cover of episode Reese Weaver on Dallas Cowboys Cheerleadering, Filming a Netflix Doc & Balancing 2 Jobs

Reese Weaver on Dallas Cowboys Cheerleadering, Filming a Netflix Doc & Balancing 2 Jobs

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The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby

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Reese Weaver
Reese Weaver: 在访谈中,Reese Weaver分享了她作为达拉斯牛仔队啦啦队员的经历,包括训练营的艰辛、选拔的残酷以及与队友建立的深厚友谊。她还谈到了与丈夫Will的爱情故事,以及如何在兼顾工作、婚礼策划和纪录片拍摄的同时保持生活平衡。她坦诚地分享了自己在训练营中经历的压力和情感波动,以及丈夫Will给予她的支持和理解。她还谈到了对身体形象的看法,以及如何看待啦啦队队员的职业挑战和社会期望。 Reese Weaver: Reese Weaver还分享了她对职业生涯的规划,以及对未来家庭生活的憧憬。她表示,虽然啦啦队队员的薪水不高,需要兼职来维持生计,但她非常热爱这份工作,并珍惜这段宝贵的经历。她还谈到了在工作中遇到的性骚扰问题,以及啦啦队在应对这类问题时采取的安全措施。 Reese Weaver: 此外,Reese Weaver还分享了她与Dolly Parton的会面经历,以及在花店工作的感受。她表示,这份工作让她有机会与不同的人接触,并从中学习到很多东西。 主持人: 主持人引导Reese Weaver分享了她作为达拉斯牛仔队啦啦队员的经历,并就一些社会关注的问题,例如啦啦队员的薪资、怀孕问题、身体形象和性骚扰等,进行了深入探讨。主持人还表达了对Reese Weaver职业生涯和未来生活的祝福。

Deep Dive

Reese discusses the possibility of a second season of 'America's Sweethearts' and her journey to becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.

Shownotes Transcript


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Is there going to be a season two? It's done so well already. We're all very hopeful for it, but we have no idea. What happens if you get pregnant while you're on the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders? Can you still dance? I don't think you can kick that high. Has there ever been a pregnant? I'm not too sure if that's something that we've really thought about. I think that's just kind of a...

of an unspoken thing. Someone comes and takes a picture with us. They either have a football, they hold something, or we're behind them. They're not allowed to touch us. Because there are times where you're like, this is a little weird. You kind of give an eye to the security guy. Like any other NFL cheerleader, you have to have another job. The internet was saying something about $75,000 a year. Yeah, um, never trust what Google says.

My wife has been obsessed with the new Dallas Cowboys cheerleader show on Netflix. So that's why we flew all the way to Dallas to interview Reese Weaver. She was one of 36 girls to make the team. But behind the scenes, the pressure on these girls is very intense. On top of the physical demands of NFL cheerleading, Reese was working a second job to pay the bills as well as planning a wedding. We talk about everything from navigating body image to meeting Dolly Parton and how she slid into her husband's DMs all on today's episode.

What's up, dudes? And welcome back to the Unplanned Podcast. There's always a weird pause after you say that. It's just like...

think the live studio audience is gonna clap. I know there's literally nobody here. We're at Reese's house everybody and this is this is such a cozy place. I love your couch by the way. Thank you thank you. It is so nice. Best purchase ever. We were we were just talking about that. Can you can you tell us a little bit about how you saved a hundred dollars and delivered the couch yourself to your house? Yes um I can and if my husband was here he would butt in because he'd be like we just saved a

But we, so obviously, like y'all know, we don't have an elevator. So we had to go up the stairs and do it. But I will say Will did majority of it. I can't, I can't complain. I might have done like maybe three pieces. He carried it by himself. Pretty much. But the thing about, so they're all pieces. So it was like, you have to take the cushions, walk them up the stairs, or you have to take like the bottom piece. And there's one, two, three, four.

five and then half so probably about ten pieces we had to bring up then holy cow they came with these pillows and they're not cute pillows so they're stuffed back there maybe we can show them later but they're not that cute we didn't


But I wanted to ask about your love story because you guys are just like such a genuine, happy couple. Wholesome. So wholesome. And so like, I don't know. I think like you talked about it a little bit on the show, but I just wanted to know maybe there's some other stuff that people don't know about you guys. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So if you watch the show, you will notice that we met in college recently.

Will is from Alabama. I'm from Florida. Went to school at University of Alabama. And we met at a basketball game that I was cheering at. And Will, if you watch the show, know that he's the biggest Alabama basketball fan ever. And he just noticed me cheering. There's like a really cool interaction between the mascot and I and like a little kid. And this is such a sweet story. I get like really giddy talking about it. But...

being on the dance team, we're all one program and it's the spirit program. So you have your all-girl cheerleaders, your co-ed, dance team, Alabama dance team, and Big Al's, which are our mascot. So we all know each other and I knew who the Big Al was that day and I saw this little boy trying to get Big Al's attention and so I was like, oh, let me try to get Big Al because Big Al's busy. Everyone wants a picture with Big Al. So I grabbed Big Al and I was like, hey, Big Al, this little boy wants to

wants a picture with you and got a picture and Will had said that he watched that entire interaction and he was like I have to know like who you are and messaged me or I guess I slid up on the DMs but he followed me first so yes you could say I made the first move but he actually made the first move exactly thank you Abby because every

it's things. Oh, I slid up on the DMs, but how could I do that? Unless you follow me, right? There you go. I get what you're saying. I can like hear his voice already say like, well, no, no, no. She slid up. So was he like the leader of the student section? So there,

there's a president of the Crimson Chaos which is the student section but it was him and like a few other people that were super close to the front row and he never was president but everyone around him there's like a few very consistent guys he was on the

committee. He was literally on the committee. But he knew a lot of basketball managers, a lot of the players. Just because when you're super loyal to a team, you kind of really get to... I guess basketball is more intimate, too. You really get to know the players. You're closer, obviously. And then he's just the biggest Alabama basketball fan ever. So...

That's so fun. Yeah, yeah. So what was your first date together? It was to another Broken Egg Cafe, which was a little outside of the college campus. And I remember being so nervous because I had never been on a date before with a guy. And I was like...

even going to tell anyone because I don't know how to do this. And so we had went, we went to another broken egg and he had been asking me and I unfortunately just kept being so busy. Like I had a game or there was a practice or something like that. And he thought I was just kind of ditching him a little bit.

But we went there. We had a great time. And then the next date, I think, or like catching up was after the pandemic happened because we had met right before the school shut down. And so when we got back, we met up at an Arby's out of all things. And he had called me and he was like,

which Arby's are you at? And I'm like, oh, I'm on the one at campus. And he's not at the right Arby's that I guess like miscommunication or whatever. But I thought it was so funny because he's like, no, stay there. I'm going to be there in just a second. And so it was Arby's. And then we just started hanging out more. That's so random. I feel like I'd never go to Arby's. I don't really know people that go there. Like why? Why Arby's? Is that like your favorite spot? I don't think I've ever been to Arby's ever. But it's just because I think he

I think he was going to go eat something and then I had to go to a practice. In order to be an athlete at Bama, you have to pass physical tests and stuff. And so I was training for my physical test coming up before school started. And I remember he was like, well, the Arby's is really close to the athletic center. Do you just want to meet there? And I'm thinking, sure. I'll have a roast beef sandwich. I feel like you do anything there.

To see someone. Oh yeah. And you're like. Yeah. Arby's sounds great. I love it. This is my. Second time. Going to Arby's ever. And I think I maybe. Have gotten like a kids. Menu with like. Apple slices. And I left. Their fries though. Are so good. They actually are really good. Did you get their fries? They look curly. Yeah. So I didn't. Because I was going to go. Run afters. Oh. You're like. I can't really imagine. I was like. I gotta be really careful. And cautious. On what I'm eating. And then. You know. Arby's out of all places. Was the best choice. This is great. But.

But it's just, it's so us. It's so classic and funny that, yeah, of course we met on Arby's. Who doesn't, right? That's really sweet. I love that he was your first boyfriend because we only dated each other too. And I feel like a lot of people are like, don't you feel like you should figure out what you want first? Yes, everyone says that. And I'm like, yes and no, but I feel like with

Just being so busy in general throughout my childhood and having performances, practices. I never had time for a boyfriend. And then two older brothers also kind of plays a role into that. Not really, but... Oh, I'm sure. Just so busy growing up. You're always in extracurricular activities or hustling, bustling. And then you get to high school and then things are just extremely busy. Go to college and then... Honestly, I don't want to like...

say if it wasn't for the pandemic, but seriously, if it wasn't for kind of the hybrid year that we had, we had significantly less games that we couldn't cheer at. And so I actually got to spend more time than I've ever had, like ever in my life to spend it with friends and will. And so it was kind of a blessing in disguise that yes, there's so much

and just weird stuff happening in our world with COVID. But it was also an opportunity where I didn't have a lot of things going on and I could actually spend quality time with someone then if it didn't happen. Right, right. And I slowed you down. Yeah. On the documentary, I'm pretty sure you said that it took like 15 dates before you let him put your arm around you. Oh my gosh. Yeah.

