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A tired team get its true test

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The View From The Lane: The Athletic FC's Tottenham show

Danny Kelly
Jay Harris
Danny Kelly: 热刺队以3-6的比分输给了利物浦队,这场比赛暴露出了球队在防守端的诸多问题。在比赛中,热刺队丢掉了三个球,其中一个球源于球队的不专业表现。此外,球队后卫达格辛的表现也令人担忧,他的控球能力和传球准确性有待提高。尽管如此,库卢塞夫斯基和索兰克的进球依然值得肯定,他们展现出了顽强的斗志。 球队在比赛中面临着巨大的压力,球员的疲劳程度可能对比赛结果产生了影响。在接下来的比赛中,热刺队将面临更加严峻的挑战,因为球队伤病严重,球员疲劳,赛程密集。 热刺队的商业运作与球队的战绩形成了鲜明对比,这引发了球迷的不满。尽管球队输球,热刺球迷仍然对球队给予了支持。 热刺队主教练波斯特科格鲁在赛后新闻发布会上对球队失利以及记者的提问做出了回应,他表示球队会坚持自己的战术风格,但他也承认球队目前面临着巨大的挑战。 在接下来的比赛中,热刺队需要尽全力争取胜利,因为球队目前积分形势不容乐观。球队主教练可以考虑调整球员阵容,例如让多吉再次首发,以应对接下来的挑战。 Jay Harris: 热刺队在与利物浦队的比赛中失利,这与球队伤病、利物浦队的实力以及热刺球迷的支持度有关。比赛结果在很大程度上取决于索博斯莱的进球,这个进球扭转了比赛的局势。热刺队为了扳平比分而采取的积极进攻策略,最终导致了后防线的暴露。年轻球员阿奇·格雷在比赛中表现出色,但缺乏来自中场和老队员的支持。 考虑到热刺队的伤病情况,主教练可以选择不同的战术,但他选择坚持原有策略。热刺队需要更多进球才能赢得比赛,这与利物浦队强大的前锋线有关。利物浦队利用热刺队后防线的空当攻破了球门,这与佩德罗·波罗的位置有关。热刺队在比赛中的第三个丢球,与格拉文贝格的传球失误有关,但热刺队的逼抢策略本身并没有问题。 热刺队的逼抢策略存在问题,因为这需要一名球员跑很长的距离才能到达逼抢点。达格辛在比赛中的表现存在问题,这与他是否适合球队目前的战术体系有关。达格辛可能不是主教练最信任的球员,这从主教练在切尔西比赛中安排范德文和罗梅罗复出可以看出。达格辛在比赛中长传球的比例增加,这可能是因为他缺乏耐心等待合适的传球时机,也可能是因为他的控球能力不如其他球员。达格辛在比赛中表现不佳,这可能是因为他更适合在球队后防线较深的情况下比赛。 好的教练会选择对手后防线上他们希望对方将球传给的球员,利物浦队可能就是这么做的。库卢塞夫斯基和多米尼克·索兰克在比赛中的进球值得肯定,尽管球队最终输掉了比赛。库卢塞夫斯基在比赛中表现出极强的决心和斗志。库卢塞夫斯基和索兰克在比赛中表现出顽强的精神。 球员的疲劳程度可能对比赛结果产生了影响。热刺队在接下来的比赛中将面临更大的挑战,因为球队伤病严重,球员疲劳。热刺队的主力球员在短时间内连续参加了多场比赛。热刺队的主教练在球员使用方面面临困境,因为球员的体能状况堪忧。热刺队在接下来的比赛中将面临巨大的挑战,因为球员的体能状况堪忧,而且球队还有多名球员受伤。热刺队的替补席上有很多年轻球员,这反映了球队目前面临的困境。 热刺队在接下来的一个月内将要参加很多比赛,这将是对球队的一大考验。热刺队目前面临着密集赛程的挑战,这在现代足球时代是罕见的。热刺队在对阵利物浦队的比赛中表现不佳,但利物浦队在比赛中的表现也值得肯定。利物浦队和曼城队的比赛风格不同,利物浦队更倾向于直接进攻,而曼城队则更注重控球和压迫。 热刺队目前在联赛中排名靠后,并且在最近的几场主场比赛中丢球很多。热刺队的主力阵容有实力争夺前四名,但问题在于主力阵容能否保持完整。热刺队在夏季转会窗口的操作可能需要重新评估,因为球队目前的阵容无法应对密集的赛程和伤病问题。热刺队目前面临的困境,与球队伤病和联赛积分榜的形势有关。 热刺队本赛季和上赛季末期的比赛结果非常相似,但本赛季的净胜球更多。热刺队的商业运作与球队的战绩形成了鲜明对比。比赛前有一些球迷进行了抗议活动,但规模不大。球迷的抗议活动比较克制,没有对比赛造成太大的影响。尽管球队输球,热刺球迷仍然对球队给予了支持。 热刺队主教练在赛后新闻发布会上对球队失利以及记者的提问做出了回应。热刺队主教练在赛后新闻发布会上对记者的提问感到有些不耐烦,这可能是因为球队近期战绩不佳以及记者反复提问有关战术问题。热刺队主教练对记者的提问感到不满是可以理解的,因为他需要面对球队的糟糕战绩和外界持续的质疑。热刺队主教练坚持其战术理念,但外界很难看到其长远目标。 热刺队目前面临的困境是,球队虽然进攻精彩,但防守糟糕,这使得球队难以取得稳定胜利。热刺队在最近的比赛中防守表现糟糕,这不利于球队的长期发展。热刺队接下来将面临一场艰难的客场比赛,以及转会市场上的潜在变动。热刺队在冬季转会窗口不太可能进行大规模引援。热刺队如果要在转会市场上有所动作,可能会集中在锋线位置。 热刺队在接下来的比赛中将继续依靠现有球员阵容。热刺队接下来将面临与诺丁汉森林队和狼队的比赛,这两场比赛都将是挑战。博彩公司认为波斯特科格鲁是下一位可能下课的主教练。目前解雇波斯特科格鲁的做法并不明智,因为球队面临的伤病问题不会因为换帅而解决。目前解雇波斯特科格鲁的做法并不明智,因为球队面临的伤病问题不会因为换帅而解决。热刺队目前面临的困境是前所未有的。热刺队主教练波斯特科格鲁可以采取一些措施来帮助球队走出困境,例如调整球员阵容。热刺队主教练可以考虑调整球员阵容,例如让多吉再次首发。 热刺队在接下来的比赛中需要尽全力争取胜利,因为球队目前积分形势不容乐观。热刺队在对阵狼队的比赛中更有可能获胜,因为球队拥有主场优势。热刺队接下来将面临与诺丁汉森林队和狼队的比赛,这两场比赛都将是挑战。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Spurs start with 9 of the same 11 players who had played 3 times in 8 days against Liverpool?

