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Tucker speaks at AmericaFest

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The Tucker Carlson Show

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塔克·卡尔森认为,美国精英阶层通过操纵信息和制造虚假人物来控制民众,政治腐败和道德沦丧已经渗透到社会的各个层面。他批评了政府的非法移民政策,认为这是一种缺乏理性规划的自我毁灭行为,并指出了美国社会中存在的普遍性腐败现象。他认为,当前的权力斗争并非西方价值观的体现,而是对西方文明的颠覆,其目标是摧毁美国的社会结构和价值体系。他呼吁人们通过诚实和内在力量来对抗这种破坏性力量,并强调了言论自由和个人尊严的重要性。 观众就非法移民儿童的遣返问题提出了质疑,塔克·卡尔森回应说,虽然大规模人口迁移会带来痛苦,但为了维护法治,驱逐非法移民是必要的。他还指出,人才流失对国家不利,并表达了对美国社会现状的担忧。

Deep Dive

Tucker questions the authenticity of Nicky Hailey and discusses a hypothetical scenario involving her and Iran.
  • Tucker speculates on whether Nicky Hailey is a real person or a hologram.
  • He imagines a scenario where Hailey is offered a deal by Iran to become their advocate.

Shownotes Transcript


Thank you. what? This is a trap. Thank you. Thank you. I really feel like I should have a guitar.

This, this is, this is like the scene in spinal tap was such a trip. Thank you all for having me. Most thank you.

Most of my life bears no resembLance to this at all. I can can. I don't know what you said, but I agree with you one hundred percent lady in the front row with the loud voice.

Thank you. Thank you. I was, I have to say I knew I was in the right place because I spoke. In fact, I speak her every year because I really enjoy IT, and I love charly, but so was never question of what I was the right place.

But when I heard tosi gabbard mention the phrase nicky hai and people boot, I was like, where the right? But that IT erased actually a philosopher question for me, which is, should you put air quote s or in nicki hai because otherwise you're just assuming this is a real person and not just a hologram put out there by ten griffin in the billionaire ass to torment you. And I do think that's like an open question.

Is nick hay real? And actually, no, I mean, I don't know, just like a biologist theologian, I don't know what is real, but I like. Exactly, is funny.

We are in the car coming here. We're doing like a thought experiment in the car. A couple of my producers somewhere like, wouldn't IT be fun. And now i'm let to go the bag. So I probably shouldn't do this now we actually can't do IT could should possibly see IT.

But would you be fun to call nickey hai and pretend that were representative speaker representatives engineered but the government of iran and say, look, you've been pretty tough on the islamic c republic of iran, obviously, but we have some of the biggest and reserves in the world, and we can cut you, win on them. And like, what would IT costs for you to become our advocate? Like, what is the number at which nick hai would be like? You know what? I'm not working for boeing anymore.

I'm working for a run and like there is a number, right? And so you could you all right, well, why are IT? Well, wire switzerland will hold IT in an account for you. And the next time there's republican candidates gets together, just get up there and take up the cause of the mills. And I don't have any doubt in my mind that should be like, okay, and they're be nicky hail'd like you be a little tough on around, but actually it's a pretty great place.

And I think of that every time the hundred biden story comes up, of course, I love the hundred biden story. We were early on that and IT IT just has everything you know. It's got the audio visuals, it's got the intrigue. It's just got a lot of flimbot components that I is an inherent dma queen just absolutely love the teeth picture, just like the whole thing I love IT. The only thing I don't like about the hundred biden story is that IT may give some people the impression that he's the most corrupt person in washington or his father is, and that's just not true.

And as someone who spent a long time there, like actually my whole adult life, I could say, and as someone who like lived right on the street from hundred and I knew him well, I can say I didn't really notice how corrupt underbit was because he wasn't different from my most other people in my nights hood. Now i'm the next totally sense here that's not that weird for washington, which which is the reason is the richest country in the world you're I know my classes on thank you though. And I like signs.

I like people who wave signs. I like people who scream, wear questions. We're doing q and a at the end oh yeah, but anyway, but here's the point.

That's not strange. It's a whole city of honor. Biden's west crack Better teeth, fewer weird incestuous affairs. However, that motive, behavior, that way of making a living is absolutely standard. What's changed is the object.

If you live in a society where the people in charge just want to sell you out to get rich, that's bad. But that's not where we're watching. We're watching something much darker than that.