So we would always hang out with our mentors at their house, which was literally like less than a mile from my apartment that I was staying in. And at the time, Will was living with our mentors because he was the youth intern for the youth pastor. And so he lived with him because of the hybrid year. He had classes online. He had classes, some that were in person. So his mentor was like, hey, just live with us. And so...

So we would hang out there. And so anyways, anytime we would go over there, we would watch like The Office. Had I ever watched The Office before, Will? No. We were going to watch The Office.

Did I ever watch Harry Potter before, Will? No, but I was like, okay, I'm gonna like really try here, you know? And so we would always watch like something like that and I would always just get like uncomfortable because I never sat by a guy before and we would just, you know, watch The Office, something that I've never seen before, trying to be comfortable with that and then

tried to kind of impress like the mentors too, because now that they're my mentors too, they were just such incredible people. And I was like, Ooh, their opinion really matters. Like I want to make sure like I'm putting my best foot forward and everything. And so, um,

Anyways, anytime it came to like getting a little closer or like talking a little bit closer, like putting his arm around, it was always like really hesitant. I don't know if I could do this. And he would ask me to kind of towards, I guess, a few months dating. He's like, well, do you want to be my girlfriend? Yeah.

Like, I have to consult. Yes. And there was a time that I guess I'd left and it was already late and Will is going to bed and Taylor and Lindley had already gone to bed and Taylor and Lindley would always be like, did she say yes? And he'd be like, no, not tonight. Oh, so this was multiple times that he was asking you to be his girlfriend and you said no. Yes.

Were you talking to your girlfriend? I might have persisted. That's bold. Good for Will having the confidence. Yeah, he did. But for you, it was a really big decision because you had never dated anybody? Yeah. Were you talking to friends that were advising you on what to do? Yeah. So my roommates, I feel like I kind of kept it more of a secret because I really wanted it to come super organically. And I wanted to make sure I knew...

I felt like more advice, I'd just be more confused. I'm already an indecisive person as it is. And so I valued my friend's opinions, but I didn't really talk about that decision. I guess like I wanted to come from me and happen like confidently, boldly. And I was always afraid because I never wanted to walk into a relationship because I...

I wanted to give it 100%. And obviously, with the very unknown year that we were walking into, I was nervous because I didn't want to...

say yes and then not be able to commit. My prayer always was if I'm going to meet my husband, like let it be him. And I don't, I don't really want to have to keep going through this process. I said that on the docuseries and a lot of people were like, did you settle, you know, all those things. But really it was like my answered prayer. And so when I felt confident about my decision and I said, yes, it was more like,

that it happened and it was ordained by him rather than getting other people's opinions. Cause I was scared. I was like, I don't, I don't really know what to do, but, um, it was more fun to become friends with him than it was just to like go right off the bat as boyfriend and girlfriend. So like romantic. Yeah. Yeah. I,

I love that. That's kind of how we like we are in a way. 100%. Like we used to like FaceTime for like 12 hours straight because we were long distance and you guys even did long distance for a while too while you were on the show, right? Yes. Yes. A little bit. A little bit of long distance here and there. Once he finally got his job, it was still kind of hard just because we were balancing like seeing each other, et cetera. It was hard at the time and I even told Will, I was like,

we are not a couple that can do long distance. There are so many people that make it work. And, and I know it is so hard for people doing long distance, but there's some people that are just blessed with being able to handle that. And I'm just such a people person that I can't be by myself for so long. Like I need to know, like my person is with me. And so it was, that was hard to navigate a little bit in the beginning, but, um,

So it's a lot more fun. I get to see my best friend every day. Okay. I've got to ask because you just casually brought up your two brothers and I feel like people probably don't realize that you have older brothers and yeah, not just one but two. So what were they saying when you were telling them about Will? What were they like? Did they ever have an altercation with Will? Were they like sat him down and said, okay, like if you hurt my sister, like you're a dead man. Like what did they say to Will? You know, I...

I actually don't know what my oldest said to Will, but I remember they met him for the first time. It was kind of a while. And because going to Alabama, I never had a lot of opportunities going home just because especially being on the dance team, there was games. And when people could go home for the holidays, my holiday break was working towards nationals. Thank you to Dreamland for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. Are you a parent that is struggling to sleep because your kid just keeps waking up in the night? Because we've been there and it's horrible. Well,

okay, we were there a lot with our first, but by the time we had a second, I feel like we were pretty much sleep baby experts. And something that actually really helped us was the dreamland weighted sleep sack. Oh yeah. We have like six of those guys on deck because the thought of putting our baby down for night sleep or a nap without one is actually terrifying. Um, if you don't know what a dreamland sleep sack is, basically it's a gently weighted sack.

that you zip your baby up in. It actually has double zippers so you can do easy nighttime diaper changes if you need to. But they have this thing called Cover Calm technology on top of it that's gently weighted on the top and the baby can still move and crawl and stand up in it.

But basically it just makes them feel like they're getting a cozy hug all night long and it helps them fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. They're so, so nice. The babies feel super cozy in them and it just basically evenly distributes weight from their shoulders to their toes. The whole family sleeps better which is great because the number one issue for new parents is lack of sleep. So if you haven't

given Dreamland a shot. Get one. Get one for your friend who just had a baby. They will love you. They will probably give you a kiss on the mouth. Go to and enter our code unplanned at checkout to receive 20% off site-wide and free shipping. This offer is for new and existing customers. It was really hard to get home a lot of the time and then get with my brothers because they're busy too. So anytime I would make a visit home, it would be fast. It would be, you know,

Probably grandma, grandpa, a few friends, and then getting back because I had practice or school. But the very first time the younger oldest brother met Will, Will went in for like a hug. And Shay was like, I was more expecting a handshake, but I'll take it.

Okay, awkward. But it's funny because obviously Shay knows my personality and found out Will's personality really quickly because I guess guys are more like, hey, man, like handshake, then bring it in. But Will was like, hey, to me, to her.

Did he try to hug your dad? I think it was a good handshake. Okay. I think it was a solid handshake at first. Yeah. What about your mom? Did he shake your mom's hand or give your mom a hug? I think it was a hug. Okay. I think it was a hug. And this is a fun fact, but the very first time my parents met Will, his best man also met my parents. So Will met my parents and his best man all at the same time, which I thought was really special. It wasn't just a one-on-one with Will and I. It was like...

my parents came and it was Will and the best man and my roommates. So it was, it was special to have more family friends like involved, but. And who, who is this best man? Yeah. So, um, the best man was Blaine. Um, he's from Alabama, long childhood friend. And, um, it was the first game of the year and the only football game I actually could do it. Cause this was during COVID, um,

And so my parents came and the very first time they met Will was with Blaine as well. And so Blaine was like, wow, I'm super honored that I get to meet your girlfriend's parents at the same time you met them. So I don't know. I thought that was a fun fact to include. That's sweet. And the big day was in April. It was April, yes. And fun fact, it was 420. Wow. I didn't expect that from you. No, I didn't.

- I think so, and what's funny is I remember being so-- - I love that you just casually said that like it was 4/20. - It was 4/20. - Like it was a holiday. - Because everyone's like, "Reese, do you know what 4/20 means?" And I was like, "No, anniversary, 4/20/24. "I think that's like so cute." But didn't really expect that that was the only date that the venue was open because sure, now that I know what 4/20 means,

I was like, Reese, you really don't know what that date is. I'm like, you're really making me nervous. I thought it was just going to be a cute anniversary date. And he's like, always will be, but it will always also be something else. Your wedding must have been lit. Just no. What were the jokes? What were the jokes people were cracking on your wedding day? Oh my gosh. All the jokes were, oh, I'm bringing this or I'm bringing this. And of course, everyone...

thought it was so fitting that that was going to be our wedding date because they were like, out of all people, 420 was going to be Will and Reese's wedding date. Like, it's just, it was more funny than anything, but, you know, everyone wanted to be lighthearted about it. And yeah. Did Will know though, like right away when you picked out the date that 420, like, was he aware of the date or did it take? Yeah, he was aware of the date because I guess, I don't know, like. I was a baby.

a little more sheltered, I will say, but he was like, yeah, it was available and it was perfect because with DCC, a lot of the girls that are getting married or engaged have to wait until the spring because of COVID.

being an off season. And so this was though before I found out I made the team. So plan A was if I were to make the team, then this would probably be the best time

to do it in. But if I didn't make the team, this would also still be the best time doing our wedding here because I would want to have retried out if I didn't make the team. And that was kind of the area where tryouts would happen and kind of getting back into training camp would start and pick up. So I was really trying to put my best foot forward and thinking, okay, plan A would be if I were to make it,

you know, this would probably be the best time. But if I didn't, this would also still be the best time because I would be trying out again. So the whole time you were filming the show, I guess that was more so a lot of it was after training camp and stuff, but you're also wedding planning. Oh my gosh. Like five jobs, like all last year, because wedding planning is literally a full-time job, I feel like. But yeah, so all last year, you know, you're,

Not secreting. That's not even a word. But you're really hush about the docuseries and no one really knew what was going on. But I had that going on. I was a rookie on the team and that was a lot just in general. And then also moved out to Texas and trying to figure out life and what else to do outside of DCC. And then also wedding planning and a whole different life.

