cover of episode Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney’s Lust for Nuclear War, and Why She’s on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney’s Lust for Nuclear War, and Why She’s on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

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Tucker Carlson
Tulsi Gabbard
Tucker Carlson: 本期节目讨论了图尔西·加巴德的政治生涯,从民主党新星到如今面临政治迫害的经历。卡尔森认为,加巴德反对不必要的战争,这一立场让她遭到了一些人的强烈反对。他还分析了美国政客们热衷于发动战争的原因,以及卡玛拉·哈里斯与迪克·切尼之间的政治联系。他认为,种族和性别并非政治分歧的真正根源,真正的分歧在于人们对战争和暴力的态度。 Tucker Carlson: 卡尔森还讨论了美国面临的核战争风险,以及华盛顿政客们对这一风险的漠不关心。他认为,一些所谓的安全专家和军事专家轻率地谈论核战争,误导美国民众。新保守主义者,无论民主党还是共和党,都渴望将美国推向可能导致核战争的第三次世界大战。 Tucker Carlson: 卡尔森还谈到了美国政府利用司法部和执法部门来惩罚政治对手,以及联邦调查局已经成为民主党的警察工具。他认为,美国政府的双重标准令人震惊,他们声称特朗普是民主的最大威胁,却对自身滥用权力视而不见。共和党掌控众议院,却对联邦调查局的腐败行为视而不见,这令人担忧。 Tucker Carlson: 最后,卡尔森谈到了美国存在的自我审查和恐惧的文化,以及政府对异见的压制。他认为,将图尔西·加巴德列入秘密恐怖主义监视名单是为了给其他人发出警告,让他们害怕挑战政府的权力。 Tulsi Gabbard: 加巴德在节目中分享了她反对不必要的战争,以及她对卡玛拉·哈里斯处理军事事务能力的担忧。她认为,投票给卡玛拉·哈里斯就是投票给迪克·切尼,后者是中东地区几十年来所有错误的幕后黑手。她还谈到了她本人面临的政治迫害,包括被列入秘密国内恐怖主义监视名单,并受到联邦航空警卫的跟踪。她认为,这些行为是对她批评政府的政治报复。 Tulsi Gabbard: 加巴德还谈到了华盛顿的政治文化,以及许多国会议员如何迷失自我,忘记了他们应该为谁服务。她认为,如果国会议员没有更高的目标,他们很容易被华盛顿的权力和地位所诱惑。那些只为自己着想的国会议员不仅伤害了自己,也伤害了美国人民。 Tulsi Gabbard: 加巴德还谈到了她对美国未来的希望,以及她对这场选举的看法。她认为,这场选举关乎自由与压迫、和平与战争、繁荣与贫困之间的选择。她鼓励人们利用自己的声音来影响他人,因为这场选举关乎美国人民的未来。

Deep Dive

Tulsi Gabbard, ex vicepresidenta del DNC, ahora está en la lista de vigilancia terrorista de Joe Biden y es seguida por la policía secreta en los aeropuertos. Ella aprendió lo que sucede cuando cuestionas las guerras del gobierno.
  • Tulsi Gabbard fue una vez la vicepresidenta del DNC.
  • Ahora está en la lista de vigilancia terrorista de Joe Biden.
  • Ella es seguida por la policía secreta en los aeropuertos.
  • Ella aprendió lo que sucede cuando cuestionas sus guerras.

Shownotes Transcript


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I want to introduce our next guest, and I know a lot .

about our .

next guests because I was there when all of this happened. So our next guests is tosa gapt tulsa gabbert. Can I tell you what a super quick tosa gabbert story? So tosa garbage shows up in dc about maybe ten years ago or so.

You can fill in the numbers and toss. Gabbett is the single most famous freshman democratic congresswomen ever elected. Okay, so the democrats took at tosi gabbert.

She's a military veteran. She's very articulate. She's smart t and everybody is likes telsey gabet. There's a vibe question about people and everybody just likes telsey abbot, I mean, I been in a million of events, toxic people like I love you, toxic gaber to the talent scouts, the democratic party, or like, oh, she's to be president.

And so they start reading all these pieces which ran in, you know, the new york times, washington post everywhere. Tosi gabbert is the rising star in the democratic son. SHE shows up and this goes on.

