I am here to give you back your future. Human flourishing in the coming post-liberal West. The hour
A much-discussed, yet somewhat overrated, book from a quarter century ago. Nothing in our society ha
As Carl Schmitt comes back into fashion, I am reading all his works. This is his very first, from 1
This is the book that explains everything that matters at this moment. You must read it. Although I
My thoughts on political symbology, in particular that of Foundationalism, through the prism of this
James Burnham's classic work on power in politics. Perhaps too gnostic, but nonetheless with much i
Of masculinity, and the masculine virtues, and their loss in the modern age. (This article was first
An analysis of how economic competence and success drove the Nationalist victory in the Spanish Civi
An examination of lessons to be learned from the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, a time of ferment res
It's always interesting to learn about the past, although we should not overrate the importance of j
Why are the vast majority of Western reactions to the Wuhan Plague irrational? This classic work hel
What is freedom? Not in the philosophical sense; that's boring and done to death. Rather, what is fr
Of Robert Gould Shaw, a man who was once the embodiment of heroism, and of what heroism means, and s
Hannah Arendt's semi-worthwhile thoughts on revolution, mostly superseded or proven wrong in the fif
The dense-but-very-worthwhile thoughts of Carl Schmitt, preeminent political philosopher, on democra
Our future, if we have the will to grasp it, in a nutshell. The written version of this review can b
Something different--not a complete Worthy House offering, but a direction to one related to The Wor
Of a forgotten book that precisely predicts our current American situation, and is a salutary remind
The insane, yet weirdly compelling and with flashes of great insight, vision of the late Guillaume F
Of the downsides, and a few upsides, of private equity and other financial engineering, viewed throu
And now for something completely different, an eighty-year-old work about medieval philosophies. (Th