The yet dy store has so many great gifts. We had to hire a catalog here to make the most of these next thirty seconds. S waterproof by bao proof to be passed like moses take a stake.
Corbie covers pop amp. Tages next with three sides, eighty cn skill gear, gifts and product experts. This is the yet ty store in weekend park today.
What's up, everybody? And welcome to the one show. We've got a great show lined up for this week, but IT is IT is a sad day.
Yeah, today we found out that an on tech has been shut down. And I don't know, I think IT be kind of fun, but will do a quick run down of exactly you know what went down. There's been some commentary from doctors and catcher who formally worked there.
And I think IT be kind of cool for us all kind of talk together about what that site meant to us and how it's impacted our our journey in tech is a really for those of you who are relatively new to the scene, IT really was A A big deal back in the day up, not too much these days. And I guess that's why it's dead. In other news, the telegram CEO was arrested in france.
This blew my mind, absolutely blew my mind. We will be talking about that. What else we got .
um we've got a fake person, a well known activist that might apparently not even be real.
might seems like seems like some pretty hedged awarding Normal.
certainly not real IT looks bad that, speaking of hedge's, wearing a new version of windows, uh, unlocks crazy rising performance boost.
nice. Yeah, maybe they should await. There's a blurb. Oh, I guess I do IT after the intro.
The show has brought you by msi online audio pulse way, our chair partner, secret lab and our new laptop partner LG always love me some LG. And now look at each have one. They sent over these new gram prose for us to use, and we finally have matching laptops.
They're thin. They are super light, especially for being seventeen inch. And they're packed with some pretty down good specks too.
You can learn more about them. Add the link in the video description here. We got some mexican gees right here. L. G. S. Oh, by the way, I guess this is the part where I should probably do the framework, a sponsor disclosure, a look, look, L G.
The the amount of conversations people that about the laptops that we've been used over the years, they they weren't sponsoring the replacement, they can deal with this one being a little awkward to start. Don't worry, i'll do a really professional job the next time. OK.
What do we jump right into our headline topic today? A on tech has shut down. They have announced that the company will seize publication after twenty seven years. Twenty seven years?
Pretty crazy.
I'm feeling old. That's a good reason to feel old. I did. I didn't even .
think about that. I but I started .
reading an on tech when I was like, pretty established and IT was two thousand three or something. Two thousand two, I don't know. yeah. Two thousand two was probably when I started avidly reading an on tech. The good news there is a small silver lining here.
The website will remain publicly available and the annon tech forum will remain active, or at least as active as as they are as far as I can tell. I saw a comment that there's no way to register on the site right now. I don't know if that applies to the forum, but comment to under the articles, you apparently can't register, but people who have accounts can still comment.
So we will see how long that that let's see how long that keeps going on. Forms are tough. Yeah, it's a tough.
It's a tough time to be a forum anyway. The site was founded by a non chinny in one nine hundred and ninety seven when he was just fifteen years old. IT was purchased by perch in late twenty fourteen when should be retired from journalism to join apple.
Then in two thousand eighteen, IT was sold alongside other porchon ed properties like tom's hardware to british publisher future P L C former and non detect senior edit. Doctor and cultures has released a video on the closure in which he expressed that an on tech had been in decline for some time. In a stew observation, we did need doctor catches to come in and pulled out his mono scope and have a look at IT or you know whatever yeah I mean, that's that's absolutely the truth.
it's. Okay, i'm going off. We're going on off script now. A non tech was seriously like one of my half a dozen bookMarks in my browser. Like for me.
I would have been linus when I first met linus, if he wasn't working on video for some reason, or working at N, C, X or whatever. And sometimes, even when he was, he usually had an antiopa.
yeah. Like, I like my home away from home. Like I had my email, I had A N C, I X.
And the forum. I had separate book Marks for each, just in case I needed to shop really, really fast. And I go to the forum really, really fast.
I had extreme systems. I had a non tech. I had red flag deals.
At some point when I was doing a lot of trading, I probably had, like my heat war in there that that was IT. That was like my entire internet world. There were other sites that I read.
I read hardware, p red. I would pop into ths harbour every once in a while. There there is an extreme something.
This is an interesting .
go 3d like go three.
this interesting one that i've been seeing a lot of full age and chat said, i'm amazed that tom's hard, where will have outlasted in on tech as that place has been an ad tested monstrosity, a boat a decade but IT somehow keeps going .
that is how yeah one of the things that ryan smith, who was the current um editor in chief at a non tax, said was that they were given the attitude to run the site the way that they wanted. I mean, i'm not sure that I entirely by that because the in on tech that I used to read ten years ago did not have nearly as much like click by garbage on IT as the the current version of the site. But they .
at least .
editorially, I think, is what he was trying to say. Editorially, they were able to run the site the way they wanted. And I guess that should give you guys some idea of how difficult IT is to run a site that is not just turning out A I generated, or even just A I assisted, lists of products that the writer has never actually ever set their hands on.
Let's see what else in his in in doctor cultures, this opinion. So coming back to note here, this was the result of the gradual attraction of key staff members who left as a non on tex corporate owers pushed towards more commercial topics that they weren't interested in writing about. I suspect it's a little more complicated than that as well.
But I mean, i'm sure that he keeps in touch with folks there from time to time. What few new people were coming into the company weren't sufficient to replace those who left, leading to a negative feedback loop of declining capacity and scope. This then LED to declining reinvestment on the part of anon, tex owners and lower pay for freeLancers.
Cultural also said that additional layers of management made communicating these issues upwards increasingly difficult. I can tell you, as an outsider, the main issue for me was that I just wasn't really interested in what they were covering. And I don't know how much of this is is topic choice and how much of this is how chAllenging the space has become.
Like there's not there's not as much kitchen interesting stuff these days, like I could see if I was shopping for nao cooler. Like this is fine, I guess, but clearly almost no one cared. But like what is this thing? The number of random small form factor computers from brands that I ve never heard the .
most comments outside of the md rise and launch of anything that i'm seeing on the front page so far? No, you're got to scroll down a bit though.
Like what are these what are all these coolers like? Was that the only thing that they'd still had a test bench for? I mean, and it's not just recent, it's been for a very, very long time that I just haven't been able to get into um the stuff that they've been reviewing.
You can see like when there's something interesting to write about, they're still getting engagement. I mean, i'd be a little more interested in this, and I think sixteen comments merits it's kind of cool. But IT also kind of doesn't really matter.
It's a power supply and the things are on the edge and it's gona probably be like kind of a OK ish. It's probably not going to be the best one like I guess there's just so many but so many known, known quantities these days. This this was another thing that I had noticed with a non tech over the years like ano max.
Who cares? It's not two thousand three anymore. Animation is such a such a small player in the enthusiast space these days in terms of how the how the average gamer might perceive them.
They just haven't kept up. And to be clear, i'm not saying enter max is not a valid brand or that enter max makes a bad product. That absolutely is not .
what i'm saying.
I'm say that compared to two thousand, two two thousand when IT was antec animates and irrelevant, right? Like before O C Z, like stormed into the scene before power supplies, a twinkle burned out, sure, philo, anyway. And before before power supplies were a twinkle in core SaaS eye. Uh, and max was hugely important.
And it's like, why are you guys reviewing two interactive power supplies in the span of a month? So there were times when you know I wouldn't I wouldn't accuse a non tech of pay for play um and especially because I read maryann's article and he said that they were left to their own devices editorially but I would see stuff like this what is the g com a 7 mini PC? And how could I possibly care about this? How is that? How is that out of all the brazilian things that you can cover? The thing that you wants to cover, I guess it's a pretty easy category to cover.
Is IT also like who they have, like someone likes doing those and specializes in those. So they are just like it's financer writing.
I don't know mean, like this is a tough one because like. On the one hand, you know, I okay, I hear something like that, and I go well, management needs to manage that person. They need to kind of work with them to develop an interest in something else, something that that, that is that is commercially viable.
And in the case of a non tech, i'm not even saying like, hey, they should just do the most mainstream stuff. I mean, that's never what the site was commercially viable doesn't mean, but IT has to be what, you know what thinking? Ek are thin.
What was that life hacker you like back in the day? No, IT doesn't have to be what life hacker is doing. IT doesn't have to be the most mainstream thing or the verge or whatever else IT could be.
IT could be a deeper dive, but I just IT needs to be a deeper dive into, not the A I don't know here. I'm still scrolling here. So i'm just going i'm going to go back to to that last one that I was picking on whatever .
the first thing is, I don't find IT genesis T S. Ah when I look at that writer, it's a lot of these types of things. So I feel like this might be a free ancor who's just interested in these type of things. I don't know a management situation.
but on the other side of IT is like as as someone who works at a place is IT not worth considering if the work that you're doing is commercially viable and will continue to keep you gainfully employed. And maybe, maybe this is like old fashioned or something. But when I was at N, C, I X, I worried a lot about the value of the work that I was doing. Like, I know you're the same way. If IT didn't feel valuable, not only did I not feel personally fulfilled by IT, but I was stressed by IT.
Well, yeah, because you start to wonder, like if if the wall start to crumble, are you the easiest thing to drop? Yeah right. So you you question the value that you're bringing.
You don't have to be the most valuable member of a team, but you never want to be an obvious place to cut. Yeah um and so I don't know, I just I I look at a lot of the editorial decisions that were made in terms of what to cover and you know what was taking up space on the home page and I just IT does IT doesn't surprise me that leadership fell pecan ecs .
says if you're francy, do you care? Yeah yeah don't .
you like your freeLance checks? Do you still where .
do they come from? B yeah yeah it's still matters and it's .
like your portfolio, right? Like if my if if my portfolio and to be clear, i've i've never met um i've met ryan. I haven't met I don't think certainly I haven't had a long conversation with anyone else on the is on the anon text.
Now very clear. I'm not saying it's this person .
fall yeah it's absolutely nothing personal. But like if as a free Lancer, wouldn't I want my portfolio to be something someone that I sent to wants to read and it's .
possible this person did and might have wants to do something else and they they had them on the team as they like mini PC person or something and that's just what they want.
Yeah, but then that's an management if you I do. So that's what i'm saying. I'm not blaming anybody.
I'm just saying as a team, you ve got a kind at some point look at what you're doing and go, hey, is this valuable? Is this is this moving the middle? And I know there's a lot to be said for you know the integrity of you know being interesting in passion about something and and single mindedly pursuing that regardless of whether whether you're particular are because I don't I don't see writing a review as as as a purely scientific endeavor. I think that there's an there's an art to making IT engaging and making IT accessible and making IT interesting.
I I think as well like looking at this not onna lie, I think it's just there is interesting things like they're releasing so many articles, the stuff is just not there yeah .
and like I was okay. Like there was some stuff that I was looking at. Hate to pick on kinases again because it's like d reviews, like portable d reviews and like really but then SSD reviews were one of the things that are non tack really set themselves apart from like when .
I was learning how to test S S D, I read a lot of antartica .
announced original view of the x twenty five series was what ultimately drove me to like get super into them and pay a bunch of money to get them for myself um which is why I made videos is this gonna like .
this that I .
get I got called out for S S D VS hard drives and like SSD buyers guides and stuff like this.
Like you ve got called .
out for IT yeah because back then people didn't get IT because they thought that I was all about boot times. So that was why I that was why I came up with this idea putting together like A A bunch of practical tests to show people that IT wasn't just boot time. So I would do like application launches and game game loading and stuff like that.
And I did like a side by side drug Grace. Um there's a lot of the a lot of the marketing from the SSD makers and from the system makers was just boot times. And I was like, well, that's stupid.
You don't built up your computer very often. And no wonder people think these things are stupid, because you gotta understand. Back then, the Price was so high for an S.
S. D. And we were so used to waiting around for our hard drives that IT felt like people called me chill, they called me ignorant, they called me whatever.
They called me all kinds of things for saying, hey, no SSD. But IT was actually like a on's coverage that that got me really interested in them, got me really excited about them. I really think.
though that there's .
content on .
here that they're doing just because they need something to fill the pipeline like power supplies. There is a lot of them. They're not super interesting to all the viewers, but there's a ton of them so they can filled the pipeline cooler. I don't think they are cooler of views, are getting a ton of traffic, but there is a ton of coolers. So you can make a lot of topics.
Part of the issue I I haven't actually thought about a non tech in so long because as I just stop reading because they got really boring. But part of the issue is that they're still doing a really old school style of article. They're reviewing a cooler.
You don't review a cooler anymore. You round up a bunch of Price comparable, and they did round up back in the day. But maybe the issue is that they just don't have the budget in time for IT, right know all the constraints. An .
interesting is just have a business meeting on the show oh um why are we doing that then?
So the idea is that so to paris lies like are you talking party supplies, specifically everything? So the idea right now.
just for because not a lot of people go the website right now, we have mice, keyboards, graphic cards, power supplies.
So I think that we definitely need to figure out what our focus needs to be. But I can tell you that the reason that we started with power supplies, was I supposed to be something that we can automate to a significant degree? Um I don't know how deep p you want to get into this business meeting. Ha ha that but sure I don't know the representations .
to me about .
the degree to which they could be automated have been very different from how the situation actually is. Yeah so um I mean, we haven't really talked about this much, but look is the interm head of the labs right now and has been doing a deep dive to how things are going over there and why are we doing power supplies, public service? I need something that starts with the .
u undertaking.
Oh, nice. Okay, that's that's the reason I to know which ones are bad. Look, when we do a budget build guide, I wanted know if it's gonna blow up. Okay, here's something you can put a Price tag on. We did a video .
recently. We finish ish.
We did a video recently where we bought systems from people on facebook marketplace. We bought three systems for nine hundred dollars. And in one of them, they used a game, max power supply.
Now in the old days, I would have said, i've never really heard these guys. They don't seem particularly reputable, but I have nothing to say positive or a negative from my own personal experience about the quality of this unit, thanks to L. T.
T. Labs, I was able to say the game max products that we've tested have failed our testing. These this is not a repeatable brand.
That knowledge has been now passed to the million and a half or so. People are one point one or one point two million people who watched that video. And we wouldn't have known unless lucas did his find work that he's doing.
Not me. Yeah, yeah. Sorry, lucas, you will. The tall one.
yeah. Very tall. Very smart. yeah. Real, super cool guy. yeah. If lucas hadn't done his work, and I believe only did the right up for that one, yes. And if sami hadn't worked on how the visualization for these things work, if those people hadn't done that work, we wouldn't know because who was out. They're testing this stuff because it's not .
profitable and they .
weren't they didn't test in a game. Max says thing. They just test thermal taken and max for some reason.