They make a vice chair of the dnc before SHE have been got to dc, and everything's fine for about a year and a half. And one day there's a foreign icy debate about syria. And tosi gabbard, who has spent a lot of time in the us.

Military and known people been killed in these various wars, pipes up and says, is very good reason to have yet another points war. And we think about fifteen seconds, tosa gabbard goes from being the future of the democratic party to a dangerous fascist who must be. And IT was watching this, that I realized, oh, that's what they actually care about.

What they actually care about is the ability to continue to fight pointless, worse because that's all the money is. That's all the money is. If you don't believe IT, maybe you haven't cheat your phone today to see the dictation I and his horrible daughter have endorsed. Come on, Harris, dig training.

Now, why is that? What is dik training? Many have in common with common Harris? And it's really interesting, actually, because they are constantly telling us that the divides are along race and gender.

And they were always telling us, right diction ine's this rich White guy. And come Harris is this suppressed woman of they're nothing in common, but actually they have everything in common because they are both neocons. That's exactly rate.

They have everything in common. And IT tells you what a lie this race and gender stuff is. That's not the divide, the divided in your heart.

And if you think it's okay to kill people in order to get rich, you're on their side. And if you don't, you're on our side no matter what you look like. And tosi gabbard prove that. And then SHE began as long journey, which commended her endorsement in front and all that heard of the rest but we're honor to heard the night, ladies and gentleman, telsey gathered.

Thank you. Thank you for coming.

Hello hello。

I love that you came with the later .

that's so great .

gotto represent. So I have to I just feel like I brought up chain. You know, there are a lot of bad people in the world. I don't think china is the worst, worst the world in the running, but I can think about.

but I don't want that .

event that china endorsement, the family endorsement of commons Harris of all people, to pass by without examining its significance. This feels like, if were honest, this is an event that they would write about fifty years from now when the actual architecture of the world became clear to everybody. This is what's really going on. This is how IT really works. But i'll stop and ask you what you think of IT.

I have a very simple message for my democrat friends, my independent friends, those who may not be sure about who they are voting for in this election. Dick chaney has just made the choice very clear. A vote for commoner Harris is a vote for dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the middle ast for the last few decades.

And so it's interesting because if you if you listen to the new york times or some of the mainstream media, they're saying, oh, you know, don't expect much from comErica in the way of policies and details and plans. And we're not gonna know much about what kind of president she's going to be because he doesn't have much time.

They are conveniently ignoring in in the fact that she's been there working in the White house last three and a half ears alongside joe biden. She's been the last one in the room, according to her, as these big decisions are being made. But we look at who SHE says her response to the dictation in announcement today was that he was honored to have his endorsement and we got military veterans in the house. Got a lot of you who probably servin middle like I did. And so IT sicked me talk her to read those words today, both from dc chai, liz Cheney and commonly haris, because we have people who we care very much about who were killed in those wars because of dick chaining.

Como Harris told us all, we need to know about what kind of commander and keeps you would be, and I don't know about you, but I would not trust her for a moment with the lives of my brothers and sisters in uniform.

So you, I mean, you are a sitting democratic member of congress and you know them all, obviously them all, from Hillary clinton, who hates you with a special kind of vero city. I think she's called for putting in prison. I think she's eric wants to put you in prison.

I think she's said that. So i'm happy to have you joined the exclusive club that I belong to. But like what do they think of this is the democratic party, at least when I was growing up with the party of hold a big sale, depending on us, need more bombers or whatever.

And now it's just killing all like god's sort of out because we're getting rich doing IT. Are they comfortable with this? Like what do they think of this buying closed doors?

This is this is again showing kind of the realignment where you have adam kissinger or and dick Cheney and liz chinese supporting and endorsing comair is proudly people who have been neocons and are neocons not hesitating to say let's go to war in any and all situations of the cost and consequence. And then you have people like bobbi Kennedy and myself and others who are standing with Donald trump, not because we agree on every single thing under the sun, but because we agree on the most important things, which are our, which is really about our ability as americans to live and thrive in a truly free and prosperous society. And we cannot be free or prosperous and less where at peace.

