cover of episode I’ve Been Silenced - WAN Show September 6, 2024

I’ve Been Silenced - WAN Show September 6, 2024

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The WAN Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Linus:本期节目讨论了两个主要议题:一个知名的游戏无障碍倡导者Susan Banks身份的真实性受到质疑,引发了人们对网络身份真实性的担忧;Linus团队的一个视频因违反YouTube社区准则而被下架,这凸显了创作者多元化收入来源的重要性。Linus认为,创作者不应过度依赖单一平台,而应积极探索多元化的收入模式,例如付费会员、独立平台等。YouTube下架视频事件,从另一个角度证明了创作者多元化收入来源的必要性。

Deep Dive

Linus received a notification that his 'D-Google Your Life' video was removed from YouTube for violating community guidelines, specifically flagged as harmful or dangerous content. He encourages creators to diversify revenue streams and questions YouTube's approach to handling the situation, suggesting a less impactful method like shadow banning.
  • 'D-Google Your Life Part 2' was removed from YouTube for violating community guidelines.
  • The video is available on Floatplane.
  • Linus encourages creators to diversify revenue streams.
  • He suggests a better system for handling violations, similar to copyright claims, with options to trim infringing parts.

Shownotes Transcript


The yet dy store has so many great gifts. We had to hire a catalog here to make the most of these next thirty seconds. S waterproof by bao proof to be passed like moses, take a stake.

Corbie covers pop amp. Tages next with three sides, eighty cn skill gear, gifts and product experts. This is the yet ty store in winker park today.

What's up? everybody? welcome. Welcome one at all. All of you, even you h to the one show. I've never welcomed you to the one show before. If you think .

about probably have on the first episode.

oh, maybe, but you might not have been called lander at that point that so i'm saying this is IT for the first time. Look, welcome to the venture. We've got a great show live up for you today.

We never actually talked about this last week, but a well known activist in the video game accessibility space doesn't appear to be real. allegedly. We're also going to be talking about what exactly happened this week when one of our videos got on youtube. We'll talk a little bit about that, but there's going to be some more detail in a full video that's coming tomorrow.

what else we got today ah maybe our phones really are actually listening, even though we've been gassed that they haven't .

been this whole time.

Yeah, intriguing.

I never .

believed IT also, concord sucked. I guess it's offline. I mean, yeah.

I was I was about to say, I was about to say, I mean, I wouldn't know. I didn't try IT.

but did you.

The show was brought to you today by LG square space, one password, our chair partner secret lab and our laptop partner L G. Then hold on a second before we get into this. How can a show be sponsored by LG? twice? what? Oh, and go up. To get start right, let's Operate into our first.

No, I think .

IT is though I know I know youtube, youtube unalike, one of our videos this week, the popular series that we just started. So maybe taking some artistic liberties when I call IT a popular series, but our series d google your life had a part, too, that was uploaded a little over two weeks ago and SAT there on youtube for two weeks. Until earlier this week, I received a notification that I had been moved for violating youtube community guidelines. Specifically, IT was flagged as potentially harmful or dangerous content, which will get into this in a little bit more detail, doesn't necessarily mean that IT included no instructions on bomb building or anything sort of overtly dangerous like that.

but necessarily include bomb .

possible IT included that did you ever play IT backwards like those records from the seventies with the devil rics, did you? That's very no a well.

now you can because .

it's not on you to at least on flow plane, at least it's not on our youtube channel where IT is definitely is on flow plane and and other people youtube chanel and other people's youtube channels. So what we discovered is that, that category of of violation is just extremely brought.

And they did provide A A little bit more detail in terms of what was exactly against the youtube community guidelines in in a follow or will not to follow up, but in like an additional message. I can answer a couple of your main questions right now. One is, if you want to watch this video, where can you go? And the only official source of IT is l mg dogg slash flow plane, where IT will be forever because IT doesn't violate flow planes terms of service what. So there you have IT dig al your life part to where we talk about um i'm actually not gonna show the exact things we talk about because I really don't need this episode of the one show. Pop down.

Yeah, thanks. youtube. Yeah, cool. Anyway.

there are other places where you can find IT. But guys, this is yet another example of the importance for creators of diversifying their revenue sources. And this is something that i've been talking about since day zero.

Yeah, both internally here, atlas media group, and externally, when I did really unpopular things in the past, do you remember the kind of long chat we had to have with the audience the first time we did a baked in sponsors into a video? Oh yeah, that was controversial extreme when we did, I think we were promoting an intel like snowboard give away or something like that. That was either the first .

that was super weird or a .

very early one, and added this like weird, little like graphic s that he created for IT and stuff. And that that was a big deal back then was like you money ruber stereo job, the way the discourse around that kind of thing has changed .

in the last eleven twelve.

Get that bag. You know like it's t it's totally changed now. And so you know whether IT is um procuring your own sponsors or either it's um starting emerge store or whether IT is providing a video downloading and streaming services directly to your viewers and alternative platform like patron or nebula or slow plane.

We have strongly encouraged creators since day zero to look for ways to diversify their income streams. And this just in such this is just such a, such a strike and affected way of google ultimately making our point for us in a way that I could never make so powerfully. I do prefer IT over .

them effectively, like shadow in the video, is that wouldn't have stress and affected IT?

Yeah, I guess that's true. And thank you for bringing that up. Now if anyone from youtube batches this, i'm sure they're be some internal conversations vote taking that approach instead.

Good job. yeah. I mean, in general, that is it's true what he says, shadow banning the offensive behavior is absolutely the lowest impact way of at least lowering its impact. We've seen youtube do .

that before with channels. So we know that's the thing that they they do. You can find the channel, you can technically find to the videos, but it's really hard. You almost need directly links to them. They're like never be recommended .

you under any circumstances. But as IT was the way that they did, IT was not great. IT ended up with, I think, rosman native video about IT that has half a million views. Now his video, I think front pages read IT like our slash all has thirty thousand up votes just discussing google pulling this video down. There are three uploads of IT that i'm not going to link to because I don't that that's a question that .

i've seen from the audience a bunch .

i'm not interested in going to battle with youtube over this. It's not totally .

are you planning on doing anything on the L, M, G. Side about the other people are polluting the videos? This is not me ask, of course, that i've seen this asked from a bunch of other people just to be clear.

Yes, I talking .

about right now since I think that's Crystal clear to me song.

what is yeah, yeah I mean air. Yeah yeah. To clear as a Crystal yeah, Crystal air. I highly recommended.

Delicious IT sounds like if cycle light got into like .

flavor red air .

is that I .

assumed that was a pepsi product.

I assume we groups you find them like loss vest when they trying to sell you like flavor.

Ana lavoro you so and and like I said.

i'm not going .

to say too much about IT because our full kind of breakdown is gonna uploaded. Hopefully tomorrow I might even get the all during this one show to have a look at the at the editor, make sure that it's that it's good to upload.

We're releasing video like .

talking about one literally. We can pivoted this morning and we went okay. At this point, IT has officially start and affected and not because we did anything. Yes, we actually the first thing that I said to to our google contact to, by the way, is great.

And i'm not going to say anything that he said or didn't say about any of IT because nothing he said is is problematic in anyway, from my point of view. Effectively, all SHE did was kind of go, kate, here's the resources that you guys need, and it's just kind of linked us at the place in the dashboard SHE did everything totally great, actually love our youtube contact. She's amazing. Um but the first thing I said where there was this is such a completely unnecessary like escalation of this when if you guys have a problem, you literally have my cell phone number you could have said, hey, this is a problem and and and to be clear, i'm not even saying I should get special treatment in this case. I'm just saying that as a very large channel, regardless of how they feel about me or my channel doing this without talking to us and without even attempting to to rectify .

the city to change.

not that we necessarily would .

have changed in some form of I didn't, I didn't even say, no, no, no.

I did IT clear. I was not asking for a heads up. Oh, what I was saying was, strategically, this just seems like a pretty dumb move.

That's all. Yeah, that was the first thing. That was the first thing I said about IT. And i'm not going to say what he did her didn't say in response to because i'm not looking to get in trouble. He is amazing. Yeah but I was just like with every factor considered and i'm not saying I would would have done anything different tly or that I wouldn't just left IT up or that .

I wouldn't just .

said you or i'm not even i'm not even go in there. All i'm saying is this seems like the highest impact possible way that you guys could have approached to this.


And as one of those things where I feel like sometimes that just comes down to engineers making decisions rather than you know like people whose specialty is sort of human relations and human interactions in human behavior, you know um you know people who see things in terms of numbers and in terms of policy and and you know what, I got ta own my part of the blame here, right?

Like I did put them in a chAllenging position by a pluie video that violated to s that's simple. Did what we get into? We get into, yes.


Whether or not that should be the tos, we're going to leave that to people's judgment. Got IT. But in the video, we do layout.

How we did, in fact violates U. S. So i'm not even i'm not complaining. I'm not going to sit here and throw a little easy fit and reuptake ad my video and then get a strike and then complain about that and turn this into like a drama snowball. That's absolutely not going to happen.

But what I will say is I think they went about this in the supremely wrongest possible way. And what I would like to see is i'd like to see them approach these things in the future more like they handle things like copyright, where the video doesn't get ripped down back and a the owner flags IT. And to be clear, the way they handle coper is not perfect.

I'm just saying there are some things that we can learn from youtube es existing systems about how we could do this Better. So you get a notification in the meantime, any add sense earned by the videos goes into esco. And then once the claim is the claim dispute is resolved, that funds is an esco either goes to the copyright claim or IT goes to the uploader who had their video claimed against and and that was how that worked for a long time.

And then now it's actually a little bit Better. You can use A I to remove infringing ing music, for example, so that you can maintain your your add sense without IT actually without just reallocating all of IT to the the owner of the song you use for forty seconds of one hour video or whatever the case maybe. So there's there's also the opportunity to trim out the infringing part. So we've done that on one show before where we've shown like a movie trailer or something like that, which I actually maintain is fair use. Um i'm not willing to go to court to defend IT, but I I strongly believe that watching a movie trailer on a podcast or on a stream an advertisement when you look at the impact at like there, there's the four pillars, right? And in that case, I think the main pillar that matters is the one where is the, here we go, the effect of the use on the potential market for, or value .

of the work of .

anything you would be crazy, ugly, deranged, unhinged to like, willfully, like, make a human decision and go. These guys are doing my commercial so dirty, these people didn't pay to access .

my commercial and put IT down.

right? Like, that's that's just crazy. And people people who are saying apparently this a totally a thing, a calm fan bang in flippin chat as Warner apparently went after mumbo. I don't know who that is, but for the minecraft trail video.

Now in that case, that's a little bit different because if you're just playing the trailer, especially if you're being positive about IT, then the impact on the market of the work on the potential market for the work is very positive. If you are showing the trailer in its entirety and then just like crapping on IT for twenty five minutes, that particular piller weakens a lot, right? But there's four pillars.

So I think when IT comes to things like marketing clatter, al, I still think there's very, very strong arguments to be made for the the fair use, the purchasing of a of commercials and advertising imagery and stuff like that. What was I even talking about now? I forget.

I don't know. I'm looking .

at the raft watch no watch topics was I was i'm pretty you .

hit the track.

I'm pretty sure you hit the track pad.

Okay, when I closed, yeah.

Anyway, the point is that so you now we often .

have to remote trailers and then we're going to watch a trailer on the show.

Oh yeah, right. Very, very. Hey, thank you. I was actually really helpful. no. So yeah. One of the other mechanisms, this is offering the ability to trim out the offending section the so that the copyrighted ders claim can be removed. But that was not given as an option. Instead, the entire video was pulled out, even though, as far as we can tell, there were only small parts of IT that were in violation of the tos.

So I would like to see in the longer term, i'd like to see youtube reevaluate this system in a way that you don't have to be a major youtube r in order with with a contact at youtube in order to resolve something like this in a way that isn't just the video gets pulled down. The trick there though, is building a system that doesn't enable bad actors. So if you're the kind of person who is uploading harmful content, let's say you are recruiting to a terrorist organization or something like that, if they provide clear exact timestamps for what exactly was infringing, then you are enabling those bad actors to trim just that little bit and we upload IT and happily go along their very way.

Yes, yes, everything we're doing is fine because we used this to a uniformities m and left out that exact word, right? So it's a balancing act, but I would like to see them do Better. And I think other than that, we can pretty much move on subscribed the flow plan.

yeah. Oh, hilarious. Apparently know there are actually two official ways to watch that video that support lind's media group on flow plain dot com. yes. Or 老板, 我给你 发 一个 someone called IT that's actually .

really .


I'm really the musky good job.

Well, whatever are not logged in, but can .

you watch that?

I have no idea. Uh, sure. whatever. What is that the can can you do? You do you have to log in the city to .

watch a video?

Yeah, I know crazy 啊。 Okay, well, anyway, yeah. Are our official Billy, Billy channel apparently has IT with chinese subtitles.

So you can watch IT there if you really want, alright, when you want to talk about next. That's the big drama topic. This week i've .

got something that's not on the dog.

Oh sure. yeah.

Hit me. Why not? Why don't you? actually? No.

I just do IT look at this. okay. Hey, L, T, T, lab, stop com.

What exactly is that that you want to talk about? You know, is something from the lab. What is right there? There's a feed on the right. These are blogs.

Oh, cool. So we have mixed content now. So we have products on the left and articles on the right very cool, a little bit different to get the color coding for the different articles and and your little compare button, which look called nice and need no stuff.

But we're trying to highlight some of the the blocks and articles little bit more. So I don't know. Check out the website, that's all to say. I think that looks Better, very cool, more content there. Just having these that the products kind of grit IT out made IT. I don't know how to describe IT properly, but I think having more stuff here is good and having the articles listed here as well, I think, is interesting because, well, you might be interested in in individual products that are on the left. I think it's more likely that the articles will hit a broader .

range of people. So and says, I like there's more about the full yeah yeah percent nine hundred percent.

Very good. Good job.

What do you want to talk about next? hello.

Should we do the thing we missed .

last week? Yeah sure. Let's do IT. So this is honestly even though then this kind stuff is hard because it's one of those things where there's a bit of a disconnect between what I know cogniac vely and the general sort of state that I like to live in, where I feel like things are mostly okay.

You know, a cogniac vely. I know how possible IT is with the tools that exist today to become a different persons online, or even fabricate a persons online and and use that identity to to fool or in many cases, defraud others, right? I know that we cover that stuff all the time, whether it's, you know, deep fake technology or using l ms. To generate sad stories on facebook that send people to go fun me or, you know, whatever IT is right?

You can fabricate entire people out of the either I know that, but still this read on ign, which is probably the best piece of journalism i've seen from ign in years maybe yours I was being nice let's go with in years was chilling to um I would strongly encourage you guys i'm gonna go ahead and drop this in the flow playing chat and i'm going to ask that real quake maybe repeat that link and hockey into the youtube ban twitch chat. I would strongly encourage you guys to go read the whole article because we can't get into every little detail. But what I will give you guys is a summary.

And basically what what IT comes down to is that Susan banks, who was a prominent video game accessibility advocate and cofounder of the website can I play that, was thought to have died in twenty sixteen. But the report from ign raises serious doubts as to whether SHE ever existed at all. SHE was supposedly a death turkish immigrant who had worked as a model and financial asset manager before becoming a professor at a notable death university.

But when I G N asked for comment, the university denied he had ever worked there. Between two and fifteen and her apparent death and twenty thousand nine, SHE blogged extensively and often interact with other advocates and new organizations. However, these interactions were exclusively through social media or emails, which most people attributed to her being death, which I can tell you from my own experience with the death community is a totally, completely Normal thing for them to prefer text communication.