Then we got married in Florida. So that was really hard trying to navigate times to meet with my vendors and stuff like that. So last year was busy. Okay.

But I'm very grateful. That's commitment, too, to plan your wedding around the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Yeah, it is. It is. And I feel like anyone who wants to pursue this dream, or any sort of dream, they're going to have that in mind. But at the end of the day, I wanted to be on this team so badly that...

And I also wanted to get married in the spring. So I felt like it was kind of perfect in a sense. But yeah, it is a lot of commitment. And a lot of the girls, I mean, I can't even think of...

any of the girls that are currently married right now who have had a wedding like in season. It's just not, not really possible, honestly, because we're so busy. You're like, it wouldn't be, you couldn't have a minute to like enjoy newlywed life. I feel like. Yeah. Because there's so much going on. Has, has being a cheerleader for the Cowboys, has that been a dream ever since you were a little girl? Pretty much. Um, I would say that the dream to become an NFL cheerleader happened really in college, kind of during my COVID year. Um, just because, um,

you do a lot of thinking that year. There's a lot more time on your hands. So you're kind of processing and obviously too, in college, you're processing a lot already and trying to navigate like what your future is going to look like. And then on top of the boyfriend, you're like, whoa, I'm really trying to navigate a lot. Um, but yeah,

Fun fact, for one of my Christmas gifts that year, AT&T Stadium always hosts the Cotton Bowl. But during COVID, it was swapped. So they actually host the Rose Bowl game. And Alabama played Notre Dame that year. And it was at AT&T Stadium. And so one of my Christmas gifts was actually to go to the Rose Bowl in Texas to watch the

One of my friends was currently on the team and I kind of vicariously was watching everything, um, really through social media and offer pictures and everything. And I was thinking, I've always wanted to pursue a professional dance career, but, um,

I didn't know if I wanted to go more on the Broadway track because I did a lot of musicals when I was growing up and I loved that side of dance, that kind of performance quality of being on a stage and doing more jazz and musical theater. But also going to Alabama, being on a dance team, I really enjoyed kind of that entertainment aspect of dance as well.

So I went to the Rose Bowl that year. I walked into AT&T Stadium. That was my very first time. That was my very first time actually in Dallas, Texas. And so when I was there, I felt like this piece of, you know, like I see myself here. And my friend being on the team, I kind of had that in the back of my mind that, you know, she pursued her dream and I would love to do the same. And then seeing her dream come to fruition, I thought like this is

this could maybe be something that I'm super interested in. Obviously the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are so iconic. They demand excellence. And I wanted to be a part of something greater than myself. And I knew that. And I wanted to be a part of something that was so prestigious. And, um, when I walked into AT&T stadium for the very first time at, for that game, I looked at my mom and I was like, I want to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. And she was like,

My parents have always been super supportive, but they were like, dang, girl, this is a big stadium. Like, you would want to be here? And I was like, yep, and I'm going to do it. I'm going to try out. Like, I'm going to do this. And so my sophomore year, like I said, a little bit more time on my hands, had more opportunities to kind of think about

to prep for that. We didn't really know what the next year was going to look like if games were going to start being back up. So you're kind of making plan A through Z. And then junior year, I got a little bit more serious about it. And then senior year of college, I was hitting the ground running. I was like, no, the next goal is, is Dallas Cowboys. And, um,

I kind of put all my eggs in one basket and just went for it. But also like, I know it is such a selective process and it's hard and it's rigorous and some things like you can't really, you know, have control over. So I knew that if this didn't work out, that's okay. I'm probably will stay in Alabama. I'll figure out like another job. But if I didn't make it my first year, I wanted to retry. I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. And no matter how long that took, like I was ready for that commitment and that,

I guess that, that work to, to put into it. So that's really cool that you went and you did it. And I imagine like entering training camp as a rookie has to feel very terrified. Yeah.

Yes. What was that like? They had a previous show called Making the Team. And growing up, I've always watched that. And then I knew kind of you saw a glimpse of what Making the Team was because it literally was the girls in training camp. Once the team was announced, that was kind of like the synopsis of the show.

And I'd seen it through television, but then seeing it in person, you're seeing like Kelly and Judy for the first time, like in person. And you're seeing their practice facility, like you saw through, you know, the TV screen and being there, you're like taken back because it's super intimidating. It's, it's so iconic. And like, you're just really taken back. It's just such a

out-of-body experience almost being there in training camp um and so I knew I kind of had a little bit of expectations on what it would look like but those like are completely throughout the window because until you're in it you're like oh my gosh they're learning we are learning so much I obviously knew that the process that there were going to be a lot of cuts and they don't bring a

the team of 36 into training camp, they're bringing probably 48 girls, 46 girls into training camp. And that's including vets. So that's giving, you know,

10 cuts really roughly, um, that they're going to have to make throughout the summer. So I, I had that expectation. I knew that going into it, but no one can prepare you for watching it. Like you saw it through a TV screen, but then when you're there, you want it just as bad for that girl. Like you do yourself. And so seeing, you know, cuts happen and being so, um,

mentally, physically drained, it's hard. The emotional toll is super heavy because you start to really...

with these girls because you're all in it and so you have to be dependent on each other and so it was tough. You're one, physically super exhausted. Two, you're learning so much choreography and you're trying not to mess up. You want to, you know, put your best foot forward every single day. You're trying not to get cut and then emotionally when you see someone get cut, it is,

It crushes you. And because one, it's like you kind of feel this guilt of, gosh, that should have been me, you know? And so I think that was kind of an expectation. I knew going into it, but it's not until you're in it where you're like, yeah, like actually experiencing. Yeah. Yeah. I think that scene with you like in the car as one of your friends was leaving like that.

In general, like, that was probably my number one favorite thing about the documentary series because I think so much reality TV thrives on drama. Like, and I don't know, like, competition. And it really seemed like every single girl that was a part of that, at least this is the way it appeared, is that they wanted to lift each other up. And they wanted everyone to, like...

feel supported and encouraged and like a sisterhood. And so I loved seeing that. I thought it was so refreshing and like inspiring. And even just like performing on my high school dance team, even if you were to just do like a team sport or activity in general, people could relate to that, that bond that you have with one another high stakes, kind of like, I can't even imagine like how high those stakes were like, like, like,

Bonds your relationship and... I don't know. Just like girlhood. I was like, this is like... It is. I love this. It is. And I'm... Oh, gosh. We were so happy with the end result. Because one, you're putting trust in the hands of people that... Obviously, we've been able to create relationships with the team, the film crew, and our producers. Like, they're the absolute best. And we were... But...

end of the day, this is a lot of trust. Like we didn't know what to expect. Um, the integrity and intentions day one, I think have remained the same, um, since the beginning of what the producer really wanted to see out of it. And that was really showing the sisterhood and the bond between the girls because we are a team, but at the end of the day, like you're best friends with these girls. And like you said, like any team you're a part of, like

You work so hard with them. You see them 24-7 and go through not just physical change or you're working towards the same goal, but you're walking through life together. And once you experience training camp, I'm so grateful for that special moment that they capture that because that is just a small glimpse of, you know,

the real bond and the real friendships that you make. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. What are your self-care non-negotiables, Matt? Let me tell you mine. For me, I need to go to the gym. That's one of them. Having some me time. What about you? What's your non-negotiable? Definitely gym, fueling my body well, having a little bit of me time, like away from people, like you said, and just overall keeping my life in balance. That's such a big thing that I've

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Having to watch that and relive that moment. This is kind of getting off topic, but when Will and I watched it, we've only watched it once and that was it. I was like, okay, I think we're just going to watch it and say we did it, you know? Because having to explain to my family and friends and Will,

during training camp, what you're experiencing is really hard being in a completely different state. And obviously they're trying to understand and cope with it and feel like they can relate to it. But when Will got to watch that night and me explaining it to him a year ago, he was like, whoa, like I didn't really realize like this is what you walked through. Like this is what you experienced because like,

That night specifically, Charlie, unfortunately, was the last cut. And we knew that that was a team of 36, but we also didn't know. Like, we didn't want to go into practice the next day thinking, oh, we're a team of 36. Like,

they're going to announce a team because we didn't know if there was still going to be another cut or they were going to bring someone back. Like your mind is just like kind of chaotic and we didn't want to settle for something. You know, we didn't, I don't know. We were really hesitant with, with walking into that practice the next day. But when I told Will, you know, there was Charlie got cut. He was like,

Oh, Reese, like that was your best friend, but that's a team of 36. And I was like, yes, but I'm heartbroken right now. I'm crushed. And so him seeing that, I think all of my family, my friends that I explained it to kind of took a step back and thought, whoa, like, yeah, y'all, y'all had walked through so much emotional grief and,

And while my friends, everyone being so supportive, thinking, oh my gosh, you made the team. They also saw like what the other side of it. I'm not ready to celebrate right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a very...

