cover of episode Google Is A Monopoly - WAN Show August 9, 2024

Google Is A Monopoly - WAN Show August 9, 2024

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The WAN Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Linus: 本期节目讨论了法官裁定谷歌垄断的案件,谷歌通过与浏览器和平台签订默认分销协议以及向苹果支付巨额费用等方式维持其垄断地位,并通过降低搜索质量来避免损失收入。这种行为令人担忧,也引发了对其他科技公司垄断行为的讨论,例如微软在Teams中强制用户使用Edge浏览器。Linus认为,反垄断法规是为了维护自由市场经济的利益,而不是为了摧毁它。他同时担忧谷歌的垄断行为可能会对Mozilla基金会等竞争对手造成严重影响。他还讨论了如何允许Mozilla等组织盈利,以及如何解决谷歌等公司利用数据优势进行不正当竞争的问题。 Linus还表达了对美国政府最近在解决反垄断和垄断行为方面工作的肯定,但他认为这还不够,需要进一步的努力。他认为,产品应该凭借自身优点进行竞争,而不是通过购买市场地位来竞争。他认为,拆分公司是为了迫使它们在公平的竞争环境中竞争,并对谷歌可能对Mozilla基金会造成的影响表示担忧。 Linus还讨论了支付成为默认搜索引擎费用的问题,他认为如果所有公司都能平等地参与,那么支付费用是可以接受的;但如果这种支付是秘密进行的,并且排除了其他公司,那就是反竞争行为。他认为,反垄断法规是为了维护自由市场经济的利益,而不是为了摧毁它。他同时担忧谷歌的垄断行为可能会对Mozilla基金会等竞争对手造成严重影响。他还讨论了如何允许Mozilla等组织盈利,以及如何解决谷歌等公司利用数据优势进行不正当竞争的问题。 Luke: Luke在本期节目中主要参与了对谷歌垄断案的讨论,并对谷歌降低搜索质量以维持垄断地位的行为表示担忧。他还参与了对微软利用Teams强制用户使用Edge浏览器的讨论,认为这是一种反竞争行为。

Deep Dive

The podcast discusses Google's designation as a monopoly, the legal implications, and the practices that reinforce its dominance, such as default distribution deals and lack of competition. The conversation also touches upon the potential impact of this ruling on other tech giants and antitrust enforcement.
  • A judge ruled that Google is a monopoly, violating the Sherman Act.
  • Google's default distribution deals are a significant advantage over competitors.
  • Google's payments to Apple deter Apple from creating its own search engine.
  • Antitrust enforcement is crucial for maintaining a free market economy.
  • The ruling could lead to further scrutiny of other tech companies like Microsoft.

Shownotes Transcript


The yet dy store has so many great gifts. We had to hire a catalog here to make the most of these next thirty seconds. S waterproof by bao proof to be passed like moses take a stake.

Corbie covers pop amp. Tages next with three sides, eighty cn skill gear, gifts and product experts. This is the yet ty store in winker park today.

What's up, everybody? And welcome to the web. So hope you all had a wonderful week.

So far, it's about to get even Better. That's right, my friends, we've gotten a lots of good news this week. Google is officially a monopoly.

Wow, really no way. What is amazing. I can't believe this happening. Youtube is testing twitter risk notes, which will allow community members to issue corrections on videos. Fascinating what else we ve got this week, mister luka friend year, so much for our sixty million seconds of latency.

actively had the dark open .

that fantastics. So IT wasn't a connection latency issue, was a brain latency issue. You still don't have the dock open, do you?

Wow, lord, I don't think we're actually at that right now. But anyways, what's in the dark? What's interesting, did you mention coffee? zilla?


All right, logan pulses, coffee, zilla, pa death formation that's totally gonna work, of course also rip game informer. Thirty three years long they've been running .

and another got.

I'm waiting like crazy and.

Public cafe people.

Um they will go that help.

The show is brought you today by msi square space and backbones, of course, alongside our chair partner, secret lab. Let's bring to our headline topic. Google is a monopoly.

On monday, a judge ruled after having carefully considered and wade the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion, google is a monopolist and IT has acted as one to maintain its monopoly. IT has violated section two of the sherman act. The two hundred seventy seven page ruling details all the ways that google has controlled and maintained their control of general search services and search text ads.

The court was convinced that google's default distribution deals with browsers and platforms is IT biggest advantage that prevents competitors from having a fighting chance at creating viable alternative regarding google approximate twenty billion dollar annual payments to apple. Judge, meta, meta, well, sorry if I pronounce your name wrong, it's wonderful you doing a great job. Determined the prospect of losing tens of billions and guaranteed revenue from google, which presently come at little to no cost to apple, decent centipedes apple from launching its own search engine when IT otherwise has built the capacity to do so.

In twenty twenty, google conducted a quality degradation study, which showed that IT would not lose search revenue if they were significantly to reduce the quality of their search product. Imagine that. I'm sorry, i'm sorry.

I'm taking i'm taking a break from the notes. I'm taking a break from the notes. Luke, I know isn't that great. Imagine, if you will, conducting an internal study at flow plane media.

Okay, where you guys kind of went, if we were to make our product ten percent or twenty percent or fifty percent crapper, would we lose any revenue? And then reaching the end of that study and going, oh, well, the rational conclusion is we should make the experience crapper because we're not going to lose any revenue. I know that the whole model don't be evil and that changing or you know whatever thing is not as black and White as their model is, don't be evil.

And then they changed IT. It's it's not that simple. But maybe I should be maybe google should go. Maybe google should just you humor the internet law rests who believe that that was their original model and they should bring back the model and they should just have, don't be evil as their guiding star because .

there was that, not their model.

I think IT was when they changed IT. IT wasn't that they just like got rid of IT. IT was like still part of IT in a way or something that just isn't quite as black and weight OK do. I have one hundred percent noticed, one hundred percent noticed, google search getting actively worse. Oh.

I am much everyone that I know has.

especially over the last few years. So while IT doesn't surprise me that the search product has been degraded over the last four years, what does surprise me as they literally did a study and we're like, can we do this Greenlight check mark rubber stamp? It's totally gonna be OK because they can affect our revenue. What what kind of short sited thinking is this? Yeah I just can't look I can't yeah.

It's difficult because like I don't think you can write regulation to like not allow that to happen, but I wish we could. But I I don't think it's like even possible because they do.

It's called .

the sherman act .

because no, that that that's basically like IT addresses, like monopolistic behavior essentially. okay. But I don't .

even mean within a monopoly .

like but that's .

why that's .

why they can.

Well, yeah.

that's why IT worked because they could just buy their way to their dominant position. They don't actually have to make a Better product because they can just make sure that absolutely nobody with any capacity to compete with them will ever exist.


our notes go on generate A I has not or at least not yet eliminated or materially, materially reduced to the need for user data to deliver quality search results. So that that was one of the other findings. Interestingly, google was not sanctioned for destroying internal communications, but that was because the judge was already convinced by all the evidence.

That's hilarious. Imagine that. Imagine destroying evidence and getting away with IT because you didn't destroy nearly enough. I still think they .

should get in trouble for that regard. This even if he didn't end up like if I didn't matter, it's still a bad move. You get trouble for IT.

It's like, yeah you you should have you know, man, okay, you know what? Now I was gonna greatly. Um the ruling is for the liability phase.

The next step is appeals for google and the remedy phase where judges meta can possibly force a break up of google. The closest parallel to this case is microsoft s anti trust trial. In one nine hundred and ninety nine, they did successfully appeal, but they reached a settlement preventing them from acting anti competitively in the browser market.

Now here's my question. How about a settlement that prevents google from acting anti competitively in any market they participate in? What do you think? And while we're add IT, we do. We open the books back up on microsoft and the recent behavior in .

windows with a stuff with windows.

do how many, how many times i'm gonna prompted about A A game pass subscription by my stupid Operating system. Why do, why do I have to deal with this? You know, you know, that whole, that whole thing where snooze for three days remind me later.

And IT makes you go through the set up wizard again. And I promised to use edit again. Have you gone through that? No, I never that.

Have you seen have you seen how teams will ignore your default browse setting on your computer? Dude, that was recent. That was recent. Microsoft is one hundred percent back added like that one is so brazen, so obvious, so clear cut.

They are using their in the workplace communications market with teams, which, by the way, they they bungle with office in a way that actually you could argue their behavior with teams is and I competitive in monopolists? So they leverage their position in teams to effectively force anyone who isn't going to dig around in the menu to use flipping edge anytime they click a link in teams. Why would anybody want an application to ignore their default broader? And they clearly knew Better because IT used your default browser before this change happened. What looks six months ago or something like that? I don't remember exactly when they .

changed IT and you can fix IT, but most .

users aren't. Onna know how dude? IT was broken on mind for a bit. I literally couldn't I? I brought someone in my office.

I showed the mirror lake, wow, you literally don't have the button that I have. IT was unbeliever. I could just been a bug.

My computer was being kind of funny at that time. So you never know. You can see weird stuff when a computer unstable, but leg they also there.

simultaneously running old teams and new teams right now. So I might have actually been a problem on like one of the versions of teams. Yes.

so I don't know. Yeah, I think I was using new teams at that time, but not a hundred percentile.

Uh, do the fact that the fact that this took so long, the fact that so much of this goes just completely under the radar, the fact that we haven't seen a major anti trust case like this since nineteen ninety nine, i've got ta say like I don't know everything about what the bide administration has done um I don't know exactly what their role was with making adjustments to the ftc, but I am super liking what the ftc has been doing lately. I am super liking what the U. S.

Government in general has been doing to address this kind of anti trust of monopolist behavior. It's not nearly enough. They could probably techs, they're funding for this and IT still wouldn't be enough. But men, at least it's something like, come on, how about how about into IT next, let's go, let's go. And the tax .

companies yeah that needs to be crushed. It's not like the north americans like a laughing stock in regards how taxes .

were do one hundred percent americans.

Canada is not the same like american taxes are are worse as much as my understanding goes. But we have a lot of the same problems where like the government knows exactly how much you owe them. This has been a solve the issue for a really long time, but the lobbies of the tax companies are just forcing them to big so that you have to use these garbage tax companies in order to call your taxes property, which is really frustrating.

Um yeah how about, how about how about the trans union? And whatever the other one is, do apply how how we get out of that well at IT like, come on, come on, come on, come on. Let's T T start knocking down some monopoles IT IT is tiresome, tiresome.

And I like the whole idea of like you could be a monopoly and not get crushed by monopoly law as long as you're not doing certain actions. Like if google search was effectively a monopoly because I was just so much Better than everything else, that's one thing.

If google searches effectively monopoly because they spend billions and billions of dollars annually wish no other company can do to make sure that they're buying their way into being the defense search change on everything. Yes, that is that something should happen because that's bad practice. monopoly?

Yeah yeah. One hundred percent. And it's just is one of those things where it's it's tough because philosophically, right, the idea of of a free market is is appealing to me.

I mean, I was born in a capitalist country. I generally believe in things competing on their merits, right? But that's the whole thing. This regulation.

this regulation .

doesn't exist to destroy a free market economy. IT exists to maintain the interest rate of a free market economy. And I think that's what a lot of folks are missing.

Sometimes when they see government regulation come down on the behavior of companies like this is, no, they're not. This is not. This isn't the government overreach. This is the government doing its job to give everybody a crack instead of just google. And there are executives and their shareholders.

Yeah someone's point out in chat like didn't google pay for eighty one percent of muzzle the foundation to keep google as the defauts search? I've heard an even higher percentage than that um and this this might actually end up hurting firefox a lot. Um but I also think without certain monopolist practices, firefox wouldn't be in the rough spot that IT is right now.

So it's like google, like monopolistic practices are propping up firefox who never would have needed to be propped up yeah if IT wasn't from an apolitical yeah so we can look at IT now we can go, but look at the collateral damage. There i'll be if they don't do these deals anymore. I can, we you're right.

We never, this shouldn't en, that sucks. But we never should have gotten me here. yeah. And we can we can just allow IT forever because we allowed IT for a while and it's created problems. I mean, it's like the way that y've allowed the it's like the way we've allowed housing Prices of the bubble to balloon, the way that IT has here in canada, particularly in markets like vancouver, in toronto.

And everyone's looking at going well, you can at the market crash because think of all the people who are over leverage, just like, oh my god, at some point it's going to pop c can either be really, really, really painful or IT can be even more painful. Those are the only options. Now.

yep, yeah, it's brutal. And I to be very clear, i'm very worried about what's going to happen with mozilla foundation.

Yeah, me too.

I think this is to be really rough. I hope as much as I don't really like being that much, I kind of hope microsoft soooo in and um put some being contract in place and pay some bunch of money to make being the default or something.

I don't know if they do that. Are they engaging in the same practice?

Well, my biggest problem with, like the some form research is going have to be the default somewhere. In my opinion. I don't have a huge problem with that being a thing that happens.

My problem is that, uh, google was all of the, they were all of those contracts. They had that a contract with apple forever. They had the contract with firefox forever.

