayne? - Or like... - I'm wearing my socks or something. - Like Spotify has a lot of money, right? So like the sky's the limit. - Yeah!

I'm like, sign me. Yeah, no, they can get anybody. Like, literally. I think Tate McCray would kill it. I feel like she's going to do it. She would put on a killer performance in camp. Oh, my God. That'd be cunt. Yeah, and everybody would like, yeah, that's everything. That needs to happen. Well, you guys, I've actually been very excited to have Robin on because no one is better at pop culture references than her. It's actually mental illness. She pees them out in the morning and brushes her teeth with them when she goes to bed. Yeah.

Yeah. I've actually, I've never met someone who contains so much popcorn. You can say I don't have a life. What? You can say I don't have a life. No, you do. You just, you regurgitate popcorn. Yeah. I feel like growing up, I always say that growing up, the TV was my babysitter. Right. And I just have a sickening memory in general, probably because I've been cheated on by so many men. Yeah. Like, I just, like, retain the information.

the information. And it just comes second nature to me. Also, when we grew up, not you, because you're younger, but there was these things called, like, I love the 90s, I love the 2000s. I watched those. Yeah. E! knew True Hollywood Story. So, like, it was, like, educating us on pop culture from a young age. I loved. Bring back True Hollywood Story. They, like, tried to, and it, like, didn't do well, but I think they should bring back the I love the 2000s, but do it, like, start in the year 20...

Is that how you say that year? The 20 times. The 20 times. And have like influencers and celebrities like discuss like historical moments that happened like year by year. I think the good part about true Hollywood stories was that they were kind of like exposés. Yeah. They weren't like

It didn't pay everybody in like the best light. Yeah. They weren't backed by the celebrity all the time, which I think was fascinating. But now I feel like everyone would sue everyone. Yeah. And it's like too difficult, but that's why they were good. They were incredible. And now everyone wants a Netflix stock and they want like, they want. Growing up, I would always be like, I'm keeping this photo, like for my true Hollywood story. Which ones did you watch? All of them. But I would say the ones that stick out in my mind are, they did a one, obviously Britney Spears had a really good one. I don't think I've ever seen the Britney one. Yeah.

Yeah, and they're still painting her parents in like a positive light, so it's kind of like eerie to look back now and look at it. They did one on Hugh Hefner because I loved the show The Girls Next Door. Uh-huh.

Yeah, those are the two that like stand out. But I remember they would do ones on like the Brady Bunch or like those people from like the 90s. They're impossible to find online. There was a Full House one that I liked. You can't find any of them online. I know. I've tried. Yeah. But I think bring back, I love the 2000s. But I said all this to say that she's going to be really good with the prescriptions today. How cute is an envelope? I know. We don't use envelopes. Oh, guess how old Nolan is. 22. 22.

He's 20. I am psychic. He's 20. Oh, really? Are you in school? No. Cute. Me and Luis were like sister shook when we found out he was 20. I would say your birthday's in February. No. When is it? October. He's a Libra. I'm a Libra. Oh, you're balanced. Okay, cool. I don't know about that. And then one last question. What was your after school snack growing up? Like what would you make every day when you got home from school? Which is like today because you're like...

What did you have last night? I haven't been in school in like four years. Okay, subtle flex. You know what it was? Egg salad sandwich. I'm sorry. No, that is actually fucking disgusting. Oh, I hate egg salad. I hate potato salad. I hate chicken salad. What? That's not salad. No, have you seen that meme that's like, this is what people who eat coleslaw look like? No. That you are egg salad McGee.

You were at salad, Mickey. I'm taking that as a neutral. No, I used to do, like, I'd be like, people would start eating egg salad if Erewhon made it cute again. They tried to. Oh, an egg salad smoothie? That's how bad egg salad is. Yeah, even Erewhon. Do you guys like it? That is so Rebecca. You would. That is so Rebecca. I don't even like mayonnaise.

I could go, I like it. When me and my high school boyfriend were arguing, I hate mayonnaise so much. He would come over and he would eat a Wendy's chicken sandwich with mayo on it before and come over and act like he wanted to apologize. So I would make out with him and then he'd be like, I just ate mayonnaise because I could taste it in his make out. He's a Virgo. Yeah, that's crazy. It was disgusting.

Where did we... How did we get to Ed Salad? Oh, what I... I'll tell you because all I could think about when you were talking about your after school snack was obviously mine. So mine was Top Ramen. Yeah. And then I got too fat and my dad was like, you need to stop. Because I would have one a day. Because I would have one a day and he would like walk downstairs and look so disappointed as I was eating it. And there was a point where I gained so much weight that I was like, okay, we got to stop. So then I stopped having after school snacks overall. So...

- If you guys are struggling out there, please call this number. No, that's not, I never really knew what was like that parents at a house. So I was running that shit like a fucking diner. Like I literally was like, it was a club. Like it was like, literally it was Delilah. Like I was having friends over making food, fucking. - What was your after? - It was like crazy. - What was your after school snack?

Oh, I was a huge ramen person, but this is how sick in the fucking head I am and how I had literally no parental supervision. I would make ramen and I would bring it to the bus stop. Yes, I took the bus to school. Yeah. I was a bus kid. I took the bus too. But being a bus kid gives you the thickest, that's how it can be on social media. Yeah. It's because I took the bus growing up. Like the things people say to me on social media when they're like, you're fat, you're ugly, you're untalented. I was like, bitch, I took the bus.

- I took the bus. This is not my first rodeo, okay? Like seriously. But I would bring it in a mug and I would eat it for breakfast, like ramen, chicken ramen. And then after school I would do a tortilla with cheese and put it in the microwave and kind of make a quesadilla or Oreos. I loved dipping Oreos in milk, real milk. - I hate Oreos. - Do you? - Yeah, do you guys like them? Yeah, they're not my fave. - What's your favorite cookie?

How slutty is the word cookie? It's... Holy shit. I just felt sexual. Say cookie. Like cookie. My favorite cookie. Cookie. Not to sound like bougie and annoying, is probably a Levain cookie. I don't think that's bougie. Like those are, that's my favorite cookie. Yeah, that's really good. Or like a sugar cookie. Just a regular sugar cookie. That. With nothing on it. That is sick. Yeah. Yeah. Love a sugar cookie. Okay, so let's get into the tell me what's wrongs. Yeah. What are you guys chuckle monstering about?