So the objective of, I would say, the entire administration, and it's enables in the republican party, which is most elected officials there, is to destroy the nine states, the recognize, the united states, the country you grew up in, the country you have been living in eight, ten years ago. And that's kind of obvious, everyone. But too few people pause and ask, what is that? But these people live here.

They don't all have secret island getaways, especially now that epstein has gone. And so if they succeed in their project of destroyed the next states, where are they are going to go? It's a little bit like burning your own house down.

So why would you do that? That's not just an active destruction. It's an active self destruction.

So is that a political program? No, a political program is designed to help the people who instituted in their voters and donors. Their program helps nobody. If you've successfully convinced an entire generation of Young people not to have children, what you're doing is denying yourself grandchildren, which I can tell you if fifty four is kind of the only thing you want, and it's not only the only thing you want is the only thing that anyone has ever wanted, because having children and continuing the species, passing on your DNA to future generations you will never mean, is the whole point of life. There is no other point and there's no other accurate measure of wealth than your descendants.

So if you are creating a society and that's not that sounds like some cookie, even jealous view, that's a very obvious thing that was obvious to everybody in all human history until about twenty minutes ago. So if you are doing that to your own country and your own children, and they are, and I know because I lived among them, their children aren't doing great at all. They may be rich, but they're totally screwed up and they're totally loaded up with benzo s and accessorize and adult by porn.

And there is stupid and aim less and domed, as anyone else is, children. And probably a higher percentage of ever trains were none by an area, two spirit, whatever, which is to, say, june, to a life with barn and happiness. So what is that? And what IT is, is, is evil.

That's what that is. And I think people misunderstand evil. They assume that evil is something that you inflict on other people.

I do an evil thing to you because I am evil. And what they miss is that that's not exactly that works. Evil preexist us.

Evils been around since the beginning of time, and certainly the beating of a quarter of history. We know that, and is not something that people, simply due to one another, is something that acts through people. People become conduits for evil.

And in the process of doing that, what happens to them? Anyone, anyone, they're destroy. The people doing evil do not win. In the end, they are destroyed by the evil that close through them. They are miserable people.

And that's kind of the tell, right? And remember, as a kid reading books about the mafia, and they were bad, and they killed people, and they long shark and sold heroin, and they did stuff that that was bad, I mean, ungeniality ly bad. But the one thing about the people who ran them off here, at least in new york, they kind of happy, just be an honest to about IT.

They they kind of retired to some restaurant and bricklin and pet, their bEllies and smoke and law. And no, IT was kind of work and out pretty well well for them before the FBI got involved. And they did the eco right? IT was. And by the way, there are people who do bad things. You seem kind of happy with their lives.

But if you're channeling actual evil, if you're trying to destroy people for the sake of destroying them, if you are lying for the sake of lying for the thrill of telling a lie, and if you are hurting people for the sin of telling the truth, and you're offended simply because IT is true, if the idea that somebody, somewhere might be saying a true thing enrages you, that's some politics. That's theology. You are I can do IT for eval.

So the reason i'm going on about this is not to give you some you half to bake the augie lecture is really to let you know what the plan is. There is no plan. They don't have a plan.

There's not a plan. Why would you, as the american economy sits on the cusp of collapse when the U. S.

Dollars were worth, lesson it's ever been worth, when our debt service is more our defense spending, and when robot ics are eliminating entire classes of jobs for working classes people, why would you admit, illegally, tens of millions of people from the poorest countries, they were with no skills. Why would you do that? Is there some crazy plan?

The chAmber of commerce, which is for IT, by the way, has where this is going to, I don't know, make labor cheaper. No, there's no plan that will destroy the country, and that's what we're doing that. And I think a lot of people who are doing that have no conscious awareness of this.

I don't think the staff of the atlantic magazine, many who I know, wake up every morning thinking, how could I destroy america, the country where my kids live? I don't. But there is no mistaking the effects of what they are doing, destruction for its own sick.

And so that lets us know that it's not even about the next election, which I think is pivotal. It's not about some political debate between and know, pick the buffon's is not about whatever the dumb cable channels were doing. It's about your existence here, actually.

And so i'm gonna respond to that. So the question is, how do you respond? What do you do. Well, that's one thing you could do.

Um now what do you do in the face of something this profound? And well, of course you fight back, but what are the tools you need to do that? And the first tour you need is not even money.