They had the contract with everyone forever. IT was across the board. IT wasn't like a few companies are fighting in different arena. IT was google fights everywhere and that's IT.

Um I don't think these kinds of deals will be possible. I mean, there is no there is no way that you can make an argument that microsoft than microsoft, extremely low market share. So that's where they could make an anti monopoly argument is a we're a scrappy underdog in this space but yeah.

but they're also .

literally one of the top valued companies on the face of the earth.

And so but in that space, they are they are a massive sure.

But imagine this, right? Imagine if, let's say, let's say L V, L V R, whatever, von ms, what whatever that luxury bbar no or whatever his name is. Okay, i'm going to pick in an extremely valuable company that is not in tech. That's that's the point.

So these are this is an an enormous company, okay? So if they were all of a sudden to go into a space that is much smaller than than they are, so let's say um a technology youtube, okay, if their market share in views for that was effectively zero IT was one percent because they started a channel. If they were to go around and pay google a bunch of money to be the first result, anytime anyone searches for any video around tech, that is absolutely.

An anti competitive behavior even if they don't have a dominant position, you can buy advertising, but IT has to be on a level playing field. And the fact that these are back room deals as opposed to like, okay, if mozilla, for example, just had to completely open affiliate program, for example, that everyone pays into equally and everyone has equal shot at, then I think that's a completely different story. So of every time you installed firefox and IT asked you to select your browser and IT was a completely randomized order or not your reserve, sorry, a search you default search and all of the potential default searches would have a chance of showing up at random and then whoever people .

click random order not shown up at random.

whoever someone clicks um every they have to sort of pay them a commission for being the default wsa on that installed something as long as everybody can participate equally, then that's fine. But if it's pure paid to win and it's happening in a way that is not open and is not accessible and nobody else seeing gets a shot at IT, then no, I don't think you can really get away with that.

What do you do about so I I don't hate the idea, but what do you do about groups like a duck go, which aren't going to have any money to pay into this fully a program thing?

I'm look i'm not saying lose .

love them anyways, then no one's paying yeah and then you if no one's paying, then there there's no like the the community funding from mazilla like .

parking .

nothing people don't contribute to free software. It's basically a joke um like IT happens, but it's enough to like by developers coffee. It's not it's not enough to actually properly support people. I I don't .

know I don't know the answers to this. I'm just saying that you know microsoft buying being default is not the answer because the way that IT is supposed to work is products are supposed to compete on their merit. And buying your position is not competing on your merit buying advertising space that is clearly delineated as such. Totally fair game.

but that and I don't disagree, I think what I keep getting stuck on is like how do we allow groups like mazilla to monetize things?

Because if if .

it's the set up, you're saying, yeah, no one pays.

I know well, no no, not pitching that set up. I want to make that very clear. I was just trying to watch something that could be more affair um and like, look, I don't I don't have good answers.

I have on popular answers people might have to buy firefox. And realistically, if that were, if that were the case, we might be in a position where you know what, microsoft and might not be allowed to give graduate for free. Google might not be allowed to give ea away for free.

I mean, that is the point grow of breaking up companies. If google gets broken up and google chrome becomes a company, the whole idea behind that is that google chrome ink is going to have to compete against other browsers on its own. Married IT doesn't get to just have a special data sharing deal with big daddy alphabet and IT doesn't get to receive, but I would have to offer the same deal to everyone.

what? IT? Yeah.

that's the whole idea. You don't have to .

offer equal deals to other companies as a company if .

they didn't, though, given the scrutton that google and alphabet are under here, I think they would find themselves in court again immediately.

essentially like them. Basically claiming that they are acting as a as a combined group of companies .

is exactly group.

You guys have no no idea the laws around that, but i'm sure that's .

a thing you would have to demonstrate that in good faith you attempted to negotiate with other parties, right? That the whole idea of a break up is that instead of firefox going up against browsers that are funded by all of the data that they are stealing from their users and feeding back into their parent companies and that are then paying into them in order to continue to collect, they would be going up against browsers that, well, I still going to be stealing a punch of data, but I still need to everybody. And that's the bottom line, is that you'd probably just have to do you either you either buy the product or you are the product. And so you probably have .

to buy firefox .

because at the end of the day, and we look at something like firefox as an alternative to being the product, but we're not really it's all the same. It's all the same groups. It's just a different label on IT.

It's the same group's funding IT, right? Yeah um and so it's all it's all feeding into that. It's all feeding into that machine until we break the cycle. So I I don't know i'm looking at this as a win, but i'm also looking at IT as is .

going to be pain.

I think, tiny a tiny first step in what is going to be an extremely painful break up because people think that they support the small you know independent, the real free market. They think that they support um groups that are doing things the right way, respecting privacy in their data.

But when all of a sudden they are faced with the cost of buying what they were getting for this data, I think they're I think there's gonna be sticker shock, luke. Yeah, like people often talk about how expensive flow planes autumn want to pay five dollars for one creator guys. The margins aren't that crazy for a sn flow plan.

And yeah, we Operated a much smaller scale compared to someone like like a google, for example, does. And so our costs are higher, Better as you scale. Yes, there are absolutely economies of scale.

But a platform like the one you're watching on right now, whether you're on twitch, which is being just money furness by amazon or whether you're on youtube, which we think may be profitable by now but absolutely was money furness by google for many years. They're so expensive to run. Video is shockingly expensive. And I think we're just I think we're just going to realize collectively, holy crap, that that reality, that the stop an reality where everything about us from the the food we eat to our our weird kinks to a the family members that were related to everything about us, is being collected, used against us. I think there's going to be people that are gonna look back at that and go, yeah, the grass was Greener compared to pulling out my wallet and paying three dollars a month for a web browser yeah .

then you know it's going .

to be a subscription baby yeah IT has .

to be when you said by firefox like like lifetime.

that's not how IT works. You have to the buy once model is dead, look yeah because company is that have .

to be maintained that makes sense that this is that .

but and when the internet and when computing was growing at an exponential rate, you could sell at once. And then when your user base is twice the size, eighteen months from now, you you could sell everything you've ver said you could sell IT again in the next eighty months and and IT would keep growing and IT was all going to a rocket chip to the moon. But in all gusted IT all has to bust eventually.

There's a finite number of people in a finite number of dollars, a finite amount of value that you can extract. And if the market sizes isn't growing, then you have to grow the amount of money that you're extracting from the market. It's all gonna subscriptions. Everyone already has a phone.

You can be a cool product. Yeah stright.

there's not going to be another india moment. Hold on that. That's the last point I want to make. There's not going to be another india moment in the .

world ever .

like when india went on in, my goodness, did IT happened practically overnight? I forget what the Carrier was, but they basically value Carrier launched in india for the first time. And IT happened right at the at this intersection moment when smartphone Prices reached attainable for the first time and in a country of over a billion people just came onto the internet, and there was explosive growth in all these areas.

Where's the next market? It's gona do that. Birth rates are falling across the vast majority of the developed world.

Pretty much every country is connected, at least to a very significant degree of you. We're still we're still going to see growth in from africa, for example, but it's not gonna like that. sorry. Okay, go ahead. Ah no.

i've been having a difference of conversations of people at this event already um about payments processing and and stripe and uh paypal um and a pretty interesting product that strike could make. I don't think they would actually want to because they lose out on one of their probably biggest revenue streams.

Um but I would be cool in my opinion, as as we're getting to more and more subscriptions, one of the most doing things to me is not necessarily the cost per month, but it's the just genuine volume of subscriptions and payments that are coming through. Um so what on the conversations that we've had is the benefit of bundling payments. So if if you have like if you have a certain platform that has multiple subscriptions on IT, um paying for all of those subscriptions on that one platform at the same time.

So if you are a patron or a flow plane or something like that, all the payment is go through at once. How these payment processors to their fees is, is generally a percentage plus a fix cost for every transaction. So most like north american or most american really transactions are two point percent plus thirty unless you have some negotiated rates.

But most people i've seen fixed rates as low as like fifteen cents.

I think like IT depends yeah there's like this ah there's different models that you can use. There's like particular microtron action models that you can use through stripe where got IT um the numbers of a different shifts that a standard transaction is two point nine percent plus thirty but .

you Better than me so yeah go to um but if you .

so that thirty cents is where a lot of people can save a ton of money because I mean, if you're doing ten million transactions in a month.

thirty cents S S three million bux, let's go months yes yeah.

So you're looking at three, six million dollars a year. So if you can if you can bundle um like if one user has three subscriptions, if you can bundle into that into one payment, you're saving sixty six, sixty cents a month on that user. yeah. So if we kind of need if stripe as a platform, if you, if you instead of having like, you would need a council on both. But if you had like, almost like payment by strike in the way that you have a like a pay in google pay and then strike bundle all of your payments, one big payment.

they have zero interest in doing that.

no incentive of in doing that. But I still be so good for me. Like if I could just go to strike and on strike all of my subscriptions.

yes. So it's all nicely later in one sort. I could get some uh, subscriptions right through there. And then I just came out in one big payment in every month that would be sick. That would be super cool.

I think the only entity that could probably do that would be like a major american bank um because realistically, part of that, that the handling fee that the transaction fee that they're dealing with is not just collecting the money from you but also routing IT to where he needs to go. So by combining them, yes, they're only doing the one payment from you, but they still need to t everything out to all of the different and destinations.

So IT would have to be a CoOperative effort between like like the a group, probably even of the big banks where they all go OK. We're not gone to charge each other anything to do. These are interbank transfers, and we're going to absorb the ones that go outside the network in order to do this like um the sort of subscription bungling um and save oh shoot way save, we're the ones who collect this revenue crap.

No, we're just not going to do this like the only kind of market where I could see something like that happening because you're absolutely right. That is how I should probably work. The only market right could see something like that happening would be somewhere like china, for example. Uh, where it's it's dictated yeah by the central government and these these entities are only sorted.

People on the head be like stop wasting money .

essentially yeah um yeah some people point IT .

out in chat that this is a thing. I know this is a thing on the platform level. Four people does IT. What i'm saying is, is I wish this was a thing .

yeah on .

the on the payment processor level yeah p so if you .

like followed uh let's say let's say you didn't know that dank pods was on flow plane. If you followed bank pods on patron and you followed lt. T on flow plane and both patriotic and flow plane used stripe as a payment processor. Then essentially, we could we could say we could opt into this program and then strike on the back end, would take one payment from you for that month and IT would divide IT out to the two different platforms for your two separate subscriptions. That's what look is pitching.

Yes, I think that would be really cool personally. And like some people who have asked how that would work because the people who scribe IT different times, there's this whole math you can do to figure, provide, to adjust for that yelly eli out, it's finites possible. Um like I said, we do IT already. I would just like IT to be done on the payment processor. But uh, I I think there definitely isn't a per transaction financial incentive for trying to do this, but I do think that could be a good market like getting more customers thing because that would make me prefer to use whatever platform did this over anything else personally.

Oh, wait, e actually I shut down his patron on like seven month o so alright, he's all flow plane all the time. Heck out, let's go. weight.

You don't know that? No, no. I totally didn't know that. I didn't know he shut IT down. I knew that I knew he was going to OK, but I didn't know you pull the trigger. Yep.

what a chat we .

were discussing creators who haven't had controversy um prior to the show on on the pre show as as far as I know, I don't think wade ever had any controversy every time I hung out with them. He just seems like this .

seems like an upright .

do super show for someone who's upside down know he sure has managed to have his .

head screw on straight .

well australian australian he's not upside down into down all right. So anyway um one of the things I asked the the prep team to put together was some examples of other monopoly that haven't gotten there come up and yet um and they put together google themselves in september. So this was over digital ads.

okay. Meta, all wait, they're getting suit by the ftc. Amazon await. They're getting suit by the ftc apple, or wait, they're getting suit by the D O, J and microsoft. Amazon bacteria I starves.

There's a bunches of stuff actually in video is getting investigated finally, for some of the just lake, everyone has known forever that doing a deal with video is like dealing with a very difficult entity that understands fully the dominance they have. Have they ever cross the line? Hey, we're finally looking into that.

Very interesting. I am so happy to see you. I want to see so much more whatever incoming administration we see in the us.

Come the november elections. You personally, i'm talking to our american viewers out there. You personally need to be putting pressure on your representatives to keep this train going.

This matters a lot. IT is costing you money all the time, both directly and through tax dollars. This is costing you money.

And these investigations, as long as they can get cash settings, should be a gravy train that will pay for itself for a very long time. Here, baby, there's lots to investigate. Let's go right. When else we got today? Luque you want to talk about?

She's go ready to the next one. The youtube thing.

Yeah, right. Let's do IT.

Youtube is testing twitter ask notes. Youtube is announced that they're testing experimental feature that will allow users to add notes to videos again to the community notes feature on twitter. The goal of the feature is to provide context and other relevant information that may not be included in the video.