Wait, what is it? This is turning dirty. This is turning dirty. I don't think your feet look bad. Thanks, Robin. Tell me what's wrong. Your feet. I just found out that my boyfriend fucked my best friend and got her pregnant. I'm supposed to go on vacation with him and his family next week to the Bahamas. His family paid for the trip. What the fuck? So if that's the case, this is what you do. Ready? Yes. So...

I always thought when approaching a cheater, you can't go into it angry or like being like, why did you do this? Because then they're going to be like, well, why did you find out? Why did you snoop? Why did they turn it on you? So you need to go into it in a way where they subconsciously confess and feel bad about their actions, which is really rare thing for men to do. Subconsciously confess.

So here's what I, like, this is what she has to do. I think she has to, before they go on vacation together. What do you think she should go on vacation? Yeah, because this is all part of the plan. Okay. So she goes on vacation. Before the vacation, she lets him know that

She wants to verbally tell him how much that he means to her and that going on vacation with him is just a step in the right direction of their future and how she feels so incredibly grateful that his family is now becoming her family and that anything that happens in the future, she'll always know that she can go back to his family because they love and support her no matter what happens between them. To plant the seed in his head that, by the way, when this all goes down, his family is going to be on my side as well.

Cause I'm going to twist it. She goes on the vacation. Okay. Okay. She is so fucking kind to his family. She mocks,

Mostly hangs out with the family. So they see, wow, this girl is great. Like she's incredible. Like she is the best. The last night of the vacation, she lets the tea spill. She says, I know what happened. I know that you fucked my best friend. I know that you're expecting. I know that you're going to do a gender reveal on TikTok and it's going to be cheesy. And I just want you to know, I'm so happy for you. Like, I think that is great. Like whatever you want to do, you should do because that's all part of the plan. She then goes, sneaks off and hooks up with the hotel employee. Okay.

She gets pregnant. The family then brings her back to the resort to have the baby shower with the hotel employee. That's what I think should happen.

That was amazing. Thank you. Yeah. Cause she needs to get the family realistically though. She needs to get the family on her side before she drops the tea. Well, do you? Yeah. Because if she, I think she should go even if she knows, because if she has his family on her side and it's like, why did you do that to her? Like we, and it has his family feeling bad for her. Right. Then like he's, whether he feels bad about it or not, his family is going to make him feel bad about it. And it's going to be a constant reminder. Yeah.

completely agree with everything you said. I'm trying to think of like something to prescribe. Oh, I mean, I guess because this has to do with vacation and pregnancy not to do any spoiler alerts but do any of you watch Yellow Jackets? Yeah.

Do you? Yeah. I'm going to prescribe yellow jackets. Yes. Because. The plane goes down. No, because. The plane goes down. The plane goes down. So technically they're on vacation and the girl's boyfriend. Okay, being stranded from a plane crash is not vacation. Okay. Positive. Glass half full. There's a main girl. Yeah. I think her name's like Shannon or something. I forgot. There's the main girl. And then there's the main girl's best friend.

The main girl, before the plane crash, fucks the main girl's best friend's boyfriend and gets pregnant. And then they land. Or they crash, sorry. The plane crashes and they get stuck there. And so this girl is stuck with her best friend's baby, pregnant, stranded with her best friend. Yeah. Which happens all the time. So you're not alone if this is happening to you. I'm shocked you didn't prescribe Glee because it's literally the plot of Glee.

When she gets pregnant. Oh my God. Yeah. So I also think you could like, like walk into his house singing acoustic version of don't stop believing or, or Blackbird or what did I say to Quinn? Um, Beth. Yes. Yeah.

But honestly, that's horrible that that happened. But I feel like at the end of the day when people show their personalities and show their true colors, that's doing you a favor rather than hurting you. So I think it would be good. Yeah, damn. Well, go on vacation still. Yeah. Go on the vacation. Hook up with the hotel employee. And get pregnant with his kids. Yes. I'm talking to this guy who's Christian, and I really like him. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber.

I'm not religious at all. 19. A virgin. And I've never been kissed. He just told me that he's waiting for marriage and I was not planning on doing that at all. This could be my first relationship, but this really caught me off guard. Please help IDK what to do. Oh, I'd stop hanging out with them. Wait, but does she... Wait, what is it? She is talking to this guy who's... She's talking to a guy. They're both virgins. They're both virgins. And she wants to have sex. And he's like, wait, I'm waiting for marriage. So I'm like, oh, go elsewhere. Yeah. Yeah.

- I would prescribe, I'm trying to think. Yeah, because I feel like if that's somebody else's morals or values, you don't wanna like fudge. But if she really liked him. - But waiting until marriage is, I don't know. - Yeah. - Like, I don't know about all that for her. - Yeah, I waited till like eighth grade, which was like a big step. - Right. - And I don't prescribe that for anybody. - I was 21.

And the Justice, Justin B. Problem came out that night and I laid in bed and listened to Ghost. Do you guys want to know mine? It was actually like I was 14, like freshman year. And ringtones were a thing. This is how old I am. Okay. Yeah.

Blockbuster was still a thing, which is how old I am. I went to Blockbuster the day I lost my virginity. Like, tell me I need eye cream. Like, it's so bad. And we got Saw 6. Saw 6, like the murder film or whatever. I looked like I was jacking off. Put it on and...

And then I like hate scary movies. So I was like, honestly, like, let's just like hook up or whatever. And like, we'd been dating for six months. So this was like intimate. This was a special. Okay. Um, and we started hooking up. His cell phone kept going off and his ringtone was jerking. You're a jerk. I know you're a jerk. I know. And that is so meta for like what happened in the future. Like, you know what I mean? And then his mom is knocking on his door.

And was like, blank. Like, I got your skates sharpened because he was, like, a hockey player. Uh-huh. And as he was inside of me and this was all happening, I was like, I think I did something bad. But why does it feel so good? Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like, the Taylor song. So you had a great time. I had a great time. But it's so funny to, like, think back. Like, going into having sex, like...