It's like my my own mom is hard of hearing and he taught at a school for the death for many years. That's the reason that I have picked up some american sign language. Um and so you I am already familiar with the kinds of accessibility equipment that existed before um before the internet was necessarily widespread.

So like we had A T T Y in our house, which is essentially a keyboard phone. Um and so you use IT through like a ray Operator to conduct phone calls or at least you did back before you know every brand had a had a live chat, whatever else. But you'll still find like T T Y access numbers on things like government websites and things like that.

So but the point i'm trying to make is that I really would not have raised any kind of weird alarm bells if someone who is deferred heart of hearing preferred to communicate the attacks and also preferred not to turn their Cameron. So moving on if thanks is in fact, a fake person, the most likely suspect seems to be her supposed romantic partner, code craven, who facilitated many of her communications. According to an associated craven, craven claimed that banks was hospitalized after dropping a kitchen, a mixer on her foot, which resulted in the amputation first of one leg, then at the other leg. Two days later, when the associate contacted the hospital where banks was recovering in order to scent flowers, the hospital denied they had any patient by that name.

One thing that's interesting is like a one of full playing chat posted up like privacy policies and suffer that i'm kind of surprised. You can just like call a hospital and figure out of someone's there now you uh, without being having relations to that person or anything.

No, you can. You can definitely do that. I had to do a little while ago. You can have definitely do IT intrigue. Yeah, I think they kind of expected to demonstrates a little bit that you like talking what you talking about. But no, it's it's .

definitely a thing. Yeah, you true.

So the associate then hired a private investigator who found no evidence or any legal record of banks whatsoever. Cravin, meanwhile, so this was the supposed romantic partner was apparently showered and gifts and sympathy whenever he posted about his partners illness and recovery since announcing banks is death by stroke in twenty nine, cote graven has dated two other surprisingly similar death women whose existence has also come into question. After being reached for comment by ign, cravin strongly requested that the piece not be published, then began the leading all of his social media accounts.

Not a good time.

My notes continue. These kinds of bizarre schemes aren't new, but they're becoming easier to pull off with modern tools. In addition to entirely AI generated influencers, there are apparently already several fake influencers created by stealing real influencers photos and adding deep fake AI faces to them. However, other influencers have made tons of money of people using their own faces, but otherwise fabricating facts about their life and circumstances.

That's not really, however, that's an addition to, yeah, know what the fake planes? What was the grist though? Do they make money off this?

So the grip was, no, I believe there was at least you gotta read the whole I article to find all the details but yeah between things like requests for donations to help out and and being and of us apparently sort of able body person um who could create this persona of someone who would have much more credibility discussing accessibility in gaming.

You can create this, uh, you you can create, can I play that? You can create a, you can create blogs. You can get gig work as an advocate. You can, you can create this career that ironically wouldn't be open to you as an able as a completely able bodied person um but would be open to you as someone who could speak authority timely on the chAllenges that you face. And I mean I think that the thing that makes me most sick about all of this is like, really there's there's not enough things that you could do, but like you have to from the people who have legitimate grievances with the way that the gaming industry has treated accessibility, who have legitimate voices that need to be heard in this space, you take advantage of their plate and you profit from IT, and you turn IT into like a hustle that then substitutes their voice for your own. Like, I can't I can't even begin to wrap my head allegedly around how sick this guy would have to be to think that is even remotely .

OK alleged .

allegedly none of this proven in court. But read the gnp IT is actually worth the click go check IT out IT is IT is gross. Um alright, then what are we supposed to talk about? Give us some, give me something Better, another topic we've done to topics ah then we can go straight into merge messages.

And well, what do we do? Look goes back to packs for us. Okay, yeah, you only comment and look, look at how useless the docks is here. My only comment here is blue water grille is amazing. So okay, help me out here.

It's going to right or notes, please please. I'll just remember that everything .

it's fine and how that um really .

well actually I remember everything it's okay except for one extremely important detail which I can look up in IT from.

Look, I remember everything looks for any year twenty .

twenty four um maybe don't .

extend that too far yeah for .

sure um so yeah I went back to acs. IT was an extremely last minute decision like in the week .

I didn't think your tax I wasn't .

yeah I had told people I wasn't going and then I think I was like days before packs as I got i'm going, uh, I was only able to go for one day. So after one show last week, line us and I went and looked at the bus center, b center for a little while. And then after midnight I finally went to go drive down to sea hatton so I didn't end up getting there into late three in the morning ish.

Slept for O A few hours I guess, because I should probably still be down there for when the show floor opens yeah body and then stayed up until I think IT was about three in the morning again before starting to drive home nice. Didn't get home until like five fish sunday morning and then had to go to my knee is birthday party breakfast which started at high nice. So I had a heck of a week.

I was a px weekend.

The sure was nice, but I was only attacks for one day. Okay.

there was, this is still zero useful context. But thank you for that delightful and heartburn ing story. They had a wonderful birthday.

One is, I think little ID birthdays .

are always funny to me. They have no idea what's going on.

no clue at all. yes. SHE, okay. So she's been scared of me. I'm going attention really hard here first. Like she's been scared of me forever.

Doesn't blame I D like I rather deal with the bear. I mean, everyone, my goodness.

Okay um yeah so she's she's been I don't know what IT is。 He just has always been very stand office of me when i'm in person theyll put on like the one show or something and sh'll point at me and know that it's me and be happy when SHE goes to bed so like say, good night, everyone in the family and SHE includes my name like SHE seems to like me when i'm not there, but I am am actually there, not so much. This time there was like the the tables that we were at, a table class that dropped over, and SHE was sitting in, and I think was my mom's lap, who is who was sitting next to me. And I looked at, try to talk to her, and SHE kind of start at me for a second, and then got under the table and then was like hello and started replying because he did want to look at me.

Kids deal the sickest burns because they have no filter. They just do what they feel, you know.

so fruitful, hopefully should get .

over SHE just seems my presence .

of get a little closer .

to your size and then you might not feel like the tables are so one sided .

here yeah part .

of IT yeah little kid. Birthday parties have always been fund to me because, like man, especially with our first when we were mostly dealing with other first time parents and stuff like the kinds of productions that people will do for a one year old or a two year old birthday. And I would always just be looking at this going like, you know, they aren't going to remember any of this.

And when you try to sit them down in their teens or twins and show them pictures of IT, they're not going to give two hoods because they literally won't remember any these people either. Like, you know, this is as long as you fully recognize that this is all for you, that they would have been just as happy with lag going to say, some packing peanuts to play with, but at least not without supervision. They would have been just as happy with an empty cardboard box to craw around in then, okay, you do you but the amount of money people will spend on these parties, and just, anyway, sure there was chill knowing your family, that was .

probably fine. Yeah, everybody, but yeah, I know. Okay, rewinding for packs, a blue water grow. The story of, okay, we're we're not a blue water grill. OK story of getting down there is interesting, because this is important, because I forgot the name of the place, the story of getting down there is interesting because I did detail how late we got there, right? So we didn't up getting there until almost three in the morning, right?

I went down with with one of my buddies that i've known since, like high school, and the room that we are super to get had one bed, but I also had a pull out coach. So we're like OK cool. You can crash on that.

Um we we get to the room that we're are supposed to have. There is no polo coach, okay, cool. So we get checked in. No, pooch, I don't really care. And like we can just do the overall sheet thing. I've done this one hundred times IT doesn't matter to me but he was like and I was like, I mean, we technical book in the walls to have this thing we can like.

see maybe yeah, I am sure they had plenty of rooms. I mean, not like it's the biggest event.

Cy atle turns out. Well, I mean, they still have tickets a couple days for the event. They didn't sell out, by the way, they used to sell IT like that.

You had to scrape the site to field to buy tickets because they sell out so fast, they did not sell out this or that's f apparently, a lot more people went this year than last year, and they're expecting that growth to continue because there's like this resurge postcode. Yeah and so it's probably fine, but yeah I I don't know, but anyway, so OK okay, sounds good. They switch us rooms.

We get in there. We take a second to properly investigate because low and behold, it's the same room effectively on a different floor. There's still no polo coach.

We don't know. It's really going on. So we call down again.

It's now been like half an hour and it's pretty late. Really just want to go to bed. Yeah um but they're like we can bring you a cot.

O K, O, K, sure. The cut rolls up, IT takes a while, but IT rose up, looks amazing. It's just a full size mattress on a wheel frame.

Sounds like sick. Sounds good. Um we start on to bed.

He gets inside things like why is IT so cold? I'm like White gets up and starts feeling around. The whole cut is just not the whole cut.

About thirty percent of the car is just soaking wet. judge. So we call down and we're like, what.

And they're like, okay, we can like try to bring you another one. They end up calling us back. We don't have another one. So we're like, okay. And they're like we can just bring you like some extra blankets or something, hair drive, sure.

Whatever, like it's it's now been like an hour just if you're you going to do something great, if not like whatever, twenty minutes later been a long time at this point. I'm actively trying to fall asleep. I'm in bed twenty minutes later they call back up.

Hey, we're trying to find you a caught. Just stop at this point. I don't care. I gave him like tons of betting from the main bed. We just layer IT up was fine as of IT in the morning. I like, can you guys like do anything about this, about this, by the way, because that was like we not only did we not get what we paid for, yeah.

I feel like someone's about to get called out here.

but Carry on yeah. But also, after multiple attempts of not getting what we paid for, IT took over an hour that we wanted to sleep and we couldn't sleep and the western said no they said no they said no because I booked IT through expedia apparently, which is not fair .

and i'm not gona .

stop because I like expedia personally. Butter, this is not not answer, that's .

garbage so annoying.

I I was I was incredibly frustrating. IT was a huge waste of time.

literal garbage .

soaking wet bed. And then we went to blue water grill. The reason I want to call them out is because amazing restaurant that we used to go to every time we went to go to packs and IT was packed.

Every time we went through, you had to wait in line to build the order. We walked up. Nobody there.

Really food still amazing. They said that there's a new convention building. yeah. So there's still use the old one, but they are also using this new one. And they said that they think IT diverted for the traffic .

because now people are going to not on the path now or whatever.

So people are going to restaurants that are in between the two buildings and not going to blue w water girl. Blue water girls had to pull back their hours because pax isn't the only convention doing this. So used to get tons of traffic from the convention because I really close to the convention center.

So maybe check up blue or girl. The food, still amazing, to make good stuff, packs itself was fun. The gaming halls spent about three or four hours checking those out and then was completely done.

And okay with IT ah the honest not that interest. There's this new theme where uh all the games are handing out like cards with Q R coats on them to wish list their game. Okay, so back in the day you to get like shirts and now you just have like a stack of cards, cards.

I could see people getting into that. I .

might be more effective .

to help for free. Free is for look, and you get people to work list again.

whatever you take a photo of somebody. I'm pretty funny actually. Um we there was some .

we should do IT like be the .

future could have like a cure code yeah on the back of .

IT did I be so down sick? Um people are saying that apparently IT is standard practice, that there's nothing that they can do when you book through third parties.

And I had a similar experience.

okay. Oh, you know what this reminds me of if you sign up for a subscription service through the google play store, they, I can't do anything for you. I've noticed that you have I had that problem before. I actually hate that me too, by the way, that in, but this may not be the western's faut entirely.

They have rebuttal .

to this not taking inside. I'm not taking side my.

but and I I left the the lady at the counter that said like we can do anything. I left her alone. It's not SHE can't doing thing about IT.

It's not her fault t to be super clear but I don't believe that because none of this was studious fault. They gave us the wrong room up. They gave us the wrong room again.

Yep, they gave us a wet caught and they failed to solve that problem. Not expedia did none of that. So like, i'm sure there is something that you could do and you're just trying to get away with IT. That's that's how I feel.

I mean, at the very least, what they almost certainly could do is give you a vulture for the and hotel restaurant or something like at the very least, they should be able to do that. All right, what is our next thing then? Hit us. Let s do some merge .

messages and that they did massively expand the table top areas though, and those are super sick. Now that's pretty cool. It's like actually really cool. They have a huge table top free place area where you can play all these different games that people are showing off the table. Top expo area itself is much bigger.

And to be honest, I think that makes a ton of sense because the amount of games that are publishing demos on steam now massively gone up. And so you could really go to the video game area just by staying home and playing steam demos. But the table top stuff you can't experience just at home. Yeah so that part was really gaming .

coming full circle. Let's go.

We're going back. Yeah, yeah. And there's some really crazy good like the slave st spire table top game is really highly rated.

The definitive table talk me is really highly rated. I really like cop table talk games um and they had a whole section that was just go up table top games. The whole thing was really cool, actually.

So happy to see that they must have recognized this as well. Like the gaming area is less interesting than they used. The video gaming area is less interesting that used to be, let's maybe expanded table top. And the the new convention building was like almost all table top stuff, which was sick anyway.

That's IT all right here, stan. Oh, we should explain merge messages if you want to interact with the show. The way to do IT is through a merch message.

We don't do youtube super chase. We don't do twitch bits. We do.

We do merge messages, so all you got to do is had over the L. T. T. Store dot com and add something to your car. You'll a little box pop up when in more life you can leave a IT will go to producer dan, who will reply to IT bone bomb weird reply, but thanks and good solid effort. You forget IT to someone eternally .

who can address your question.

Is that like tears of the kingdom and plus bomb.

I could not I couldn't .

get IT for me and look and sometimes himself to reply you. So he's going to show you a couple examples of what that might look like. Uh, then you wanna hit us with with merge message?

No, sorry. I just saw something that will end up talking about later in the show. okay. Oh.

I think luke finally found the thing that you guys are probably going to be ordering. sure. Why don't we just show them that? first?

We can go to my skin to.

yes, community guidelines t shirt, if you didn't know, because you weren't here for the beginning of the show, we got a video taken down. And at this point, you probably do know if you watched the lander that whenever something unfortunate happens to us, we make A T shirt commemorating the occasion. The community guidelines sert, designed by the one and only Sarah butt, will be available for a limited time.

You can give us your impressions on the design. And like all of our is their way to do that. I actually have no idea what they mean by that. Anyway, like all of our other limited edition t shirts, this will be print to order on our custom soft and long lasting l tt blanks, the ones that were raided so highly by project farm very, very recently. And you'll be printed by our local printing partner who just does such an outstanding job of the quality that sometimes that takes us a long time to get things printed because it's a small Operation and we just can't accept any substitute at this point.

I think it's really cool IT. It's almost it's yeah that's a cool take on that. I originally thought I was just to be the text that was originally discussed. And I was like, this is cool.

It's of a it's kind of a you know more abstract inspired red design by, you know the entity that might have had something to do with this whole controversy. Oh, if you look closely, there is no solution to that.


got that too. Yes, you know, it's hard to IT could be chAllenging to navigate, know the modern into webs and all of its difficulties. And so IT says a lot with .

without having any text. I think it's great.

IT says a lot. I think that I think that started a great job. It's available now. Elegant gg slash community guidelines are going to ahead and for that in the chat boom, boom, boom.

And color choice, there's black. Yeah, there's other colour.

Just, yeah, go for guys. All right. Then show us how much message is work. sure. yeah. Go on here for you.

Linus, years ago, you offered to pay the reopening cost of an asian restaurant in a mall that closed. You mention that they fit your bill once and one. Your loyalty that this ever come to pass.

To be clear, they credited me. They like, gave me an, I did remembers them for that, for that lunch. Yes, no, I I never heard from them.

I would have loved to. My offer is still open. I actually.

I actually can't .

remember exactly what I was called anymore. But IT was an more, and IT was just a delicious little, little place basis. A leaf was called baza leaf, and they had this, this like Angeli desert thing that I really hated, the first time I hated, and now I would probably.