I remember um when the war when the war ukraine broke out in february of twenty twenty two and I want to say at the outset there are tons of people I respect and love and related to who had very different views of that war in mine I don't judge anyone who reaches different conclusions, but the one thing that I do judge people on is not caring about getting in a nuclear war.

I just have too many children, I guess and you were one of the first people to say, you know, whatever you think of this conflict, or how I started to how I might have, we should be concerned, because this is the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet. And we could wind up in a nuclear war. They would kill everyone in the world.

And I remember that you were denounced is like a nose for wearing about nuclear war yeah. And now were even closer. Does anyone in washington understand this or care?

They don't care. That's the fact. If they did care, they wouldn't speak so easily about the fact that we are closer to the brink of nuclear war than ever before in our country's history. I was warning about this back in twenty, twenty and twenty twenty, when I was running for president, talking about this thread, how if we are continuing to wage what then I called a new cold war, for continuing to increase tensions and height tensions with other nuclear armed countries in the world, the inevitable outcome of that is nuclear war.

And we should all be very clear ried about what that means, that if a nuclear missile was headed way, which, by the way, all of us in this country are within range of a nuclear missile, what happens? You might get an alert, go off on your phone saying, as we didn't, how? What is you remember back in twenty seventeen, we had this this missing alert that went off saying, missile and bound to hawaii.

K shelter immediately. This is not a drill. And so for everyone across await that morning, there was that thought, like, wow, I may only have fifteen minutes to live and just like we're sitting here in this hall here tonight, people may have been sitting on the beach was early on a saturday morning, or making breakfast or whatever was going on.

What do you do? Where do you go? There is no shelter. And therefore, then there is the inevitable realities that if there is a nuclear work, results in a nil lation of all living things. And yet we, so I was talking about this and warning about this when I was running for president every single day, multiple times a day, every single tom hall, try to open people's eyes up and get other candidates for present to talk about this. Get the media to talk about this, because no one wanted to do IT.

I even had a reporter who came up to me who was, you know, have these reporters who follow the different candidates around and SHE came up to me and she's like, tosa you talk about this every single day. Don't have anything else to talk about. What is there to talk about? If we are in the midst of a nuclear armed get, what else is there to talk about? And so fast forward to know where we are today.

Unfortunately, things i've gotten far, far much worse, not Better. And you have these so called security experts and defense experts and pundits on television being so, so dangerous and careless talking about nuclear war. And we have these smaller nuclear weapons, and we'll just go will drop one, and we'll send a strong message and talking about a nuclear bomb as though you can just go lab a nuclear bomb and there will be no consequence and they're lying to the american people in doing so.

IT is so incredibly dangerous because it's not that's not real. It's not rooted in reality. Ronal rain and garbage, ff said at best in nine hundred and eighty five when they issued that joint statement together, recognizing this risk, saying that a nuclear war cannot be one and should never be fought. And yet we have the neocons, democrats and republicans alike who are eager to push us into this potential of world war three that can only end in a nuclear war.

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So I mean, I mean, people throw around the word dominic, but if that's not dominic, then what you know what is kind of if you have no regard for the lives of your own people, then what won't you do?

And you talked about this. I mean, there are a lot of people making a lot of money around a continuing to yes, it's formatting fear, but continuing to push us closer because, okay, we have to build new weapons and more weapons and bigger weapons and more powerful weapons as though, you know you know, we have over five thousand nuclear weapons. Russia has, I think, over six thousand.

IT takes one. IT takes one. And the nuclear weapons we have today are many, many, many times more powerful than what was used in hero sha and nag sari.

That's the bottom wine. And this is this is both what is what is so dark about this moment that we are in as a country. But also what should give us hope in this election is that IT doesn't have to be this way.

IT doesn't have to be this way. I know you've talked to president trump. I've talked to president truman. He has raised IT behind closed doors and and over over again in public the seriousness of the prospect of nuclear war and talked about his commitment to walking us back from the brink. So really the choices ours as voters.

And so as you have conversations with your friends, you may not know quite what to do or they like, I don't know, you know, I don't like the way Donald trump tweet or what he says. Fine, let's talk about our ability to live, live. Let's just start there.

So I guess I repeating the same point I get in again because IT shocks me every single day, but the ruthlessness and the recklessness of the people currently in charge doesn't seem of any boundaries at all.