It could be due to a lack of options for Ange Postecoglou or a stubbornness to change the lineup despite fatigue and injury concerns.

How did Dominic Soboslai's goal impact the game?

Soboslai's goal just before halftime killed the momentum for Spurs, leading to a more aggressive push from Spurs in the second half, which left them exposed to counterattacks.

What role did fatigue play in Spurs' performance against Liverpool?

Fatigue likely played a significant role, as Spurs had played three games in eight days with a core group of 14 players, pushing them to their limits.

How did Spurs' injury situation affect their performance?

Spurs' injury situation, particularly in key areas like defense, forced them to rely on a small group of players, leading to fatigue and limited options for rotation.

What were the key stats highlighting Spurs' defensive struggles in recent games?

Since the start of December, Spurs ranked bottom in goals conceded, shots faced, shots on target faced, expected goals against, and joint bottom for big chances against with Southampton.

What is the current status of Spurs' injury list, and how does it impact their upcoming games?

Key players like Van de Ven, Romero, and Vaccaro are expected back in January, but until then, Spurs will rely on a small group of players who are being overused.

How did the Spurs fans react to the 6-3 loss against Liverpool?

Despite the heavy defeat, Spurs fans largely stuck with the team, with some even chanting Ange Postecoglou's name at the end of the game, showing support despite the scoreline.

What is the long-term vision for Spurs under Ange Postecoglou, and why do some fans remain skeptical?

Postecoglou's long-term vision is to build a team that plays an attacking, high-pressing style, but some fans are skeptical due to the team's inconsistent results and frequent defensive lapses.

What are the upcoming challenges for Spurs in the next few weeks?

Spurs face difficult games against Nottingham Forest and Wolves, with a busy schedule and limited player options due to injuries, making it a challenging period.

What is the current league position of Spurs, and how does it compare to their performance last season?

At Christmas, Spurs are in the bottom half of the table, with a similar win-loss record to the end of last season, but with a healthier goal difference of +14 compared to -1 last season.

Shownotes Transcript

Host Danny Kelly is joined by The Athletic's Jay Harris, to discuss another 'eventful' game at The Tottenham Hotspur stadium yesterday. Spurs started with 9 of the same 11 that have played 3 times in 8 days, 

Danny and Jay try to decipher whether this was a case of lack of options for Ange Postecoglou or simply a stubbornness to change.

HOST: Danny Kelly

WITH: Jay Harris

PRODUCER: Tom Fuller

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