How do you know what to do? You don't. Yeah. Ew, you don't. No, how awkward is that? And I remember, you guys, this is so embarrassing. I was kind of like a late bloomer, even though I lost my V-card so young. Like, it happened very quickly. Like, I kissed and, like, fucked the same day. But I remember being nervous thinking about, like, making out. Because I was like, what if I, like, do it wrong? And I was like, you know how people, like, pretend to kiss on their hands? Like, in movies and stuff like that? Yeah, I do that all the time. I wasn't that much of a loser. Oh, well.

But I remember this is so, this is actually, I cannot believe I'm saying all this. This is fucking foul. I remember watching the notebook and like, you know how there's like a sex scene in the notebook. - I've never seen the notebook, but yes. - Prescribe. - Okay.

Like, and then like take, yeah, you have a lot to do. Um, and like watching them hook up and being like, okay, like I think that's how you do it. Like, I remember thinking that for the notebook, like I wasn't watching porn. I was watching the notebook, like taking notes. I was watching like true blood and I was like, okay, so that's what you're supposed to do. Yeah. And it wasn't. Yeah. And they were like fucking with chains, which is kind of what you do in this town. Hey, I'm kidding. Um, yeah, no, I would honestly say I would prescribe a dating app. Yeah. Okay. Because you should not definitely, and it shouldn't be Christian Mingle. But I,

think it's a really good thing that you are. That's funny. I also think it's a good thing that like you're being upfront about it now and figuring this out now before like real feelings get involved. Yeah, I think like maybe you can continue to talk to him, but I definitely think you shouldn't be exclusive if he's not willing to fuck until marriage. Yeah. My boyfriend is a football player and he is getting really close and personal with other guys.

For example, him and another boy were touching each other's dicks in the locker room. No, I think that's literally called playing football. Like that is literally, that is the game. And he's always made jokes about being gay. Am I overreacting about him touching other guys' penises? Please help and let me know. How does she know this though? I guess word has gotten around town that they're like touching dicks in the locker room. Okay.

Well, that reminds me of in John Tucker must die when she's in the locker and they're like, I'm going to cork and I'm porker this weekend. So like picture the girl in the locker room seeing him like shake hands of the dick with the other guys. I think, well, when it comes to things that happen in like the locker room with men and stuff like that, I don't really have experience.

But I would prescribe, oh, remember those BuzzFeed quizzes that are like, are you gay? Yes. She should send him anonymously the BuzzFeed are you gay quiz. Or like, let's take this for fun together. Yeah. Yeah. Like, what is this? Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. And then also put on like Brokeback Mountain in the background and be like, and just see what's happening. No, but honestly, like if he,

He's exploring his sexuality. I think that's something that he should... Is, like, personal to him. So it's kind of hard to come at somebody being, like, all of this. But at the same time, like, you're dating and he's doing that and that's making you uncomfortable. You need to... Let him know. Let him know. So we prescribed...

The BuzzFeed Are You Gay quiz. And Brokeback Mountain. And then having an honest conversation. Yes. But she also needs to come up with how she knows this information. How does she know this information? That's what I'm saying. Can you write back in? Write back in with code TouchedEachOther'sDicks and let us know. My boyfriend is currently pledging a fra. So far, I haven't seen him in four days. Very few texts with updates that we may or may not hang out. What do I do? Like, that's just going to be your life until he's done with pledging.

Until he's done, until he's in the ground. Maybe like until he's dead. Like when he's like 87. Like if you're dating somebody who's in a frat, like I would not expect a reply. Like it'll be like the woman on the Titanic being like, it's been 87 years. Like it's going to be you by your phone. I honestly, but like pledging and all of that stuff. They take it so seriously. They take it so seriously. So I would prescribe watching the crazy,

critically unacclaimed, but should have been claimed, show Greek. I've never seen Greek. Oh, Jake. No, Jake, you need to watch Greek. It was on ABC Family, right? It's very glee in a sense. Right. It's so, so incredibly good. You need to watch it. And I feel like as she is trying to get through this period where there's not a lot of communication for something for her to do to pass the time would be to watch the show Greek because there are

guys and frats on that show who treat their girlfriends like good. So that could be giving her hope of the future. And it's also something that can take up all of her time because it is so fucking good. And it's so underrated. I don't know if people are talking about it. The theme song was by the Plain White Tees. Like that's when you know. That is when you know. That is when you fucking know. Theme songs used to be so good. Everything. I don't wanna wait. Wasn't that Dawson's Creek? Yes. Good job. Thank you. And then the OC, California. Have you seen the OC? Don't even.

You live like in a pool house without a pool. Like you need to watch the OC. I remember though the Hills was unwritten. Of course. Laguna Beach was, let's go back, back to the beginning. And then Unfabulous, that Nickelodeon show. Day after day, it's Unfabulous. Yeah, so good. Also, I just remember being in college and having all, when all the guys rushed. And I actually just talked about how I tried to rush a frat.

Okay. I got really far. I got to the end for like the best house. It was essentially can. Yeah, it was can. Yeah. And I just remember all the guys taking it so seriously at the end and they thought they were like so cool for pledging and like they just like it's there. Like think of it as like your boyfriend's at summer camp. But like not. But like a little more problematic. Yeah. My boyfriend of three months hasn't eaten me out. Oh my God. Wow. Congratulations. You guys have lasted so long. I'm so happy for you. That's incredible. Bye bye.

My boyfriend of three months hasn't eaten me out yet, but asked if I'd eat his ass. Okay. I don't want to eat man ass, but want mine eaten. All right. What should I do? Damn. Let him eat that ass like a cock. Okay. Here's the thing. Beggars can't be choosers. Right. So if you want your ass eaten and you're not willing to risk eating ass, you need to approach it in a way where you're saying that I only want to receive, but you can't.

But I totally respect if you don't want to eat ass. I don't really eat ass. I mean, there has been a time. No, I'm kidding. But see, I would prescribe...