In fact, you could look at successful resistance movements. I don't mean revolutionary movements, resistance movements that actually have made change in their own country. And some of them were unarmed in any less one hundred years of the rage, and did pretty quickly very nonviolent movement in india.

And like, how did they do that? And they did IT because they sincerely believe they were right. And they were strong inside.

They were strong inside. That's the key. So how do you become strong inside? You get warm or baby, you get strong insight. This is a non secretarial point, which is open to people of all backgrounds and phase, because this is the truth of the universe.

You get strong inside by telling the truth, and but really telling the truth, really telling the truth, not just some truth, but being completely honest all the time, not just in your public facing life, but in your personal life. Now, what does that mean? One of the huge misconceptions about telling the truth is that that applies to your descriptions of other people, and that's not the case, the hardest truth, and that's very easy.

Oh, you've can wait, not a hard call. I personally have heard that before. It's not hard to point out other people's shortcomings.

And honestly, you take a kind of perverse, cruel thrillin doing so sometimes and telling the truth can be a cover for cruelty. Other people are just telling you the truth. Well, you suck.

That's true. Okay, great. That's easy. And it's not what i'm talking about.

Telling the truth means the hardest truth of ball, which is telling the truth about yourself, being honest about who you are. It's the commitment to stop playing a role. It's the country to living honestly.

And that means we're healing who you are without chain, not posing at all at all. But you and you'll find if you attempt this, the first thing you'll find is how unbelievable you dishonest you are. I tried, this is little like a low carb diet that sounds easy that he realized, actually, I really love races.

I just do. I'm sorry. And you did really know how much you love reasons until you went kito. And then you're like, all I care about his reasons and then you realized, like you usually are kind of disgusting.

And telling the truth is the same project if you wake up and you're like i'm just going to in every day when I make in every word that my lips form, i'm going to be honest, particularly about myself when I make a mistake. I'm no admitted when I described something, I will not exaggerated even a little, I mean, the full truth. And there are some things I don't express, because telling the truth is not obligate you to unload the contents of your brain on anyone else.

And there are some things that are ugly and probably best kept inside your own hand, because freedom is impossible without privacy. So you can maintain privacy within your score. That's okay, but the words your lips form should be uterine true all the time.

And if you do that, you will find swelling in your breast, a power of unknown origin, but still unmistakably a power, a strength. You become stronger, more than if you ran the iron man. You will find yourself empowered in the true, a sense, you will find that a force moves through you, and other people can feel IT IT comes off you in waves like a jet engine on a hot day.

You can see the weird distortions in the sky and they will back off IT intimidates people IT scarer people. If they know that you're strong inside IT doesn't mean, you know, you have to be huge or ripped or whatever drinking that weird protein powder that all the kids drink. Not that i'm against IT and what that is anyway, check the ingredient on that, by the way, the parts of animals you're not proposed that just us anyway.

But anyway, no, it's a real strength. It's a moral strength, not a self righteousness, which is the opposite of moral strength. That's always a signifier of weakness. The guy who tells you how greedy is as we can side because why you're telling me that i'll decide I know how good you work as I can smell IT like a dark and smell.

All of these perceptions, and all of our deepest perceptions, come to us at a level above words, or maybe below them, but certain in outside of language. We know what people are about when we're in their presence. When we watch them, your dogs can speak english, mean my campet.

You can, no. But really, a dog knows who people are instantly, because they can feel IT. And so can you.

The distance between a human being and an animal, the distance between our society and the animal. King, king is very small. And we lie about that.

We've been lied to about that for whatever reason. But that's totally real. And you have those powers to and sort of everyone around you, whether he knows IT or not.

And so if you are strong inside, people will make way for you. And that's important because we are entering a period of real volatility. I mean, clearly of real volatility, and i'm not a pair, i'm assure, to see the outset.

You know, I noted fifty. I grew up in southern california back when that was the literally the greatest place on earth. You felt deep sympathy and sadness.

Anyone who didn't live there for the billions of people who didn't live in some in california, and there were a lot of people who didn't live in something in california. We've honestly, we had a moment of silence for them because IT was so great. So I am not a person who looks for apocalypse on the horizon.

I always think it's going to be seventy four and the Sunny, just my nature and I upbringing. Go seventy four. Ign sunday. You're from new port PH. Okay, I got anyway.

But the evidence unmistakably shows an acceleration in whatever the dark forces in this country whose only impulse is to to destroy, not to improve or create, but to destroy. And it's all around us. And the only way to stop IT is with that moral strength I described.