In their example, if used the video about extinct animals with a note that says one of the species was recently discovered to still be alive, the notes will appear under the video title where um we can see other labels for helpful things like cover information. And will be rated by the community as helpful or somewhat helpful or unhelpful. Currently, the ability to write notes is by invitation only, and during the pilot, notes will be reviewed by third party evaluators rather than the note creators. Oh, what has happened rather than the note creators or the community at large as a discussion question here that says, how well do community notes work on twitter? Do you find that they are accurate and unbiased?

I have not found that they are completely accurate in unbias. yes. However, they are not Better than not having them. I think I all .

they're helpful, but they are they are problems.

One thing that I would like youtube to consider in all of this, and I haven't spoken with them directly, so this will will be the first anyone from youtube hearing about IT for me. But one thing that I would like to see addressed is, right now, the creator themself doesn't have a ton of ways to address anything about the video that they want to clarify.

After the fact we used to have the ability to put text annotations, add a given time stamp in a given spot on the videos so that we could issue a small correction, safe for a data point on a graph or safe for something that changed after the fact. Like if we said, oh yeah, the power consumption, this isn't very good, but there's a bio update that went up three days after we publish our video. We could put an annotation in there and say, hey, this is something that theyve addressed.

IT was a great way for us to deal with the constantly changing landscape, that is, the technology space that we cover. And at times, IT was even a great way to deal with sponsors, for example, because if there was a temporary deal, we could have an annita that said how much the discount was, and then that could go away when they didn't have IT anymore and stuff like that. IT was a way to keep the content of the video up today.

Not well, but I IT was something they took that away under the guys of um you know trying to make the mobile experience Better in my streamline or something like that that IT was horse pop then. Its horse pop now was never anything to do with that IT was everything to do with that. They didn't wanted do IT anymore and they had good reasons for not wanting to do IT.

Some creators did abuse the future, plain and simple, whether IT was through spam or trying to get people to accidentally that you could interact with them. So trying to get people to accidentally touch them and skip to certain parts of the video like were IT was definitely an abuse vector. But I do think they could have solve IT.

And I think just getting rid IT out right was not the solution right now. We do have the ability to pin a comment. We do have the ability to heart comments or heart our replies. But hearts are super in consistent. Like i'll see someone asking a question that like one in every three people in the video is asking a question about that.

And what I would like to be able to do is heart that comment, reply, heart my own reply, and have that be the first thing people see so they don't need to keep scoring and ask the same bloody question about IT absolutely doesn't work that way, not for me, not for anyone. As far as I can tell, everyone's algorithm for what comments gets served to them is a little bit different. And you can have a comment that has, you know, six thousand up boats s or something like that, and is hearted by the creator and has a reply from the creator.

And IT will decay, which a decay algorithm, perfectly reasonable. But you will decades to the point where you can even find IT at all after a little while. And you will just you'll just be of perpetuating the same comments over and over and over again because people can see that this has already been discuss, is already been addressed.

To anyway, where I was going with this is if we're going to have a community notes feature giving the creator the ability to address the community. Now I feel is extremely important. I don't see any obvious way to do that right now, but I would like there I would like to have the possibility for for to be a conversation.

I think it's important to for people that understand that community notes are not ah the solution to misinformation and are a form of misinformation themselves, but they can help reduced misinformation overall. I know people that have put out tweet how to community note, attempt to correct their tweet, how the community note stay for close to twenty four hours, and then the community note eventually is removed because the community note was wrong. But in that twenty four hour period, the community note, because some amount of people have grown to trust community notes, that community note was a fairly strong source of misinformation because people read IT and then nobody he's going to .

go back and look at that at a couple days later and yeah find out that they were that yeah.

So it's it's important to keep in mind that IT doesn't automatically mean that the note is true. And you have to you have to realistically question everything if you want to be actually certain.

Um this comes the same .

problem the like the the dislike button supposedly did. I think I will create a way significantly bigger problem than the dislike but did um but I don't really i'm still not convinced that's the actual reason why youtube took the dislike button down. So I doubt actually .

care this button, far as I can, a purely ideological move. IT had nothing to do with an objective reason to remove the delete button. I have never never in my many conversations about IT seen any real evidence i've seen. I've heard compelling arguments that removing the dislike button didn't materially hurt watch time or I didn't do this or I didn't do that. I have never seen evidence that IT improved the experience of using the platform in any way.

There's like, no way .

I did you. All right. Well, hey, good luck. Community notes. I I don't know, man. There was a time when I when youtube kind of I would say i'd kind of earned my sort of mostly trust, at least as far as I can trust a big tech cong lama to do the right thing. Um i'd say still I think they still get IT right more often than they get IT wrong. But they've really eroded a lot of that trust, especially over the last few years.

Yeah I mean, google in general men, google like google is rough.

Yeah if if you use something .

that made by google and you like IT, you like have to have a back up plane at this point because they might just remove IT at any time for her probably not a very good reason. Um a lot of their tools have not really been advancing very significantly. Um they they are retained their market share through spending dollars instead of making Better products like it's. hello? no.

Ool, what do we supposed be doing then? Oh, merch messages. Hey, if you're new to the show, you may not be familiar with the concept of merch messages. We don't do twitch bits. We don't do super chats.

We do emerge messages so that any contribution to the show goes to us, goes to our creative warehouse team, goes to our suppliers, goes to our a warehousing partner and I bc um goes to goes to our team to build great products like the screw driver describe driver are water bottles, all that good stuff that you guys know in love in the best part is that unlaid just throwing money at the screen like some of those other methods. You can throw money at your screen and also get great products in the mail. We're going to show you guys how IT works in just a moment.

But I am pressure. There was something else. I was gonna. Oh right.

How to send a merge message? All you're going to do is go to L, T, T. Store dog com, add something to your cart.

And when we're alive, you're going to see a box to send a merge message and they will go to produce her, then who will pop IT up in the bottom of the screen, who will reply to IT himself, who will forward IT to someone who can answer your question, or who will curate IT for me and looked to address all right, then why don't you show us how merge messages work? sure. I've got a question here from Jason linus.

Why do you want AMD to create lower and chips manufactured e waste instead of promoting using older hardware? Ah that's a good question. I do not want people to stop using older hardware, but what you've got to understand is that not everybody is comfortable buying a second hand processor.

So while I have advocated many times, like to the point where it's almost probably exhAusting, how many times I have advocated for buying used hardware rather than brand new hardware, especially if you're on a tight budget. I know and accept and fully understand that some people are just never going to do that. And so the reason that i'm going after AMD for the fact that they haven't launched a rising three processor in lake, three, three years, four years, years.

They haven't launched at a budget gaming processor in many years, is that the way I feel like they have essentially gone? Complacent leader. And figured, well, if we can only produce so much silicon, why do we have to give any of the most new fangled power efficient performance chips to the people who only have one hundred and twenty bugs to spend when we can just take all of that allocation and put IT into epic and rise and nine and strict point laptops.

And that wasn't a AMD attitude before. And I just I don't know, I get frustrated when I see people treat AMD like there's some kind of golden child, scrappy underdog who is pro consumer, whatever. Because look at what AMD did with rising, where you could buy a thread ripper for.

I forget, with the starting Price for the thread ripper one thousand nine hundred x was thad ripper here? Hold on. I I want to check this thread PPT one one hundred X M srp launch.

Okay, what was IT five hundred forty nine dollars for? Five hundred forty nine dollars when AMD was actually scrappy, when they were coming from behind for less than the Price of a current thread p er pro motherboard? Okay, seriously, flagships thread proprio motherboards are like a thousand plus dollars. You could have gotten a thread report chip and aboard that wasn't that long ago. That was in twenty seventeen.

So what frustrates me is that AMD used to still they used to give you the option to buy a last and processor with probably more course OK, but you're also going to save some money on the platform or you could buy a current gene processor at a lower Price, get more up to date course, so you'd be getting the latest architecture. You probably you probably wouldn't perform as well in its in adventure, even real world applications that more people use like video editing or video encoding. But IT would have a greater upgrade path.

So AMD does do some things, right? The fact that they're continuing to provide processes for a and four is really good. They just launched a new chips.

That's absolutely incredible how long we've supported that platform for. But what isn't incredible is that they are effectively putting a Price barrier in the way of a 5, which is the new A M for. That's the one that people who might not have a ton of money today but might want to be able to upgrade down the line.

That's the one they should be buying so that they can be able to upgrade in the future. right? To take advantage of some of the very consumer first things that AMD does um to know I I am not i'm not going to stop calling out AMD for not introducing entry level processors. A M fives not new.

Like for crying out loud, when did rise in seven thousand launch home on let me check let me check this september of twenty twenty two, a five launched two years ago and you still can't buy a chip for IT under about two hundred us dollars? No, I don't think that's okay. Let me check, let me check out of seven, six hundred years IT might be, might be hundred, two hundred.

All is your from making notes. Know that is not mind. Also been some people to like, if you're going to talk about this with M, B, you should talk about intel two. I think there's no illusion that intels an extremely signal on a hot water right now. We're just trying to make IT clear that that doesn't mean .

the other side is and this specific thing, no, this specific thing until isn't doing l absolutely nerved the crapp out of their entry level chips for many years but met you can pick up like a fourteen one hundred um see there's actually there's some really good intel fourteen series chips that aren't like an outstanding value. If you're a budget gamer now, I would not necessarily recommend those.

I would actually rather that you go pick up like I used driving three thousand or something like that. But if you must have something brand new with a warranty and all those things that make you feel Better, whatever else, it's not my thing. But if that's your thing, then intel absolutely has value options they do.

But we've gonna recognize that that's not because intel has ban avent. That is because in tells in a position where they are looking for gaps in the market where they consult chips in AMD didn't create thread rep thousand nine hundred x because they were been evolved. They did IT because I left the high and desktop market completely unaddressed, got complacent.

So what i'm advocating for is for everyone to address their customers needs proactively rather than wait around for us to go you, hey, where the heck is a valuation for processor? What is going on here? Why is in five launching purely with high end and absolutely no indication, no telegraphing whatsoever of when you're going to address the entry level? When am I going to be able to buy one of these stupid efficient chips? Maybe I want they need a couple course.

Maybe i'm building in MaaS. When am I gna be able to buy them fight for that? No, it's not okay.

That's all have to say about that. I got another one for you here. Hey linus, you've been daily driving qualcomm snap dragon after getting your hands on.

Then five strict, are you eager to switch back to A M. D? Anything you are expecting to see in and five you hope to see in and six, I am not eager to switch back. What I have realized is basically everything I do on my laptop is in a browser except for the occasional thing and I haven't run into anything catastrophic yet. Um I am, I am really .

enjoying the aliza. Should you just be on a mac?

I thought you were, I thought you were going going chrome book. God never produced book.

I didn't think .

you're going to make me support mac. We have a whole topic on why that's gonna held later. Yeah yeah I I okay, my understanding is that apple has addressed window management in a big way.

Um so that was one of my irritations with mac as I am sorry, I refused Better. I refused to buy a window management application. But my understanding is this way Better.

Now you're right, search is way Better. But if there's one thing that would keep me off of the mac anyway, IT would be finder. I do not like finder. I do not find IT to be intuitive to to navigate um folder structures. I do not find the intuitive to access network shares.

Um apple went very daas heavy um and IT was very clear from you know the thunder able drive towers and just the work flows that apple wood feature in their marketing collateral that they just didn't really get MaaS. Um the funny thing is that apple was I I would say one of the key players in moving ten gig to the mainstream, like the fact that the mac mini launched with ten gig as an option like the new mac. Many are the new new, the less new whatever. When apple made ten gig networking an option on the mac mini and then dull ten gig on the mac process, like thank you finally, yet someone's doing because apples the one that does IT and then everyone else goes, well, okay, we're not going to be our spec pages isn't going to be comparable to apple if we don't have this and like, okay yeah for now let's finally go tango um anyway he who is in .

a browse ser and the search on the computer is pretty good. Does finder being an annoying piece of junk really matter?

Yeah does because I still will. Yeah I I navigate the folder structure of my computer frequently enough that there would be a problem. Just old. I don't think so. I think I just do a lot of work, and I think I just do a lot of work that requires me to be in my photo structure, like I look at a media company looking .

through the full of structure on the computer, a symptom of windows search being so bad.


because I would do IT so much if search would work.

Yeah, I still would. Because I wouldn't remember exactly what something, things is called, necessarily, like many of the files that i'm accessing, our m vio, seven, two, three or whatever, like IT, like footage, things like that, right? I know I need to be I need .

to be able to quickly.

exactly. So with the amount of that that I do, I just, I just don't see IT and a part of IT for me. I have to confess that would be just being old and set in my ways.

I don't want to remember new shortcuts like keyboards shortcuts. yeah. Yes, I do not. Objectively, I stand. I believe this is objective. I apple's command key is really hard to reach compared to control for executing shortcuts. I would that's not something that I would ever think is Better .

or the same.

I genuinely do not know picture saying finder can show the folder path. Yeah my issues with finder run deeper than just seeing or not seeing the folder path. I just do not like finder.