But here's here's okay here's a conflict of interest problem though completed interest were continuing .
the the what about linux ses um framework for our supply investing.
not what I mean p su linked to know that's not what is miss you, sir, on your laptop on your .
laptop, you're not in charge of lives. Now there's there's been conversations .
around this because this is this is p su circuit, right um and some of these don't get very many views and now IT has been discussed that this is supposed to be just like again a community service. Think so, okay, but IT has also .
not the service. I neither of us has been convicted of a crime as yet. No.
you can can you do that with a well, I think I think that would be call volunteering I O yeah .
OK fair enough. Yes, I think the connotation of community services .
that you have come because people have been pointing at things like the the season, a focus, G X, seven fifty and going like, okay, this is not the large so the large one got k and then they got two k after that for a little bit and they started faltering the salmon and no one Carried .
that sound like pretty.
But this one, this one did pretty good. And then after that.
but yes, so it's going to have to be a mix. It's going to have to be a mix of basically IT needs to be a mix of the things people are buying, but things people shouldn't be buying.
But this summer, one has gone some flag. This is again, this is internal business. Winning is here .
necessary? yeah. Thank you for being an audience. Thanks for attending. This is actually really efficient because we're able to host a video while also having a conversation that we would have to have anyway.
Yeah so this one there's a lot of reasons to test this one. One of them is that it's the logo and stuff makes IT really feel like this season the part. So tricking some people. So by getting the information that they're make, trying very searched all that type of stuff, um we're still fitting that category. But then this is getting negative fight because IT didn't perform very well.
So it's like we have to try. We're getting over. We're getting flag because we covered IT.
No, no, no, no, no, no. Only internally.
people are questioning why we're bothering with .
the whole channel. But also specifically with that.
it's gonna have to be a mix. It's gonna to be a mix.
We're going then we can't yeah if if IT has to be a mixed, then we can't stress the performance of the individual videos and the performance .
of the individual pages. No, no what? No, we can.
Yeah yeah. Okay, right. I mean, did I I remember .
maybe how the talks?
Probably not. I don't know. I think that the mix that we've had so far has been a little weird, like the fact that almost every power supplies has been seven, fifty. What yeah is changing yeah so .
like I I will also credit yeah I mean, IT started changing before I came in yeah yeah that's fine. Not of me.
I just mean there's definitely some stuff that we've got ta due to, to optimize the mix here. Um there should definitely be more you your core series seasoning your reputable brands. Um I would like to really focus on the stuff that people are buying, like the fact that we don't have like a permal takes smart for thirty water in there is is in my in my opinion.
And look, I haven't been handholding this so I haven't necessarily given this feedback before. So my apologies is if this is surprised anybody, but the fact that we don't have like a thirty thermodon there is, is a huge miss to me because the number of people that are buying these things is enormous. We can see that in the reviews on site like new eagan, amazon.
And what I want to know as someone who is not in charge of recommending products to people, is OK. But how bad is IT? yeah.
Is is that bad? Like, is that? Is that? Is that bad? Like it's gonna fail. Is that .
breaks .
er system in a year? Is IT? Is IT bad lake? When IT fails, IT could light on fire. I need to know this stuff. And so power supplies, i'd say, is probably the vertical that we are closest to in terms of the vision for how the lab is supposed to function. And I have actually repeatedly talked about p su circuit as something that I considered to be a win.
Yes, I know that this i've been trying to explain to people why that's true um .
because this is what we are trying to do and it's gonna a long time for people.
This is is something that's really important to slam home for people because of a conversation that we had during this topic a little bit earlier, we are talking about how people don't necessary want to work on things that don't like do well. So it's really important to communicate to a team that like, you know, the web .
article in mac, we impacted literally even if we account for that, people don't watch the entire video. We impacted hundreds of thousands of people and made them aware that this brand is sketchy. They wouldn't have known otherwise because no one's cogging .
this stuff in an L. T. V. okay. yeah. Because the game max circuit video got fifty hundred views.
Sure, I was one of them. And now I know right. Like that's what we're doing. That's what that's what we're trying to do.
And it's gna take it's gonna take time to to build out the vertical that we want to build out. It's gonna time to automate what we need to automate. There's a lot to done there.
There's I know there's been some criticism put towards the the lab and regards to automation because some people have point IT out like the more you automate stuff, the more you move the human touch and you're less likely to catch things and stuff. We're not trying to automate a lot of those types of things, to be clear.
And i'm not trying to increase automation in the labs actually necessarily to increase the amount that they can even do necessarily. I'm trying to make so they can spend more time verifying results and retesting things in doing things like that. Um so yeah.
it's okay. okay. I don't think we ever actually ended up finishing the .
I do think an interesting thing to consider though that yeah pretty much all of the things that you just point me that for an attack, yep, we are diving into head first. But tempting to do the same thing.
but what percentage of our headcount is working on P S U circuit?
It's gonna three people, which is a pretty considerable amt, but IT takes a very noticeable amount.
But is there a benefit to the projects that the other people are working on that do make money to having this resource and having this knowledge?
Yes, but it's just, you know.
i'm just saying saying I have a vision. I have a vision right now. I'm having a vision.
Be clear, I think some people might begin quickly legs right now. Um I support the loves projects. I'm just trying to push him a little bit.
Look, I will all defended all day. No, i'll defended IT all .
day because i'm just i'm just saying all the criticisms that you lobby towards an otec are the exact same thing that .
we are doing. But what an on tech dos, what an on tech doesn't is IT doesn't have lt. T yeah.
L, T, T. Is is basically this like evolution machine. IT is IT is taking the feedback from the community. IT is processing IT through the writing team, through me. And IT is constantly shifting and changing. And sometimes that changes forward, sometimes that changes backward, but is constantly trying new things in order to increased engagement, in order to make sure that this business is a sustainable in order to feed resources back into the machine that is supposed to build these resources that will in turn make L T T more authoritative, which will in turn bring more viewership and more resources, which will allow us to continue to build that.
The way that I ve been seeing IT is that um some people have said that the lt. T lives team is supposed be a support department for writing and I don't actually see that that way. I think we are we are supposed to support yes, but we're proposed to support the content creation of the company.
That doesn't necessarily just mean writing. That does not specially mean a singular part of writing. That just means content creation within the company at all. Um that also includes the labs website, which is technical, a separate thing from labs, but we're supporting the content of the labs website.
And a lot of the ways that we do that is like this constant generation of of articles and reviews that we're doing, say, on the website. Um in reality, do we really expect the those articles to make enough money to be like this awesome business within the dest media group cop cough, look at what's happening to a not no, not really. But by doing that, we're going to keep up to speed.
We're going to be in the dirt of what's happening with these components all the time. So we ideally know what's going on or have at least a good idea of what's going on because we'll be trying things out of the time. Where will we be able to catch everything? No um but IT should keep our level of educated ess on all of these topics up quite high.
That's the goal. And you know what that is been slow and um it's we're not we're not gonna sh anything at this point.
So it's going to take some situations. We are .
slowing down. Yeah, we're going to take as as long as we need to take. and. Got speed.
Yeah um alright.
Topic two says our paper over there, the telegram CEO was arrested in france. Pavel derive the CEO of telegram arrested this week on suspicion of fAiling to act against delicate actions on the surface, such as drug trafficking, fraud, d and to the exchange of child sexual assault material. His arrest has caused a debate about free speech and government censorship, with figure such as gave.
His name like your persons nobody just .
so stupid. With figures such as elon mosque and Edward snow den publicly defending as if twitter doesn't follow all of the the rules with respect to you know back doors and whatever else it's like. It's only some irrelevant market in south amErica that we'll go to.
We'll go to bad, get to give IT a rest anyway. Edwards noting, has at least some street read here. Dev certainly seems to have a history of resisting government influence.
Now he seems to actually have a history of IT, not just a history of being a blow hard. In two thousand six, he created the facebook like social media site, now called V K. In his native country of russia.
IT quickly became adopted by russia's political opposition. The kremen allegedly began pressuring the off to sell the site to more states, meathead parties in two thousand eleven. And when the kremlin pressures you to do something, you either do IT or you end up dead.
It's actually very different from the kind of bleeding about political censorship or whatever else that happens from some people. Um the left russia in two thousand fourteen claiming IT was to avoid requests from the remnant to hand over the data of ukrainian protesters. So he did to come to pressure and sell his V.
K. shares. To be clear, government censorship does happen here. Yes, the bleeding or not, it's just yeah it's .
very different from, hey, you should sell your shares and then if you don't, then you um you jump out of a window.
ensure yourself in the back of the head at the same time.
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Very crafty. All right. Wild telegram has a reputation for lacks moderation. Dara gave an interview to financial times this march where he claimed telegram planned to improve moderation within the year using AI related mechanisms.
Though he stated he didn't think the action police people unless they cross red lines, it's not clear what those lines are to him. This arrest has reignited the conversation on end to end encryption, since drav was also charged with providing encryption without the required declaration. But telegram encysted is actually pretty bad, says our notes.
It's not on by default. The setting is not the easiest thing to find. IT only works for one on one conversations and can only be enabled when your conversation partner is also on interesting, which I don't after confess I actually didn't know that I knew signal was like the Better one um but I I actually didn't know these these details so is that .
is IT actually bad or the settings just bad? As I said, the encryption is bad. But is well that true?
If IT only works well, your partners online IT leaves a lot of room for error.
can only be enabled when the partner is online.
is also online.
I am assuming you turn IT on and then it's on for that conversation.
Yeah that's to me that's a really poor mechanism for encryption. If I am using an APP that I think is encrypt IT.
I mean that the encryption itself.
i'm not saying A S whatever like the actual encryption and saying the implementation of the option the APP is leaves a lot of room for user error. Is that a Better way of phrasing IT? sure. Yeah yeah. I just I .
think saying the encysted is bad is is rough. I'm trying to see, is this the one that I uses? I always get them mixed up.
The willie in flow plane chat says i've also seen some academic analyses that their cripple o design is questionable at best.
okay. Yeah, i'm not even saying it's not legit. I just I don't know because .
it's handful implementations that of using a standard well tested one. Yeah, there's a number of people that are talking in filp plane chat about how it's like got issues apparently or at least could have issues. So look, yes.
An interesting take that I read on this um I believe this was an article somewhere I was reading. I forget the point is they basically were like, okay, here's devils advocate sort of take on this. You know I signed up for telegram.
I like, joined some groups and within minutes I had offers for everything from drugs to, uh, human trafficking to a government state sponsored subterfuge like IT was absolutely wild. How telegram was essentially, should you choose to unlock that capability, which is very simple to do, was basically a black market, essentially. That's one perspective where if you were to go, okay, he's in trouble for, you know what, providing people with encysted communication that sounds pretty bad or he is in trouble for essentially running a black market social network. I have I have a complicated position on this, but I thought maybe i'd let you go first. What are your thoughts?
I don't know. Government enforced platform moderation is always .
kind of a sponsored subterfuge, not central fuge did you say.
you know, who said interview .
someone in the chat? It's a stocks net, right? Pretty .
good for uranium.
What .
oh sorry, I like to dance. Come on. Yeah I don't know. Um yeah like state state required moderation of platforms is weird. Um it's IT goes both ways, right? It's the same thing as the opposite. State required non moderation of platforms is also weird in my opining, like when people say like rab rab, but my free speech, it's like, sure, but this is an government property or public property or anything of the sort. This is my random website.
We also have to be super careful with like free speech because free speech means free of government depression IT doesn't mean anything to do with a private entity that owns a platform.
Yeah so like so that's kind of weird in one side. But then the government forcing IT is also weird because again, it's my platform isn't IT, so that's odd. So but if they make certain things I know.
but there has to be an oversight, right? Because you can say like because .
you can't harbor, there's the whatever being an accessory .
to a crime of government. And I tell you, look, you're not allowed you're not allowed to log anything from miners or even suspected minor.
yes. So like .
support I would support that. It's a nuanced conversation, yes, but I don't think there's any avoiding that for me. I support the existence of a platform like this even if I wouldn't run IT.
It's scary when there are no tools to not be observed by the government. And we have seen so many times throughout history that just not go well.
But the thing is that, like there also.
you also don't want to harbour all this bad stuff there.
There should be an expectation of privacy. I mean, when you send a letter in the year eighteen, twenty three or whatever, the expectation was that this is illegal to read IT. Yes, I don't care who you are. You are not allowed to open IT. Yeah that's like not how that works. And that's basically all the telegram is name yeah yes that that's all IT is is it's an an implicitly telegram message to someone that is intended for their eyes and their eyes only yeah and so you know.
I look at this one wants to do that. It's hard for me to say that they shouldn't .
be and if they're chat enough to stand up to the regimes that would oppress people for communicating about things that aren't human trafficking, that are just living their lives and existing and they aren't bothering anybody like freedom of expression, freedom of religion, whatever the case may be, then that's great. Like you go, girl.
that's the way thing. Like tools, screw driver. Here you can stab someone with IT. You can use a hammer for bad things. This is, this is an argument that works for so many things, something that can absolutely be used for good can very often also be used for bad things. but. I don't know you put yourself in a really bad spot if you remove these things that can be used for good because they can also be used for bad yeah you lose out on incredibly important things.
I mean talked about this and in our recent um like hacking tools yeah it's like what so we .
get Better at me, yes but .
like yeah .
with the hacking tools, if you ban all the hacking tools, then people aren't going to know how secure their things are as easily. And also the people that are that have the ability to just make them anyways, yes, because some of them aren't inherently that complicated war. Now that they were like plans for making them are online, if you're crafty, you can make maybe a not quite as good version, but you can make your own version anyways. So like they're still going to exist, but and now it's just harder for good people .
to get their hands on IT. But with all of that said, I couldn't look in the eye of of a of a trafficking victim who had escaped and tell them why we did be and tell them, you know i'm gonna keep running this platform. I don't I don't I don't I don't have IT in me um which is why yeah so it's honestly for me it's the same it's the same logic.
I I forget her name um she's like super private althen. What's your me? No, no, no, no, no. Uh, I can't remember there's there's someone who works on another Blakes privacy platform. She's is super cool SHE did SHE didn't interview recently SHE doesn't do that many of them but basically he was like yet this is really important.
Um thank you anyway well whatever her her whole being private thing works then anyway yeah the point is yeah for me it's it's really important I support and and encryption I too huh. And and you know I think there's room for this room for conversations around what that implementation looks like. Like should we be allowed to have an end end encrypted very large group chat, for example, where you could you could org ize an attack or something like that and it's like, well, oh yeah maybe that that would be bad.
But then the flip side of that is okay. Um the government has has has okay, this is great. The government has declared that what is what's is not one the election, even though there is pretty significant evidence that he actually um didn't.