And I just am struck by the fact that our foreign policy, which most of us ignore, I expect most of my life ignoring foreign policy, does seem to be driving domestic policy, right? So one of the ways that they tried to delegitimize you and threatened and actually to criminally charge you was by claiming that you were somehow allied with a foreign government. We just saw in statements this week by the by administration meant to cast doubt on criticism in the by adminstration.

Or is russia commonly losing its russia again? I'm worried. I mean, they put a bush, people I know in prison already, a bunch friend in prison right now, for doing nothing.

I can stay. Balon, i'm worried that if commonly Harris wins, lots of people are going to go to prison on the grounds that they are somehow allied with foreign countries. Do you see this happening?

It's all as you said, it's already happening and we've seen how both como herr's and geo biden have no hesitation tsotsobe to wep ize our department of justice and and law enforcement in order to put their political to punish their political opponents.

Um you know that that press conference that mary garland did announcing those entitles you know I wasn't surprised Frankly to see them waving the russia, russia, russia flag a as they are revealing their concern the common Harris might not win this election but what what I thought about was, gosh, this is what the the attorney general and the FBI director was sitting right next to him. This is what they're focused on. Why aren't they focused on innocent, everyday law biting americans being put on secret domestic terror watches?

So know anybody who's wound up on one of those lists.

I have a little experience with this.

You tell us.

So I travel a lot. I'm on planes more days of the week than i'm probably not on planes. And one day my husband, I were traveling together and we got this sss on our boarding pass, know we have prefect pre check c didn't work, and went through all of this additional screening with pre check.

And that, okay, the tsa guy said, this is random, you know, just be patient. Like, okay, got IT. You know, you got to do the and then the next day and the next flight happened again.

The next day and the next flight, IT happened again. My husband split off. He was going on one direction.

I was going another direction. We both went through IT. We were both getting this treatment. And I I was was honestly getting kind of pissed. There was a whole lot that went into IT, but IT wasn't until about a week later, I knew there was something going on because once or twice c lk, maybe, but six, seven times in a row, clearly something was happening.

And I talk to a tsa supervisor in one of these airports, and he's looking at my military ID cards like why is this happening to you're in the military was like you're telling me, bud and he's like, first of all, this is way above my pay grade but what he shared with me was was uh, very revealing and he said that he had a lot of friends who were trump supporters who had no problems traveling in all of a sudden all of them started getting this quoted on their boarding pass. You got to go forty five minutes through tsa, this other stuff and he just he looked at me, he's like, there's something fishy going on here and I was like, you, I think I should make some calls and he said, you should make some calls and he had no idea that I had anything to do with politics at all. As far as he knew, he'd never heard to seaver before.

He was just like military, what's going on here? A martial whistle blowers came forward about a week and a half later, a and provided evidence. They took pictures of the targeting package.

For those who in the military, you know what that means? They took pictures of the targeting package that the tsa made for me that showed I had been added to the secret domestic Terry watchlist called quiet skies. And uh, the world's Operational was on that targeting package.

And unbeknown, ed to me had a little bit of an idea. But unbeknown to me, for those last week, half or two weeks I had had, at least three are federal air Marshals following me and traveling with everywhere I went. And um there were k nine teams.

There were od teams. I was getting swapped for a traces of explosives, not only in the initial going through tsa, but again, before even boarding the in at the gate. I told the guys the gate I was like, they they just checked me like ten minutes ago.

We got to do IT again. It's not them. Clearly, this was an act of political retaliation for my criticisms and warning the country about what kind of dangerous president, commander, chief commoner Harris, would be.

And so this is, this is still going on today. Sometimes I get the quote, sometimes I don't. But i've heard from people who are have confirmed that that my targeting package is .

still Operational. So I mean, you an army officer, euro were sitting member of the united congress. You a presidential candidate, and you're on the terror watch list. So and there's you can do about IT. So how is that different from any other secret police force in any other country?

This is the thing. It's not. It's not. And if we had an attorney general who cared about our freedom, our civil liberties, about the integrity of a, of a democratic republic, where we can speak our mind and express ourselves and criticize our own government, guaranteed by our first demeaning right, perhaps our attorney general 的 FBI would be investigating these acts of abusive power and political retaliation。 Well, yeah.

because if you boil IT down, what that means is if you criticize commonly haris, people with guns follow you around.