Oh, I was going to say something about it. I can't even say that. No, I'll say it after this controversial. I would prescribe. Oh, this is kind of boring though. Would you, are you going to prescribe post to be my Omarion? Oh, either booty like groceries. Yeah, no, I was, I was going to have them be like, let's make a tick tock together and like do that song. Like leave the booty like groceries and be like,

You know what I mean? But I would... She could also say... This is something, like, I would do. I would be like, I'm getting dental work done, and I really can't have bacteria in my mouth because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out, and they need to check to see if there's bacteria in my mouth. So, like, I can't eat your ass. But, like, maybe in the meantime...

You could eat mine. Yeah. Okay, that's a great prescription. So I would prescribe dental work and doing a TikTok dance to Omar and it's supposed to be. And then like just seeing where the night goes from there. And also, yeah, I think that's a good- But have you ever asked for something in the bedroom that you weren't receiving? No. I hate receiving stuff. Or I like receiving dick. I was going to say, you hate receiving stuff. I was like, you literally like to receive any attention. But I don't like like getting head. Okay.

Whoa. Yeah, I don't. Holy shit. Like, I think maybe because like some of like I grew up around people growing up who were like I grew up around a lot of girls who were like, I don't like that down there. Like, I don't like when guys like sometimes girls I know just don't. Oh, don't like to get eaten out. And I think like I subconsciously like internalize that and like apply that to myself. Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of it either. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But I like to give. I love to give. Yeah, I'm a giver.

Paul. I'm kidding. Go on. One of my best friends is cheating on her boyfriend with multiple men all the time, and he has no idea. My first instinct has been to keep it to myself because that's my friend. But her boyfriend is a really sweet guy. She literally fucks other men in his bed, and he talks about marrying her one day. Pussies, what do I do? Okay, so this, I've been around a situation like this before, and I wasn't the friend that wanted to tell, but I was friends with somebody who...

Like was cheating. And one of their very close friends told the boyfriend. Right. In my head, I think like, think of how far a guy would go to cover his guy's friends back. Like they would literally lie to their mother's face to be like, Oh no, like he was here last night, like whatever. So I feel like,

Wanting to put the guy first in your friendship is just like not cute. Like I don't agree with that. And I feel like maybe you're internalizing something because a lot of times hate and jealousy comes from like internalized something that like you don't

Maybe you don't really like this girl that much. Right. Or maybe, like, you really want a boyfriend and she has one and she's fucking it up. So I would ask yourself why you want to get involved because these situations also get extremely fucking messy. Right. Like, very fast. I just, like, was always taught, like, not to ever, my parents were always like, you should never get involved with someone else's relationship. Yeah.

Unless it's like your best friend. Even then, they're like, you need to like stay the fuck out of it. It's only going to bite you in the ass. So I would prescribe something that's really, really, really close to my heart. Okay. And that is season two of The Jersey Shore. Okay.

Because. Yes. Oh my God. So good Robin. This is that. This is that. Like that whole season. So if you're thinking about saying something. Just watch that. And then watch season three. And I think it'll show. You know how things go down. It fucks up their friendship for. Basically what she's talking about is. Because at the end of the day. A lot of girls.

still might want to, or like the guy might still want to stay with her. And they get through that little hump in their relationship, literally and figuratively. And then you're the person. That fucked it all up. That fucked it up, even though she was the one fucking around the corner. So it's like, you're getting painted in the bad light. You know what I mean? Like when Ronnie's like, you're just a loser from Poughkeepsie and you know it to Snooki. And she's like, you were cheating. Like, how am I the bitch? Dear Sammy. Yeah. No. Yeah. Dear Sam. Last night at bed. Ronnie.

Ron had his head in between two cocktail waitress breasts. Yeah. You guys need to see. Okay, so basically what she's talking about is, for those who don't know, which is, if you don't know, it's crazy. It's crazy.

Actually watch it though Yeah Jersey Shore is some of the best I would argue Reality television Of all time Period You could study it Psychologically Like it's incredible I think I might rewatch it Starting tonight I'm watching Narcos right now Have you ever seen Narcos No Okay well I'm currently Like addicted to drug dealers No pun intended Because I just Watched Griselda Yeah Cause I watched Griselda And then everyone was like Oh my god if you love Griselda You would love Narcos You should watch Sons of Anarchy then

It's so hot. Really? Oh, are you kidding me? I literally, like, jack off to it. What's it about? So it's about, like, a motorcycle gang. Gang, right? Gang, but, like, a lot of it has to do with, like, like,

drug dealing, like crime and stuff like that. Every few years I go through a phase where I'm like really addicted to like the mob or like the mafia or like whatever. Like I remember I would watch God, well I've actually never seen The Godfather, sorry. That is such a movie that people always pretend that they've seen before. Yeah, and I'm not gonna say here. What is another one of that? Like what's another movie when people are saying you pretend you've seen it? No, no, honestly, okay. Avatar. Avatar.

- Lord of the Rings. - Star Wars. - What is Game of Thrones? - Game of Thrones is the biggest TV show that everyone pretends they've seen. But I would say that- - And by everybody, I mean me. I haven't seen these and I pretend. - But The Godfather is such a good example. Everyone's like, oh, The Sopranos. - Yeah, so good. - Everyone's, well- - I'm Italian. - I wouldn't know. - Oh, yeah. - I've seen two episodes and I was like,

Yeah. I can't even picture you sitting down and watching like the microwave. Yeah. Like I can't see you sitting down and like consuming media, which is crazy. It's crazy because all I do is watch TV. Me too. Fucking same. But like, yeah, Jersey Shore is some of the best reality television. Watch it. And literally watch season two. It's exactly what you're going through right now. Should they watch season one?

No, because season two is when it starts. So season two into season three. If you want to watch season one, this is a little behind the scenes. I'm actually a producer. So they shot season one in like 18 days at the end of the summer. 18 days? I mean, we got close in three days. Yeah. So they...

it was at the end of the summer. So a lot of the bars and stuff were dead and like, it wasn't actually real nightlife. Like they had to like, kind of like produce that because they could only afford to shoot at the end of the summer. So it's not the best, but like after the success of season one, they were able to like fully get budget fully. So I would say started season two. Where were you when? The know. Yeah. The know or when, like what are your favorite Jersey Shore moments?