And people need to people need to organize so that they can gather, so they can resist. Like that's why that's why these platforms need to exist. The only problem.
the places under attack and you're trying to evacuate many people as you possibly can, and communications are being monitored so they can create two points and you want to avoid that. Like there's there's lots of super ligion reasons as to why you would want these tools.
And the problem is that they don't move at the speed of a telegram anymore. Ah so they move so fast that they're hard for enforcement to stay on top of the are to they're hard to deal with. There's there's really there's really .
bad stuff happening and it's it's not like this stuff isn't gonna happen even if you take telegram away.
No, but these tools are so powerful now they can happen so fast.
I money moves around and shadows just so much more easily than I used to like.
I really want to name them because I don't want to i'm i'm going to anyway so direct. But ah I feel like they actually they don't cater to this stuff at time. But IT still happens on their platform anyways.
but discord 也 practically .
everyone has IT these days。 Yeah and you can set up a server and invite two thousand people to IT instantly and all works instantly.
And there's no like personally identifying information to create the count throw .
away account knowing it's gona be banned in two days yeah and not care. And then just whether .
it's encysted or not, people are just going to be in there. I have then again, I was I was reading some article about this for other um and apparently there's just all kinds of like short hands for discussing illicit material like I as a as a person who doesn't get into that um like I I could read a conversation and I could have no idea that is even about that.
Well, that was a whole thing. I I did not follow this enough. okay. And this is probably i'm going to this going to open a canal. Ms, I just remember a lot of the whole keyword thing that you're talking about being a part of this conversation but the whole pizz .
gate thing yeah pizza.
hot dogs and do you want lunch and all of the type of stuff where IT all means something else. It's like, okay, this sounds like completely Normal conversations but like, ah I don't know.
Russell mania says, yeah, criminals use code words.
I know. So I S great.
Thank you for that. okay. We're not talking about the pizza conspiracy theory around the lake. One pizer restaurant the terminal did did you can bring IT up? I just .
remember there's a lot of conversations at that time about code words that all so I said, disco needs to moderate their platform Better. Do you have any concept at all of how genuinely insane that would be would .
be impossible?
What is crazy task if if we want properly like if we want moderate to discord on the level that you're talking about, I hope you're ready .
to pay fifteen box a month like or more. Yeah, that's the thing. Like these services are only viable as long as they're financially viable, right?
Like you can just say or will they need to? Okay, with what army, right? Like, you can even just be IT, can even just be randoms.
Like these people would need training. They need criminal record checks. They would need, the whole thing would have to be monitored and overseen. Who who does IT right .
command set or paper server? L O L, yeah, except discord killed all of those.
venturo in t speak. And all those services are gone. basically. I note I text ally still use team speak. Some of them, like the team technically exists, but like, come on, IT is not the same thing. And the thing that killed them all .
was was discard because the service are free. so. But you know, you do know how to send a merge message, but if you don't know, don't send a twitch bit, don't send a super chat.
If you want to interact with the show like this, like terra o down here, you had to do to send a merge message, go to L T, T store dot com, throw something your cart will have a couple of suggestions for you in a minute. We've got some stuff to talk about for something your carton, you'll be prompted to send a merge message. You'll get a reply from dan, okay, which may or may not be useful depending on what kind of a mood he is having was warranted.
They're always warranted. Or he will forwarded internally or he will create IT for me and looks. So we'll show you guys how some created merge messages might look and then will give you guys kind of the update for what's going on on the store.
Hit me. Sure thing. Let's see what we've gone here. Hello, dan, luke and random beard is black, dude.
Linus, if when you retire from youtube, would you still do the one show? You guys a big part of my weekly routine? I would hate to see you go. Don't free out, but you can. I have had this conversation very recently .
and agree, more or less agreed on on, yeah, yeah, yeah.
that the show must go on. The one shows specifically. I mean, it's one of those things where it's kind of a it's kind of a no brainer because there's no way that lucon I are going to stop like reading tech news. Um the it's not really that much work for us to take the discord chats that we might have throughout the week and just not do that and then point to camera at you when we get together in chat. It's in a time slot that doesn't really interfere with yet people .
who don't have a way. IT is very rarely bit a problem for me.
Yeah, there's like katy Perry song, have no idea what you talking about. Yeah, we SAT at the table top. Yeah, we talked to about some tech. Oh, my god.
And to to be clear, like where we still got still got a mission right, like having having loop, taking a close look at what's going on with the labs has been really refreshing. It's really exciting because we've got a lot of work to do. You looking at the path forward for the channel, the the various channels here. Um it's been really nice to see L, T, T on the upswing again. Yeah and this is big.
this is in spite of how difficult IT is to make tech interesting. But dammit, that what we do, that's what we do. You have a figure .
in there's been some real bangers.
That's what we do really, really well. We've got a great team. The sentiment .
scrape words insane. Yeah.
that was a lot of fun things. Things are getting to the point where you can kind of get into things affordably again, maybe a little bit as long as you've got a little bit of you scrap yard war spirit and you're willing to get in there and learn some stuff, which is think that our wheel house, right? So man, i'm i'm excited.
I'm actually pretty i'm optimistic more so than i've been in a while to be perfectly honest with you guys, right? Like if you look at how the last three hundred sixty five days have gone for the channel, we were we were in a pretty rough state last september. IT wasn't good.
And you know we'd have A A banger to hear. We'd have a couple good uploads. And then it's been this kind of this pattern of like, yeah, we like recover for a bit and then it's like it's like we've been swiming against the current for a long, long time. But then you look .
at what .
happens here in july. I mean, even this low, low point here is not nearly what we were looking at back there, right? So you look at this low point in july, you go kind of like, oh, things are things are on the up and up. Finally, we're pulling IT together.
We're figuring out what is what is the new matter, what are people looking for um what is the mix that we need of reviews of things that people need to know about like you can drag next that dragon acts or like, okay, yeah, here's one that didn't perform particularly well. I AMD new mobile AMandas new mobile chips vers. What are the what are the content styles that are going to appeal more broadly like this one? This one's a really good example where IT didn't necessarily start out doing too great. Honestly, like if you look at at the low end of what of what our typical ranges for video performance.
then that just keeps going.
But we figured out how to do this more often, how to find stuff that achieves, I call this like as escape velocity yeah right. Where we're finding ways to make content that appeals algorithm ally to the youtube audience in a way that we were struggling with for a while.
So i'm i'm actually i'm really optimistic because we're going to be able to do that Better with more foundational testing, and we're going to be able to afford to build foundational testing as long as we can continue to do that Better as we go. And you know sometimes um the content that we're upload these days has been a little controversial. I mean, that stock android one definitely rifled some feathers, but I don't think my thing has ever been having the same opinion as everybody else. No, i'm i've been .
tired of that for I think it's I feel like it's been two or maybe even three years where for some reason, uh, people in the tax space have been obsessed with all the reviews saying the same thing. And if they don't, it's like a huge problem. That's just rough.
I'm not onna. Do IT no good. Like, yes, okay. And you know what the funny thing is in time, a lot of the time the disco kinder comes around my position. Do you remember what a firestorm is set off when I said that ad block was piracy?
Is that coming around?
Yeah, really. Oh yeah. It's dude watching the good.
When I said that, I was like, I was like, I had dropped a nuclear bomb on my career essentially like, wouldn't believe. And some people are still about IT. It's weird when I see .
the community whole hardly embraced piracy. And then you say this one thing is pacy and they're like, no, what is I never said?
Don't I never said don't be able trading linux IOS on your .
plex servers. What you even talking about .
mean on the stuff all the time yeah relax o yeah and and it's the same thing. It's the same thing with more intimate yeah what all I said was it's only worth the paper it's printed on. The value of a warranty is, is.
I thought I of the company .
willing to.
I I think, okay.
So I message terribly.
I message terribly.
IT was .
wrappin like the worst packaging you could ever imagine. But the other, I don't disagree with the underlying statement.
Well, you know what I was look, well, I was thinking back to a conversation that i'd actually had with another content creator who knows who they are. I'm not going to name this content creator, but I was a conversation that I had with another content creator where I was talking about what the contingency plan was, the event of mine and Evans passing, and how the company could continue to Operate.
And they basically said to me, my company is specifically set up with a poison pill clause. So the second I dropped dead, everything's gone. Everyone loses their jobs.
The brand can continue because IT could reflect on me post human sly. And no one has any warranty. And I was like, that's pretty up, was sort of my response to that. And this is this is a content created again, they know who they are. And I was like.
nobody has A O because sell products.
you're an actual folking at all essentially, right? Because like the the the level of narcissus display was sort of mind boggling to me .
because of the the just the whole thing or that the warranty is not all of them, okay.
all of IT the fact that everyone is just like instantly out of a job, because because this thing couldn't possibly be good without you like, 而 do you have.
do you have any concern?
Does that smell bad inside your own victim? Like honestly .
though, uh, do do you have is that a concern for you at all? Like, I know mad at this.
but hold on, hold on. So that was where I was coming from when I said that weird thing about how whatever we put together should be something that last .
because I I remember whatever to be .
something that is structured correctly such that IT could be maintained in the event that IT wasn't just down to me saying, trust me, brow, and making sure that whether IT makes financial sense or night, we just take care of IT that was what I said but IT was super weird the way that I explained IT and IT got twisted by people who know who they are. Um and I .
think you probably should just wrote in a warranty anyways. But well.
probably we also hadn't not written down and the product was in large, the product was in line.
That was a crazy st thing for me. I like one. I think IT was IT. IT was kind of weird, like refusing to write one. And then IT was also really weird how much feedback there .
was when the thing was and we had the finding integrity to .
not take people's money to.
We present the crap out of those products, okay? We wouldn't take people's money because we didn't want them to have uncertainty about IT because we wanted them to have third party feedback on IT before we were willing to take their money.
Look, did we do the pop up before the warranty? No, I don't remember. No, we didn't. Okay, I thought we did.
I don't remember. No.
the whole .
thing was absolutely unhinged. And it's really funny now because in every conversation around people like talking about our customer service, you see people that are like like said, like.
yes, I someone recently some the zipper like peeled off a backpack .
or something yeah .
oh my and like, I .
definitely have thoughts about that. Like from a sustainability standpoint, I would rather see people like go get that patched and I i'd rather give people like a small you know, credit for that or something, then send a whole new backpack. But we stand behind the product and I believe that person was offered a new backpack.
Would that be a cool option?
There's there's a lot of work some way. There's a lot of work .
involved because really difficult.
You like it's not like it's not like very huge multination brand. And we can have look, a backpack service center in every major city, whatever. But yes, yeah, I mean, there's definitely there's definitely you know things about that, that I personally personally I wouldn't have bit a warn request for that. But personally, I I would stand behind our product, right?
So sorry, sorry, I was looking at. Give me once second, sorry.
yeah, this is clean.
I was looking at so, so. Someone posts to that during the show.
Oh, no. Sometimes going through .
the redit is a terrifying experience and sometimes it's just whole. Is there people got some screen shot, I think is from scraping our wars or something and they they remade the like drake mean, or it's like, no. Or like, yeah, that's so funny. I've been enjoying those. I don't know just what about .
those who are unable to claim back the twenty five dollars you promised only on buying a single new product. We offered them a full refund. At the end of the day, my life ability to you is absolutely not more than the cost you spent on the product.
If you weren't happy with the twenty five dollar credit, we offered a refund that's IT at. At that point, we have done all that we can do. I'm not going to give you back message like I said, I said, I said, trust me, bro. Not take advantage of me, bro.
yeah. Oh, that's all inside to me.
Not on a show me. You've talked about this.
Anyways, um what about .
front massage says that's a nice chat.
Then should we go through our announcements? We've got yeah .
yeah we've got well, no responsible to do a couple of merge message. We sing, I want change of the four. We do one merge message.
You read all your announcements and we'll do another. One of them will move on. Oh, nice.
Look at this guy being a producer. IT has had the title for a long time, but that was was next level producing. He produced the out of us I feel produced we need .
like like a logo in the corner of his web campus. Like S, S.
S. Plus i'm going to produce a resignation. No, I don't .
just ever doing ever. Yes, IT stock.
We wouldn't be working together. The street, dude, this street is gone to be longer than my underwear. okay?
The street can never. You still wear everywhere is Better to. My good to wow, man. Nounce ment, right, right, right. So we've got some nounce ment being a pop ups.
Yeah, we're hosting a pop up event speaking of not being willing to take people's money for an unproven products, although honestly, our engineering team and our fashion team are getting good enough that I i'd might be willing to start relaxing that. Now probable. I think it's time for us to retreat our our product design capabilities as like we're actually like pretty fast.
good at this at this point. Anyway.
I do agree, but the pop pops are also pop ups with another pop on saturday temps, we are going to be doing a pop up where we will be launching slash, making available our brand new L T, precision multi I bit screw driver and big kit. And if you come to the pop up, you'll be able to purchase one of five hundred .
numbered precision .
screwdrivers. Well, not these ones, because on't IT IT can be numbered if you have extra ones to show on the one show. When we number something, we number, and actually all men.
Okay, sorry, i'm this derivation lucan. I up lue, can I? Nick and I had a conversation recently.
We found a bunch of those lambo venis. Do you remember the the sixty nine only lambo venis? And I didn't know what to do.
We found, apparently for minimal quantic purposes, we ordered more than sixty nine of them also to have warranty. And um because we said we would only sell sixty nine of them. But I hate waste. Um so the conversation what what nick wanted to do was, uh do like a promo on venture or something like that and and I basically was like, if we say there's only this many, there can only be this many, but our options are either to what sell them, hold onto them forever.
don't do or throw .
them the way, but which I don't want OK is IT okay to give them away, the chat says is okay to give them away. I think giving them away.
okay, I so so the .
numbers ones can be the ones we sold and but we can still give them away that okay.
got let wizard said, give them away in a promo that I don't necessary so we can .
profit from more than just money like that, something that you guys got to consider just because I turn off the add sense on my video, for example. That doesn't mean that I didn't benefit, that I didn't profit, that there there isn't a net benefit to me of upload that video, let's say if it's something was going na get a lot of views. It's not that black and White.
The world is about more than just money, right? So if I use IT for a promo, I am absolutely profiting even if it's not directly financially. Most people seem to think it's pretty cool to give them away.
So how many other it's .
like forty years, something like I like maybe we had to order a couple hundred or I don't know or like hundred and fifty, I don't know exactly that got me on the number. It's less that is way less than thousand. It's more than ten.
Let me ask the audience this because I feel like they're most likely to lean in one direction um but I feel one thing that I suspect will be a opposite to the audience. So I want to check with them just to counter my bias um is IT Better to give IT away internally. You're externally because .
you give IT away externally.
then you're not selling IT. There's actually a lot less benefit.