And if IT was the only way that I could ever get IT again and if I if I had the opportunity right now, if he was like, I will make you on right now, IT will cost you fifty dollars. I would probably pay for IT. I I would probably do IT assuming it's a one time thing like I wouldn't buy fifty dollars every day that would be crazy.

But I I think to have that one more time. And remember, part of this is you just having enjoyed at so many times. It's the it's the nostalgia of enjoying IT again. You could think of IT kind like buying a game that you played as a kid. You'd spend way more to kind .

of relive that. It's like I still remember the first time I ate there with you and you got me to get the desert thing and you got me to eat IT and I was like, this socks and you're like, you'll figured that out or whatever animal exactly, he said. And then after a while I was just like, oh my god, 我们 那个那个 yeah no mazing, yes.

So if if the owner bases leaf, if he still around, if if this ever makes IT to him, um I I be happy to help you start up again, as long as I can, as long as I can come get that desert again and delicious soup, and I will pay fifty dollars for my first putting but after that I want to pay menu, please yeah, after that, okay, ay, what else you got done? Go through the rest of the announcements and they will be another one of the end announcements.

Oh, oh yeah. We have a few more announcements. The precision screwdriver pop up is tomorrow. This will be your opportunity to get hands on with the brand new elt t precision multiple I screw driver in bit set.

We're going to be having testing stations where you can feel how IT stacks up with the this and you'll able to talk to our engineering team about the driver itself. You will also be able to purchase one of five hundred limited edition numbered precision crew drivers as well as some other items fell to the store dot com. We H I don't want to say some of this stuff, but what I will say is please don't travel too far for this event.

It's probably too late to book flag anyway. That isn't to chAllenge. We really don't have a ton of capacity. We do not have a ton of capacity. So if if you're local and you happen to need a precision screw driver set, hey, we'll see tomorrow, september seven from ten two P M. At the line is media group studio in three bc.

You can check out our social accounts where we will have more detailed information if you're swinging by also the precision score driver, bit set and case are releasing tomorrow if you are not able to come to the pop up. Oh OK, oh wow. So it's gonna available online saturday, september seventh. We've shown IT off a ton on the wine show and in our videos. We're really happy without IT turned out we can't wait free to get your hands on IT and what time are .

we are we waiting for reviews to come in from the pop up or what's I think .

they're going live at the same time, if you want to be notified the moment of drops to secure yours, you can sign up with L M G to G G slash precision. Pretty exciting day. And if you want to copy that link, we also have we will have an update on the offsite laptop bag.

We ve got some feedback about the offsite laptop bag that we launched a few weeks past. Some customers are incredibly happy with their purchase. Another review exactly what I expected and needed. Some people are not as happy and felt like the messaging that we had on the site didn't line up with what they expected. Um so we hear that customers were disappointed with their purchase.

So we've taken IT down from the website while we do an update to some of the messaging to clear up some things about the beg's capacity, both in the description and in photos. As always, if you're unhappy with your purchase, reach out to support. And trust me, bro, we're gone to do everything we can to make IT, right? That is something we've always been consistent about.

If you were wondering, by the way, we are going to have been available at the pop up. It's this is not a quality issue. It's an expectation management issue.

So uh, I had no ques telling the team I go head haven't available at the pop up because of people can see that in person. Then there's going to be no misunderstanding yes and no um yeah no no false expectations or anything. IT will bit be what IT is.

It'll be right there so they can buy. The last thing is hay scrapyard verses and nine thanks to everyone who watched, thanks to everyone who joined flow plan to watch the extras. And behind the scenes, java has picked the winners of the grand prizes. The riggs we built this season with both of our signature on each of them are going to markets are from texas, who won the OK system from t duke and .

the .

ago v from coLoring the, you know, we want, you know, we want what, you know.

we want, we cheated. I didn't cheat.

You did tell me how he did.

Uh, having the person that you pay collaborate with you on cheating doesn't make .

IT not cheating.

So what what even talking about going .

to go over budget. I didn't go budget. You I never want .

a budget. No, no. I of your account IT is .

not IT actually isn't. IT is though IT isn't. If you place the purchase, if you place the purchase, IT is on your credit card, which you can pay in thirty days with money from your account.

Debit card comes out of your account immediately. A VISA pays for IT for you. Yes, they they do count.

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to job for partner and will have a look in the description where you can check them out. Look, is onna destroy one of the computer? It's going to go kick IT over.

There are guys saw the party extremely questionable. I know I saw you guys put some good look as a fallback person who would also didn't cheat at all. What was IT? Nothing .

didn't .

budget. I do nonsense. The fact, the fact that you guys got to subtle a Better SSD.

Oh yeah, but you're hike to work highly quit.

Yes, IT was.

Which is why we would love to do that. No way more capacity.

So they that was never requirement.

He said he was for us.

Tell me. So if I don't know.

maybe the guy that was you come on.

because in .

the past, we would have had .

to go back in.

It's unfortunate. Win is illegitimate.


do you call that guy that you pay to make up s and let .

you know you are going to be merge? The good reputation of one David go.

No, it's not his fault why you to do to get to you know, he told me in a post event interview that he likes cheating, which is why he allowed IT to happen.

Allowed what to happen? You're cheating.

I didn't cheat and died.

I didn't cheat died. You know what? We will let you guys be the just. The real altering or motive?

No, i'm very angry.

Yeah I can see that we will let you guys be the judge because there is a tracking er throughout, I believe parts two to four of our of our existing baLances.

It'll let you get to include when you include everything, spent money on your credit .

IT is everything .

going to get IT includes .

everything. Look, does that show that? IT IT shows everything .

IT shows everyone are asking for a poll.

Want a pole?

I think we regret not doing the same street. No, on camera, i'll I just ask if we can do the same strat and I say no because I would be too much.

And now it's it's not cheating.

unfortunately not cheat.

Well, well, let the people, let the people, let the people who watch be the judge. I think he's just I think he's actually he's lashing out. I'm extremely angry because what he's really upset about is.

Choose in the first possible .

benchmark and banking .

at the overtime we've done to the root .

of the issue. No, no, no, no.

Looks a team player. Okay, look, would defend the team made to the death no matter how wrong they were. So look has to attack me. But what is really thought about, what is really thoughts about.

Seems like that the poll is saying that you cheat.

It's great having me. The fact only sixty percent of them are citing with you means that I want not.

do not.

They always with you IT .

looks like the next polls results are definitely yes.

as they always lived, one hundred and ten percent. Look at this, you guys look at this glories of the mother land. They've got two.

I've got two poles. Regular poll? No, that's ine. I could see IT regular poll and non bias poll.

Did you really spell poll wrong? Dying IT down for professionals here? Well, maybe maybe look, is yeah .

because he cheated. Fashion al integrity is speaking of issues .

with the last scrapyard worse? Where the heck is my trophy now?


you don't deserve what? We didn't do trophy this year. Well, we didn't do trophy this year.

You guess maybe David preemptively knew .

that he was going to do. I'm going to let you guys watch i'm going to let you guys watch the series. It's actually I think watching it's the best one. I I have too much .

like personal attachment to season .

for yeah which .

like season really but there's like it's it's absolutely incredible, a great job if I had if I was purely a viewer and I had to decide by side one, this ones probably Better. But just I have just working rad and the stuff were able to do in season .

for and stuff is just .

like character yeah pretty experience of season.

The systems look so good. Honestly, I love having a team may sort of regardless. Um and for me, even though was really different, I equally enjoyed working with bob and working with sami even though in the case of of the forth scrapyard board, you know bob's expertise was obviously way more applicable to what we were trying to do because there was like moted system but sami, yes, which ended up ding in a big way but in terms of like which one was more helpful minute to minute.

And I couldn't just sit and me at like, okay, go do that and then I can completely to note, but I actually really enjoyed the different perspective compared to working with someone way more like minded, like above and rod, where their interests are all like the overlap with mine, is a perfect circle. Where's having sami, who is very different from me, provide that very different perspective and that very different skills set was a tone of fun. And I think what I would like to, if we were to ever describe words again, I think I would like to try to capture that again, having like an odd couple of five yes, the teams, yeah, exactly the reason they do that in reality TV, it's not an accident.

I I feel like you probably feel the same way. I suspect even when you don't have a teammate, you end up like somewhat forming a team like camera yeah yeah so like because you like you do need you're going through so much crazy crap was is genuinely an insane experience .

to film yeah so you send up super invested every time they are behind the camera like they are basically .

just like fighting each other. The hosts are like fighting each other and the camera person or are like getting in on IT. It's fta tic. It's very it's a little tribal um but it's it's kind of easier when your teammate is actually involved with the chAllenges and not just trying to capture the chAllenges to in order to have that pony stuff.

The time of fun. Yeah, that was great.

You should wash IT are we doing the thing that all in one video thing one video?

Yeah, that was something me, you guys not not we've never really done sort of thing before, but like a compilation video. Um lots of channels do IT like big channels, small channels. They'll put together a bunch projects like kids channels.

We'll this all the time. They'll have like like three hours of their videos just cut together. And I think that this one .

effective on kids channels, but I do see other channels do IT .

as but should we have just cut together the entire scrapper wars nine and just uploaded as a video? I don't think IT would perform well out of the gate, but that kind of mega long form content IT would be almost two hours with with all four pieces can do really well in the channel. Are you guys going to be like mad if we upload that? Or is that chill? We good.

It's a bit of a gamble. Um I would be very interested like I I almost wanted to do IT just for .

the science DVD box set.

We had actually talked .

about IT before doing like a directors commentary like blue.

I remember that I think we almost because IT .

was very talked about doing IT on vessel yeah as as like an exclusive and then we just like never because I am know this all come back because no, what we wanted to do that because we were like, oh, we could do that as like as like a virtual blue ray. And you could like buy IT. That was around the time we did the Christmas album, I think.

And so we .

were experimenting with digital releases, but like like traditional media releases.

This when more people had, like people bought place station because they wanted the blue ray player most of questions.

He was a different time. He was a very different time.

But IT is an interesting discussion. I don't know. I'm very i'm not saying that we should do IT necessarily, but i'm very interested in us doing IT just for the science more than anything.

So I want to see what IT does to the channel. Um I still think I understand it's not clipsed, but I think it's a good channel use for IT. But I think the previous seasons should go up as compilations on L G. clips. I'm still I still think that would be cool.

I pitched um as my sort of maybe solution that we do all the seasons on line instructively, but we upload them like all the same time. So we basically kill any notification viewership on them and we just let them algorithmically just boil, go out there and see what happens because there's a lot of videos that we have by accident released with a very, very small initial subscribe push.

One of them is like a weird control video where someone accidentally ticked and ticked notify the subscribers. Another one is one where we went live multiple times because of errors in the stream the previous day, and we had used up our allotment of notifications. So like a saturday morning video that didn't get a notification, like there's been times when it's happened and in the end, IT mostly comes out in the wash and they they tend to do OK as long as their good content and the retention is good.

I know of a channel I don't want to I don't want to dunk on them, their friend um but I know of a channel .

that .

I see did this and you can see the view impact on a lot of them, which was a dump from another platform. And usually they get like these numbers and some of them ended up doing okay in the long run. Yeah, but the majority of them give them time.

let them cook. That's only a couple months ago when I say in the long term, I mean, over a couple of years. And okay, yeah like videos that go, they'll go .

another interesting variable to try to keep in mind here, but it's going to be tough, is the impact of this on the individual uploads from the past. I was like, are you just canalized those views?

Are you getting new view? I would suspect it's gonna. And I mean, this is peers speculation, but I would suspect that I would be mostly new. And the reason I say that is because the youtube audience is unstability pig. I think that we we think of ourselves as sort of understanding the size of we don't understand the size of IT.

I mean, look at what has been happening with Christine ana an, although the idea that fifty million people could be subscribe to him in a span of how many days was IT? I don't know. Soccer player.

no, I know who IT is. Do they started youtube chat?

Yeah, started youtube chat. You mean football? Two death looks. yes. So he's after fifty .

million .

couple days. So that should give you some idea that should give you some idea to it's not a few days .

with a couple of weeks.

whatever the point is. The point is that the audience is huge. The appetite for content is huge. The number how many people you think like I used to always tell you, like we're going to reach saturation.

There's no way you can get more than one hundred thousand views on a video about a harddrive. There's no way you can get more than two hundred and fifty thousand views on a video boat, a CPU. There's no way like i've been saying this over and over and over again.

And then at some point you might have noticed I stopped saying IT because the audience is unlimited as long as you're passionate about what you're talking about, as long as you can make IT engaging and entertaining, you can make a video about anything, and you can get millions and millions million of people who are into IT. I mean, our biggest video ever, our most new video ever, is building a PC using only wish 点 com。 All I do is build a computer .

that's our biggest .

every know if you had asked to me, if you had asked to me, it's a really funny video i've ever watch IT. Or I think it's really funny.

The point is you back.

The point is, if you had asked me when I started the channel back when a huge youtube channel might have one hundred thousands subscribers, right? If you had asked me, could there possibly even be twenty three million people on earth who would sit and watch a video about building a computer? I D thought you were high, like your guess is high.

And I would never accuse someone of of partaking of cause I, I, I would have thought something like that to be unable able, right? But IT absolutely is favorable. It's fully favorable. And so I forget what point i'm trying to make right now, but the audience is enormous. Don't underestimate IT.

Hey, how to build the PC? The last guy you'll ever need. Didn't I do poorly when I first launched? yeah. Eleven million.

yeah. yeah. But that's the thing you can do. You have got to understand what you're upload. You've tt a know, okay, is this a slow burn or is this is this something that's going to be a short and bright burn and then just fade into nothing? And there's there's both of those and there's everything in between.

Um in fact, we how to build a PC hold on PC, we've actually uploaded to how to build a PC the last guide you'll ever needs. And you can actually see if you look at the analytics here on the more recent one, which is updated like it's an updated version. So we did to look at this garbage garbage performance in the first three days .

s five hundred thirty three .

thousand views. And like you'll get remember that time you uploaded this video, how to basic, how to install a GPU yeah ah i'll go find IT, i'll go find IT after .

this .

IT is horrible at the install 了 GPU furious, we will get back to that. But first, this one you can see absolute dog crap for all IT .

goes .

into the typical band and who escape their osi, let's go. Because it's a different kind of content. It's designed for a different kind of engagement where people are being served this video because IT is an incredible resource and IT is the, we believe, ultimate guide to researching, learning how to speak, how to understand what you're doing and ultimately, how to build a PC session .

from the great host engineering team. So that you can see on the old one when the second one was uploaded.

looking at its analytics.

Ah we have them that makes a lot of a sense, but is super .

interests that totally makes sense here out we will play dig around in the dashboard with minus here 啊 yeah okay ah yeah yeah .

makes sense that .

that would flatten out a little bit。 But but you can see actually if we go views, there's no there used to be a really easy way to zoom in. There was a little interface down at the bottom where you could just kind of dragged the window. For what period do you want to .

look drag like you can. You click on the thing and then drag IT across and click, no, no.

no, no. They just took away that. And I keep every time they asked me, hey, what features do you wants to see in the dashboard?

I tell them that not less features every time.

They just don't do that, which is, yes, no .


I know that I can key in a custom value, but it's tedious as a person .

who runs the development team with people who ask them for features one hundred percent of the time, I can sympathy. But also we don't have the people resources that they have.


they're little google and it's a future that they used to have. Just don't take IT out.

K this one is a little less obvious because I think they've actually changed the interface um or rather, they've changed the way they collect the data with old with old videos. So you can see it's just showing it's a showing daily views for whatever reason. Um and I think I have to I think I have to go into advanced mode in order to see the the lifetime thing.