I'm not the only one. I mean, we there's an FBI agent who was a whistle blow because he could not stomach anymore what he was seeing, which was how the FBI was a being told to send out heavily armed swat teams to go and kick down doors of of peaceful pro life protesters in the middle night. This this abuse of power, and how the very first counter terris m ahead of counterterrorist the FBI had.

He is retired now, but he came out and said, IT sick in him, because the FBI has essentially become the police ARM of the democratic party. So how is this any different from venezia a or any other country that's being run by a dictator, authoritarian leader? And so the hypocras y is so rich, again, going back to the chinese, they say that they have to vote for coma heroes, because donal trump is the greatest threat to our democracy. I don't know how they say this with a straight face. I really don't.

When the current regime has a secret police force, that is, people with guns hassle its critics, that imprisons its critics, yes, that tries to silence half the country for criticizing them. But trump, because he criticizes them, is the main threat, democracy, I mean.

and he has the audacity ity to talk about things like, hey, we should not be waging regime change worse. We should not be sending our men and women in uniform to go and fight unnecessary, counterproductive wars of choice. That's really why they're coming after him.

I'd got to just back up one moment. So we know that the FBI has been utterly participated. Doesn't in every field agent is corrupt. I don't think that's true. IT means the leadership is uteri corrupt and it's being used as the, as you said, the ARM of the democratic party. So here you have the republican party, which controls the house representatives and its speaker, mike Johnson of Louis ana just refunded the FBI and built them a new building, just rewarded them for this behavior. So you have to kind of a wonder if the republican speaker is on the same side as the police ARM of the democratic party.

We're in trouble. We we are in trouble um this this a quiet skies terror watch list that i'm on congress has never seen who's on the list, how many other secret terror watchlist .

we are congress that can see who's on the list.

Congress has asked for the tsa director to come in and shows on list to my knowledge to date and i'm in touch with some of my former colleagues, they have yet to see the list, senator rand paul and many other members of congress. They send letters of investigation demanding, show your documentation. If you put tosi garage on terror watches, you must have a pretty damn good reason for doing.

Show the evidence to congress and the the deadline passed, they have delivered no evidence. But but this goes to what what you're talking about. If we don't have leaders with courage who are committed to the constitution and the interests of the american people first and last, then we end up with what we have in the washing permanent washington establishment, with people are more concerned about not roughing feathers than actually rooting out the deep root of corruption that is long existed in our government across democrats, republican administrations and congress. That's what we have the opportunity to fix in this election and to begin to start to get things right. Some of the most .

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This is the sound of your ride home with dad after he caught you vapp.

Awkward isn't IT most fabes contains seriously addictive levels of nicotine and disappointment know the real cost of babes brought to by the fda. IT doesn't .

m like while the rest of us were sleeping, dissent has been releasing fied as a crime and descent on foreign icy questions has been releasing fied as treason. Yesterday, somebody sent me a statement by an editor at news week magazine called josh hammer. He was claiming that I was funded by russia, was taking russian money.

And I laughed. I don't care what news week that means. This sense to exist. I don't even know what IT is, right? Taking money from russia here, okay, but my friends didn't know. This is significant because it's a pretext for a criminal charge, of course, the media, josh hammer of news week, who, wherever that is, acting in concert with the the kala and by administration to set up critics for criminal charges and for spying and for terror watch lists and for harassment and ultimately for prison. I don't think to being paranal.

you're not unfortunately because there's precedent for IT of how they're manufacturing the evidence in order to create the crime that they're accusing you of having minuted. You know, this is out of like the stolen playbook, literally out of the stolen playbook. And what's even worse is they're doing IT in broad daylight because they really believe that they can get away with IT.

Well, they are getting away with IT. So I have to ask just to eleven the mood of a little bit, what's hl replant like.

When I when I think your probably .

only person in this rumor with no .

IT wouldn't surprise you to know that she's not too fond of me.

He hates you, like the devil, hate totally water.