Guns won't stop IT. They have more than we do. That is true. And they are happy to use them. They're happy to use them.

And when I hear senator dick turban, who might be the most ever member of the senate, and it's quite a tight race with that title, when I hear that a dictate and say maybe we should take some of the tens of millions of foreigner i've arrived, all of them seemed to about twenty three in great shape, and hand them automatic weapons in our military and give them badgers and guns in our police departments and learning what what exactly is that oh, you assembling an army against them, people, that's what you're doing. That's exactly what they're doing. And you know that that's what you're doing.

So whatever their hard times ahead and you can't beat them without force of arms, you can only beat them with the truth by showing up and standing immobile the face of their lives and not fearing them. And there's far too little of this going on. And I felt IT today, they announced they're going to tear down the monument commemorating the peace between north and south in the civil war.

What is that? And I thought, we are the innocent or international cemetery in arlt, virginio, right across the great from washington, dc. And I read that use, and I was stayed by a judge. Thank Kevin. But no one should have to protest IT.

And I thought, where the veterans, where are the descendants of civil veterans like me, like many people in the scribe with answers who fought in that war on both sides, they were all americans to stand in from the money. I say, it's not yours to destroy. That's my history.

This is my country. I was Bonnie ing. You may not do that.

And their position will be, oh, we're gonna throw you in jail. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead.

IT only takes three or four people that crazy. I'd go ahead look before they like always. Second, we're dealing with the force here.

And I should say at the outset, I don't want to see him self, just I did not do that. Okay, i'm here. And so I hate IT being a case of like somebody should do that.

But I guess what I really think is everybody should do that. Everybody should do that. We know where this is going.

There's no happy end game here. You're not trying to build a Better society. If there is, where's the evidence of their efforts? IT doesn't exist.

They're purely trying to destroy. We live here. Our children lived here.

Our ancestors lived here. How about now? And that literally will change the whole story. And I have to say, as you look at europe, because I was unemployed all summer, I took a bunch of trips around the world.

Are you really cheering unemployment? Well, I was, and I thought, you know, I can't fish all summer and bird seasons on october. So so like, I got to get on the root. So I I went to visit all these countries in in a bunch in europe.

And one thing I noticed was when they have like some political chermside in france, for example, that affects the farmers or the netherlands, but the farmers just kind of shop with their tractors. Where they do that is change the government there in the process of changing the government in hand, because people got out and said no. And I thought always a second, i'm old enough to remember when everyone of myself denounced the french's surrender monkeys.

And you. The future, we can really no one's doing that here, I notice. And this is a question of our ability to do IT.

Is the police state in the united states so powerful that people don't dare to do IT? Possibly IT is powerful. That's for sher.

We live in a police day, obviously, but it's probably more than that. And I think what he really is, is that most americans don't understand the terms. We've never had political volatility here at the scale ever.

Things have been absolutely fined since well, epa matic s in thousand and sixty five we've had up to dance to be a war and OK by while standing there has a bit a moment where one hundred million people felt like, wow, they could put me in jail. And we're in that moment now. So it's time to retaliate.

Ate what we're looking at or else the humiliation reuters will continue. And if they continue unabated, how does that end? As honestly, how does that end if they're treating like your sub human?

What are their plans for you if they won't let you say what you think they don't consider you? Human period. Free speeches does some abstract concept.

Free speeches is what deliniates a free man for the slave. The slave has to shut up, and duties told his opinion is not welcome. A free man, a citizen, can, by definition, express what he thinks. And there's nothing anyone in authority can do about IT ever. A government that cares about you, tries to elevate you, tries to make you stronger, more independent, as you would with your children.

Any parent who when cocaine dependency and kids is killing the kids, if you're fifteen years old, your parents, like you, want to do your bedroom, come sleep in bed with us if you're twenty five and your parents like you don't need a job, just live with us. Mom will make you captain count for breakfast. They're trying to hurt you whether they know what or not.

Anyone who tries to make you dependent is trying to hurt you. Anyone who tries to make you weaker does not have your best interest in mind. And anyone who bombards you with ugly ness hates you.

And we are being bombarded with ugly ss, and we don't even notice. And what do I mean by that? I mean the physical landscape around us, this is the most beautiful country in the face of the earth.