So yeah like this is clearly, clearly not helpful. But the point is that IT started with really, really poor portex. You can see IT recovered somewhat, not entirely, but people were freak, frequent, angry, genuinely series about.

They were really like the comments. Now, the top voted comment when this first released was just like .

rage of the comments are probably fine now, probably instructions unclear, jammed GPU into RAM slot now have G D D R five RAM expecting .

eggs .

and disgusting things happening. Yeah, IT was kind of a play on how to basic IT was like how to basics, but IT was like, real basics. Yeah, yeah.

this is, this is all fine. That was .

rage back today. yeah. Well, look at, look at me replying to comments.

Yes, anyway, no, this is great. This is amazing. What a great, insightful comment.

Rather touchy audience you have built here. great. Video, 我 the。 More things change, the more they stay the same.

Preciate you all really do. What are we supposed to be doing that? I got one more merge message for you.

then move on to some more titles. They know IT was going to get worse. Sorry, you eyes .

continue. Love you. Hey, hey, a little dentist. I like both. So you point, hello, a dentist liberal property, did you'll get access to the seventy six hundred 3d what do you all think of IT being a micro center exclusive?

Um I did actually have our our CEO terran, who was down in california right now, ask if we wanted one and I basically said I don't. I would like to give luke some time to work with the labs team and get our processes in order before we tackle any benchmarking videos of than the ones that we need to. This is such a low impact products because it's exclusive to one us retailer that I don't think it's necessarily relevant to the broader audience. And i'm sure they are going to be focused out there that they are going to cover its I just didn't feel like we needed to throw our voice into this one.

Do you think this is just like a weird winning thing where they just had a bunch of abuse .

I didn't really know to do with? So they're like, almost certainly, this is going to be the leftovers of dies that didn't manage to make the cut for any other 3DV cash product。 And they have so many of them that, that would be wasteful to fill them away, but not so many of them, uh, that they can justify a broader release of the product and guarantee that they're going to have any kind of ongoing supply of IT um that they wouldn't have to then salvage from higher tier products.

So the way used to work is that if you had a lowered hair product like seventy six hundred and 3d you would release that。 And then if someone wanted to buy a seventy six hundred x 3d but you didn't have enough dies that failed to be a seventy eight hundred x 3d you would just take seventy eight hundred x three days and you would fuse off some of that。 And you would just sell IT as a seventy six hundred x 3d but they just don't really do that anymore because capitalism basically and in fairness to companies like AMD, I I suspect that times are a little bit tighter.

Um there have been certainly there there have certainly been plentiful times for the IT industry, but right now, way first costs more than they ever have. Getting the most out of out of every die is is definitely something that, at the very least, your shareholders wants to see. And so it's disappointing to me that we can continue to just kind of no, I don't know. Yeah sell seventy hundred xd.

Is the seventy six hundred x 3d and just kind of eat the margin on IT in order to serve that lower budget customer, right? Because at the end of the day, that is how many low budget chips existed in the past was then blending the costs on these products and basically going okay, as long as we don't sell too many of these and we position them, we we cut them down enough or that they're not too enticing, we can continue to sell the higher and one we can make. We can make a profit more model that of this.

And those are still there. They're still available as a budget option that just doesn't really exist anymore. And and I do think that this product would would not suffer.

Cate would can balize the seventy eight hundred x 3d in a big enough way that if they released IT broadly, they would effectively be discounting those dies that they could have sold a seventy eight hundred three days. Sorry, this is a long confluent way of saying, I don't like IT. I get IT. Congrats to anyone who lives near enough to a microsite that they can go pick up one of these because IT looks like an outstanding gaming ship for a pretty decent Price.

I I don't love IT, but I don't think I would do anything else if I was aimed really like IT. IT makes sense and just kind of sucks if you if IT is the thing that you would want to get and you can't reasonably get IT. Um I have a really random aside. I saw someone say I live really close to two microgeneration. L, F, G.

let's go.

Yeah, basically with a little f in middle there that agro m confused me for a little while because on certain sentences that I saw being used with IT like could have been looking .

for group and I was like.

yes, OK but it's only like sort of make sense like IT barely makes sense and then I finally fired out that I was, let's go with an effect .

in the midnight, took me a little while to realize people weren't talking about american sign language.

That's pretty good. You wanted know when that still screws me up a little bit? yeah. O.

F, C.

of course, I very eligible. Thought IT was of with an effort in the middle course for a long time, really. So I thought people were like, really upset or angry when they were using IT. After, like, quite a while, I think I I think I heard someone else reading IT out loud and they said, of course and I I was like.

oh yeah, I know it's not agro.

I thought I was like super agro for years yeah there's people saying, yeah I thought that was that but apparently it's not. A lot of people don't use .

they use IT as of course yeah and it's a super weird one to me because most of the time that's not how .

that works yeah so I I write like I I meant and like I used IT that way for for a long time and I don't think this is rarely understood. But I like you you know there's a little bit more emphasis behind IT.

That's great, my problem. But I still read IT that .

way and then have to like mentally correct and keep going.

My personal favorite is that Dennis, for the longest time, thought F T W taiwan. So he would just see IT all over the place we like, why do people hate taiwan?

E G A, had F T W cards back in. The data was been really awkward. Yeah, a boy.

amazing. Love that guy. All right. But we supposed be doing then keep us on, keep us on track.

Here we got a pear gdpr is a service .

of my godness. This is going to make you so mad, boy.

Multiple sources have noted a general rise in consent or pay gdpr a cookie walls. These pop ups, instead of offering the option to accept or decline cookies, offer only the option to accept cookies or pay a fee of or subscription.

This would, on face value, appeared to violate the text of the e use general data protection regulation, which requires consent to be explicit, requested, easily withdrawn and freely given, freely given in quotes with an equivalent method of accessing the content without accepting any kind tracking. However, this year, the spanish data protection agency released a use guideline for cookies that clarified that this alternative did not necessarily have to be free of charge. This seems to have made several companies much older in offering expensive substitution alternatives that casual browsers are unlikely to pay. It's unclear at this point whether the rest of the E, U, will support this interpretation. What the hacer you do IT.

Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. The guardians is not one of those sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. They have a really, really big cokie pop up, but that does not actually prevent you from .

accessing the site the world.

I know I brought up a thing, um they just get really sad about IT when you don't accept cookies. yes. So no, no. Hold on. Let's if you guys can think of an example of one that actually prevents you from .

accessing IT.

But i've seen i've come across IT clicking things in my google news feed like I just can't click through IT unless I accept cookies. They are like you can either pay or you can um or you can accept cookies if you say no I don't accept cookies, they just aren't like.

okay day later, I don't know.

Oh, I think we're about to get hot take, folks maybe.

As a as a website owner, obviously, I don't want to do this, but I I feel like is is IT not up to the website owner to decide how people interpret with the website. And this is transparent in that form. You're telling people you have the option to just not go to the website.

You is not life or death. Go to this website or not. You do it's socks, but i'm just onna. Leave your website and go somewhere else. So interesting I don't know.

I don't think this is what the E U. Had in mind with GDP R. I think that what they had in mind was um transparency around cookies and otherwise being on impeding. I think that's why .

IT doesn't tell me that much as I still prefer this over what we had in the past. I don't want people just forcing cookies. Um so if you're like, hey, I would rather you either aren't on my website, you have cookies or you're paying to be here.

I and I have the choice to just be like, well, then i'm just not I going to be on your website that sounds like a exchange to me that's gonna bother some people, i'm sure. Here's an example. Somebody found one OK.

Can I go to look, slap top? I might taken up on that.

Uh, yeah, I think you can.

Kay, here we go. Here we go. Read with advertising or subscribe.

Yeah, this is IT. This is the one. Thank you very much for the link. I ve even be in flow plain. This is a perfect example here you are agreeing to get a bunch at, I mean, in fairness to your take, even though that may be a somewhat unpopular take with some people or in fairness to your take, this is very transparent. Yeah.

my biggest thing is I needed to be transparent. That that was my issue with cookies forever, is so many people didn't know that they were being track. So many people didn't know. I guarantee you now a huge percentage of people don't realize that they are being tracked, that advertisements are being pointed directly towards them based on their own data. All these other .

type of stuff um going to blow your mind.

Some people like IT yeah I I believe you and I know you're I .

have literally seen people complain honestly but not just rolling, complain about getting irrelevant ads. They're like I use ads to like find interesting .

things to buses like this is. We were talking the other day about um I was watching a live stream for storm gate and this is this is not a game storm gated all to be clear but there was a like dog style combat unit on the screen and the twitch chat blew up talking about how they wanted to buy they want to buy all these different skins for the dog unit. I like .

like what happened .

to gamers? I don't I don't kid IT i'm not is IT me here? Is that the kids or whatever however that quotes goes um yeah this is this is one of those situations where like i'm at least happy that this wall is here and if i'm the host of this website and it's like, you know I don't want to have people on my website that aren't they are paying or uh sharing their data with apparently one hundred and fifty six partners um then yeah I mean, I think that's fine. Your website is going to go go a lot less traffic. You're probably never going to go viral or pop off for any those days of things, but that's a decision that you're making .

as a web post.

I don't know. I don't think it's gonna well for you, but IT feels like to me like it's something that you should be able to do if .

you if you hate people trying to buy skins for the dog, don't much alive as ultimate tech upgrade.

All right, I will not do that.

I I spent a not insignificant amount of IT and our lunch, we had IT to seven old small for a crew lunch, trying to convince him to sell his, what's the forget what they're called, not you to the other one. The more popular one, I don't know, is, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. fn.

pop. P, P. I spent a not insignificant amount of IT trying to convince him to sell his collection .

of functional pops. He is like a genuinely in the video.

In the video, he says, yeah, if I sold them all, I could probably be completely out of debt. Yeah, that was, that was the look on my face.

wow. That no, okay. I don't think .

he was necessarily including like a mortgage, okay? But like, no, like like the worst kind .

of debt he has.

Credit card dit, I don't know if it's .

credit card OK, I don't know if you're sitting on that. I don't know .

if student is a credit card.

Now I didn't even watch IT, you've bother me. so.

Okay, student loans. Okay.

could be students. Could that way more reasonable to be something?

Let's assume it's not to assume it's assume it's but if you have any kind of debt other than a mortgage totally and you have something of significant value, guys, you are going to be blown away by the sheer, by the sheer volume of plastic in allegest home. Um oh interesting.

Does this make do I suck? Because if IT was lego, I probably link judge as much. Yeah does that make me suck?

Probably yeah a little bit yeah, okay yeah.

i'll take that. Sure .

yeah yeah no. To be clear, like I I fully acknowledged to him that there have been things that I have collected. I forget what .

the example I like.

lego. Yeah, got and stuff. I will tell you this, I didn't have any lego until my else paid off so there's that um but I definitely I definitely had a nice computer.

We are i'm saying weak because you are in this category even though I always get called out for IT, which is fair, but you are also in this category. We are both very deep. You don't get the completely screw away .

from this one. No, i've never denied. As as the company has grown, my mentality around IT has changed a lot. Like I still don't like wasting money. I hey, I would.

I would rather spend ten thousand dollars than waste ten dollars, if you know what I mean, like wisely spent ten thousand, then waste ten. Yes, yes, but but no, I was still able to come up with something that I, that I collected. And there there were definitely in practical purchases I made.

Looking back, buying designer breed cats was like the stupid as thing thing ever. I wouldn't do that again. In fact, I don't though our last .

four cats literally were rescued .

from our yard because they were little kitten, and they were gonna die and then scavenge from the shed of our neighbor's friend because they were little kitten and they were had no home. Like, that's where you should get a cat from like I I have made mistakes, but I just, you know, IT is very IT. IT was a very painful theme for me to be surrounded by so much value of stuff when there are clearly higher priorities. But you know what the thing is that .

to each of their own at the same time, if you enjoy something, if, if is, jane, see, I think my biggest problem with that is I cannot relate to IT genuinely bringing me any form of happiness at all. If IT brings him happiness, if he thinks it's genuinely worth at all kind of stuff, you know what? Go to town. Okay, it's just i'm just personally going to IT.

What if IT genuinely gives people happiness to put a domination skin on .

that dogs skin?

What if IT genuinely gives .

them happiness? I still it's it's like that thing. We're like all i'll i'll fight for your right to have an opinion that I don't agree with. It's like that kind of a thing like, sure do you do whatever? If IT makes you happy, I don't think it's cool.

And when I see if I see you running around in a video game with like a four hundred dollars skid, i'm going to laugh, but i'm going to defend my right to laugh at IT too, like it's. But you know what? If if IT genuinely makes you happy, that shouldn't bother you.

Who cares what I think? Well, expect IT does impact you because IT has changed the entire calculus that game develops to develop their problems .

because like functional pops haven't changed anything for me.

No, they're just random plastic that .

some people can buy. Maybe that is why yeah, yeah, good job. Yeah, cause that sucks and he hasn't infested everything yeah .

and alleged alleged made some wise choices. Most of his upgrade was really centered around his streaming set up, and he's apparently averaging about eighty concurrence now which is going which is something that doesn't maybe sound like a lot if you compare IT to the likes summit or whatever.

It's a lot when you you compare IT to grading at one viewer.

Viewer people that are seeing to nobody pretty short.

genuinely having eighty viewers puts them in like probably .

top one percent or less oh, he means now because I think it's above he six he he's in the top point three percent on the platform now yeah yeah like six top one percent that you're yeah yeah he's up player in the best yeah and so he's actually so so I was very encouraging of like anything he was doing to improve the stream yeah that's cool.

Expect and he cares about .

IT a lot. I know that part, except I found a box of model rocket engines yeah the face of making tells me you don't know what he's planning to do with IT. He apparently already tried this once, where he tried to do a rocket assisted punch using three d printed like godless and burnt his ARM.

I tried to conflate them. Collin wouldn't let me. I mean.

you can't like steal things from his house.

Well, I told them I pay for them.

Okay, that's that's an to, but I didn't .

wanted to have them. Yeah, because I think he's going to do IT again.

you ouldn't paid for them. So because I need just going to buy more. It's very effective.

You shouldn't told .

them the ethical thing would have been, I think.

I think you're actually right. I think, I think the ethical thing to do would have been to steal them. Yeah, I could still do IT mean only lives. Now we can have to do that. I think, okay.

you can have to get.

yeah and it's the right thing to do.

Sometimes staff is is actually the answer.

Yeah, I. Told them you can watch I show speed, you can enjoy, I shall speed. Don't try to some of your life after I will be when he said .

his house on fire was fake, wasn't IT I know k and that was, I don't know, don't set your house .

and don't set your house on fire way.

He didn't do IT inside the the occupy.

I don't know, I don't know. He just shouldn't do IT at all.

never really know.

Look A I just precious than we must protect him at all costs, even the cost of stealing his things. Oh, speaking of costs, IT costs a lot. Response to this show.

Yeah, the show, the graduate today by LG do not lift like Dennis. Thanks to our sponsor, LG. You don't have do at all. The ground froze. Seventeenth is thin and ways, just over three pounds, about the same as four to five medium bananas, but you'll let its light way design for you.

IT delivers top notch performance with color performance covering up to ninety nine percent of the D C P three color git and variable refresh rate of up to one hundred forty four hearts. LG also recently announced that eva that their LG gram will be part of the intel lunar lake launch. This will make the LG gram sixteen pro the first on device AI laptop from the gram series.

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And the displays do, in fact, look beautiful. Speaking of building things that are beautiful, the show brought you by square space. Imagine starting a badminton center and already dealing with the tony headaches.