I'm sorry, I, so I just can't I can't people look like every excuse not to try that. guys. I switched to a mac. I switched to the back over a much .

mess with blind us um finder tricking socks. And I would use IT to golda, says linus, sorry.

but you're objectively wrong. There's so many media companies that use mac compared to windows that is like that. A man that is that is so flawed for so many reasons.

Nothing that I said was that media companies don't use max. And you've got to understand that a lot of the reasons that media companies use max, not cause finders. good.

Like i'm talking about the way that I need to access footage. I don't i'm not an editor. I don't use final cut.

I'm going in and i'm I am I am like browsing media files like i'm like IT will be like, hey, line this. Can you have a look at this section of this clip? Is this something that needs to pick up?

For example, I wouldn't open final cut or premier for that. I would just, I would just go find the file. So yeah, i'm telling you guys, my workflow specifically requires me to be comfortable navigating the file structure.

I'm not saying that i'm not even arguing that media companies don't use apple. A lot of IT does not come down to finder IT, comes down to software like logic, comes down to software like final cut pro, right? It's not we're not even even talking about the same thing.

There is no objectively wrong that I find finder to be on into IT even difficult to use compared to explore r explore is not perfect. Explore absolutely has a tissues. But yeah no, basically expose is pretty good.

I don't disagree that IT hasn't issues and stuff, but expose pretty good.

I mean, that has IT even suffers from some of the things that I find frustrating about apple. Like, for example, why is there a limit to how big guy can have my thumbs? Why can I just have even bigger ones, mainly by and that such an apple thing like I remember I think he was you look that I showed this two and you're like um when I showed you that there's there's like an artificial limitation to how far you can zoom into a picture when you when you're looking at IT in an iphone as iphone.

it's so wacky and .

the fact that you like and you know because because you know apple, right, you understand the product philosophy, right? The reason is that they don't want you zoom ing in too far because that will look bully so like, no, i'm actually just trying to see that and and you can zoom in as far as you can like reach on the screen but when you let go, little like moon backs no, I actually just I believe IT there.

I don't want to keep my fingers on the screen to be able to see this. And just like stupid things like that, like not being able to lock an iphone in landscape mode even though you can with an ipad. And that was true even back when they were both using the same, same Operating system, they were both using IOS.

But it's just an arbitrary limitation um like it's just stuff like that. But micros absolutely does the same thing sometimes. And i'm sure you know the thuma sized thing is is again back to different company cultures, different company philosophy.

S with microsoft, it's probably more to do with the fact that no one felt like revising the code too much and it's been this way in sex, peer, whatever, like it's it's for completely different reasons. But I do think there's absolutely ways that explored could be improved. I just do prefer to find her. okay. So we just more time with all merchants.

Ge was in IT.

I don't even know who even knows anymore one merchants.

Ge, I think we're going to do another one.

All right here stand. That'll be three merge messages.

Oxy IT up OK fine looks before .

we do that, there are a few things for us to talk about real quick. We have some cool stuff for you guys to check out on the story. If you're looking for an excuse to send a mark message, a mercenary message, if you really going to send a merch message, we have a poster.

I don't think we've ever done a poster before, but you can level up your space with the integral tic GPU poster. It's just a cute art print of a legally distinct GPU that is literally out of this world. Look at that.

Your space two could never go. Your space too could look like that for am not included. Uh, I actually have one with me in that class. I love IT. Ah, oh, where do you go? Oh, where is?

Where were you growing?

I have one with me. Arthur asked me to specifically call out that the frame is, i'm going to, dude, i'm going to get this. How is that is? Is that camera not love? I I swear this is level.

Okay, this is painful. Okay, then you go, that's what IT looks like. IT comes in tube and it's available now. So that's one of the announcements for the store this week doesn't come with the frame. No IT.

Can I just want you to reiterate shadow, gary, from our design team? And it's printed using pigment tc on luster photo paper, which means it's got greater color and detAiling is more resistant to fading than your average poster own. Okay, thanks.

Team is available in super limited quantities with the limited one per person or okay, apparently this is just like like A A A small thing. Oh also, oh, where to go here? IT is our collaboration with delta hub is now life.

You can pick up one of these L T T, one of these L T T carpio s today using the link in the description. It's got tough lon feet. So unlike a standard interest, IT glides along with your hand.

There we go while you're using IT and basically supports your risks. There's only two thousand units available, so grab yours before they run out. We're going to have IT linked in the video description.

And I have one last update for you guys. Scribe drivers. That's right. The product that should have been called the right off scribed drivers are going to be in stock soon. We've been getting a ton of comments and messages asking when we're going to be restocking and described driver.

For those who don't know, it's a stainless steel uh bolt action pen ah that is made out of a purposed L T T original from the original supplier that disappeared and screw this over and then made these sub part shaft that were not the right early type for a screw driver but IT turns out great for a pen so it's made out of repair posed ltd screw driver shafts. When we initially launched described driver, we sold out of all five thousand of them. And I believe IT was thirty three hours or something like that like IT was IT was about a day. IT was crazy. I don't think I was going to say I don't think we've ever seen sales philock like this, but I think the original crew driver may have been higher.

But either way, I don't think we've been as surprised by sales velocity.

but certainly not yeah. I think we had like two hundred left near the end of one show, right? IT was like, yeah, I was crazy yeah. Anyway, we've come a little more prepared this time. We're going to have ten thousand available next week, but there's over eleven thousand people already signed up for a notification.

So if you want to secure your scribed driver before we run out again, sign up to get notified at lgd gg slash pen, and then you will know exactly when we restart. Seen so many people that are like O M G. I'm being so careful with mine right now because they don't have any more stock.

I'm going to buy another one like as soon as they restock so that I like, don't have to be stressed about losing that. People are freaking loving this thing. Um alright, that was IT.

Then where are pens? As pens is pends under tools? Yes, the pen is under tools, which is finance of writing tool. But seriously, guys, five stars, lets go look at this. Oh, the big one that I found is a bit disappointing.

Well, look, that's all the proof you did that we do not sensor people from posting their real impressions on our site. Are right? May ago cheese, awkward? This is what happens when i'm browsing the site.

Life, you've got to love IT, right? That doesn't change the overall picture. Five star products.


What are we supposed to be doing right now? I do. Okay, more topics.

Let's go. And i'm sorry zal from acron us. I'm sorry. The scene between the two sections is noticeable.

Yeah, I know the scene between the two sections is noticeable that because they are made of different things, this part is made of salvage screw driver shaft, but the shaft does not know a length to the whole pen. We had to machine a separate thing. That's why there they are, separate things.

Okay, well, and right, well, anyway, cool. yeah. Now we wanted to reuse as much as the original material as possible.

The the coolness of the product is, yeah, it's recycle materials.

Ellen says I wouldn't bia fy star product that didn't have some critical reviews. That's fair. That's fair enough.

Oh, that's gonna a fun video. Look, we finally did IT. We did the lowest rated PC we shot at this week.

So David scowered new egg for the worst product, the worst rated products in every category. And we built a PC using all the worst rated products. IT went about as badly as you'd expect.

Now we didn't take we didn't take products that were one star, but just had one review and I was like defective. So I think our threshold ld was IT had to have at least five reviews, but we ended up with a lot of two and half free star products. And without spoiling too much, David tested IT to make sure everything worked and IT didn't fully survive the shoot.


yeah, it's good. It's it's a fun video. It's going to be a good one. I'm very pretty excited for you guys to see that. okay.

Next topic. No, I have more community announcement things. Um there's an article on the lab that was basically just published, which is a uh a deep dive into overlooked the new rising seven ninety seven hundred x um this is a first of its kind of like article type on the lab and it's very cool you check that out. It's there.

It's long.

There's a lot of information score through IT. Go go faster.

Speed I am speed, i'm over clock. This is as fast as I can go, no matter how many want to give me.

I don't believe you.

What about forty five hundred? Hamps, so a few guys are. I think that's the mother. I think that's what the mother boards are giving this OK. Ah I went somewhere else with that. I thought I was gonna letters that spelled something or no no eight thousand and eight times or something like can turn off notifications.

please. yeah. Oh, is that yeah?

I never know my phone. Is this under my leg? fine? Oh, well, then it's my wife though might be important one sec.

Ah, okay, I don't know what that means. cool. Oh, wait.

No, there's all. There's more. Oh, all, there's more. There's a tech holders auction. We made a video where I went to David's house loop. Do you know about this?

Uh, I know you did something with this.

David's moving he's getting into the housing market, which means some of his retro collection, which he has accumulated over many years and spent thousands and thousands of dollars on some of his retro collection, has to go now. He was thinking, hey, we did that tech hoarders video at brian the electricians place.

And people were pretty interested in like seeing me effectively go in and kind of shame people for all of the stuff that they accumulated. You know um people really likes that format. And he was like as much as this is you know me being the the zoo exhibit that were all going to no, I think there's attack orders here.

So what he did was before I got there, he separated he, during lying down the middle, the garage, and he separated the stuff he was keeping from the stuff that he was going to auction in order to help for a gaming space in his new place and help pay for some of the the fixing up that they need to do. And I was like, oh, that super cool, David. But a big part of what you asked to me here to do was to help you get rid of more of IT.

So he had boxes and boxes of retro games. And again, without spoiling too much, he got rid of a lot more than he had originally intended to. And he's going to he's actually got everything that we went through and made him get rid of up for auction right now.

The original video are the video where we're going to look at his heart is up on flow plane right now. So I think that actually went like to shoot mig just closely playing chat way to go in this. I think that went live.

Yeah, that went live while we were on one show today. I'm auctioning his collection tech orders to a absolutely incredible collection. guys. You're gna see, you're going to see some stuff.

Okay, like, why is the own food fight for a tari? why? Why does he own? Why own p why does he pink my ride for the playstation two? okay? Yeah, exactly.

So the video is live on flowing right now where you guys can check out what he's going to have for sale. I believe it's going up on youtube tomorrow. We wanted to make sure people had time to bid on stuff those.

So we're letting the wan show no so they can go take a look right now. It's that urban auction um and all the listings are dispersed among non l tt listings. So we asked them to add an L T T keyword to the listings but haven't heard back.

So look for the listings with this gray hardwood as the background. No, good lord. okay. Well, at any rate, if you go to urban auctions and then refine, search and then l tt, basically anything here is a piece of David collection.

And there is some very, very interesting stuff in here guys like do it's it's kind of wild, a analog consoles. So many councils, a lot of moted councils that he personally moted. There was a lot of stuff that I was attempted to pick up. I'm not seeing I in harder. He must, he must be keeping IT like complete embarks on of fancy seven, a man.

there are some analog councils that 啊, and I don't want to go into IT so much. I have been trying to get them for a long time and talked to certain people and they said that I could get them. And I have not found a route to getting them. I really wish analog continued to make some of their older stuff.


can figure that eventually.

No, the listings should all have lc t in them. Now we have heard back. So dog.

what auction site was that?

A good urban options does see A. And you wanted to throw that link and all the chat shop. okay.

Is there anything else that's on our list of announced? Oh yes, crap yard work. Part three coming out. Swing on flow plain. Keep your eyes ready for that notification.

Also, our episode three giveaway is live now ahead of us releasing episode three, and the prizes include two java edition. Ed, oh, sign delta screw drivers, which I will be signing right now, apparently. So basically .

we love hug urban auctions. Or is my internet just struggling?

H IT has been hard. Okay, well, that's .

just there.

Open up. There we go. It's just long. Anyway, we did a couple of screw drivers in jail as color scheme, and I am going to sign them right now, and you can get a chance to win.

All you got ta do is check out the link in the video description, which I assume is there, but I haven't actually looked for IT. So a good luck, everybody go on him back to my document now. So I will know, I will know.

A, L, G, G, G, flash, S, Y, W. Give away three. They'll have even more screwdrivers to give away, along with a match of really cool and exclusive prizes.

We'll have everything linked in the description. Okay, okay, okay. I think we're good. I think that's all the good lord.

Is that ever a lot of announcements this week? Alright, what you want to do next? I believe in you.

Look, you're going to pick a really good one. What about those things you're supposed to be signing? I just sign them. Okay, good. I wasn't take attention.

Goodyer, he's a fast boy. Um redit C, E, O, hinted payland subtitles and A I search earnings call earlier this week.

Look, we're never gonna we're no, no, no, no, no. We're never gona do the good news when and show at this rate. How dare you pick that topic? I don't think I .

think we already haven't haven't we already covered negative things?

I know. I just mean, it's never gonna happen. No, just fine, fine. Just do IT. I'm over IT.

uh, in her. In an earnings call earlier this week, CEO Steve huffman en suggested that users could start to see payland areas of redit that may include exclusive or private content read IT will start testing oh wow, that I can actually do really, really well. Um redit will start testing AI assisted search later this year using a mix of first and third party AI models to provide search summaries and reddit went uh, public in march of this year and has been aggressively pursuing new ways to vote tize the sites content which is created and moderated by their users which is created incase increased A P I fees which many third party apps could not afford.

