Host Scott Melker talks to your favorite characters from the world of Bitcoin, trading, finance, mus
After years of trial and error, plus extensive legislator work, the first-ever crypto bank was estab
Ben Askren grew up on a wrestling mat where he discovered a unique style to defeat his opponent, ca
After discovering Bitcoin as a finance journalist in a developing country, Camila Russo became hooke
Earning cashback has always been boring - you earn pennies on the dollar in points that you may neve
Bill Barhydt, recruited by NASA and the CIA at the age of 18, stood out as a computer genius and cry
Almost 100 episodes ago, Binance.US CEO Catherine Coley was the first guest on the Wolf Of All Stree
Legendary investor Jim O’Shaughnessy is a rational optimist. With decades of success as a quant trad
Deep in the punk rock scene as a kid, Alon Goren learned that raising money was the difference betwe
Raoul Milhado began his career as an entrepreneur at the age of 19. After becoming an expert in buil
At a young age, Andrew Henderson was advised to “go where you are treated best.” With a deep seeded
Jonathan Chester became a Bitcoin adopter almost a decade ago, with the intention of changing the wa
To make money in crypto, you have to have some skin in the game. But for the masses to enter, someon
Steven McClurg is leading the race towards mainstream adoption of Bitcoin and the acceptance of an E
Ryan Selkis is the co-founder and CEO of Messari which boasts the longest running crypto daily brief
Justin Sun is one of the most prominent members of the crypto community. His crypto story started in
Edan Yago grew up during apartheid in South Africa and at one point had to smuggle gold as a child t
Robert Materazzi is a US Marine who eagerly attacks big problems, as evidenced by his time at PWC an
Pierce Crosby came to the crypto community with years of experience building large scale communities
Mike Dudas spent years helping major companies like Disney, Google, and Venmo with growth and busine
Just like Scott Melker, Kevin Wang attended the University of Pennsylvania and loved to play video g