It's a hard thing to process. Something I've never experienced before. Being crushed, but also celebrating, but also feeling a little guilty. Like, it's pretty strange. But, yeah, that was such a special scene. That was something I was surprised. I was like, these girls don't seem relieved when it's like, okay, that's one step closer to, like, being on the announced team. But, like, there was... I never saw anyone, like, being, like...

It was more just like, oh, like, look at what I'm losing. Like, instead of gaining, which was hard and, like, sad for you guys, but also really cool to see that, like, support. And, like, you guys were already becoming a team through that process. Well, how long was that, though? Because you and Charlie got very close, clearly, just from what we saw on the show. So, like, how long did you have together to form that strong bond? So...

They announced the team July 14th of last year. And we started training camp a little bit over a month. So training camp was actually the shortest it had ever been just because our season started earlier. And there was a lot of other activities that we were doing in the summertime. So they needed to announce the team pretty quickly.

And so we had gotten so close in just a month time span, but a month is a long time. It is staying in the same hotel together. It's you, you just become so dependent and just grow so quickly together and dependent on each other and practice all the time and get ready, go to practice. Like,

it was just such a sweet bond and we were walking through the exact same thing. So it was just really special to have someone else that could really relate to you and vice versa. Do you think that they showed everything that they needed to show from the whole process? Yeah, absolutely. So obviously,

everyone is so busy and I'll just put it at that. There's a lot of things that were included and there are a lot of things that weren't included. Um, some being, there are a few different shows and things that were included, but just because it was busy one or two, um,

some sort of rights kind of like didn't really like cross. Like for example, there was a really cool concert that we are a part of, but we couldn't get like the rights to like music and like little stuff like that. But it was a very accurate depiction of kind of what we walk through and

what the year looks like, how busy our season looks because no one ever saw a glimpse of kind of what weeks look like or what the process look like leading up to the Thanksgiving game or stuff like that. Obviously through social media, things are posted, but it's not until you see the behind the scenes of how much work, how much practices, how many appearances and events that you're doing. I think that it did an incredible job at showing what goes on behind the scene.

rather than what's, you know, going on at practices. It was really special to even see like your own teammates, what they do behind the scenes. So... Because you didn't even know that you were going to be one of the main characters essentially on the show, right? Right. You just thought that everyone was getting equal screen time. Everyone was having cameras follow them everywhere. Absolutely. And so when did you find that out that you were kind of the main person? So honestly, I...

Don't really recall the exact time. I feel like it probably was towards leading up to our wedding. Again, my mind being so like wedding based to last year. That's all I was thinking about. One, just making sure I put my best foot forward as a rookie, like making sure I knew my choreography coming in, making sure like as a perfectionist, like I wanted to make sure I'm not messing up and stuff like that. All the little things that we think of. So my mind was so focused.

into x y and z and then didn't really kind of come to terms with oh the show like that's also something that's happening and when it came out um we saw the first two the first two episodes right after the wedding actually like in may before it was um premiered in june so i was like oh

That's me. And that's a lot. Yeah, I guess I didn't really know until I saw the docuseries that it was pretty big. That there was a lot of me and Will. And I was like, oh, this is great. Did that make you uncomfortable?

this right now. I can tell you look like, well, I, I just like never in my wildest dreams thought that this was in the Lord's plan. And obviously he does exceeds and gives far abundantly than we could ever ask. And so I just never knew that this was like his plan. And, um, like I said, never thought like this would happen. And I never dreamt

because at the end of the day, I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. And we didn't really know what to expect when the docuseries came out. So we kind of just were kind of twiddling our thumbs like, okay, we'll just see when it gets here. And so, yeah, it was a little nerve wracking because it's not just the U.S. seeing it, it's international. And, you know, I feel like a lot of people know a lot more about me than I know myself.

I was just processing this as I went. Yeah, I'm just processing it and I feel like I've stepped into a whole new world. But it's been such a beautiful, crazy, chaotic, but blessed opportunity. So I'm super grateful for it, but I also...

And like, whoa, people know who I am and know who Will are. Just all the things. I truly think what it is, is like, I think America and the world is tired of the in-your-face reality TV, you know, loud fights, drama, drama, drama.

And yet we have the show called America's Sweethearts. It's refreshing. Yeah. And then you have like you and Will who are just a sweet couple, which like fits with Sweethearts. So like, I think that's what it was. And I think the producer probably made the right, I think they made the right choice following you and telling your story because you're just a genuine person who really cared about

this passion of yours to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader and then here you are getting married. So I don't know. You deserve everything that you're getting and more. Like seriously. I'll handle it so gracefully. That's so sweet. And you're so humble about it too. I think Abby and Matt say that. I'm like, oh my God.

no I'm so serious and I just thank you that that means everything and I you know there's I guess as newlyweds we've always thought like what's our purpose like obviously as a married couple like we want to make the kingdom bigger but what does that look like and he God was like I know what it looks like and you're not even gonna expect it so just hearing that it means the world and um

I think we're doing, we're trying to do our best with handling it all, but we're also human. And I think, like you said, like, I think the world is kind of tired of seeing like picture perfectness because it's,

it's not. Like, that's not real life. And so I hope that in everything that we do and everything that we say, any interaction that we show that, like, hey, we're relatable. Like, we're real people. We're just as broken. We're just as confused and messy, you know, as any other person is. And so I think that the show also shows

that is that we're daughters, like we're sisters, we're friends. Like we are women who have dreamt big, but also have so much more going on behind the scenes. And I think that the show really shows and highlights that because when you put that uniform on, there are a lot of eyes and, and little girls eyes are like looking at you with, with stars. And it's like, Oh no, no, no. The stars are actually in my eyes because what I can do is, you know, if it's just, it's just such a mutual thing.

of being able to give back in a way, but also become relatable in a sense of like, hey, if I can do this, like you can do this. And I think that's what the show really shows and highlights. - A really sweet moment. Speaking of like, it's funny hearing you say like not being perfect because in my eyes I'm like, they, you guys look perfect. Like literally amazing.

But also there was a moment, and I think it was at the end of an episode where you guys are about to go out onto the field and you went a hair early and then like scooted back. And I was like, that's going to make me fall in love with you even more. I literally love that moment. And here, so that's funny that you say that because...

long story short the show came out the first day of training camp this year and so my mind was like oh no no no i'm not watching this until the weekend because i gotta be focused in a training camp like i don't want any distractions my phone was like on do not disturb like i just don't want any distraction that's a crazy it's crazy that it fell on the same day yes what a what a clinky dink um

And so, but one of my teammates had reached out and she was like, have you seen it yet? And I was like, no, no, no. Like I'm waiting until after the week. I'll watch it Saturday and Sunday. Our training camp started on Thursday because that's when the show came out.

And so I was like, I'll watch it on Saturday. And she was like, there is a part that I absolutely love. And it's something that I vividly remember because, you know, as a rookie, you remember all of your mistakes. And walking out, she was the one that was like, and she was the one that had told me. And I was like, they put that in the episode? She was like, yeah, it's so great. And I'm like, you know what?

I'm so glad that they did because there are so many other mistakes that I made. But at least if I can show someone that I am so flawed and imperfect, then I did my job. So like endearing just to see and you're like little recovery. I was like, I love it.

And then I see the camera crew and I'm like, even better. Even better. Hopefully y'all cut that out, but it wasn't. Something I didn't expect from the documentary was that it was scary. It was that whole situation with the camera guy and the groping. And then like, it just, I would have never thought of something like that happening. And obviously like they weren't able to,

the charges because they couldn't have enough evidence. Yeah. Tell me tell me about like how do you deal with that as a cheerleader because I don't know. I mean that's just me. I would have never thought of. I feel like the cheerleaders are like kind of here as like a sexual icon in a way with like and so how do I know that they were saying that they have a lot of security measures and like how they handle that. Absolutely. So I feel like one hearing

it was devastating because like I just said, like we're daughters, we're sisters, we're friends, we're, you know, wives. Some of us were fiance's, we're girlfriends. And, um, but at the end of the day, like we're best friends. And so when you hear that, like that happened to one of your teammates, like it hits home really,

real hard and deeply and like you said we have incredible security and I never want to um you know downgrade them because they are absolutely amazing but in a game there are a lot of people on the sidelines and it is hard to see everyone there's 90 plus thousand people that are at a game and there's a lot of people on the field as well and it's heartbreaking to hear and to have kind of

witnessed that and I've seen like your friend go through that because when it's embarrassing and you feel icky and you feel weird and you're like, that's not why I'm doing this. Like I'm doing this because I love to dance and I'm representing something greater than myself. But there's a lot, um, unfortunately eyes that might see this and I don't want to say lustful, but unfortunately in a more lustful way. And, um,

I think that's a little scary in a sense of like, hey, like that's not what I represent, like who I am in the uniform. I'm the same person outside. Thank you to Liquid IV for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. Abby is addicted to Liquid IV. I am. You so are. The first thing, we were just traveling. The very first thing Abby said when we got there, she's like, I need to order some Liquid IV. Yeah. Because...