So I just had to shut down ah which I think was honestly for being for being real, the play and what they wanted um he signed a deal with google while blocking other search engines from crawling uh maybe this is you know part of why google got crush m monopoly and signed a deal with open a eye, allowing posts and comments to be used to train ChatGPT. They also increase the number of ads shown to users. They're currently testing ads within comments, and they're planning to include ads in search results.

Yox h read its q two earnings reported to fifty four percent increase in sales from the previous year, with losses shrink to ten million from forty one million dollars. Wow discussion question. Why do we keep on putting up with redit? Well, because they crushed all the other competition. So there really isn't much anymore.

Yeah and we're at the point now where they've got that they've got that in combat advantage like your. You're just not gonna a find information on you know, playstation three moving on, a new community that springs up tomorrow. You know not the same way that you will find this this wealth of IT that exists on redit from back win.

Everyone was super into IT, you know? Um I just don't see I just don't see a path forward other than just take IT. Um I don't know.

And to be clear, i'm not saying that I wanted do that. I'm just saying I don't see people standing up. I mean, read IT already polled moves that were deeply, deeply unpopular with the user base. And as far as I can tell, everyone just came crawling right back.

right back, really even left a couple .

of them shut down anything.

We're like the dome scroll maneuver when you like close and APP and then pauses for three seconds and open IT again or you like, oh, i'm done with read on my phone. I will now go on to read IT on my computer. I feel like that's what users did. They're got time. I noted with read IT, i'm going to close IT and walk into another room and then open IT again like I didn't .

notice anything even slowed out.

Oh well, in other news still not good. Google kills the chrome cast, introduces successor google T V streamer. They can just call the google T V because they can .

that in the past is actually red IT. They're gona kill IT with private sub redit um and with monotoned to sub redit because they're already very adult content friendly. So like look out only fans I actually see them.

I thought you know they were onna kill IT is and they were going to kill read IT. Now they are going to crush enormous amount of money from, yes, yeah.

yeah, yes. If I was only fans, I would have my eye on this extremely closely.

Yeah, probably only one. I knowing only fans. Um next topic.

So what has one I is at a snake.

Google fills from cast on tuesday, google analytica, their blog that google T, V, streamer, a set top box replacement for the chrome cast, a set top box replacement .

for .

the handy little jungle gross. Yeah, I know. right. We're added support for, for matter, over thread.

What uh anyway the .

the best of google t for A I powered personalized entertainment, a google into the announcement ment what changed its one hundred dollars compared to a fifty dollar conca four kay, they added an .

inter net port. Okay, i'm actually super into this. The fact that we were all wifi all the time for video streaming was phenomenally stupid.

yes. Yeah, I do like the two .

internet now .

to know paying double the amount for ethnic makes a no sense but um there is a twenty two percent improvement in the S O C, but it's also just like a new product so that's fine. Um they moved from am logic S O C to the same media tech lining up used in the amazon fire stick.

So I first H.

D M I cable built in or any H D M, I goat got to not move up there.

Oh, sorry, these are part of the same thing. I'm so sorry. sorry.

Where did you even go?

I IT followed up with the redit CEO hints that pay world sub redit .

one watching me mess .

with luu can move IT again. Sorry.

I had. I mean.

you can read IT if you want. No, no, go .

alright. Um well, I have to find IT again. So this is a IT no .

longer has an h to my cable built in, or any h to my cable at all. Just support, can you IT .

yeah just support is fine now um I want if one comes in the box.

no, just support. No, just support.

And but he says no cable built in or with .

IT at all sure. Yeah, I know right?

OK, I mean.

things don't come more charges anymore. Look, look, things don't come with charges. This is oh what matters. I like smart home thing and I forget what thread is.

Okay um fcc filing done by quanta computers instead of directly from google. okay. Um the remote has a speaker now so you can try in when IT gets try IT when IT gets lost.

Okay that's actually the volume button. Move to the front of the remote instead of a rocker on the side. I don't love that it's a set top box.

I just hate that is a hunger dollars. I don't really see I don't really see why this needed to be so much bigger and so much more expensive just to have anything at port. Because from my point of view, that's all we've really done here. This is just, this is just, this is a Price hike. That's that's all IT really .

is google TV streamers. Uh, also in my pinin, not a good name.

I was so cool in the sense where .

companies make bad names that are like impossible to decipher. It's just it's so .

generic that searching for anything to do with IT is going to bring up a whole bunch of other garbage, especially in google's zone search engines. That sucks. Yes, it's just a clown cast is like it's catchy.

Everyone knows what that is. I can see how it's kind of outdated these days because realistically, most of what you're doing with a chone cast is not casting from a chrome able device like it's kind of an outdated name. But I had such IT is so well understood like IT has so much momentum already.

I don't see why they wouldn't call chrome cast twenty twenty four just call IT chrome cast even though yet the chrome casting part is not really the most important part of IT. Um I I just don't see why this has to be one hundred dollars. That's my biggest thing here.

Yeah, somebody in fillin chat said there's a lot more storage. I'm not sure about that.

Why do you need to turn a storage on your chrome cast though I did.

I didn't know chrome cast at any storage they do. I never wanted any storage .

you can run and you related games on them .

and stuff I think on .

a cast I think so android games, no yeah yeah has thirty two gigs of storage. So that's something but like, is thirty two gigs of storage cause nothing in .

the modern day?

Yeah I don't know, guys. You have a harder respect suck. It's like marginally faster than the old one. On the high kids says, I just want to streaming blocks experience without any attachment to paying.

I mean, what are you gona stream from that isn't going to come from what? What is that? Facebook, amazon, apple, netflix's, google? Like common, what is? What is the new frying acron? Um I think there's a new .

one yeah this but yeah .

I don't know I don't know what .

the latest one .

is yeah course has ditched eighty plus. They are dropping the widely recognized eighty plus powers supply certification for the newer, more comprehensive cybernetics lab certification.

So eighty plus actually doesn't measure much IT measure the efficiency of a power supply at four different load levels, ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred percent sib ecs applies more than one thousand four hundred fifty different load combinations to devices under test and considers efficiency, power factor and noise level in its ratings. Oh, bonus results comparison. What is this? Oh, no.

interesting. We've got the same power supply evaluated by eighty plus CBA tics and L, T, T. labs.

That's kind of cool. Here we go. Okay, i'm screen sharing.

So this is the report from eighty plus on the season. Ic focus seven hundred fifty. what? The G X seven fifty? yeah.

So gx seven fifty from seasonal. So basically input power, output power. So efficiency, efficiency, it's all pretty much just efficiency. Okay, here is cybernetics. Already looks more ferial cables and connectors engage of the wires.

This is actually pretty important because um I don't know if I ever saw a switch room where a manufacturer changed the gage of the wires, but we definitely saw runs back in the day where manufacturers would submit for certification with shorter wires and then they would ship with longer ones that were Better for cable management. But those shorter wires would allow them to get Better efficiency and a Better eighty plus of rating average efficiency. And cool, cool, cool, cool.

A C loss are hold up time, empire power, who efficiency giraffe? Oh, that's kind of cool. So minor rails versus major versus twelve o rail because if you have i've there were some power supplies, especially back in the day where if you had absolutely no load on them outside of the twelve vote rail, they would really struggle like they expected to be evenly loaded.

It's not nearly as much of the issue today, but how much of an issue is IT? Well, you only know if you look at proper power supply testing. This is great. I actually have been very pleased to see cybernetic ics start to horn on eighty plus monopoly and sort of validating power supplies. And to see course there are come out and be supportive of this is just great.

Let's do away with this meaningless, this meaningless certification that doesn't really help people properly understand the difference between a good and bad power supply um and tried to support more comprehensive testing so that people really know what they're buying. And then moving on, we've got L T T labs overview of the same panel supply. So there are things that um we are interested in that sibneft s isn't necessarily I don't know if we've actually got that role out yet, but one of the things that I know we're working on is a look at the um the length of all of the cables.

Yeah, so we don't have the rule out yet. So that's hopefully coming in the future. And you're really going to have to own man.

We're going to throw a lot from a hold up duration ation cool. Good job. Cyp ethics. Stay real, kay. What else we got today?

Would you next?

X war to asks, would you give an lt. T labs certification stamp in the future? We've talked about that as a possibility right now. That is not a right now. That's not something that's on our road map. I think we still have a lot of work to do to um expand our testing across more verticals, to go deeper into testing in some of the verticals that we already test, um standardized some of our testing, a build up our team to have a more more back up so that we can so we can test more products in the queue at once, like there's there's so much that we have to do before. I think we're going to try and develop a program where we boiled ed down the quality of a product to like a simple badge or color code or a grade or something like that, that kind of make sense, that kind of a line interim head of labs maybe should to let you answer that question. Bps.

I don't think we've talked about that publicly.

by the way. Well, got to go.

Uh shi picking on the topic. Nice is just made perfect hardware hacker is developed method for restoring software brick first gen apple home pods, many users have many users of the original home pod, have the units brick, do the software areas, i'm not going to dress that at all.

Don't have U, S, B ports only proprio connector hired under the base a used by apple for diagnosis ics and apple's only responds to brick home pod has been to charge users for out of warranty, repairs and replacements, leaving users with no other options until now. I'm not no, I see chat. I'm not addressing IT a repair guy mix fix in collaboration with two how do I say that name? David scales .

scale .

not sure um and thin star figured out how to open the the home pod up, access the port and fix the software. He published detailed instructions on how to fix IT yourself or you can just ship IT and pay for him to do IT um the detailed instructions are on github um if you look for a home pod dash restore and get how you should able to find IT very ool project is he coming back in? Hello, is everyone. God.


what is is line is coming back. who? Oh my goodness.

Oh my goodness. Okay, I can keep doing topics. I'm going to keep you boring IT.

R, I, P, game informer, after thirty three years, the longest right, the longest reading U. S. Giving magazine is gone. Game stop, who acquired the magazine in two thousand, has laid off all thirteen staff members. This comes after multiple rounds of layoff since eighteen. And as a final slap in the face of the staff, the federal message wasn't written by anyone at game informer and looks like IT was written by A I.

Apparently the next .

issue was about seventy percent complete when the last were announced. And a group LED by former G I, R game and former video producer fan hanson is now attempting to preserve as much of the publications as possible.

sorry. Look, i'd love to talk in more detail about what we were talking about before, but I had some well tooth to you.

这是我 well so 我 you like subby body with well just try say say my。

Someone that might be.

The first .

um sorry.

That's marly. A man, what is? What is that? There's a podcast that releases an episode like once a decade as far as I can tell um but I I like you a lot.

It's called a life are wasted and they have an episode uh their first episode ever is called the death of E G M or electronic gaming monthly um and it's actually a really cool look into the closure of one of these old gaming magazines. Um I I would highly recommend listening to IT. Um it's old so you know keep that in mind from like twenty thirteen or something.

Um but yeah IT sucks on these times of publications go down and. The like somewhat death of modern journalism has been unfortunate. But yeah discussion question is, what are some gaming magazines or websites that you and then in brackets, audience, miss, and where can the people go today for news reviews and previews? Well, some gaming news you can get from game linked. Other than that, there's like game ranks as a really awesome youtube channel for game me soft. And i've washed over the years.

Those guys voice been .

great as I get all my .

game is from yotta.

from yai zero punk.

fully ramblin matic oh right right .

there is the whole .

follow up with the .

the escapist yes. Um yeah I think it's genuinely like mostly youtube these days, which is kind of weird. But I mean.

that's swear of the money is it's hard to make money in written. And yes, it's not a secret. We've talked about its so many times on the show. It's not a mystery why written publications are struggling because you can't make money with unobtrusive ads and people are onna block the attractions that you can make money with so your options are. Just don't make money or um yeah go under I remember what .

you look for .

death con and I I remember .

there was one time when I was a lot Younger when I was flying. I had A A A layovers in vegas for like a few hours. Um I didn't have a ton of money at the time, but I was stuck in the airport.

I wasn't to leave the airport even though I was here for like I think it's like four, five hours or something. Like what was I going to do in vegas? I like teen.

Um so I entertained myself by buying, uh, I think I was like, I don't know, like a PC gamer magazine or or x parks magazine or something at the time um because that was something I used to enjoy. I remember I had the I think this is the x box magazine article that was the like, all the free released information for halo too. I read that thing so many times.

Oh, man, I I used to really like the gaming magazines. I liked having columns in them that were written by by the same people all the time. So you knew like what of what kind of a writer that person was.

So you could, you could almost read IT in their way. So that type of stuff I was like pre youtube for for me, for gaming news content. Yeah, I don't know. Sad, but the world .

keeps moving. Apparently second wind group is in hot water now as well. I have no idea um how much of I I don't know much more beyond one of their creators just resigned following apparently a couple others who resigned. Good gravy. All right, cool. Good luck everybody.

不会。 Go watch game links。 Yes okay.

Next topic.

Over supposed to do sponsors. Speaking of keeping a sustainable business going, the shows brought you today by msi. Are you dying to mess mur the entailed over and over because you fail to get good?