Como se dice where the fuck is my boyfriend? So that is when Gianni. You quote that all the time. Yeah, Gianni comes to visit Snooki in Italy and she lifts up her dress. Like she's like, this literally doesn't count. She's like, and then she lifts up her dress and shows her underwear to the club and he leaves. And when I say he leaves, like he walked out of the country. Like he literally got up and walked and like didn't stop walking and left the country. And she is running in her pumps saying, Como se dice where the fuck is my boyfriend?

boyfriend like I was like that is so me like that would be me and he's like I just need space like let me calm down and she like doesn't give in and it's the best now they're married with kids they are

Yeah. Those two? Yes. Oh, that makes me happy. I used to watch Snooki's show with JWoww, Snooki and JWoww. Yeah, when they lived in that place in New Jersey City. New Jersey City. Yeah. We need to do that. Yeah. We're going to New Jersey City. And they went to Ninja, the restaurant where they scare you. Yes. My favorite moment on Jersey Shore was when Angelina comes back from Miami and they're all screaming in the car and then it cuts to the boys like dead silent. Yeah. Yeah.

She's like, oh, you guys talking about guys? Guys, which is the reason why you all fucking hate me. Okay. Why did they hate Angelina so much? Do you know? So, are we getting, like, okay. So, essentially, she left the show because she was secretly engaged the first season. And they were cool with her after the show ended. And then, like, they would see her out. Everything was cool. Then, before she came back into Miami...

she started talking shit about all the people. And that's when JWoww was like, you can stay and get your ass beat. You can stay and get your ass beat. You can stay and get your motherfucking ass beat. And she's like, who do you know? Who do you know? Who told you I was talking shit about you? She's like, uh, Joey Yang. Some Mike. And she's like, I'm telling the people. So she came in two-faced because she was like talking shit about them. She was secretly engaged. However, I just saw on a podcast. This is some tea.

But it's not as good as this podcast that Mike, the situation actually dated Angelina before season one. Never told producers, never let it come out because they thought they would only get cast on the show because it was kind of like a real world thing. Like they were all supposed to come in as strangers. Right. But before Jersey Shore season one, Mike and Angelina dated and it's never come out into the same till his memoir.

He talked about it in his memoir? Well, that explains why she's so weird with him. And why they hate each other so much. And she's like, Mike, Mike, Mike. Your dirty little hamster. Yeah. Or what did she say to him again? She was like, you, oh, or no, didn't, oh, no, that was Snooki's friend. What's her friend's name? Dina. Dina. When she's like, I can pay for, I can get skinny for free, but you need $1,000 to fix your ugly fucking face. Oh, like so iconic. It's so good. Yeah, but we prescribed season two of Jersey Shore. Yeah, seriously. Wow.

I was swiping on Tinder and my dad popped up. He is a priest, LOL. Oh my God. Wait, okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So what is your age limit? Because I feel like there might be some issues there. Okay, here's what you do. I would prescribe, what is it? Therapy? Yeah, I would prescribe therapy. Right. Stepdad, maybe. Maybe Gilmore Girls therapy.

No. Okay. No, I would prescribe... Okay, I would prescribe Olivia Rodrigo's hit song, Driver's License. This has nothing to do with this. All Robin and I talk about is how good Driver's License is. But like...

If you listen to that song, it makes you happy. Yeah. And it makes you feel emotional. It's an emotional release. It's like, well, Buterin, like it is so good. So I would say maybe listen to Olivia Rodrigo's driver's license. I'm going to listen to that right after this. It's so good. It makes me levitate. And then I would also prescribe therapy because I feel like speaking to a therapist about how to approach this would be a lot better than something that I would say to do. Right.

Speaking of driver's license, this is something I can like only ask you. In terms of like overnight success hit debut songs. Yeah. Like,

Who has done it in recent years like driver's license? That's like a once in a decade type situation. Yeah, I would say, but that has longevity after. Because there has been moments, like songs that have killed it. It's the number one. It's the number one. It's the number one. Because of TikTok, it just exploded. But I would say the only one that did it like her with like overnight, it wasn't overnight for either of them, but hit me or hit me baby one more time. Right? Yeah.

Yeah. Or did she promote that before it, like, went? So, she... This is, like, a history lesson. So, she went on tour with NSYNC before and did mall tours. But back in the day, that's when you'd have to, like, sell your, like, singles to radio stations. Okay. And, like, she did a really big radio tour, a really big mall tour, was on tour with NSYNC. And when it dropped on MTV, like, it broke...

All records. Like it was kind of like an Olivia thing, which was kind of harder to do back in the day because there wasn't like social media. Yeah. But at first she wanted her voice to be like more soulful and stuff like that. And then she started working with Max Martin and that's when the beauty of that album happened and it changed the world. It changed the world. It changed the fucking world. I love Britney Spears. Me too. Yesterday they asked me on Cancel, they were like, who is a man that would push a woman out of the way for the Titanic? And I said, Justin Timberlake.

Timber leg? It's like shiver me timbers. Well, everybody forgets that Justin Timberlake put his hand on that woman's thigh in New Orleans like two years ago. I was talking about that yesterday. Is anybody going to talk about that? That was crazy. My favorite thing is like, is anybody going to talk about that? Like there's a lot of things that have happened in pop culture. When Tyler Cameron went to Gigi Hadid's grandma's funeral in Norway. Yeah. And Dua Lipa was there as well.

Like we don't talk about that. What are some other things we don't talk about? Oh, I have one. This is controversial. This is so controversial, but so good. Tyra Banks gets shitted on.

But like she was a working woman. Yes. She was shooting the Tyra Banks talk show while she was hosting A&TM. Like she had an empire and then she's tried to open up a Smize model activation, you know, like Museum of Ice Cream. Yes. Like one of those like photo pop-ups and it launched so fast.

the day COVID happened. And she put like a year worth of work into it, posting it all on social media, probably put so much money into it. And like nobody could go to the Smize activation because of COVID. And now she has a Smize ice cream called Smize cream. And she just did a pop-up in Dubai. And it makes me sad because I feel like she really cultivated such pop culture, like legendary. That is one of my favorite shows of all.