That I can say that with some, I think, certainty, having been to many, many countries, we have the best looking country. And the way things look really matters, if you raised a child in an isolation and what happens to the child, he becomes completely disabled. If you love your children, you raise them with lots of visual stimuli and beautiful things, so they will be inquisitive and died and cheerful.

The uglier you make an environment, the more you suppress the people who live in the environment in a campy accident. Because what is beauty? Beauty is truth, the true or something is, the more beautiful IT is the most beautiful things were made by god, period.

The most beautiful things are in no museum. They're nature, their trees and leaves and grass, their animals. There are your dog space.

There's no painting in the love that happen as beautiful as your dog space. That's not a sentimental statement. That's a reflection of fact, in a find lying, find one.

There isn't one. And all great art is the closest approximation people can get to the things that got me. That's what IT is. And the most kind of thing above, of course, people, a person's face, i'd say a woman's face. But opinions are different, but the human face is the most beautiful thing.

So to the extent they deface that, literally deface that, to extent they make our environment uglier, they're trying to hurt us and they're serving evil. And we don't take a set of I was driving everyday. I was starting through phoenix, which I like, I thinks, actually, and we passed to new moon, new construction.

You can blame the seventies with this architecture. And IT was so overpoweringly ugly. IT was so aggressively unattractive. That was such an offense against esthetics that I thought that I meant IT with my whole heart.

Where is the architect and why is he not in prison? And I mean that and if you think that's radical, if you think that's crazy, that someone would be allowed to deface the public view, the landscape we all live in along the highway and get away with IT. And like actually, the real criminals were generally six.

No, the real criminals are the ones building doors, stores in your town. I'm sorry. And they can tell you, well, it's really important that poor people have cheap goods from china.

They come in lots of break collars, really there's that's nothing but degrading. And I also say this an answer y matter to any economic system that produces that i'm opposed to. I don't care what you call IT.

If IT increases the amount of ugly ss and human degradation, i'm against IT. I'm against IT you and color whatever you want, and you can call your new economic system whatever you want as long as IT produces a pretty more progress world. I am for IT period.

So why are they doing this? Because they don't consider you human. That's why it's that simple. You would never treat a fellow human being the way they are treating you. And the last thing i'll say, which you've been thinking about a lot of this is kind of in coat.

So part of me, if I don't explain IT correctly, but I do think we're looking at a very different world view from the one that we assumed we were looking at. This is not a western world view. The goal is to overthrow western and civilization.

What is western civilization? anyone? Wikipedia, that recent, cristian civilization. That's what IT is. And by the way, if I can just say as a not to, my fairly active metal believes, you don't have to be a Christian to live in that civilization, to love IT, to uphold IT, to benefit from IT.

But we should not lie about where the civilization comes from because it's based on the precepts of a very specific religion, and that's what cautionary. And it's very different from the eastern view. And that's not an indictment of people who live in the east.

Many of them, I love the east of the globe, I mean, at all. And a lot of them want to live in a western civilization. So again, i'm not kind of attacking anybody, is noting that the western worldview, the Christian world, world view upon which europe and the united states and the angle sphere, meaning canada above us and new zone in australia, we're founded on these ideas.

What are those ideas? Well, the core idea is that the individual matters. The individual has a salt. And that's one of the reasons that in western ors, even in the first and second world wars, which were atrocities, kill more people in whatever the the amount of intentional work time, sexy on most sides, like in american side, pretty well for a war. And the way those civilizations were organized was always around the individual.

Maybe you had a king and he was in charge, but IT didn't mean he could treat with a sub human. He had every reason to do that, but above all, that meant that we punish the individual for the things that the individual did and not for things other people did. Collective punishment is a foreign concept in western civilization, because it's a foreign concept of Christianity.

Christianity and the west are open to everybody. They're nonsectarian and is not passed on by your blood. It's a choice that you make. And that's the best thing about america.

And it's why as much as I think our current immigration disaster will destroy our country, I will never stop feeling a lot of warm for immigrants who like, love american more than a lot of americans do. I love those people, and I mean that wherever they're from. And that's a sincere feeling.

It's amazing. In fact, you have to whatever you ve had a lot of people out here and some of them weren't born this country, not like the most particular defenders of our system, but the core of our system is that IT revolves the individual because the individual has a soul. He is not just part of a group.

He's done a faceless head in the crowd. He's a human being because god created him. Our leaders don't feel that way.

Our leaders group us into large groupings. You're black, your weight to trait weight, your espana, asian, trans draw, whatever. These are individuals, these communities.