Wow, I love what a great job they did of motion tracking this to, uh, make IT seem like I ever even managed to get to this point. Love IT. Or is that your old motherboard slowing you down? Maybe you need some help from our sponsor.

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LG to backbone. Ze back blaze is an affordable and easy to use cloud back of solution that starts at just nine dollars a month. You can back up almost anything from your mac PC and access to anywhere in the world, their website, mobile apps.

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Backlist has fifty five billion files restored into three exhibitions of data under their management, and you can try IT out for free with no credit card required for fifteen days at backbone ze dot coma slash when all right then hit us with a couple merge messages. Apparently, yeah, apparently. sure.

What's wrong? What's with the stagnation in consumer wired networking? We've had ten gig for decades, but they invent a newer, slower and base t and implement that instead. Also the u seven pro max bottle necked by two point five g up link.

It's really hard, is really expensive um also and this is going to be this is going to be a real bummer for people who don't feel this way and don't agree. But faster than gigabit is just not necessary for almost anyone. And trust me, if you're one of those people who needs two and a half gig, five gig, ten gig, I hear you.

I'm with ya I want faster. I want faster networking. But the vast majority of what anybody does is not gonna bottled next next by gigabit, which has been around since on consumer motherboards since what like um to early two thousands, late nineties like i'm pretty sure socket a motherboards had gigg a bit networking.

So here well, let me see. Let me see. Okay, here's a the retro web. Here we go.

And this is a motherboard that was like kind of popular back when I was getting into computers. Blah, blah. No issue.

Cake, two times. R G forty five, nine chips. Here we go. yeah. okay. So this was, this was PCI gig a bit, which was kind of problematic because IT used up a lot of the available PCI E R P I E, A lot of the available PCI bus which was shared um if you were actually transfering at full speed, not that you really could to anything, meaning flink, because your internet would be nowhere near that speed.

And realistically, unless you were I me yeah I guess transfering off of the nas, you might get close. But there was there was windows overhead and stuff like you never really saw gigabit speeds back in those days. But also PCI just wasn't fast enough that you could get full, full gigabit speeds.

So this wasn't even proper giggle bit yet. But IT was already a thing like backward. This board was popular.

So this would have bit in like what two thousand three, something like that like two thousand two, two thousand three and forced to era. But it's fine. And making interfaces go fast over long distances is still really hard.

I mean, look at things like thunder able. We can go as fast as forty gigg a bit per second through you with USB ups, right? But those interfaces are limited to look.

Do you know off the top your head is IT a meter or something like that? Like what's the fastest? What's what's the longest cable length you can do forty gigabit over for?

I don't know. I thought my head.

I just look, get up. Not fine. I'm on IT already. Two metres, two me two metres like an e .

feet yeah an ether .

net standard that can handle one hundred meters is not a useful ethernet standard. And so the complexity that you're adding in signaling on both ends in order to transmit at and and receive at much higher data rates over much greater distances, you've got to have a you've got to have a really good reason to make that kind of investment in in both are indeed developing these chips.

And in just the cost of putting these chipsets into your devices, I would make the argument that even two and a half cake, the vast majority of devices that are shipping with a tune and half g interface on them are not taking advantage of IT almost ever the way that most people are using them. Like i'm thrilled that consumer motherboards have tuna half gland on them now because I happen to have a two and half gig internet connection. And even then, the only time that really comes up is when i'm downadup games.

And even then, the only reason matters for me is because my computer is fast enough that I can actually unpack those games at two hundred and fifty seven bites a second. Because if if I didn't have a fast ough processor, I would even be able to take advantage of that connection on a single system. So why not more like why we just we haven't been incentivised and it's really, really, really hard over great distances there. Look to you have anything to add to that? I miss anything.

No, I don't think so.

Ah hey, linus, I saw you mentioned power rangers in a bit recently. Which one of them was your favorite? Oh, which part has gotta be Tommy? right?

You don't do by color.

Well, I mean, well, Tommy was multiple colors .

though or but I .

liked him because he was like, you know that the evil ranger, the Green ranger and Green was just like my favorite color and also like, he was cool and and then he was the White ranger later. But then I didn't really care anymore about power rangers by that point. So sure, Green ranger, yeah, let's go with Green ranger. Mean, the last thing you want to do is like stand the White power ranger.

Yeah, that's the .

lockwood. Yeah, which they'd thought of that back then.

really? Yeah, really do.

Oops, right. Last time I got for you here. Why is IT not OK for me to spend eight dollars to look like jack sparrow in fortnight, but fine for my aso to spend fifty dollars to get her nails done or for people to die their hair? It's all just cosmetics.

Well for one thing um I would ask both of you guys who are trying to impress like IT might not be OK for your esso to spend fifty bugs together nails done who's you trying to attract? Not i'm kids. I'm kidding.

I'm three guys are doing great. Somebody that plays a Better video again. Look, I don't think either lucar I have ever said don't support um content that you love. What we don't like is the predatory practices that companies like epic games are engaging in. Personally, i'm really not that into spending money on either of those things.

I you know I think I think you're probably right that I wouldn't judge someone for having their nails painted as much as I would sort disapprove if I was my kids. I wouldn't disapprove as much of them buying in eight dollar bottle nail polish uh compared to an eight dollar skin in fortnight. Um honestly speaking, it's not something that i've thought about much and it's a really good question.

What is the difference? I would say that one difference for me, especially if you are doing IT yourself, like if you're painting your own nails, you know, putting on your own little stickers, putting on your own clear coats or whatever, I would say that that's an activity. I'd say that a hobby, however, you could make a similar argument for fortnight of playing fortnight is is your activity.

If it's, if it's your hobby, if that's your form of self expression, then I think you could make an argument there. Um I wouldn't do either. I I definitely have died my hair at points in my life.

I was a lot Younger um and you know why I did IT was at the last time I died my hair before the debris sponsorship for the the the bleach this time which by the way didn't cost me anything. I actually made money on IT. So yeah, more that the baLance this was not, this was not me painting my nails are buying a four nights can.

The last time I did IT was when I had started dating evon, but hadn't made her parents yet. And for laws, I died my hair bleach blonde right before he introduced me to her parents, to trolly von. That was the last time that I, 我的。 Can can you believe he married .

me sometimes I don't know. Kd talk says line .

is spent money on a facial treatment so he'll spend money on cosmedin s actually that is totally that is totally true. Um again though, you know I do consider look, can I talk about this on the show? I do consider maintaining my appearance to be an investment in my career at this point like um not looking like my bodies falling apart is is an advance antares when you are an on camera personality, we can we can not like that you we can think that stupid or whatever.

But there is no arguing with IT like if you if you want to argue that you know not looking presentable doesn't matter um for an uncomfortable as a media personality, you you're just wrong like you're just actually wrong. That is not how works. No, bro talks.

I forget what it's called marfisa. It's like it's like a micro micro needling, micro puncturing treatment. Now that's IT so far a lot just like, yeah that's what I got the butt lift oh um anyway I think .

a lot of its like people's habits and stuff too like um. Line is mention the whole predatory nature of IT IT can hit people really hard. Uh, like gambling is is one of the things that I look at.

Gambling has really countless lives. At the same time, I know of one person who has a very healthy relationship with gambling. They know that they really like gambling. They find IT very entertaining and they will take the money that IT would cost to take themselves in their partner out to a movie um and like get dinner and then they're leave all the rest of their methods of getting money at home and they'll take that money to the casino and they get dinner at the casino and the gamble and win, they're out of money.

Or when they feel like going home, they go home and that's like, well, alright, if you find that just as entertaining as going to go watch a movie or more so and you're spending the same amount of money, that seems like a relatively healthy relationship with IT. But in saying that the vast majority of people don't treat gambling that way when they come. So like it's it's not gambling can still be bad. But here's the thing .

coming back to hugos question here. Like what's the difference? The cosmetic is the cosmetics industry has probably done more damage to people's mental health then four night games, honestly um and did not just not just mental health.

I mean, we want to talk about you testing on animals or know any other any other harm that the cosmetics industry has created or perpetuated. It's it's not an industry that i'm looking at going like, oh yeah, well, that's like a perfectly reasonable thing to support. I don't know.

Maybe it's just maybe it's that was already Normalized when I was in my formative years. Personally I have man, I hate, I hate to get into this kind of thing because I am not judging or anything but personally I find um super um done up nails unattractive. Uh, i'm not neutral on IT.

Um I find that I find IT unattractive to me. IT looks like IT looks like um not just not wanting to like work with your hands. If IT came to that, IT looks like actively avoiding successfully avoiding doing anything that would that would break a nail or or or damage damage the glue on or or damage the finish of the ends of your fingers. Um it's not a trait that I find attractive personally um. So cool.

I don't know that really means anything.

Well, what IT means what they were asking, why do you have this double standard lines? Why do you think it's why do you think it's not cool to spend eight books to be jack spir on fortunate but IT is fine for my s and to spend fifty box for your nails I am not into as so spending fifty bucks on nails I think it's stupid .

so yeah but I think there is very tangible social and professional rivals for not keeping up a certain level of appearance um which you have already pointed out. And I don't really think that exists with gaming skins. I think it's a different thing.

I think if you show up looking to travel all the time, people don't take you as seriously. Yeah, but show up without gaming skins. I don't take anyone cares .

or rather I mean, back to my original question is who are you trying to impress? Uh, maybe someone cares about you not having the cool lest gaming skin, but you know what?

Why are you trying to impress them?

Yeah, yeah. Zero sixteen life says lines kinda. Judi, look, I was talking about what personally I find attractive. Personally, I I knew that evan and I were headed for a long term relationship when he was over at my parents place, when we were quite a bit Younger.

And my parents asked for help mucking out the horse, ls and ivan offered to help and shovelled horse manual with me so that I could be done faster so we could spend more time together if SHE had said, okay, i'll see you in a bit. I can't do that because I might damage the on my paint on my fingers. I'd been like cool because to me um you know that i'm just not into IT, i'm not into IT. I'm sorry and that works for some people like .

and that's totally fine.

Yeah that's totally cool. But i'm i'm just not going to that not all. Yeah.

hey, this.

Oh, topics, right? Oh, I got signed out. perfect.

Good timing. Okay, good topic. yeah. Lucar you figuring .

with something? Yes, stop.

IT. I'm sorry I stopped. Minus still has his phone on ever IT was me already switching .

between the freeze in and the and the not free spin?

Oh my god, shake your like like a Normal person. I hope you doing that too. You sure you don't have a hd as well? He .


doesn't, did say. Gonna get us demonetized with that. Sorry, you're not sorry if you were sorry, you wouldn't have done IT. That's one of my favorite event. Mines, yeah, that's good.

Logan paul suits coffee zilla for defamation investigation. Youtube or coffee zilla is being sued for defamation by progressed lor and feel youtube or logan paul.

okay. I mean .

he is is he doesn't he fight in the W W year, whatever?

I guess technically anything you've been paid to do.

you're a professional at social. And uh well, the logan poland coffee zilla have a ten U S. Relationship since coffee zilla a did an expose on logan polls N F T slash crypto game called cyp to zoo. This lawsuit doesn't have to do with that. Uh, with that reporting though, paul did threatened to see for those videos, but drop the threats instead. The law suis primarily focused on a tweet from coffee zilla that reads logan paul really is the type of dude to thank you when you exposes sm then block you when you remind him to pay up the tree is uh referencing no, the tweet is referring to polls announced buyback of crypto assets from the community that invested in crypt zoo that only promised to cover a fraction of the money invested and apparently has not yet materialized. Thankful ly to protect from frivolous lawsuits. Coffee zilla has media insurance or errors and emissions insurance, which is standard insurance for many media outlets to use when being sued for things like information, except his insurance company refuses to cover his claim, meeting that coffees will will have to pay expenses out of pocket unix to help further defense, coffee zilla has done emerge drop, which can be found at coffee zilog store OK .

so there's a couple of things here um that I I feel like are necessary to talk about his insurance company fAiling to cover him is due to sort of a comedy of errors where I think a coffee zl is existing um as an emissions coverage was expiring so he asked to get a new one and then they got him a new one and he was like, hey but does not like have this coverage and they are like, yeah and then he didn't read IT and IT turns out IT didn't um so who's liable for his for his insurance not covering this is probably TBD after some kind of legal process pays out, but that's what I believe we know so far.

Um the other thing is a lot of people don't seem to understand what defamation is. Um it's a word that i've used before. It's a word that we've used before as a company.

And IT has a really specific meaning that I think a lot of people do not understand. If you were to say something like, hey, don't do a defamation about me, don't define me. That doesn't mean you can't say anything negative.

You can absolutely say something negative. You just Better be damn good ensure that it's true. Defamation is saying something about someone that damages their reputation, and this isn't true.