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situation but we're also like extremely just extremely grateful for the people that we work with our security crew like they're amazing about for

for example, like when someone comes and takes a picture with us, they're not allowed to touch us. Um, they either have a football or they hold something or they're kind of the center of the attention and we're behind them like in the corner. Um, because that's what we want to do. We want to like leave someone better than we found them and make sure that they feel like seen, loved and valued and that they're the center of the tension and not us. But too, it's also for, um,

just security purposes and protection for us. And because there are some times where you're like...

Ooh, this is a little weird. He kind of give an eye to like the security guy and he's like, okay, yeah, I, I get it. I'm following like I, I'm going to be aware, but, um, yeah, it's just like a weird, that is unfortunately a part of another side of this job. But, um, too, I don't want to live in fear in that way. And none of us do. And, but it does catch you by surprise when something does happen because, um,

I mean, in that case, it was kind of inevitable, like just because there were so many people. But two, I think moving forward, we want to put our best foot forward in the sense of, okay, this happened. This is not right. And we want to make sure that we put all the, you know, set all the right rules and boundaries and all the things like moving forward so that this doesn't happen again. Do you always have security with you when you're in uniform? Yes. Is that kind of something that, okay, you're in uniform. Is it like...

per group of girls, then you have at least one guy per, I don't know if there's like a rule for that. Yeah, yeah. So usually our appearances, there's two girls most of the time, a sit and sign or a stand and pose. That's what we call it. It's either you come, we're sitting, we're signing things or we're standing and posing. Pretty self-explanatory. But there's usually two of us. And so we usually have two security guards with us. And then

And then when it's a group, there are a few more. But usually when there's a group, there's a bigger event. So therefore, there's more security. But anytime there's like a performance, especially game days where there's a performance right before it's like our pregame performance that we do outside of the field.

And there is security all lined up because we're like in between fans. It's blocked off, but there's a lot more just because of being out, like

Exposed, like, in the public. But other than that, we definitely always have security. And we're very fortunate enough to have security with us, even with practices. With practices, we have security all around our premises and inside our practices. And they also walk us to our cars every night, which is super sweet because you never know who's in a parking garage. So, yeah. Super, super blessed. That's awesome. Yeah. I think that when I think about the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, I think of, like,

like we're saying, like kind of picture perfect, beautiful, and womanly. And especially like they have the bikini and they have like the belly shots. And so it's like, I...

While I do think it's done in such a classy way, how do you navigate yourself through your own discovery with modesty related to your role as a cheerleader? Yeah, absolutely. So I feel like one, I feel like there has kind of been a negative connotation in the sense of body image and what that looks like. And I think as time has evolved, our program has really taken a...

a positive direction in the sense of, Hey, we want you to feel and look your best. And it's not the sense of like, Oh, you need to look like this or your way. Like that's all kicked out the door. If you feel good and you look good and you're putting effort into like who you are physically, mentally, emotionally, like that's what we're proud of. And we want to showcase that. So

In terms of speaking like all of the other swimsuit calendars and things like that, like we are now promoting and showing healthy and relatable bodies more than just

unrealistic expectation of hip bones and you know tiny like legs and all the things because we're athletes like we have to be able to fuel ourselves to do what we're doing on the field because it is not easy thunderstruck at the very end you've got to make sure like you're feeling yourself and you're

you know, being kind to yourself, like mentally, emotionally, because this is very, it's very rigorous. The direction that we've kind of taken now is more healthy mind, healthy body and making sure we're fueling yourself and showing like,

If you want to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, what other better way to promote healthy living and being a role model is showing relatability and not a perfect body because there's not a perfect body out there. So that's something I have to remember. I love how you refer to yourselves as athletes because Abby and I, you mentioned theater, growing up doing theater. Abby and I met doing theater. Yeah. And...

Oh, my gosh. Like, after doing dance numbers where you're doing, like, triple pirouette, like, you know, switch leap, like, all this stuff. And singing and dance at the same time. No one knows, but that is hard. You're out of breath. Like, it's hard to breathe, right? And you're, like, dripping sweat. Like, you must be drenched in sweat by the end of Thunderstruck. Oh, my gosh. It's quite bad. People were like, pictures, pictures. I'm like...

Can I please breathe? Maybe not. Maybe not. Yeah. After a game, I look like a wet rat. I'm not going to lie. I leave and I'm like, this is not what I looked like pre-game. And then post-game, we'll have to do a video where I'm like, this is me before a game. And then this is

Yeah, but no, it's athletic and what we do is hard. And a lot of people don't realize this either, but Thunderstruck is already hard enough doing it from the very beginning to the end. But when you put the boots on, that's a completely different dance because it's essentially doing a dance in ankle weights. The boots are real. They're real leather Lucchese boots and they are...

They're so iconic and I love them so much, but they're heavy. And you have to be able to perform in them and point your foot. And I mean, think about real leather boots. I cannot imagine pointing your feet in a boot. Yeah. So it's definitely harder than it looks. I think we try to make it look effortless and perfect, but at the end of it, when we walk off, best belief, we're like wheezing. We're like...

That's the thing, right? It wouldn't be fun to watch some people dance and look like they're in pain the whole time, right? So yeah, you have to pretend like you're smiling and you're not sweating your face off and your makeup stripping. Did I just hear a pop? Yes, I did, but I'm smiling.

Yeah. So that's, that's so impressive. And the famous like jump, um, split, jump, splitting and jumping, splitting and jumping. Talk to us about that. Yeah. Um, it's funny that you mentioned that cause I always, we, you know, we just announced our team and throughout training camp. Um, I remember the very first night, um, we did jump splits was like right after my birthday. And I remember last year it was on my birthday. So I was like, happy birthday to me. That's

that I get to try this jump split for the first time. And I remember, you know, the rookie canine, it's thinking like, oh my gosh, this is like really nerve wracking, but like, I know I can do it, but like, I just have to do it. And then having to do it in front of Kelly and Judy, like it's already like scary because you don't want to mess up. You want to make sure like,

could and so I I told a rookie candidate I was like listen taking off a band-aid with like hairy arms hurts right but if you just rip it off it's done and I said it's almost like that you just have to rip the band-aid off take a breath jump lightly sometimes I have to I I don't close my eyes also don't try that at home and don't close your eyes but sometimes I'm just like okay here we go and land like

Like, that's what I have to think about is instead of, there's obviously a lot of, you know, don't do this and land like this and all the physical elements to it. But at the end of the day, it's like a mental blockage is you just have to let go. And like growing up as a dancer, I did, you know, acro and I did a lot of different tricks and stuff. And it's almost like learning a new trick. It's like, I've got to remove my mental blockage and just do it. Nike. Nike.

Just do it, you know? And so that's literally what we have to do is like, nope, kick, kick. There's six kicks at the end and then, and then you're done. That has to be damaging to your body though. Well, yeah. There's no, there's no way that your hips are like, oh, that's okay. Like, yeah, your hips. Thank you so much for that.

Because, okay, I'll be honest. I only joined Abby in watching the documentary towards the end, but Abby was filling me in. I was like, get over here right now. Abby binged it. She was obsessed. I love it. But what is up with... Wasn't someone getting a surgery because of their hips being screwed up from the jump split? Jump split, yeah. It is demanding. And so many people are like, oh my gosh, you're so young. Your body is so healthy. And I'm like...

Thank you. Yes, it, yes, I guess it is. And I'm in my, like the best shape possible, but the older you get, and especially as dancers, like anatomically, we're doing things that aren't natural, aren't natural. Um, one being a jump sweat and, you know,

I think as a dancer, that's just kind of something that comes with it is like a football player. You're not going to tell a football player, Hey, stop doing car collisions every single time you do a play, you know, like essentially that's what they're doing. And it's not like you're going to say, Hey, stop doing what you love, you know? And, and that's kind of similar with, with dance is like,

hey, the 85% external rotation that you have that's anatomically not correct, stop doing that. It's like, well, no, that's like what my job requires and I love to do it. And so I think that's just kind of something that we think about when we do the jump split. I'm not going to sit here and say that it feels good all the time. Because it...