The talk show, though. Even her talk show, Tyra Banks' talk show, she put on, like, but it was so, it so could never happen, like, nowadays. Like, the things that she'd do, the experience that she would do. Like, one time she had people on, and she asked them their biggest fears and made them do, like, exposure therapy on stage in front of everybody. They'd be like, I'm afraid of spiders. And the spider shoe. Yes. Yes. That was, but I still love you, girl. No, I love her. One time, actually, fun fact, for,

For my birthday? No, not even for my birthday. I think I just wrote her a letter once telling her how much I loved her. And she replied. I mailed it. And she replied with a signed photo of herself. Shut the fuck up. That I kept in my backpack because I was so OCD until it crumpled and disappeared. Oh, my God. We need to bring back signed headshots. Yeah. Let's do that. I miss. You should have a lemonade stand, but you just sign out, hand out signed headshots. Headshots.

Wait, we should do a lemonade stand. I should do a lemonade stand. Yeah. Sponsored by GBT. Yeah. Yeah. You heard it here first.

I'm Annalise and I'm going, hey, Annalise, and I'm going crazy. Just got rejected for the first time. I am not vulnerable like that. Like, I don't tell my crushes I like them ever. I'm even scared to tell my friends my crushes because I don't want anyone finding out or because you're scared of getting rejected, which just happened. I'm going to prescribe the hit song by Fifth Harmony, Miss Moving On. Yes. Because it's an anthem. Yeah.

it lets you know that things are going to be okay at the end of the tunnel. Right. But at the end of the day, I think you should look at it as a win. I would never fucking put myself out there. Like, I'm not even going to tell my husband that I like him. Like, there is no, like, that is, takes so much and rejection is foul.

I hate rejection. Oh, I know you do. Yeah. Same with me. Like, it triggers my fight or flight in a way that, like, I can't even explain. So I think you should be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there. Realize that it's his loss. And then listen to Miss Moving On by Fifth Harmony. I love that. I...

Take your miss moving on And I raise you Okay let's do this A dancing on my own By Robin Okay Because she's faced With such rejection But she just Just dances on her own In the corner Yeah And Biv's not in

I love that song. It's by me. It's by Robin. I actually sang that hit song. No, but I feel like even though it sounds corny, I think listening to music and getting in a vibe and going out with your friends, it makes everything feel better. Yeah. So drink. I'm kidding. No. But yeah, good vibes. You should be proud of yourself. That takes a lot. I would literally never do that. I would never do that. The one time I told a guy, I was like, do you want to go for a drink? He said, as friends? Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

I dated a guy for like a long time and I never followed him on Instagram. What? No. I was like, I can't even show that validation. We dated for like 10 years. What? Yeah.

What? Yeah, I just can't. Like, I can't show it. I get that. Yeah. So what did we, oh, we prescribed Miss Moving On and Dancing On My Own. Yeah. So I am a single mom and the nights my son is with his dad are always during the beginning of the week due to his shit schedule. How the hell do I get myself out there? Love, Sam. P.S. I'd love it if you had a mom guest in the future for mom-related problems. Cute. That's a great idea, Sam.

I don't have a mom. My mom is dead, so she definitely can't be the guest. But I was raised by a single mom. I love this question because it kind of was crazy when I was little. And I would hack onto and I would send people my address and have them send pizza to me.

From Domino's With my friends Like thinking that was funny To have them order us food But I was giving everybody Like my address Like these like Creepy people online My address And it would work Like it would work sometimes And like I would hack into her And like message I was essentially catfished

I was catfish before I was catfish. But she was saying, how does she put herself out there if she has her son half the time? She says she has him on... Weekends or... Yeah, she has him on weekends because her son's with the dad. So I have really good news. Men would hook up with anybody any day of the week. I actually think they might want to hook up with you more on a Tuesday and then with their side hoes on Saturday. So I feel like...

But in all reality, like, I don't think it matters the day of the week. Like, we're not wearing day of the week underwear anymore. I don't even think days of the week are a thing. Day of the week underwear? Do you know what day of the week underwear is? Do you guys? What's day of the week underwear? You're lying. What's day of the week underwear? So, like, there used to be underwear that said, like, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I know the days of the week. Like, each underwear would have the day of the week on it, so you would wear it on Monday, Tuesday.

Wednesday. That's kind of kind. And I've pitched so many times ideas of a brand to, like, redo that. Like, that would be so cute. But, yeah, I don't think the days of the week matter. I would say still put yourself out there. And I feel like especially people don't have plans really during the week at night. So it's a good excuse and people would want to leave the house to, like, put yourself out there. But I think that single moms rule the world. I have such respect for single moms. I feel like the reason I am...

Not calling myself successful, but the reason I have found success and am so independent was because I was raised by a single mom and watched my mom work so hard her whole life for everything she had. So I appreciate everything you do. And I think you should have a mom guest as well. I also agree. It's me. I'm pregnant. I'm like, but I am. You're going to say you love on top. I am. Yeah, love on top. I am going to get pregnant. I'm going to find out I'm pregnant in November. I just had another psychic told me that. What? I know.

Another psychic. Yeah. Another. Wait. I went to a psychic two days ago. She's like, they both told you pregnant in November. I've had a premonition that I'm going to find out I'm pregnant in November.

For the past two years. But then I was like, oh, my mom found out she was pregnant with me when she was 30 in November. So I was like, maybe it's like something coming through in that end. Right. But yeah. What do you prescribe? Like, I'm trying to think of a show or a movie or a song. Gilmore Girls. I was about to say, can I prescribe Gilmore Girls? Yeah, prescribe Gilmore Girls. Yeah, I would prescribe Gilmore Girls. And then I would also prescribe Sex and the City because...