Now the definition of truth and who the owner is on to prove the veracity of the claims is gonna vary from region to region um depending on how the laws are working, how everything is set up. But functionally, defamation, slander, libel, all of these things are only bad if what you're saying is not true. so. Our discussion question here is how does one defame someone with a reputation as bad as logan polls? I can still .

obviously happen yeah.

this is going to be a really tough one because as far as I can tell logan yet, by the way, not legal advice. But I just want to make IT really clear, guys, that there is nothing wrong with saying someone, something about someone that hurts the reputation that is true. And personally, I, I, I have never objected to someone saying something about me that hurts my reputation that is true. My only objection has ever been when someone says something that damages my reputation that is not, in fact, true. So this is where low in poll is going to have to is going to have, I guess, a chAllenge ahead of him to prove that what coffee zilla said was untrue or misleading and also damaged his reputation um if you want a deeper .

dive into the legal side of IT cuff, not coffee zilla legal eagle has a video from two weeks ago um that goes over the case.

Man, it's wild in coffee zillah's line of work IT is wild that he was without eras an emissions insurance. So eras an emissions insurance would cover if you accidentally defame someone so it's kind of A C Y A um for yet if he did accidentally defame him.

Looking at this tweet though, that feels like it's gonna a really difficult case for logan paul approve, like maybe the plan is just to bury him in legal fees as opposed to actually collect any money from them. I also can't imagine that logan polar really needs the money from coffee iller. um.

One quick, I going to be a bit.

Yeah okay he apparently specifically shows a state that didn't have anti slap laws. So the idea is just a bearing in legal fees um yeah so slap I forget the exact I forget what IT stands for. But basically it's like it's it's a frivolous lawsuit that's just designed to waste someone's time and money.

Strategic lawsuit against public participation. There you go. okay? Man, this is, this is wild.

Good luck with that, logan paul, but especially good luck with that coffee zilla. I want to go check out. okay?

Rally is adding some stuff because apparently watching one show. So his insurance company added specific exemptions to his agreement, saying they wouldn't cover deformation and errors and emissions. IT wasn't caught by coffee.

Zoe's team or insurance broker coffees also thinks they may have scamped him, but cannot be sure. And insurance brokers are one of those things like, dude, ah, then have you ever used to travel? legend? Um no, I don't think so. okay. Um it's one of those things where they claim that they can save you money, but they take a cut.

So how does the math work on that every single time, whether we're talking insurance brokers, mergers brokers, travel agents every single time where there is an opportunity to cut out a middle person, evan has been able to negotiate a Better deal than through a broker. And with fewer communication breakdowns. I know in some cases, insurance, there's absolutely no way to get away from brokers.

But now I just I hate adding extra middle persons with their extra cuts and with their extra potential for communications to break down. I'm about to say something that might be pretty unpopular with some of the people that we work with professionally. But agencies, marketing agencies are another example of that.

I can think of very many. I can think of some. I'm not gonna me any named here, but I can't think of many situations where our engagement with a brand was enhanced by dealing with a creative or marketing agency.

IT generally just adds complexity, reduces how far the budget will stretch because they always take a cut and generally reduces the amount of information that we can get. IT is just it's terrible, basically terrible. Any two case says, often travel agents receive deals directly from hotels and two Operators that you may not have access to except veni.

If you call that hotel and say, hey, my travel agent offered me this deal, they will often give you a Better deal, because money is just money, money e's money. And if they have to give someone else some of IT, then they'd be Better off negotiating with you directly. That's just, that's just how IT is. Kelly says, I used to travel agent, that may not save me any money, but they save me a ton of time, and that's fair enough. My problem is king .

about travel.

So I was, I was just talking about middleman. My problem is I have any von who will always do a Better job than like the travel I glt would do anyway. So it's really tough.

Um alright, oh, yeah, right. I wanted to check out. I wanted to check out the store.

Kay, where's the where's the link? We're the link. go. Oh, coffee a little out store. Yes.

have you checked anything? Is yeah the thank you I am suing shirt is pretty cool.

What he says i'm seeing, okay, yeah, I used to like coffee e zilla until he investigated me. That's awesome. I want that one. It's going to I I think I might actually buy that because a hold on every go.

Coffee zilla bomb investigated. Look at this guy. Look at this muggy.

He looks guilty. It's a different guy. That guy has appeared. Ah, yeah, I know. right.

Did he do us only once? Or did he do us more than one? Did linus die his hair and chavez beer to do escape controversy? Did you? Did you only do us the one time?

IT kay, i'm doing IT, thirty, thirty eight dollar. Okay, alright, fine, 好, fine, fine, fine, fine. Ine, there's a long sleeve.

Okay, I think I might need this one. Yeah, let's go at car. I've even looked at everything yet.

OK, i'm actually just shopping right now. Few guys wanna hang out and shop with me and that's cool. If you want look to do a topic that's cool too.

No, there's just shot. Just don't check IT on stream.

please. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just relax, going to check IT on stream.

Just you would absolutely do IT.

Are they all t shirts? He should have a screw driver. We should do a coffee illa defense screwdriver, you know, right?

I just want to show out. I want to show coffee zilla proposing in his own merge. okay?

I hate that when the youtube r thinks that drop is cool enough for you to spend money on IT, but doesn't think it's cool enough to take fifteen minutes out of their day and put the match on and be in the picture. He's gonna step above beyond that too. This is awesome.

Look at the backgrounds and they are like color match. Sick, this is great great yeah i'm i'm doing this one. The area.

the area of what cat .

one we talking vote yeah .

the thank you. I'm soon ensure IT .

is a cat yeah that's cool. But I like the one that speaks directly to me. I mean, the cat is pretty cool.

Yeah, it's like it's topical because IT talks about how like when when logan paul bank him at the beginning and then kind of turned around and is now trying to do and all that kind of stuff.

Yeah, now I like the one I like. I like the one that I can pretend is him addressing me directly. To be clear, I never, I never, I never stopped liking coffees there. I think I actually wasn't even aware of his video until we were talking about coffees will are covering someone else on the show and sometimes like yo coffees, i'll covered you before something like that I forget.

Yeah and labor .

says was gonna linus sand in the photos for the croma on the store but oh, he's wearing IT right now. Let's go. Come at me.

Come at me. I will use any product from L, T, T, store dog com. And if it's good enough for me, it's good enough for you.

let's go. Yeah, give me say.

now this guy, this guy is going away against probably getting hacked, probably getting like death. Conn, all right. I guess I will have to check out later, but i'm gonna to try to not forget to do this.

It's going to be really, really, really, really hard. Okay, what do we want to talk about next? down? Apparently you and I on IT together.

But look, has the shirt. He has one shirt. He has the RGB one. Sorry, I was pointing .

out that I, I, I wore mine yesterday.

哦, nice. perfect. right? Funding the coffee in the first.

All right. Let you want to talk about. Next.

look why I picking all the the topics.

You always pick the topics. There's a new one that got added at the talk, I believe.

Oh, IT just ready now. Two investigations by four, four media exposed, a facebook and interval. A, I swap spam and b in video, scraping netflix, youtube and A, I training. Jason cobbler spent months researching where facebooks grow, test. A I span like trip jesus comes from, and found an ecosystem of influencers making courses on youtube and telegram, teaching people how to use facebooks create program bonus to make money. Turning out A I engagement bate the influences primarily located in india, the Philippines and vietnam in uh trained people to set up an automated systems generating prompts like poor people, thin body to feed into microsoft, free A I image generator and then post hundreds of A I generated images on facebook per day accounts, get approved from motivation after a few days of turning out A I post, one spammer made four hundred and thirty one dollars from a picture of a train made of leaves for their part. Facebook does have automated spam detection, but these A I spam artizan s have complicated ways to.

okay, this article is crazy because you basically the, I forget what IT is you like, make you make a word press site, and then you like link IT to something else on the back end. And then I like post on your behalf. And because like into an ad on facebook, but is not an ad, but IT like looks like a certain type of content. So when people click IT, they think they're opening a gallery, but actually they're just going to a site like like although ways that is interconnected i'm i'm looking at this going like do is just facebook like really but apparently people are making serious get serious money at .

this yeah .

facebook is .

created program page says that incentivises original content, which does technical, describe newly generated AI images. Jason um the the authors take away or that obviously I don't fault the people who are making money this way yeah I mean.

there a lot of them are coming from places where they don't necessarily have a lot of opportunities. Now that doesn't mean that I think it's great. However, if you read the article, look, I I read IT before the show.

If you read the article is clear that this is a systemic problem. This is something that facebook is clearly not motivated to fix and could fix if they wanted to because yes, but because everyone's making money from this just engagement bate. Facebook is clearly looking the other way and not closing these loopholes.

That's where Jason's coming from, where don't blame the people that are using this loophole. It's kind of it's kind of tax avoidance basically saying, look, don't blame the person Better, don't blame the person who's minimizing their tax. You would do the same thing. Blame the lawmakers who are clearly enabling this behavior in doing nothing to stop IT the fact that it's .

usually the case that the people avoiding the tax or paying the lawmakers to keep IT there.

So you should still blame them. Yes, yes. But i'm trying to explain where his point is coming from. And it's just not quite as black and weight as I think IT came across in the notes.

Yeah, that makes sense. A american tech companies, these these are the office takeaway again, american tech companies, yet again, launching things to understanding how they will be used. And our convoys about info integrity player orm m. Eeta are very divorced from reality. okay. In a separate investigation for a four media's, Samantha cole obtained slack messages and documents showing that to train an AI video model in video script as much as eighty hours of video per day from netflix and super high quality youtube channels. Like, yes.

we talked about this before. The only differences that I think in video has given a statement now saying that their AI training practices are in full compliance with the letter and spiritual copyright law. Um so yeah sure that's definitely not say .

we didn't do that also get red finest ah you were not named uh, in video compiled a list of.

sorry, I wasn't named in what yeah .

what they said they scraped eighty hours of video per day from netflix and super high quality youtube channels like M, K, B, H, D, but not X.


I P uh in video compiled the list of at least thirty eight point five million video eos to scrape screen shots show a senior employee discussing downloading the whole netflix um when asked if they had approval for scraping the same senior employee called IT an executive decision saying that we have an umbrella approval for all of the data in the statement for four media and video said its A I training practices are infused complaints like it's just said um when asked for comment a google representative linked for for media to a bloomberg interview in which youtube CEO neal mohan said that a opening ice raping youtube to train its sort of video generator would be against youtube terms of service which isn't them saying that .

the statement to get .

rid the heat that isn't them .

saying that in video IT wasn't given permission.

That's true which .

would be interesting because back to what I was talking about, man has been two hours ago on the shower whenever ver IT was where I said that in general, youtube had built up credibility with me, had built up trust with me in the past but has losted in a big way um this is a perfect example of one of the kinds of things that I would have assumed youtube would do the right thing at some point.

But I would no longer assume you tube do the right thing about the obvious right thing for them to do here if they are monitise ing. My video as a member of the youtube partner program would be to share that revenue. But you look at some of the moves that google has made more recently, like when they opened up monetization on videos, on channels that were not enabled for motivation.

Yeah, I was looking at a going, hey, you guys recognized that this creates a clear conflict of interest, right? Like you guys are financially motivated to run ads at a higher rate on channels that are not enabled for youtube partner program because you guys keep everything. It's not like you take that and share the bucket that would have gone to the craters, not like you distribute that to other creators on the platform to continue to build this ecosystem.

You guys just taking IT, whereas when you run in out on my channel, you have to you have to share IT with me and they're like no less on a problem and like we're not doing anything wrong. Unlike I didn't say you I didn't say you were favoring IT. I said it's a conflict of interest.

I said you guys are financially incentivized to favorite and basically, that was the end of the conversation. Um so this is another this is another clear example. If google were to monetize video that's being upload to the platform in this way, this is another example of something that I would have once upon a time assumed that they would share with their creator community. And nowadays, I don't believe that they went.

对。 I don't know the whole things going to suck someone. I think tweed, there's something there was A A being chat response that they got to a question, no, it's unread. And I think of being chat response that they got to a question in which decided the elt t forum.

nice. thanks.

Opening night. Yeah.

yeah, exactly. So matos skua asked for permission a lot. Apple has been trying to step up security on the map in recent years, making IT more awkward to run apps that require certain permissions or apps from non uh, APP store sources with sqa.

Apple will remove the ability to control click to override gatekeeper when opening unsigned or non notarized apps that are granted. Access to features like stream recording or location tracking will also now require the user to continue to allow the access on a weekly basis as well as after every system restart. Apple has not commented publicly, but apparently has confirmed to multiple developers that this is not a bug.

Some articles suggest that this could be a domestic abuse prevention measure, while others liking IT to windows vist as U A, C prompts calling IT a subscription you didn't buy but can't cancel. Our discussion question is where to draw the line between keeping users safe while staying out of the way of power users that don't want you to nani them. Um I don't have answers here. Yeah the problem is that okay, you know back to the domestic abuse argument, you know spouses screen sharing of screen recording everything you do, should you should you find that out if you're not tex savy? Ah I don't know the right answers here, but I do know that I would find those proms annoying and I would want to get them to go away.