I think we should give IT away externally then, but it's not always easy. Giving stuff away is not always easy like people don't need the .
whole fast fashion and it's kind of both sides. Yeah.
that's a company benefit. That's a perk now that we've provided. So in terms of lake, are we getting something that we actually like kind of whether if we give IT away externally and do IT quietly so that nobody knows about IT, then it's the least benefit to the company.
Interest is a zero benefit. So this is this is really important doggone. Let ward says you're also profiting on any charity events by that logic.
Yeah yeah. That's like the whole billionaire playbook. Why do you think any of them charity, anything?
I made a billion dollars and suddenly I am now philanthropist.
There's also like it's a whole, it's a whole. It's a whole rabbit hole, not even just the reputational management of charity. It's a whole, it's a whole thing. But that's that's that's one of the reasons we don't really talk about stuff much, although there is something that we get to talk about this week because the thing that precipitated the donation was a very public event. We ended up raising twenty thousand dollars, to be clear.
for the people, for the electron .
frontier foundation.
Oh, nice.
Twenty thousand dollars with that. Got fish shirt. So thank you guys very much.
That was the full profits from that shirt. Very exciting. What is what am I looking at here is just like, okay, whatever.
So here's here's a thing about the electrical frontier foundation and you go you can learn about them. They are cool, positive, deo, whatever. So that that's pretty exciting. But yeah, that's that's the only way to do is to to donate something and not talk about IT at all. Um yeah to be clear.
that doesn't mean that creators doing charity streams itself like that or like bad or like specifically doing IT for profit. But there is a benefit to IT. It's not is not benefit less. It's it's less beneficial than than just doing like A A summah on or a donate to me drive of some form. They are still giving that money to charity, charity still benefiting from the execute, but it's not benefit less.
Maybe mt. Says, can you donate IT to a to a developing country? Actually that whole thing is a big problem. So back to what was saying about fast fashion.
There is now an excess of second hand clothing because people just buy stuff, wear in a couple times and is so cheap they just, oh yeah, i'll donated and then like, I don't have to feel bad about the massive amount of raw materials and labor that goes into these products that i'm consuming and then using a couple of times like we I feel like there's been a huge mentality shift. Like when people would talk about people would talk about never wearing the same pair of underwear as like a completely unhinged, out of touch, you know, behavior. We would laugh about IT and joke about IT. But now IT really does seem like people will will wear a shirt a few times and be like out of style. Now i'll just pick up something new on T, U.
Or or it's so cheap and manufactured. So really that IT might be like somewhat destroyed by the third ware. The logo is all reactor, not logo. But the thing on IT is all rector, whatever else.
And so back to donating to other countries, it's actually not necessarily a net benefit because what you can do is IT can destroy the local market for those products, destroying the companies that produce them, making them forever dependent, creating this cycle of dependency on like teu garbage that gets shift across one ocean, warn a couple times and then handle a bunch of times and then shipped across another fricking ocean like the whole thing is so, so inefficient.
I'm not saying we won't donate them. If anything, I think that's clearly the position i'm advocating for here is that we give them away externally. But what I am saying is that it's not that black and weight yeah and that simple.
也不 um yeah .
four com five says go feature local ducks, then stop. The thing that happens next isn't nice. Um okay, let's go back to talking about our pop up shop shelli line. This camp here .
IT is so how do we don't .
know about IT? okay. So we'll have some other popular items from ltd store 点 com, including a recently launched offsite laptop bag and should be talk about the product a little are going to talk about this at all.
So there's a few things that make the new precision driver really exciting. You guys is can sign up for a notification. We're going to have that link down, below, right down.
People can get a notification. Yeah, I believe it's down there. I will double check them.
So there's a few things that I really love about this kid. Number one is the driver itself, super, super high quality machine. Illumina, nice strong magnet.
In the end, that's just kind of gonna be if we're going to have a staple for our screwdriver products, that's gonna be IT. We've got in handle bits storage. I can hold three of our precision bits, which use the standard shank size and are actually the standard length, but with a twist.
I'll talk about that in a minute. Speaking of twisting, it's got a high quality bearing on the top that will spin for anywhere from, let's say, you know, I don't want to promise too much, let's say, anywhere from twenty seconds to we've had them spinning for dar near a minute depending on how you get them going. It's gonna. Yeah.
there's a lot of there's a bit of a nice to IT is there's some variants in the barriers. There's lot of stuff going on.
We're going to have accessories ies, including different tops. So you can have a concave top if you like the finger hold. We're going to have a convex top if you like to pm IT.
And then by fault is gonna with the flat top. But you'll be able to get top kits. And who knows what kinds of tops we might have available for IT in the future? That's the driver itself.
Then there's the kit. Super high quality case comes with a detachable top that you can use as a parts tray includes a sheet maggy inside along with little your spaces for the stuff that you're taking out of IT. There you go.
There's one of our bits in there. And okay, that is probably the worst bit you could have possibly put on to there for my next point. Our bits are also pretty exciting even though they are the same length that you would find from um well, let's say you know other bit other bit manufacturer that we respect a lot.
One of the things that we changed was the depth of the um uh the the hacks portion so you can see IT drops into our driver there. And she's a little she's a little longer in the skinny part. One of the issues that i've had with many of the precision drivers that i've used in the past is that they aren't deep enough to reach into, in some cases, like almost anything yeah, depending on the bids.
So we're really excited for these to be not super deep. I mean, they're still not a fixed shaft screw driver, know are you're gonna to fix shaft w driver? Sometimes working on solutions for that, but there are a little bit deeper making the multiply a little bit more usable.
And I guess that's all I have to say about that. Is there any other like major points that I missed here? And IT dies aluminum and cap is interchangeable hybrid's ceramic c hybrid bearing, incredibly strong magnet.
Yeah, yeah, oh, oh yeah. right. The driver will be available by itself if you already have an I fixed kit.
We love I fixed IT. There are great partner. We love their mission or not. We're not trying to replace I fixed IT.
We certainly never will.
Like all the replaced parts, all the guides, but we we're real passionate screw drivers and we really love this thing comes with sixty one different bits, standard phillip specialize bits for game councils, all inds of different ones. And I think that's pretty much I have to say about that for right now.
So I said, what time is the pop up open?
Uh, okay. So it'll be next saturday, september seventh, from ten m to two P. M. At the linus media group studio in seri, waited at the studio of the lab study.
I was told.
studio, studio. okay. So i'll be at the studio now. This might be kind of exciting or whatever, but do not travel far for this question.
why we didn't give you very much notice.
This will not be like L, T, X, A rail, and we will have some testing stations for you like try out the product. Um you you'll have an opportunity to talk to some of our design and engineering folks about how we develop our tools and products. There might be a few other things um but don't travel.
We literally don't have enough capacity for a ton of people to be here and everyone's gonna have a bad time if people are tracking out here from like wherever is and so please don't yeah okay cool. All right. There's a couple of other things for the store scribe drivers.
Um the pen are now available to order again if you missed out on the last two drops or you're looking to buy more, you can secure yours on backend at ng gg slash pen. So that's a good candidate. If you guys want to send a merge message today, do you don't have one yet? No, get rep.
I tried to buy them in the last wave and I couldn't get IT fessed IT up.
I want to like to me to put A A question for you. right?
It's fine. It's fine. Wall, okay. Forget a rule. Exec etra, I don't like putting in matter quest when customers can get them. So if the thing is perpetual sold out.
it's a very noble of you prove, literally took A A small break from the shoot that we were doing together, said on his laptop, ordered one, and then came back. I was like, what are you doing? He's like ordering a scribe driver. I was like, really.
Yeah so I want you to like be able to exist on the store for more than you know a couple days and then i'll try to get one.
I mean, you you got keys in your head of instructor. You could just turn off the cameras in one or seven and less go. It's going to grab a handful.
That's really smart.
You can't joke about that smart. You can even joke about that. Just he's a smart guy. yes. Not like there's like massive amounts of logs and all of us get emails all the time. If anybody would try to do something like that, yeah, would be pretty.
Ov, yeah.
Okay, last couple .
things like me. One.
I mean, you can just do IT and I H man. Last announcement is we are resuming our sponsor partnership with a sues. Uh, we stopped working with them on january fifth of this year due to issues that we were seeing um through our community feedback team or through our community feedback mechanisms on the forum I got oh I like this issues timely. This is oh wow golden put together a little document for me.
So in twenty twenty two, late twenty twenty two, we saw the first issues complaints on the forum in a second quarter of twenty twenty three, we saw detailed post about someone having issues with issue support um followed shortly by some more issues and an influx of complaints regarding issues like GPU mobile with display issues in early may of that year we told the sues that if we didn't see improvements or if they didn't do anything to dress complaints, we'd have to consider pausing partnership um so that was within a month of this sort of influx of complaints um in may of twenty twenty year and twenty twenty three. On the one show I said that issues was in the dog house and that we were in talks about sharing up customer support uh with them。 Um there's also called to action in the segment encouraging people the form with their complaints in August.
We let's see how one we reiterate reaching the complaints. The process takes time. O yeah okay. yeah. In August, we posted regarding the large amount of complaints that we've been receiving since we may we reiterate, we're sharing the complaints.
In september, we were told that a suicide an action plan coming for how they wanted to change their processes. We share with the form that this is coming. In december, we went through the entire form history and compile the list of all sponsor complaints from thirty four different users and sent these two issues.
We flagged the ones that were valid complaints that needed resolutions a APP. And also in december, we had a call with issues to go over each issue one by one and share what we thought the resolutions should look like. In the december, we posted our weekly forum update.
In january, we announced to the issues would no longer be a sponsor of L. T. T.
In march, we made a thread on the form to assist with people needing. Our maze is still pinned. In April, we worked with, they used to audit people's issues.
We have realized a few were still outstanding. So this is in twenty twenty four now um in june, cult man I actually met with this uses CEO. I don't think we've ever addressed this publicly um but we SAT down directly face to face with their CEO. Um I laid out what I needed to see happening with the the ongoing issue with the S D card in the R G. L. I laid out what I needed to see how, because this was around the launch of the l two, our alix, excuse me, I laid out what philosophically I felt was an underlying problem, that issues I sort of, I spoke to some of the issues that I could see that I could have empathy with.
What I saw from speaking with him was someone who was told, yes, sir, yes sir, um when things weren't getting done and I told him I can empathy with that and I felt that what they needed was an improvement in upward communication um and ability for people to to raise these issues in a way that would make IT so that he wasn't blind cited by IT because it's one of those things where you can, you can, you can dash someone for what went wrong. But I don't feel that that's actually the most effective way to an act change. I think it's far more important to empathy with them and to try to figure out what went wrong because IT was clear to me from speaking with him that he didn't want issues to suck at all.
He wanted to be great. And so I was like a cable. Here's an issue. Um one of the other things that I outlined as being very important was I felt that I should still had a very two thousands mentality.
Sometimes fix IT with a revision was something that I told him that I felt issues had embraced for a lot of its history, and that was a big part of issue. Success for a long time was to move fast and break things. And I was like, look, you guys are grown up company now and I think that's something that needs to change.
He seemed extremely receptive to everything that we talked about. Um so far, we have actually seen very little in the way of overall activity around issue support issues. Um you know one of the ones that I saw, the person was outraged because there was a credit cardholder, front events army, that's standard practice.
There's a credit card hold when you get an advanced ama. So advanced rea is when they send you the new product they're waiting to receive and then they're waiting to receive the old broken one back and then they take the hold off the credit card. That is completely Normal.
You need to chill. In fact, offering advanced amy at all is like really good. I I love advanced a because then I don't have to have downtime with something like working.
So um we felt really good about that. Things seem to be going OK. And if anyone needs you know help finding the correct channels of support for a suse, we still do have a topic here so you guys can check this out.
I'm going to post this in the flow plane chat maybe then if you can check that in in some of the other chats. But we think we've we've seen enough that we're ready to work with them again, but nothing's permanent, right? Like we have.
We have begun and ended relationships with industry giants time and time and time again. I mean, in video, in video is a hilarious one, right? Because they went from, you know, working together to not working together .
for a long .
time for to working together extremely closely, to not working together for two years, because because we called them out to working together with them again, we're working with them now. We don't agree with everything they do. But you're not gonna get a lot done um from the outrage.
People leave, mentalities change, mentalities shift.
I mean, I do think that in video has a bit of a chip on their shoulder from the top down. sure. I mean, I. I would, I would not criticize jenson's business argument.
When you have that nice of an oven, you've gotta be a shark to some.
Or as knowledge. Everyone i've ever spoken to from the videos, like the scarious thing about jensen, is that he thinks he can do your job Better than you can and you probably and he's right, he'll walk in in like two seconds and solve something that you've been spending a week on. And it's like that be terrifying.
You know, that kind of pressure. But it's very clear that in video a is for out for in video first, that's all say about that. So anyway.
i've got some questions about the crew driver really quick. Oh, that is, what is the cost of things? What is the cost of the strew driver itself, the cost of the case with the bits and all that kind of stuff? And what is the cost of the combat IT?
Do we know any of the look of this face you that does this look like a face that knows no okay, right? I actually don't know.
Can we figure that out um because I think there is public info, at least for the screwdriver itself.
IT is eight, thirteen. I'm not message anybody right now. alright. Yeah, I could.
I could call neck, but uh, I don't need, I don't need to call neck for that. I'm sure you we'll figure that out. You'll figure IT out.
I mean, when it's you're .
know yeah exactly exactly. I'm not gonna bother someone if you just like, doesn't matter that much yeah uh, okay, going to a call in three now my phone might be dead actually no, no, it's still got two percent are a lot teams messages? Oh, okay. You want to do another merge message before we move on to additional topics ten minutes ago?
Was that all the announcement?
There was a lot this week. I got to make sure that you get through the moller or we get hit. We assaulted.
We did the pop up of that. Yeah, yeah. We're good. We're good. okay? We can be sure come .
down with the sticks.
They will not beat us with sticks. They come out of the quarterly budget if they break us on. Oh my god, you.
You didn't use the stick budget this corner. We're onna take IT out of the fiscal report you know about higher quality sticks, then they wouldn't break as much. No, you know the break is sticks. Okay, let's see .
Brown trees.
That was my entire contribution to that bit. And I ruined IT. I one hundred percent .
ruined that you did .
to if one fox branch manager.
Okay, let's see again, pick up, uh, hello and show how did the video game actions go? David had an impressive collection.
Oh, I I didn't .
ask him. I don't. I meant to ask him. Hopefully good.
Probably good. Can we see? Okay.
that i'm not too bothered about, just like asking someone okay well, i'll ask him to ask i'll see see for her back okay, shall I do another topic?
Why are you .
just calling him yeah this one more than church church um let's see what piece of tech has the best value. We've seen all the unique bills in your house, but what do you value the most?