No woman ever gave birth to a community. These aren't really SHE may have not paid me into a mean shop. These are categories that, by their nature, dehumanized us and denied the primacy of the human soul. So there is no history of collective punishment in the united states.

Where is there? Well, in east, in russia, in china, in north korea, where it's to this day considered Normal to arrest the person for the thought crime and and to arrest his children and parents because they're in the same family. So they're punish ed as a group.

That concept cannot exist here. And if IT does, we are not america. You are responsible for what you did, not for what your parents did.

No matter what they look like, no matter what class they belong to, we don't have cool lex here. People thrown the from cool c was a cool c well, I mean, IT was some of the water, water. Z usually agricultural farmers with more than two cows.

Okay, but the idea was, they weren't just simply because they had more than two cows. They were simply because their parents did too, and their neighbors did too, and they were punni shed collectively. Nothing like that has ever happened in the west, in no country in the west, for all the bad things that, say, belgium, so I love to beat up on, has done.

Actually, we're a pretty crappy colonial power. They never had to inflict a collective punishment because Christians don't do that. But you are seeing a leadership class in this country on both sides, who is starting to think that way.

And that is a massive threat to you. So just remember, what threatens you is not a political movement. It's a spiritual movement.

The plan can only end in true sadness, in tears and weeping in nature of teeth. There's no happy ending to destroy that. They are telling. And the third of most important thing is that you can only fight back.

In fact, maybe you can only survive not by changing them because you can't, but by changing yourself and by becoming more impressive, more honest and as a result, t of that stronger. Thank you. But I will take your hostel questions.

什么 他们 快。 So wait, all that summit, I can hear a woman with a microphone. Oh, she's right there.

I was going. I didn't see whether you .

did upper deck or lower deck.

Lower deck, baby. okay. So yesterday, while speaking, the beg, rua swami briefly mention the issue of love, large in of illegal immigrants coming to america, and how IT is affecting our economy and everyday americans and everything that we do. And his solution for this was to send back all illegal alliance.

So I wanted to present to you the circumstances I have seen that is affected me in the state taxes, where there are children that come here with their families at a very Young age when they're not old enough to make that decision to come here legally or illegally. So while they are here, they are subject to the diction of the american government under public education systems. They receive their education here, and they are influenced our culture here.

And this is the only language and experience that they have in society. So with them being sent back, IT would obviously be detrimental for them. So what is your opinion of this and how would you handle that situation? Well.

I would say just the obvious point first and say they call me captain an obvious that whenever you move large groups of people from one place to another, particularly if that I want to move, there's a lot of suffering that's true when people come here illegally, asked anyone is made to the area in gap. You know what? You will die.

Most women are raped. I mean that all things are disaster. Mass movements to people are bad, okay, in general. So there's that if you did that, you would you would cause some suffering. No doubt it's gone on too long on your hand.

I only say we have a choice because how can you say you're a nation of laws of people? The countries don't have to obey your laws and you really can, and I really don't know what to say. I mean, if I break the law or if you break the law, especially that they find out you came here, you know you're onna, be held to that standard ruthlessly.

And then I have a friend, Peter, and but they go to prison for not responding to a stop a from liz chi and her fake committee order by does this like, totally cool. It's underbid is cool. So like, yes, if you want to restore the country to where IT needs to be, which is a fair country, fairness is the goal.

Take fairness between universal principles univerSally applied, then you have to be serious about your laws and probably need, like, far fewer laws. We could probably rid of ninety nine percent of laws. I ve got a lot of kids.

I don't have a lot of laws in my house can smoke weed, the dinner table or whatever. You know the obvious ones. I don't need a lot for that, so many way.

The point is you degrade your country and is just the system when you allow tens of millions of people to break the law. W without punishment. okay?

The second thing that is not from traveling a lot is that i'm not sure how IT helps any country to have its most ambitious people leave. And the funny thing, if I can just say, about american liberals, is there are so convinced that their system is superior. Like will.

Of course, anyone living here in some depressing suburb of houston on foot amps is a much Better life than someone in actually have been out a lot is pretty great. And i'm not convinced to workplace razor kids right now, to be honest. But more to the point, how was that compassionate syria had a civil nn, like almost every single doctor, and syria left and went to the west.

Oh, a new life for the doctors. What people still live? In theory, they don't have doctors.