I think there's other ways to deal with that like a like computer use awareness, little like notification. They could be like, I don't know, I I think that's not too difficult of the thing to do. I like do a pop up once a week.

Like did you know that your screen is like constantly being recorded? This is like not Normal activity for most users. We're just making sure that you're aware because there could be like issues with this. Something like that would be fine. Easy things just get OK yeah but super annoying constant password prompt result in terrible, easy to crack passwords like that's not .

a solution either. G, R, one says this is going to end up like yeah yeah hundred .

percent exactly like it's that's why i'm saying, like try to bundle IT into like a warning, like not nonstandard usage warning of someone.

After thirty three years, the longest running U. S. Gaming magazine is gone.

Ripped gaming former. You did, yes, alright, let's do emerge messages. And then I kind of actually need to go, got okay.

He me, then. Dance there, then is not there. Oh, I I guess i'll read some merge messages. Trustin says, am I the only one who's really impressed by then? Five thoughts.

Lucina's an, yes, it's only marginal performance improvement, but at thirty to forty percent less power in a lower M S R P. Hey, p bo exists. Tech unity tech community seems called on them.

I mean, I think we made our position really clear in our review. We were quite positive on five. We acknowledge that it's not for everything and it's not for everyone. Um I am super not stoked on the fact that A M D didn't give IT a higher power target out of the box and the fact that I have to avoid my warranty in order to see the generational uplift that is absolutely there if IT was unlocked from the factory. But it's also not the first time that we've seen this kind of very conservative power management from AMD.

We've seen that before with their five thousand series and seven thousand series x 3d chips。 So maybe this amount of power is just what's safe horizon nine thousand, and that's just what we're going to have to live with. But overall, I think a big part of the tech communities frigidis is based on the tech community is perspective of is this a great upgrade for my processor? That's the latest and greatest today.

That world is over. You guys like that, that's dead. Upgrading every generation is just not a thing anymore.

So what we're comparing against is if it's time to buy a new computer right now, how does IT compete in the market? And the answer is really well. I figured out what that notification sound is coming from.

It's coming from my watch. Sorry, you guys kept telling me to mute my notifications. I was, I go.

I did I that's why I was so loud because I was right next to the market. Yeah, not used to. I'm not used to wearing a smart watch more.

I mean, to be honest with you guys, I do not actually know how to just the volume on this I figured IT out yeah being tech influence or whatever are right. cool. Sorry about open a ticket.

Um alright, then you want to hit us with emerge messages? Yes, sure. I've got a bunch here.

Let's see. Um do contaminant monitoring products exist for water loops that could have alerted you before yours failed? I work a tech that could easily be pivoted to that use case.

If there's a market for IT, i'm sure IT does exist, but certainly not at the kind of cost that I would want pay for my jackie stupid dump ed heating to my pool water cooling loop. I've got some i've got some plans for the longer term, but that gap super cool technology and probably not applicable outside of like real data centers and supercomputers and stuff. Sorry, chance seems to have missed.

What did I miss when I was away? No, you're okay. cool. Uh, look, IT seems like you pump the breaks. When discussing web technologies, I would love to see more segments related to your expertise, insights and opinions.

How do I pop the breaks?

I don't know you you press down on them a few times.

Thanks like this.

You should probably have them blad if they're spongey like that.

I yeah I don't think most of the audience really cares. Um I think I address IT at a level that gets the point across but doesn't result of me talking about IT for freaking ever. We're not like a web developer creator.

Um I met death con right now hanging out with a few of them, but that's not really what we do. So honestly, if you want content on that, you're probably Better off just viewing someone else says um but I don't I don't mind like trying to answer the questions that do come through that. Also being said, i'm not a developer these days. Um I managed developers and am in the space but like, yeah I don't know. I do what I can and I do what make sense.

Hi first time merch messenger, a passion project i've had in mind, build a computer with the longest possible lifespan around three hundred years maybe how would you go about this hardware, software, custom video topic? You wouldn't um you might be able to find data storage that would last that long.

I think m desk has a lifespan in neighborhood of hundreds of thousands of years, but every element of a modern computer is going to significantly decay across that kind of period of time. I'm sorry. Hello, dan, luke and texting shady having both this lexi and adhd and had an x tell me that annoy her any advice on dealing with your adhd and the slept a in your relationship and professional life? Find someone who likes you for you. Be apologetic on IT be up front. Don't use that as an excuse um all .

three of those yeah try try to find ways to I mean, there are benefits to, I mean not not to dislike, but there there are benefits to things like A D H. You get that hyper focus going on a stuff like that um so make yourself hyper useful when you can. And then what is not working over OK, I don't know.

I'm write down everything, yes, to the best of ability.


this is technically after dark, right?

Yeah yeah.

Sorry about that. That's okay. I have pushed the buttons.

Okay, let's see. Just started college this week at thirty seven. Wish me look, look like us. If ldt hadn't taken off with you guys have wanted to go back or finish college, what would you've major in? I went, have needed to see someone require the degree for something that I really, really, really wanted to do. Now there was no way I was going to go back just for loss.

I thought I was so probably .

have done softer engineer.

but realistically, if if IT was now, I wouldn't be going in that room. Not because like I feel like people going to spin that, not because like I going to take the jobs or anything like that. Um just i've kind of started doing other things now.

It's been a long time since I made my decision. university. I respect the decision I did make at the time, but it's not the same one that I would make. Now where i'm at my life currently is what is.

Hello, when people I just found out that are two blazers run windows seven while on the network with a port open for service, not to mention that we have confidential part files thought. You that one.

IT like me did so like me did .

you and everyone I mean absolute software is a reality in the daily lives of so many technology workers and administrators. um. Try to do Better. Good luck, everybody.

Yeah I feel like we're headed into kind of a dark age, right? Because for things like old nuclear reactors are like um you know old really old machine shops or like like a lot of a lot of absolute windows ninety five in windows ninety eight stuff is like it's bad or whatever, but I can IT can be not on the network. So it's not that bad.

Whereas we're headed into the vista and windows seven running machines of the world being obsolete and probably way more connected and therefore potentially a worst attack vector. Um I think we're headed into a very dangerous period as far as like outdated IT infrastructure and security goes. Love the podcast gives me something to listen to while I drive semi trucks.

When is the next knock tua collapse? I don't know. We're not gonna ce anything, right? Screw over school.

Uh, we made some Brown screw drivers and that was cool. But I I don't think there is anything on the doctor right now. D, L, L.

Am a big fan of the adult lego sets like packmen, nintendo and a tari. What lego set would you buy instantly? Should IT come out greeting from the netherlands? All my goodness was .

really expensive.

Someone gave proof, forget who this is, but a viewer, I believe, gave proof, a lego set. And I got, like a lego diarra of our set, like the build corner said. And IT is so cool, like the ideas they had.

They did everything from, like, the L. D strips at the bottom of the little cages to the little ARM that sits on, that our camera guys used to hold the camera like IT IT. So cool.

I would buy, I would buy IT. I would want one L, T, T. lego. collab. Could buy the whole building that we need that be so cool.

See linus, what are your thoughts on S M P T two one one zero, the uncompressed video over IP standard? Do you see any advantage to be able to record directly to a nas? Ah, oh, wait, is this what we use for short circuit? Because I don't think they have record to sd cards.

I don't think so. I don't know. But if this allows you to i've never i've never heard this term before, at least not that I remember. But if IT allows you to record on a camera and then just stream out of an ethnic cable to anas or something like that, then I love IT.

And I think we being compressed though, being uncompressed, we why would you even want IT to be okay? There are reasons to want to to be uncompressed. But I could I wouldn't see us doing that.

I don't see why we want completely uncompressed video that sounds super cool um but I think i'd be OK with some compression in the I is absolutely nowhere near uncompressed sorry aten IT exists in check yeah and this stuff other than N D I ni is not the only option for video delivery over over a local network. I think we found some stuff with the labs that was absolutely not going to be good for IT OK. Let's see me.

Hey linus, with all the mr. Beast allegations going on, I was wondering where you invited to the big youtube video. If so, why did you not go?

Um I I don't think Jimmy is ever invited me to be in a video. Um I don't know. It's weird. I feel like even on west coast so i'm like a two and half hour flight from L A. Um whether I just haven't made the right social connections or people like other creators know who we are. Like luke talked about this years ago where he went to twitch con for the first time and like thought fans, we're going to approach him and they totally had no idea who he was, but to which creators would be like being mocked by people. And you'd seem and be like, sorry, excuse me, I got ta go and like, go to look, people know cool.

but very surprising experience.

but I feel like they don't really think of us as like I don't know like I don't know it's like i'm tech dad or something like not I don't .

think i'm you're not hiper social when IT comes to creators like you don't really go to like you don't like going to events.

I guess that's true. sorry. I know mr be the east coast guys. I'm saying like a lot of collapse happened in L A.

L A is like the hot spot yeah um I wasn't specific like talking about Jimmy there. I just meant lake. I don't really get asked to collapse on anything um like look way to has collapsed with us.

But I feel like he he was really the one who drove that. I can't really take any any credit for IT um like he called me recently. He was he had people give him advice on his birthday.

I think I ended up giving a tear advice. Know how I did IT. I was at a batmen in jim, and they just had like some books like like motivational books.

And I just like read the titles of the spines of, like motivational books. And he was like, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. And then I like flip my camera and I showed him that I was just reading up. That's pretty.

that's pretty. enjoy.

I think .

I think part of IT is a uh, weird people over a border in the corner situation where people would have to um I mean americans so huge and they're so many things to do. A lot of americans don't even have passports. I know create american youtube creators that don't have passports like they're not going to be coming up to canada.

Um it's it's it's not convenient when you can like drive down the street for ten minutes and have as many other collapse as you want in a few different areas in the states like new york, texas a um and on top of that, you don't like going to events. Um and I think when you do, you probably don't do a ton of the socially things and I think you are the parties things like that. So OK so basically .

not in the mind .

space and then difficult because far and over a border and everything else out of side.

out of mind. Tech dad, yeah. Now I like the tech dead angle.

Ah let's see a couple more for you here. Hi, L L. D. I'm a Young adult with his first serious partner.

Loners talked about a don't go to sleep angry rule in the past. Where did you come from? I instead find that help solving conflicts. It's not meant to be literal. What that means is don't leave things unresolved.

So like don't go to sleep angry means that means don't walk away in a half IT means don't don't just leave something and let IT fester IT means talking to work through IT work together, as opposed to just letting things, letting conflicts, letting disagreements pile up over time until they explode. And last one I got for you hear, hey, D L L. Question for linus cross code dev's new game alasia dawn got radical fish news looks really neat.

Any thoughts or hopes for the games? Well, I didn't like this. You're hearing in for the first time the creators of cross code. M, break, nick, is curse and guide humanity rebirth in the top down, two and half the action. R, P, G, from the creators of cross code.

I can already see some similarities not yeah, there's no way I don't buy IT but yeah released IT to be announced uh solve intriguing puzzles, explore a changing world. Okay, this looks very closely related game play wise to cross codes. So um really you know it's i'm not expecting to get a really different gaming experience out of IT.

But what I am expecting, I really like the I liked the way they've changed the article a little bit to make IT more clear what level things are on IT that the world looks a little bit more to and a half dimensional here, which is gonna really help with puzzle solving, I think in some cases. But for me, it's going to come down to the story like that. I love the characters.

I love the story that they created with cross code. So as long as they have taken the time and care to you, write a great story for this, then I am stoked. Yeah, if you're excited, don't forget the wish lists.

Very important, can't we else? I'm not going to need to remember that it's good for the depth and saying, yeah, oh, I see well, i'm not signing here. I am signed.

I'll look that I sure. Thank good. Now is to my wish, this, let's go.

Very good at blinds. I'm happy. I'm happy you signed in on .

the laptop is a .

good thing. Oh.

what i'm to do is compromise. Got new laptops for you, so we will lock him down before we dirigo te good. You lock IT down. I'm just gonna take IT off the table and pull my laptop out of my bags. So those are your options.

Will ban your your laptop of the network.

You can't ban my laptop from the network. Yes, we can. No.

you can.

You can, could not. And I will be able to get me work done.

So all you can use a work laps up that's locked .

down other people.

Oh, by not buy.

not buy another one. What are you going to do? What are you going to do?

What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Smart guy.

network to approved only. no. suck.

no. Look, no, no. Why is? What are you doing this to me?

What you going to do? How many hours do I have a cross code? I'm going to check what is highest.

Like a lot of people, you've got .

that the infront linus team, they just follow him around with like tablets, just a block fires while rules of max and ports and how do you how do you check that? Uh, you should be able to see on the games page. wow.

Okay, some of this has got to be. I left ted on overnight. Apparently have two hundred seventy hours in cross code there.

Oh yeah. Because my son played played through as well. So it's probably like a half of that.

But anyway, I definitely I definitely have over hundred dollars and cross goats. Really good game. Okay, I think that's IT for this week. We'll see you again next week. See bad time.

see bad channel OK.

Now I gotta be careful when eric.