It's not like, oh yeah, let me just do it in the morning. Let me do it at lunchtime. We do take precautionary. We do our best with doing those measures of like, hey, we always do Thunderstruck and practices of we'll do Thunderstruck full out, kicks, pretty kicks, no J, which is crazy.

eye level kicks, not all the way. That way you're not sore or tugging on those hamstrings. And then no J, no jump split. So the only time we're doing our jump splits is in front of a crowd when it matters. And so we try to just really be calm

on how many times we're doing it because it does take a toll on your body physically. But we have great trainers and we have great resources that are helpful in the sense of knowing that we're getting older and our bodies can't do this forever. If you told me in 10 years I'm gonna do a jump split, I'd be like, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is probably the only time

I'm ever going to do a jump split is this career, you know, because it is it's hard and it does take a toll. But unfortunately, that does come with it. Like any other athlete, you know, you are getting hurt. And unfortunately, you know, the sport that you play and that's just one of the things you look at these NFL athletes, the football players on the field who are

getting paid you know 20 30 million dollars a year what like the craziest salary like good for them i'm happy for them that's awesome but i was shocked when i looked up what the dallas cowboys cheerleaders uh make because i don't know if this is true but the internet was saying something about 75 000 a year for a cheerleader i don't know if that's true is it was that it's not that much right that's what it says on google though yeah um

There is your testament to never trust what Google says. So it's lower. It's lower than that. Yes, I would say so. But I know that there's a lot of controversy with how much we get paid.

get paid and stuff and like great I'm grateful that we do get paid because in some instances like some some NFL programs do not get paid as much as as we do and so we are very grateful in that sense but like any other NFL cheerleader you have to be able to have another income coming in you have to have another job with it yes you do see these football players and you're like are making so much like you make you alone so much money

but at the end of the day, like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And because it is so prestigious and, um,

you know, not everyone can say that they're a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. Like that in itself is a chapter I'm always going to cherish. And so at the end of the day, like money is temporary and it's a worldly thing. Like I can't take that to heaven. And so, but the opportunities and the experiences I'm gaining through this journey in this chapter, that's building my character. And that's the thing that I can take to heaven. And so that's something that I always try to remember because it is hard when you're living in a world where you're like, wow, you're

There's expenses. Okay. There's expenses. I'm kind of a nerd and I just did some quick math in my head. Yeah. The players in the field individually are making more than the entire team of cheerleaders. Like one player. That's kind of crazy. Oh,

Yes. Yeah. One guy. And like the quarterback, I don't know what he makes, but like, let's say, let's even be generous. Let's say that the cheerleaders made a hundred K and times that by 36, that's 3.6 million yearly. That's not our contract for our quarterback. Oh, I know. Your quarterback's probably making like 30, 40 million a year. So he's probably making, yeah. Like he's making as much as like all the NFL cheerleaders in the whole entire league. Right.

Could very well. Could very well. She's like, that checks out. Look, okay. Honestly, let me just say this. Like, clearly you love what you do. So you'd probably do it for free. Like, when you love something so much, I know what that feels like. Like, it's just, it's so much fun to entertain and to do an art form that you love. Yeah, it's your passion. But like...

At the same time, I don't know. I want to see you guys get paid more. I really do. Matt can't bring that up. And I know that the money's there, too. Because the NFL is so freaking loaded. There's so much money in the NFL. Well, the U.S. supports NFL. We're constantly buying tickets or buying someone's jersey or that $20 popcorn you just bought is helping them.

I just know there's no reason that any cheerleader in the NFL at all should be paid under 100k in my opinion. That's yeah. Well, thank you. What is the job that you have? You have another job to like subsidize your income. Yeah. So, um, I work at a flower shop, which is super fun. I am around incredible women from all walks of life. I've got, um,

like just wisdom being poured into me. I've got people that are a little bit closer in my age. Like it's just so sweet to have like motherly figure figures in my life to, um, just to be able to be around. And, um,

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Putting off those doctor's appointments and go to slash unplanned to find and instantly book a top rated doctor today. That's Z-O-C-D-O-C dot com slash unplanned. slash unplanned. Being able to make someone's day with flowers is so cool. You got to meet Dolly Parton because of Brazy. Oh my gosh.

still just cannot believe that happened but yes that was a pinch me moment for sure but yeah it's so special and I feel like when you order flowers it's to bring joy

Whether you're walking through grief or whether you're celebrating something. And so it's just really special to be a part of someone's joy and celebration. That's sweet. Yeah, with life. Tell us more about Dolly Parton. What was she like in person? What did you talk about? Oh, sorry. She's so sweet. I just have one more question about the flower shop thing. I'm just curious. Is your role at the flower shop more lucrative than your role in the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders?

Wait, like... Which one makes you more money? You need to tell me that you make more money delivering flowers than you get paid as a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, for sure. That is definitely... Oh, hourly though. You're probably making more hourly doing flower deliveries. Right. Got it. But kind of as like a blessing in disguise is...

I don't have a nine to five job as of right now. Um, just because throughout this year I wanted something to like, obviously bring in a little bit more income, but something that I enjoyed, I'm, I'm a big stickler about that is like, if you don't love what you're doing and like, no, it's not worth it, you know? And so I love what I'm doing. Um, thankfully like Will's job is great and we're doing great in that sense. But what I really wanted was something I can,

look forward to in the beginning of my day, have a little bit of time so that I can get ready for practice. And this was especially important in rookie season because I wanted to have something and then come back and do choreography and make sure I'm prepared and all the things that you kind of have to do in your rookie season.

to be your best in practice. And, um, so like all the other, not all of them, because some of us are a little bit different with our schedules, but, um, a good bit of us do have nine to five jobs, but those are also like second year, third year, fourth year vets who have been able, they, they walked, you know, they've walked in our shoes. Um,

But yeah, so it's better with cheerleaders for sure. Can everyone go follow Reese on Instagram right now? It'll take literally two seconds. Go to Instagram, follow Reese. We got to blow up her account, okay? That's so kind. Because you're not getting paid enough doing what you're doing. So we got to like support you somehow. Oh my gosh. Sorry, back to Dalton. I want to know, what was she like to meet? Oh, okay.

What you see on camera is who she is off camera. Like, she is just this cute little ball of sunshine that you could just, like, put in your pocket. You would think that she's, like, pretty tall because she always wears her six-inch heels. Always. But she's so little and so petite and so cute. And I just remember...

She had so many security guards who were these huge, massive like dudes. And they're, you know, I guess they're all from like Nashville. So they are all like wearing their boots and their hats. And they're just like really massive. And I'm like, where's Dolly? You know, around them. But I just remember walking in being like, oh my gosh, this is kind of intimidating. And then seeing Dolly, she just is such like just a firecracker. She's so sweet, so cute. And I remember...

completely being starstruck. I had, I was speechless and I'm so glad that Kelly, our director started talking because she's, she's an incredible speaker. Like just very well-spoken. And I'm just so glad that she did the first move because she was talking and I was like, I've got to form sentences to be able to make sure I can speak. It'd be embarrassing at this moment. But I remember looking at the producer cause he was in the back and I was like,

I was not expecting to meet Dolly. All I was expecting was just to drop off the arrangement because I'm like, of course they have her hidden. This is my job. Yeah, like I'm just walking to them and then leaving. But no, like she comes in and I just...

It's like taken back. I cannot believe this. It was like almost like an out of body experience. I was like, I don't I don't think I'm actually seeing Dolly in front of me. I was like, please, someone pinch me. It was funny seeing Kelly fangirl because always Kelly is so collected. Yes. Yeah. She's very collected. Very well spoken. Yet, like, here's Kelly.

Just fangirling over Dolly Parton. It was kind of interesting to see. It was special to see because the first time I met Kelly, I was same thing. I was like, oh my gosh, that's Kelly Finglass. Like, that's crazy. And kind of seeing the roles a little bit kind of, not switch, but she was just as taken back to was really cool because Dolly is just so iconic. Like, oh my gosh, she's literally the best, most...

incredible female country artist ever and she will go like down in the history books as that and forever will be and so it was just such an honor to be able to meet her. What a cool opportunity. Speaking of more on Kelly, I feel like because the audience for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader docuseries is so much broader that like you even said it's global. Like it was like number one you said in Australia, things like that. So many more eyes are on it than our

would have any idea of like what's going on in the dance world, especially like the NFL cheerleading side of things. So there's been criticism about how the coaches like coach essentially. And I guess like how would, how do you view it? Like, do you think it is a little too harsh at times? Do you think that maybe sometimes they need to lighten up their approach to

It's interesting that you say that because I remember going to, um, LA for kind of like press interviews before the docuseries was, was out. And Kelly kind of got asked that question in a, in an interview. And, um, she was like, you know,

It was very eye-opening to see kind of everything. I didn't even think of that. They're just seeing your response like, yes, ma'am. Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, she was kind of talking about, I mean, Kelsey's a nurse, right?