You value the most.
Values tough because, like, okay, I was actually just talking to evon today. We wrote the waters' des and, uh, he was like, or you gonna ve your phone like at the at the lake, little tent sites lash like blanket area. I was like, yeah, I don't know she's like, you gona cover IT up and like, i'm sure like kick IT under a blanket like I and I was telling her, I actually love having a piece of crap phone that I don't have to care about you.
This thing doesn't matter to me at all. I valued that. Oh yeah, absolutely. So like what does value mean because you clearly said it's not money.
This is a mildly controversial part of the reason why I don't want a .
new car because it's broken in. It's got the first scratch, the tense scratch, hundred scratch if .
something is more .
scratch than car.
i'll be sad if I like stops working but i'll just take to mechanic if someone like bumps sit probably get a fixed like I ve not super where it's along to effectively. There's sure there's parts and they're probably not that expensive. Yeah like whatever you'll be fine. Yeah that's a very comfortable lives, a bad driver. I've never once been .
in the action of my life. Shot up. No, it's not the point. Like a scratch from like OK. Hold on, i'm going to trying to think of some of the hilarious no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm trying to think of some of the hilarious stuff you ve had taking up the entire backseat of your car when i've gone to put my backpack in IT. Okay, no, he had this computer tower that had this like machine part that jake made him in like high school or something that was back there for weeks, months, months.
There was a water league in my storage unit, in my apartment. I effectively didn't have storage. So my car, just like, became story, right? It's ove now. So it's gone now my car is actually now .
really yeah I need a ride tonight so i'm going to find out just talent .
is yeah it's actually like him to end that.
my friends, is how you secure a ride home.
I'd noticed that because you had previously .
said you're going to no at home. I meant from from cultus lake went to get back here.
When you going to call this.
I went today. Did you not notice me say.
is that the water's very folking .
he does not even listen .
to me and so work to you for you. Ah you wait, but yeah the car, the car is actually legibly pretty clean at this point.
I'll be the judge of that, right? What are we talking about?
How we get scratches.
but there putting dom so much stuff in that things on the way.
and that has leather seats so far a while.
is a fortune. Boy.
I was. Um for a while there I was worried about like, you know putting something on the sea, what I output like black or a towel down or something try to predict to see and now it's like.
whatever do you know IT was liberating, spilling muriatic acid in my car.
right like a kind of sucks but at the same time you like first ones out .
of the way yeah nothing's going to be worse than yeah I don't know like .
i've stored snowboards in my car now yeah whatever. At a certain point it's like I want to use IT for what it's for you and not worry too much about all the little details. The first one is a genes part because I have never even got to the point there's the little like studs on your genes that hold them together. And if you lean against the car, IT could scrub the car. I realized .
something, but they never. Is my look, you don't hold your genes together. Sorry, motion. Anyway, we should probably move on. We .
we never answer the question. What do you value? I don't know. This is going so bad because you always bring IT there. So we started talking about your pants.
He takes .
that I can.
Ohh, no, I don't know where the limit is. I'm gonna ep, the mouth show what piece of tech is that? And really won't be able. Wow, wow.
my face started hurt. My goodness, my too OK your .
fathers. Like a weird nerve thing, like where you kind of pinch here but you feel IT over you.
O K O K okay.
I think that's the midday square .
should be the one.
What is stupid show most valuable .
piece of tech?
Oh, OK what I value, my nas. The nas is the one I would save in a fire .
OK I try. good. yeah. Um .
man, i've cloud back up of the things .
I really care about now that you had the saving of fire thing like I wouldn't save any of my talking of fire.
You would even take a .
fun if it's not already in my pocket. There's probably other things. I have the .
bird and I mean that secret timely you do not save anything in the unless IT IT has a beating heart.
Yeah yeah right but like, I mean, even just like I don't know my phone, I even like, yeah, I not going to replace this. I'm too cheap but I not a fan of IT. So like whatever if I can grab IT on the way out.
I am a little hurt right now. why? Because that bulb or computer was handcrafted by my children .
and you were not.
And you choose that as your most .
valuable tech charin in this light. It's so big and heavy, and it's like after if I don't unplugged.
it's going to be stuck. And I just waiting for him to bring up his spiral again. Go cy bean said.
what about your birds? Yeah, that's essentially .
the problem, right? How do you like save a burden fire like they don't .
have clip with.
just run. Okay, the cage, as long as you have the cage.
then they have out of the cage. It's probably just over um if there is smoke and they're of the cage, there are tricks to be to catch them really um you have to make they have oddly enough, I always thought the opposite for the longest time. But birds have tired at least budgets.
This is trivial in terminal of, no, I will .
have fantastic night vision, as far as I know, but budgets have terrible night vision. So if you just turn the lights low, they can see anything, and I can just cash them.
I, you meant to catch them outside?
No, no, no, no, no, no. Yes, they pretty. There is ways to catch them in that case, but that's like our proactive. It's not .
trank .
down die size of the really .
small one. Obviously I story on, but i've I told you .
the story of vote, how we return to catch that person's body that got out yeah I was walking around the park birdcage and a speaker playing bird noises, looking absolutely insane. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how you catch them because they hear other birds and they're like, OK, that's good and they see a like, that's where food often is, right? Well, go there and then you just close the door.
nice. But then you have to figure what the heck's are, right? So that can .
be rough. Put their take on IT, then IT won't fly away. Yeah, that's true.
That's true. hey. Oh, speaking in pet side, we got two new cats.
Yeah, yeah. Your ARM is what I was pointing up.
Oh yeah, right? I told the story last week. yeah.
So we know how going. great. They are super, super well socialized. They are on day one, they were like scamping around, climbing everything in lapse. Couldn't believe IT.
Couldn't believe IT. The lapt is pretty crazy. Are they integrating with the other cats at all?
Monday one. wow. Yes, just they are.
They be any animal.
be child. We put a little, I found a cheap catch on crags list and our facebook. And just like put IT in the bathroom where they're staying, well, keep the isolated from the other cats. Yeah, how long? How show the class OK all messed to them.
How long they have to do the isolation for?
We don't have to anything, but they have fleas and we can't treat them for another three weeks. And that also gives the other cats a little bit of time to kind of smell that sometimes is going on. And um IT also gives these guys a little bit time to get a little bigger and you know stuff and stuff .
are they you said they have fleas and there is a picture of violence sitting with them. Yeah so we're what take a close off. Wh, yeah you yeah that .
make sense. And realistically this is going after like treat everything after anyway. So yeah yeah is what is nor of IT yeah.
that's fair enough. Yeah birds usually do like a month, even if there is no known issues, just quarantine for a month.
Yes, all that at the top of the dog. Oh, OK, I thought you were just going put them up. Okay, so here's here's my life.
Um I managed to catch her, not Young y so cute. What party? Oh, SHE leaked my wife pussy. That's the best one yet. Anyway, here's .
ridicule .
really or what? yes.
They seem to be getting along quite well. Well yeah that's .
good .
yeah see will see the the .
other cats think .
love so many now .
yeah of the fish that's .
that's like we're getting .
pretty close to crazy cat little territories.
What is the line there? So I think is IT five, you pass the IT, you got one more. Are you now officially crazy at ready?
We see IT as a ratio. We are a household of five people. We only actually have a one cat to one person ratio.
That doesn't seem that crazy. If we had fifteen cats. Well, there need to be an intervention of some. Sorry, I don't know. A lot of people have two cats.
but two people usually.
yeah, you got five people. There is one kind. yeah.
So totally reasonable. I think ten would be fine. Yeah, pretty reasonable. No, yeah, it's about the ratio.
look. No, I don't think it's okay. I think I can be at least partially.
But the rao, you and I had two wives, that would be fine as long as there's two of us, right? So it's fine as long as between the two of us we don't have say six wives here in canada. Anyone yes always doing a cult other than down table yeah like there's like a cult town in yeah in bc. We're not really sure how that now we want to do the cold town. Line is text only.
Youtube is not me. Lies text down. Yeah.
it's really named. Know what about second husband? And then where we the where we do the bizarre experimenting on people could be L, T, T. labs. perfect.
They writes itself. Yeah, that's that's amazing. Yeah.
I love IT lowly blue easters. ttl.
That is a thing.
Speaking of things that are, oh yeah thing, sponsors, the show has got you today by msi. School season is starting soon.
Time to .
do not a real .
picture. yes. Well.
not the way. No, the face has been altered. Pretty notable.
The hair, not so much. Yeah, yeah. I was actually wearing overall like that.
What is walking restraining order to waiting to happen? Don't worry about this. I like funny shirts from warehouse one.
I did the same thing.
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anything? I want to see the thing, the thing due again, then my rating. nice.
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What was even looking at there? Just find the one that suits your needs and slap a mike on any headset of surface in seconds that's sick. Actually, online audio offers a two year warranty and a thirty day return policy so you can shop with confidence.
They're available on outline audio, s 点 com, amazon and several other retailers. We have included the link in the video description. These guys have been doing great stuff for a long, long time. I remember seeing their first product. I was like, oh, that's really smart.
Ah yeah I agree. I I didn't know they had wio solution and .
then they took the whole thing and they made IT like smart. R yeah. cool. Great job guys. The show has also brought to by pulse way, do you have more important things to do during work hours? Our sponsor, pulse wake, keeps an I on your IT systems so you don't have to whether you're on a coffee run or binging your favorite show, pulse way got you back.
Really, really encouraging this because, oh my god, coffee or polls way simplifies team management, sorry, by giving you complete visibility into your network no matter where you are now. With mobile device management, M, B included pulse way gives you full control over work stations, servers and mobile devices all from your phone. It's compatible with any Operating system, making IT your all in one solution for monorail aging and trouble shooting your IT environment.
There's also a limited time offer for our viewers to get forty percent off their plans. So triplets way for free today with no commitment at L M G G G slash lt. T twenty three.
Um we actually did a sponsor video with pulse way earlier this week that i'm very excited about. We added um some automation to the water cool drag that will hopefully prevent disaster again. Ah yes, seems good.
So with pulse way, we can shut down all the systems in the event of our league detectors are sensing liquid. Uh, we can shut off our um there's really for the pumps h jc created like a bunch of automation and stuff. So basically everything will be fun.
Yep, you'll be good. What else what else we got going on here today? What do you want to talk about?
Um I think we have another title topic. Which one was that? Oh yeah a new version of windows and looks crazy. Rise and performance boost yeah early test of ams uh branch prediction improvements in the upcoming twenty three, two version of windows eleven show significant performance jumps in most games hardware locks found improvements between thirteen and forty one percent for starfield wow.
for all the dozens of people playing their game. Still great job.
This ones maybe a little Better four to sixty one percent for cyber pink. This is a huge delta um and roughly ten or roughly twenty percent improvements for everyone twenty twenty four a depending on CPU hardware and box found a two to four percent improvement in halo infinite but a thirty PH thirty plus percent improvement for gears five and thirteen percent improvement for ton clancy.
Remaining w succeeds hardware box also found similar numbers to hardware locks for f one h twenty four. Go check those videos out for more information. Um microsoft has also backward these improvements into an optional update for the current version of windows .
that's exciting as well. excEllent. So um yeah great work. Keep IT up. Um maybe next time you know at launch would be Better. Wait for that up. Let everybody know you're using in a bit account and you know stuff like that. Yeah really good.
That would be nice.
What else we got this week, there were a lot of people calling on me too. How do I put this to kind of do a take down of of, I want to actually bring up the the topics doc, because I actually wrote some of my own thoughts in there, and I they didn't necessarily make their way into the dock itself so there there were people particularly on redit calling on me to do like a takedown of Austin evan's video on the framework thirteen.
He published a review yesterday um talking about a lot of the downsides of the the hyper reparable modular laptop investment disclosure. I'm invested in framework. Um some of the downsides he identified were the relatively high Price for the performance construction compromises for the sake of modular.
The generics ss of the keyboard. There's actually some stuff talked about that isn't necessarily in my notes here. He talked to boat um the the leg for framework to have the latest processors um.
But I guess what i'm sort of trying to ask is why would I be doing a take down of his video? His conclusion was that essentially IT wasn't for him. He didn't see the value of IT and .
is directly back into the same thing that i've been complaining about, which is not all reviewer people to agree with each other.
And that's OK like .
Austin doesn't need to agree with your take if it's even different than you.
But that's the thing is I don't even think he did. If you watch the whole video and if you listen, it's twenty minutes long, like it's long. And if you listen to everything he says, he talks a lot about the positive things as well.
It's actually pretty baLanced. And I think actually a lot of the negative, he's getting roasted for IT. And I think a lot of the negativity toward the video actually demonstrates what a good job he did of outlining the company selling things about the framework, and particularly the framework thirteen. Because everyone who watched this video disagrees with this conclusion, because he actually did a really great job of outlining everything that super good about IT.
Um there are a there are a couple of things that know if I was to have a private conversation with him and I say, yeah, here you know something here's an an alternate perspective for whatever else but I don't know I was IT was kind of is heartening for me um to see the people who were looking for some kind of drama showdown between me and Austin. There won't be. There shouldn't be.
He gave us a, he didn't make a personal. Nothing he said was personal. Everything he said was his opinion based on his time, his experience with the product um and he has different priorities that I saw a couple people criticizing the laptop that he compared IT to saying that he wasn't a lake for lake, the one that he found for half the Price that had the same processor in IT or whatever else.
And you know what, that's fair. But Austin, priorities might not be those things that are Better about the framework thirteen. And I think you'd have to be a complete fan boy.
You'd have to be deluded to look at the framework thirteen and say it's the best value laptop. We don't even use them internally here, and there is a variety of reasons for that. A lot of our folks prefer touch screen framework, still doesn't have a touch Green option.
That feedback i've been giving them on an ongoing basis, the cost is not necessarily the most competitive for what the spec is. There are departments where we have at least considered rolling them out and the ability to upgrade them over time is a key part of that. They built the ease with which you can get replacement parts is a key part of that.
But it's not going to be perfect for every environment. And guys, investment or no to investment, I would never tell you that is the perfect thing for every environment. Like, look, the second that I turned into a framework salesmen, you should stop buying frameworks and you should stop watching lt.
T, that hasn't happened and and never will is ridiculous. Yeah, like what's on? I saw, I saw comment from someone that was like IT felt like, I think was Crystal, felt like he missed the point, but he didn't.
He outline the point really well. He actually talked in detail about the point and about the benefits. And I I don't agree with his conclusion.
which is fine.
which is totally fine. What I do respect is the way that he outlined both sides before he presented his conclusion, giving you an opportunity to be armed with the facts and decide if you agree with them or not. and.