I know some people think that show is problematic, but a lot of the times, for example, like, sometimes I get insecure about my age and being... turning 30 and still being single and seeing everybody around me, like, be married and have kids. Watching that show makes me feel like, oh, my God, like, these women are...

aren't like in their early 20s like they are in my age category and they go through so many different phases of dating. Like there's so many different like time periods and ways for you to date. And I feel like that show weirdly gives me hope sometimes when I'm feeling down about dating. - Yeah, that's how I feel about when I watch "Girls." - Yeah, exactly. So maybe prescribe "Gilmore Girls" and "Sex and the City." - Yes. There's this guy who is really cute and I'm interested to get to know him, but he's 24 and I'm 19. He has a job while I go to class. Too much of an age difference. - I'm not gonna say anything on that,

But when it comes to you being in class and stuff like that, I feel like when it comes to like being in a relationship with somebody who's older, like their life might look so different than what yours says and the things that you guys are focused on and the things you want out of a relationship, the things you want out of life. So I feel like if maybe both of your like visions or what you want align, I think it's fine. But I feel like things can get messy. So I would prescribe to listen to the song Dear John by Taylor Swift and then prescribe what it could have should have.

Oh, so maybe you don't recommend that she does this. I would say just listen to it because that is how it could end up. Right. We all need to go through that canon event. By the way, when people say canon event on social media, what does that mean? Yeah, what does that mean? Yes. It's a reference. You raised your hand, you're in class with your egg salad. Ha, ha, ha.

It's a reference to that Spider-Man movie. It's a big plot point. But what does that have to do with the canon? Canon is when an event is true in a narrative. Never knew that. Is that why canon photography? Photography? No. That's how old the word photography is. I just literally couldn't say it. Oh, wow. Okay, cute. Canon. Love it. Nick Cannon. Shout out.

Shout out. Maybe he's my daddy in November. Maybe. Yeah. That would be good for press. Okay, we have two more Tell Me What's Wrongs, and then I'm going to play a fun game with you where I ask you. I know people like to ask you, like, what would you do for this brand? But, like, obviously, you know I'm obsessed with pop stars. Like, I'm going to ask you, like, what PR moves would you do for X pop star? Okay. My friend and I had a threesome with our friend's brother. That's hot.

Yeah, okay. I prescribed Best Friend's Brother by Victorious. Oh, yeah. That's it. That was the whole sentence? Oh, that was just a flex. Okay, that was our question. Okay, I see you, girl. Get hit.

I broke up with my narcissistic boyfriend and I knew it was the right thing to do and all of my friends couldn't be happier, but I'm miserable. I hate this and can't help but feel like I made a mistake. Okay. What I would prescribe is, I feel like this is hard because a lot of the times when your friends tell you to break up with your asshole boyfriend, you're like, okay, cool. And then you do it and then you see them hooking up with girls and you're like, so am I just supposed to sit here and fucking twiddle my thumbs? This fucking sucks. I'm pissed the fuck off. I would prescribe...

to break up with him and then catfish him. Right. So you can still text him as somebody else. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yes. But then still do you. So I would prescribe to watch catfish

Catfish. Especially the episode with the guy who thinks he's dating Katy Perry. What? You've never seen it? No. It's my favorite piece of media. I talk about it all the time. Wait, what? They go to England. They find out, obviously, it's not Katy Perry. And then when the show wrapped, he emails the girl again being like, hey, oh my God, I can't believe you set that up with MTV. Like, you're such a jokester. Like, he still thinks it's Katy. What? Yeah, you guys need to watch it. So I prescribe Catfish. And you can catfish him so you can still talk to him and feel close to him. But then you can still do your own thing.

Damn, enough said. Yeah. Well, that's it for the tell me what's wrong. Wow, Robin, you crushed those prescriptions. Thank you so much. Like, really and truly. Thank you. I feel like I've gone to therapy since I was eight, so. Oh, me too. My therapist, the first therapy I went to was for anger management. Oh, same. And I was eight, and they put me in anger management, and they made me do this chart of like, how do you feel when you're this level? How do you feel when you're like so angry? And my dad came to pick me up one day because my mom couldn't, and he came in and saw what I was doing and writing, and he pulled me out, and he was like, get this, get this

get this fucking eight-year-old out of anger management. Like, when we went to Wendy's, and I was like, yes. And then, like, when my mom made me go back, I was like, I don't need anger management! Yeah, like, throwing myself on the ground. Because I would go like this and make myself pass out. What? Yeah, when I, like, didn't get what, like, when I was, like, one. I would, I would, um, I would. I learned that on the bus. Really? Yeah, I learned that on the bus. I really did. Wait, you do that and you pass out? I would hold my breath so I would, like, cover my, this is dangerous, don't do this. I would, like, plug my nose and do this thing.

And did you, did it work? Yeah. Okay. Let's get into really what you are so incredible at, which is if you guys don't know, which obviously you do know, Robin is known for her PR predictions on TikTok. She really cultivated that whole, you basically created that and like created that. Yeah. I mean, I kind of use it. I liked, I started the series cause I kind of wanted to use it as like a receipt. So like if these things happen, I could go back and,

Right. To them. And then when I was giving brands ideas, I could also use it as a way to like be like, oh, if these things come true, like I was on the nose for trend forecasting. Like it was kind of just like my receipts. Right. My TikTok. And then it turned into other people wanting to get involved with it or tell me who to do next. And it was like a cool call to action kind of like with what you did. Yeah. And it helped me grow my audience a lot. Well, that's yeah. That's the. Well, that's yeah. That is so cute. Well, that's yeah. Well, that's yeah.

Yeah, that's how I feel 24-7. No, but I think engaging with your audience is something that really is like the key to working on social media. Yeah, that's exactly what you do all the time. But I wanted to play what should this pop princess do next? Okay. Okay, so let's start with Olivia Rodrigo. Okay, so...

I've thought about this for a little bit and her albums are so good. Like she is just on top of the world. Like I think when it comes to music and the type of albums she makes, like, I don't think she needs any help with that, but I think that she should do an eight 24 film. I think she should do acting a little bit more because she started acting as a child actress. And then she did high school musical, the musical, the series. Yeah. Um,

So I think it'd be a cool way because right now I feel like we all –

She was so personal with her fans in the beginning when she was coming up. And then she became so big so fast. So it's hard to get as like personal and to show as much of yourself. And now I feel like she's in the place where like we love her, respect her. We love her music, but we kind of want a little bit more of her and show a little bit more of her personality and who she is. And I feel like doing like an independent movie with like an A24 where there would be like a press tour. He's nodding. A press tour.