And, you know, I was planning a wedding and there's just so much more that you see that it's going on behind the scenes in the sense like Anna Kate, I know, um, the world kind of got introduced to her and her sister and seeing kind of their sweet bond and, um, you know, and, and Victoria too, like her mom being a legacy, like that's,

There's just so much more that goes on behind closed doors that was revealed to everyone, including Kelly and Judy. And so Kelly kind of mentioned that and she was like, it just was a different approach now. And she said, even as like a coach, like taking this new approach is just, it's refreshing and it's new because she never had seen that. But to answer your question, I do think that

Being a part of something that is so iconic, so prestigious, and Kelly and Judy do demand excellence, with that comes a lot of responsibility and comes with

lot of practices, sometimes some thick, actually not sometimes, a lot of thick skin. And in order to be, you know, the greatest of all time, you're going to have to sacrifice and do a lot. And so I think that that's just something that I've always remembered that sometimes decisions and things that they say, you know, they also have a job. And so I've, I've got to

I always have to find myself of just respecting a decision, whether it's, you know, what I think is the right one or the wrong one. At the end of the day, they also, you know, have pressure on them as well. So I think that's something that we always try to remember is like some things we cannot have control over or, you know, handle. But Kelly and Judy are the ones too that have a lot of pressure that they've got to deal

make sure that excellence is the bar is never being kind of teetered is there a minimum height now because i noticed when ari got cut that was something that was discussed on the documentary oh should we make it a rule that you have to be a certain height to be on the team did they ever make that a rule i don't believe so and i you know those that was one of those decisions that i was

you just kind of had to take a deep breath and keep moving forward because I love Ari and she's so talented and shout out to Ari because she is now a Miami dolphins cheerleader, which is incredible. And we're just extremely proud of her. She's thriving, but, um, it, um, you know, that's one of those decisions that's like, you don't have a say. And so whatever happens kind of happens, but I don't know if there's a height requirement now. Um,

That's a good question. I want to look into that for sure. Yeah, that Abby and I watching that part of the... That one struck a chord as a 5-2 girly. I was like, wait a minute. Yeah, right. What's, you know, I could be completely wrong, but I do think we have a good amount of shorties on our team too. And so me including myself and...

One thing that like in the kick line, we, it goes from middle, the tallest to shortest, tallest to shortest. And I think it was just more on the fact of like, maybe those spots were already filled or, you know, we need someone like taller kind of sense. But yeah, those are those decisions that just don't make sense, but happen and we just have to respect it and kind of move forward. Um,

But that's where that emotional toll hits. Cause you're like, you just build connections and growth. And it's like, Ari had no control over that. And those are hard. Those are hard to witness and walk through. But that's tough. What has it been like seeing yourself become famous? How is your family reacting to that? Yeah. I,

My family is so just amazed at it because they're like, you know, we never thought that, you know, they've always been so supportive and have always had, you know, high hopes and everything. But this would have shocked us if you were told like, hey, this is going to happen to Reese's life. We'd be like, huh?

What? And so my mom and dad are just like, you know, this is just such a cool thing. Like, just enjoy it. And they've always been so supportive and encouraging and helpful. Obviously, this is something that we've never navigated before. So it's new to them. And it's just definitely, it's a learning process, I think, for all of us. Even my friends, like my close inner circle, too. It's something that's not normal, right?

And so I'm trying to just handle it with as much grace, but also grace for myself because I don't really know what I've got. But I have to remember my why. And my why was I want to make the kingdom bigger, one. But two, I want to pursue and do everything possible

wholeheartedly um to the best of my ability and um now on top of this new world i've entered i want to do the same and that that why has never changed so which one of your friends or family members is the one updating you on your followers going up oh my gosh so many of them so many of them it's funny a lot of my roommates from college are doing it but we have a really close um

friend there. We just call them family because they are, but it's a, just a, you know, a mom, a dad, um,

two girls, like we're all just super close with, and they're the ones that are constantly like looking at my, my social media account and they're helping me too. And the sense of like, Hey, there's a comment that you might want to take down or like something like that. And I'm like thankful for it. Cause sometimes I just don't see those things, but to, I've got a lot of friends. I honestly can't just pick one. They're like, did you know that

your account like followers went up this many and this much I'm like I don't have time to look at that but I'm glad that you

That's so funny. Yeah. It was funny because people watching this probably are like, what? What are they talking about? But even my college roommates wouldn't watch our videos, but they actually made fun of me when I first started doing YouTube five years ago. But they were like, wait, dude, you just hit 100,000. Lovingly. They're like, bro, you hit 100,000, what? And then it was like, dude, you hit a million. So I wouldn't even check, but they were the ones...

keeping us informed. So I think that's so funny that's your roommates. Right. I'm sure that there's probably more too that are looking but aren't going to tell until later or something. But I think Will's friends too are seeing it because Will's from a really small town in Alabama and we're just amazed that this is happening and I think Will is extremely amazed that this is all going on as well. But his friends are like,

dude, you just hit 10K. Like that's huge. And I'm like, I know. When did that happen? When did you pass 10,000 followers? Oh my goodness. She's talking about Will. Will. Oh, Will. Will actually just hit 10K. Let's go. Two days ago. Let's go. And he was like, he sent me a screenshot, but I know his friends were probably all freaking out. I'm like, oh,

like, dude, you're so cool. And we'll go follow Will. I need to go follow Will after this. Yes, yes, you do. He would be so honored. Oh my gosh. That's so funny. It has just been such a fast train and there's like no sign of slowing down. Such a blessing, but

so crazy how everything has happened kind of like overnight, honestly. Hey, real quick, I don't want to take much of your time. I just wanted to thank you guys for being here. It seriously means the world to us. I don't know if you can tell in this episode, Abby and I are half asleep because we slept three hours the night before and woke up at like five o'clock in the morning to fly to Dallas. And

and film two podcasts. So we really appreciate you being here. We put a lot of work into these podcast episodes and if you wouldn't mind hitting subscribe or sharing this podcast with a friend or someone that you think would enjoy it, that would really mean the world to us.

But only do that if you truly enjoy the episode because we just want to make sure that you love this episode as much as we do. Yeah, again, this is just a dream. We feel so thankful, so blessed that we get to do this. And we're so happy that you're here with us along the journey. So thank you so much. We really love and appreciate every single one of you. Now let's get back to the episode. I'm so curious. Is there going to be a season two? I think we're all very hopeful for it. And I think like that would...

be super cool so because it's done so well already um but we have no idea if there will be um I honestly don't even know if Netflix knows that as well so we kind of just we don't know we're kind of in limbo we're just like I think we're all hoping for season two so put in our vote for Netflix if you hear this I think if Netflix was smart they would look at Netflix if you're listening Netflix make a freaking season two okay

It has just, it's inspired so many people. It's crazy how relatable it is too as someone that grew up doing dance. Like Abby felt like, I know that she's felt what you guys went through. Absolutely. Like, okay, not actually, right? Because like you're freaking auditioning for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. But anybody that's been a part of like competition dance or dance at all,

can probably relate in some way to what you guys felt yeah i was telling matt i was like i miss the thrill of performance because that is so fun but ultimately it made me miss being a part of a team of girls like constantly so much and so i think that is like me kind of in the next season of life maybe two seasons on being a mom and like i'm like oh i miss like always being around like

like, well, I love my babies, like being around other women. Like I miss that so much. And that, that documentary, like it was also such a warm feeling too. Cause I was like, that was such a special thing that I got to experience. It's so special. I mean, like this literally just popped in my brain, but anytime you're working towards the same goal with a group of people that you absolutely love and adore, um,

It is one super special and no one can break that because no one knows until you're in it about how deep and strong your bond is with each other. But just for instance, like for a musical, when I did musicals, like obviously you've got like, you're doing kind of like

where you're blocking out like, oh, where are you going to enter or where are you going to exit or like quick change, like, oh, I got your quick change. Like, I can help you. Like, all those things like tie into each other and it's like, that's such a bond and such a team aspect. Same thing with us. It's like, you know, I giggle at this because when we do this thing in the kick line where we put our leg up and we do like this like,

ripple effect and I don't know why this is so random but one of the girls I'm next to right now were the exact same height but completely different bodies like my legs are so short and my torso is so long where her legs are so long and her torso is short but when I put my leg up on her I have to like

put extra effort because she's a lot taller in the sense of like our hips are. And so it's just little tweaks in the sense of like, oh, I got you. I'm going to do this for you or I'm going to do this. Like those are so special and they all kind of

add up where, I don't know, like, do you see what I'm saying? Where it's like, if you're doing like, I don't know, I, I've never cheered before, even though people think like a cheerleader, we do stunts. We don't do stunts. We're dancers. But if you're doing a stunt, if you're a cheerleader, like if there's a base and you need a little extra tweak, like I'm sure there's some chemistry bond where you're like, Hey, I need a little bit more help in this way or this way. Like, I don't know. You just build such strong support and, um,

just get deeper on like such a sweet level as a team so like one unit yeah multiple parts yeah I love it I didn't even think about that so yeah you guys don't do stunts you don't do back flips or get thrown in the air I don't know how to do that hold up okay why why is it then that that's like high school cheerleaders and then that's literally so far off from what you guys do you know

I honestly don't know because there are some NFL programs that do have cheer. Oh, and they are doing stunts. And it's more of a newer thing, actually. And I think it's really cool that they're incorporating both because an NFL cheerleader, you would think like that term cheerleader, you're thinking stunts and backflips and tricks and stuff. But essentially, we're dancers like.