So when I resigned as visitor of the dnc and twenty sixteen specifically so that I could campaign against till lery clinton in that democratic primary. I was at I think I was the first debate, the first primary debate that the first or second is one of the early ones um and I was doing an interview with mm bc outside the hall of the debate.

I think I was in miami and I don't remember who the host was but um I could see them and hear them in my ear and they said, tosi ver, you're coming out and criticizing Hillary clinton and her foreign policy record. Aren't you afraid of what sh'll do to you? Ask me this on live television on msm VC, and you're laughing.

I laughed too. I was like, no, I am not afraid of what hilary clinton can do to me. But but what was interesting about washington, though, and you know this very well, because you've been there and around these people for so long.

I announced this on a show called meet the press that every sunday morning on live, I did not tell a single soul, including the host. What I was going there to says that I I will come and break news on your show. I didn't tell a single soul because you don't trust anybody in washington.

No, what I was going there to say, I made my announcement, sent a letter to debby waterman, shutt, who was chair of the dnc at the time. Thirty seconds before I walked out on to set, was going on live TV. And the next day I went back to the house of representatives from back to work in congress.

And my democrat colleagues looked at me like I was a dead man walking. And some of them, you know, came up to me and pat me on the back. And they were like, okay, well, you have zero future in politics.

One number two, hillery, clint will get elected and your constituent in hawaii not get a single penny for anything that they need. You did that by coming out against silver y. clinton.

And the third was a guy came up to me and he was he was full of sympathy and even empathy. And he's like tosi. First of all, you know, there's a list, right? I was like, no, what you got about he's like, all, trust me, there is a list. You are now at the top of the list. And I know because I used to be on IT and IT took me fifteen years to climb my way off Hillary clanship list.

How much gravy do you have to do to get? I don't even wanted.

Apparently he worked real hard. He works real hard to get off that list.

Why would you? I mean, I don't want to be mean or whatever. You're the exception to the rule, but the rule is that you come to washington and abandon and not just your principles, but yourself, respect the cope with your spouse, love you after watching how crave in and disgusting you are.

And yet they all do IT. Why do they do that? Why don't more people to say, no, I believe this my constituents back ever i'm from once this i'm sorry, we disagree, but i'm onna represent them what does nobody do that?

You know, it's a really unfortunate thing that i've seen happen to a lot of people who i've considered friends over the years who go to washington maybe with the best of intentions to go and serve their constitutions and serve the country. Actually fixed with broken, but very quickly get caught up in um this facade of of love and adoration and power. Um the I don't know the first the first like reception that I went to in washington, I went so couple of of people there, I when stood in line to go get a soda or whatever from the from the bar and and a guy who was standing in front of me looked back and he's like I was not even sworn in yet I was a representative elect this like go you're a new member of congress that yeah nice to meet you he is like where you standing in line well there is a line i'm going to stand in line and wait for my itn, ny he said, no, you don't understand that's not how this town works.

You are a member of congress now and you will never stand in line again in this town struck me as as kind of a very strange thing to say um but IT was that kind of mentality that I saw very quickly turn people who were cool, friendly, Normal to all of a sudden walking through those holes believing the hype that they were actually so important that they were above the rest of us, the rest of the little guys and really how that translates is, oh, whose you what embassy party did you get invited to, or whose table did you sit at? At the White house correspondents dinner, IT becomes about status and popularity among those who thrive in that little corrupt washington bubble. And they forget about why they are actually there and who they're supposed to be serving. And that's why you get all of these you get these situations where people think that they know Better for the american people than we do for ourselves. And they make these decisions that end up serving their own selfish political ambition and their own self interest or their own pockets, rather than actually just seeing what's the right thing for the people in this country.

Do you? Again.

I don't want to be mean.

but you're in IT is, from an outsiders of perspective, in a tiny, tiny, tiny minority of members of congress, or in your case, former members of congress with baLanced lives, you know, who have interest outside of just accumulating power, who have close relationships with their family. I know some your family and you definitely do have a close to relation with them. I don't know, love animals who you know have a non weird sex life. I don't know, just like Normal step. I'm serious like IT does seem like .

congress of friends CER.