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All right, then why don't you hit us with some merchandise? Mesage o is a mesage for you. Hi L D recently a deal of, oh yes, sorry, uh, hi the recently A D L C for risk of rain two came out that brought a lot of bugs and tarnished the game after the co hub o sold to gear box. Do dev s that sold their IP deserve money for their game being defamed?

no。 I mean, yeah, I wants .

to sell IT like .

this is why.

Our first of all, look at the mirror, brother. And second of all, you sold IT. I don't really. Do dev that sold their IP deserve money for their game being like kind of screwed up?

Yeah no. Once you said you give up this is why you didn't sell gap, not why part of why like it's you you're relinquishing everything when you sell IT, that's the whole point. You don't get you don't get to get your .

cake and eat too yeah um .

it's not yours .

anymore yeah so I sorry, I realized I was mike there because I was eating a bite of my pizza. I was saying it's kind of like, you know, George lucas whining about what is needed to star wars. First of all, look at the mere body. And second .

of all.

yeah, you know that .

yeah rb, yeah.

that's that's a deep rabbit home you will be able to look at and very easily today. Oh my, I mean, travels exist. Oh my.

if that's even what happened, know what he knows. But yeah, I don't know. Like IT, that sucks.

I like because I feel for them. Uh, but at the same time you sold, right? Like it's what happens when you sell is not yours anymore and your customers .

have every right to be angry at you for selling out because that's literally the definition of selling out.

And they can so be angry at the company that ruined IT.

Yes, they can be angry in general because this is something that they loved. There's nothing that they can really like do about IT. IT is what IT is, but they can be mad. absolutely. Yeah.

it's all, it's all part of IT. Hi, responsible.

big and small one. There was once to tell him with, you're possible. I don't know the responsible, they don't .

know me or only described by size and you get .

responsible, maybe a good size I .

am or maybe I feel if they probably do the wrong .

anyways when you go, uh there was once a time with desktop CPU in laptops, but due to intel having only two genes per socket IT didn't any sense. Why do you think we never saw that for m four? All right.

I think you may have your wires crossed a little bit. There was a time with socketed laptop processors back in the day. Um and you could make the argument that part of the problem was that until would only support a particular platform with new CPU for one or two two generations.

But the real issue was that the volume of those laptops that were sold were so little that even with multiple generations of CPU going into them, you couldn't move enough of them to justify the rng that IT would cost to create them. Now that separate from the once upon a time of deathtrap CPU in laptops that absolutely exists today and absolutely did exist for A M four um desktop processor, laptop a level is a company that does all kinds of wild stuff. And here you go.

Yeah this is from two years ago. Ah the X M G apex fifty max with b five fifty tips that A M four socket and R T X thirty sixty there's here's a thing await. This is just a german translation. The point is XM g is just like a dealer for level and pen. Some of the other ones don't spring to mind right now.

But level in particular has done a lot of desktop CPU laptops and they definitely have existed for in for i'm not sure if anyone's done in five one, i'm not aware of any, but I wouldn't put IT, I wouldn't put IT beyond anybody. No, I haven't actually I don't I don't immediately see any there's also not that much of a point these days like the mobile and five stuff is really, really good. And most of the benefit of the description having a higher power envelope, but these mobile chips are that the desktop chips are coming down in the amount of power that they need anyway.

And these mobile chips are able to turbo a core or two cores up to frequencies that are on part are almost, in many cases, with these desktop chips. And most of the loads that most people are yeah, most of the loads that most people are using on a laptop are only going to take advantage a couple, of course, running a picture about anyway. So it's there's just not much of the benefit these days, and it's hard to create an attractive design that has to deal with all that heat when you're going up to against products that are honestly pretty competitive anyway and are like this spin.

Last one for now. A hey, D, L, L. You never mentioned what part failed on the lowest rated PC.

I'm really curious what died. We still don't know. We didn't really invest a bunch of time in figuring IT out because we just didn't really care.

I mean, the whole point of that video was we bought the worst stuff that in many cases was really low rated because of its high probability of failure. Failure all like, okay, it's dead now. We've made our I don't see what else is.

We made our point, so no further testing required. I mean, this is the thing that I feel like has been controversial at some point in the past. But once you know a certain amount about a product, I remember this coming up when we did, i'm gonna outside.

I I i'm talking about two wireless. Yes, sense you. When we did our true wireless headphones round up way back in the day, one of the initial categories are one of the initial evaluation criteria was comfort because from our point of view, IT could sound like god's lips, whispers ing into your ears.

What if IT uncomfortable? Yeah, we are not going to recommend IT. yes. So some people took issue with that particular conclusion because to them was not important, like they didn't necessarily agree with the with the tier approach that we had taken to widdle down our contestants. But the reality of IT was we had like wireless headphone. We couldn't put all of them through the sweet, especially when like if we found something that had thirty five minutes of battery life.

Who cares if you're not even listening to an entire album before you have to charge IT pretty well? It's uncompetitive and it's not relevant, right? And so so there are cases where you safe, for example, even if the performance did live up to what the manufacturer claimed, if the cost and other inconvenience of using IT, not to mention in compatibility with any other part of the ecosystem already disqualified IT from consideration is just not really relevant.

And so in the same way, the the lowest PC we had evaluated IT for what IT was a crappy computer that had a high likely good of failure. Diagnosing what exactly in particular about IT failed was not relevant for telling the story of this particular product or or collection of products. IT wasn't IT wasn't relevant to the story.

Hi, what else he got? Or you want to fourth? Okay, let's see breaks as cheating.

Hey, linus, looking down. I would Normal one for once. My wife is crunchy, okay, never mind. I love to install smart homes tick, but her friends and family think i'm causing health problems with all of IT have any thoughts on?

Its a fix. Well, if you wrap your whole bodies with this little like holes in particular areas with ten foil.

you're fine. Yeah, then they should be a, they should be able to be crunchy and still sound.


I don't know there's there's a subset of the population that seems to treat science like a sort of religion. And IT works both ways. There are people who are pro science who treat IT like a religion.

And there are people who are anti science and treat IT like a religion. But science is not a religion. Science is inherently different from that, in that IT is constantly evolving in chAllenging itself to do Better as a, as a system of shaping our world is theoretically. But because there are people on both sides of the pro or anti science argument that treat IT like religion, IT sometimes gets extremely muddy. If you're dealing with those people on either end of the spectrum and you try to have a conversation about what our what our knowledge base tells us at this current time, you are bound to be met with resistance. So what i'm trying to say is if someone believes now that wifi or smart homes tech is is harmful to the human body, you are unlikely to um change their mind in the only way that could possibly change their mind, which would be to show them the facts about the impact of that radiation on their body compared to just an hour of sitting out in the sun eating a banana.

Um but I would say if you want something to compromise IT might not be bad idea to no wifi zone parts of your house like something A M and I have started doing is a very hard core. No phones in bedroom, not .

allowed 那 这 just .

no no like for anything。 So it's .

interesting .

and I genuinely think that has been life improving because even if it's like i'm just onna D G and screw on my phone, well okay get up yeah which I think is good because half the time were both. So A D, D, that by the time we've gotten up, it's like, well, now there's things to do so i'm not going to sit and just like score on my phone so that might be a decent idea just because I think um a lot of modern life and a lot of people in modern life are too terminally connected to the internet to have certain areas of the house that .

like aren't and my bed was your priority yeah .

there's other activities. There's things to do like sleep.

hm. 他 拍 的。

Just you put that away.

alright, what are we supposed be doing then? No more topics. So more top. I think we have that power.

Dude, where's my tesler? According to the inferences go chronicle, oakland law enforcement sought to obtain warrants to to text less, not because they were parked illegally or were involved in any kind of licit activity, but because they happened to be parked near possible crime scenes on three separate core ions between july and August of this year. Police apparently wanted to obtain footage collected by the car's external cameras.

So by simply driving a tesla and parking IT somewhere, what you could be turning your car into a surveilLance station for oakland law enforcement, a representative of the richmond, d. california. Police officers association told the chronicle that this is a common practice and that officers will typically try to contact to via onor to solicit voluntary, voluntary CoOperation, but they will resort to getting a warn to toe the vehicle if they don't receive .

a timely response. I just say nothing really happens that makes me not everything that happens in the ottawa space makes me more and more happy that I have the car that I have nothing happens in the automotive or space really. There's like maybe something here there very rally that actually makes me like want a different card.

All of this stuff is like, oh, sweet. My car will never be involved in this. Yeah, that's awesome. I don't want my car to randomly get told because some officer dude is like, like, another angle like, that sucks. I don't want to with that.

I know. Tell me this though, if they asked and they were like, someone was found here and I your car was part there, would would you CoOperate with law enforcement if you can help them track down some? Never do well.

you know, what I .

probably do is .

I go look at myself and then determine because we've seen enough, uh, enough not good stuff that i'd like to know basically yeah that's far enough to .

always speaking of low enforcement. Unfortunately, the collapse with the maple ridge guys on the big phone bust is not onna happen yeah. They need everything for evidence, whatever we can get, access any of the devices. So that's a bar I had really hoped to be able to kind of talk through exactly how the scan works. I thought I would have been a really cool like public service are, yep, P S, A public service is man.

Um but unfortunately, the wheels of justice turn slowly and really weirdly sometimes so even though my understanding is they have like a tonic devices as part of the bus, they can't spare any because they need IT. That's a bomber and also is a bomber. Windows mixed reality is disappearing.

Now to be clear, I don't care. I never really understood what the point of windows mixed reality is. So maybe if there's someone who's an enthusiast out there, i'd love to hear from you because as far as I could tell, the main attraction for windows mixed reality devices was just that you could run and steam. Br, like, I couldn't figure out anything I needed to do in windows mix reality, so I don't personally care. But what is a bummer is anything that people have invested significant money into just going away.

And that was happening all those headsets, even ones that people paid hundreds of dollars for, some that launched as recently as october of twenty twenty and were sold until late last year, are set to be deprecated version twenty four eight two of windows eleven, which will soon roll out to most users user to remain on twenty three h two, will continue to be able to use their headsets, but this will likely stop working by november twenty twenty six. Furthermore, according to a former microsoft e employee, much of the systems back end will be difficult or impossible to replace either because it's a black box to users or because IT is completely lacking in public documentation. So guys.

is this include holy?

There was a cool halo game. No hollow lands is separate this argument to reality and its its own standalone device.

it's called mixed reality on microsoft.

Bc, yeah, it's not the same as windows mixed reality though it's completely different. Okay, business unit like it's a completely different. I don't know. It's a business business.

This is a deseine ate team for sure. There's like big serious industry stuff that uses that can be pretty surprised.

No, no, no, this isn't that okay? I am not nobody seems to um people yeah nobody seems to what even is windows mixed yeah we reviewed one headset and then had a bunch of brands like samsung a so I forget which one we covered, but we had a bunch of brands like he do you want to cover our windows weeks? Really have some like.


like what what would I even say about IT? Well, microsoft seems to provide a significant amount of resources to help them push their initiatives. This one just seemed extremely misguided. You like, I couldn't figure out who, if anyone was asking for this. I don't even know what I did really.

really, really knew what was even going on in like when they launched that, that was like the wild west of VR. And I think they kind of did that and hollow lens at the same time and then just decided IT are right. Well, no one really like this.

Anyway, let's just go the hold lands rote. Yeah, I wish they didn't pull support for IT, but I understand them not wanting to drive IT forward more. If that makes sense.

what exactly is .

IT great?

Will say, kay, overview, concept. No, let's do overview.


What is IT though? Before you start, they don't say why I.

you muted.

They never said any point why I need IT. You might be mute now.

I have lost my title. Yeah, might be milking now.

I'm going to do Better. I'm going to do Better. This is full of how but not why does anyone have any resources that might explain why windows mixed reality like IT seems to be just instead of steam VR? Is that what IT is? You you get you, you get apps or like is that like a run time because of steam VR? There is the oculus one.

I know I don't know if anyone really understood what IT was. IT looks like it's a one. It's up some kind blended the physical and digital world, unlocking natural and intuit three human, computer and environmental interaction.

Like, but is, oh, man, look at these amazing resources here that just don't answer my question at all, okay? but. Troubling news anyway.

See, how do you want to talk about concord? sure. IT was a huge news this week.

I don't know if i've ever seen more. actually. Note, I lied. I think the boarder landa's movie probably comes close to more discussion about.

more discussion about .

the thing absolutely nobody actually did. Yeah police station announced, but they would be taking life service hero shooter concord offline less than two weeks after the gams official launch yeah, this is huge. Not because live service games don't get pull off line all the time, but because the game had allegedly been in development for eight years, costing to .

hundred cording.

to some estimates, hundreds of millions of dollars to deal.

Know if this is legit. I've heard the two hundred million dollars Price point thrown around .

a bunch ch of times. I've also spoken with some, some people who pay attention to playstation who are pretty missed about the whole thing in general, because this was just SONY in their mind chasing that live service game cash at the expense of the kinds of rich single player experiences. The station has been so well known for sely .

how they won the current console generation, yes.

And so they've been really frustrated that so much development has gone into this piece crap that could have gone into games that they could buy for their flip in play station and instead they have nothing to play right now.

Yeah, the only person that I know that played IT or bought IT is conrad. And conrad said that he thought I was pretty right. I, if I remember correctly, he said he thought I was about a seven or ten.

While some argue the game was solid, there were some strange design decisions, such as encouraging players to switch characters on, respond to get buff s for their team when players, players typically like to stick to their mains in character .

focus games hate that decision with a fiery passion that was so dumb. Wow, as I read that for the first time, I didn't know about that until I saw the one doc k originally skiing through topics and I saw that i'm just like.

what are you kidding me? Know what s funny is as a casual like my yeah seems like a good idea, like encouraging people to try different play styles. And bb lab.

I can stand, agree as a casual because you're .

not a casual. So because what I.

if you get tossed from .

one person, has been like league.

Those are all .

take whatever he says as the fake members that IT is on the way show what's going wrong, this .

gentle from line. The the idea is a casual that you'll spend some amount of time getting used to a character。 And then just as you're finally, like you've learn most, their abilities are kind of getting the group that is like, no.

yeah I remember is IT would level IT would level things the other way as well.

Not really. You're going to IT would make IT harder to catch up.

You're going to have the obsessives that no.

absolutely every class within two days because they .

stand up for forty years. But I think a lot of people jumping in would IT would take I think the intent was that, that would take a little longer for people to master everything. And IT would force people to to kind of level themselves up in a more baLanced way and maybe find new players yle that they otherwise wouldn't bother.

I understand the intent stand human behavior.

but that will not just .

get you need to understand .

that player base behavior that too.

But I I straights up, believe I, I don't I can't say that I guaranteeing that this happened just because a few people played um but if a lot of people did actually play, I get to you a thing that you would have it's people that immediately dodged on character response like .

I don't want to play this .

all tef um promise .

you that would .

happen yeah there are so many things the the if you are at a computer connected to the internet, the options that you have, a practically infinite if you spot as a character that you hate. Why are you going to keep playing? quit.

People already dodge. If they don't get to pick their favorite character in other games because someone else picked IT and they are unwilling to take their second favorite character, you going to give them the completely random. This role is not going to work. Terrible decision.

Hate IT the game isn't dead per say game directer ryan ellis, they're going to determine the best path forward. And in the meantime, every person who bought the game will be receiving a refund. So that's .

something although .

that's very nice, it's less of a of a gracious thing than IT probably sounds like because it's in the grand scheme of things, not a time of bought IT. This failure has caused concern about playing station's future life service titles such as marathon .

yeah I know there's a lot of concern and around marathon hopefully works out. I really hope IT us.