I'm just so i'm so done with everybody having to agree and and if we disagree, not being able to do IT in a manner that is respectful. No, you should get multiple perspectives. I have always said that, and the only perspective that I won't accept is the perspective that you don't need multiple perspectives.
There is no one truth. There is no one answer. IT is never that simple. You could look at the best benchMarks taken in the most scientific manner.
But if the most important thing to you is turning on all of the eyes Candy with a bunch of mods, those benchMarks are never going to be the most relevant thing to you, because in the interest of repeatability, they can never use those mods. It's never black away, literally never just. I'm tired of IT man, tired of IT.
It's really frustrated. Speaking of frustrating, you will be soft patch resets player progress for star wars outlaws several hours after the launch of the paid three day early access for star wars outlaws will be soft. P, S, five players in email telling them to install a day one patch, that weird way of communicating that. But sure, uh, the past fixes some potentially game breaking bugs, such as one that could lead to the player being forever stranded in space but IT also requires players to .
restart from a new save move according .
to be soft prepare ch say files will face issues and progressive blockers um as compensation who we soft is giving these players and in game cosmetic called a trail blazer trinket and one hundred ub soft connect units is that .
a belly button or what? What kind of trail be blazing?
No idea. IT says A K A loyalty points.
Oh my god, get some treasure.
Oh, my good, says A K A loyalty points. I don't know what connected units are whenever I have no idea. The dog citizen that include this three day early access period cost forty to sixty dollars. On top of the Price of the base game, some players lost fifteen hours of playtime.
Okay, so here's my thing, save data. Should be compensated at like do yeah the first time I .
did IT wasn't .
work IT was play. It's definitely feel like work.
The second, it's definitely work .
the second time, a probable.
This is one of the .
things that makes me so angry about nintendo. They do a things that are really great, that make great games. I'm going to keep giving me my money heating. But the way that they hold your save data hostage if you don't buy their online submission tion, is actually like, I can make an argument for why I should be criminal but I wish I was ah the fact that you can't back up that save data in any other way just so angry. And so looking at this, the fact that people had to pay extra to have to do work, essentially doing QA for u by soft, a multiple billion dollar company, I just I can't I can't abide IT.
I speaking of this is a little off topic, but in the realm of how you were like intendo make some great stuff. They make really frustrated other things. But i'll just keep giving them my money to make great games.
Ah mr. mr. Danny pods over there has a video is most recent video it's called it's time to change its time for lix and he basically talks in this video watch IT yourself.
What year is IT the .
year of linux set top is .
that the year is that the year of linux set top? Because i've got a story video go ahead ahead.
It's it's a great video. IT has half a million views already. Um we're not going to a watch IT.
So IT is you know this type of stuff. Uh but you should go wash IT yourself even if you're not going to switch to linux. Honestly, I think it's just a break.
I mean, he's been doing this for a long time. He's really good at IT. It's a very good video um but he talks about a lot of like good stuff and he talks about how like people have blamed him for switching to linux.
But then he talks about how those same people are the people that say you should like vote what you're wallet on things. And he's unhappy with with what's happening with macos and he's unhappy with what with windows. He talked about how like you buy this Operating system, then you get ads in IT, which yeah, that's ridiculous.
I tried to install an unsigned driver on macos s that was for, like I add to clear, like four or five different prompts IT digged into the settings in order to IT was wild. Yeah, I was trying to get old printer working. And actually this was where I was gonna get into year of linux.
One of the things that is still. Very difficult with linux was we needed a linux test top like quick because we were just trying to see if like this old printer would work with IT. And I was like steam deck.
I'll described a steam deck that's like the closest at hand machine and you just reboot IT in desktop. Moli doesn't ever reboot. I don't think IT just switches fires up the desktop environment and. Valve didn't include any printer stuff because why would they I guess, on a game console, except that is supposedly a dust top computer and it's it's just completely not there and .
it's like you can get IT but it's going yeah you talk to the video about .
how there's every time I touch IT, it's just okay yes, he side quest, he talks about it's like your photo have to put the ringing out doom, okay? But first he had to go play world of word craft, harvest a bunch of pigs. And then he had to go you get the in game gold and get IT on a USB and personally delivered IT to you could argue .
there are some side question in, okay, you can argue that there's there's a fair man.
Okay, it's like you had to put the ring in the mount doom, but first he had to go and fight the room, bring rates. I am, I never read the book and they had to talk to tom bomb bill, which is where I stop reading ick of the ring every single time. Yeah, that's IT. He had to talk to tom bomb .
to the actually scarious character in the whole look .
the guy's the .
rain but yeah anyways.
every time I A treaty that book like three four times can't get passed IT. And i'm not the kind of person who can just skip ah and I don't think they'll ever be in a bridged lord of the rings. Has someone did IT have they actually published? I'm going to .
look at .
out bridged .
fellowship of the brains. But whether you I think it's I think it's extremely based for consumers to just not buy anything that they actually really hate. Um so I struggle support reason.
真是 小 胖胖。
IT is not possible, even at great length to pot. The lord of the rings in pargraph, too. IT was begun in one hundred thirty six, and every part has been written many times. Hardly a word in six hundred thousand or more has been unconsidered. And the pacing style, size and contribution to the whole of all the features, incidents and chapters has been labori ously pondered, you can have bridge the lord the rings uah jack rau .
and foolery chat said, a bridged L O T R A L T R is the movies?
Yeah, I guess .
just kind of true. But the books are still.
why did they just take the birds? I see a bridged one. H, we just gone on the big crown and then just drop IT in from the sky.
And then who we saved to the 哈佛。 There ago, lord of the thirty minute short, zh rose dr. Says those are tolkin es words.
I know that doesn't make them not pompous. Yeah, I carefully hold on. Hold on.
What's the hold on? What's the line? My use of that word was labori ously pondered. Oh, man, anyway, I kind of respect .
IT though I don't think you should have bridge .
IT if you can't stomach .
bom bomb modal, time bomb bomb dle you can't stomach tom bomb modal, just whatever move on. It's part of the damage of damage. I just, I want someone else to do the work for me.
I don't want to have to skim. I don't want to si mm to see when the boring part is over, like leave. I want the important parts. I don't want to have to weight through the slop in order to get lake. An interesting conversation that takes place .
or something. I think if you're really trying to understand the actual and he was actually very into this, someone who is read the siberia and what is IT called the sons of who or whatever it's called that all all the other books, I think he's trying to help you understand the world. And understanding tom bomb deal does help with .
understanding the all my god is right now. You're so .
obvious right now .
because you actually look more tired a hundred percent. yeah. Anyways, hear the books comments. yeah.
You probably can like, does good reads have a comment section? Good reads no clear .
IT IT has votes.
Does you have comments?
Um there their reviews.
the reviews not comments, there's comments on the reviews.
Here we go. Cliff notes, no, let's go. No, let's go. Oh, easy. P, Z, next the two hours, let's go.
Band of org capture marine piping kills pom er yeah are going swale alit. Although treated roughly by the org, marine piping remain unharmed. And here, attack the bit run to safety, the forest.
Yeah, this seems pretty okay. You know what? I'm just going to go with this.
I don't need to read the books. To be clear, i'm a reader. I actually am a reader.
I I have read, you know, thick books and stuff. It's not that i'm incapable of. I've read thick books and stuff. I just can't get through tom bomb dos insufferable.
I've read thick books and I can't be fittis ous.
I can't be fictitious. Yeah wait and I no cap.
What do you even say? Yeah that basic. All right.
Um can I read the thickest books? um. Yes, I ve considered skipping him.
That's what loop tells me to do every time. Not someone should help. Someone should have to look. That's not my point. My point is just that it's not that I don't have the attention span to read.
Tom bomb deal is a is a difficult section of the book.
It's really stupid between that and the ending descriptions of mountains. And just like if I want to know what a mountain looks like, I will literally just open my door and walk outside and touch grass. I have mountains right there.
Some people don't.
but I do. I don't need that book for them of the hair, nose. No, I love hot dogs and hamburgers.
I like hamburger paddies that are made of hot dog meat. No, I don't think anyone would like that. Would that be? Would that be good? That's not a hamburger Patty.
Sausage, sausage.
sausage. Hot dog meat is saying ge saw is a hot dog. A, B, pork patties, hot dogs made of ground b.
who can hold on? What are even do .
we just invent food? I think we might have just invented food. I think we invented a food.
I think i'm going to go hike into the mountains and read, load the rings in the mountains so I can read descriptions .
of montage on a count.
But I am going for high on monday.
But anyways, you not going to take a lord rings with you that be so i'd be so lame, that be so lame, you wouldn't able to high.
Oh, man, you've been, you've been on one today. You've been good. I'm spicy today. You ve been quick with those.
Um police using a iterate reports um .
that don't act on.
formally known as taser international. Is selling civil .
company ink x on.
x on, x on is selling software to law enforcement that uses A I to create draft police reports from body cam footage called draft one. Notably, there are also the dominant venture for police body cameras in the united states. At least some police departments, such as the oklahoma city police, are already using draft one. The software is only intended to create a draft that an officers can then review and edit into a final report.
Please, no way to go wrong.
both because the AI is not one hundred percent reliable and also because an officer who testified in court needs to be consistent with written accounts authored under their name.
They can't just read that before they go to court. Yeah, happen.
Let's see how this goes. It'll surely not be terrible.
guaranteed to be terble.
It'll surely not be terrible.
What a joke. Ah people sucks.
So where did my, where did my notes on this go? What happened to my notes on this? What did I wait all on? But did I not have not on this? Maybe I know something, something else. No oh, oh, man, I was missing one of my really good notes on something the non tech shutting down. I I had wanted to talk about how one of the big chAllenges is um that there's no money in you know the the the the the the written media format at a non tech so you the lies. And I think it's also that .
the techy space is a higher percentage outbound users ad block hits, things like static web ads kind of the hartist. There's no money there. I know there's this review sites of more Normal things that do a lot Better .
and lower advtech is going basically tech is gonna eat its own by automating, automating things to death.
And I was I was like reminded of that when I saw this post on r slash hardware about arch, not dragon, for a month chAllenge where someone used an AI generated summary to basically there save you eighteen minutes and it's like you realize that an AI can use these laptops in a real world situation um and then report on that unless someone is actually doing the work um like it's. Yeah, good luck, everybody. yeah.
It's it's super it's that that's a weird community yeah it's it's super weird. The yeah, how sort of tentative and scared people have to be to say, I thought I was a good video there then the tribal ism is it's a, it's a whole thing. Anyway, good luck everybody.
A nice hash. According to multiple reports, online crypto broker and nice hash has sent out an email announcing they'll be charging a six dollar a month service fee to users with inactive accounts starting on october first. According to the email, users can avoid this service fee by simply engaging interactivity on the platform, such as buying or selling crypto IT does not mention account the activation as an option, but many have rushed to do so regardless.
I guarantee and I know what they're doing this.
they also implemented a series of other fees, including ten dollars to change your accounts, email address this. So we set .
to a ten box recover account, ten box, seriously, ten box.
Okay, you said, you know, why are doing this other than just being okay.
this jerk, I don't know. The previous part I thought I was because they probably had a lot of stagnant accounts from like the absolute peek of G, P. U. mining. And they're sitting there with all these static accounts that have bitcoin sitting in .
them and they can .
slowly drain me out from people that are not paying attention to their accounts even if, hey, you know, maybe I sort of forgot about that. I can. I only have like ten box and IT.
I did this over like a few weeks with my GPU and then sort of forgot IT existed over time. Yeah, ten bugs would be nice. But IT wasn't important for enough that I I sort forgot about IT.
You can drain that out, but you do that to ten thousand hundred thousand thousand. Now IT starts being a big deal. So you can just, but I don't know, extremely highly monitise ing. Their customer support was not A A curve by expected to come right after that. So now I don't know.
Well, anyway, we don't work with them anymore. We did one sponsored video with them back when you've seemed pretty well up. And yeah, people were mad about IT. And hey, yeah, maybe there maybe there are tools. So lad, we stop working with them.
Yes, like this one line, the monthly service fee for inactive accounts yeah, I suspect they're just if you're going to ignore IT, we're going to drain IT, which isn't a good thing. But I understand why they're doing IT.
The FBI is bad at creating hard drives. Apparently this seemed a lot more interesting when I was first reading IT. But ah basically government not do things properly sometimes and this is really exciting.
man. There's been so much good like pro labor news lately and like pro you like regular people news depends on bad news. Like there was the canadian government Mandating the rail workers back to work.
That was not super cool, but this is super cool. Following a year long investigation, the U. S.
National labor relations board has found that amazon is a joint employer of subcontracted drivers that worked for its partner companies in palemon ale, california. Amazon's refusal then to negotiate with their currently striking union was thereby determined to be illegal. The company was likewise determined to have made unlawful threats.
I have no idea what the actual impact will be on amazon, but this is sick. Being able to just hire E A firm that can be spoon up and closed down or uh, contracted and not contracted at on a wim. Being able to hide behind that and essentially not have to pay people living wages and not have to treat them properly is such a broken loophole.
And I was going to say the american system, but as far as I can tell you, is like basically a lot of places, and it's gross. And this is, this is far from a death blow. But this is, this is a good start. So let's let's do away with that.
At least one person checked nice hash account because of that thing. I found one hundred and fifty box. So maybe go check your nice yes.
go check your nice .
account to get the money out.
There was like back when I was cool, was actually pretty convenient and pretty cool, which is why we worked with them definitely get your money out before they take IT about like four dollars and fifty cents. nice.
Forty bx, fifteen bx.
Someone said a lot .
somewhere not or IT was like a few hundred.
Anyway, all good, you can. No, yeah, okay, it's stand for one and two after dark.
Oh, very nice.
Will take him this again. I yeah dance on this. No can talk about, you know, I lived here my life.
I had never been to the cold, to slake water slides. Really never moments have you been, have you done the seventy two foot drop one? Uh.
is IT super new?
I don't know if it's not super new then.
yes, because I had it's .
basically like a vertical drop.
Yeah, they had a had kind of two that resorted like that. Yeah, one of the .
of the v one. Yeah, there's no tandem. They only have one on the wavy one now.
no, I mean, sorry. Ah, I IT was still a really steep drop.
but I was the ball.
Oh, no, not that. Oh, man. We put my dad, my brother and I all in one tube and did the ball and my daughters able to touch the the lip on the other side.
不要 这么说, 给我 找 什么? We just going to call this all time. Um yeah.
was good. Anyway, yeah, no, i've never been. So I finally went.
Um yeah, he was good. Has fun. Um see, what else .
is new books? People keep chinese like they a bunch of money and .
go get that money .