And if you talk to anyone who runs, when is so called third world county, some of which are pretty nice. I got to be honest. There are a lot Better than downtown away.

Oh, it's so third world really. They have none of that in our self or none. There's no one on the street. They have families IT. It's embarrassing to have your relatives bag.

They have no murders like the third world is not I mean, average should visit just like give you a little bit of perspective and say baltimore. But if you talk to run, these countries are like all the people with the most ambition take off, like that's terrible for us, are losing a whole generation. The brain drain is real.

And so like, why does not, you know, if I think most immigrants now are not from that america, they are most of coming from africa, the middle east and from major. But I don't know how that helps liberia or more likely, nigeria for everyone to come here. And definite doesn't help us at all. And there's no justification for economically at all. And by the way, this country is so big and so spread out that most people have no idea what's going on in IT.

But I would just, I honestly, if you have a free day, drive five hundred miles in one direction, stana motel, drive back and tell me what you see is that the country, you remembers the garbage on the side, the other people living in the bathroom with the hotel, really, it's scary like how did that happen and how do we know? Why do we know is happening? So I just think we're an actual crisis.

I think if we deported a single person who would be said for that person, probably, but we don't have a choice yet. Nicky hai, no, nicky hai isn't real. As I told you at the outset, SHE literally is, doesn't really.

You have never seen a walk by a mirror, the whole things of hologram designed by republican donors. By the way, I was just the marvelous thing by nicky hailes SHE get so much attention to on television cheese, I hear I don't have one but apparently he done television like every commercial break. We'll we come back, nick eli.

And like there's not like twenty seven republican primary voters who aren't billionaire's supporter program. It's insane. She's running on things are completely irrelevant to republican primary voters. Just look at the polling. And yet he persists.

You don't want to live in a society where every politician has to have a personal billion or backing his campaign, where every cultural movement has that, because what is that? That's an all archi. And you want to live in one that's russia, right? Russia, it's an oligarchy.

Y okay? They don't have freedom. The press. Yes, sir, I am jin Rodriguez. More common, we known as the gas and black could. And I wanted to ask you again some few questions.

Consider doing like kids programming. And if so, would you hire me?

absolutely. But you'd have to be a CFO. okay. And also, would you consider being vice president for. It's one of you ask.

So thank you for asking me, jane. And it's it's funny that you pair those two questions together because they have the same answer. See, you ask what I ever considered doing kids programing and what I consider entering politics.

And there's a phrase in western main that I just love. I don't know nothing about that stuff that's the phrase. And I feel that way.

I feel like there's this weird temptation for people when they like do something for i'm going up on the same job little IT for thirty two years. So and you get good at something if you do IT enough know. I mean, that's why you wanted to the new doctor, or does IT eight times a day.

And if you get to middle age, you know, like I have been relatively successful in my own stupid field. I'm good at this. I think IT also be a great landscape painter, hipp artist, movie producer.

You ve got to shake yourself and say no. Actually, that's a very recognizable syndrome that afflecks mostly men, but also niki hailey, who may or uppy grill, which is called hubris. Hubris and hubris means the belief that you are god, and they are somehow good at everything.

And I don't believe in that at all. And I checked that impulsive myself on a daily basis. I may talk, show host, that's what I do.

And I talk about the world in my good ideas and politicians and the high drinks that there up to. And I format and skull and are blank into the camera. And, you know, I enjoy doing that.

I think i'm pretty good at. And how could I not be at all i've ever done? But one thing I have never done, probably not very good add, is making children's programing.

I have a lot of children didn't have them watch TV, so I have no idea what kids watch. And politics i've followed all my life. Of course, with every passing year, I become more reposed because IT becomes ever more pulse ve.

And I don't just mean the system, just be told, clear on this. I just mean the system of politics. I mean, the actual people who participate in IT, because I know them personally. And IT was some with really exceptions.

I mean, I have a couple of friends in politics, amazingly, but in general, I think they're probably the worst people on our society, which and there's got to be a named for this, a country of great people run by the worst people. That also describes the was military the best people LED by the worst. And I honestly, I don't think I could be around that.

I mean, I think it's absolutely important, maybe like historical important, for trump not to be stopped by this totally immoral, country changing political venda. You cannot use the justice department to knock the front running out of the race on fake charges period. If if you allow that, you're done.

okay. So there's that. And you also can't allow a political party to choose a senile guy to quit. Run your country when every single person knows he's not run in the country because he's seen nail and no one's I have to say so because it's mean, stop. So I do think that's super important.