It's true though. It's the percentage people in the congress you were just like kind of freak is really high. And my my right.

you remember the guy who who got caught with the photo of him in .

a furry costume? IT could have been anybody.

not me, no or no for the record. No, it's yeah. The core of this really is that when you have people in a position to make decisions that affect all of us here and and Frankly, decisions that will affect the world who are not grounded in a deep sense of a higher purpose, whether that higher purpose is living a life, trying to be pleasing to god, or that higher purposes, let me dedicate my time and energy every single day as a representative of the people to actually work for the people.

If you are not grounded in that purpose, every single day, you see how people fall for the little false trinkets that are offered in washington and how quickly they lose their way and how quickly they end up serving. They're the interests of the lobby is who, you know, give them a lot of money or whatever IT. Maybe whoever they are influences whoever is they're trying to please.

They are not actually trying to please the people and they they associate their entire identity with that title that's on the wall um you know in the door to their office and they're terrified of losing IT because then if they lose that well then they think will nobody will love me if I don't have this title, what am I gonna so then, okay, what i'm going to do, whatever IT takes to stay in this position of so called power because then people will love me or people will like me or people invite it's just it's such a twisted mindset. But you can understand in some ways how people will lose that sense of quote and quote Normal is that you're talking about or that grounded ness in your family and your community, in your relationship with god, and you end up chasing all of the wrong things. And the problem is you're not just harming yourself.

You're harming the people of this country, and that is what is unacceptable. Make your own decisions with your own life. Fine, live your own life, but you don't get to be. You should not be in a position where you are impacting the lives of the american people when you're really only thinking about yourself.

man. I do think one of the things that sets you apart from not all but many of your colleagues is that you had a spiritual center. You weren't looking for deep formation from them or anyone else.

Do you think that there is some kind of religious revival, low key religious revival, going on in this country? You travel constantly. Do you feel that .

I really do? You do I do I feel at here at night? You've met my husband, Abraham, and he is.

the name says at all he does.

he is a cinematographer. He is not into politics at all, and he he cares very much for others and he cares very much for our countries. A very kind person, uh, but I don't make I don't ask him to go to political events of me very often because I know he hates them, absolutely hates them.

But IT was funny because he came with me to an event recently and he walked out just saying, oh my gosh, everyone, there is so nice. People are talking about god in a very sincere and a heart felt way, not afraid to express their faith or their love for our country. And he was sharing this because he's like, man, I remember going to some of those democrat events with you.

And it's the exact opposite. It's the exact opposite. You have people who are angry, people who or a have have almost, and i've seen this, have almost a physical reaction.

If someone says god or says, hey, let's open with a prayer. I i've seen people walk out of the room. It's a completely .

different atmosphere. People walk out of the room .

because of rayed because they're not they're not comfortable hearing a prayer.

That's pretty, that's pretty revealing .

that it's revealing about it's revealing about them. But also when you look at, you know, again, we have this this regnant that's happening with both political parties and you look at that mindset of people who in combo heroes and a lot of people in the democratic elite who believe they they are above the constitution.

You know, all this stuff about, you know, a boy can be a girl if he says he's a girl, this rejection of objective truth and science, what they're really saying, and this is the most, uh, you and I ve talked about this, this is the most dangerous thing, is what, look at that mindset, what they are, they mitted or not, what they know or not, they are putting themselves in a position of trying to be god. And therefore, in the most offensive way, are not only rejecting our supreme god, but they are trying to force that upon all of us. And you d look at that spiritual erosion that's happening in our country, and you look at how they're trying to eraser and even mention of god a from all faces of our public life, we can see how those destructive policies are causing such a damage to us as a society.

yes, and untold human suffering, which is always the homework. K evil, why when the by administration announced trans visibility day on easter with they're not a national shutdown, people to say i'm not participating. I mean, that seem like a line that once to allow the government to cross IT, it's not clear where IT ends, but nowhere good.

IT speaks to this culture of self censorship. And fear goes back to what we are talking about in the beginning that they've created, that people are afraid we. You know, there was a story that came out about a girl who was fired from her job because of a tweet.

SHE put out that people afraid of losing their job, people are afraid of losing friends or or having family members who won't speak to them anymore if they actually stand up and speak the truth. That's obvious to anybody who is willing to be your red. Pay attention to what's really going on.

And that is, that is a travels. Y, and so when you look at why would they put me on a secret terror watches? Yes, it's political retaliation, but it's more than that.