In other news, maybe our phones really are listening. I, I, I have, this is a particular conspiracy theory that I have absolutely gone full tin foil had on. I do believe that, whatever people say, our devices are listening to us, because I have had experiences.

and we tested IT and people still and like, I don't know, yeah, people say it's always, it's it's coincidence. Oh.

I IT can be. There have been times when I know for a fact that and and not, like I knew for a fact that I didn't click through that fishing, you know, okay, there have been times that I have known for a fact that I didn't look this up on my phone and I didn't look this up on a computer.

or you didn't lookit up at all.

I was just talking to people. And I have gotten ads for things. So in a recent pitch deck to perspective advertising partners, cox media group, appropriate claimed that they can listen to users through their smart devices microphone using so called active listening software. This same pitch deck sites amazon, goole and meta as some of the company's major clients. When reached for comment by four four media, meta and amazon acknowledged ged to their partnership with cmg but denied participating in this active listening program and made vague statements about how partners who were found to have violated their standards would be reviewed.

This sounds an awful lot like the kind of a couple degrees of separation that we see with these corporations and safe, for example, are, excuse me, see, for example, their delivery driver, contracting partner or wherever was in contracting partner oh, someone got crushed by a four clift in that warehouse that well, we don't tone IT and we we disavow that particular contracts, that warehouse that companies going to be closed down and respond up by the by the money people and then renegotiated deal on overnight like that's how the whole grid works um so yeah maybe they didn't a participating cox media groups active listening program, but maybe they participated in an intermediate area who did participate. The point is I have definitely got a ads for stuff that i've just talked about. Google, meanwhile, appears to have responded by removing cmg from its list of premier partners.

The pitch jack likewise claims that this active listening is legal and compares IT favorably to a black mere episode. IT calls the company's own program creepy. sure.

Great for marketing. definitely. That's a quote and yeah so speaking .

that that guy with the country wife um you know certain parts of your house not uh any connections.

I'm going to need to do the topic or two because .

I drink all this so i'm going to watch the mycroft .

movie trader i'm getting.

Oh, is that? Gonna fun you think .

is going be fun?

I don't .


I can't hear that though.

Uh, well, I need to make that .

happen because I mean, they can hear IT though because it's gna play music and stuff. I guess .

this looks ripe .

like tense.

I'm to.

why is IT live action? I, the action, live action stuff.

Why would .

you even do that? God.

why I don't? I don't understand.


Okay, this is this like a an attempted a legal movie, but badly.

Is this like, honey, I rank the kids yeah, we've yeah got jack and I fall in so he, Steve, i'm sure. And then these are these random humans are assuming.

I guess so.

Okay, you know, the scenes that don't have people in them look a lot Better. If they don't have people and they don't have microhelp animals, they look a lot bitter.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, where is like the qc character? Like is that the Q C character? Because everybody has to have a cute side.

I have a plush that you can sell. Yeah exactly. Yes, stuff lama makes a sense.

except I digital legos. The .

microphone vie is not targeting the original .

mine oft audience, it's targeting the ten year olds. And under my kid thinks it's hilarious.

obviously cool.

They, they said they don't care that it's bad because it's not meant for you. It's for kids.



don't I don't like that. When people .

makes a bad good kids content IT ends up being for everyone.

Yeah, you make good things for kids. I made the one that I hear all the time is blue.

I was going to a say, blue.

blue, like I probably the only example. Sure, but that's good. You just make a good movie that .

is just kid friendly. You don't get to like this. You can make IT .

for both people would get a movie that did really well and was approved for a lot of people. And that was, that was great .

and was a kid's movie. Everything is awesome, except us equal, if you live in reverse. Other attempt of doing that. Yeah I don't I don't know, I don't know. Everything is awesome if you're in the .

first movie of the lego movie before IT was ruined by .

being successful and if you spaceship because that .

that he was awesome, but all good, that's fun. IT was fun, even if IT was just a advertisement.


but sometimes people with fashion can make advertisements. Look, Dennis, yeah.

Dennis makes fun ads.

Dennis should make the next mine crafts movie.

No, because he should .

stay here.

I mean.

IT sponsored by L, T, T. store.

What you do like all the topics?


there's still OK. There's a bunch take back how do in A I topic because I won't are are anyways, federal prosecutor has been federal prosecutors have charged an american musician, okay, with defrauding multiple streaming services to the tune of ten million dollars using A I Michael Smith allegedly used AI. That's the fake of sounding name in the world, so I don't know.

A Michael Smith allegedly used A I to make hundreds of thousands of songs, which he then attributed to fake bands like callous post and calorie screams like hands start with a sea and half two words uh. He then reportedly used boss to string those fake songs billions of times and collected the royalties over three thousand dollars a day over the course of seven years. Wow, crazy. How many AI scans will we have where the illegal element of the scheme really has nothing to do with A I A bunch of lunch?

By the way, you misunderstood .

the kind accord thing. You didn't get a random character and respond. Just a small bonus if you choose to switch.

Oh, there are you. Are you okay with them now?

okay. Because then when maxing game play is gonna result in new switching characters, which people will do, people don't play games for funding more. Everyone thinks going to be mlg super pro, it's crazy, but it's a thing you know that everyone is like, i'm be the international masters. I'm going be amazing. No, no, you not just have .

fun anyways. Corner is a reviewing the video removal video right now with proof. So they snag me to ask me a couple of quick things. I was like, yeah, guys don't be here till one in the morning just if there's a little bit less, you know, visuals and animations than usual.

Come on, what are your thoughts on the microfilm have your kids seen? IT here's a good question. No OK. I wonder what your kids think because everyone in the full point chat was like, good for you, it's for kids ah and I was like something .

my kids wouldn't even know who jack black is.

If that matters, then it's for adults. So your argument sucks.

I can see what I think about IT 是 i think there was actually some really good material there。

Oh, I couldn't. I didn't have audio, might have heard IT.

There wasn't much, there isn't much about you. I think the movie could have actually been really cool if they went super meta on the whole thing at the very end, they're like, who are you? And jack black stands there looking like jack black, like he's going to the grocery .

store and .

he just says jack and he says, i'm jack black. And if IT turned out that like he was streaming minecraft or something like, I think there could have been room for them to go like super meta and he's and he's like a celebrity streamer and there's some kind of like because as as a seed as as .

a piece sand form a Christal if .

he had just said there and said i'm jack black and like then something I don't know, something interesting. It's almost like a look like a more like a matrix, like inception, like kind of I don't know that be there. Yeah see. okay. And frost agrees that be a cool framing device that would be cool.

So am I judging the trailer properly? They like fell in to the mine raft universe and other like stuck. They're like familiar.

Whatever I grew people is, I think so. And then jack bike is just Steve he. Steve IT would be more interesting if they had to, like, work with this streamer person to figure out how to, like.

beat the game so that and people were like dream typing to try to prevent them, because they were sent there, because they were involved.

like that, like form, to try to stop them from getting out of the game, would be so interesting.

I like twitch plays, could like, so I don't know who knows? They fall into a sub universe where it's all the weird mobs. But I was sitting, there's one hundred so much with that I was sitting there. I was sitting there going, oh my god, he's gna say i'm jack black.

He already is the actor that more than almost anyone else just place himself yeah so so they go full like self awareness and he just goes on jack black and he goes, i'm Steve and I was like, what would mean you're Steve you don't even you know you don't even look like to a Steve yeah like you just not even talking about yeah so that's that's my pitch. That's my pitch. They can save this. They just have to find .

a sonic movie.

I'm a hero, brian. What he should.

Is actually .

just a real person. I don't need sure I yeah deep low I see a lot of people have said about the mix of animation and um and live action. I don't even mind that .

kind of live action of a bit.

I don't even mind that if he's like i'm jack .

black that makes IT instantly infinitely Better.

People are like that a sick pitch. I'd see that there's even thank you.

But like a log off seen when the streamer like goes to bed or something or maybe they're your mom, like girls of them for being only computer and then they just like and then that people are like, oh, we're this like on our own.

Now there's like so many things that they could take from the streaming, like online content creation, minecraft public server, like ah I oh man yeah like they like someone someone manages to on more creative mode and like there's you could do like a like a bizarre hacking scene where like they like try to get them into creative in a public server and they have to achieve something whatever, right. Like there's so much there's such a rich community around minecraft and instead they .

did that, having having like a war with the people that are trying to keep them in the game, where they make those like those like moving structures that people do with the the go in the pistons and they are like shooting the T N. T. Cannons because they or they build.

they build something out of red stone that like solve some kind of problem for them with, like, and be really .

sick of the thing that they build up. A red stone is actually reproduced in the game. So like people that good inspired by that could go into like more advanced creation within my up. Yeah.

yeah, yeah.

Just with this topic, you again to .

be clear, IT doesn't look at low effort or anything. IT just looks kind of bad.

That's all IT looks kind of that the internet .

archive lost their appeal. It's not to say they're not still appealing that are okay. I know they filed another appeal, but the okay you get IT and appeals court has ruled against to the internet archive in the case brought by several prominent book publishers.

The court has likewise forcedly rejected the principal of controlled digital lending, which libraries across the U. S have used to justify buying a physical book, digitizing that book, and lending the digital copy as if I were a physical book, rather than by often pricy or whole the unavailable digital licenses. According to the court, the practice does not fall into fair use or existing juri TTS.

Likewise, the court held that the internet chi's use was not transformative and served the same purpose as the original, allowing readers to access the office writing. The court did, however, reject one element of the earlier ruling. The internet archive was determined not to be involved in commercial activity, regardless of whether or not the archive slap donations from visitors to its open library and gained non monetary reputational value.

Yeah the internet archive has a long, difficult road ahead of IT constantly, forever um overall, I think there are force for good and I wish them for the most part, luck. The z two extreme has been confirmed by AMD eea. AMD gave up behind close stores presentation, revealing they are working on a successor to the z one extreme, the chip that powered basically every steam deck competitor.

These strict point based d two extreme will arrive early next year in the amy says the chip will be able to more than triple battery life during high and are gaming from about forty five minutes to three hours on typical devices. crazy. Part of that savings though, will come from new features like ebs fu motion frames or frame generations.

So as a real performance, I leave that up to you guys. IT may already be in the hands of have hand taped manufacturer according to windows central, the novels already working on a strict point based leon go. And this may be the processor that powers IT. Our discussion question here is what does this mean for the steam deck and how should value I think I think sometime next year is probably time for team .

back to I also think in value fashion, they might just not they sort of prove their point. They did what they needed to. They don't have to release something new.

I hope they do. I really hope they do. But sometimes valve seems to just like kind of a show up in a space and pushed the space forward and then fade away.

I think you make IT sound a lot more .

intentional than IT probably is for the next one.

I think they're I hope to do because what no one else can replace that valve can do is the council model subsidizing the hardware yeah with the royalties are with the the fees that they collect on software sales.

If they do release, I think I want one this time and you're ready. I think I found do one one and there's been enough times well, i'm like, yeah you know what? Um I really should just have that right now so I could do something is not even always gaming yeah it's just like that would be the by far the most convenient platform from you be music right now.

No, this is an interesting one to me. Access band in brazil panel of brazilian supreme court court justices has decided to uphold the country right ban on x. This was specifically in response to the company refusing to appoint legal representative in the country, but IT was part of a long term dispute where elon must refused to comply with other orders to take down alleged defamation and disinformation on the platform on freedom of speech grounds. Yai ada has been a whole thing, but the real discussion here for me is this part.

In response, many users have migrated to other platforms, especially blue sky, which had only half a million users last friday, but added two million new users in the space of a few days. And our discussion question here, and oh, i'd like to clarify something from the last one, shows some people can even find that understood what the 我 i didn't member you saying that what I said was that brazil was a relatively unsupportable market where elon was making a stand, whereas he complied in other ones that were more important. And I wasn't saying brazil a small market riddles, not a small market.

What I was saying was that I was a relatively unreported one, and his principles were not being principles. We're not being applied equally in different territories. Someone actually posted an excEllent summary on the forum of what my point was.

I was like, yes, this and then that thread completely deescalate ted, right? I don't know. I'm not going to read up right now though, but the conversation that I wanted to have here.

But what I guess but anyways.

are our current social media platforms as in mortal as we think they are like we've talked about this a fair bit, especially when there was all that hello blue over on redit with the API charging and all the like cool services and alternate readers and stuff that we're getting shut down by.

And then nothing .

happened and practicality happened. And you've kind of lamented the current state where these incumbent have so much power and so much momentum, such a huge back catalogue, that they seemingly cannot be replaced. And yet, here we are. Twitter got kicked out of brazil, and immediately blue sky got sucked into the void that IT left. Immediately.

I suspect that this is pretty much the only thing that can disrupt that space effectively right now. Um if you look at all of the social media platforms, they're all old. Um and I think that's largely because of technology gap and expensive startup effectively.

Um it's not very reasonable to try to make a youtube right right now, just to be honest. I just isn't there is no one's going to compete with them. If microsoft tried, they would fail. So like if that's the case, what are you going to do?

They didn't even compete with twitch and that swiming yeah just a small part of what youtube is.

which itself isn't even super body. So like yeah I don't know that that's a bit of a weird one, but um yes, it's tough. So like maybe government disruption is basically the only thing that can cause that to happen. But I suspect as we have pointed out with apple, that this is much more in companies rate are now. And I think some of these big companies .

are going to I don't know.

I think they are like a everything is good. A hr like a movie is going to make people think that like all these companies are going to be great. Now I suspect just lobbying is going to crank up things like that are going to happen and this is going to cool backdoor um peer tube flash festival. Yeah so it's a cool concept for half of one percent of people. I think it's unlikely to really and I understand half of one percent of people and are extremely angry with me um but it's just like, oh, they've existed as options for a long time and Normally don't want IT yeah and maybe something changes down the line and IT becomes more viable .

but right now .

Normally don't want IT. IT is what .

IT is yeah. I think that in our tech bubble, we we think clearly over estimate sometimes the viability of a solution um intels having some struggles at the same time that they're launching their new core altera two hundred vunawayo bile processors. They apparently running low on I nine thirty nine hundred k and forty thousand nine hundred k chips, most likely due to a mountain of ARM ae requests in some areas of the us.

IT is apparently taking three to four weeks to have a replacement ship delivered. Reuters likewise reports that in lls eighteen silicon wafers have failed to pass test set by broadcom, an important client for intel's contract manufacturing business. Furthermore, until today announced that he was cancelling plans to use its own internal twenty a process node for its upcoming airlie processors and would instead be using external chips, most likely from T S. M C.

The discussion question here is, does until have the resources and capacity to survive? This is there's something that could explain all these issues cropping up at the same time. I mean, it's clear they are trying to do a lot right now.

I've said I like pat gelsinger plan. I like the plan. I've said I don't know if they going to execute on IT. It's going to take a long time, but I like the plan of splitting in tel into the the design side and the manufacturing side. I mean, I liked the plan of us kind of splitting ourselves internally into a media IDE in a lab site.

But it's been clear at times that we bit off a little bit more than we could chew and there been some gaps, right? IT doesn't. It's not for lack of like trying to do your best. The good thing for us is that we are privately held, right? So as long as we're not losing money, then we kind of can write the ship and make the corrections we need to make at our leisure.

If you're a publicly held company and evaluation deep, slow money right now, leave and you're at risk of something like A A over so we can just start buying up shares and you look what happened with twitter. So it's it's a scary parallel time for intel. I still like the plan.

I still hope they can execute on IT, not least of which just because are not least because I just want to see a competitive to tmc like I we should all be rooting for a valid competitor to T, S. M. C no monopoly is good.