IT might be zero, but if it's not.
hey, got a something, I believe one. I mean, you never knows some people pretty boy, yeah.
that's you. Any crypt .
right now? No, yeah, I got nothing. I'm yeah, I get IT.
And there's been a bunch of times where i've called IT and I like could have made money. But I just at this point time, I just don't want to follow IT exactly. I don't want to put the effort in. I'm sure if I did, I could make some money. But I .
other things I I remember .
my pass codes on.
I just don't Carry anymore. I think i'm out and like it's you know which exchange is the one that's like probably .
gona disappear and take all your money this time that .
you no I that's super into IT and has made do some .
money and continues to to us going great proud of the boy but yeah, he pours a lot of work and do yeah it's just job what he does yeah so it's like, okay, cool but I don't want to do that. I know this stuff is what he is. Well, got that.
I thinks I five k nice hash, not even joking. Completely forgot. BTC was like fifteen k back then.
Oh yeah, for you. I guess that makes sense if IT .
wasn't necessarily super valuable back then. Yeah, but it's gone up a huge amount. Yes.
it's sitting pretty good right now.
Yeah so like three hundred and fifty .
nine doors someone sends to my nice I don't .
forget a don't forget who reminded you.
We need to allow people to gift them. Are we working on .
gifting sub ripes now right now? But we will be OK. That is a plan. Um there is a how much the stuff I want to say don't know.
I know how lot a lot of IT.
No, what's another .
business meeting?
Um well, there's there's a huge thing that we're working on that I legitimately not talk about.
Um why would you even tell me that then?
Well, you know you know about IT, I don't remember.
You will have to tell me, you have to .
remind me no um and as part of doing that, there are some things coming that will be good at all.
I heard back from David um he said pretty insane seventeen thousand dollars after fees and shipping so even without giving away some of his cool pieces are not giving away but even without auctioning some of his cool pieces, he still way up on what he spent on his collection okay, up savy buyer. He's up savy buyer. Very cool. Yeah good for him.
Alright, yeah, after dark.
it's already .
after dark, where after dark you're doing IT your dark, your faces after dark. Gott, yeah. Going to read your emerge message now.
Hi all date. Last week was the first one joi missed since two thousand and nine week I had. That's why that .
seems like .
I import. You're off the week. Yeah, you're not a streak anymore. You're stain a stain on this show up on .
this institution.
Sorry, but what's this? Oh, are okay, right? What's your remembered? Your wedding? We were just busy.
Be reading you. sorry. where? Where are you too divorcing each other.
You must want you. You want you. I think you can live with this man.
He's intolerable ever since.
Okay, well, i'm we're going to come back to this for for a second. You had me put letter, Kenny on my black server. Yeah, I watched a few episodes. I didn't think .
you've get IT all. I never suggest you watch IT. I just want .
you to watch IT. Um okay, you didn't think I get IT. I mean, there's an entire episode about I didn't .
think you cease people .
sharing their farts with each other.
You've watch that far.
You like IT. I watched three episodes. I can't tell if if its like stupid funny, you're just buying stupid, like I just it's .
actually great what I think you might, legia like more is journey.
Yeah, I didn't suggest you .
watched this at all. People said far, book is the worst episode, but that's good because it's not very good.
but book was pretty rough.
it's like super campy. Just some, like dudes in canada do what they can chose. Y is jersey is Better in my opinion?
Yeah, okay.
yeah. A lot of people like, I like letter Candy, but h shorts, y is Better. The first shorts is far superior to let ky, if you're going to watch one of them, watch chorzow.
All right. Yeah okay anyway um but I did .
I didn't recommend you.
I yeah I am just yeah i'm just for me.
Letter Candy was side monitor content. Okay, that was funny sometimes. Okay, really like actually pretty good.
okay. So favorite memory from my wedding, hard to pick one. Look, wasn't there.
So, no, no, he does not. Because you like mistake, we did. He didn't know me yet. Favorite memory from my wedding? yeah.
I mean, you like right after IT.
I think laike man, how do I pick favorite? It's hard. It's such an emotional day. It's such a roller, costly. You know, lake, everything was chaos we were we relate for and I think that's surprisingly common. Yeah well.
like like the reception.
I think you no, not the reception. Like the actual ceremony we were slightly late for everyone was like always seated and like ready to go. And we rolled in because like our our wedding day shoot, man, a little bit laid in lake, the weather was incredible.
Like we we got married in late April, and we did that because I was cheaper because as long as you're not in may, the rates are way lower because the chances of the weather were in vancouver. So the chance of the weather being good in April or hitter miss and the whole day was on and off showers, but IT was like, the skies cleared every time we needed to be outside. And then IT rained the second we needed to go inside.
Like IT was actually kind of magical, like IT was sprinkling. And then we had our outdoor ceremony. And then as people were heading inside, that started sprinkling again like, wow, this is incredible and then IT was clear for our shoot in the morning also outside um like the whole thing was just kind of incredible.
Um you know obviously there's like like you know the moment you know the rings and she's walking up the island and we had bubbles, everyone in and the audience had black bubble blower. S so there's like bubbles everywhere is really cool. um. I've been tarring up the dance floor was .
definitely a highlight of that has to be that's dive.
And that used to work here. We were college IT in c ix. Before he worked here. Just that like breathing afterward when I was over kind of going. I think we throw a really good party um because it's kind of like IT was the first thing we accomplished as a married couple was to to throw a hell of a party as kind of the way that we sight because evan had like a an emotional breakdown in the lead up to the wedding, realizing that SHE had completely lost control over the lake.
You know, what do you mean we're doing at this way? What do you mean we have this now? Why are people? I understand the desire to contribute, but I actually didn't want that there. Don't bring IT here and like and I basically was like, hung, it's not about you. Like, yes, this is your wedding, but this is but your mom is marrying her first daughter.
Yeah there's for there's other stakeholders because he was like, I really know a lot of these people that are there, just like, you know like a lot of yeah a lot of really tossed us. So was basically like, look, here's the deal. Let's just go with the floor.
And what we're going to do is honeymoon. We're going to take our wedding finery and we're gonna. What about second ceremony with just you and me and witness and will like we will have someone to do the donkey ride through the town. We'll a we will do a new wedding photo shoot. Well, we're just it's not going to have any legal significance or anything.
We will sign the documents at home, obviously, but if that will allow us to just detach from this and just have fun with whatever IT is and and lose control a little bit of of the details and then IT won't matter if the the the we don't have enough cake or if we or or if someone is unable to or if we don't, we ve never got to eat the food. We just we had so many people there because because our families wanted to invite people that we didn't even know. But we went around, had face time with everyone, which back then meant seeing people face to face, not using your phone.
So we, we, we were able to just throw a party and enjoy everyone else enjoying IT and us enjoying that and enjoying parts ourselves. And like there was stuff that we just weren't that into, like some of the first dance stuff. And you know that other people was really important to other people for tradition and stuff. And then so so before we had the sort of frame of mind change that was causing a lot of stress, and I was like, look, the worst thing for this day is for IT to cause stress. Oh yeah, that is not what anybody will benefit from.
And I think the approach of like we'll just do IT how you want on our own sort of version of this thing. If you can afford to do that, I think that's super sick because then yeah, I think that helps release some of the pental because some people, they wait for that for their entire life so they give anything is slightly off. They're going go crazy over IT. So being like you with that is cool.
Crystal says ikes shouldn't know wedding be about the couple. sure. In theory, in practice, the world is the world is never that clean. Yeah, it's just not that clean. And at a certain point.
and you you can fight for that could share enough, that's true. But you can fight for that. But is gonna a fight?
Yeah and you can have lines like you can absolutely have boundaries. But at the end of the day. Are you willing to damage our relationship over IT? What is a wedding? Maybe depends on the thing.
Yeah but is IT worth? IT depends on the thing. That's a question you've got to ask yourself. You ve got to ask yourself .
is worth i'm trying to think of my my brother's wedding, my brothers wedding went fantastically ally well, but I can think of a range of things that could have happened that I I probably would have like, shielded him from needing to burn bridges. But I would have been bridges with ferocious and like it's just IT. You know if certain things happen, you have to depend there's that boundary line that you're talking about, but there's there's some amount of flexibility that you can have as well.
I mean, and to be clear, like you know, we were lucky we didn't have anyone get totally wasted and say something completely appropriate or whatever I like. IT was never IT was nothing, nothing like that. I was just preference things. And so you got to ask yourself, is my preference really worth this fight? Does IT actually really matter?
You might also, at the exact same time that that happening, start questioning why this thing with that person would need to be a fight. And you can you can kind of like strategically reposition these relationships as you go. But IT might not be worth having that battle. But you have to kind of keep in mind that that person brought .
up to that point trouble but love IT. My wife and I allow ped a few months before the wedding because we'd already lost so much control to her parents who were paying for IT. We went into our big wedding then with so little stress because at that point, IT was just a regular party with a little recreation at the beginning. That's cool. And if you play your cards right, there's some recreation at the end to.
that's cool.
Um like that.
yeah. Sub, L, T, T live in a closet guy here again, nice. I bought P, S, V, R, two. As for content consumption without A P S five minus, if you try P, S, we are two on P, C, yet thoughts also is merge messages and the end encrypted. Given we're gone to read them out, I think it's an irrelevant, but I think they're .
just asking silly .
to say I haven't I haven't tried PSP r or two on PC yet. I probably should play around with IT. But um yeah it's it's a good headset.
The fact that you need the adapter cannot harm the value of the Price a little bit. I kind of wish you didn't. But IT seems like a pretty good play. IT seems like a pretty good play.
I didn't get IT in so many. I can check out pointed out he's moving on the subject.
Yeah, I was that was immediately ready to defend his reform. A hard week. We can make IT worse. He's had a hard weed. And there .
is still tired.
Okay, let's see. Hey, looking down as an as infrastructure guys, are there any benefits to my jobs? Work from home practice of having us remote into pcs on our desk at the office instead of virtualization pcs on the company services. Um if they are relatively unsophisticated, then there could be if everything is set up properly, there should be no reason that you can just use your system at home and like like like an and remote to a virtualization PC from there yeah IT depends on the .
security level of the things you're dealing with.
And sometimes sometimes like if it's dumb in IT works, it's not dumb and if they're just if everything is just set up and then they just don't have to change anything and don't have to figure anything out if you just remote into your work station. Ah probably fine. I again .
though IT depends on the security level of things are dealing with adding video is like.
sure, okay, do whatever yeah yes, tty much.
But there's like there's there's other .
things that wouldn't be good. You sinus lake and man, you have talked about poor search engine algorithm functions recently, your thoughts on youtube shadow suppressing a video and claiming the algorithm anyway, to prove or disprove this, or I can prove IT when one of the paul others, I forget which one, because they are both the same to me, made the suicide forest video. Yeah, I was IT sure. And youtube claims that they weren't suppressing the channel, but they like definitely, definitely were because you could serve for exactly the name of the channel that would be below the fold. Um there I proved IT that .
was pretty well. There was absolutely .
no way that that wasn't the thing.
Yeah yeah.
So they definitely, definitely can do that. So okay, cool. Hi, what happened to the thing at the top of the of the merge message dashboard? What about IT? Did I leak IT too many times and now IT doesn't have any part you truly minimized? Oh, stats there.
IT, is I accident minimized? IT, oh, wow, you guys prorated a lot of scribe drivers. I've just been having .
serious all show.
They're gonna gone again. I don't know. Another another ten thousand of them, I don't know. Man, lesson with the last of three days.
Well, yeah, but surely there's a, surely there's a limit to the number of pens people need, like some number. What could IT be here? Hold on, let me see if I can write IT down on your art.
That easily get off you and I had explain IT just like the next atos. I forgot IT was there and I never like, warned ema. So he was like.
what think she'd be used to IT by now?
Playing says in her defense, IT wasn't like he was mad. What's happened?
Wear stuff OK sink plane says, please stop selling prime in your voting machines. Guys, I said in the video were just in there for testing. I don't know where they came from.
Probably they like someone who works, like who doesn't know who the paul brothers are. Grab the the bunch of random beverages. Don't worry about IT fine. Also, they didn't taste that bad. I tried, I tried them.
They were not bad.
Look, is there anything in your fridge or freezer from nessy? No, then stop. But not a single thing. He's lying. It's impossible.
Maybe that I didn't buy. Yeah, we go. Anything from any of these brands so far?
no. Arrow head crackers. No, i'm an area. Would I think i'm arrow i'm looking to.
With this baby, i'm not going to that one. I'm not going to a bottled water. Uh, go to the, go to the serial section really quick. It's top right. No, none of .
those can I? I'm safe too. And you this.
no, is this all Candy bars? Because just know.
is IT all .
key worthy OK? So on. K, O.
hold on. Good to this.
Did you know?
No, I don't. I don't for babies.
I don't know. Maggie was owned by next cheese.
You want a little cheek at to this one? Pretty right. Like chicken rice.
yes. And mac is like a seasoning. It's like M, S, G and Brown .
of seasoning. That's gonna. That's really very .
I don't have .
meal replacements. This looks like .
meal replacements.
right? alright. PCA anything .
from person parents for me, I think I didn't .
know that was nearly .
I I parent a one I know yeah I think cool. I'm throwing that out and the cat because it's such I know new cat, cat, my IT. My point is just bad if you're gna, if you're going to be like, no.
you can't no, my problem isn't even who is supporting? sure. My problem is that IT IT has hydration claims that are not based on the ingredients. Not good.
sure. Yes, I didn't say IT was good for you.
I said IT tastes good. Yeah, even sure. IT probably does. IT just doesn't really do .
the thing that is trying to that my only should we Carry gather .
actually I think IT gather IT is pretty good. IT has a lot of but IT does have a significant amount of hydration stuff in IT. IT has good sault and and things.
Who are they? Are they pepsi? I don't know. Power is that I think .
and like a problem yes maybe um of so many food brands are like so bad. I'm not trying to take that stance. There is no part of me that's like logan pole is more evil than initially or whatever. Yes, I don't care about that. whatever.
How do even know about the prime? And oh, how how do they know about of no idea? How is .
the .
pictures of .
the .
coming out? I think so watch .
the .
food theory video.
I didn't actually, but to her, it's probably pretty good here.
IT is, oh, that's right now. We talk about, we talk about IT. Okay, so the video is coming. Smash champs, August update. Oh god.
I released content on way and show.
No, no, no.
no leak from the chief, a vision office or way.
This could be a problem on set.
What did .
you just do worry about IT, yes.
say, as a university of florida, got a university of florida hands off our gated. But you don't anna sell things also, your a you are a single unit of university .
of lauda and got so is going to be a really great video. IT starts with then getting an error when he tries to live me into the building. This is one where IT all goes wrong constantly.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's going to be really good. You guys are really going enjoy IT, but you're going to enjoy when we release IT.