Some of us have never cheered before in our lives. That was like my high school dance team. Yeah. We had pom-poms, but we danced with them. But you had both, though. Like, a lot of high schools have the cheer team and the pom-pom squad or whatever. I think the term cheerleader is... If you have poms in your hands, you're essentially a cheerleader. Whereas cheer and dance are two different sports. Whereas cheerleading...

you know, just kind of, I guess, comparing this to going to Alabama, we had a co-ed team and an all-girl team and they're, they're beasts. They are so amazing. Every single time they go to nationals, all-girl team like has won multiple national championships. So as our co-ed team or has been in the top three, like super competitive, but that is the cheer pro like that is, that is being a cheerleader, um,

Yes, they have palms in their hands, but so does the dance team. But we're dancers. So I don't know. It's very interesting how that term has just kind of been broadly used. If you have palms, hey, guess what? You're a cheerleader. But so many people ask us all the time, what level are your stunts and stuff? And I'm like,

hey, sweet girl, I actually don't know how to do a stunt. And like, I don't even know like what some cheer terms mean. I'm just a dancer, you know? Are you still in shock? Like, is this, do you feel like imposter syndrome? I'm in shock that I'm doing this podcast right now. Y'all are literally sitting on my couch in my apartment right now. And I'm freaking out. That's so funny because like, you should have heard the, like Abby was cheering when she was like, Reese responded to my DM, let's go.

I called my friends. I called my sister-in-law. No. No, no, no. It is so mutual. But I just remember telling Will and I'm like, I'm freaking out. Like, I genuinely don't even know if I can do this. Like, I'm just so giddy and so honored. And so...

just appreciative that you guys thought of me and our story. Thank you. Oh my goodness. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you for coming on. I, I hope that we were able to like fully represent like what, what your experience has been. And we're just, we're so excited for you. And we also like, we just want to see you grow. Like we just want to, we just want to see you continue to crush it. And I, I,

I'll be honest. I did not realize coming into this that literally everything that's happened has been just in the past month. Like that is crazy. And that makes me even more excited for you and Will because your life is like just starting to change and it's going to continue to change. And you're in a really exciting season of marriage too. So we're just so happy for you guys and want nothing but the best for you. Yeah. I think something Kelly said on the show or maybe it was Kelly. I think she was like, does that girl ever cry?

Like you just make others around you feel more joyful and optimistic. And so like, that's something I love about you. And I feel like our viewers can probably just like feel that through your phone. Just like your energy is just so humble, joyful. And like Matt said, I'm also feel very excited for like what's in your future. Thank you. Fun fact before we, before we wrap up, but as we were watching that scene, Will was watching it with me.

And he was like, "If only they knew." Obviously sometimes like, oh gosh, Will and my mom and my dad, like anytime I just have to be extremely vulnerable or I'm upset about something or frustrated, like you kind of take it out on your loved ones unfortunately because they love you like unconditionally.

And so there have been many times where either I'm stressed or I'm overwhelmed or I'm like sad or frustrated and like, I'll just like let it all out. And I'm like, just tears flowing. And Will was like, wow, she does cry. Like she is human and she does get sad and all the things. But I thought that was so funny. He was like laughing out loud. He was like, I'm holding it in.

Did you cry off camera during the whole filming process? Yeah, definitely. I didn't really know what to expect. There was a lot of anxiety too that was kind of led throughout the year with just so much happening. Just graduated, just got engaged, I'm planning a wedding, rookie season, so many moving parts and then we're filming a Netflix show? And so there's just a lot of natural emotions

anxiety that just kind of built up throughout the year. And yeah, I would, I would definitely kind of, sometimes I would go to practice. I would come back and just not that I was ever upset or sad about something, but I just needed to like, let it out. Like, and I didn't really know how to do that unless I just kind of, unfortunately just kind of cried it out, but that's just human of me. You know, I love your cry.

And as well, as well as is that like the person you go and cry to when you, when you need to. Okay. Oh yeah. There's times where I'm like, I don't even know what to say and I don't even know why I'm crying, but I'm just going to cry. And he's like, okay, all right. You just let me know. Like, and there's times where I'm like, no, I need you to say this. Or he says something. I'm like, that's not what you needed. You just let me know when you're ready to talk. And I'm like,

but I need to cry first. That's so, that's so relatable. I feel like that's always, you can attest. I'm like, just, I'm like, this is what I need to hear right now. Yes. And I'm just like, five words on your own. Okay. Random, I have ADHD, so this is why I just thought of this, but what happens if you get pregnant while you're on the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders? Oh, can you still dance?

don't think you can kick that high. Has there ever been a pregnant... I'm not too sure if that's something that we've really thought about because I feel like that's just kind of an unspoken like... Don't get pregnant? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. How does that affect you guys with planning a family? Yeah. I'm assuming... That's a good question. Y'all are the first people that have asked. I'm like, this is... Oh, yeah. That's a five-year plan then. Yeah. Pretty much. So, really, I'm so grateful for...

Will obviously sacrificed so much for my dream. And I think that's pretty clear too. Like on the docuseries, I know like he touched on that briefly, but I think... Oh, it was so sweet. He said his dream was you. I had no idea that he had said that. Like he never told me that, that, you know, when they interviewed him, that he had said that. So when I saw it for the first time, I was like, oh my gosh, way to just...

you know, but, um, anyway, so I think that's just kind of an unspoken thing that we just like,

don't really talk about but like we know like that just can't happen because obviously like it's the uniform is a little revealing my belly button does not look like it can be in a dallas cap fun fact though there was a dcc at one point that did have a daughter no way she was such a go-getter and she like was a killer like i was like wow go mom like that's such a like i want to aspire to

you know, be like that. That's awesome. Yeah, she broke boundaries and set, like, or broke expectations. Like, it's just really cool to see her kind of conquer, I guess, like, a stereotype that you kind of have over...

that topic yeah but yeah because you can definitely dance you can dance while you're pregnant right like that's not a thing like you can work out no way your kicks could be high your belly would literally okay hold up like let's talk about like first trimester maybe but that would be really hard like yeah i don't think you'd have a physical ability let's do the math would it be possible to be pregnant while you're still dancing and then like have the baby during the off season then come back for the next season would that be possible would that be possible did you see their show

That's true. Did you see me go through postpartum? You need a whole year, but you could probably take a year off, I'm guessing. Hey, you could. But maybe not. I will say a lot of the girls who have retired are now becoming pregnant, which is super fun and super exciting to see that they're starting their families. But I think that's just something that like Will and I have had that conversation of like, you know, we're...

we are not ready to be parents because we have a lot to figure out already. Obviously after a whole month, I could not even picture us being parents right now because we have a lot of stuff that we're just like trying to juggle. But, um,

We've kind of dreamt about what life would look like post-GCC and family and stuff like that. But as of right now, I want to pursue this. And if the Lord's tugging on our hearts to move and close this chapter and journey, then we'll listen. But as of right now, we're here. This is it. This is it. How many kids do you and Will want to have? Ooh, good question. I think three or four.

But Will and I have also talked about like, Lord willing, if I know, unfortunately, there's like complications and other things like we can't really plan like what that's going to look like. Like if I can become pregnant or if I can or etc. But we would also love to adopt. I have a cousin who's adopted from Ethiopia and she is just.

the most beautiful person in the whole world. But it's been really special to kind of have someone adopted in our family. And I don't know, it's just so beautiful. And so we've talked about that. And yeah, so maybe three, four, but I would love to be a boy mama, but also girl mama. Like, I don't know, just whatever. Boy mama's the best. The best. It is. It's a lot of fun to have boys. Why boys? Is that because you had older brothers? Older? I would love to have like two older brothers and then a girl because that's exactly like,

what I grew up with and I think it's, it was so special to have just two older brothers who always looked after you, but also they were a lot older than me. So it'd be cool to have kind of a best bud or like a friend, whether it's a boy or a girl to have them a little bit closer in age. But yeah, I would say two, two boys and a girl, but if the Lord blesses us with all girls, then great. If he blesses us with all boys, great.

Like we just, we just want a fun, big family. Is Will also like with the same opinion on, hey, three to four? Yes. I think so. Yes. He, he actually told me the other day, which is so sweet. It like makes me cry every time, but he's like, gosh, I just can't wait to be a dad. Like he, he,

He's just going to be the best dad. We're going to have such a crazy, fun, chaotic household. And I cannot wait for that one day. But he would love to coach like the boys or he would love to. He had a sister.

So he participated in all of the dance performances and all of that. No way. So I think he would be a great girl dad or a great boy dad. It has been a pleasure having you on the show. If you guys haven't already followed Reese on Instagram, go do that. Where else can people find you other than Instagram? So I am on TikTok. Hey. Okay. I'm trying to become like really cool and Gen Z-er even though I'm not in the Gen Z like generation. I just, you know,

TikTok. We're doing our best, but it's very real organic and we're just trying. Let's go. That's awesome. So yeah, I am on TikTok, but my panhandles are the same. They're the same on Instagram as TikTok. Oh, awesome. Yeah. Sweet. What is that exact handle? It's Reese underscore Christine with an extra E at the end after Christine. Well, you heard it from Reese. You guys, should we say what's up, dudes? Should we say that? Should we say...

Wait, what's up, dudes? I mean, oh, peace out. What am I saying? Yeah, let's do it. Do you guys want to say peace out, dudes? Okay. Peace out, dudes. All right. And as always, three, two, one. Peace out, dudes. Peace out, dudes.