cover of episode Solving the Problem of Weeknight Dinner

Solving the Problem of Weeknight Dinner

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The Wirecutter Show

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Christine Cyr-Clessette
Emily Weinstein
Kyra Blackwell
共同主持《The Wirecutter Show》,提供日常产品的专家建议。
Rosie Garan
Kyra Blackwell: Kyra讨厌每天做饭,尤其是在厨房设施简陋的公寓里,每天做饭对她来说是一种折磨。 Christine Cyr-Clessette: Christine喜欢烹饪,但时间有限,因此难以享受烹饪的乐趣,特别是晚餐准备。她认为晚餐准备不是她喜欢的充满灵感的烹饪。 Rosie Garan: Rosie 觉得独自一人做饭很无聊,缺乏动力,只是为了摄入蛋白质。 Emily Weinstein: Emily Weinstein分享了她对食物的热爱以及她如何平衡工作、育儿和烹饪。她认为烹饪应该是一种快乐的体验,并鼓励人们尝试新的食材和菜系。她还谈到了她如何根据忙碌人士的需求来策划食谱,并分享了她的一些烹饪技巧和策略,例如使用预制食材、烤盘烹饪以及如何调整食谱以适应不同的饮食需求和挑食者。她还强调了在烹饪中不必追求完美,而应该注重美味和效率。 Emily Weinstein: Emily Weinstein的成长经历中,烹饪并非家庭传统,这影响了她对烹饪的看法。她被食物的创造性、吸引力和社会维度所吸引。她童年晚餐重复性很高,菜式有限。她希望她的孩子热爱食物,并尝试各种不同的菜系和食材。她创办《Five Weeknight Dishes》通讯的原因是基于她自己以及其他忙碌人士的需求。她分享了《Five Weeknight Dishes》通讯的食谱选择标准,以及读者们最常遇到的问题。她还谈到了她如何选择收录进《Easy Weeknight Dinners》的食谱,以及她应对烹饪倦怠的方法。她分享了她的一些应急晚餐以及她如何利用预制食材来节省时间。她还谈到了烤盘烹饪的优点以及如何应对各种饮食限制和挑食者。最后,她分享了她最喜欢的食物组合。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Emily Weinstein start the Five Weeknight Dishes newsletter?

She recognized the need for simple, fast recipes for busy people who still wanted good food, especially after returning from maternity leave and experiencing the time constraints of working parenthood.

What are some common concerns readers have about weeknight cooking?

Readers often struggle with finding dishes that satisfy everyone at the table, especially picky eaters or those with dietary restrictions. They also seek help with meal planning and managing busy schedules.

What is Emily Weinstein's advice for getting out of a cooking rut?

She suggests taking a break from cooking, exploring the grocery store for inspiration, and trying new recipes to reignite excitement in the kitchen.

What is Emily Weinstein's go-to meal when she's uninspired?

She often starts with carbs like rice, noodles, or toast, layering on simple ingredients like eggs, chili crisp, or hot sauce to create a satisfying meal.

What is Emily Weinstein's favorite piece of kitchen equipment?

She highly recommends Nordicware sheet pans for their durability and even cooking, which are essential for her sheet pan recipes.

What is Emily Weinstein's advice for cooking for one?

She advises getting comfortable with freezing ingredients and leftovers, labeling them, and using the freezer as a strategy to manage meals for one.

What is Emily Weinstein's desert island meal?

Her ideal meal would be a toasted bagel with cream cheese, lox, scrambled eggs, and a side salad, as it combines comforting flavors and is relatively easy to prepare.

Why does New York Times Cooking favor chicken thighs over chicken breast?

Chicken thighs are more flavorful due to their higher fat content, more forgiving to cook, and less likely to dry out compared to chicken breast.

How does Emily Weinstein curate recipes for her newsletter?

She looks for a mix of flavors, ensures there are vegetarian options, and prioritizes recipes that are simple, fast, and require minimal cleanup.

What is Emily Weinstein's relationship with the comment section on New York Times Cooking?

She loves the comment section for its community insights and often reads comments before trying a new recipe, especially for tips on how to modify or enhance the dish.

The podcast hosts discuss their cooking habits and frustrations with weeknight meal preparation. They express a desire for easier and less time-consuming solutions.
  • Hosts share their dislike for the monotony of weeknight cooking.
  • Limited time and lack of motivation are cited as major obstacles.

Shownotes Transcript

Making dinner every night can be a challenge. This week, we talk with Emily Weinstein, of New York Times Cooking, about how to overcome the monotony.


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