Not now. I, I, I get to play. I get to play some babbington.
We show the court cameras. Did you get to play badminton like four times because i'm incompetent. sorry. yeah.
Then needed me to do a lot of takes to this because he kept not actually recording the take. IT had been set up four hours. That's funny. Had never tested .
that this funny.
So that that was pretty exciting. Get away for O O O. That did make IT in. cool. yeah. Course made IT in. thanks.
Oh yeah, is this is way?
No, it's private. Cl, yeah.
yeah, yeah. I don't you .
even worry.
I got you very good.
Anyway, what are we talking about? You can answer any means. Yeah, hit me. hey.
D to the ll, in terms of capability, do you see one show growing bigger with other hosts or production value? Or do you enjoy being just the three of you nights? I, I, I, I can't think of a production at line, this media group that has gotten less support for expanding from me than the wind show. All hell, to get her back here with ruby bds look at her said, like, seriously, it's not it's a wall.
There's some wrinkles on this.
Don't even talk about the quality of the wall just like you look at the go wash .
five seconds of the art and then come back.
I don't know. This looks great. Look at the space we dedicated sick, do you like human organ begg behind him and then, and they go to the alliances with second wall.
What about? What about random merge? Nice there decoration emerge。 Uh I just go between .
bored too much production .
value into .
when I would get significantly worse yeah I feel that very strong.
I support looks viewpoint because I don't want to spend anything on when .
yeah but also like do IT if you if you try to make the like the new sections more structured or even more planned out, they just gonna get worse. Yes, people want IT to go off the rails. People like IT being fun, including me.
Speaking of off rails, you guys were noticing this last week have some bad news. There is a little line in IT. It's so menu you're probably .
not going .
to be able to see IT, but IT basically where the plastic flows in. Um where's the gate on this? A piece of the mall I think is actually in the bottom. So sorry, all the gates where the plastic shoots into, I think it's on this side anyway.
The point is that where the plastic flows and meets on the flat of the screw driver, there is a little line that looks like a scratch down the two of the three flat sides. And the only reason that doesn't show on the one flat side, because that's where the two heads of the mold meat. So there's already aligning there.
There's already a seen, but IT basically just looks like a little scratch here and a little scratch here. But the problems that the scratch goes all the way through so you can never get rid of IT, it's there and IT just looks like IT scratched out of the box. And that's why transparent er driver is. Not dead, but certainly not happening anytime soon.
IT looks really cool. Yeah.
I wouldn't .
mind the little line. But the problem is we can say that and when chat can say that now and then, some users are going to get IT and see the line and and then .
we're going to say, no, we had to declaimed on the product page and they're to be the trust we go guarantee and i'm going to anna deal with that.
Yep, so product doesn't released. Yep, that goes a .
lones missed the days of needing a PCI CD for everything because I could have a cool computer with all the gagin ice we are going to get that nowaday. What else says that? Nerdy customization, energy framework, laptop, investment disclosure, old cars. You get all kinds of cool, like modules and stuff, whether you need them or not. No, I don't know it's up to you, but you can definitely get them what what else has get a modulate salt and then not be able to afford anything ever again.
You're supposed to use IT for the work and you're supposed to build people properly for the work so that you can afford the modular sense. IT wants to be a return on investment. You can buy music for me.
You don't know how much that costs. okay. Do you build those hours a lot more than you tried to build me?
You bought a service. Okay, you put IT. IT all comes down to hours, then IT all comes down to hours. And expertise. You have to build the hours appropriate for the level of expertise .
and for the and for the on .
because then hasn't internalized and he lost yet.
but he was yeah .
because you have to account for the sporadic ess of the work. So the level of expertise and how feast and famine at is you've got to account for that. You've got to have smooth in your billing.
You got to smooth over the parts. Where is the fan in with the feast and the cats to protect the granary. That's why I have so many of them.
This is good advice. You should, if you do free, and listen to this and I know it's true. I can't tell if he's marking me or not. If not, i'm not his face. I'm not mocking you.
The tune up and keep talking about this subject and then just sell courses.
Do I could make so much money selling course instance money? Dude, IT doesn't. No offense.
IT doesn't look that hard. yeah. I could do the music more.
The cold is going trying to get ready to do a course for literal years, literal years. Yeah, literally. yeah.
And I keep telling him, and like, nobody should buy a course for me, everything that I am an expert on, I should give a way for free so I don't know, I I give up but then he always says, no, people who pay for IT unlike yeah but like a then I would have to be really good. I think that's part of IT. I get like anxiety, like I didn't have to if I could just be like generic nonsense. But like with really high energy, I can do that so easy.
Oh yeah. But that's what most of them are.
I know that, but I I T coultre no.
I am not saying should actually do IT. I'm saying if you did.
do IT you break in the cash? Do you know what? I would be the best, the right tone.
And you know what? I would be the best? That is a telephones.
Oh yes, I could crash that. So you are what I so would you called do. Why would you listen? IT looks so easy.
You're .
basically just like A A well kept beggar, and you just like the man do. I, I went to church a lot of times in my life. Okay, do you know how easy is to just crack open that book? Read literally like two sentences I could told I could one hundred percent.
You don't even have to do the working anymore. Going to popular ChatGPT just be like write sermon about this because the message is usually only like five, ten minutes. Do easy.
I could do IT no problem. B T hundred percent, hundred percent. Probably we actually talked about on one before. Oh yeah, just like, yeah, I need, like, I need a sunday message about, like, forgiveness, whatever, and charge people. Be like, yeah, sure this this this and this do crazy no ah jesus start A I i'm afraid to click this but i'm going to do IT i'm clicking IT. why?
Yeah, good.
not a good site. Don't go there also. You might be, you might be banned now. It's getting a little time out. There you don't go to that site.
Hey, L, L, D, thought some computer is going through the same fate as what GPU did, going from grateful to an upgrade able. And the backlash lunar lake is getting on, not supporting upgradeable. You tweet this at me, I literally reply you.
Really like I am sorry, I don't read your twitter. No no, that complicated. You know the answer was that we made that video hold on. Well, maybe they just want everyone to maybe they .
have a great question they want they wanted answered in front of more people.
Um yes, so we made this. We made this video of the one Emily Young here. Okay, I just posted IT in the chat.
Wish nothing but the best for her, by the way. So yeah, we made this video. Build a PC value.
You still can. They're changing whether we like IT or not. They're not going to be upgraded able forever. Alright, what's next?
When are dealing with the ftc finally waking up to the monopoly of google, apple, meta, eta and the eu pushing for a stronger regulation? How does this end? Just more fines or is something bigger coming?
Some break ups maybe I mean, could be good. yeah. I think I could probably be a good thing if some of these tech giants were broken up. Apples of funny one because it's a bit of .
a weird one though because .
they don't have that many products.
China is getting into the tech giant .
game so you can break up.
So if you break up all the american company, is that make them less competitive? That's a little weird. It's a little weird. I'm not sure .
what to .
do there. Yeah .
because they're .
already going. I I IT seems pretty clear to me at least.
that they're going with A A similar .
model to a lot of their other business where they were like we're pretty good, but we do everything and we're cheaper. So there is it's going to be a good decision for .
a lot of different companies.
So if you if you break the other companies apart, so they're less feature competitive and they're also still more expensive than unix, like it's really rough.
Alliance i'm opening and entertainment slash sports of venue in october. good. I'm curious what kinds of ideas you have for your badminton grand opening and if there is anything you really want to but can do work kind gonna keep IT small I think um like we're at our at our capacity were designed for lag six times fourteen, like twenty eight times three.
I don't know whatever that works out to like eighty five people, right. So we don't want like five hundred people there um no matter what kind of grand opening IT is. So we were kind of think in lake like a hot dog barbecue, the parking lot like and you can come check IT out it's only hot g IT. What kind of hot dogs they could have hampered me in them? okay.
Man, that's pretty good. Sorry.
so fast, sorry. Next up, yes, I think we're going to do a great we're going to do a pretty small things. So I don't really I don't really have big plans.
Yes, I um that's scary. Well, they might just have to leave like we don't have any parking for like a whole bunch of people. So IT is .
what IT is. You might need to almost like .
security IT and be like.
sorry, too many beeps because i'm worried about the cyst reaction if I get little out of control .
theoretically the'd be there. Yeah, we invited the mayor.
Yeah so I am bourne about the city's reaction if we .
could tell the control and I am honestly not that really about IT. okay. yeah.
Don't show up if you're not going to like like .
badminton if for badminton, that's IT. yeah. Hello, when died? Xe, so many extra letters when linus says something, the community eventually comes around to this point of view.
How much of that is just him bringing attention to something nobody else has noticed? A hundred percent. Both the warranty thing and the ad piercy thing were a hundred percent, just like. I still shoot the messenger the .
way that you packaged thing.
Yeah, i'm not denying that I did a bad job.
There's always, you know, you taught me about optics of optics on that were real bad.
Yeah, I did a bad job. Yeah, what you going to do about IT nothing. Buy something .
from mlt start doc. M china pen.
Yeah but the thing is like i'm live here. Guys guys alive.
yeah. The warranty one was across the couple of them yeah .
but I was wondered every time .
that's probably Better and i'm .
not perfect. And sometimes I sometimes I I am in my own narrow viewpoint with the context that I have that other people don't necessarily have and that I can't expect them to have. But that's pretty obvious to me like I get IT.
If you making content for a long time, there's A A ridiculous amount of hours of your face on video. Sometimes things you're going on.
no. I mean, my favorite is I think my personal favorite is the time we did a one show topic where a guy bought a house with bittorrent and we like that it'll never used be used for anything real, because IT didn't seem like IT with the tract. I mean, even to help the transaction posters so high that is wilfully in practical.
But I need people use IT for ourself one day. I'll find mine. nice. No two thousand and nine bitcoins or dollars are the year when I started roof, three hundred and fifty two coins somewhere, somewhere in the world on a hard drive.
No way do I started .
right at the beginning.
No way do keeps me .
up at night.
And fifty coins ah .
something like, I mean, they were like just coins back then. You could just you know that there was friends in a no block. Yeah, this is a random number. Somewhere.
somewhere you have no idea where? No, how do you have no idea where?
Two thousand and nine?
So what I know where drives that? I had two thousand nine, or I have checked.
I mean, they are written over. Oh, so it's .
probably .
I have gone through all of them with like f FBI grade recovery tools, looking for blocks and things like that. There are somewhere, someway. Bm, one day, we always a nice set. I should check probably OK couple more.
Hey, dale, look, any advice on how to handle work when your natural workflow involves Spikes of productivity, but management starts to expect consistent levels of productivity equals to your Spikes? That's pretty tough. I don't have any good advice for that. I think I do do your best, be open and honest um that's what you can really do.
Start a communication with your manager, a boat overall resulting productivity, not the productivity of every minute um and try to find trudge tasks like tasks that you know I don't know, maybe your job is to do .
oh yeah good distraction tasks are good yeah like when you're distracted .
anyway yeah so things that you can can just get through, like maybe it's email. Maybe it's something else where like you know this is an annoying task anyways you know maybe you can be your your mind is kind of somewhere else, but you you'll feel yourself kind of click back in and then you can get back to the main thing you trying to work on like try to do something um even if it's not amazing um but but yeah try to try to show your your overall productivity over the course of a week or a month or whatever you want to use for your time frame and show that you're still doing well and just explain you know my brain works a little different, something like that.
This is the second message like this during this one show, go head in. User, I mean, I guess the second one is the second one you didn't see the one in flow playing. No, I didn't a the only baby name my wife and I could somewhat agree on is for our second baby is linus.
I promise IT wasn't my idea. Does linus give his blessing? So just think about this.
It's slang for penis. Just seems like a pretty good name to me thrown that out. That's the case is line .
up for success.
Someone is literally in like oceans eleven or something like that demon refers to a penises as lines or something like that like this is actually a thing and and actually note, no IT is absolutely a thing. I'm tired of arguing with you, Crystal. I'm trying to see a thank you for that.
That's great. Yeah so um just consider that one hundred percent is the thing and in response to the person in flopping chat earlier who said i'm going to say that my kid is named after the charlie Brown character, can I at least give you guys an alternative? Okay, go with this guy way more important than me.
Okay, if you must, if you must name your child a lies. Okay, two mobile Prices, let's go. Okay, they go.
Two, one hundred papers and books. New scientists called them one of the twenty greatest scientists of all time. This is apparently my namesake. So let's all, let's all just remember who the original lysis actually think. It's a biblical name, but on not an important character but I others people no I goes farther back than that.
I looked IT up and found a redit thread from eleven .
years ago .
about this um and hilariously enough, people are talking about you and IT so you you seem .
to be urban .
dictionary also says IT.
What is this unit is slain for the pencil? Charlie Brown is slaying for the balls IT isn't not if charley Brown was slain for anything that be little further back than the balls? Yeah, really.
But I found this red thread.
I thought IT was I N S yeah.
i've gotten that number times.
but then there's people talking about you is apparently you linked this thread.
I did our lina season of this media .
group from three years ago. Then it's kind of wear that line is linked to this thread and then apparently .
some tweet dude, it's definitely a thing. I feel like .
it's a thing, but it's a thing for like four people.
No, it's it's in a movie I .
ve seen anyone referred to. The .
oceans eleven thing is A. Thing.
if if IT turns out that you're wrong.
will you be disappointed that turns out i'm wrong?
Now you want your name to be penis?
No, nobody. no. Peer doesn't. Dick doesn't. None of them want IT ad.
Must they do? How do you get tick from Richard? Yes, yeah, asking nicely and old, i'm sorry. Yeah are not finding .
anything about .
this in the oceans. twelve. It's in one of them. They definitely, they definitely say that it's definitely a thing.
We need, we need, we need the flow plan chat to research this and come back to us next week.
Arrested development was .
IT arrested development that redit thread that apparent you linked to was a arrested development read IT thread busters referred to as his.
Done that way, it's definitely a thing. I trust me as a thing. I searched for linus penis, and now I am on the ldt only fan.
Now we call that down. We did. But I think you can still maybe find an art I of IT anyway, speaking things on read IT apple .
A I notification summaries, mcDonalds coffee ruin recites abandoned sweeter 版。 I'm sorry. Yeah that's .
that's rough and prerecorded prerecorded the .
constructive theories have so much amo now ah no.
it's been a rough day. I mean that that week minds much worse. I mean, Better, you don't have to come to work on tuesday. Nice, I was so sincere.
It's nice that .
this is the end of the show. See guys again next week. Same bad time, same bad channel.
Oh, what would be a nice son? How do you got me? great. He's okay. Thank you. go.
And to hear that good yes, no, not a lion.