IT is to send that chilling message, and i'm not the only one, but to send that chilling message that if you chAllenge them and you chAllenge their power, you expose the truth about who they really and the damage they are causing. Then, hey, we can come after tosa gabbard. We can certainly come after you. Nobody y's safe.

Well, you are dangerous, actually, in a true sense, because you tell the truth. So let me, let me, let me end in this. I think your presence is really hopeful as one of the reasons I was so grateful that you agreed to come.

Thank you. and. Because for you, all of us who sit at home thinking you, no one agrees with me.

Things are going completely crazy. The country I knew was gone. You can really work yourself into a frenzy of despair and pessimism. And then you realized, no, actually there are people like tosa gabbard and there are people like everyone in this room who know what's true. So i'm in a very low key way.

They're not wearing a bill board on the street, but they know they have they have a spiritual center in a conscience, and that's the majority of americans, in my opinion. And you're one. But I will let me stop with this. Are you feeling hopeful honestly? And if so, why?

First of all, hope comes from real hope comes from knowing in our heart of hearts that god loves us unconditionally. So god is eternal and he will always love us. H, so at a baseline, there is always, he is our source of hope.

I am hopeful while this election will be very close, and I am very concerned a given what's at stake and given that we know for sure that the the it's more than just the machine as we are seeing. It's the war mongering machine. It's the military industrial complex.

It's the big propaganda. Dia is big tech. They're gonna throw everything they possibly can at this election to try to make sure that commonly, Harris wins.

But I am hopeful because of what our founders and vision for us as a country that our government ultimately IT exists with the consent of the government. So the outcome of this election is in our hands, which means the future of our country and our freedom is in our hands. And so I wanted encourage you because I I know what you're talking about, tucker and IT.

IT is easy sometimes, and I feel that sometimes, you know, just like men, the forces of darkness are so powerful. Am I really able to make an impact and I really able to break through this? And maybe some of you feel this way too.

Sometimes, don't underestimate the power of your voice and every one of you and your ability to influence those around you, because every one of you has people, whether its family or friends or coworkers, or, if you're in school, students, people who know you, who trust you, who will listen to you, but who may be feeling a little bit lost with everything that's happening, the country, the on slot of news and all of this stuff that's going on. Don't underestimate your voice and your ability to share what's in your heart, what you're concerned about for our country and why you're voting the way that you are. Because this election, unlike any other in my lifetime, it's not about democrats versus republicans.

That's not what this is about. This is about something much bigger. This election, again, we're not going agree on every issue.

Don't be afraid of that. Don't run away from that. We can have conversations, and we should have conversations about things we agree and things we disagree on.

We will not be able to have those conversations if we are not living in a free country, and that's what's at stake. So I encourage you to share with those in your circles, in your of influence. This is not about personalities.

This is not about who you like or who you dislike. This is a choice between freedom and tyre y. This is a choice between peace and war.

This is a choice between prosperity and poverty. Don't take my word for IT. Look at the facts and look at the records between Donald trump and commoner Harris.

And you will know that what I am saying is true. It's up to us to save our country and save the world and to defend freedom. We can make this happen.

We, the people can make this happen. This is, this is our no fail mission. You can take a nap on november six. Work your phone, talk to your friends. We have to do all that we can.

Amman joash. Abbot, ladies gentlemen.

thank you. Thank you. talker. Thank you, everybody.

The big tech company's sensor are content. I hate tell you that is still going on in twenty and twenty four, but you know what? They can't sensor live events. That's why we are hitting the road on a fall tour for the entire month of september, coast to coast.

We will be in cities across united states, will be in salt lake city with a glen back tosa open homer with devon geno can a city with Megan Kelly, which will I curl I with Larry elder, Robert, texas, grand rapids with kid rock, SHE pennsylvanian with J. D. Vance, reading pencil vania with alex Jones, or war texas with rose bar, Greenville, south Caroline with margey Taylor brain, sun rise ford with john rich, Jackson willford with Donald trump junior, you can get tickets at tucker carson dot com, but see there. Thanks for listen and stuck across some show. If you enjoy IT, you can go to tuck across and that calm to see everything that we have made the complete library and.