I mean, look, what's happened to the cost of our electronic skies, especially the cutting get stuff that's not that's not purely invidia or apples. 嗯。 In other news, this is fun.

A T N T has found the lawsuit against broadcom for retroactively changing contracts for perpetual software licenses that are acquired alongside its acquisition of the m. Where am I the only one who's delighted by the irony? Year in december, the company announced that he would end those perpetual licence sales in favor of bond LED subscriptions.

Imagine a company whose entire fortune was built on bundled subscriptions and forced subscriptions instead of being allowed to buy things like set top boxes, going to court fighting the good fight for the perpetual licenses that should exist. I for one love IT. It's great because and I hate to save the corporations because it's just such a, it's just such a cliche, right?

The mega corpse, but the mega corps, they love subscriptions. They love pay forever. Thanks exactly.

They love pay forever until all of a sudden the script is flipped and they go, but not perpetual license. I love IT. In our case, we absolutely .

have perpetual cost, so we can need to do that way. Um taking .

IT to the gears .

on on vm where I am happy that eighteen ties doing that. Um what I ever say I like A T N T no um but i'm happy someone with weight to throw around is going after the end work as man. The stuff theyve pulled is really frustrated.

Eighty N T uses vm where to run around seventy five thousand. These these are really dry.

Yeah, you've also got you've got like pizza dust all over your laptop.

What are .

you going to do about IT was going on?

Do wow. It's not going to make IT to my lap.

no. Oh, my good. Get out there. It's a good laptop.

IT won't break L G. gram.

对。 no.

I don't know that 我要 讲 eight and T A uses vim where to run around seventy five thousand visual machines across eight thousand six hundred servers。 Me while A T N T would be able to continue using the software as is, the company claims that broadcom is refusing to release support services for the period. IT is oed.

I need to do. I'm sorry, you seem like you are dying, and we didn't need to listen to you die. The last thing that's on the dock for this week is that what we've finally collaborated with, mr. Whose the boss and D I Y perks .

at the same time what we worked on that?

Um no, they just basically what iron said is like, I don't know, you just seemed like the person who would most appreciate this test we're trying to do and I was like .

my laptop and I was like.

thank you. I impowered that's so cool so you guys should go check out the .

people are only .

involvement was that he thought of me when he wanted to test a video calling .

on IT cool enough 所以 it's crazy super cool yeah .

they built the biggest iphone and IT is shockingly iphone like and shockingly um shockingly functional。 I expected no less from .

D I Y perks. Probably the funniest .

part of the video is that we had aside conversation during the video where we just had a video call, you know, I wasn't hosting, he wasn't hosting. We were just talking on our video call and we got onto the subject of my note nine. He asked me all, what phone do you use? And I go on a note nine. He's like, that's gotta a bit and i'm like, no, that's my phone. I pulled out my pocket and I show more over cracks that he left.

That's pretty funny. And yes, ipad. I had one of those cases where I I thought an interview was going that there is going to be like a minute or two of IT at max in a video and that was just like an uncut like an hour segment was like wall.

okay. H, yeah. He left a ton of our interactions in there. I was very surprised because Normally he's got like A A very fast pace style to his videos.

But he left literally, I think almost three minutes are, almost three minutes of us are doing this video call on this gigantic eight, eight diagrams. Al phone, really, really cool project. I haven't actually watched the whole thing.

It's a twenty four minute video, and I didn't. I didn't catch all of IT. I've only made IT to about fifteen minutes, but i'm gonna ch, the rest of IT so cool against world record, he gets to join the club. Now, this is cooler than us.

R is pretty cool.

Yeah, our is. No, look, no, look. no. Super cal.


R started with the underwing. I have getting a against world record on my bucket list. What is the easiest thing we can do? You know that his started with, let's do something really incredible and cool and see if we can get a world record for IT.

It's a completely different journey. We need to do low lander. We don't need to do .

low lander doesn't what the idea for low ler is.

There's been various ideas for low lenders. They are all kind of stupid than one good one. Well, fine. What is the good one underwater? Yeah, that that's the stupid.

That all stupid.

Like I going to submarine, yeah, I know, but we're not onna do that so sick and we're not going in a submarine. Be so sick. You wanted ocean gate yourself.

No, we get like a real one. The one made out of what was that a luud? Um I don't know.

That was made of carbon fire. IT IT was carbon, carbon fire, right? That's probably hard to make you. You can make things out of a carbon fiber, but you have to test them extremely diligently and weave them correctly.

Materials extremely good at one thing. Let's make IT do not that. So what happens?

Yeah, that's that's a great idea. Time, prato dog okay.

I read the button and pushed, are you ready? I'm ready. Oh, that was not even for you. Look, are you ready? yeah. Hey, look.

What advice would you give someone who wants to get budgets? What are some unexpected things to caring for them? Yeah, give IT. Okay, more interaction than you think.

Yeah, you absolutely need a pair of them, and you absolutely need to be prepared to spend time with them on a very, very regular basis. They do have some advantages. 嗯 h serious ly to start。 thanks. So yet social paris interact with them way more than you think are pretty good as far as clean up you that one of the best things about them as they are relatively low, clean up for a party for type bird um but you have to be prepared for how extremely fragile they are. Any contaminant in the air and basically they dropped out in short, to go back and do IT again I wouldn't .

recommend yeah you are onna need to change lifestyle like there's cleaners that you can use around your house that you probably currently use, which being being not able to use those is going to make cleaning things more difficult. And don't be islam is still gona do IT so IT takes more effort to clean your place. You can cook with tough one.

Um you you a lot of cooking fumes depending on a like that someone said no smoking yeah just kind of sum. Um there's there's issues like do you live in an apartment like most of us these days? Well, it's gonna be difficult to do anything that can have any type of fume or any type of air contaminant anywhere in your entire apartment because your apartments .

probably not want to take up painting models .

about no how no do you live in an apartment again? Oh well you can never have your sliding glass door or windows open because people in your building probably smoke um and they probably smoke constantly so you're apartment this is death. I'm not talking about my apartment at all.

They probably smoke lutely constantly below you. So all of the smoke just comes into your house and that would that would be bad for your birds as well. It's IT gets there's a lot involved .

with IT.

IT also gets wicked expensive if you're going to try to keep them alive at all because the vet bills crank up fast and even then you might not be a so so in .

summer to go back and do IT again. They are great.

They're great. I love my birds. They are tones of fun.

They have really actually very viBrant personalities. Um they have very unique personalities. They want to be involved in everything. They're very fun. They're much more like if you that's another thing.

If you're getting them as a cage pet, um you've tt a let them out and let them fly um so that's another thing to consider if you're like, oh, there are a good thing that considering the corner, no, they're not. They like their cages shelter. They're going to want to leave IT.

We'll get pretty frustrated than never get to. It's bad for them and the you get a buddy thing like if you're if you like and your partner aren't full time work from home all the time and even then you should probably get them a body, their flock, animals and not suppose we just like left alone all the time. Um so are you getting to and that's two times everything I just said, including vet bills and all the other type of stuff. So um get a dug. The birds are great.

Get ten cats yeah or five cats .

might be literally easier probably.

And I think my cats are probably less worked than your birds. Probably you're going to meet the kitchen spite there. Yes, ilaria, the one is just like the most outgoing thing i've ever seen the first night we brought our homes. She's just like crawling all over us and like run around and you know the thing cats do what they like, go sideways and she's like this big and SHE doesn't like constantly to her brother.

She's like dressing.

No, no, they have flees from living outdoors and they're too Young for flee treatment. Got IT so we can treat that, I think on tuesday. And then as soon as you hit them with revolution, they're apparently good to go to mix them because I like kills the entire flea cycle.

So anything that they have on them will just like die or whatever. So they were going to go cool. Hey, L L D. My son is in college and is very introverted. I really hope he opens up even a tiny bit and has fun.

Any suggestions on how I could help encourage this? I cannot tell you as his parent probably no yeah like that's the chAllenge, right? Introverted people. Pushing doesn't help IT almost has to be like a poll if you know what I mean, like you can't you can push them. They have to be enticed towards more interactions. So you know if they can find like a club or something like that, that they can get engaged with, find some like minded people, those will pull them out of their .

shells like I there are a lot of those post secondary as well.

I got these I I got these job last's. Um and I I told my son I was like, hey, we should try this. We should like they shoot orbis and we should like blast each other in the art or whatever like have a gun fight and he's like, doesn't hear him like, yeah he's like, no and then his friends were over for a party and I was like, hey, you guys want to shoot these and they were like, oh yeah, that looks awesome and I was like, okay, but the deal is because they had all been given me a really hard time during the pool party lake.

Like, just go in at me basically like a bunch, you know, pretty boys like shooting me with, like every water gun and like chasing me around, like grabbing my stuff and just haven't fun, right? And they've been going at me real hard all evening and I was like, okay, well, here's a deal because these are mr. Begins so you have to let me shoot you once and then you can shoot them as much as you want and they were like, okay, i'm going to do i'm going to be the first and then all of the my sons like, yeah I need to yeah .

and so .

that's what I mean by a pole, instead of a push, no amount of me pushing him, we would have made him want to overcome that pain or anxiety, whatever IT is. But sometimes pure pressure can be a sort of force for good. yeah. I can also be terrible under control.

but IT IT can. Yeah absolutely. Another thing that I recommend is try to find small groups like linus and I. This surprises some people like us and I both kind of actually leaning more towards the introverted side of things.

Um you'd never know. IT yeah, like watching this show, but IT is definitely a thing. My guy, I live here.

I like tole drained every friday. Decompress for a very long time. Yeah, well into tomorrow. Oh yeah. Look, I think both of us have said that we've stayed up to like five just decompressing. Yes.

because like I mean, if it's if I was a particularly long in rough week and then if ancho goes for like a long time, I have .

really enjoyed rancho.

But I like you. The battery afterwards sometimes just needs to be alone, like sleeping isn't onna reach IT. I need to spend active time by myself now and then I will be okay.

Um but another thing that helps me in that regard is small groups. So I don't know like H A D N D group or a if there's like a um a hacker space, like there's probably not going to be a huge amount of people in there. So they can get used to the the three or four people that they engage with often and they can socialize with that group. And then maybe when they get used to that, when they can try another one, and then they can grow their social circle that way, instead of trying to meet like twenty people, twenty thirty people at a time now, you know, within admitted of being in the space, you nobody's name, it's a little bit easier to navigate. You you can focus on those smaller around the people more.

It's nice when it's something where everyone is working on something in common to that way. You don't have to to make small talk. You can work on a project that's that's where a lot of um that's that's where a lot of the ice breaking happens for people like me. Anyway.

I yeah I need some form of a activity that people are focused on till like function properly. If if we're literally just standing around talking and it's like a big group of people I I like my brain is going to like what do you like but if if like anything else is involved, if there's something going on, any food is pretty good for this, I think is one of the reasons for a lot of people meet for dinner and stuff like that. But um anything else, some form of central activity and your your good H I found .

that foreign st so many here have um summarized IT. Well I think IT was more a jabad twitter following U S. Regulations like a well trained dog while taking a relatively less significant market as a supposed moral high ground battle, the confidence wasn't so much about the size of social economy as IT was about thought process of complying in one region as opposed to another, essentially doing the same handling of zelo presumptions.

Didn't the decision to play the moral high ground game exactly there inside? Note, if to eat on the brazilian market with relevant, he'd be working to keep pacs in brazil. Relevancy is not just about being a big economy.

Relevancy to a bone head can be quite bone headed. Yeah, yeah, that was what I meant. They just many. You can have just set IT a lot .

Better than me. Yeah.

good work. Are you give me down. chirp. Hey, a little. And he thoughts on school phone policy.

My high school has started requiring students to put their phones in a basket at the started class using for ten ent class. Sucks, but this seems a bit much. Well, let me see. Let me say this much. 嗯。

I think it's good that you have fewer distractions because this is not the correct form of there, and there is no punctuation in here at all. So I think you could stand to put your phone down for loops OK OK OK O I mostly I mostly teasing. I'm mostly teasing. I'm sure there's problems .

we're like in emergencies that makes IT more difficult for people to call home and all I kind of stuff yeah. Overall, I think it's a good move overall.

The world functioned before cell .

phones and and people are really too chronically connected.

And and I I I know that well back in my day doesn't necessarily mean was Better. Sometimes progress is just that. It's progress. But I think it's become pretty clear that there is some development that is being lost in the in the loss of face to face human interactions that, that we're forced to do in school.

Like it's not because I I wanted to talk to people I would have actually rather not done in a lot of the time. I I often hang out in mister musk's portable at lunch where we would watch simpson reruns and play video games on the crapped computers that he had in there. Like, I absolutely dodged team and interaction.

So awesome. But what i'm .

trying to say is IT wasn't always an option. And no. And glad I got forced to talk to people and interact with people because it's a valuable life skills, even if it's not comfortable.

yes. Hey, Wanda. D, L, i'm playing F, F, three, massive s, and on my steam deck i'm finding having the instructions manual would help a lot OK billions.

Okay, hold on, hold on. map. Man eighty seven in the chat says counterpoint education is to prepare for the real world, and most people will have their phones immediately accessible at work.

And many jobs even require IT. Yes, but many, many jobs will expect you to put your fucking phone away and get you a work done. So you've got to be prepared for both. And I don't think we need to prepare this generation for having the phone on.

You're going and absolutely excessive amount of time outside of the up to have their phone on them. They're also probably doing homework, so they'll have an experience of doing work with their phone with them.

right? I like us to look what have been the mechanics. You had no idea what to do in F, F. three. Is that is, is this the japanese .

number versus the american number thing? And i'm playing that you are playing that game OK.

You're playing final fantasy six. I did. I give you a menu? I think I give you my menu.

Did you read IT? Yeah, yeah. Ool was IT helpful. yeah. Because originally I was actually google things, and then now i'm like, no, I can the right way, which is sick.

And the manual intentionally doesn't have everything in IT is great. There's lots of items and stuff that are not in there.

That's cool. I'm one with that. And I would I would like to play .

within those limitations. And it's sometimes like what exactly kind of partly translated or intentional vag. I don't mind.

I love IT. I do prefer that over a google just with no reference. IT was like .

because google you're going it's almost T. M. I sometimes yes, IT would be like, yeah, here's the opt. And I didn't. I just want to play the game. You know, IT wasn't designed to be completely broken by you stacking up ginger equipment on this particular character and leveling them in this particular way and going to this particular place in order to lake.

I promise you, my team is not optimates set up. I get and I can even fully talk like i'm still kind of learning like, okay, so this character is sort of supposed to do this thing .

you got to stream against. I can, yeah, you never stream anymore. yeah.

So yeah.

I want to. So basically, what has been a mechanic? You had no idea what to do and I guess they are just talking like kind of more broadly the .

unlike the little kid that like learns other people's ability things yeah or something.

Oh, I think he has a new name.

I think I thought I was go the same, said gow made sense me.

嗯, i think I can find it's go, is IT go. okay?

Maybe it's still go anyway.

Yeah, the guy you find on the built, yeah.

so that took me a sac. IT wasn't too bad. Yeah, sort figured out.

Yeah, all bit took me forever to catch him because I I didn't figure out to, like you use the dried meat on him or something like I said.

oh, that was pretty bird.

I, T, I.

Segment of game.

yeah. With the three parties split up.

there are three different couple spots where IT was like, what the heck am I supposed to do now? But you figured out, yeah, mostly IT was like, where am I supposed to go when it's totally free map, there's no quest log. I but I I more wind.

I like that feeling i'm OK with. I'm going to and to try to find things. I'm going try to think of what i'm proposed to do next and execute that. And if that's not right, well, I went on an adventure anyway. Who Carries go back to the find the right way.

okay. I've been told a lot of times that my pronunciation of vague e is weird. Veg does IT stand out as weird to you.