It's just impossible to imagine myself ever getting involved in something like that and not because i'm afraid because i'm not afraid at all. I don't really care what happens to me and I mean that I mean that. But because how would I be good at that?

Do you don't mean I I don't think I would and I also, I think I mean, can not mature myself at a fundraiser. Something and something like actually zillion keys, a lot like churchill and I just couldn't sit through. I don't care how much money you're giving me.

This lengthy is not like churchill. Okay silan. Skii has tried to get my country where my children live in a nuclear war.

And anyone who try to get my children in nuclear war is my enemy. And so I couldn't sit through that meal without making, can griffin in matter? Shut up.

You nothing. And i've watched IT. I interviewed a presidential canada.

One point you like, say, what do you think of the ukraine? Oh, well, I think, you know ukraine is a sad regional conflict that i'll think russia have invade fine, but it's not not core national interest. Well, let's obviously true.

And kent fin calls the guy up and it's like you can't say that like he's a stay in next day like I can't say that actually ukraine is really important. Clukey church, i'm not naming of names, but I will say I thought that was disgusting and I like the guy died, by the way, disgusting. You should be ashamed your grown man.

And you're taking order to through some more on some guys just know anything you may be good at you. Investing IT doesn't mean you're a good person and definite doesn't mean you're wise. Wealth is not a measure of wisdom, and wisdom is all that matters if you're running things.

So I just can't imagine. Anyway, one last question. Thank you so much, but I change my manner.

Hire you. Yes, sir. The last is the last question. Got IT. Hello, i'm Jackson Robinson from lapa a lousianner. And I started turning point club at lapa a high school. And I have two questions for you and what you fully support a theocratical government structure based on the teachings of our lord and savior, jesus Christ.

You know, of course, i've no idea what that means, so I don't know. I would say that I mean, don't you may get me going. I left the church that I group. And over this question, Christianity has sustained, distinct from politics. Because when Christianity mingles with politics, Christian dies.

And i've seen IT and watching these churches, many of which I support, because, spoiler, i'm a Christian, start pushing the vacs at the demand of the cdc and others and the propaganda campaigns that individual churches, conservatively and magical churches, inflicted on their prison ers, telling them that jesus would want them to take this bags, which was not tested long. genuine. I was so offended that I left, and i'm not attacking those churches and share are nice people, and I think the sincere beliefs.

But the point is, when you mingle with people who are corrupt, unless you overwhelm them with the truth, if you're even a little bit impressed by their earthly power, or even a little bit impress, you'll be corrupted. And i've seen that happened, happened. Rustle more runs.

Christian, totally corrupted by politics, completely corrupted. And his impulses are political impulses. They are not Christian impulses. He's constant taking what will offend this, that person in power.

And if you think, even for a second about what your witness, no, who will be offended by IT, you know, your way off track. You're you're serving the wrong leader. And so I just i'm very concerned with any intersection.

And I will say finally, just having traveled a lot, that the death of Christian in europe, which is one of the biggest things ever to happen, was a Christian continent. And that's only true in eastern europe. Now in western europe is totally atheist, full pagan.

That happened in part because the church was an organ of the state, and people really came to hate the church as a result of that. And that makes me sad, because I like the church. I like churches.

I like religious people. I also to be toy on to go, don't share their faith. I kind of like Rogers. People have a lot of different faith. And when I saw the hostages in bricklin during code, and they're like we're going where wedding because that's what we do and they don't want to fight with the government.

But they're like now we're going on our weddings and you have your little pandemic or whatever were so going our weddings because we're orthodox and that's what we do. I was like, you go host. You don't mean faith gives you strength.

That's not my faith. I don't agree with that faith, but I respect them because they do believe their faith and that's how I feel. So I would just be, I think our country last thing i'll say is I do think that countries like people suffer consequences for morality.

And if your country celebrates that, if that elevates abortion is a positive good, that means the freedom of a child sacrifice. That's exactly what that is. And mutilating children, discarding children, promoting prostitution, selling people's bodies.

Why I think you suffered consequences. I think there's a lot of evidence that you do. And again, i'm not the elegant don't ask me of the end times, have no idea, but that is a very dangerous thing to do.

We are doing IT. And so is the occurs the answer? I don't know what that means, but I don't want the government anywhere near my church and I mean, IT. Thank you.