- I'm impressed to her behind the scenes and just seeing her acting. - Dialogue, a lot of like talking. - Dialogue and maybe a role that like people wouldn't expect her to do. - You heard it here first, Olivia Rodrigo, A24 movie. - Oh my God. - Okay, Sabrina Carpenter. - Okay.

So she should be a lot bigger than she is. Yeah. But she's this year, last year, she gained a huge, so much recognition. I mean, the Arrows Tour, like, I feel like people are finally coming into, like, becoming a Sabrina Carpenter fan. Right. Especially with her, like, nonsense outro that went viral. She's dating that guy from Salt Burn. Yes. How crazy.

I mean, at least that's what I see on the internet. Because I feel like she busted her ass last year, touring, doing all this stuff, raising awareness. Now people like care about her, know who she is, like her music. So if she has a public relationship, then the music that's going to come out of that will be really important, especially when it's somebody who's also in the spotlight. Like Barry. Exactly. So I think she's doing, what she's doing right now is good. And maybe...

making that relationship a little more public and like having a moment with that. But it's not, I don't think it's a PR relationship, but I think playing into that and then dropping an album, whether it's about falling in love or breaking up will be good. Yeah. Aligned. But I think, I don't think she, I think she should stay in the music lane and keep her head down because like she's getting there. Like she's getting where she needs to be. I feel like in two years, um,

Maybe next year. I feel like maybe next year she'll be nominated for like Best New Artist. Like I feel like she's on that trajectory. Has she not? Can you not get? What is the, how do you, I don't understand. Like, because some people get nominated for Best New Artist so many years into their career. Like what is the,

I think you can get nominated whenever, but you just can't be a nominee from anything before. But like the TikTok I made, like literally Amy Winehouse and Taylor Swift were nominated the same year. And Amy won. We also didn't talk about our love for Amy. There will never be another Amy. No. Did you watch the trailer? Not yet. I need to. Is it good? I'll just let you watch it. Okay. So no. Okay. So no. Well, nothing will ever be as good as that documentary.

That's the best documentary I've ever seen in my entire life. We're talking about the Amy documentary. You guys have to watch it. What about the scene when she's on vacation with her dad and the guy comes up and goes, hey, I hate doing this and I'm not this kind of person, but can I get a picture? And she goes, if you really hated doing it and you weren't that kind of person, then like, why are you asking? She's so honest. Like, because that's the truth. You know what I mean? It's like, why are you saying this? And the dad was like, take the picture. My favorite part about that documentary. The opening when she's singing happy birthday. That.

And the fact that what the documentary does is they interview a lot of people, but they don't show any of their faces. The only face they own, they own throughout the entire thing. They only show videos of Amy Winehouse and like videos from her life. And that's my favorite part of it. Cause it's like so immersive and it like tells a story like at the end, like you want her to win, even though you know what happens. You're rooting for her to win the whole time, which is like why heart breaks your heart. Every time. Yeah. Every time. It's like her and Brittany Murphy. It's like heartbreaking. The Brit...

I just watched that Brittany Murphy doc, and that is crazy. Yeah. We'll discuss after. But, okay. Well, speaking of Taylor Swift, because of the era's tour, and she has a new album coming out, what are your PR predictions for Taylor Swift? So whenever I talk about Taylor Swift, I'm a huge fan. I literally went to Gillette, like, every era. Like, love it so much. Yeah.

But sometimes when I talk about like moves that I have for her, um, people online are like, Oh my God, no, no, no, no. Like you're not a fan, like whatever, blah, blah, blah. So I'm going to tread carefully with this, but I think Taylor Swift with the dead, no, the dead, what is it called? The tortured poet. You know how it's like, um,

It's coming out in April. Yeah, April 19th. So my PR prediction was that she was going to get engaged in April but not tell anybody until December. But...

I think for that album, how she should roll it out, I think she should bring back what she used to do when she would roll out albums and invite a group of people to one of her houses and do the listening for it, especially with this album that's very personal and like more so poetry. Kind of have it be like a poetry reading rather than that. But she didn't. She hasn't done that in a minute. She hasn't done that since Reputation. Yeah. Well, did she do it for Lover? No.

No. She might have. Do you remember if she did it for lover? No. Okay. No, she didn't. And so I think kind of having that, those intimate moments with fans again, I think would be really special, especially because right now she's bigger than anything in the world. And like, she can't even walk. Like when she walks in, like it's, she's larger than life. She's larger than life. So then to bring her back down to earth with the people who brought her there, I think would be like really important. She really does like love the Swifties. Yeah. You can tell. Yeah. It's always nice to see.

And I loved the Disney documentary where she went through every song. I love those intimate moments. What Disney? Oh, the Blancpain sessions. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How sick would, when she finishes her re-recordings, a Disney doc with each six-part series? I'm sure it's in the works. It must be. Mm-hmm. Okay, for the final one, because she also has a new album coming out, Dua Lipa. Okay, Dua Peep. So you know how she did the Versace collab? Yeah. I think that she should...

More so... More so, is that a word? I think she should really lean into the fashion edge. Because back in the day, pop stars, they used to be like...

Y2K fashion girlies. Like, I think I want her to take on that role more, like, of being, like, a carpet queen, of, like, working with these designers, being their muses, like, doing runway, doing fashion, like, really leaning into that. And what she did with Versace was, like, incredible and so successful. So I feel like she should, how do you say that word? Differentiate. How do you say that? Differentiate. I think she should differentiate. Okay.

Change it up. She should change it up. She should set herself apart from the competition by really leaning into like being a fashion girl. Yeah. She's gorge. Well, thank you, Robin. I love you so much. And thank you. Oh, wait. What did we learn today?

Oh my God, we've learned so much. Right. I have my takeaways. I think we learned that egg salad is fucking disgusting. Disgusting. I think we learned that going on the bus as a kid to school shapes you into the person that you are today. And yeah, I feel like those are my two main takeaways. My takeaway is that I need a mom guest. Yes. That's my takeaway. Yes. Oh, and-

Oh, your session's up. I'm so sorry, everyone. Robin, thank you so much. I love you so much. Pussies, I love you so much. Remember to submit Tell Me What's Wrongs at and I will see you next week in the therapist's office. Bye. Hi, pussies. Put your tents up. Put your tents up. Tents up. My cookies.