Veg, no. What is this supposed to be? The gue ague.

ague. Your description of this game is league. That sounds like the same thing to me.

Yeah, no, it's, remember he talked remember he talks like a valley girl revenues tory kind of thing, right? It's a valley l accent. Turn canadian. I was comparing IT to an esterton canada. How dare you just because you're invented, the language doesn't need you get to dictate how the .

rest of us speak IT.

It's like adverse take your imperialist, get everyone is a foreigner but the english.

Like universes, way, vague vag.

yeah. Tomato, tomato, tomato kind of thing. Yeah, I like tomato. Es.

stupid. Who says tomato?

I don't know. I hate them. If you're out there, I will like you. Stop being incorrect.

What else we got, my goodness.

But I need an update about the bike at gat. At gat well, at cat is just like, of course, A T G, A T T. I'm sure that means something yeah all year, all the time.

That just means always where you're gear. I have been so tired and so busy, I have not made any significant progress getting a significant amount of IT painted. And the needing to unpainted has been really frustrating.

And I had such a hard time stripping the gas tank that I used a more aggressive media when I was sand lasting. IT and IT left a bunch of, like Davids and IT that are not standing easily. I have so many, so many hours ahead of me that I have not been getting motivated about IT.

And I had like really good momentum going. And then my sister died and I just kind of fell off of working on stuff like that for a while and I just got to kind of pick IT back up again. Just been i've been tired.

Um yeah, I will, I will write next season down IT yeah, next season I will ride. yeah. Hello, sun, dad and grandpa.

You guys are coming up on seven thousand videos currently, six thousand nine hundred eighty four. What is your favorite L T T moment ever? impossible. yeah. I don't even remember most of them.

We did a dive a while ago. I think he was a on one show and we saw a bunch of videos that I was in that .

I have no area of now like at all. We've i've been doing this for almost as my youtube career can drive you.

How long until it's half your life.

it's come more coming up pretty close come years. Yeah, yeah. So it's it's so hard for me to say and we've done so much wacky, incredible stuff on camera.

IT wasn't on L T. T. Yeah, that doesn't count. Was a chancy fun.

right? Um I see if I can find that.

So what? So what thing? Just what I was like .

the fact that .

someone guess that great job talk you. That's crazy. I don't even say anything. That's a wild. You're my head, my goodness.

Like we've done just we've done weird stuff, you know um I came across this a little while ago because I don't I don't know how but I stumble LED across IT this is from twelve years ago and like I can't explain what would have been going through my mind when I decided to make this. Um I think we were an independent company already by this point .

how the twelve years ago say the actual .

day yeah yeah um yeah so this this is this is over six months into the existence of linus media group. And you know so we were kind of a serious company doing serious company things. I'm on boxing a cable.

I think we needed a thunder boat cable twenty twice for something yeah or wait oh sorry, this year before. yeah. We definitely filmed this together though. yeah. Do you remember this? Do you know .

what happens? I remember doing this. I don't remember what happens now.

So I unbox a cable for some reason. And then, like, I don't know where, I don't know how I got the idea in my mind, but I was like a thunder lts and like, you know, power or something oh, my god. And I really look at the documentation for a thunder table bank. Goodness, I lost patients with doing that sort of thing. Like you .

could like what.

My 我的, oh my god.

I don't know.

but it's so hard to watch .

the second you started to pull IT out and all came back, I river that jump even yeah.

What am I doing? Why is this doesn't make any .

thing that of course you do ridiculous.

Why am I wearing my helmet like i'm dude.

i'm you're probable to be .

a power do on twenty six years old? Yeah, i'm twenty six. What am I doing?

The inner power introduce. Nice, nice. The worst part about that is you probably could done that perfectly. Find a new intentionally.

We fell. No, no, I can't. I can't do a flip off of the tree.

No, I meant even just like jumping off.

Oh yeah, no. I like, definitely doing worse than I. Like, what was I thinking there? I fight the drone. Yeah, fight the drone.

And then the drive change. I put the camera down so I could fly the drone. Ah, the moving .

this have a mid drole or is this a postal lap? Did the video and maybe the video and like what what even what even is that? What is that? I mean.

so that you crap the the company says our videos .

used to be Better. Why they have the same soul and I love that. It's like, no, you're saying you're twenty six and it's like i'm gna have fun and be a child because that's entertaining and like keep IT I I don't take myself seriously, right it's about being funny and fun.

Yeah I thunderball able like circuit IT was school and that the of seventy fashion was Better exactly. yeah. Yes, we can move on that. That was prety company. But that was after .

we had decided to do IT around the time .

we were deciding to do. I think that's a little early for after we decided OK. We're definitely talking about this.

I forget why I needed a two meter funeral cable, but I was like, A K I did to monitor obtaining this. Somehow you still do this video, right? I I was at math champs, like, everything's crap.

Free content. I don't crew here tomorrow. I did not say I was crap. And I took more than one day to get a film.

Okay, you're knocked. Let me, editor zed, you're knocked to a door is very cool.

Then do you like my knocked to the doors? Thank you. good.

Thank you. It's a not to adore. Yeah, don't go in the world.

Thought we we're going to put a jane, jane, jack, who do I work for? Okay, where are we then? And l an l can't believe I almost missed these.

Glad I could pick up some. They are these scratches. Is there a reason they're leaving? What will happen to the shirt ways that was being used for these. Um is there .

just not anymore?

I don't know. That's a good question. I I think you're being discontinued is i've seen a couple I will ask. 也 在 那个 里面。

Maybe we'll have that. So when we're getting a modern remake of that epic video, I don't think you can even do that.

We can come into some black .

pretty good shes. That's fine. And I don't think have this .

IT wouldn't be earned est IT .

won be the same thing.

I think the closest modern video would be a bushwack king. The fiber run through the bushes for because law.

Yeah, to be honest, I I still wear those genes. Energy just applied to where we are now. You still wear those genes.

I ripped open one of the knees when we were doing that.

You, but now you're like, cool and stuff.

Well, I was a cool back that, yeah. wow. You so wide my goods, you got to report IT like like a .

workplace injury. You got to go tell aria .

exactly place injuries to ana. No safety .

team don't know. I totally did.

Yes or IT. Here's here's a question for look, how have flow plains content policies changed over time?

We definitely have those and there they are, very string, don't break them or will come for you.

We are .

very serious. I mean.

we've talked about like the content and stuff like I don't think has ever chAllenged us on content policy. I think our only policy .

is if it's too.

it's a and our .

policies are bullet proof.

The bullet proof, okay.

yes um yeah no. Basically, if it's legal where we are and where you are, that's fine.

We have nothing to .

say about that pretty much. That's what we've gone on with the new stuff. Um there are problems there because the payment process, yes.

not because so we probably have to let me the sake create like only plain .

dark com and then use different payment process. I've made IT very clear that unless you know in strikes case, this is very highly selective because if you're only fans, then sure because you're bring in so much money. When I can say about that contract, if anybody else we have morals. No, no, no very .

question. Very the arbitrary enforcement of these kinds of policies.

No, wait, that's a lot of money. okay? You can come through every else. no.

yeah. And and then at that point, why? Because there's clearly no principled stance here. So like to okay to apples credit at least they are genuinely prudent.

Yeah that is genuinely .

and Better maybe because actually consistent yeah I mean, I think it's really stupid because they released A V, R headset without addressing what people use vir head says for yeah and like actively working against the consumption of such content on their VR headset beats papers just like. Alright, next verge message. I'm so sorry.

I work in setting up trade shows. I was wondering what was the biggest chAllenge you faced while organizing L. T.

X? And did anything learn Carrying? And did anything learn to Carrying into company policy as you grow? What biggest chAllenge is definitely communication, and that continues to be our biggest chAllenge of organization. Did you learn anything to Carry into company c um that we should communicate Better and we still have a lot of work to do on that. I think that's the hardest thing, especially when you have a company that's made out of a lot of like tech enthusiasts and uh there yelk, we ve got a lot of people who are not naturally extroverted and are don't naturally seek conflict. And so that can be a really difficult environment sometimes.

especially when those people just bottle yeah and then also and it's like.

yeah so I I think you know remembering we are on the same team, it's very, very important.

I just noticed on the dock, I was thrown around the dock for some great reason.

I just noted something .

face part way through the dock right after the sponsors IT has i've been silenced? New line? I said too much.

Yeah, that's the title suggestions.

OK the title.

What's this? What .

are they?

Okay, that's great. I'm just going to start writing.

They've been able to speak out.

I live in your walls all over the document and like, point a one grave hunt, then just loops, contrast on his screens. Only he can see IT. Oh .

no. I have given him too many ideas.

No, over that that I can see that being terrifying.

Oh yeah, yeah, no.

I just write IT there, so IT doesn't get lost. Uh, hi L D L. Sam altman is coming to my university for a fireside chat next week. What questions should I bring to potentially ask? I don't know whatever questions you want to hear a bush tech bro.

answer you have you watched interviews right? Do the one of my one of the most interesting things I find about his interviews are the hatred, the hatred behind his smile. I feel IT and like almost no one more than him. It's actually razing. You have to watch. I don't ever the particular interview, but there's an interview with him no where someone starts to ask him some questions that he doesn't really like and he says something more lines of like basically that question isn't worth my time but in like a super pr friendly way and he's smiling super happy the whole time but he's just dunking on this person and you know that he's doing that and you know that he feels that way, but he's smiling and his tone of voice is all happy in turkey and i'm just like this is incredibly fake to the point where I like um I do not like IT i'm not down be a human I understand what you're trying to make isn't that but you can be a human can you .

count to fight goodness? What's next? Will we ever be able to buy new products without A I? Now do you think A I is just the new VC huntings? Or will IT continue to invest every corner of our lives until it's unavoidable? IT might be bubble right now in terms of the valuation of the companies that are capitalizing on this sort of boom.

Um but it's not a fat it's not going away in some former another. This type of machine learning not only isn't going away but has been with us a lot longer than I think mainstream media in particular realizes like um neural networks, um large language models. None of this stuff happened in the last year.

Um yeah it's just that we reached the sort of breakthrough point where IT started becoming usable and that drove a lot of interest in IT. That's that's the only difference. And the the hardware is getting to the point where it's fast enough to to do in real time.

Um dad is going to be everywhere. absolutely. Don't don't even don't delude yourself into thinking that that's not happening as time and said in float plane chat, it's the new ray tracing, which I think is an interesting comparison. Yeah yeah.

But that IT was first introduced to was super overhype. And people try to use IT can IT. And then years down the line, it's like those .

actually really sick. And in the long term, it'll be the only way that makes sense to do things because like manually coding what light should look like, we will seem stupid when we can just simulate IT. Thank you.

Nona mask any chance for opening merge messages sooner for eu customers? Is six thirty in the morning here we got have tried to find the baLance. When we had IT loaded towards the front of the show, people got really upset and they felt like I was just the promoting L.

T, T. store. Cause I think they mean being able to do IT.

No, I don't think so. Think they mean responding to them, opening up yeah like opening them. No like enable link them.

Oh oh oh I don't know if we want more match messages, you guys like we do. We really appreciate your patronage and um and all of that. But you know for the most part, rent L T T stories of store, um not a um messaging up, if you will.

And last I got for you here. Hey, L D. L. I'm one of the fun few, working at a media company with huge layoffs. Been working on my end game and wondering, since you have invested in projects, what should I maybe due to find funding? I gotto be honest with you, I don't know pretty much anything about that world.

I I there's a couple projects that that now software and framework that i've thrown some money at um because I just think there's super cool. I did functionally zero due dilly gent on either of them with framework. I was like, this thing seems amazing.

I, I, I have no idea if this is gonna, but I wanted to be the next thing. I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. I, 哎, 那个 a big part of IT was just like I thought I would be a splashy title for the video。

Like I just, you know, I thought I was a cool. I thought I was so cool and I just wanted to be part of IT. Um I did. I D never met the founder other than like exchanging a couple of emails and I didn't know anything about the team that is absolutely not how you should do something like this.

And then with um with the nas software, I knew the guys on the team um from their unready days but like I didn't do any do diligence with respect to like they're funding or like I personally never even read the shareholder agreement. I don't know what IT says. They born SHE looked at IT. But like at the end of the day, um you know these were guys that contributed in a big way like john was realistically the mastermind behind seven gamers, one CPU like he made that thing happened. I did a lot of the work too, but like I couldn't done IT without him and so sort of looking at how helpful he was, I was like, okay, well, like I don't know whatever here's the money and like do IT or burn IT um we will see what happens um I I don't want announce anything you know I to turn on or whatever. But I think there's gonna some stuff to talk about hopefully in the span of weeks rather than months, which is pretty exciting because nice yeah, I I have some issues with my nest that up right now that i've just like I could fight through lake forms and documentation and trying fix this or I could just not before I could just wait .

for i've been i've been kind of itching to improve my nass set up, but i've been waiting for this thing yeah to be honest so like I think .

we're not the only ones .

that sometimes great.

Um yeah i'm i'm pretty stoked but like what i'm kind of getting to here is I don't know how the world works. I've just stupidly thrown amounts of money that I am one hundred percent willing to lose at these companies that I just either the people or the mission I think are extremely cool and important.

I don't think you would ever find probably another investor like me because I really have zero involvement and demand absolutely nothing from them because as far as i'm concerned, I was just kissing the money goodbye. Most investors expect to return, and they expect IT within some period. I have no intention of cashing out my free chairs.

You are like a unicorn .

investor except I don't have unicorn investor money like in both cases, IT was I .

didn't know that was determined that existed.

Oh yeah yes, I think so. Um like I don't sorry you corn would be more of like a term for the startup that has like a huge valuation and huge growth. sorry.

So when you've said that, what I meant was like i'm not the kind of person who can like single handedly come in and like turn you into a unicorn was what I meant by that understood? Um like in both cases, angle investor people. Angel that's IT.

Thank you. Um so so like I don't have Angel investor money. Yeah that's that's IT. I knew they're related.

Um in both cases, IT was a couple hundred grand, which it's been kind of funny to the accusations of like how compromise I am now over that over that investment. Um let me put IT this way. That wouldn't cover our payroll for.

I don't think that would cover a payroll for a week. Yeah, I think that's about right now. So like it's yeah, it's a ton of money and it's really meaningful to those small teams, which is why I wanted to support them. But it's leg in the grand scheme of lind's media group and its and its Operation. And obviously, I would rather makes a profit or whatever.

But you can do that all the time.

Yeah, I can do that all the time.

So much can we only have two cases of this ever happening? Yeah.

this is not something that I just do casually on stream. Yeah.

even had like the community was quite I community seems to forgone about this sometimes, but the community was quite involved with the framework investment. Yep, we like asked them if IT was cool up. Yeah, and their vote matter if I remember quickly.

Ly, I don't fully remember but yeah absolutely ah so I don't know guys, it's I don't know anything about that. I just have have done a couple random things because I thought the people were really cool and I thought the mission was really cool. I don't I don't understand that I I can't relate to the usual investor mindset. And I I have done enough looking into raising capital as a business owner that i've just looked at and i've gone that looks horrible and .

I don't want to learn about wrong people. Low amount of total investment, the investment that do exist.

our weird and .

we've never investment.

And yeah so sorry. Oh, and sorry, I think the shows over, oh, we will see you again next week. Same bad time, same bad channel bed.

Oh, someone asked what happened to the games stop chairs. I think at some point he von just lipped whatever was left of them. And he was trying to pay something down and was liquidating things. So I don't I don't actually know what they sold for, but there's that. So I do not.